Oshawa Coal EERE, WOOD DE POT. 'rand hen i vain now for-thom, wat Sher find them a grave r - theme wild requiem, on pie Xo 'neath the save. Ne 3nd raw awn for your prey Pie 3 or Sthigaio | iso A rs: was ply Sport as ye may- chain; "they" "uu battle no ALLAN : 0SEAWA ey -- ARE COMING. ! Britania Metal Tea Pots. = W. WICC & SON : [I] Blectro: Plated Cake Baskets. CH EA PEST PAPER 'Electro. Plaled Cruets. | Electro Plated Tea,Baskets, Georgetown: ~Lime, ai ead Salt yj And Table Spoons, and Forks. 'Agricultural Electro Plated Desert and a -- THEHAPPY FAMILY. r= | All orders left at the office in the Yard, : | Table Knives. [ piosumy. ; ants) LR : Shi : - Suith. 'ONTARIO REFORMER' ==: a . HAND- -SLEIGHS, KING STREET, OSHAWA, 'will be promptly attended to. THE FIRST PATR OF PANTS. Ivory Handle Desert and The beglev er before offered in town. Call early Oshawa, December 19Ih, 1872. bras a WINTER Undér Contract ir Comes ee STEAM L1VES200LY: "AVE JUST RECEIVED a BEAUTI- Afsdgiment of Pictures, already f~am- ie ey prescuts, in part of Cs yu rons WINDSOR CASTLE. A BAIL. Bud on ALMORAL CASTLE. . BALLYNAHINGH, Ireland. MOTHER'S JOY. . oo ~ > IN THE PROVINCE, STAR OF GLENGARY. cere HE SUBSCRIBERS BEG FORM the | hand at the above TO IN- lie that they L on arty ™ ane Qantl or COAL and CORD Woon! : { oem | } | Manner Honeycomb at Home. " Come right in Mes. Thompson, you're Just tho very person I was wantin' to see, | THE 'ote, THE BREAD OF HEAVEN, 'Table Knives, all First-class. EVENING PRAYER. JUST RECEIVED AT HATCH & MEARNS' ep Only 1.80 a year, "Also another lot of the Celebrated io ro \F | Mansard Cook Stoves, |= 7% PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, HATCH & MEARNS, Also, a lot of First-Rate W. WiGG & SO, Hardware, Stove and Tin-Dealers, og imate Li Ae) Sai nd BY THE oa Plame Ge WINTER CLOTHING. 86-tf ONTARIO REFORMER a i FTO Mo) BEF* fo Eh FERRER 2 | ayears Ast Devartment. Notwithstanding the increase In the price of | subscription last Falk when THE ALDINE | _L assumed its present noble prog ions and re- | Tpresentative character, the edition was more | | than doubled during the Cpt year; prov lf {that the American 4% public appreciate, a will support, a sincere effort in the cause of Art. The pu! blishers, anxious to justify the ready con- finence thus demonstrated, have exerted them- | selves tole utiost to, develo and improve the | wotlk: tees Plans 2 «for the eoming year, as unfolded by the Bd monthly issues, w 3 astonish and delight oa sn the most sanguine friends of THE ALDI The publisher: I 40 announce d4¢- signs from vy of the mbst ssuincnt artists of Amcvien. Ja addition, THE AJUNE will | reproduce examples of the best foreign mest- ers, selected witha view to the highest artistic } success, and greatest general interest ; avoiding Sich as Dave Bean miliar, through plotes | greghs, or copies of kind, The quarterly tinted plates, for 187 will reproduce four of | John NS. Davis' inimit able child sketches, ape | propriate te the four acasor se phates aps pearing in the issues for a, Apr, July, and October. wpuld be alone worth the price of | ription. N The popular feature of | yl 4% ed "Christmas" numb, | er willl mtinvied, Tago. sues such a valnab epitome of the art v d atl a cost so trifling, wi coormand tl ip ions'of thousands inevery fi but, as the usefulness and | a copiot SINE cag be end | Highest Price Paid RED CLOVER SEED! ALSIKE CLOVER SEED ! --~AND--- LATEST STYLES { ; AND BEST QUALITY. CALL AT GURLEY'S AxB Lag YOUR ORDERS FOR He has just peceived his NEW § FALL AXD WINTER CLOTHING. STOCK, EVERY DESORIPTION OF Printihg and Publishing Co, HE bs SIMOQE STREET, OSHAWA. Th SCAN BANA 'u Composed of y the following PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING ey 3 SCOTLAND, "MEDWAY, NIGER. TWEED, INS