EW a a a U.S w DE a on aa a BT oe ~ , ? i ? No a AR vr. Ee CLL 2 * Articles able and wise, , 21 least In the editors cae With logic so grand That few understand To what in the world it applies. = SSE aN physical Wa, ty boy. And whats the disarler 'What do they Mark Twain takes this view of the mil- lonium of woman's rights: -- os iy In that day a man shall say to his sr vant, ' What is the matter with the baby I' And the servant shall reply, ' And where in its mother I' * She is out electioneering for Sallie Ribbons." |, And such conversations as these shall a and servants ap- 'Can you cook? 'Yes' 'Wash? 'Yes. 'All right." 'Who is yourchoice for milliner I" 'Judy McGinis.' 'WW can tramp.' : And women shall talk polities instead of discussing the fashions; and men shall nurse the babies while their wives go up to the polls to vote. And in that day the man who hath beautiful whiskers shall beat the homely man of wisdom for Gov- ernor, and the youth who waltzes with exqui- Er site grace shall be Chief of Police in prefer ence to the man of practical sagacity and Every man, 1 take it, has a selfish end 7 im view when he'pours out eloquence in behalf of the public good in the news- papers, and sugh is the case with me. I do mot want the priviliges of woman pxtended, because my wife holds office in nineteen different female assoc ations, and Loss Rist was placod on the grand i dn Provencher lately, anda loyal refused to sit with him. Ox of the female patients in the To- ronto Asylum committed suicide with a penknife last Saturday. "is this it.1 If mot | inti Palley Senti paper! did you it - down this Shippensbicg, In the House of Commons, 38 Jui it Suit has presented a petition from in favour of bo to a hanger-on at a me the greatest lie your life, and I'll give "--*¢ Me !" said Tom, *" 1 -' Landlord, draw the piece more currant tart, --** No, my child, 1 have have had sufficient." . Thearmy of invalids who the Bast 1 and other localities ror near the equator will then be te stay at home, and go through a of ir, Spo on an immense scale. At a late temperance meeting in Ottawa Chairman said the medical fraternity of the city were becoming alive to the disastrous effects resulting from the use of liquors. He had much pleasure to them the fallowing document, all the medical men of the city, exception of two: --' We, the the Modical opera hou: consumptives could pos- ndies members of of the City of Ottawa, are of Proportion ol human misery, poverty, disease, sn me, is uced by the abusesf alcohol- ogre of and mental vigour and health. r abstinence from all intoxicating liquors would Froatly promote the health, morality, and happiness of large numbers the human race. 70 THE Firemes..- Recently (says a Montreal paper) a series of interesting experiments were tried with riments |: were made from the hydrant at the corner of BL Urbain and Craig Streets, and at the request of the Chiaf.of the Fire De- were witnessed by C. W. Jake- man, of the engineering firm of Mawes, 1] 1: me Ff | HIGHEST and DRYEST iz, | ASK FON IT-IRSIST UPON IT-BUY KO OTHER First-class Village Lots FOR SALE! SUBSCRIBERS STILL HOLD FIFTEEN LOTS on the Karr Property w they offer for Sale. THESEN.OTS Within the Corporation. As ne more Lots will be offored for Sale, parties wanting GOOD BUILDING SITES Should not let this opportunity pass,' Terms Easy. Title Indisputable. APY to SAMURL WOOD, er JAMES WOOD. Oshawa, Sept. 10th, 1872. THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING. W. WICC & SON ful assortment of Pictures, already fram- ood. suitable 8 for ir in part of follow! E24 A SCENE IN CALIFORNIA. WINDSOR CASTLE. A SAIL BY MOONLIGHT. BALMORAL CASTLE. BALLYNAHINCH, Ireland. MOTHER'S JOY. STAR OF GLENGARY, THE HAPPY PAMILY. INNOCENCE. ; FIDELITY. THE FIRST PAIR OF PANTS, x THE NOSEGAY. THE BREAD OF HEAVEN, EVENING PRAYER. ote., etc, ete. . Also, a lot of First-Rate HAND-SLEIGHS, The best ever before offered in town. | Call early and get your choice, | CHEAP FOR CASH! " Wishing our kind friendsa "Merry Christ mas and a happy New Year." W. WIGG & SON. MILE MILE! HE UNEERSIGNED HAS MUCH Wi undersigned tak pleasure AL he inhabi o Oshawn