Ontario Reformer, 7 Feb 1873, p. 4

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ONTARIO REFORMER, OSBAWA, F RIDAY ( F a -- Hoy 3 Eo 2 Western Assurance Company, New Dominion Oubinet Ws Waze-rooms. ---- to abot him an inquisitive ac- | ¢ ry mw iti was a J a : auaintants Saked hi ny Rather. 1% was. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTD. -- af oT i | hil - i ie ¥ gvEnY FRIV had lied S AER of * B BY] ol et v-y er Tp Heh i CH EAPE REY PA PEE EW ADE oorinco Vex N 00! x Receipts of the year ending) . ns . 4 ; 5% da 2 : ; CM 2 REN Srey] Rael et Fad EE Ry IDOE BVQE. 1 ning and Pl Pema | 19%. J. MMoxmaon, Prsien. w ALTER WIGG & SON, i / " Copii ge le ie ka | EE REE, IN THE PROVINCE, Tapivang srtcon Ty tt ow that can x By br only four cents each, ' ha fr 4 er eo of them, wud Fire and Mar pine HANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM | Wil last for Twexsr iQ ba101a0 B 8tidW [de as LL CONTAINS d : : -made Furnit , son sisting Cash must : the change. INSURANCE | the Publio that they always keep a Stock of good well-made ure on hand, son sfef's wm m woos trem. i AolO > . = 5 and Base " ' . 8 5 pat. AT i 3 A Housemorp Remepy. No -family AT LOWEST CU RREN T RATES S.| ] Sarnia, Qut should be without some efficacious remedy 3 Couches. Ohiaizs of all xinds and Orders addressed to fo if be Ae gee STATESMAN | | for the cuve of aflections, so univérsal pre- | & cial Low Tariff of ats. coverix Sideboards, Bureaus, Bookoases, Sofas, in tne of of wery tot gy duantity will filed At the above- A + / . °° arrears AIP Jala valent, us coughs, colds, sore throat, whoop | Insurance for onp or three yeas, on Detached | thing in thelr business. 2 Ti Pa og up will bo held P nad ing-cough, and croup--some remedy, too, | Bweings (hurdhet nd Sele iin ufone | Sag and sw, w. R, CLIMIE ; : ° nt RAS which can Betlied Spon . sale, wore and rates and terms of fash partic ularly favorable kb oi sR : gig. » 2 pid othareiss th Ly wiars aisam o a mv y . > . u TTT Tr 1 ' He vo Pant " ' (Pictures, Looking-glasses, Picture Frames made to order in eve le, ' é page! iy a poi Cheesy omnes ship viegideratn., ~y FIREE CLASS MAN WANTED for ' 6 in every sty THE LADY'S FRIEND, 1 - AR ae ries Finusrs und stock raisers have fre- a Travelling A y, for the Townships outlying | - % quently told us that they have soen wv YE a App in wilting, with ref eho oe, | Beavtirvr, New Premio Chromo! : p SAAR good results from giving Sheridan's Ca Caio: untarsigiel for transmission to the Hoad | wir, | v0 got the best Patent Balance Window Blind Lifter)and the vary p ; £2. CITI NY ry Condition Powders to cows, and swine, R. & H. O'HARA, best Steel Spring Bed Bottom.in the Dominion, LL KNOW WHAT THIS MAGA- before and after they drop their young. Local Agente. | dimin Seerier that it contains the most Only One Dollar a yea Ir, A uoranhy 8 orf ; 357,838 26. ' LTR bi gn #5 An iohs SH ees The powders put them in good condition, |, Bowmanville, Sept. 11. 1571. Articles, Pattern oté. But 'all do not and give them Strength to care and provide know that its publishers arc offering with for their sucklin, i ' a RO Scribner's Monthly THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT 18 COMPLETE, HAVING A| * "LITTLE| SAMUEL!" ws . A Vicreay 1x RearLity.