paint singl Cn "those er. Lini three white will ¢ TH globu tain, of ir The * witht and v Tm his be denly er ph Sherid woulll they = Tue as-the Oi have ¢ ' by the faction, and th V Am the Cr " severa two ** out), boots; car} Wo Keroful of Hun per-em edies. pepsia, sease; i regulat ness," © and ge are be isthe I and it i remain Ira flat on" lot him 4 is sh fiowing itself tl trouble in thesi burns, | bottle of which is plaints. SoMET pecular ¢ ent eye: and gra his obed use, all « look at a in the in: but it is cared for or unsou exibit t) without package and A Hamilto! Tintes as cle that time ag £champio "of her ¢ 4 writing t a space 1 piece. 2 pen, aud On one «+ (unaided the day " Pr tran to H ell 1 some If I sun I think, Lord's FP an Amer: distinctly, and if su, Praycuss®™ § S ' af "og rise of kindred diseases, are attrib. uted to a low state of the nervous system, rd signee Te ote on. th, 3 Aon and stock rajsershave frequent asad sock pes oes ALLAN LINE.' from giving She eidan's Cava they drop eir young. The put thew 'in by sucklings, / "Tothe Weak, the Wo 3, anid the Wer ary, he Bditor of the Boson Recorder says, "We ean most unhesitd) ingly recommend | ~ vian Syruy of the protoxide of rosy to all the weak, the worn, and the weary, havieg richly 3 . Maxy suffer rather than take mauseous "medicines. All who suffer from coughs, colds, irritation of . the bronchial tubes or to consumption, will find in Dr. wister's Balsom of Wild Cherry a remedy hs agreeable to the palate as cifectual in 'removing disease. The Balsar is a pleas antre medy; it is safe reipedy; it bod] wer. ful rembdy: it is a speddy remedy: it is ed that cures. : f I¥ Reariyy.--'he fame of : DEPEWS MEDICAL VICTORY is with- | out a single parallel i In WEDICAL HISTORY. Through the whole coutjtry diseases of t10 stomach, liver, bowels, asd riervous system, which had defied the treatment of our . best physicians, and medjcines, have yield- | od to its wondorfal influence, ani its é ™ been no less manifest in the cure "of sick-headache, female weakness neural * gia and rheumatism. Tuey Excern.--Doctor Josephus' Shosh- onees Vegetable Pills now Supe riorly sugar- coated canfiot be excelled as a Famuly | Mediicne for general purposes. The Pill contains tho! active properties of and Dandelion, as well as "compound Extract of Colocynth andl Ex- tract. of Hypoeyamus. | Test them for | your own satisfaction. One box contains about 28 Pills, and each Pill is a sufficient dose for an adult- in ordjnary cases. them. For over twenty .yc ark ¢ ' ntation for enving shy, colds, and pul- "monary diseases. Th fering or threat- ened with any of the symptoms of bron- chitis, or any of the | nary complaints, shouM at once give tham a trial. They give almost immediate relief, and if taken generally effet a cure. Remember A a common cold or congh, if not attén i» Sing: often leads to hat. distressing and fatal disease --consumption. Sold by all Druggist and country dealers. Price 25 cents per box. Everveony Savs So. That is'all who have either used: the article or witnessed ' W con | vs to cows, and swine, before | y Wy protected solution | SSkpeticnce its benefits, [It possesse s all i quatities claimed fof it by its propri- | etor. Try | 'Bryan's Pul. | monic Wafers, have maiptained their rep- | ded to | OSHAWA AGENOY. od condition, and | strength to cgte and provide for i for carrying the ( anpdian and U.S. Mails. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, AND CLUASGOW HIS COMPANY'S LINES { . dined Clyde Built-Tron Steamships: P 200 tons (building). Caspian, 3,250 tons, Capt. n, 3,000 tons, Capt. Ballan- oy tons, Licut. Dutton, 700 tons, Captain J. n, v3 700 tous, Captain A. ian, £,650 tons, Captain wn. Peruvian, 2,600 tons, Lieut, th, R. N. R. | Germatiy, 3,250 "Tons, ( aptain J. Grabam. x a Weekly line between 'Liverpool, Lon sc and Montreal, leavin og ue- aturday, on arrival of the "xprose from Montreal. v line between Glasgow, Quebec and Montreal. RATES OF PASSAGE. Oshawa to Liverpool and Cabin from #31 10 291, apcording to accommoda tion, Steerage, $30, inc Indiog a plentiful