Ontario Reformer, 13 Dec 1872, p. 2

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% - - AR aaa aaa a _@Ontaris Reforner, Oshawa, Friday, Dec. 13, 1672. A ------ THR FIRE INVESTIGATION. Tux 'Invesricirion mxpev. -- W. G. . Frrzsavmrcs susrrorep or wr Crrve. Hm Axnzsrep 4x0 suwr v0 Gaol. The investigation as to the cause of the late fire was brought te a close about three o'cloek this morning. Sufficient evidence was adduced to warrant the jury in sus- pecting W, G. Fitswaurice to be the guilty man. He was consequently ar- rested and taken to Whitby gaol this morning. Particulars heat weck. S-- The Agricultural Farm and College. Whe fully agres with the Findswator-- OSHAWA * CHICAGOED" | FOURTEEN PLACES OF BUSINESS' AND SEVEN DWELLINGS DES- TROYED. THE FIRE SUPPOSED TO BY THAE WORK OF AN IFCENDIARY. The post foarful fire that ever took place Fr was that of Sunday night last, Abput ten winutes after seven, a fire was discovered in thy clothing store of M¥ Geo. Hodder, and the alarm was immediately given. The Fire Brigade was soon at the scene of the conflagration, and at work ; but, as smal, the water supply gave ont, and the efforts of the firemen to confine the fire to 'the place whereit originated proved unsuccessful. Ouickly the flames spread, and soon the adjoining stores were enveloped with the devouring el ts. It now b evi- dent that the entire row of buildings, from Fitsmaurice's drug stare, around the corner, to Garth's butcher shop, was doomed, unless a good supply of weter could be;obtained. There were three en- Shat the consideration aud' settlement of this important question should be etitirely non-political. Let those who write and speak upon the subject show they can place country before party, and that they can be governed by the pure principles of potriotism in dealing with this question. hrm for the farm, | Whithy steam Gire engine, having first | A great n any persons have been examin- ead considerable money expended in con- wection therewith, the first consideration wow is, shall this choice be aband ned! After all that has been said up to the present time in condemnation of the Mim- feo site ; if the report of the committee of prominent agriculturalists recently ap- pointed by the Government to make a gines at: work, Oshawa No. 1 and 8 and | the little chemical engine from the Hall | Works, all doing well whew they could | | obtain water. When it became evident | that the fire was likely to spread as it did, 1 endungériug the whole town, Me. C, W. | Smith procured a hovee aud went for the | made arrsngemants for u teat 6 moet the | Inside of an | hour sud ten winuies after Mr. Swuith left | fur Whitby, the steamer was playing on the fire, procuring water from the well at | Black's corner. And well did this lit | tle ** Morryweather," under the manage- | ment of the noble Whitby Fire Brigade, | engine ou {ibs way down. Terrible Conflegration., |by insurance. $horough examination of the premises, be | 40 its work--nobly did the brigade work ; adverse to it, and if the recent scientific | 82d to-day, the business men on the south examination and analysis of the soil be | side of King street may thank the Whit- unfavorable, the course of the Govern. | bY Fire Brigade for saving--with their ment, and Legislature is clear; Mimieo | #0§ine--their properly. Just before the shouldbe given up and a better | Whitby engine arrived, it was fully expect- made. ©. | ed that Gibbs' block would as the heat For this farm, a fair proportion of first | froin the burning baildings was inteuse. In tontd lass land should be regarded ae the first | 80h the front of Chisholin's store, Blaney consideration, without which the final re. | & Wriggs' store, and the top of Hindu sults of the establishment of an agrionltur- hotel, were on fire, but with the help of, ol farm cannot be satisfactory. If the the *' little Chemical," the fire in the two «roports to go forth from this institution | stores was put ont, and ilinds' saved by eanhot truthfully show to intending emi- "grants from the old #orid to the new, a veasonable return for & given expenditure, so far as the question of inducing agricultur- ol emigrants to settle here is concerned, the country will be better