Bai ot advineed z= net tors Sie) i Rchtisptis has the Hoosne tg 4] as to "ite fatuyy 4 jointly ian Gone lowa that it coat J that State te | ln by way of Chi ted Fort § "OYements arg © cost of fry iY rash} would ps p eSSemer, 01 being attached is ami ships be '* invention hag rand Dake Cop el successful? : ; T- thie settlement of 3 uth Wales have fw rk, and the in mining distri, the sends abroad fee s worth of railroad rails, ag n of 'the sub. ices in inven- vimit the claims ted $100,000. The notive power on the witain Canal reems to approval from the ny, of the inventions x us day hid Inge fm Wales regarding n:those items : ~The ¢ faction; the sud to go to ws a rule are he masters" ie: states- ¢~ President A] message 5 Fisheries 'e veproof Low ut. much ts man thought exetutive was a Fhstter Repre- hh Consétvat- lisy 3 3 Ireland the sing control of the 7 likely tliat the fever strongly they iatizn legislation, "| sesist the Tories to stion. were miselves alone, Mr. Glad- CLnTse of the may be inthe ir is safety nosition y of the \ Y » of the Rh inst, =~ n' of Philip 2 days. FA percial, WANKETS February Be 2% ® SRBERBUSIGCURBLEENT I 0 1] 07 0-3 Bero-osececcone- 0 ARKRETS. HERLBNEY na oe ecco S8ETIREY Sli CSSHESERT # 1 1 L) ad geseniids ~a Gd wiisnoes 0 thy 9 Centy ¥ 3 fl (0) | LAND' FOR SALE. | ¢ ~ ®eounts not pad by tha late w __ over_to the bivision Cov - a -- New ddvertisemenis, FOR SALE. A Talzabdble Swine mun SUBS i « Tinde'd Hotel rane the 3 | new To Speculators. "R SELL, THOSE west of Hobbs' Hotel, 4 o~ ontractors! QE ALED TEXDERS WILL » rch BE RE @ seen oncgud the store of Mr: =. ast Office, Bocas, ler not necessarily etuted s 11. R. BARBER, Architeet,: Oshawa, Foi, 30th, 1873. dow 18€9. Ia tha Ccunty gaure of tha County of ntaria. Inso vent-Act of \ In the matter of Elward aria, +S. HIGGINS, an lasol ty of Untariu. } vent, iE SEVENTH DAY 'anada, of Omit iened will ap- | ora discharge RD S HIGGINS, d Litum? s 22nd Fobruary, 1572, $a:5w, per G. Young Sw ttorney Dated at Whitby, U = i WO HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, Lot No. 5, in the 3rd eon. of Reach. Fest fone puanticy of hard worl on the m 'or further particulars apply to premises, For further alo En . Uehawa, 45 iw, Port Porry Stan lard y lease insert four times, and send ac't to this ofiice. To Rent or for Sale! OT 33. 38p CONCESSION OF DAR- Alingtor 1g of 130 acres fftesn acrse of hich are woud land. Tacre 1s a goed house, barn, ard, outhouses and a never failing strea: wator theresa. - Terms lbdergl. Apply at the cso te I. BALSAM. Oshawa, February 17th, 1873. ou A Valuable Property for Sale. © ACRES BEING NORTHEAST 25. arver of Lot No. 9, 2nd co itifated in For ier Kc, apply She Village of Usha wa. 3 2 1. J. ARKLAND. [SR Oshawa, Febrnary 18th, 1373, ' NOTICE! INDERTED TO THE ars here 3 ong : Amt > Tarailtton & Crayon TCHERS! + ¥ S31, { _ed = - 4% Pay up &nd s INDETTED TO THE e yi asted to call e 15tl of Febru- Iielit, who id + gaine, and all i be handed yr eoliection. JGRORGE HORDET. Osbaws, Feb. 6h, 1872, Toe Save Costs. authorized 1) g ve "eaceipis fort NOTICE ~ settie the os ¥ 10 gn on with his hrisine dour Fast of Gillette' and oj Oshawa, Dec. 26h; 157¢.* isnal.. Shop ) te JW Fowkes. ynnd, ma , a wood Tesh cable carTiage « the STaTismai ol "Cash for Wheat, Basle 7, ote, Peae, Rye and Wool ! T WOULD SAY to sll indet I her aceount or on or b also ade Oshawa, September 11th, 1372, 234 G. W. GARTH, BUTCHER, I AS NOW PUT ON THE ROAD . or PE ING WAGON. The cit . pig 3 ol rv thelr Mea: at the awellings in good thine evert morning. All Orders Jeft at the shop punctoally attended Lo. Oshawa, Dee. 13th, 1572. NEW COAL WOOD YARD SUPKCRIBERS BEG TO IN- SALT, LIME, LUMBER,ETC ON THE SITE OF Wooy's Old Hotel. 