supply | of weil cooked provisions, served out by the | Stewards belonging to the Company. Oshawa to Glasgow, First Cabin, $71; wediate, $45.90; Sicerage, $29, 247 Return Tickets, ggod for six months, to- | sue rd at reduced rates. LONDONDERRY ARE con tiposed « of the undernoted Full Powered, Sarmatian, Inter- | ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDA Y, J4 NT Wow Dominion Cabinet Ware-rooms. WINTER SERVICE! Under Contract with the Canadian Government WALTER WIGG & SON, THAR KFUL FOR PAST FAVORS WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM | the Public that they always keep a Stock of geod well-made Furniture on hand, scnsisting o Sideboards, Survey, Docks, Sets, Coushes, Ghates of al Kinda, snd evaey- | 53030 1 Flee a Taise 0 3 3 4 | Pictures. Looking-glasses, Picture Frames made to order | in every syle. E We have got the best Patent Balance W' indow Blind Lifter, and the very | best Steel Spring Bed Bottom in the Dominion, Se the people say.and what every perso says must be true, but we séy fry for youbseives. opdonderry, First THE UNDERTAKING SPLENDID HEARSE. - Coflins kept on Land and made to order, Terms Reasonable. Prepaid European Passenger Certificates are | issued at Rede bring out their Scotland, to any part of Canada. The Steamships of the Montreal Ocean Steam. | «d Rates 10 parties wishl to | ends from England, Ireland or | The cheapest and bag: Place to buy your Furniture is at our Sabine Rematber the place | door West of Wilson's New Block, King Street t. | ship Sompuby land ow passchjers at the Grand WwW. WIGG Poel SON | Trun Railway hart, POuTLAND, passen- | gers thereby avo ding the usual charges of cart- ing and hs andling of bagghge. xpress Trains leave western poinfs ; Passengers by the ALLAN LINE cannot be sur passed by any other line gfloat, For through passage tickets and every informa tion, apply to | Steamships will be de spatched from Liverpoo: and Portland as follows : FROM LIVERPOOL. AN, - - Oth Noy. 16th + « rd 4 30th * a a Dee. 16th 23rd TORIAN 30th SCANDINAVIAN - 6th . IH. & A. 411. AN, Orto uts, Montreal I. SA pir H, A t Office, Sato. STEAM ~ BETWEEN LONDON, QUEBEC, its effects when used wo others; all such, | p fit to judge, 'are unani- m that #* "Darley's Con- P dition Powders and Arabign Heave Rem- edy" is Superior to anything 'of the kind | = hers : Two bundred new and, tofore or at iene nt in use for cougs, | colds, thick wind, and all diseases which | affect the wind of horses. 'As a condition! medicine it has no equal; there is Botting in it which can injure a horse whether si or well--nor need the horse be kept fo nm working while using it; it is just the aide which all who own horses require, and whichtheyshopld constantly on hand. mber the name, and sce that the fare of Hjird and Co., is or Yorthrép & Lymay Ont. pro ets © vr Canada. Laxcasren,) Pa. July B1, 1871. --DMMr. James I. Fellows-- Sir: I am pleazed to 'n- form you that my heart is improving un- der the use of your Hypophosp hités, .Ex- cessive tax of the brain had so exhausted my body that I could neither work nor enjoy myself, and it was with difficulty that I could sleep at all. I tried rest, and lactive exercise, various madicinal remed- ies, and the most popular physicians, and accidentally eard of your syrup in New | York, I purchased thrée bottles at Caswell & Hazerd's; apd untill 1 used than noth- | 'ing relierad™me. Now 1 lean eat well, | sleep well, work well and feel well, and have good reason to consider your syrip a most surpfising and capital restorer of the mind and nervous system, and advisé all who have much brain work to take it. 'You are/at liberty to use this as you may. = Yours very truly, JEROME SHENK, Tusnrgnee Agent. No Risk. Thomas' Eclectric Oil! Worth Ten Mimes its Weight in Gold. Do yon know anything of it ? I not it is time you did} AIN CANNOT ST! AY WHERE IT IS used. Itisthecheapest ) ai One dose cures common has cured Bronchitis. cured an old standin: © y Six to eight applicat ated nipples or inflam ed cured lame back of eight ¥ Plank, of Brookfieid, went thirty mil effected a wonder Applications. Another who has had Asthma for years. says: "I have ball of a 30 cent bottle lef t, and $100 Teould not buy it ir] could get no more. Rufus Robinson, of Nunda, N.