Ontario Reformer, 13 Dec 1872, p. 3

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Thanks] 3 8 Friend Mdoegr 3 AK a As THIS OP. 4 the severy, ; for Nand fri ving his Ei ] Thanks, | 'ED TAKES THig | his sincere thank and jo tle RETURN » the ki ol nd dns VENING LAST, ptel and the finder T ret urning it to the Ly TT, or leaving it at ge the same even [ota anda Quilt, NS McDERMOTT. Celebration. CHRISTIAN speakers are 4 poi the Scheel and cheir. n Lalf price. {ENRY, Searsiasl. pte ER, ON THE ROAD OODS. STON, PART OF & Shoe Store EE WEEKS, of his New Store. rtment of all gools for presents. Baw Britons, FZ, ¥0. 7. a " TING OF THE N requested to sitend req vil other isaportant re the ". TREWIN, W.M. reet, St. Paul, MINNESOTA IZ VEST, AND RS. Constant im= : a TELY. ITELY ! TWO nridge's C wa. a, _ vind! 0 RK. BEST FURNITURE AT R LARARDS OSHAWA CABINET DEPOT, HATCH & MEARNS orp ST. Lumber & Shingles Fr SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR- Bugten. A. B. CAMPBELL. December 1. 1871. Mu SHINGLES. NGLES OF "ALL KINDS FOR She at my Mill, Lot No. 6, #th con. Darling. ton, about 4} miles from wimanville, JONATHAN STEPHENS. as March NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPL( cation will be made to the Legislative As sembly of Ontario at its next session for an acu to establish and confirm the side lines of lots No. 13. 14, 15, 16 and I7 in the 1st con., of the Town ship of East Whitby, and lots Ne, "IS, 19 and'® in the 1st con.. of the Township of Whitby, as they now are, and Rapper Selaing the e same, 25-8in. LECTURE. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. rs DISTINGUISHED LECTURER, e Rev. T.S. Cartwright, M.A, OSAHWA Fall Trade FAIRLY OPENED : AND Things Worth Remembering ! -- 0 -- . THE PLACE FOR GOOD TEA! At STEELE BROTHERS. --0 i Whose Lecture on *" Luther" delivered in Oshawa a year was so highly Appreciated, has conse to deliver another Lecture in George's Church, for the benefit of the dy | School, on Friday Bveniag next, December 13th, At half-past Seven o'elock p.m., Subject: "Queen Elizabeth and the English Re- | rmation." MU , yo; THE CHOIR. Public patronage invited. Tickets 25 cents. | Oshawa, Dec. 5th, 1872. 381d. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR | SALE OR TO RENT. -- 00 HAT FINELY SITUATED PRO- | erty on the front road, only 1} miles from Oshawa,'and 2} miles from the Town of W hith VY. containing 16} acres with commodious house > | x40 contgining 8 Fouts with'kitchen at the back There isa good orc! tern. barn, sheds, and cis- For rl apply to Dr. Thoru- .. ton, on the press, 25-tf. STRAUSS". "waa | Two Volumes, fjice $4 each in boards, $5 each ! ia cloth. The two volumes contain over Forty | Besutiful Waltzes, worth at least $35 in sheet form. In ordering | ea FAVOURITE" dealers be particular toask for PETERS' EpITION of STRAUSS' WALTZES, as lt is the only correct | , and complete edition. Address, J. L. Peters, | 0 vraawss. xv WALTZES., | Coal! Coal I! Coal Il HE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND | a large lot of COAL suitable for Cooking, Hail and Parlor Stoves, and alse for Blac smiths, which he offers at reasonable prices. | ers left with | Jd; B. KEDBE, | King Street, Os shawa, or with the undersigned | will receiveattontion. Terms strictly Cssh. JAMES 0. GUY. | Port Oshawa. Oct, 23rd. 1572 : 234in | MILE MILE! HE UN EERSIGNED HAS MUCH leasure in announcing to the inhabitants | J9 Oshawa that he has t from Messrs. Rus- | sell & Glass all their right and interest in the | Milk business, snd that he is now engaged in | the sale and delivery of that most indispensible | article, MILK, in its Batural purity! ! He hopes, | | by a continuance of the business and punctual- | ity in delivery, to merit and obtain the patron- | age of all who may be in want of the same. | H. TAPLIN, 'We ths undessizned take 2S ue in recom- mending to the inhabitants of Oshawa Mr. Tap- Ja, in eur opinion, as being reliable in the above business, and would recommend toall who want good milk to buy from him. G. Henry, 2 J. W. Fowke, A. Farewell, W. McGill 33t6n-pd. ONTARIO MILL. GRISTING. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING PUR- CHASED the property heretofore known as | BEAN'S MILLS, about thiee miles north Oshawa, and having put in New Bolting ClotLs and otherwise improved the facilities for produc- ing Firstclass Flour, would respectfuly solicit the patronage of the peo; of East = Whitby and be spared townships. No effort Will surro 10 give satisfaction. WILCOX & FREEMAN, East Whitby, August 6th, 1672. SKATES, SKATES |. UST OPENED 0 ou oT THIS WEEK A Joblat of Sikates, which will be sold very © Skates Jworth $4 for $2, Skates werth $1 80 for 60 cts. And others proportionally cheap. Also a ful assortment of 200 Kegs, of Cut Nails FArrived this week from 2dy. Lath up to 6 inch. Coopers' Truss Hoops and a good assortment of COOPERS TOOLS Arrived to-day. Also. a splendid lot of extra heavy » CATTLE TIES, --AT- T. W.GIBBS| Hardware Establishment, Simcoe St.; Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Nov. 21st, 1872. Tn RARE CHAN CE. Splendid Business for Sale Skates worth $6 win be seid 2078380, THE LARGEST LOT OF NEW WILLOW BASKETS, At STEELE BROTHERS. The Greatest Variety of New Fancy Baskets At STEELE BROTHERS. . --0 BEAUTIFUL BIRD CAGES! At STEELE BROTHERS. o a & Summa ad YOU GET At STEELE BROTHERS. . p J THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN Lamps and Lamp Shades, | At STEELE BROTHERS. --_----i-- NONE BUT THE BEST COAL OIL! At STEELE BROTHERS. Se 1) § sent ALL MANNER OF oft PROVISIONS & GROCERIES At STEELE BROTHERS. ---- 30) en THE PEOPLE SAY THEY GET CHOICE BACON! And Cheap too | At STEELE BROTHERS. Fresh Pork WILL SOON BE IN, AND 4000 lbs NICELY CURED MEATS, MUST BE CLEARED OUT! At STEELE BROTHERS. ---- ee HAVE TAKEN STOCK, AND At STEELE BROTHERS, HE U NDERSIGNED BEING about to retire from the CABINET and UNDERTAKING Business has decided to dis- pose of his present large and profitable business at Prince Albert established over fourteen years, and which affords an excellent opportunity to any one wishing to / Promises ad le Stock-in-trade will be | disposed of at a Bargain, and on easy terms. The stock in hand is la and well assorted, and the | run of custom exce Hof. For tering and other particulars, 2 ply on the premise 10 W. IL PARK. Prin e Albert, July 17¢8, 1872, First-class Village Lots FOR SALE! THES SUBSCRIBERS STILL HOLD | EEN LOTS on the Karr Proper | which they offer for Sale. gage in such a business. | ---- A FINE TIME TO BUY | AND GLASSWARE! | At STEELE BROTHERS. | | -- ALWAYS UP TO THE SEASON IN NOW SELLING OFF! To meet heavy arrivals of Goods Choice Crockery | BLAMEY & BRIGGS . Take much pleasure in offering to the Public their Immense Stock of Goods BOUGHT EXPRESSLY FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS, In the best markets, in such quantities and at prices that will ensure to their Customers Tremendous Bargains! . 0: 4 The afloat to give a detailed list of the multitudinous articles in their Stock, ad be only waste ot time, and consequently MONEY LOST! But to give their numerous customers an idea of the ually, of goods now in Stock and daily arriving, consisting in part of 50 bls. Beautiful Bright Sugure. 150 Boxes Best Cooking Raisins. 100 / " Splendid Layer 90 Chests New Teas. 110 Barrels New Currents. 