--The fame of DEPEW'S e VICTOEY is with- | 4 Serial Story by DE. HOLLAND. | SPLENDID HEARSE. fA beautiral Fry the Child Prophet, start i . al out x single mEpicAL wistomy. | Ngo Slenchy BASRA, bic Baa the iS, he owing colorsof s ins] PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. MORNING; Through the whl counts. diseases of the BRILLLAN] NITIRRAY of CONTRIBCTERS | Coping kept on Aand and made to order; Tetme Reasonable. Srp En fx) sowort stomach, liver, bowels, and nervous sys- CL -ARENG E 1 SO0K on Furniture TH and to every persan sending a club, and (AT tem, which had defied the treatment of our R. H. STODDARD on tuthors. | SPEC TAL RATER 1 to every member of a club. : best physicians, and medicines, have yield- Fhe cheapest and best hat place to buy your Furniture onrour "Remember the piwee- SPLENDID {PREMIUMS | r --BY-- ensuing year a more brilliant array of contribu OBHAW A, Dicember 5th, 1872, PET | 50 Jute, ond for list and terms of premiums. e Pill contains the active properties | story of the will be autobi hical a ke SE by Miss Hallock (with Chromo), $2.50. Four Sopies, with 5A b sstaniishuvent. od toils Yonderfal influence, and its offi- Bxtraantinssy Iufycumints to Now Ono door West of Wilson's New Block, King Street Kast. 3 cacy has beet no less manifest in the cure, Sewing Machines, Plated Ware, Gold Chains 7 haf i Trev Exggr, --Doctor Josephus' Sheu: Chouno in the variety and beauty of | A Iva Serials Ate abnounced for next year--The Vy . R . G L.d-M: LES 7 AX x onees Vegetable Pillanow saperiorly si its illustration, alrpady conceded by the critics to | Master of Creviands, by Mrs. Wood, author of \ \ { of Mandrake and Dandelion, as. well as i form, ana' wif Ve Li illustrated by Miss Hatlock, nr Bonicastie, and will deal | Chromos (and one gratis), $8.00. Eight copies, J a mon th & Paper an Chrome "8IMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. VE ; X 1 8 7 3S The above clubs can be made up conjoin PHIsKIAY, 8 . . p a of of ick headathe, le weakness neural- 300 PAGES FOR S160! ac. dc. | WW. WIGG & SON. and Watches, ete., b; coated eannot be excelled as a Family Mod. be finer than any which have hitherto appeared | East Lynne ; and also Serials by | compound Extract of Colocynth and Ex- | wien © of the most difficult problems of the Saturday Evening Post and the Lady' ear, aad Corore So the people say, and what every person says must be true, but we say try for yourselves. (0 aa A p32 garry oo xr 4 . The publishers of SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, In gia and rheumatism. their Prospectus Just issued, promise for the Will be sent to those who get up Mats at the $2 in any American magazine, Dai y entnor, Amanda M. Douglas, and Fan: | icine for general purposes, Dr. HoLLaXo, the Editor, will write the serial y ERs ALWAYS IN ADVANCE.--Ome ¢o -y - own satisfaction. One box contains about | November Number. | 28 Pills, and each Pill isa sufficient dose | There will be 8 new story by 8 Axx How, The One Legged Banter. | tract Hypocyimus. Test them for your | American Life. Tt will be commenced in the | . if fifty cents is added for Sachi eo __for an adult in ordinary cases. Try them. Wished: ify © taken. +3 she 8 nat bint eeitn, 3 : -- BRET HARTE, the best writer of short stories wis! ny cents may ucted npi---- ' 3 . 