~y =1 a PL BBESE SER a, i _ e a ------ CE AD JEREEAS Yo BEEF' 2 g bie = E G:and Trunk Time Table = ap OSHAWA STATION. --OPTAWA TIME. S0I1N9 weer, 5 GOING EASY rar... 28 revs 0 "es "Nom. | Passenger. .. WHITR Tralee going East leave Whitby Station ten Bites earlier, and those going West fiteen The mails are closed a¢ this fee, by Post Office ime ae follows: > GCING EAST. GOING WEST. Fas oat 48 | Yeoee mab iS 800 The Norther closed tmn.ediately "she arrival it : tn the W 0 rom ol, at a.m, dally, FR LL excepted. vase RY Re via. New 14 ot 7.13 Satuniay Arig - o # The Mall tor Fufield, Foley, and Taunton, | dosed at 12.9 0 Jock every Ay ed "ory Friday, Roegivtered Lotter shonld be Mailed 15 minut Before the hour of closing & mall. wane OFFICE ROURS.--Fyom $ o'clock a. m. ant!' fy. m, NRE. JANES BARWS JARVIS STREET. 'S OUR aathorized age( i for the City of Toronto, Ymiracts made * 7 him will be carricd outly ' @ulnis @eforrier, BARI VL ATAMARMAAMA VAAN * Oshawa, Friday, Jan. 10, 1678. ESSER SAR AAA ns vm mmm ~~ DEATH CF TPF EX-EXFERCR NAPOLEON. The French ex-Empersr, Napoleon, died at Chishelhurst yesterday at 10.45. Ha had been suffering for a long time "fem 8 severe internal disease, and had un 'rgone two or three operations. He w 3 68 yours of age. THE TRIAL 07 W. L.TITZ 4A TRICE PITA) Tuedsy, Jan. Tih. The Coa-t d at tyea'v iva u. n utes to eleveu, Julgs 1b Phvam pr si ling. J. E. Farewell, Q.C., for the prose:u io , L. Swith, of Torenty, on behalf «f the Tasarsace Comp nies, aad D=. McMic' a I. of Torvnto, and A. G. M-Miilas, of Wut. by, fr dvlendant. ._ The indictment was read, charging Mr. Fitsneurice with having set fire to the building occupied by himse!f and Mr. Hodder ; and the usug! question bing put to [the pri "are you guilty or mt lf - * Not guilty," was the answer. @ was then asked if he was ready to pro- ood with his trial ; aud an wered in the | alirmative. As a great part of the evidence given was the same ss that given at the Coro- wet's investigation, <nd a lot of itof no in- | riend ¥ ho happened to come along at the ime, and found that it to. esmctly 48 weonds ; 917 70 secon dp. to REpozMan Wee. In order to be sure that my Jian | hould be correet, 1 got pariculars from ' parties w! 0 had worked a* the building. Mr. Kelty, sworn. ==1 resented Mr. ®itgu avrice and Mr. KeMillan with copies Af this japer, on the $d day of January. This paper was s hoticv to Taodues ticle insurarce j olicics from the North British | and Mercantile Insuraxce Company.) Mr. Ewing, sworn --1live in and am Manager of the North British Mercantile lnsumnce Company: The Conipany i d poli og swining. a policy harded him by Me. Farewell,) is a copy of a policy issned by us. I have no doubt this is a correet oopy of a policy issued by us to Ms, Fits , is policy »! 32.000 wes in force at the tima of fire. (Severr] and papers were here exemined by Mr. Ewing, 2nd all sworn to as being correc'. Robt Gauch, sworn. [ am agent of the North Baa) ad Betcautlle . Seusnpies ie cmpany. e paper produ was left at my office Ly some female, whom I did not see. Thers was no other claim paper left at » y office: E. J. Horeey, sworn. | live in Oshawa, Am a tinemith. "1 was at the fire. Jam Captein of No. 2 hose company. I ar rived at the fire ear'y, and got the hose down as fist as possib'e The door had b.en br ven apen hefors T got there. I w nt irside of Hodder's store about § or 8feit. | judged the fi ¢ to he in the north-west ¢ mer. co ning nu. thre gh the floor or on the other sile of the p. r ition. We did not throw any water on the five. became we 'onld not get any. I received orders from Thornton to go round to the back of the billing and I went. The shed at the back wes bn and we "layed on it with owe engine. pat up the stove in Fitzinrice's. It was a go d stovo--nperfec'ly nafe. The pipes were safe when I left them. 1 did not see pri- sonertill nesr'y two hour: after the fire broke out. He was then walking down | street. Win. Marphey, Jas. Boll. Ging. Amelia and Jas. Qriglev, gave evidence similsr to | that given by them at th? investigation. | 211 these, with th: ex::ption of Ging. swore that the fire was in the north-west | corner of Hodder's store. | Geo. Fish r, sworn. I was goi down from the Commercial h-tel, on Kirgst., and when I got as far as Bla:sey's storo I sa - Fitzaurice going down Simcoe street | south. 1 s'ovd at the corner of Sivicoe s'reet three or four minutes, and then | took a walk north. sud when I got as far as Hodder's store I saw smok- coming out over the door. There were three or four | tllows there wien I gt there. The door w » broken open, aud I went in as far as th: «ove. 1 saw the fire in the north. west sorner, in the west partition near the ur. It|sermed to be working np the pacu ion An l ¢ ming towards the door. [ have ©. en 'n Fitzmaurice's cellar. 1 was | there ou Fiilav, and took away three | ewks and a ban] of heer. From the time I exw Fiz. anrice tili I heard the cry of fire. wes, 1 1th. k, ah ut s:x minutes. He cond have hud time to get to the | English Church: I.d'd not hear any ex. ! plosion. ' tieorge Gurley, sworn-- I am Cif ONTARIO REFORM . . » gre toy "A and wes athe Bfo bn the Sth December. Iwasin church when I hed the alm. ad went immediately to the ire. The engine was there when I arrived. The dour of Hodder's store was open vh un I got there, I looked in, and think the the was in the north-west corner. I burst open Fitemaurice's door, but could not ge! in, the smoke and heat were so great. I win sure no one was in thers before I ar. rived. [did not ses anyone in either Fitemaurice's or Hodder's. Saw Fits. maurice after the fire, up by Hyland's block, with his arms folded. Robert Morris. sworn. 