Mr. Tap- the above t lin, in our opinion, as being reliable busi and would d to good milk to buy from him, G. Henry, who want J. WwW, ke, A. Farewell, Ww. 3 S1-8m-pd. FALL WINTER CLOTHING. LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUAINT. CALI. AT GURLEY'S AXD LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. Heo has just received his NEW STOCK, \ Which will be founil somplets. ~ Seautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. Tlothing of all kinds made to order on the shortest notice. A CALL SOLICITED. NEW FALL & WINTER GOOD, IN GREAT VARIETY, just arrived at TAUNTON THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT EVER OFFERED THE PUBLIC, We have an excellent assortment of English and Canadian Tweeds. Tailoring done on the shortest notice, and good fits guaranteed. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT is well assorted, and our TEAS are A No.1 GOODGREEN TEA at FORTY CENTS, Our Dust Teas we are selling at 374, by the five pounds. BOOTS & SHOES in GREAT VARIETY. Ale, 3 excellent assortment of Rubbers a hoes, which will he sold ch o Tranky and on in evel ing that to a General Country Store, and examine our stock and ees and satisfy yourselves be- fore purchasing elsewhere. Cash Paid for Hides and Skins WM. WILLARD. Taunton. ATIWELL'S pan YSPEPSIA EE EMEDY: faAg SHA or ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1878. "CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY. HIS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly authorized Agent, for the sale of Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling our S¢wing Machines in the of Oshawa, and that he is also authorized int Agents for the sale of our i in said Territery. Buch agents have all the trade, h appointed Fi a Costus Sppdated'by a The above Machine is one of the best Family Machinés in the market, and only 53 wheut hid dnd $30 with . Agents A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES CONSISTING OF Men's Wearof all Classes, Ladies', Misses' and Children's, of all Classes and Sizes, To be 8old at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent, IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. A share of public patronage solicited. : L. PRUDHOM. Highest - Price Paid ~FOR-- RED CLOVER SEED! + ALSIKE CLOVER SEED! --AND-- TIMOTHY SEED! E --AT-- x BLAMEY & BRIGGS!' Oshawa, Jan. 27¢h1973. S42. Auction Sale | -- 0 ------ PARTIES WANTING yg i Blankets, Overeoats, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, &4&, will do well to attend the Auetion Sale, every night, at W. DICKIES. He offers his whole stock of Goods Saved from the late Fire at Auction. Something for Christmas Britania Metal Tea Pots. Electro Plaled" Cruet¥ And Table 8poons, and Forks, Electro Plated Desert and Table Knives.. Ivory Handle Desert and Table Knives, gll First-class, JUST RECEIVED AT ' * Also another lot of the Celebrated Mansard. Coak Stoves, HATCH & NS, Hardware,StoVe and Tin Dealers, KING STREET, OSHAWA, 9th, 1872. ; Oshaws, Docomber . 90-¢f Iv DRY GOODSI*= -~ Hlectro Plated Cake Baskets. |. Electro Plated Tea, Baskets, 4 STEAM |LON DON, QUEBEC, AND J MONTREAL aD TEMPERLEY'S LIN Composed of the following First-Class Ah ra - h MEDWAY, HECTOR NIGER, The Steamers of this Line are intended to sall from Quebec and Montreal every TUESDAY dur- J&.the ahah of nevigution 157% Std froth London ev: , cpl on the ut Through tickets from all a of bri out their friends, to . a ap to the Company's Aga yt Olly ©. W. SMITH. INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, wa, Liverpool | Cry or RICHMOND, ANTWERP, CITY GF MONTREAL. BALTIMORE CITY OF BROOKLYN, BrisToL. City ov PARIS, © - LAMERICK, JUBLIN, City or New YORK. City or HaLirax. orry or Loxpon, City or Dunnax. Crry or WASHINGTON, Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdays! From Pier 45, North River, -- T ton or a. Cabin ai Steerage. Jueens 'abin, © Giverpoon > - $10 Bud. Sour oaener. london," - - - 8, * 5, - Paris, - - - - 8, "yg =. - kets be bought at moderate rates Fi a send for their friends. For information apply to the Companys Crry or BrussELS. C W. SMITH, Osmawa. July 20, ALLAN LINE. 0SEAWA AGENCY. ~ WINTER SERVICE! Sa a STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY AND CLASGOW. HIS COMPANY'S LINES ARE com, of the undernoted Full ran Ge Bele SES Poort scandinavian. 