Business for Sal la ERSIGNED B BR Th Fam the C ARIE i) fe in such a by Sto = in-trade will SS + Village Lo R B ERS STILL 'TS on the Karr Pig RE LOES {ARE THR and DRYEST n the Corporation. 1 be offered for Sale, wanting UILDING SITES ct this opport unity pass. ; 1. Title Indisputal SAMUEL WOOD, & JAMES WOOD. , 1872. 3 < URIES| "FOR 'STuA --AT-- JONES' GREEN GAG ; ett, ete. by the pound. f Black Current er Jellies. S, , SKATES] ED OUT THIS Ww tes, which 'will be sold $160 for G0 cts. rtionally cheap. Also 8 sortment of s of Cut Na lk from dy. Lath up tof ' Truss Hoop yeod assortment of gE RS TO OL: Also a splendid lot of heavy . LE TIES --AT GIBBS Establishment, t., Oshawa,0 st, 1872; {OLIDAYS COMING. C & sol RECEINEDS vEAER part att LIFORNIA. ' WIND SOR CAS ; ONLI BALD CH, Ir MOR Ap casth 3101 HER'S bi NGERY: ¥ i 3A ppy FAMINE E HAPPY FAMIS] ... FID. IR OF PANTS. | THE NOSEGS F HEAVEN. EVENING PRAYE t of FirstRE D-SLEIGHS, offerdd in town. call [1 FOR CASH! i d friends 8 "Mary © ew Year." ¢ Ww. WIGG & BS 'Bowmanville, July 3rd, 1873. > "3 Watches, Jewellery, | AND FAN (CY GOODS J.P. JOHNSTON, WILL BE IN PART OF Mr Wilkinson's Boot & Shoe Store FOR TWO OR THREE WEEKS, Until he gots possession of his New Store, &large aud hand ha ome a his line, suitabl as rsortment of all goods or presents, Oshawa, Dec Mh 18 Ta WINTER _ CLOTHING. LATEST STYLES + AND BEST QUALITY. CALL AT GURLLEY'S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR FALLAD ¥. TER OLOTHI G.} Hb has just received his NEW STOCK, Which will be found complete. - Beautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. Clothing of all kinds made to order on | the shortest notice. A CALL SOLICITED. BOWMANVILLE MACHINE & IMPLEMENT "MANUFACTURING COMPANY. | A [ANUFACTURERS OF Leffel American Double Turbine Water Wheel, | . ; : ; 2 i ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1872, COSA HWA Fall Trade FAIRLY OPENED AND Things Worth Remembering ! -- 10} w-- THE PLACH FOR GOOD TEA! THE LARGEST LOT OF NEW WILLOW BASKETS, At STEELE BROTHERS. BL The Greatest Variety of At STEELE BROTHERS. BEAUTIFUL 'BIRD CAGES! At STEELE BROTHERS. wo-- LQ) -- YOU GET At STEELE BROTHERS. | Sm 2) + wm THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN Lamps and Lamp Shades, At STEELE BR OTHERS | Iron and Wood Working Machinery, | Circular Saw Mills, mene: 20) ma -- Shingle Machines, 1 Grist Mill Machinery, Self-Rake Reapers | Mowing Machines, Common and Gang Plows, Fanning Mils, Chopping Mill Feed Cutters, A. B. GIBSON, MANAGER. 13-4f NEW FALL & WINTER @00DS IN GREAT VARIETY, just arrived at TAUNTON! THE Cc HEAPEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT) EVER OFFERED THE PUBLIC. We have an excellent assortment of | English and Canadian T weeds. Tatloring done on the ~ rtest notice, and good fits guciunl runtecd. OUR*GROCERY RY DEPARTMENT is 1) assorted, and our TEAS are A No.1. GOODG I: LERN TEA at FORTY CENTS. Our Dust Te as we ar clling st 374, by the five, «ands. BOOTS & SHOES in GREAT V ARIETY. so, an excellent assortment of Rubbers and Overshoes, which will be sold very cheap. Trunks and Satchels. And, vthing that be longs I Country Store. Call and examine our stock and | prices and satisfy yourtelves be fore purchasing "elsewhere. Cash Paid for Hides and Skins | WAM. WILLARD. 