13 LEFT AT - MR. NEALE'S STORE, Simcoe St., Wil Le pu Jy attended to. Marshall & Nad, The: hizhogt price pal Four feet Cord Woinl, Dsbawa, Jan, 36h, 1573 3 Talling Sita. | i, that valuable | \%- REFORMER | TEAS AND COFFEES, 5 of Oshawa and | opencd a yard fur the | % ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1873. No better Black Lustres kept in the trade, | | Hr | | | | | | | ) | OR CHEAPER 'IHL 1V NVHL For Cheap Dry Goods. | Go TO THE BEE HIVE For Cheap Dresses. | GO TO THE BEE HIVE I | For Cheap Cottons. 'GO TO THE BEE HIVE For Cheap Linens. or Cheap Coods, Splendid - Variety, and best | attention to Customers, go tothe BEE HIVE, | J. BARNARD, | King Street, Oshawa. ! Osmawa, February 27th, 1873. | | | | JUST IN SEASON ! | | ot | a yl : | STEELE BROTHERS * " | : OSITAWA. | ------ Ld WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A NEW CAR OF | Best Coal Oil! At 40 cents per gallon, retail. ANOTHER LOT OF Bright Yellow Sugars! 3 FRESH AND SALT FISH DIRECT FROM THE SEABOARD. I= | THE CHOICEST | | =] : | AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF ! 'Raisins, Prunes, and Canned Fruits, { VERY CHEAD: | mr The highest market price paid for any kind of good Red Clover Seed, ji. ~~ Alsike Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, | | | And other kinds of produce. | STEELE BROTHERS, : GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN Oshawa, January 16th, 1873. 3 ' the Cheap Goods AT THE Cail and see New Dey Goods Store! IN WILSON'S BLOCK. ------ QL Grey Cottons, Steamlooms, Prints, ; Ginghams, | ' Towelings, Tickings, * ! Denims, Shirtings. | White & Calored Quilts, Tweed, Black Cloth, Table Linens, Table Napkins, Lace Curtains, Damasks, Flannels, Winceys,&c | | } | -- 0 Fancy and Plain Dress Goods, Black Ce Mourning Goods, Black Lustres, Cobourgs, Thibet Cloths, Paramattas, Crape Cloths, Persian Cords; &e. 5 { THE SUBSCRIBERS BEG TO IN. "RARE CHANCE. Splendid Business for Sale | HE HOUSE OF COMMONS, TIE CLERI'. OFF CE, Oitaw+, 39 1 Jan, 1873. Pursuant te the 58h Rule of wie :louse, noties is hereby given that the time for RECEIVING PETITIONS FOP BILLS WILL EXP.RZ On WEDNESDAY, Merch 36th, 1878. ALFILED PATRICK, Clark of the House, Parliam entary Notice. PRIVATE Ail Newspapers will please insert above untdl | the meeting of Parlinment. MITROUS OXIDE OR of Nitrogen ! DMINISTERED FOR THE" PAIN- lass extraction of teeth at the dental rooms of J. FERGUSON, L. D. 8, over the grocay of simason Broa, King St. West, Oshawa. Persons neod not now, from fear of pain at tending the operation of extraction, -earry for years in their. mouths a mass of filth, a fruit cans of disease, which has not only ruingd their clr happiness, bay made ance 10 all who are se nle associated with then, as s Oxide is pleasant to take and quite hara- Protoxide Osha we, May, wy 21, 1872. ire, Removal, Damaged Goods, Sel- ling Off, Auction Sales, to the Elect- tors, &c., all played cut, but J.P. JOHNSTON, Watch-riaker & Jeweller, If burned is not played out, but has opened A New Store Thoos Doors East of Black's Hote And is now shle to show his larze and well | assorted stock of Choice ard Fine | Gold Jewellery, Watches, &o., &o.! | Which he is offering cheap. All work promptly attended to, and propasly done. tr Oshawa Coal : AND WOOD DEPOT. FORM the public that they have now oa hand at the above Yard, a large quantity of COAL and CORD WOOD! Which they will deliver at the undermentioned prices: Best Stove Coal, per 2000. 