| Y., * One small bottle of your Eclect the voice where the person had not §p Wroper in! five years," Rey. J. rer ~o me neof Bi itis mn gne A a oo alers all over the country & * We have never sold | a medicine that has Ben such complete aatisg} as this, It is eom nosed of = known. Is asgood totake as for external use, and is belicved to be immeasurably superior to anything ever made, Wi ill save you much saf. ng and many dollar pe Is sold by one or more dealers in » where these circulars are found. I; Why not bu, itiodart red THOMAS, Prerrs, N. Y., And NORTHR ops LYMAN, NEw CASTLE, Ont. Sole Agents for the Dominion. Norte. -- Ecleetric--Selected and Eleatrized, For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans Oshawa: in Whitby bb 1: G and J. n Brook! in by John Warren. Trean i Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT Bowihanville Ontario. 5 fina Kidpey any ¢ase of | ne bot - of your Oil, Thich ix of the best ofls that are TheGreat Female Remedy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. | HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS | Hae afte in the cure of alPthose ppinfal and dangerous diseases to which the female consti- | fans ia subje et." It Inoderhtes ail egotss and re- es. tract. oves all of 0 on ions, and a speedy cure may 0 MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited, It will, in a short time, | bring on the monthly period with regularity. These Pills should not he taken by Females | Aing the FIRST THREE MON THS of Preg- nancy, as they are sure tobring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are sate. In all Cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, F atigueon slight exertion, Paipitation of the heart, Hy steric Whites, these Pills will ef other means have fatlod: ful remedy, je} not contain iron, « lore or anythinghurtiul t » the constitn a directions in the pamphlet ar Bite Wd each , which should bo careiullf observed. JOB. NCEIS, XI'W Y(EEK, SCLE }N¢ TEI TCP, { $1.00 and cents for postage, enclosed to Northro| Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., Fn agents for Domiziion, will insurea bottle containing uy pits, by retur.. mail For sale by W. T. Atkinson and DF. Deans Oshawa, in Whitty by J. 4. Gorrie and J. Byrne Rh REN Ah Gr BOTIAM and D. STOTT | Bowmaiiville Ontario. | acting asa powerful agent in relieving Congestion, ra ------ (ONG ECH) IFTY | A NEW scHOOL DOLLARS | & Book, by H. 8. Per £. woitrn oF Music kins. Price, 37 50 per F' O RR . $8 3 dozen. Contains over (Y UBSCR' ERS | to PETERS MusiCaL beautiful Duets MONTHLY are getting their Music for léss than | ote, by Will 8, Har. wo cents piece, Those, Webster, 'Thomas, ete- who have not seén this £very thing is new, 'Musical Magazine | music is by Hara o Thomas, 1 CITY OF RICHMOND, { CITY OF BROOKLYN. [Sha the curs of | C1 a 8 Pest] Farewell,MeGee & Ru AND MONTREAL. ' TEMPERLEY'S LINE Composed of the following First-Class ron Steamers: SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, NIGER, 3 THAMER | The Steamers of this Line are intended to sail | | from Quebec and Montreal pvery Te ESDAY Sus. | ing the scason of navigation of 1872, and London ov ery Ww ednesday, calling at Bid roe | Through tickets from all points yd r ced ex, to parties desir For full pa Agent at Osha "SEVERN. | ging out their friends, to the Company's C.W. SMIfH. INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND _FRDM New York, "Guearston and | Liverpool / City oF ANTWERP. CITY OF BALTINGRE City oF Bristol. CITY oF Lixgricn. Ciry or DUBLY City ox HaliFax. City oF DURBAN. J City oF WASHINGTON. ABailing on Thursdays and Saturdays! | From Pier 15, North River. CITY OF MONTREAL. City oF Paris. Ciry oF russes. City oF NEw YORK. Crry oF LONDON, ] 35, ught here 4t moderate now : 10 send for their friends. For tion apply tp the Company's ". SMITH, Osawa. I cure ofa crooked limb by six | 28! DEPEW'S MEDICAL