4 Covaus and colds, when left to them- | now living, will contribute a characteristic story, ' . ' subscriber. One copy each of the { Eveni ' alll NTIATEo selves, frequently bring on pulmonary tied The Epic uf Fiddietawa, which will be H SRE is, and the . ICENTIA 0 G s reshi + - 3 : ; : Li. 4 over complaint: which lead to. that dine if or R. H. StoppaRrD will write a series of ente- | | | J 4 28 . r Y y each C Ye set for ng expenIte af COM M E RCI A PRI NTI NG ? : ny Re Eo and fatal disease consumption; ut if at- [5 te rs about Authors, their Personal | i L ; All opergtions & pape |] V : I DEACON & PETERSON . in the tended to in: time, " Bryan's Pulmonic Characieristics Home Life. Famili Friends "319 Wainer t, Philadeiphis. | op! - Residence in hh AS OS ) I - Walor at 4 i sonedy. sorhey SOD | Fiving American Writers. is also promised. | : ia ety pou . pi -- strengthen «Bs bronchial tubes, allaying a arence Cook will write about Furniture | CON SISTING 0% a ae ; BALE FR Ay oy Simcoe Streets, the Decoration of American Homes. | all irritations and inflamation. They are | These papers will be eminently practical as % > a g © iy a 8 cia bade Gol Vebcbmds MONEY to Posters, etre LB HOLY - er at 2 | a a also particularly adapted for the use of frag) will be illustrated with de- singers and plblic speakers. Sold by rol hy " the writer himself wil foe | Druggists untry dealers ice a Among tiom-whp 'will contribute are; Hapa T]HE, SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE INHABITANTS OF Andersen, oh Bushnell, Eggleston, Froude, | Oshawa and surrounding Sountry that he has received, find is afill receiving Orrawa, Oxtario, Nov. 25, 1871. fshop, Huntington. Brot. Tete. | well a Dear Sik: We have much pleasure. in | | oh iy. H. Macdona d, » Mitchell Miss asserted k of Spring Goods, at the usual Low PRICES. el man, ockton, oddar SIT informing you of a large demand for your | | Ehcpn. Wann: Wion. Stoddard, iy : Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, and | besides a host ef others. { . we hear Se accounts from those who The editorialiodntrol and direction of the Mag. | Dress Goods, Cottons, C atings, use it. = Some of our physicitns who are re! in the hands of Dr. Holland, ' 0 will continue to write "The Topics of the acquainted with its valuable properties | gl So He ¥ Y. dos Tonics of are consider it a most reliable medicine; so it more widely quoted. than any similar papers . - - is fast becoming as popular in this part of | in any American magazine." Prints, Poplins, Tweed 8, the Dominion as with your own people. Walter Gilder will write ** The old Cabinet :* vl Bb iW as hitherto, Pref. John C. Draper conducts t} Wishing yow every success, we are yours, | 5 J ul: of ids And helene Too] en very fully. AE Md departmonts of ro ome "ud Soelety. and ( a | A. CHRIS & CO., Chemasts. ulture and Progress," will engage the cor ip 0 ' ; ~ . ' bi f y 111i To Mx. Janes I Friows, St. John, | Soutien otmors than wore otbeis on boti Ofloching Made to Order on Short notice! N. B. flector says : *" Scribner's Monthly for September | is better thamuswal, which indicates a needless | To Owxens of Horses. --It is & well | waste of editorial brains and Publisher's mon- attended fact confirmed by the experience | Lor the ee Bile waa promise to defare " The Usual Su pply of Groceries, Crockery, Horses, Wagons, and Anything else You can Think Of! VY Scrubbing,and other B AT { 4 of | Wye - 2 ® : { ' : H £3 { ; i } E h pary, » 3 Daren het ry " Blank Forms, ; Oy sit Siri . riage Tron, Re ICENCED A Show / Bills, = . . Chains." U8 p TIE. . And the best assortment - EE : ludi 0 | r. bb Paid) & obting 1 Issuer of 'M| ing Tackle in the County a Be The whole of the above stock ws chased before tho lae gros rut; WV o Fini - . ap Aa + SEA - Lent: pn hg SA fot ne Busiress. Caras of thousands that ** Darley's Condition | still better for She coming year." Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy" | The Bubscrtin Jrice is $4 a year, with speci ( al ratésto clepgymen, teach d posymasters. for holes i$ i AY to anything now or | ®t Cob <1 ere, Ans. postman: ever known, e know that it has been used in many cases where'the horse has Extradrdinary Inducements béén . conaidered almost worthless, with | offre] 10 EVE [Subsciibors; For 3530 the | are the most satisfactory result, the liorse | publishers will send. or any bookseller oF newe. | All Kinds of Produce taken in Exchange. having been restored to perfect soundness | dealer will supply, the magazine for one year, J. W., FOW KI d th Iv bers of Hla, 0 or 0 tuuch bonctitiad tht fhe Somplaint | gon Sontaining pe : beginning "of Mee Oioiens | CLOVER, TIMOTHY, CROWN, MARROWFAT AND COMMON PEAS AND ct scarce 2 ---- for $7.50, th i horses have afterwards been sold from 80 { for one year, ry the a4 he Ey Mugs { BARLEY FOR SEED. 1 $10.50, the Magazine for or to $100 more than they would have previ- beginni 21 baek numbers Fan mt rie Hy is oy cas { Oshawa, Jan. 12, 1873 ously brought, and were well worth he | po bound vols. paid. This will give ne arly : 000 NH, e rea ig, with the til difference; let all interested consider this. Ritratlone OE TO are Buest Lig Remember the name and see that the sig- | | dollar! and will enable every subscriber to ob nature of Hurd & €o., is on each package. | En from the firsts 4 Medical Ha 1 | Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., pro- | Special terms {to Dealers Clergymen and : rietors for C amnda. Sold by alt medicine | SCRIBNER & CO. --- eilers: o } WED, t DR. DEANS Hive PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co., would inform the public that he has just received a full assortment of Visiting Cards, [sd vill be sid cea or suk T.W .Bill Heads, _ |wtws _ o2lL Heads, , arr : AS USUAL! ol Fo : Circulars, ¢ 'S.NVMOO 0} 400Q IX3N SASINGId HIADHUVYT anv MIN 01 GIAOKIH snd ed JO JudunIOsse [RIOUSK) ¥ pue 'saysnag] I00], 'squio)) 'soffsnag rey 'Arouwrngo gs Suyy puke youady 'sduog pojusag' 'sourdipopy uate yg 'sSnacy O Aj1o141g pue Aohd 1s9q a JO Surgihie | TH0LS DAYC S.NOS JuINnud AND IN FACT EVERY oor THO AT TWO EXHIBIT! LETTER-PRESE PRINTING W. BEL st -- | - A CLE ets ------------ FOR EVERYBODY, mo. YC. Rik wR : WEEKLY! Weigold. Downinon | Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery; Dye Stuffs, y FROM A anything of it? Ji not; -THE FAMILY PAPER FOR THE COMING YEAR! Four Dhllars a Year in ot Advance. | = sed. Ttisthe cheapest Medicine evermade. Ween Conducted, Ably Edited, without Pol- I rt, it is a Journal For Everybody, a wel come visitor" in Heats Hours. t Chromos, two Full | given to ch Subscriber, | cured no yet t Suthortzed to' eeliect nati mos are delivered. | The New Weekly will retain all the protiiiaent | features oj the Present Mo form, bine with them the best of othér journals, mak- ing it emphaitcally The Famfly Paper o America. Hts Contents will be varied, and our aim is to | secure the best efforts of Home writers, uniti with them the gems of other countries. © It w ie reading matter in a year than any Por lagazihe or Paper, Pah Number will contain an Elegant Full | Eagraviop on heavy toned paper, exceed- inn value, any Chromos or Lithographs ever. | ered as premiunts, but we place ourselves be- | yond competition. for, in