80 " No. 1 extra large split herrings 38 Boxes Finest Factory Cheese. 180 ff Best Brands of Family Soap. Pure Spidia, "Haddies, Bloters, Jellys; and Jams. | 7 he best brands of Pickles, Sauces, Reliskes, Sardines, Potted Meats, Canned Fruits, Nuts, Table Raisins, Candies, and a long list of all the delicaciesbof the season. Which the Public are cordially invited to inspast, compare prices, and Save Money by so doing. BLAMEY & BRIGGS Oshawa, Dec. 12th, 1872. 35-tf Comprising French Merinos, Crape Cloths, Fancy Dresses, Shawls, Gloves, 'Collars, Laces, Fancy Goods, &c., Oshawa, October 1st, 1872. fo 1872. NEW FALL GOODS' J F HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE INHABITANTS O T Oshawa and surrounding country that he has received, and is still receiving well assorted stock of Spring Goods, at the usual LOW PRICES. Dress Goods, Cottons, . atings, Prints, Poplins, Tweeds, &c. &ec. 18 FALL. 72 GO AND SEE CHISHOLM S NEW STOCK, NOW COMPLETE | Flannels, Blankets, Shawls, Silks, Dress Goods, | &c. &ec. CEEAPER &c. Than last year, or ever before |™gm offered in Oshawa. For proof, examine the prices. |NEWEST DESICNS MirLinerY Tailoring Department ! Under - the management of MR. SOUTHCOMBE, whose reputation needs no puffing. 87 See Fall Price List _&¥ for Clothing. Now Dominion Cabinet Wane-voctas. WALTER WIGG & TSA RFUL FOR PAST FAVORS WOULD R the Public that hey alwaya kecp Stock of good well-made S149k0a2ds, Sureaus, Bcokcasts, Soles, : thing ia thelr Une of busizom. Pictures, Looking-glasses, Pigture Frames medo to order ia every i best Steel Spring Bed Bottom ia the 80 the people say,and what every pesca 870 mush be true, but we say try for youree:ves. SPLENDID Coffins kept on kand and mad: to order, 7 evme Rewscnclie. The cheapest and best place to buy your Furniture is at our establishment. Remember tle 'place | Une door West of Wilson's New Block, King Street East. W. WIGG & SON. OSHAWA, December 5th, 1878. :3UL 1872) (1872, AS USUAL! Complete Success | I0 FIRST PRIZES | AT TWO EXHIBITIONS. W.BELL, & Co, . GUELPH, ONT. Received Every First Prise for BOWMANVILLE MACHINE & IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. J ANUFACTURERS ( oF Leffel American Double Turbine Water Wheel, Iron and Woed Working Machinery, Circular Saw Mills, Organs & Jielodecns At the Provincial Eibithion; Hamilton, and Shingle Machines, Centre Exhibi Guelph. 'Grist Mill Machinery, This grand success, in addition to last year's record of a Silver Medal, 3 Diplomas, and 12 First Prizes, Prove that our instrument in het fon of t judges are i P juperior to all others Sole proprietors and Neawecturatt the ORGANETIE, | Bowmanville, July 3rd, 1872. 's Patent Qualifying Tubes so 1 to abe Ine Erontest prove - heir superiority is con- y other un leg 13 fact that at eded y withdrew from competition, thus acknowledging their inability to compete with k Self-Rake Reapere, Mowing Machines, Commen and Gang Plows, Fanning Mils, Chopping Mills, Feed Cutters, Lath Mills, ete. A.B. GIBS( NN, MAN AGER. 3-tr talnin: Qontalhing 3a ged by Ment Dt yet introd: Every instrament fully warranted for nve ears. Send for catalogue containing fifty dif boi styles of instruments. W. BELL & Ce. JOHN DALE @udiph, Oct. 220d, 1572. ly NEW FALL & WINTER @00DS IN GREAT VARIETY, just arrived at TAUNTON! Or to ARE THE Sweetest Smoking Pipes Made. * JUST RECEIVED ..-THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT EVER OFFERED THE PUBLIC. Fi T C HE T T'S, King St.; Oshawa. ae AT we We have an excellent assortment of English and Canadian Tweeds. Tailoring done on the shortest notice, and good fits guaranteed. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT | assorted, a » TEAS are A No.1 "OOD GREEN T Te. A at FORTY CENTS. Qur Dast Teas we are selling at 374, by the five pounds. BOOTS & SHOES in GREAT VARIETY. lent assortment of Rubbers Call and examine our stock and he: SMOKING fore purchasing elsewhere. ~ Oash Paid for Hides and Skins!' I ov ! 5 oh ' WAL WILLARD. Chewing Tobacoos ! : JUST ARRIVED FALL Rye and V E SUBSCRIER W i SAY fo all indabted to him. sither by Note. Bock WINTER Gs CLOTHING. ~~AND-- the also add, that Far Ist October mext, my cash, without otherwise especially J. W. FOWKE. Oshawa, September 11th, 1372. 21 GET THE BEST. CALL AT LATEST STYLES MUSIC ROOM, King Street East, Oshawa, AXD EXAMINE MIS BEST QUALITY. er cee. CALL AT SON, CT Y INFORM |; Joy ccrsistiz€o TR oRATEP : bove Couches. Chairs of ail kads, and cvery= © We Lave got the best Patent Balance Window Blind Lifter, and ihe very Dowinion, CHARCOAL PIPES| A Large Supply| A LARGE SUPPLY OF | 7, ats, Peo, | AND R. WELLINGTON'S oF Tn v t of 8 new Liok Geet | ea iias 5 for ole a ol A LARGER 8TOC HARDWARE the ho ore bon cle i Orava THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is COMPLITE, mavisc 4 !(G00 Kegs of Cut Nails. HEARSE. | THE LARGESE Ar BEST ASSCRT- | MENT PAINTE, OILS, VARNISHES, Glass, Putty, &c, IN THE COUNTY 4 SPLENDID VARIETY or Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, &c. = A LARGE STOCK OF LOCKS, KNOBS, LATCHES & HINGES. A Splendid Assortment of Carrsars Sent ; All kinds of Paint, Vanish, White Wash, Kalsomine, Shoe, Scrubbing;and other Brushes. A Larys Stoek of Rodgers rad. (the | And the best assortinent. of 'Guns, | fincluding Breech Loaders) Fovol- vers, P'stols, and Shooting rn! Fish- : ing Tackle in the County, ¢ : The whole of the above stock wi pur. : hased *efore the late rise ;n _ will be sold ok oy Phos, k: Ri | Oshawa, May 3rd, 12. BAMBRIDGE ag HAS THE privie BEST CARRIAGE PAINTER Ix THE at COUNTY: NITROUS OXIDE =--OR~ Protoxide - Nitroger | I tending the n yours in their 2h few ond bh October next. "1 wonid | fd CHANGE OF BUSINESS FE Lid EE PEE GEORGE HE" 7 Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1872. ~ reference to the ol has item - GURL E Y'S NEW AND LARGE STOCK 5 : UANTITY OF . W. FOWKE. ny 4 "4 Ps wi Lbs it he ve THESE LOTS ii Haddies & Oysters ARE THE eks ago, a low-set information that i! be suitably re J. W. FOWKE. 2-32-41, he Beart or Sale! OFFERS FOR. HIGHEST and oRYEST 'At STEELE BROTHERS. 'Within the Corporation. | 9 A339 mre Lots will be offered for Sale, parties | G00D. Ra rk SIT fv ; y ghantity of ge 0) | WANTED! "4 Dairy er} x ' rs and Prime Clothing Made to Order on Short notice! The Usual Supply of Groceries, Crockery, Horses, Wagons, and Anything else You can Think Of! All Kinds of Produce taken in Exchange. J. W.FOWKE Re TIMOTHY, CROWN, MARROWFAT AND COMMON PEAS AND BARLEY FOR SEED. 4 Oshavs, Nov. 15, 1872. 2 J 3 AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FoR FALL AND WINTER OLOTHING. Inspection Invited. " Which will befound complete. Beautiful Vest and Pant Patterns, "Clothing of 'all kinds made to 'order on tho shortest notice. A. M. CHISHOLM, Gibbs' Block. A CALL SOLICITED. 7 He has just received his | : NEW STOCK, PIANOS IE Organs and Melodeons, Selected fiom some of the most celebrated makers, warranted for five years, | PRIS LOW azd TERMS EASY, M3 GEORGE STEPHENS0 ING woud out his Butchering Busi N Instraments yr oP on mont oi be sments. Iso p o solicit a ext me J ore to ian and do old custome 3 30d vow anes, wit i Orders far, Taal fy ster ded, a Diamply, ot all kinds. will vn. as R. WELLINGTON: | stinded io. derek a shop oe, Ly Oslia ws, October 24th, 1573. Fd fp bcs ocr Thomas Brook: S, BUTCHER.

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