without the farm than with it. But if it can be shown that the application of scientific knowledge - 40 the cultare of Canadian soil npon a moderately large scale can be made to pay well, then it may be reasonably expected that capital, skill and labor on a large "eseale will be appropriated ¥o such pur- pose. The saccess of the undertaking depends, first, upou a proper selection of the site. A variety of sgil is not objectionable, nay, desirable ; but a considerable portion of the. farm should' be of first-rate quality, | the Whitby engine. All this time, the | Oshawa Brigade, with old Noiil and Wo, 2, was working as they always work-- nobly. Bat what is the use of p fire en- gine without water! The Oshawa Hook and Ladder Company worked like "all out doors," as they always dp. The citi- sens, with a few exceptions, worked as if. the property belonged to them, dying all they could to save goods from thy doom: ed stores. Men ad buys "played hy and with waggous, drew away the| goods as fast as they could be loaded, to 'places 'of safety.' . When the fire first broke out, the wind was from tho west, blowing steadily, which endangered the building occupied by Gillett Brothers, Nealk,R. & A. Smith, and Quigley's hotel ; but parties were on these buildinfis, and with brooms, swept wr "ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, DECE W. F. Cowan's loss; by removal of goods dnd damage to building, is about $135 ; covered by insurance, Blamey & Briggs lost about $400 worth; covered by msaurance. Hay A. Hindes, damage to building, ete. 'about §400 ; covered by insurance. Wm. Lang, F. Neale, Geo. Pedlar, Mrs. Brooks, M. Kirkpatrick, J. E. Hoit$, and others lust by removal of goods, etc., and Mr. Gibbs, damage done to building, The amounts lost by these parties we have been unable to obtain. The persons who burst open Mr. Hod- ders door distinctly state that the fire first started in the north-west corner of the shop, which would be as much as twelve or fourteen feet from the stove. What makes it certain that the fire could not have originated from any defect in the stove is, there, was no fire in it from Saturday night ; and the stove was cold when Mr. Hodder left after closing. -- There was no one in the shop, cr, no one who had any business there, on Sunday bret Me. Hodder's boy, and that was about eight o'clock in the morning. There appears to be no doubts what- ever but that the fire was th) work of an incendiary ; but who the scoundrel is yet remains a mystery. A jury wes em- panneled on Tuesday last, ard an investi. gation ded with, before Dr. Clark, | Coroner, and is yet going on, privately. |] od, but ro evidence has heen adduced | which will criminate anyone. If any- | thing important is brought before the { jury, we will make it known in our next issue. MORE WATER. Shortly after the Chicage fire the qnes- tions of Water Works, » steam fire engine, | new water tanks, otc., were freely discus sed in this place, by the citizens generally, and by the Council. All admitted that we needed more protection from fire; some were in favor of water-works, but the majority--and we think correctly -- were in favor of a steam fire engine and improvements in our water tanks. One of the Councillors, Mr. Cowan, if our mem- ory serves us right, suggested that a large tank be put in the centre of the road at the four corners of King and Simcoe Streets ; that it could be supplied with water by a continual stream from as g up at the Hall Works. It was talked of as other schemes were, ani like the others, ended in talk. Had this tank been put there when it was first spoken of, thers would have been a good supply of water. near at hand, on Sunday night, and the fire would have been stopped where it origin- ated. This town is growing rapidly, per- haps more so than any other town in the Province ; we have a great many very valuable buildings now, and others will be put up next season, and what water sup- ply have we in case of a fire? A few mis- erable water tanks at the corners of the streets, ha'f filled with mud and water. Let this ba remidied as soon as possible. Let good water-proof tanks be put in and fixed so that no surface water or mud ean otherwise you cannot presomt