VICTORY. | 'DR. DEPEW, 07 pa ts, PAY is, PR NCE, an emf. nent p ysic un eign descent, vered a Great Blowd Ren ay urely Veuetable Compound named hy ph , Depew' s Medical Victory, thatcuresevery kit NE unhe althy Humor, and every disease that depends on Inpurity of the Blood, where the Lungs, Liver, aud K.dneyw, and other vital or. 1 @aus, are not wasted be ond the Lope of repair; For the cure of Scrofuls, Kiysipelas, Sats. theum, Eczema, Scald. Head, Scal Frupti mn of tue Skin, Ulcers, and Fever Sores of all kines, B 1s Huwor in the Mouth and Stomach| or Eyes, Sore Furs, Eruption on the head, aud Pimples or K! . | i the face, it stands Pre.eminently at the head IF other re:uedies. The fact is; Humors, Ser oful and 1 sease of the Ski u. of whatever name or literally dug up and canried out of t5€ syste ime, by the use of this Fhod Hem in such caves, will convinde tie jo: {1s curative elects. the Vitiate : Blood whenever yon find purit 4a hurmiuy through the skin in Pimples, tions, « ieanse it when you find jt ob. inthe veins; cleanse it when ir feelings will tall yon when Kemp he "Rlood pure and the health gfithe system ul fallow Ki isx Gentle Regulat'ng Purgative, as well a3 a Tonic, Ec. Posse sing nls the peculiar merit of and Chronic Inflammation of the Liver and all the NN jasara) Organs For Femala Complaints, whether in young or | old, married or single, «t the dawn of woman: ood, or ho i tiutura of life, rue Medibul Vidtory bus no eumatiem, Dyspepsia, Liver laint, and dise: of the Kidueyshu i Fladd ier, Sa ta are surprisiog to all. For Regulating the Bowel, and curing Biliousoess, Headache Siék. Headache, Neuralgia, Female W' cakes, Nerv ue. Des, Pais in the Side, Loins and Hack, and general Weakness and Debjlity, its Surative wers are Le. and beyond ; 1T TN Gi ¥ LOD PURIFIER, AND A A LIFE GIVING PRIN: perfect Renovator and Invigorator of iia earrying off all poisonous ler and . Blood to ity heslthy condition: hy nts LAL TE ledge, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLL| DESCRIPT'E PAMPHLE YOUNG, shilac co brtland on arrival of the Ocean Steamers for Montreal, Toronto, and all | and the facilities afforded to | FROM PORTLAND 2nd Dec oth | _ HECTOR. | Certificates issued | [i'e be OBHAW A, December 5th, me. 1873 TE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE INHABITANTS OF Oshawa and surrounding country that he has received, aud is still, receiving | | well "ited stock of Spring Goods; at the usual Low PRICES. Dress Goods, Cottons, C atings, | Prints, Poplins, ®Tweeds, & . Clothing Made" to Order on Short notice! | The Usual Supply of Groceries, Crockery, Horses, Wagons, and Anything else You can Think Of! All Kinds of Produce taken in Exchange. | J. W.FOWKE [SLOVER, TIMOTHY, CROWN, MARROWFAT AND COMMON PEAS AND BARLEY FOR SEED. Oshawa, Jan. 12,1873. = Medical al Hall. DR. 1871. DEANS would inform the public that he has just received a full assortment ot Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, TOILET ARTICLES, é&e., WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. | Dr. Deans: Office in the Drug Store. | | Osbas, Aad il 13th.1671. 14d. ® 1 AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Ov., i | | Remember the stand. nearly opposite Hindes' Hotel CERTIFICATE "UE; -AGENEY: HIS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly authorized Agent, for the sale of "| Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent Family Sewing Machines. | This further certifies that Mr, L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling our Sewing Machines in the village of Oshawa, and that he is also authorized tv appoint { Agents for the sale of our bith in said Territery. Such agents have all the | rights and privileges of the trade, as though appointe@ by us. § Signed for the Company, Tr { o J. J. COLLINS t! Catharines, Ob | The above Machine is one of the best Family Machines in the market, and only needs preciated. Prices, $23 without stand and $30 with stand. Agents | iby NE beat I a-band Grover & Baker Manufacturing Machine for sale cheap. Warranted to do good work. er Ae