oh ar pain by producing Dental Rooms i Atkinson's Drug b Liens EST ARRIS ® THAMES, Which will be Pound eomplete. CONSISTING oF 3eautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. Jothing of all kinds made to 'order on | the shortest notice. A a SOLICITED. re Hi Heike 8 EE sg The Steamers of this Line are from d Mont: TIMOTHY SEED! Posters, LH ! Blank Forms, i have ¢ re 1 8 § 'Show Bills, E | Qu ® Ys Business Cards, New York, Queenst : ; Liverpool ! Visiting Cards, ; 2-42-tf 5 TART I AT ed tec ad prs rb seh Mh -~ { § | 1d, 40 THE ALDINE] Oshawa, Jan. 27th, 1873. just arrived at Ths Literary Department will continue 1878. TAUNTON HEE] i ea | a ot Bill Heads, |= literature of Tog A EE always in kecping y . wn - A - : J BEANE ~NEW WINTER GOODS| mowamw | os vir ump Jae. wi an BEST ASSORTMENT) Circulars > "EVER OF®ERED XUE PUBLIC. Crry or ' Ric MoD. | C1TY OF MONTREAL. Cry or BrooxLxs. PARIS 1 ITY or Brusskis.' NEw York. We have an oxoplieft assortment of | English and Canadian Tweeds. Tallorihg donate the ghaient notice, and good | hts ean ba Bought it hag RY peragns 3 ay or nr A t, yen C W, SMITH, July 90. Pe HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE INHABITANTS OF AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF Oshawa and surrounding country that he has received, and is still receiving stock of Spring Goods, at the usual Low prices, ovB GROCERY DEPARTMENT | L EFT ER-PRESS PRI NTI NG ed, and our TEAS are A No. 1. || well DOMINI OsHAW Dress Goods, Cottons, Coatings, Is_well assort GOOD GREEN TEA at FORTY CENTS. ; Money UP TO All Kinds of Produce taken in Exchange. JTW. FOWKE gs CLOVER, TIMPTHY, CROWN, MARROWFAT AND COMMON PEAS AN BARLEY Foil BEED. ¥ s'poss you're all well to your house or | + "you wouldn't be here" #Yes T'm real smart. My visitin the arshall by. town has kind o waked me up and made M & Besco ". me feel almost young again.' WOOD CUT and SPLIT at EXTRA CHARGE. " "Yes, I've got a good many new thi I | 1 was goin' to run over after tea to see eit Prospectus for 1873. Fou could spare Jerusha to come and help sxTR YEAR. me sow for a week or two I' * No, indeed, Fors sits vt 7 E AZ i stitchin' oven if it is a very perticuler'| a i L 2r Fy occasion that the sewin's to be done for, AR Sp Moma Bly Jograal, the Han: "You know it is'nt as if I/was a young gin | somest cal in the World. amd took pride in my sas I wed to.' A Rop! vo & Champ * "Yes, 1 just got ho! a couple' of} cnet Taste. hours ago. It does seem queer to think te Bank thak Tot ny Sinner: iu' Osada abtnt Not for sale in Book or News Stores. eleven o'clock and hev bin steamed away | THE ALDINE, while jmued with all thé up fe by the cars lang before tea time. ar a ity Yer I can't help feelin' a little narvous when | gol a of Flop Salis sect ow | pie t es s of artis n | Ta in 'om yet ee et ka | I thought £'d undo my parcels and git number, affords a fr please to ils (ritds, 0 y i INC things put away a little, They' re most all | § wil be Sok v ed ah a has en on close « e 0 | stowed away in the closet now, and It's m ablic A fe rl claim prodded che apness. "as | gittin' too dark too half see "em to-night. compared with xiv nhs of Asia cass a : You come over 'with Jerashy to-morrer, | aloneand whapproach ries char ih | and take a good look at the hull lat." Je porapetitlen: om ag unol 4 "Nu, I wasn't altogether sorry to leave | | piety the aman eg ol ine n Tad engrar" | | =ha or nun hd Oshawa. "Two weeks and three days of | | fo ten Hismas ts cont: and there are he chrombe, | town life made me fgel glad to be home | agin, You see brother David would hev' us go out somewhere 'most every night, | There'd be a lecture or a concert, or some #ximondinary, kind o' meetin', and he'd say, 'Hanner won't hev" such a chance agen in 0 good while," and so we'd hev' to 80. Then mary (that's his oldest gial)and me was shoppin' every day but Sunday, and I tell you that's tiresome work." '1 s'pose I'd like livin' there when I! got in the way of it, but it secoms to me that Fean breathe freer in the conatry. A body meets so many dissatisfied looking people in the streets and they're in such a rush and harry and stir that I folt as if there was not room nor time to wait while 1 was thers.' 