a satisfact- |, vory return. : "Secondly. The facilities forace-ss should | be good. In bringing supplies to, and | ®emoving the products from the farm | Aeve'live regard to expense. Manures | 1 be required on a large | water carriage is ey communication | sections of the Province. | ; Our limited space forbids us going | the coals of which fell on them. -It ap- peared as if some'hing was directing the | be procured, and we have a fire brigade flames, as if the wind was dimected to | that will, in. case of fire, make good use get in them ; let a good steam fire engine Sneak Thieves. : There were the usual numbers of sneak thieves in attendance at the late fire, try- ing to lay in their winter's stock. Capt. Dillon, of the Hooks, saw two meft lug: ging off a box of boots, and made them "waltz back on their ears" with them. Pity he had not had the scoundrels locked up. Another man went into Steele Brother's store and asked one of the clerks to take | care of a coat for him for a fow minutes ; but the request was not complied with. While the man with the eoat and the clerk were talking, Mr. Dickie walked in and claimed the cost. The man gave it up without any hesitation, i A lot®f cigars and tobacco were stolen from Fitchett. Other parties had things stolen, but no arrests have as yet been made. a ------ The Literary Society of Oshawa. This society, which mects every Thurs- day evening, in the Sons' Hall, is grow- ing rapidly in membeas and interest. Last Thursday the first open mee'ing was en. joyed by a good andience, and a three hour's gratituous entertainment rewarded those who came. Every month an even- ing of this mature may be expected, of which due notice will be given, and all who will, may come. The youug men of the town who nave not yet given their names and co-operation to this * ghbd work" are requested to connect thet! selves with this association as soon as posi sible. The debate on the 5th ult. wae well contested. Mr. Tamblyn was the eader in favor of *' Universal SiTeago," ably assisted by Mr, H. OC. Whiting. On the negative Messrs. Harrison and Hen- derson spoke well. The decision was, however, against them. The remainder of the evening was taken up by the order given below. Song, Mr. Fife ; Reading, R. C. Steele ; Essay, ** Literary Acquisi- tions," J. Ferguson ; Essay, * Geology," | Mr. Henderson ; Recitation, ** Edinburg after Flodden," J. A. Shaw; Recitation, (humorous) Mr. Baxter ; Song, (humor- ous) Mr. Fife, (encored.) - The business meeting of the Association afterwards, prolonged the exercises until 11:30. Ap- parent satisfaction, notwithstanding, was evident, and all unite in considering, tis the best of the series. Last evening the debate was, as usual, well contested. The subject, ** Aunexation," and the lealors Mossrs. Larke and Henderson. Next Thursday the: entertainment consists of readings, recitations, essays and impromptu speaking, and a very pleasant time is an- ticipated. -- Com. 2 Reuexsen the Rev, T. 8. Cartwright's lecture to-night, in St. Goorgs's Church. The 1 1rgest and best choice of P'ur Caps, at M, Mayers, Bowgnanville, Finsr-cLass Tailoring at W. Dickies Clothes, Fancy Flannels, Woolens, Dres§ Goods, Blankets, and general Dry Goods. Tus sixth annual Ball and Supper of }o Hose Company No. 1, will at Hobbs' Hall, on Tuesday Slst inst, selection of Mink Furs, at AM take thon across the street, for, when the | of them. The tanks could be filled and ffames reached the corner of the block, and all danger of the buildings on the east side of Simeoe street catching, was over, the wind turned and blew strong from the north, asil it was détermined to take the flra across the street, but He who eeutrols the wind let it go so far "furth® ints this guestion this week. and | and no farther. The fire was, indeed bad ; we close for the present by saying, that { but how mach worse might it ave been. ". during the present session been tried be- *" Dominion Government, will soon be fol- should the report of the committee of ex- ssination appointed by the G- report favorably, we ses no place which moets all the requirements for the far and college, as we see them, as well as the wail side of the Town of Whitby. ---------- Tis Quebec Loeal