1b. $9. Dry Wood per Cord ~~ - $550 Green. do do - - CUT AND SPLIT AT EXTRA CHARGE. All orders left at the Yard, or at. Mr, F. Neal®s Store, . Simcoe Street, will bo | promptly attended to. Marshall & Bescoby. N. B. -- A. Supply of Lumber, Lime, Plaster, and Agricultural Salt always on hand. 43 UNDERSIGNED about tg retire from the 1 UNDERTAKING i poss of his present large vie business at I'rinoe Albert, established over fonurteen yoars, and which affords an excellent opportunity to any one wishing to Ihe Premises and BEING ge in such a businass, Stock-in-trade will be disposad of at a IR and on casy terms. The stock in hand ia large and well assorted, and the | run of ¢ustom excellent. { For terms and other particulars, apply on the | premises Lo | W. H. PARK. Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1872, Ha After the Fire Ii J.0&RH.HENRY, Have Resumed Dusiness in the Gallery lately occupied by J. E. Hoitt In the Building on the Corner of Xing and Simcos Streots, Where they are once more prepared to Tako Photographs, And other Styles of Pictures, in all the Latest y Styles, Entrance on King Street Between Gilletts' and Dickie's Store, Special attention given to enlarging and Coloring. Photographs taken from Pictures, and enlarged to any Size, Oshawa, Desember 24th, 1972, First-class Village Lots FOR SALE! * HE SUBSCRIBERS STILL HOLD FIFTEEN LOTS on the Karr Property whieh they offer for Sale. THESE L1L.OTS ARE THE HIGHEST and DRYEST Within the Corporation. As no more Lots will be offered for ®ale, parties wanting GOOD BUILDING SITES Should not let this opportunity pass. Terms Edsy. Title Indisputable.- Ary to SAMUEL WOOD, or JAMES WOOD. Oshawa, Sept. 10th, 1872 LUXURIES FOR CHRISTMAS --AT-- H. JONES' Oyster-Bay,| Simcoe St., Oshawa. CONSISTING OF PRESERVED RED RASPBERRIES, ' BLACK RASPBERRIES, | | GOOSEBERRIES, { GRAPFS, | BLUE PLUMS, ei GREEN GAGES, | ete. Pete, ete, For sale by the pc und. ' Made Clothing. ALEXANDER | Remember the placo Wilson's Block, Kinz St. East, Ozhawa, Every requisite in Gents' Furmishing and Ready | | . . & BRYCE. A large lot of Black Currant and other Jellies. A choice lot of Candies, Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Nuts, Raising, Figs, cte. As usual, the best Oysters in the market, by the can or pate. | Don't forget the stand, direct | Rraewsik office, Siuncoe siicet, Oshawa. ; iL. JONES, | is allowed by those that have worked ithe Le tlie: Lest Agricultural Fimplement for the price | ly opposite the OSHAWA ORGAN & MELODIAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY AVE NOW ON HAND THE FIRST INSTRUMENTS OF THEIR Manufaeture, which have béen pronounced by Good Ju , to be superigr, betly in Tone and Finish to any Instrnmend® of the kind that have ever been placed before the lieef Oshawa We place ourselves before Lhe Public as Men of Practical Experience, Having a thorough knowledge of the Business; and, therefore. parties Purchasing Our Instru- ke ments can rest assured they cannot tie surpassed by any establizlancnt in the Dominion, ALL OUR INSTRUMENTS ARE WARRANTED TOR EIVE TI4RS, And parties purchasing from m8 will have a gnarantee they cannot have bygpurchasing those imported, as the Manufacturer only is responsible for them, and Agents se ling for them in the Dominion will not be likely to take the responsibility on their own shoulders. Medical Hall. DR. DEANS AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS 0 . would i#form the public that he Las just received a full ini ROBINSON & Co., Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, TOILET ARTICLES, &e, WHICH lf WILL SELL AT THE MGST 'REASONABLE PRICES. Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug Store. Nemember the stand, nearly opposite Hindes' Hotel. -. Su Oshana, Adil 13th, 1871, 148 We have now opened our Wareroom in Mr, Wilkinsen's Store, near the ; jommercial Hotel, King treet, (Oshawa. - : " : -- Fire! Hire! Hire! We Invite the publi= to come and inspect our instrdinents. Parties desiring to purchase will find it to their advantage 10 deal with us, as they can save Ten per cemt. on their Money, and at the same time encourage home manufacture, DARLEY & ROBINSON. A. M. DARLEY. Wa. ROBINSON, Oshawa, October 9th, 1871, BE GONE JOHN FROST! TFRRIBLE BATTLE BETWEEN A FELLOW BY THE NAME OF 10% JACK FROST and a German Gentleman by the name of M. MAYER, raged all last winter; report said JOHN FROST got the worst of the contest. Not being sufliciently whipped, in his audacity, he is about to make another attack on this peaceful citizen. M. MAYER being a quiet unoffensive person, friends at a distance have proffered their assistance in the emergency. The Czar of Russia has forwarded a Splendid Lot of Sable, Austrican & Russia Dog Skins, To protect his men in the campaign. The Emperor Napoleon has forwarded a FINE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH CONIES. The Queen of Great Dritain has tendered to her loyal subject, BRITISH CRAPE, MUFFLERS AND SCOTCH CAPS, And Donald Smith or Reil, from the Hudson Bay Company, have sent the finest lot of BUFFALO ROBES, MINKS, ERMINE; &c., THAT WERE EVER OFFERED IN-BOWMANVILLE. -- -- S. TREWIN, Opens out on Monday, 80th inst, IN WILCOX'S STORE, 8 Doors East of Gilletts' Corner; North Sida: M. MAYER, thankful for the distinguished honor conferred upon him, have arrange these into suitable wearing apparel, and he has no doubt of administering such a castigation to this upstart, that he will long remember the struggle, 10,000 Volunteers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Wanted for the Campaign. M. MAYER repairs and alters damaged foods, and pays highest price for Raw Furs. - Call Early. M. MA-YRE. BE Goods Damaged by Fire and Removal WILL BE SOLD AT WHATEVER PRICE THEY WILL BRING, AS THE { WHOLE OF HIS IMMENSE STOCK OF Bowmanville, Odtober,I872. Millinefy, Mantles, Shawls, Blankets; Woolens,&c, i MUST BE CLEARED OUT FORTHWITH. { i" Osmawa, Derember 26th, 1872. 9.9741 ATKINSON'S DRUG STORE . REMOVED TO NEW AND LARGER PREMISES Next Door to COWAN'S. meme) Smee Drugs, Patent Medicines, Scented, Soaps, French and English Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, and a General assortment of Dye Stuffs. + Everything of the best Quality and Strictly Genuine $5,000 REWARD! ------ 0) HE RATEPAYERS OF THE VIL- . LAGE of Oshawa, hav ing lately voted the above reward for the introdnction of a new manufacturing interest in our midst, it has given a great impetus te the building of Houses for our industrial classes. . In order to give greater facilities for the rapid Anishing of new buildings, the subscriber Las, 'ald ino LARGER STOCK HARDWARE thaa has over bofore been offered In Oshawa consisting in part of 600 Kegs of Cut Nails. THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORT- MENT OF ~ PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Glass, Putty, 8&2C.