1am 8 farmer. Was at Fitsmaurice's on the Wed before the fire, and was helping to puts "ox--a round top tronk, bound with loather--on the bus. Fitzmaurice, Sheri- dan and a boy on the top of the bus were helping, but -ouuld wor gut le up. it was too heavy. Mrs. F. wae the bus. I beard her say she was going to a ball in Toronto. Mr. Wallace, sworn. I live with 8a ith & McGaw, and carry the mail north. 1 re:nember taking a leather-cverved trunk, with a round top, from Fitzmaurice's to rhe station. We run a wagon when we have heavy to take. J saw Mr. F. at the station when I went ther with the trunk. I never saw it afterwards, Dr. Clark, sworn.--1 am a Coroner, | held an inquest lately en the fir in Oshawa. The fire ia mppoted to have originated in either Fitzmauricss's or Hodder's store. I examinad the witnesses | ¢ at the investigation. (J. E. Farewell, Q. C.. here handed the Dr. the evidence as taken down 'v himself at the investiga. tion. Dr. M Michael asked if he was ening to prodree Mr. Eitzmanrice's evi. dence ; and being answered in ths affir mative, he nhjwted, and asked for a precedent Mr. Farewell then cited thre: or four cass which had bee~ tried in England. The Judge them decided tn hear the evidence, as given hy Mr. F., of the investigation. It was then read by the Q. C.) The Court adjourned at 10 after 1. Reemm dot 2.7, Mrs P: nihard » + sthe fir witaess call- ed on but was net present. Mrs. Kirkpatrick, sworn --1 live on Simene St. The Enclish Cuvh is jner hack of onr howe. Tam acimiated with Mr. and Mrs. Fitnnaurice. Mrs. F. was at my place between 6 and 7 on Sundar evening. She left mv nace with me and went as far asthe W. M. Charch [ went i to the church, and she wen! 40 meet hr Baabacat. 1 did not see Mr.F before the re. A young girl, whrse name we 'lid not hear, was then etaulned, and gave a list of articles that wore in Mr. Fi'zmaurice when she lived with him. She co rob rat. ed the evidence given by Mrs. Ju dwn, in reference to the amount of furniture and other things in the house. To Isaac T. Lewis, sworn.--I live in Toronto. Am a druggist. Have been iu the business 2° years. llave supplied goods to a great many who were jus wpening a business. 8430 or $500 worth of drugs will make a very good show. | was in Mr. Fi'zaaurices .'ore once--i 1.71, I think. Should judge he hal theo $300 or $400 worth of goods. I would uot be afraid of an explowion in a drug Wn. May, sworn. Mr. Fitsmeutios told me, before the fire, that he intended to lve Oshawa scon--that he aot be here longer than May: night «f the tre he to'd me it , goud jou for the masuns. Geo. Hodder was re-ealled, to the suits of clot f «8 being .thuse gut maurice, A. P. Cameron was that he had "wilt the were not filled up tick on the centre wall. Court adjourned at 5.10. TRIRD DaY. Conrt opened at 11.5. y R. McGee awore to the maurice on claim put x and i 4 ii SF i pi} ji i | i £ in insurance company. Thet claim, all but A Jo were uot his, nor thuse of any in He thought Fitzmaurice told the {3 Mrs. F. had the h A wt the el (in. 3 heen burnt.) Mr. and Mrs. Punchard, of T: were sworn, but no evidence of count was elicited from them, time of going t+ prese is past,--two o Friday moruing, we have to emt it. The Court adjoarned at one hour. 4 £ i cvndiary 1 proved that it was not the result an accident. The the pipe was new, prot:¢'ed with gine, could vet have uriginsted in Hodd-re. The gquwtien originate in Fitsmsariees out two or thre» minutes plac. The pipes in bern shown, were safe noes bility of enming that the fire was the res The question is, was it » did i*. The prisoner save "none in his place on Sunday but self and Bs Rome 13 wi ky r i sfF 3 £ es RF ¥ | examined. The men whe as to where the men of experience. rely wore on the e All the evidence shows not originate in Hodder's h-hind the partition, or fire Your One witness sneaks of the fire as suddenly shooting out from under t' @ prisoncr's evidence at Hen he states that] he left his house A'f-vast sin is, a ¢ idence of the db Gu 'y, Fisher, and others, erwt Frou time at which the fre seen, and from the place it was 3. Fitz nanrice could mot wn his stairs without seeing it. short «ix minutes from the time his p'ace ti']l he got in church, thus ing that he did not go fr fora walk se sg es'el iv his @ n ths night of the fire dence '0 show that he \ was his motive for ER, OSHAWA, FRI . 4 on Wednesday afternoon, 7 IEE the figure. i ] bop Bhi It DAY, JANUARY 10, 1878. 3 ern madi pg *" ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. Sscoxp Pantiansxr--Szconp Seesicx. The Second 8.asina of the Seeond Par. lisment of Ontario was opened at Toros te Precisely » three o'cluck; the Liest.