addition, Feur Elegant | remeos will be given to each subscriber. No cheap Lithographs, or worn out plates, but full Chrotnobe: ade 'expréssly, and can only be o itis time you did. | | euved tu old standing £ ough. One ortwo bottles, | cures AIN CANNOT STAY WHEREIT IS dose cures commpn Sore Throat. One bottle | has cured Bronchitis. Fifty cents worth has cases of Piles and Kidney Troubles | Six josight applications cure any case of Excori- or inflamed Breast. One bottle has | { red Fone back of eight years standing. Daniel | nk, of Brookfield, Tioga County, Pa. says: ** went thirty miles for a bottle of your Oil, Yohieh | effected a wonderful oure of a crooked limb by six applications." Another ,who has had Asthma for | years. says: "I have half of a 30 cent bottle left, | and $100 would not buy it if] could get no more. Rufus Robinson, of Nunda, N. Y., writes: "One small bottle of your Eclectric Oil restored: | the yu eo where the person had not spoken above { rin five yeais. ev. J. Mallory, of | g N. Y., writer " Your Eelectric Oil | eured me of Bronchitis 1n one week." -- Dealers | | all over the country say: "We have never sold | a medicine that has given such complete satis- | faction as this." It is com ed of six of the best oils thet are | known. s as good to take as for external use, and is believed to be immeasurably superior i | anything ever made. Will save you much suf- fering and many dollars of expense. Is sold by one or more dealers in er place where these fs WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug Store. Rémember the stand, nearly opposite Hindes' Hotel, Csabaa, Aad il 13th, 1871, 3 1-4. CERTIFICATE = OF AGENCY. HIS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly authorized Agent, for the sale of Abbot's Patent: Lock Stitch and Silent Family Sewing Machines. This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling our Sewing Machines in the Village of Oshawa, and that he is also authorized tv appoint TOILET ARTICLES, &. a i LADIES' VISITING CARH qq = MEDICAL 3 ETO. 'DR. DEPEW, OF PARIS, PARIS, FRANCE, an smi. pent physician of foreign descent, has discovered a Great Blood Remedy --a Purely V Static Compo --named™by physicians, Depew's Medical Victory, that curesevery kind of unhealthy Humor,and every THE LARGEST S EVERY DESCRIPTION OF 12% POSTER Orgs & At the Provincial Centre Exhibition, Rf Sei Seid ilver M edal, ' ° 10 : our ip: Ti in the 0 cong 3 et ~ : : G a b- | ; diseage that dependson Impurity of the Blood, wher . i pr | ta ine by subse ition, ang Agen wt is authorized | | Sayed cents. Why not guile for the mle of Sur athitien; in mid Teritary. Such agents. have all the | the Pangs, Liver, ad Kidnerd and other vil - P Al N& ORNAME RI Ti NEE %. . Py v NE TE h 1 li ) | red N. THOM AS, Fre 8, N. Y., rights and privileges of the trade, as tho appointe: us. @ans, are not wast youd the of ; N 8 livered, so that, cach subscriber gets what is paid | | AndNORTHROP LYMAN P 8 Prvi'eg ny ugh app ad by "For Srp \ tying Ar % 1 for. They can be Framed, or Bound in the Vol- NEwcasTLE, Ont. | Signed for the Company, reef Scrofula, rues, a. \ ribner's Patent Q : the ok ised b Agents for the Dominion. . ema, Eruption of tue 2D, eo all tho greats - REPS TH apn) pen thm A to Seon Ta ofa Bri Nore.