'Taunton. : : GET THE BEST. | CALL AT R. WELLINGTON'S | MUSIC ROOM, King. Street. East, Oshawa, AND EXAMINE HIS NEW" AND 1ARCE STOCK PI AN OS! Organs and Melodeons, Belected from some of the most oclebrated makers; warranted for five years. PRICES LOW azd TERMS EASY. Instruments sold on monthly payments. Also Instruments Lo rent. Orders for Tung attended te prompily. R. WELLINGTON. Oshawa, October 2ith, 1972. tf 1 Lath Mills, ete. | NONE BUT THE BEST ~ICOAIL OIL. ' At STEELE BROTHERS. | ALL MANNER OF PROVISIONS & GROCERIES At STEELE BROTHERS. RE - L--.,k, | THE PEOPLE SAY THEY GET CHOICE BACON! | And Cheap too | || At STEELE BROTHERS, Fresh Pork WILL SOON BE IN, AND "4000 1bs NICELY CURED MEATS, MUST BE CLEARED OUT! At STEELE BROTHERS. HAVE TAKEN STOCK, AND NOW SELLING OFF! | To meet heav y arrivals of Goods At STEELE BROTHERS. -- ) A FINE TIME TO BUY 'Choice Crockery AND GLASSWARE! At STEELE BROTHERS. ALWAYS UP TO THE SEASON IN Finnan Haddies & Oysters At STEELE BROTHERS | ----0---- WANTED! Dairy Butter! At STEELE BROTHERS. | Ogtober 2nd, 1872. ' Ld | New Fancy Baskels Pure Spices! Any quantity of Eggs and Prime; T Three Docrs East of Black's Hotel ! J. BARNA Of fers at extremely Low Prices, WHITE CLOUDS, FANCY CLOUDS, FANCY WOOLEN Go0DS | --ALSO-- Fancy Dry and Staple Goods! A FULL STOCK, VERY CHEAP. Oonawa, December 26th, 1872. Fire! Fire! Fire! S. TREWIN, Opens out on Monday, 80th inst, JN WILCOX'S STORE, 3 Doors East of Gilletts' Corner, North Side. [Res Damaged by Fire and' Removal BE SOLD AT WHATEVER PRICE THEY WILL BRING, AS THE | WHOLE OF HIS IMMENSE STOCK OF Ld | Millinery, Mantles, Shawls, Blankets, Woolens, &c, MUST BE CLEARED OUT FORTHWITH. ~ OsHAWA, Deconibet 26th, 1872. 2-37-tf FIRE! FIRE! DRY GOODS! Blankets, QOyercoats, RD! Aloiing, Boots % Shoes, &e., will do well to wait a few days longer, when "SFT. DIC Will offer his whole stock of Goods Saved from the late Fire at Auction. Something for Christmas Britania Metal Tea Pots. Electro Plated Cake Baskets. Electro Plaled Cruets. Electro 'Plated Tea,Baskets, And Table Spoons, and Forks. | Electro Plated Desert and Table Knives. gr Ivory Handle Desert and Table Knives, all First-class. JUST RECEIVED AT HATCH & MEARNS. Also another lot of the Celebrated 'Mansard Cook Stoves, HATCH & MEARNS, Hardware, Stove and Tin Dealers, KING. STREET, OSHAWA, 18 FALL. 72 GO AND SEE CHISHOLM S NEW STOCK, NOW COMPLETE | Flannels, Blankets, Tweeds, Cottons, * Shawls, Silks, Dress Goods, &c. + &c. CHEAPER &ec. Than last year, or ever before offered in Oshawa. For proof, examine the prices. Tailoring Department! MR. SOUTHCOMBE, whose reputation needs no puffing. #5 See Fall Price List _s# for Clothing. [ON Inspection Invited. A. M. CHISHOLM, 36-of Oshawa, December 19th, 1872. Sie locke Under the management of New Dominion Cabinet Ware-rooms. WALTER WIGG & $0 N, Slagboands, Bureaus, Bookcases, S¢as, Couches. Chair of ll ints, sad overy- : thing in their line of business. . Pictures, Lookinglasses, Picture Frames made to" order in every style, We have go the best Patent Balance Window Blind Lifter, and the very best Steel Spring Bed Bottom in the Dominion, So the people say,and what every person says Ties be true, but we say try for yourselves, THE UNDERTAKING DFPARTMENT IS COMPLETE, HAVING A| SPLENDID HEARSE. Coffins kept on hand, and made to order, Terms Reasonable. The cheapest and best place to buy your Furniture is at our establishment. Remember the place One door West of Wilson's New Block, King Street East. OSHAWA, December 5th, 1873. 