-Governor arrive at the wain entrance of the building, ane on slightiifi fro his eatriaye the Toroat Field Battery Sred the ual salute. O. the House ho proceeded to the Speakers' chair, aud read the following ADCRESS : Mer. Speaker and Geatlemen of l'ie Lejis- lative Assembly :-- \ I rejuice that on moeting you aziin to | deliberate on the atfsirs of the Province, I am able to ulate you on the con- tinued ty which the Province has enjoyed during the past year. We have now had six yews' experience of the working of the great measure of Cunfederation, which the youple of U Canada frankly accepted, . ud from which they anticipated, much advantage, aid} am confident you will agree with me that expeciations Lave in a large measure heen relised. In sowe of its details the Act of Union may have done less than jistice to this province, aud incidents to by regrett. ed may h va occurred, as in the first es- tablisl ment of all usw emstitutio us; yet the geuciws effect on' the local atfiirs of Outario hs bewn eminently beneticial. The admiuistration of our local atlairs i- | powinourvwn hands; and our ¢ uuela ouabled us, without taxation, wot oniy to defray ad the charges of tlie Provincial Guveruwent, and to aff 1d «meential nid to sumer. us railway enterprises and other public works and improvements, but also to a cumulate a sur, lus, now asmcunting to nore than four millions of doll. rs. The policy bp arsed with refore 1ce to the surplus will, doubtless, engige wr at-ention during the pressut session. [ode that the existance of this fund wiil enable vou to place on» satisfactory footing the delfs owing to the Mu.ivaippal Loan Fuid, and at the sawe time to do justic: to the rest of the Peoviwce. In earneet"y recommend to your a tsition onch meowsures for thse purp wes as may b= laid bore Jou, The works on nearly all the railways to whic , during last session, you approved of giving md, have been prosecuted with vigo ir. Sone of th se railways hve been 8 tar completed that tley are now open teaflic; and ext usive sections of the tor cuutiy have, \y means of your grauts, secured peru sieat railway facili tes wach already exercise a most salu- tary influsice on their industial inter este. "The claims of 0 ber railways sill b- resented to you during the present wei. I hope it will be found that, wiuout suy unheal hy stimu'ns being given tr railway eaterprse, « d without Rh vise expen tivure on the part.of wm ni. © pil curporations, «vi ry pdt of the Pro. vincemay, 't 10 (is ant perind, obtain the r. ilwuy fuilities adapted to its rognir- meals. 4 The benefits wh hb have wris:n from =id- jag the draina, @ of swawp aud wet lands ia dutforent paris of the Proviues point to the suvissbility of yo.r w.sidenng fur- ther progtibie caltivation an estoadad | wact of valuable |:nds. The «r then announced that the 'ollusting gentlemen lad been duly 'lected o represeat in that Assewbly the con ti- uencies set opp ite thir umes :--G. F, 'rasery. South Grenville ; U.'T, B 'apdee, Lombton ; W. Carswsily Wirth wanark ; W. R. Morvdith, London; Joba Nattermiath, West Middlesex ; W. R. Haney. Momeck ; Hou. Qiiver Mowat, .outh Ozford ; J. U. Suet inger, Coru- wall; R. M. Wells, South Bruce. Hon. Mr. Crooks woved that the Judges' certificates abuve-nawed should ne eoutered @pun the Jouruals of the Mr. Macdonald ) asked that the election report for Prince Blward County be nut nov accepted, but that it stud over till Mondsy. Ome «f the principal reasons why he wished it to staid onr, was, * that the gntlewian who ripressuts wd the constituency, or was supposed 10 roprasent =Ms. MCaniy -leture Hie bs petition accepted an ¢ emolument under the Dowinion G. vern. ment, which vacated his seat in this House. he st the time wishing to bec. me + candidate for the Houss of Commons Thus, without the electors having had a voice in the matter, their representative was changed." Hon. Mr. Crooks said the certificate was quite 1egular, and should be .cvepted by the House at cnce. The motion wis Att Gen, M wat introduced a Bi'l to provide for the administration of ya'hs of wiice to persuns appointid 18 J's 'ew of the Peace, which was read a drst time, The speech from the throne was tak n inte consideration. After the uvnal formal mitinir ae te, the printing of the votes and proce: dito silet o'andiug ~ommittees, rv bery! | «lection. ete. , and of the present « off. re ort .f ths L.brariau, the H. 5: al journe MUNICIPAL ELECTICKS. OSNAY A. The contest hire vas very slow till about half-past two, when Mosers, Thoru- ton, Quigley and Luke were at the h a of the pills. Miwrs. Gos anl Wu seeing that their chances for re-elestion were lovking slim, sent ont their ** wis sionaries" te. drum up v ters and get a lot of o'ips printed with the naues ** Gibie and Wall" on them. There were slung arvand among the facto'y nen ani thers. | whe came un to the ha'l slip in hand, and | voted as direbted--f..r Giobs al Wall. By this 1nsans thess two gent] men wer elected, with Mr. P. H Thornton. Ar the close of the poll the vo ¢ stood an ©. lows :--W. H. Gibke, 262: P. Wall, 193; James Luke, 184; BP. H. T woritom, 224 M. Quigley, 170. ' The regret is expressed throu thont the village that Mr. J. Luke was uot elected He has been a good. faithful man at the Cuuncil Board, and had it nt been fo the yism shown by the oiher side he would have been elected. WHITBY TUWN. J. H. Greenwood, Mayor ;: M. O'Dona- van, Reeve; Janes Cimohsll, D:puty- Reeve. Councillors: --Major Harper, N Ray, Dr. Carson. Charles King, Th ma- Tas Editor of the Vindicator, in his (not inoue, takes us to task for uot giving Mr. Dingle credit, where credit was due, for the buildings erected by him iurin, the year, 1u the list