--Eclectric--Selected and Electrized. J. J. Ot JLLINS, St. Catharines, Ont. BE bg - i HE 0 Eo 1 TO! yet a. t CHEAPES Fo! ars, Eruption on t mples or Rlctches ; rew from o Ne. 1, The French Canadian. --A character | Oshawa; in Whitby by J. H. Gerrieand J. B: The above Machine is one of the best Family Machines in the kot, on the face, it stands Pre.cminently at the head of sd : J fron, an original painting by Krieghoff, the | n Brooklin by John Nare Bn. Jiang Gi) needs to be seen to be appreciated. 53 without A Tent sand and 00 wie sient ss "ares other suetles, The fact is ; ut Scrofule, EXECUTED WITH ir inability to compels Watches, Cl inent artist, whose " Lumbering in Candas | Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT wanted. £4 A second-hand Grover & Baker anufacturing Machine for sale pr Pec NUP ar AversAmyorutture, RY. pile instrument fully warranted , Sition, and was finally purchased by Pree: | a . ; i OL vo ¥ Plated d Louis Napoleon for Fifty Thousand Francs. ~| - - anes, will most is i i ' Ne. 2, Palsy. We do not claim y olgps) Ww. an ara a vetoes ' NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, | fmm |] ' 0 all i cles. ' den he n dor ony Chiro ---- healt Mh of the a. 1 will ok S59 the Sinead Astin Tuhrouius, hose HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE 18 Men's Wear of all C lasses, Ladies', Misdes' abd wv en' 8, Fh 3 Gqatig Regulating Purge ve, a well | : B. SHERIN & Co., : Will pay known in all the large cities, In adopting this rr anfyiling in the sue of all those painful and of all C lesses nd Sizes, aul ar merit of MANUFACTU o cing Sop an woop nly found. rule tution is subject. I moderatésall excess and re t : wy ed Organe A ot. J Fagis Dowie Bowls This isa C i jece be! b; relied % or nts, whether in young or 3 # ; 4 3 the same AFL (Kogalt "Ihe two frm the | ro paps 1a ld at a Reduction ve 20 Per Gent. i; Ci PERSE ey Hold ) at i} ished. brim i the o noni reriod with regularity, Ne. 4, The Dip.--From rom €-Photagraph in life |e a ould] mot be taken by Females DER TO MAKE ROOM | FOR BPRING oa eon InOil, It will speuk of itself, and every heart HREE MONTHS of Preg will warm toward the little ¢ Bruneue of seven oul murs tobring on Miscarriage, : we Ramets. whous pwevt figs and graceful * pose," o Monch . id v ™ aX ir of Parlor Ch "g Pains in the he Buck and Limbs, Fatigue on slight " Go) he Flor a Du r of Perior Chramos wo nweet erin, hulpitation of tlie heart, J Storie » ad | " L. 'PRUDH M. a Mis Jitle "Tages. Two E Clegant Fugray ed Title oi means have failed; and hoy h - power. | | Libs 5 Ht as realy advane. "4 bY the ceriainey that our ful remedy, do mot conthin iron, calomel, anti. Javigorator of the Our Priec. Other pulilishers sald we could package, which should be carefullf observed not afford a paper like our present Monthly for Two Dollars a Year; mt our subscribers ktiow JOB MORES, NAW YORK, SOLE 1 KCI RIETO) price; we say we taining over 8 pills, by retur.. mail, --at 3 23 the the Ch | any amount of money, on theglicurity of Good a = a Sademes thn we nen Wat ws hE ad Jros | Farm or Profactive Tus Progra the Bowman LLE Four Dollars a Year Payable § rooklvg by John W end Three Cent Stamp for Sam GGTX BOTH HAM ana, stpr| Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, |: . \ 3 3 a Ba iii New I . y n suis and Jahner to sult Ear. Prinelin od : . = y . v can be re-paid by yearly or 3 y 4 RR £% \ " , A ---- -- 50 ITY « fl Inyestments X in . Mortages, \ OR ; WACHINE é IMPLEMENT ? 