| pont Forget the Stand, IN THE COUNTY, k A SPLENDID VARIETY OF i Spades, Shovels; Hoes, SIMCOE ST. Noes, Forks, Rakes, &c. : i A LARGE STOCK OF LOCKS, KNOBS, LATCHES & HINGES. A Splendid Assortment of Carpenters Tools. All kins lof Paint, Varnish, White Wash, Kelsomine, Shoe, Scrubbing;and other Brushes. A Largs Stock of Rodgire and othe Cutlery, Dixon's and other superier A WORD OF TIMELY WARNING fu ovis tsa Plated Goods and Cruets. ! TO THE A first-rate assortment of * Axles, FARMERS OF ONTARIO. Carriage Springs, Imn, Rope and TV 'GENTLEMEN, -- As we are only Chaina. And the best assortment of Guns; manufacturing five hundred Broadcast Seeders this year, and onc hundred of (including Breech Loaders), Revol- vers, Pistols, and Shooting and Fish- them are already gone, all who wish to ing Tackle in the County. et one had better do so at once, as the | i demand is so great, those who de not | look out in tine cannot be served this | season. We would like to supply all { wants near home first. If the people | about home neglect coming in early for rl - their machines, we will have to send them out to other parts of the country, " i where they are being calle! for every day, .as we have no reom te store a | Oshawa, Jan.]®78, quantity at once. and we must finish | . t [an one 'pomaivi= and gt sou | x 3 WIOHSIHO NV BAMBRIDGE HAR STILL SOME Fino Cutters TO DISPOSE OF, i ------ eMBUSO 'FooId SqAT W. BELL, & Co, . GUELPH, ONT. Received Every First Prize for -- I Organs & Melodeons At the Provincial Exhibition, Hamilton, and Centre Exhibition, Guelph, The whole of the above stock was pur- chased tefore the late great rise mn prices, and will be sold cheap for cash. This grand success, in addition to Jast years ol a ecord Silver Medal, 3 Dip!mas, and : 12 First Prizes, Prove that our instrument in the opinion or competent judges are incomparbly superior to all others. Sole proprietors and Manufacturers of the ORGANETTE, Containing Scribner's Patent Qaalifying Tubes acknowledged 'by all to be the greatest improve ment yet introduced. Their superiority is eon ceded by other makers from the fact that as Guelph they withdrew from competition, thus |b wledging their inability to compete with t instrument "fully warranted for hvs years. = for catalogue containing iy dif-- met | ferent sty loses! insiramenta, : at Satably re] . : W. BELL & Co, > 1 y: = SHINGLES. a re all they are recommended to do in our | : --_--y srinted testimonials, The fact that our Nceder saves onejman and team all Shiough seceding. | WHINXGLES OF ALL KINDS FOR Pes A oe ad doing the work better than the usual war, makes, it quite a loss in one | NS) at my Mill, Lot No. 6, #th con. Darling- ton, 8 March call as sooni as possible and get your Machines. We guarantee them to do scason for every farmer that to get one, r t 4} miles from Bowmanville. b , &e., . W. » ours. ip F. W.- GLEN JONATHAN STEPHENS. oar Cn The Easterly Broadcast 'Seeder and Cultivator Combined, ee ee -- ee -- PORK, PORK. (As FoR ANY QUANTITY OF /) good pork. io J. W, FOWKE. STRAYED. about six weeks i Any per ry infirmat th d to her recovery will i JOHN DALE, i IW : naa Brookli 7, Oshawa, Nov. 22. : EE of FHA We abor, und doss the work better | can asceitain by asking the following | as it saves seed and about onelialfl the The facts of the above any person now in use, inasmuch than the usual way. gentlemen . HINKSON, East Whitby, . M. WESLEY, Bast Gwillmsbury, HEN Bt 3 IDDLETON, Clarke, it. FOLEY, Darlington, -- ORVISBIOTHERS, Pickering. askin JOHN WILLIS, Whitby, B. WEST, West G8ilmEyary, SEND IN TOUR ORDERS EARLT. Oshawa, January 20h, 1373. JAMES BOWMAN, King, 11. W. BURK, Darlington, THOMAS MchiitIEN, Whitby, ago. a low