'We 't have much idea of what real poverly is, herein the counfey. If you'd see the little bits of boys and A girls--almost babies--that T saw out in all rind isd Pt nen fromoce | | kinds o'weather, tryin' to pick up enough wake er a nce double sure," by the following to live on, your heart'd ache for them nara Safes of Just a nine did." Tremium Chromos for 1978. "David and Susan and the children | Every ibeiber to Zi flline, whic pas in | great times laughin' at mo for bringin' se addi anal chars, a pair of be: sutiful oli chromos, | many pagers. Yon kndiw, the Reroruer The pi s, entitled "The Village Belle." and i ig ds printed every Friday thers in the Town ? is the Dr nt ne oF a Inches. fine and just along about dark you'd hear Jrossions and v hyd gh id's hel pie Ee the voices of dozms of little fellows np | artstores. Asit ie fe tprminationiol lis com. and down the streete, shontin® out 'RE. © Somerton 18 obi, {Lie Sut 08 Lhe Foach of | PORMER' only four cents I" I just imagine Jun pa irered ra ponding sh ad of wo | | I herr 'em now." scribe Adi re A ertificate, bi the Fhena- ' Lal of th » = * ecing 4 tt Well ! the first night I was there Mary | « hoomossc] iw cred wiiai} ba equi 10 th samples | ! B | A M E t & B R | GGS. 4 G 0 0- D S and me met them jast as they was comin' Jortiishel Re wd pes rent of tvs | : | from the printin' offic with their stock. grado. fie oo ore, mic riors jus $f yiogtical, > : All the way up Simcoe Street they kept | comsideringthe nnprecedented cheapie of the IN GREAP-VARIEPY, intme thei d th nl oo price for The Aldine itself, He c Peete falls little ¢ offerin: i , yok veren 16 Those best acquainted Se hate pans ain they all kod Ee ag Soo | p so kind o'pitiful like that I couldr't improved mech iy appliances, TH illustra- | bear to say 'mo' to ome of "em. The first | 1O"S of these chromos, see November issue of | I knew, [ was carryin' eight ReForuer's | and had spent thirty cents for "em.. Mary laughed, so that I gave "em all bat ane to the next boy wo.met, and did'pt buy any more that night. Some of the Jittle chaps got so that they'd know me and would wait' at the till g hep ill I came along Tre ALDINE will, hereafter he obtainable only eel kind o' lonvsome, not havin | by subsc ription. Fhere will be no reduced or | ate ; cash for subse Ons IY the RerorMer to read now, I've BOL 50 | io thapublishers divact, op handed To. the local | used toit. How in the earth it finds ont | gent. ack host responsi} 30 te fpuiishers. | oll the things it's filled wp with, I can't be aring the Jac-simile signature of JANES SUT: ri make out. It tells who has died that week. "*~ & © Agents Wasted. in" the town, and what babies hav' bee, | Any person, wishing to act permanently as a born, and who's got married; aud every Jovalyse nv rccelve full and, prompt nfurm- accident is put in, from a man slippin® on | JAMES SUTTON & CoO,, a bit of ice or orange pzel to real horrible " Piibl ishers, Sh that happen in some of the mills or! MAIDEN LANE, NEW YOR. unt ho olive "a,b FROM ig shops or at-the station. Then there's ' NE Pri i ; : { & rints Poplins, Tweeds, BOOTS & SUOES a GREAT VARIETY, ; the day's politics for the men; what they | Scribner's 8 Monthly. ? : Also, an excellent assortment of Rubbers | : y said in Ottawa, and what they did in Te. and Ov