3 : : 7 1 will run Stock Gglden Olntmen! i 170) vo and othor sep tens ! Rint 4 . + ; : Otntmg rh p ' CON Gg: ECH{}fiFTY siLvER Ap arffNBacKs BoudHT ANDJG : " eg SOLD. : NEW SCHGQL DOLLARS 2 dl ; im no ; R FATTEN AN NGINC 4 5 M AN H.8. Per WORTA OF MUSIC ifito Condition Hor ANDSEIX Sheen, For tsi ig Rr - 8 ; Phadnis fs Epione to won oa on Pigs, ; Moses Sarr, BuuaCri po . 2 , Leffel American Double Turbine Water Wheel. : ' J would rather I thas Pe REI] Two hundred new snd; Prrane momar | ~ ' b Y . fo ny k » LY are getting Gino a by first-class breeders, yoni jh) * - . ; b add y Iron and Wood Working Machinery, ever used In my 0 BrAK AM NOW bequtiful Songs, Duets fed With it have al ways taken First Prizes. Circular Saw Mills, . J Foreman for Brown & Paterson, . ed their Muss fies than | 3 art" REMEMBER THE ST A ND: .u arm or Produc Shingle Machines, 3 ¥ : ve used Stoek's Oil and I find - 3 5 ' J ' oh ne ume merely because others may haye it. 'or sale W. T, Atkinson and Dr. Deans ted universal admiration at the Paris Expo- | Bowmanville On to do good work. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. I W. BELLS but ours is the first C rama." The ped TheGreat FimalkeRemcdy. A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS 4 ] | whe pdb the gole dB Rr Be ts a | Ena A 147 and commands the bi Righest Price of Say | | JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS, CONSISTING OF on i, faclinge" wih tl LESALE toot scases to which the female conti Scting aa powerful agent 18 relisying Con iris, AT THE : . Whe 00P Ry 3, The First Commissioner of Exefse. eves all ob obstrictions, and a speedy cure may The A finest pair of Dining Keom Chromos ever pub- ih peculiarly t will, ina short. time, "gu theturn of life, the ical hd ' 'R E F R y 6G. B. ere Tok Cele wp "ORMER' OFFICE et face and graceful pose, ee Affection, | A SATE { Bo patr e solicitéd. tate . C utlo od R 4 Paper "if be reser wd fgg bi con [Mongy t Lo end F YOU WANT Ek a - rr ] ' » A we rns Toners | J 8 *3.% that we haps d a's IN aon. sncliaed, AE RATRS.Y y LEN aR : " doth | anise fot 1 cota, sk pels ude f prio | M0 and 17) con fo posta co er ; * FIRST-CLASS "PAP. (Orders by Mail Attended to foromly twice the pric times as man gents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle | AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND " . St, Buffalo, N., i ape Fo swum; -- ion i to i ro EE A COMPANY, Mes. Price, $7 per I" O R$ 3, | nd Figs, ine is oo M A CHINE, MANUFACTURERS OF dossh, Confaind over SORT ERS TORESHIRE CATTLE ¥zEDER Offic o-- M c Millan's Block, B rockt.,, 8WVhitby ete, by Wil 8. Hare fo oi produce more milk and butt 1 have ever used in §0 years I owest hua ibva-ugt seen thig. Tt P f : Grist Mill Machinery, aT Dagan, [hig It whleti ia tne he alt, 4 XB adhinery Tor ia And Save out e Pump Shop. Geo. B: CLIMIE, | sowios sacri, | 00000 AT raid . j Bugs te and epocimen pagse pen, waiv is oi iige 3 ponte a and vy Aa a dollar box Ww HORSE-POWER & LATHE, oe aE Vanalbig Mile, Common and Gang Plows, vestments 2 i 3 -- page. a ter oe HU@nA iL. & Oo. at prosth, worked by Ihe ia a5 : . | resicutten, Chopping Mills, Next door to the Montreal Tolograph ofa 0 ii | SILVER AND Ps ? | seriber. . - Lath . - . "or further 1 Sr PSE cutura chemin EEL IE | «pO RAE A.B. GIBSON.| 2ASHTORE 3 |HRFMART at Gm bers {or 75 sents. SIREGY EAST, TORONTO, "E SILVER. ; ; 3 Oeil ine Sra © ? Rp 'A ERE Sot York yor sli/Drugyint everywhere, oe Bowmen vit, dias 36, 180), #1 OFFI CE ' Bowmaiiville, July 3rd 1072 MARACES, SI MCOE STRE ET, OSHAW A { TIGHT BINDING

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