380 tons Cart, Balak t; Prussian: 3,000 tons, Duin, A tons, Captain J, A. 3 and treal, lea bec every Saturday, on arrival of Forming Night ine a anytzcul po Quebec and Montreal. 4 RATES OF PASSAGE. Oshaws to 'Liverpool and Londonderry, First Cabin $81 0.395. dccording to Ascolnmods. . Stee 3 a plent! ell pa visions, Served out Cong A ng to the C ny. R. H. SToppARD will write a series of enfe- Anning about Awthers, their Personal d, Sine, kton, Stoddard, Wilkinson, Mrs, V toey, The editorial control and ai on of the M. azine will remain in the Sande Dr, Holland, Time." which the X.Y Indcpen > Ww e,N. XY. says " are more widely quoted than any peo on oli in any A n magazing" . Walter Gilder will write " The old Cabinet a hitherto, Prop John C, Jepartmen pat departmonts of "Culture and THE |CHEAPEST PAPER ' IN THE PROVINCE, t.% ~THE-- 5s > ' 25 'ONTARIO REFORMER' Only 1.80 a year, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, BY THE ONTARIO REFORMER Printing and Publishing Co. SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. SA + li EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING CONSISTING OF Posters, AE Forms, Show Bills, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, / BilkHeads, Circulars, AND IN FACE EVERY KIND OF LETTER-PRESS PRINTING ; FROM A w . : LADIES' VISITING CARD » ; UP TO £ THE LARGEST SIZE. POSTER, EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. AT THR =a REFORMER OFFICE. furn- € : ---- + Orders by Mail Punctually Attended to| 5 BC lS li #iget CALL and SEE SPECIMENS. HATCH & MEARNS [H: Extraordinaty Inducements are offered to new subscribers: For $5.50 Einiaic vi Sone ai pkey = bout su » ard the twelve 43 Hers of Vou. Ti and IV of Mrs. 6 Hie Gort The 31.00 he Sliphant's ear, ard the 21 back numbers from the ; for $10.50, the © for one year, Ae pa The i voce the choicest r 3 With the or nearly 500 pages for a "wil enalii A vary subscriber to ob- 8, terms to Dealers Clergymen and for one [7 RS way, N. YX. -- -- REMEMBER THE STAND, Next door to the Montreal Telegraph Office, 4 SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. For the prevention and cure of PULMONARY CONSU " Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by all Druggiste, "VICTORIA COMPOUND FLUID EXTRA, yA A y for all BY ie i -| eminent Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by all LINEMENT) "THE KING OF ALL LINIMENTS,> BUY IT! TRY IT!! PROVEITII} Price 50 Cents per Bottle. Sold by all VICTORIA "EMINENTLY THE LADIES' F AVORITR® | * moving Tan: urn, Prot - EE -- Price, 25 Cents per Bottle. Sold by all Druggiste, for their Uniform Purity KXnelionce of Gurgi» , oy VICTORIA CARBOLIC SOAP. VICTORIA SULPHUR SOAP. VICTORIA GLYCERINE, HONEY, ROSE AND WINDSOR, Sold by all Druggists. 34 YORKSHIRE | 67-8 i 6 8 8 al R F. Pip 2am oo moe TORKSEIRE CATTLE FEEDER Pr HT It Patters in one fourth the usual jim And Saves Food. oh oy _ Price 200 fo and $1.00 per box; a dollar box HUY GH MILLER & Co. Agricultural Chemists, xNe EAST, TORONTO. For Sale by all Druggist everywhere, 226m Prospectus Jor 1873. Tas ALDINE, Ph { i! fi ait i i" i 1 i i i i ¢ i . i i f : E l 3 i a i ; i TR ie i! i 4 T Hi ull i ii i I i agen hout responsibility to the Shoop in cases where the "certificate is given, ng the Jac-simile signature of James SCT Tox & Co. Agents Wanted. yt a or Ay will A pe mance ses 37 ation by applying to ¢ JAMES SUTTON & CO, Publishers, MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. BUGHU & UVA URS VICTORIA =~ Ne 4 Price 35 Cents ger Box. Bold by all Druggists 2 VICTORIA Th GLYCERINE JELLY. and for ve. VICTORIA TOILET SOAPS, 0 i : : Hi ie ih i 5 F i | 1 088 8 | 3 | WwW. CON POHYBICIAN PRISCA T 4 A 0] Li over the G st, masluchoo In the san FAREW ARRISTER Oshawa, . Sf yoNEY to J. E. FAREWELL. SN. 0 Cl ; dito in CO Office--In Big 's J.B F gus CR( and Conveyancer. 0 8. H. Co o Issuer of Mj DOMINI( OsSHAW Money REDUCH AM NOW PR any of arm or ve Tt Lowest Possible gt Investments made SILVER AND GREE]