we jubished u war inet @ ; and tries te mabd it tint we i itentionally omitted Mor. D.wgle's nutme Such, however, is vot the case, if the Vindicator did, two days before, for. nish the int ramtion through its culumne. We did rot road over his list. The fae is, we hired » man to get 8 correct list of al} buildi 1872, with t vize ard cost of building, and on which street they wire situated. I he non start. ed out on Tuesday, with' instructions to take street Ly street, aud fninish us with returns as above. This he failed to do. We git the list ou Thursday, and pub- lished it as handed to us; where Mr. Dingle's name , in evnnection with a Luilding, we gave it. We bad no desire to show partiality in the matter, and did not do se, Taz Sc:zxce or Heaven vor Janvany. Che first Luter of the second volume, sud filed wish practical jons ; it cam ot fril tr do goed. It ewutains Popa. ar Phisiihogy ; su exceliput article on ¢ Vuat my C weete Cost nie." An illus. rat: d article on Diseases of the Eye ; Dress of Uncivil 20d Women ; Fresh Air and en he : Atimely and most sensible weticle ou Holiday Dishes ; How to Conk ; a ing Balivs; Agee sud Fever; The « alth of leacei ra; Three Classes of merican boys, illustrated some excellent Jealth Lacunics, with the usual Answers to Surrespondents ; and a well selected Mis- e"any. uly 20cts.; «rv, $2 A Now is the ti ue to sibwribe. Po oy 3 x Wea, publisher, 389 Breadway, "ew \ . A Pasisar 8.0.3. A singular story, says tie Globe, comes cua Pais. A German pndessor--the ationasity $0 be noted--hegged two cone waned Communists, named Dodu and stam, from M. Tuiers in order that he wight, us » sciutitic experiment, kill chew vd Lring thew to hfe again at the end of uree wouths after death. His plan wal 41 ject suintion of calx into the system, oy which decouposition was to be pre- vented ; aud according to his he aijht be revived, not only at end of three wonths but of three hundred years, acen ling to desire. Iu presence of medi- ea! men and public fauctionaries, the pro- fassor having adwinistercd chlor form to sau ul the luen, injected the sulut'on and hea bied thew till they died. The corp- ses were then dissected by the heat of fur- sacs till th -y shrivellea, until their skins b_cam - yellow, like leather. - Iu this state ney d in a mod P for the prescib d three mnths, and then the proc ss of revivication began, by in- ecting the 1lood of heal hy lub rer and by the application of the « vattery. The ruc .3 com the case of Dodu. Lut in vas, to say tho least, surprising. sock ts, the muscles hegan to twitch, the weart to beat, aud at last, after f urteen hours of treatment, Brun spoke, rose from the table, swallowed a bowl of beef-tea at in Oshawa during ' names," inary galvanic | Fed in PA wn the result | 55 Firat the settle aque éyeballs rolled in their ye'low | Suthorised t Ho PI | f ji f » pi : Jrenef : : SE EE hd T. 6. HA Oshawa, Jas. Sth, 1378. api herstole. 3 fire to the Bin. that | Bat, J. R. Philip. John Blow, John Watson, John Willie, WHITEY TOWNSHIP. In this township there was great exci ¢- ment, the candidates ¢ ming rut vn th. Reform 'and Co. se-vative tickets. Th. | Deputy-Reeve and three of the Conncil- 4¢ = lors elected are Reformers. The Ru ve. 4 L before | Cupgervative--electerd by s-ven maj rity place! Thre wes had anvthing against Mr. , the | of Dulldinge t he | sured. ere were two suspicious --the heavy trunks going away, removal of lignors by Fisher. soner claims that his loss 74.110. What was it made wp evidence of dmggets Inthe rocer:, i have adopted alditional means foBplomy by au sus cascu LGR. tion uf a sriculturs 1aboucers mid otuers uno she Proviace; aud 1 am happy w say that 1 have reason to Lelieve tuat the masas takeu will have va wd resules | auring the ensuing session. | 1 recommend to your car:f.l co wide otic a: sares whi:a wos os brudy, at d audibly grombled of in his linla, and 'of pain in the that had restcd »n the table. He is now vive and well in Switzerland; under the assnmed name of Fourlw. while a wriem examination showed "hat leger er=t on of the heart had tha -evival of Dodu. Se any ove whe ishes to see how the world looks a hun- terest whatever, wo will cu tit; as it was | Constable in Oshawa. I wes Mr Futz- store it it was wn tie. Iu wy store 1 hav ; ; ; ; i 3 bout $1,500 worth of goods. Perfu. published in these columns at the tine of | ;,,aurice on the night of the fire about a { parr avrat & 50 I 1 po "NOTICE! Tl ia will be tural o Gig Brooke. ca'TURSDA a the investigation. | yard south «f the Rrruxwes office, at |, + lice t~ ; : Mr. Janes, a carpenter, was the first | Toat 10 minutes to 7. The reason Fa rh Ths Hane. Ua witaess cal'ed, but con'd say nothing for | think it was this time, 1 always wait till | 0. Piranaarice, valued his perfum P A or against the prisusjer. After a few gne:- | | Lear the Last chime of the bell before | i ry huudr d dollars.) petiumery tions had baer jut tp hiw, the Cn en's | I 20 to church. Fitzmaurice spoke $0 me Me. Anon. - stati ji asic. tastided ¢ JAunsan, ation-inaster, ided to i i a i ' d on bri . Couneil told him that he wt the wruag | and passed on at a brisk pace. I then good ree ave kbp Finer oper OTF, [E] Gop! ww 10 1 mau ; and he was let go. I did net! Wn, King was the next witn ss called ; on he testified ahout the same as at the the Decerrber last ; saw ir at ly | fire, fire. stage ; wag in the Baptist ALD | made for the fire bell and rang it. By | {went nerh, ata slow pace. for'her than Gibbs' office when 1 i | Srard O'Melia sav there was a fre. I igntion--that be was it the fire ou | moved 02 and [agin herd O'M via ery I turned to th: left-aboat and was given ; that there were valy about 15 | the time I ring the bell Fi smaurics or 20 penple at the fire when he yt there. | kht have béeu in his jew in church. | When Hodder's door was op=n.d he went i in as far es the gure and plac.d his hand | Judging from the pace at which he was wa'king. The fire apveared to be in the ou it ; it waza lit:le ward, but could not | 1th west corner of H «dders stere. see a pyrtigle of firs in or nearit. A p'an | ing wes here shown Mr. Eng, | T Yivae in Oshawa. Fexton of the Eaclish Church, sworn. -- Was ai chdrch on the 254 jo geirited out thy spot where he saw | night of the fire. I hemd the alarm in Hodder's shep--the nerihi-west | 10 min'ites put 7. The alarm caused »- sarnse. When he came out of Hodder's | g-neral rush frem both gallery and body store, he ren arvand to the back of the | of church. I noticed prisoner there on building and tried u) get in but cond not. | sail evening--had previonsly shown him Oa Gis way sround to the front again, he | fouked in the cellar wirdow at the nurth oul of Fitzmaurice's, apd saw, the re bwrning on the ceiling of the cellar. He ame sw the fire in collar from Hod- der's frout window. He noticed thar, when water was thrown ou the fire, a blue S008 tint up which druve them a'l wut . H. Thornton, sworn. --I am chief iveer of the Oshawa Fire Briguae. was at the fire op the 8ta Dc." first went there ths fire i and the duor was brok } ~"$-went in to, I should think, within F gp of the stove. (The plan of brild- washars bovis him) I iy the plan represents the store © I walked in part of the way, then crunched down and went ia farther. I first saw the fie in the corner marked 3. (on north-east.) I should b] that the was about J ur 6 fee' wp the tour, and was coming either throngh the floor or from under the puttin: I was probably 10 or 12 feet the fre. 1 arrived there 3 or 4 min- utes after the alarm was first given. Mr. to his seat. Mr. Fi' naurice did ant g» with the crowd, nor to the beet of ay knowledge. did mot mows. There was several 0. hisside went out, There was a man came to tha door ahont 10 minutes after the alarm had heengiven, and asked for Fitznirica, and 'old ma.as [ thought, that Hob's next to Fitmmsurice was on fir=. 1 told Fi'zmaurice about it and he said "then I hai hattag gr home." He did not go directly, as I should if th-re was a fire next door to my p's-e. 1 had never seen. him in church befure. I thought he tok it rether gnoly, as if it was a matter of indifference. I don't know whether scrviee had com memced when he came to church or not wheather it was hefore I rong the bell or after, it wonld make abort ten misutes differ. ence in the time. Mrs. Montgomery was sworn, evidence similar to that at in Mrs. Jordan, sworn --1 live in Togontas, but formerly lived in Oshawa. Knew the prison. r and wife; J worked for them about 18 months. both hefore snd after they moved into the new shop. I was last | in their plics on Sanday of and gave from 3rd Sbpt, to 28 Nov. was small! Jusiah Green, sworn. 1 live in Toronto. | Aw an insurance agiut and chemist. Was 1a the business 26 years in different parts of England. 1 dy not understand the practical part of chemistry. 1 am a Phar wacutist. I was at Fitzmaurice's from five o'clock un the 12th till the afternoon of the 13th Dee. I should value Mr. Fitzuaurice's Mock at about $500. 1 have been in Mr.. Lewis' shop in Toroute, Mr. F.%s is much inferior to Lewis; I should say ten times 8 inferior. wuuiu ni be afraid of a dng store on fire. My own wus ou fire in Eagland and I rushed in and put it vat. Ether would burst the st pper oat of a bottle and tak fire but vould nit explode, Druvgis dat oly keep large ¢:% of ether >a usad. 1 dew's know what f r..t re he nad. 1 was only in the 'one rou wa which we dined. Should think the fu.nitare in this room wis worth about teu nds, inclading ths oilpaintings which, Letrald think, would 'e worth about 3 ou 4 pounds. W. Wigg, sworn.--I live in Oshawa. Am a furniture dealer. Ki w prisoner. Sold him 6 chairs, worth $15, couch 10, 2 bedsteads, $4.75 each, 21d a sofa-- whole worth $154.25 8.-:e of th: things were delivered at the «ld store and suine at the new stare. They were all paid fir. JE Bow, aim . 1live in Oshawa; am a phe togra hic artist ; had a ub King street ; sm building une Ty coe siruet, next door to Fits nwvarice's. have had conversition with prisouer ; he u.ed to co.ue out and talk with me when 1 was at work. He told ma that [ had better insure the piace, that we would likely have a fire there soon, as the rooke- ries would likely burn sume day. He said to me one day, ** Hitt, get this insured, and give ms half, or $200 or $300 «nd I will sev that it is burnt ; | aw just the sort of The quantity worth of stuff was a country s'ore. Mr. Green Mr. Lowis, in Toronto, amount of stock thet A hd only $1,500 worth. The prisoner savs worth frown Lyman go $1656 worth. rom Cobb $100 he only gut $13 I these bills were might burn the ot ancy. and his i t in a claim, 150 ; but mo « plat- -not even exoep'ion of 8 The fire was the werk and the fire was the prisoner left. insnrance to Mr. Fog: had. This / L] tg policies with them Mr. Farewell hour, sal sam manner which surprised proved him & competent Q. Dr: McMichael fntning to Tes Mr. Fitsmeurire was not ; : ! i i ki ! nk ef § ii ! 