reasons given for selling. A LARGE LoT OF BOOTS AND SHOES | i "Organ sans] |w ithout Bh We Ra DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE, HAVING 4A! NEW WINTER GOODS HE SMITH t t { SaBacity of of t a ee ofione dt increase the the performer. And prot {pect to Aoi or the it ndan ? | dane, nog with the ion in Ly { st or Sirs a and Nive FEET. most thorough Tey expecially i rian po as fo the y and vol f tone, and as to the effect: TREMELY LOW PRIC ing none by oa workmen, wall 4 minute TR fabor, | duce an Dost cow Foy re that GONE ER Srna Fares wi s the ve before stated, they intend 6 se Eo full dwnsipion 20d eo and mocurste ocogra t 0 any | AN pecassary Tnformatioe a injs | Address | THESMITH AMERICAN ORGAN 00. Tremont St, opposite Woitham St. | General Agent for the Province. 187900 | Bowmanville, April 10, ze Fattens ix one fog h And Saves Food. 23 cents. cca Bo and $1.00 pes box; a dollar box HUGH MILLER & Oo. fcultural Chemists; 161, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. For Sale br all Druggist syerywhere., 208m | | iH - [Aw i Jk BO JAR 1%, 1878 EC HEKPE ST PAPER IN THE PROVINCE, HIOAd CH La | Rashe Lil wi a THE = 'ONTARIO REFORMER' [3A OBA 44AC3 4 C . FHA Only One Dollar a year, [i [lean doa] PUBLISHED EVER Tr PRbATMORMIRG) RC ET 202 = COMMERCIAL PRINTING OONISTING OF Posters, Blank; Forms; Show Bills, 1600 Kegs of Out THE LARGEST AND BEST MENT OF PAINTS OILS, VARNIS Glass, Putty, "IN THE COUNTY 4 SPLENDID VARIETY Spades, Shovels, Hos LOCKS, LATCHES & HI) BusinessCards, Nrisiting Cards, . ----- 0 a 'SINVMOD OF 400 IXaN, +, astiad ¥ADHVT anv. MIN or' qaAOWaY . Bog Fr 'SOUIDIPOJY. MMR] 'snap OD Apd1ng pue Ayendygsaq ayy Jo SuiyiAie spuIg ohq Jo uowosSE [taouar) ¥ ple SUSIE] 100, 'Sq [ pue qousay 'ed fou suInua ys1Bay 8) | | ] | 1872) 1812, " AS USUAL Complete | Success | [0 FIRST PRIZES 3 AT TWO EXHIBITIONS. WwW, BELL, & Co, GU ELPH, ONZ1 TUOLS HAUT SNOSNIRLV Bill Heads, Circula rs, "AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF LE TTERIPRESS | RRINTING FROM A LADIES WISITING CARD ISCRIRTION pons Calin didn » Sane N_OF a hd 4 i 3 + F ali My Otdans & dlodicas At the Provincial Bc spaiton, sng Tod This sraodmuccem, in addition to last years le L CONSISTING OF i Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses' and Children's, | of all Clasges and Sizes, Sold at a' Relluction of 20 Per Cent., IN ORDER TO MAKE Roo FOR SPRING STOCK. A share of public patronage solicited. A PRUDHOM. Money to Lend} F YOU WANT REDUCED RATES. IA AM NOW " PREPARED TO LED FIRST OUWASS | Far ry 7B he stew) the Good, Rowel Possible Rates of Iaiates PIA N( For farther pardculars Investments made in Debentures, Wortages, - and other securities. . ' : : a eer.) MACHINE Official Assignee, Money Broker, &ec. Ady Offi ce McMillan's Block, Rrock t., 8. Whitty Vpril 13th. 1870 . pe SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. -- - -- CALL ON To Tel banival 'noijoaant The Pump Shop. Geo. 8. CLIMIE, WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHE, 2 at present worked hy the sub' AT THE Ei Frm ma Re immediate, Only of qustom- Lg SILVER. . rrr. - BoWkasvile. July da, WV. Lil wer Medal, 3 Diplomas; and 12 First Prizes, Prove that our Jag faut in the opinion o nd dasplecturery of the ARETE. MACHINE 4 IMPLEMENT MaNTEATTRG COMPAN | VESsCrsCTORERS 08 LA B. GIBSON, NEATNESS, AND oe raton a ----------c-- ny se -- AT THE wpe Fe Ada T v a. ae . dd : |' REFORMER' OFFICE. bl aia LT CALL and SEE SPECIMENS. 2a VOID Y OMAT EMER THE STAND, V Steal Next or So A pn Oy i MANAGER. er * SIMCOE STRE} £T, OSHAWA. CR fey 5 C H EMI CAL wore "my sin BL big fi ind Fr wis Mahle coparath Cres Vitoria fla, a 7. 2G natng Pronarations . Te ary 2 ask fre CARBO? ET eee RRS ye mp xi m, a hoy als i Rr 4 3 . rere im in Lape, It IA CARBOLIC [ee SUA! The Suse PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL + PRINTING 34 i a ep 38314 ALV! La ht ros \ A) ' ALA) AA . - CARE Yom, 'onmles] han pe ty bre i RIA SHARPE 3 ro ISHING PAS] PREPARATION 19 z 801 Pel 4 ry rod cD o's i Ll ' rg § vr Locum of KG ne ul 1 worn hay tered in ax The atficfed, + T Sour