2-34-11 1872. HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE INHABITANTS oF Oshawa and surrounding 'country that he has received, and is still receivis well assorted stock of Spring Goods, at the usual Low PRICES. Dress Goods, Cottons, atings, Prints, "Poplin, Tweeds, &c. Clothing Made to Order on Short notice! The Usual Supply of Groceries, Crockery. Hoses, Wagons, and Anything else You can Think Of | All Kinds of Produce taken in Exchange. J. W.FOWKE | CLOVER, TIMOTHY, CROWN, MARROWFAT AND COMMON PEAS AND BARLEY FOR SEED. Oshawa, Nov. 15, 1872. BLAMEY & BRIGGS Take much pleasure in offering to the Public their BOUGHT EXPRESNLY CHRISTMAS Hit kets, 1 h intities and \ DAYS 3 that Tremendous. Bargains ! HE The attempt to give a detailed list of the multitudinous articles in their Stock, would be only waste ot time, and consequently MONEY LOSTI But to give their numerous customers an idea of the quality of goods now in Stock and daily arriving, consisting in part of 50 bls. Beautiful Bright Sugars. 150 Boxes Best Cooking Raisins. 100 " Splendid Layer " 50 Chests New Teas. | WwW: WIGG & SON. { NEW FALL GOODS. ia : | LOCKS, KNOBS, | (including {Immense Stock of Goods 3 ! | vill "ensure { 10 Barrels New Currents. 50 " No.l extra large split herrings 38 Boxes Finest Factory Cheese. | 50 " Best Brands of Family soup The best brands of Pickles, Sauces, Reliskes. Meats, Canned Fruits, Nuts, Table Raisins, Candies, and a long list of all the delicacies of the season. Save Money by so doing. BLAMEY & BRIGGS: | Osbaws, Dec. 12th, 1572 #5-t{ Bi -- () fons; HE RATFPAYEES OF : -FPYHANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE VIL- T the Public that they always keep a Stock of good well-made Furniture on Land, consisting 0. T: LAGE of erie Jide Ad voted the "lich of & pew est 4 our ti idst, it has given » th ve building of Houses furou™ manufacturing in i & great ip etus industrial classe In order to pre ater facilities for 1 fitishing of new bubidifigs, FT ET) LARGER STOCK. HARDWARE than has over before been off in Cake : rh Ko in PR 3 i] 600 Kegs of Cut Nails. ry THE LARGEST AND BEST Af SORTa MENT OF PAINTS, OILS," VARNISHES, Glass, Putty, &c., : IN THE COUNTY. A SPLENDID VARIETY OF Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, &c. A LARGE STOCK OF LATCHES & HINGES. A Splendid Assortment of Carpentars * Tools. All ki: ls of Paint, Varnish, White Wash, Kulsomine, Shoe, Scrubbing,and other Brushes. A large Steck of Rofgers 1zd othe Cutlery, Dixon'g and othersupirior makes cf Nickel snd Silver Plated Goods gnd Crusis. A first-rate assoriment "of Aales, Carriage Springs, Iron, Rope and Chains. : And the best assortment of Gund Breech Loaders); Revol-. vers, Pistols, and Shooting ant Fish- ing Tackle in ths County. t The whale of the above sthek was par chased hefore the late gmat rise: Ia peiehy and will be sold cheap for cash. 'r Wills Gib be. Oshawa, May 8:4,)°7 BA MBRI Di TT i 70 Tum BEST CARRIAGE Pag IN THE COUNTY. ana ti sm AS USUAL! Complete Success 3 I0 FIRST PRIZES AT TWO EXHIBITIONS, Ww. BELL, & Co; . GUELPH, ONT. Received Every First Prize for 1872) Organs &3 Melo ons tion, TT "Centre Exuibition, Guelph, ton, ard id sucees we n addity n to last years to « ao ry Silver. Medal, 3 Diplomas, and 12 Firs€Pr izes, Prove 1Pure Spices, Haddies, Bloters, Jellys, and Jams. Tope ort SEATS) BAG Ind Sardines, Potted Which the Pubic are cordially invited to insnact," compare. prices, and a tye A foro ° Co B les 67 insioasactis, W.EBLZLL & Co. Orto {JONNY DALE. Brooklin, Guclph, Oto 22pd, WL.