1! eH EY L} § of you forthe Lupiorewent vi our sducatioual wmatict dows; by provding suwgtiow) westis fur obtaluiug a sLadent x. ser of compet tui od tains; increased «ffi ieacy tu the Couuul of Puolic lustrucuuu; aad 1 aig various awendu © its which ep .icuce hs shown to be desirable 1 vur 3 noos Las. Bills fur the: consolidation of the Public auu High Souvol Lies; oa Bul sor regulnting uv Loslitowmganl VU legs, for wale jie Logis 8 vs has wirvady wsue AVABIVIL Bou BDI Jor givieg to toe | us es of tiv Pruvivcia Chivers 87 direst Lusucsice WMS wsuAgl iii, ed other edtoatvusl uiwssures to whica yar * | atvoution will Le culled. Moussures for the management of the Asyinw for the Def . ud vumo, and of the asyluia for we vitau, wails be salle ted fur your consideration. No prov.un Las hnhertd been wade 1a this Provi. ce "| tur the trating of idiot aad i uocclie coe dren--a clase alich, [ regret to loaru, 3s ARLWErous eNOUgL lu Quire Ou th, part of the Loghila ure the sae atten iin which has alrea ly baan ussingy given tw otacr atlicteu ciasses of the pupdiation. fe co ii «her countries hiiing shown saat, by proper means, ths cua. dition of thse way be greatly a.ue.ior- ated, I commend their cass to yourhuwan cnsuRration. I'rosrn ued to yoar attention the pro- pristy wi aiding, to the I sticniic 8 wder Governueat care, wii lueonate .. iv, wacre thuse pufi rtnnate pers us who by 1 oy indulge co 16 habits of iatew) eraue have list th i self-ce trol, wey hove an ooportun t of rong @ cred uy prope restraints anu i fluc.c os to the positions of asefui we abers of society. Th :1e wail lik :wis. bes tbmitte | fur jour atteli'am, Wasi Tos Job promoting the better admiaist a.ion of juct.ce in the | The Councillors elected are gevtug | The Council is osmpored of J. B. Bickell, Reeve; B. F. Canipbell, Deputy Rete lessrs. Mc- Taggert, Burroughs and Holliday. PICKERING. T. P. White, Reve, elected hy see's mation ; Deputy-Reava, Messrs. ? j «1 a1.d Brown ware re-elected ; and fo Cow cillors; Messrs. Green an | Palmor vee re- | elected by acclamation. Rewzwser Mr. Wo xls' Auction Sale © Dry Goods, etc., on Satunlay cvening welt. Mess. Fowke and MeGee were ro elected School 'Trust on Weduesda) Tas annual meeting of the Whitby and ast Whitby Agricultural Societe -11 be bid at the Globe Hutel, Br okli , on. 1u.aday, the 11th inet at 2a'cluo.s p.m T iz installation of vincers of the Sane of Twm_erance will t- I's place on Monday evening next. All officers elect will please bear this in mind. Tae Rev. B. L. Hutivn wal adCrers th: semperance Meeting «n Su; day mit 3. noon nex'. at the close of the meeting. Ws have heen rigu sed tostite tha a doust mm will be held at the Christi. = , on Tuesday ¢ a iny rext, the 14 inet, fur the benent of E ir J. Lofton, Mz. T. G. Hlawrgory wishes ne to oe ate that a commaaicstion will apre r from him, in bur next iwn), in reference A collection wili be taken 1p | ired vears hence, has only 'to apply the olution of calx and leave word when beig| v be called. A wrote tr pe of cireus performers,' «om: rising eighty persous.en route through Arigna to Mexico, have boen murdered 'iy the Apache Indians. 1¢ is now said that Jay Gonld, in comn-|"" ection with his recent m sun to the Erie share- ender of paiaey ol ers, has five millions by his s sperations in the London market. A ort in In lisnapolis, who has $200, 300, adv: rtises for J uarriaze. The postmaster 'o charge her double price for: it keeps one clerk Half his *n with pink tinted envel pe +hele is scented with musk and Rergamot, like a perfumer's shop. Mz. Bazzem, druggist, of 8t. Johs, Y.B, recently sold his race-horse, "Crown Prince," for $15,000. Three years agn Mr. Bar er purchased the "Crewn Prince" for $150, and du-ing the past ssssm the hors: earned §8 000, 5 that h~ has been a gain to his late owner of $33,230. No R parton. --John Davie, a farmer in Walton. parish of Cardriss, wes remark. | able for Lis ready turn of wit. Oue day, ois gg Bonini wih a pig wi | he met Major eed yards residing Aunshisfros, who acounsted him thus ' Wee', John, is this a cousin of 01 have got with yon to-dav a» sir, he's nce frend but only wquaintane~, like : cu l'." . 2s. 8. Jacoes on Amaia. oR o1cs. -- Or nge street vhne, N. i89.--Mz Frrrows--Sir; I am "> award 'he palm of merit to the prepar. Nh " FOUNDI-* | OSHAWA, ON THE WH: A rr ROBE. Owner Poacle the ne: Apply 8 Apply st fat Ae Xi THE ISAIRARE King Street, Oshaws, VICTORIAZOBGE, 0.Y:8 | Fi ice's door was not open when | there ; it was opened afterwards, but wag 8d init. | went round ts the back "of store, hat eoald not get in. The door of ti ¢ shanty was shut and fastend. I to the horse race a year ago wion of Hypophosj hits discovered Ly ou. I had vcaasion to ure it myself in & ase of Aphou ia, which would fd yield to regulxr treatn en', and am hoppy to it proved to be a | that you claimed for h ving acted vit xpedit a and entir at sfaction. Ife] ealhd up n.to jublish hs fact, that tle profess n: mey avafl hamselves of ar m>dy in your Syrup Hypophosphites.