gy a ebro nel wi id fonte, and all about Sir John A. and A Serial Story by DR. HOLLAND. . . c in fact, everything that belo H ' & in vd Mo Sie Jot ., ud | i Sd oe Clothing Made to Order.on Short Notice ! = ing hat bal LADIES VISITING CARD meh are always goin' on about; and there | "CLARENCE COOK hi a : a he a pode Bock and . is mews from the States and across the | Fy The Usual Su ly of Groceries, Crock + Horses, | prises ati i dg r R. H. STODDA RY on ™ fythors. y f h Isewl i acean from every country under the sun. Ind camente to How 'Wagons, and Anything else You can Think Of | ore pure wsing e'sewW wrt a 1 tell you, its a redl interestin' paper, and ranting say Cash Paid for Hides and Skins there's most always some verses in, too, ! Wo PAGES TOR rid] ae, de. WM. WILLARD. sad soma short stories. 1 don't soe how | The pobisbers BC Sundance Moko. Tumor. TH ARGEST SIZ E POSTER, they can go to all the trouble for just four | ensuihg aman. + EXEOUTED WITH year a more b H arvay of contribu. ogmts { CATTLE! FREES ' | Fix pio i Wor INGA para Ad 3 = | NEATNESS. AND DESPATCH, "yorxsens CATTLY FEEDER _-- i ' pie TATU DES IG ow rays th On mil fer. It Fatters in one i the usual time, AT THE : aml 29% . Lo i | - : Try at ' and you And Saves Food. eminent virtues. Price . las $1.00 per box; box po: Price $1 por, Dotile. fotos a a WLLe KE: 8 Co VICTORIA a Ae cultural ER o! ELECTRIC Aig LT NA MENT! For Sale by all Druggist ev ery where. "THE KING i ALL LINIMEXTS. SONG a: 1PTANO EE La he Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price. or poy = hy Ce ha Hand BERET BUY IT! TRY IT! TI) PROMI a Had niker, 30. Price 50 Price 5 Cents per J Bette. Sold. by 8 Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch snd Silent Slide i or fb Me Sher, ET Tg ICTO #4 Family Sewing Machines : ! : Ly | oo . . Ord Mail Punctudlly Attended to This further certifies that Mr..L. Prudhom has the Edlive right of selling our | SE an ection of Tsong an chorus, J : CAR BOLIC "WORTH as WEIGHT 18 Sewing Machines in the Vitige of Oshawa, and that he is also anthorized tu a 3 a Agents for the sale of our hines, in said Territery. Such agents have Phoint tone song, Danks 'Thou art no longer Mine, nts, Wounds, | ach Piles, wg Sle es x reo { Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by i VICTORTA COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTSOF le (Remedy on nd an increase in the variety and bes HRA of i its illustration, already conceded by the ¢ a 'Yes, I'm cuttin' out an over-skirt for | be finer than any which have hitherto ap; iu any American 110 this black slpackey. Everybody wears | Dr. Horie, the liter, will write the serial | overkirts in Oshawa. I saw lots | fuori and will bo Histrmes by Mins Heohiack. | 9 pa Hd n led Art castle, an » - o'wimmin' old enough to be your mother, | 1 i3 chilled Arthur Bonigaslc, and will dosi | | Geppwg. Jan. 12; 1535, or mine either, with 'em on, all frilled, 3 Jmesica Life. 4 will be commenced in the ' | ; wermnber 3 ber, " Shik A inagod + andl a 7 to Alike 12 rate. | - There will bane new story by Saxe Hovx, The see, this is just plain an straight }| Owe Legp | A 'I did'nt want it, »but Mary and her BE FARR est ter of shor ie CERTIFICA E OF GENCY. © mother hung ou for me to hev' it, and, as. J Sitled 1 iia lielow, m, which will be Mary said, my weddin' hed been put off | R. IL STonnARD will Writh a sctieS of ente- : #0 long, I ought 5 fix up a little extry for Jt: Anining pape rs gut od ite, Khem Friends it." Whims, sud p Living American Writers, is also rags of. : What's that Yow and Jerushy wal Clorenc o Cooke wil wile about, Furattare wonderin where ew Mr. Applebee an ec Decoration meriéan 4 : : Ti " a T S certifies a { : 'before.' Well, just wait till I put tho | wel na arte Ana, wil Be