--Yoprs, very truly, 8. J , XD. 1x Clevsland, » fo nights sine, s man ~8s arresivd, and the tuished to fiad three or four ampiral ** G'" in his pockets, ation Jed to the divenvery that Jam ing printer d sgus od w sud Grociey, an: deri oll ** dist" ie Ling privters to: her. He Svufasd at four wt od thatif he had nwt would uot hve left a ca, 3 aw of Obie. Courts of the Proviuee jor giving im- creased efficie: ¥ iv» the law fur the tmal of evutrovertew -1 cimsund fir co sole ingand amen ling t » 144% roa ive o our wukicipal ius itutic1e, Since we last mot, negot.a.1 ns have taken place bistween the Dowtnivn Government and myself on th: s.ubjuct of the No.thorn and Western Lor cedir of the proviuce, The sudenve will be laid before you. while, [ Fave directed iuvest- ions to be wade which were nsovssary to the establishment of the writs of io, and a wass of evidenow in favour of the bound iri 8 claiusd by Ontario has been accnmmlated, which will, 1 hop, prove abundantly suficient tu secure a invournbly res ile. The Gopernment of Quine still. main. ialasios 2 hjastisri ty tas avarl of the arhi raitons appoiuted nader the Act of Confederation for the sasttlen. it of all questions ing butwbeh the two Pro- vinoes ;aud the Guveruwent of the Dow. inion ba decli» . 1 wt» rec g.iise the owed until its validity shall bs determing od'by smnplovmpere ¢ tribunal, I have endeavoured to expedite preliminary [ceedings x to bring the watter re tha Piivy Qandil England, Soe progress t) th's end has heen made, snd 1 hope mn obeteie wil" a found plevent a sat ory va being ar. rived at durii.g the pres.n! year. A Joint Commission has been appoint od for surveying the bonndry betwee | Ontario and Quubec, und has can.n enced ie . 1 have | swsuuats. bs laid bie you, You will Jesrn with sati iou that the Revenne for the past year was in excess «f the sum es i uated ; that the expend it ure has short of the amount a)- ticipated ; and that a onusilerable ad li- tion. has in conseqaene, be:1 mals totie acenwulated surplns previus'y ia haal The estimates for the vresent yar will besubmitted to yor. Yoa eilinl thw hav" been framed with every regard § of y compatible with the effiuency public ser ice. Trew aveyontoy ur imp rant du. ties in full 02:udo swe hit ya w 11 aoplv veg to te performance of nog fire. I know pretty well what furnitore wrs in the honse. (The witness here gave a Jit of Shajasnitute, up stairs and dewn, ; 1%. 2 | showing that t was net much in the joy oo TS Lis bade oy aps ve. "sae pre SA fasdih. we. 3 : | ' and dve! a! she never saw say si' ver $30 door of the shanzy, snd I wont rouad | h the exception of some fo get the Huoks to - & Mow. My | ap, thane bd cret, ry se § ne ; in going into t milling was to | his elsim. plate estim: direct the branches hate or play on op Ee u mt the Gre. Mia rswio, is that we wound went to Fi'gmantic+'s on sod got have sabdasd tag fire had not the water | tivo sis of ¢lith's and » corpet-Dag. given ont. i ¢ (The b>g and g'othes were here need, To Mr McM'slael -- Ve (ct 1c hose | ih net, and reo gnized hy witness as 43 hin T 0:12 fo of there. | te ta en from her in Toronte.) Mrs. sh i x ,: itgmaurice erm up to my on at 4 juiz. I noticad as snl but | Thnrsday : she had twn tranks with hor. TeQC olen. ink that th i 'Te w them op ned. One of them e- ries oe Dut fusing at toe Sngine ta'nsd a Areas ind ather necessary articls a H Te LEE J od a » vikgghin p in is wi gy A Jt Gsorga Hodler on' beikg sworn gave Mr, Fitan rr or ow" 'evila ce siailar ts that given at invests A hi ou cw her. The large trunk, when en we. He swore that tae partitivh it came to my place, was not more than ea ol Rt tr bar Be | von ual uu wis babs dn «< as us mr, :, . #§ .cunk 3 that hetould P1* hus little Huger | dt prio ts was a snall man, - ia tae cracks. Ho was 'notin ths hibit | carried in the large tronk hivuself (This of geting eval oil ia large qiaatitizs--the | large trunk ie the ane which three men and most hie ever got at Lue tis was 2 ga's. [a hoy con'd not = av the am Gomenally got gallos at asus I, ha an account of j 3 weight, vod which Mr. 80:20 rabuor gooly, such as ovecs ws, | Tawar was so ligus vast. be orld take Lagingn 5s Whi b yop on a shelf | it i gre hand snd swing it vonnd ; ani JAC 4 ol ¢ hl i" OP To Dr. McMiciSd--1 did not keep hia h ae "he! ow mon won wnt wbishy ia my ear. : | Wa night here state, that 476 thr g ite Court adfjeaciied ut one o'go.t, ! ol produced in Cou, waze the The Crart Hai agaia opus, M-. W, | Sle hs 307. F. got frum ws. bedl x, H. Giths wus sv (rn #:.d tstiiied that he | = "Vie BE SW wae © wink) had passad tae baat baiiding ab us halt. | Court adjunrued at about 7 o'closk. pest ors or ax o'dill, 0g Lis way to SECO¥D DAY, ehvireh ; thet #iils hc 7 oF hoi Wednesday Sth. store ho smolts peculiar swisll as of ra). | ber burning. Was in chargh about hf | ws urt opened at 20 to 11. John spd m. Holder were the first witnesses 2 hoar whoa he heard the alarui. - Went | (01100, and za: 8 evid as i immediately to the fire, and saw sim oke | given by hol rif. did Yo Nam oo aing oat of Fitzuaurice's store door. 4 Mi oh SO. W. Sith, swith! au 22 iss Agnew testifed that she had assis. er pe Toe the | o1 her father at tans, in filling up jn. showy, fron actual 10 asurcment us they pe Povo bk et ay now stand. The ends of the joice. L| her own an? fathers. : : taigk went in the north and south walls, | 0 10 | 1 live in Bowmen. 1d the other sida res.ed on the part tion | 3" ZO 'dig A wall of cellar, guing 2d es dia 3 bus aD 9 I dare ths di a Wiis nanrice's | 90ne business with Mr. Ti for 3. pid: rar about three years. In 1873 I seld him Gibbs' corer, found brushes to the amonnt of $33.71. H's hill honse, 325 wan to do that surt of thing," or wonls tv best that effect. » Mr. Guudson,sworn.--I live in Toronto, | Soner was guilty Am a clerk in Lyman Bros. [ know | for him to gain access i He ine 4a i ar 2 purchased A 5 mself. worth during the past 3 wouths hh the cellar. It worth in November. In efarting a drug | **me time fur store some get $500 worth of gouds, an | fire must have some $200 or-$300 worth. hefore Mr. Fitsmauries James Sheridan was sworn, and gave | have seen it. evidence similar to thas given by him at | Well have made investigation, witnesses sav it Jas. Craig, sworn.--Am assistant en. | onened. withont gineer of Ushawa Fire Brijade. Was ut | Trying to defea the fire on the 8th Dc. Got shire | ¥onld not onpri shortly aftse thy alarn was gives -- | 8 the time of + about the time the | ell rang. ' Live about | "ere agninst bi 20 or 400 feet from where the tire was. | the removal of Wheh J got there they were trying to [to some ome in burst open the dour, and I tried to pre- | find him making vent their doing so till the engine arrived. | trunks -- that The door was opened, aud I went in, but | ermwmercial tm oould see no fire. I then weut howe for tte hose cart, which was at my place, cae back and get light from » torch boy, and went about 10 feet into Hoddur's store, bat saw uo Lys. The Brauchmen were ia the store trying .t. play ou the fire, but there were sowe overcoats huging up, snd the water struck wm. I paled them down so as the waer would reach the: back of the store. Want into Fitzuan ri o's, but saw uo fire, sud very little smoke. While in there, something took fire and drove us 0a!. Then went bask into Hdders. Tio fire seemed to bs in rT fr pf ed udge, at the ba har ws, ora taragh into 'Modders place. When I saw the flawe in Fitsnau- rice's, thare wus a rushing souad, bat wo explo m. Jonathan Hurst testified that he went into Hodder's store about 15 feet, but smoke. H 4 § 2 LL THE MEMBERS OF . Lodge o Sroxes. the man who shot Jim Fisk, has teen foand guilty of warder in the fret degree, and seutenced to be hung on the 33.h February. Tas wap of the vil corners, and pluns of the building nc.u i- od by Messrs. H.dder and Fitziaurice, were drawn by C. W. bduith, ar hitect, by orders from the A'torney-General o. Outario. They were correct in every par- ticular, and |r ved of great benefit at th trial of Mr. Fitamaurio:. . Tas annual Missionary Mee'ing of th C. P. Church was held on Mondsy last : the Rev. Dr. Thornton in the chair. Ad- dresses were daiivecsd hy Rv. MC ues, uf Newonstle, and the Rev. Mr. Edmond son, G1 dunivan . Tae Be M- = nit was pressut, but awing to the length of time ocoupied by the other speasers did a8 address the meeting. T; ng ladies of the Christian Chilkeh fold a oncial at the residence. of Mr. 0. 8. Drew, # Tharsday evening laet. the bad tute of tn weather, there was a go xd attendance, and ® happy tinie spent. The proceeds am- canted to over $33 ; to le applied to the sabbath schol fund, i i : 1 Ee F map «of the fin yp i § if i £ R% MEMBEB| LL bro £ at when | i ix i i ir ry { | i i r f i EF 1] bed I He 8 (£43 1 § | | ¥ ¥ 1] a ; H 4 1 i E nhject in maki actions at the show thet ha wag ance. It has heen prevent parties from te save g nis. We ments hefore the ont hy witnesses, hy himself, seems to ment--a 1 can't say th R i H be § ¢ i 1: Ey 3 awoke from anine years " to a stupor, awakeni day to receive refreshment to be fed to her. she or foor i} ji iit i J alove | i § t i This is the way they advertise ont in Solomon City, " Consunrdives, . and invalids generally, v ho are only waiting for a suitable opj«atanity to dig, Ste tivited so call sna examine | rge or Whiiely Brothe:s have. Thue will be no trot ble shout getting up » first class funereal now if we cor geta' corpses." «=We believe that one of ths ms uhers f theabove firm was formcrly|s resident of this place. Conant Longe, No. 61,, --At a yegrlar communiesti-n of thi Lodge, on the 2nd inst. the follwing officers were installed ty D. D, Ge Master Ranking, assisted by P.C. J: mes | i MoRedArles:==Brn.R.Ge tt, I.P.G.; Pr Tr, Rae, N.G.; Bro. J.Brow1,V G.; Bro WP, ¥, : Bro. M. Western, P.8 ; B. Cummins, C. : direction that the Public coming '9.8 her old you weve grown!" your face is!" pot Hers mm, Yu Yaa qu de boirty To 0p Ae Reda Ady gren, se not her son at all." In referri- g to ahove the Whig was und.ratond te the fact, oF at least throws a dul upon it ; Vout the News says :--** We mre well aware of the ¢ 7 umstar oes referred fo in details of which sre He wan then sentenced to three yours in the Provinaial Ce RON EI nee. we hel ve, videtregied for him n.ost ter der ¢ gard. We understand thet she it very singular to find the . 8. rennle se much changed azd got eo old- B.V.G.; Iroking. 'We helieve she now enjoys ex- ! .| Pellow, | exllant health." This mav be regarded We pn rt LE i 0 a Mle] m. in ; . Liddell, | -n*alepay on R [3 i it has not received grater attention, yy B-. mig + havo bien somo fu dollars more cor*ificates of the Judges in the m ewes of West York, Sonth Ges - axd Piirge Edward, were read. th id SAMUEL WOO! POOR COPY