ia Ip ctical as H es a that, 3 Souls PEUDHOM our duly ons t 4 . ket on for ta dad TIL set down and el The which te wok hosel wi Ki |' 1." authorized: Agenty-for the sale o you, while I baste the: oy ' w acams.' Among those who will contrivute are: 'REFORMER' OFFICE | Andersen, B ty Dd ig an An roude, Hi inact. shdp Huntin on, Harte, A you; [oktatuliow who was fond of talking Joab Har My It Aacrmnld. Mich, jm , "I am no prophet." True," Thaxter,! Warner. Wilkinson; Nes. Whitney, ar » lady present; "no profit to | df ahohs, direction of the yourself or any one else." \ The will remain in the hands of Dr. iolland, AND yawned 'a bachelor, this | Fimma wiih the. Todi he world inbut a gloomy prison + To those | ivi oc ars fut) Similar papers: in solitary confinement," ihe ota Cabinet 3» young Indy; re Soudusts Fhe Juasleet, and 1 only -if you please." Selenowhs editor wag sick unto death, w of his sontemporaries taok ve- | --y nary Tidvooments to their minds concerning him. | Pio as rr ery ro iw] r OF Bows. and *' how 'they must meet deal I h e fi am: hoy wus mest | 3 dr spy Men's Wear of all JL. and lying voto down their false ' fer a is PO OAR Ol ts | he: Jug zion 1 Lh i ye aed "or © Ay sippression of slang, | Eid EL Phatwes | among io pails of the | oo a i, with the tinest jl. | f San F Francisco, Said | busta jon TX Solin he ror fy Protoxide DMIN] IS oe he HE ique, C. nkel, 35, ) added 'a witty | . Walter Gilder wil inv write ' song and chorus, Pratt. 30. Close the} shutter, for the Company, . oi A J illie's Dead, song and chorus, Stewart, ». A Rot rbd oe con- J. J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, Ont it dat Tigihin es Aance Kk sey ia oh3.of Inug Lay hr of pens ons both ' ol ig find me tru el," 50 oe Hain 3 Drugs " 2 cv's Monthy fo Norio dol er thats wont, which Duara + Sy Te ods. 2nd and sa sang. Sharan Hope 0: Ma CAL: and SE E S PE CI M E. N SS, | Price 2 Cents por Box. Sold by i Certainly may, said she, a] v me eeu ---- - Ww. Jor th ved wan second! Grover & Baker ror ale oh Slee, St rt, 40, 0 him most Bega over hr | 54 PO Se GL | md FEE EV RA. Cro RE = leave them with the hedls toward} rN todehere; postmasters, 'GLYCO ER INE + Fl: LLY. The Ptonond Autumn Leaves, Second Pensce Me | "EMINENTLY THE LADIES 'CONSISTING oF of Rik Belisario, Fantasie, i] in any Americgn.magaz fac. |B foes i LE rightayand privileges of the trade, As tho appl Ay ballad, Danks, 30. He ar me say my little prayer, : "Mav 1 leave a few tracts I" asked a a oad roe cea Bodie and Signed thel .Dreeme, song and chorus, Pemsley A wtchman and fe. ger | Diwan ot the kin of every " Leave soinie | 7+ ys re oF hi : The above Machine is.oneof-the best Family Machines in the png TTY a eof editorial brains and Publishers mon. VI c 1 OF R IA CF | iF, "with speci A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES AST RunE TAL MLS). ty March, Kinkel, 35. * Bunbeam | " a i EMB ER THE STA ND, Enon. VICTOR [TOILET SOAPS. jo lebrated ' for their Units J el TORIA C more 80. nin | VhCTORTA SIT x sonar: wg FFICTORIA GL ERIN, " SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. AND WINDSOR. Sold br all Pro-giste. % i ERE] Ig iE March, Skaa J ! Ladies', Misses' and Children' s, ey ke _ of all Classes and Sizes, %. * Sweet Sixtec: Se a, Kinkel To be Sold at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent. Sehk ody if beaut IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. - = ohn) n Aa Special terms to Dealers Clergytien dnl | A | yn . Eire EEE yer to the Montreal Telegraph Office, share of "public pate: licited. slang I" * Said she, ** You bet" | SORDNERE CO, | "public patronage solicitec Any Any Hee gh thus, Gi) Tare. pie ' -- " L. PRUDHOM. z tz, (hry 2 ee a PTE a AA SRA Dt A a . Bo. yo. | we T "PETERS, £90, Broadwer, New York.