Gove whose Serm of office has been by a Jong arfay of corrupt acts, is st last being Brought sharply to task. The last elec- Som resulted in the return of an increased number of Opposition members, aud the late Dominion Election cansed additional gueking if the Ministerial camp. Several Blake sad followers in the Ontario, Iature is being cnpied by the House. Mer. Cauchon, who has been ove of the strongest opponents of reform, has fore » parliamentary committee and found guilty of holding his seat illegally. He has resigned from the House, but the 'ministry are trying to smothe over his ease ps' far as possible. We expect the Jowing the Quebec cabinet, and granting with a show of philanthropy reforms which they have for years strenuously opposed. en ---- Tus trouble in the French Assembly has for the present been quieted, and fears of , ou internal war ave abating. The latest announces that ninety-two memwm- | bers of the Left Centre and fifteen Moder- | ste Republicans have united in a proposal {foe (he geference to a committer uf 30, A few accidents happened ta. firenren and others, but none of a serious nature. Let us be thankful that there were no lives lost. The losses by she fire, as near as can be ascertained, are as follows :-- George Hodder, in gentlemen's furnish- best stocks tv be found in the country, and had good prospects of doing a good business. He loses everything by. this fire but pluck and energy. W. G. Fitzmaurice, drugs, etc, lust all he had in the premises ; iusared for §2, Qu. : «Waa, King, owner of the stores ocen- d by the aove parties ; lois.about 33,- 500, a insurance. 8 dry goods and groguries ; loss' about $6,000 ; insured for $6,000. 8. Trewin, dry goods, had just received a large stock ; loss: about $8,000 ; cover- ed by insurance. J. A. Gibson, who occupied the dwell ing over Mr. Trewin's atore ; loss, about $1,400 ; covered by insurance. Steele Brothers, owners of the two stores occupied by Messrs. Wood and Trewin ; loss, about £5,000; ineured for $3,200. Dr. Deans, dryg stere, cic., loss about $4,000 ; insured for £2,000. Wm. Dickie, dry goods, and owner of buildings occupied by J. F. Willox and | himself, Joss about £7,500 ; buildings and stock insured for 84,150. 3 H. F. Rankin, who occupied the dwell- ing over Dickie's store, loss about £50; no insurauce. kept full by the steamer. Leta man be appointed to look after thess tanks, and' report to the Council at each --y to the eondition of said tanks. If' done, property will be much safer, fires not so much dreaded. or The above suggestions were made to ve by one of our leading ecitizonsand we think if they are carried ont, 'all will be well satisfied with them. Lg# something be done immediately. A : Tho DiTerghice: As in other things, there is a great difference in Insurance Agents. Some ings, about 33,000 ; insured for £5,000. -- | are very obliging; others are mot. Mr. Hodder had one of the largest and | by the late fire haye had both kinds to | deal with. The agent of the ** Pheonix * suggesting the of M. Thiers term of ofa to four years. The election of » Vice-President; the partial renewal of J. F. Willux, books, stationery, ete., had just received his Christmas stock of the Assembly by yearly election; the es- tablishment of the principle of Ministerial responsibility; the creation of a second Chamber; and settlement of relations be- Sween the Executive and Legislative De- partments. * : : A PUNK man was arrested last night and locked up. While being put in the eells he threatened tv set fire to the place. No heed was taken of the threat ;- bat in | o short timo afterwards the jury on the Srp investigation were astonished by. hea. | ing the ery of * fire !" On going out, the lock-up was, sure enough, on fire. man had carried out his threat, and was almost suffocated with smoke. The fire was extinguished with great difficulty. 1 ------------------------------------- Tas Grand Reform Banquet, in honor of the recent Reform victories, will take place iu the Music Hall, Toronto, on Wednesday, January 8th, 1873. : + -- Ir did't take Chisholm long te settle with the Insurance Agent; and pons.- | 'quently, be has resumed bnsiness, has a big rush of customers, #iid is giving grea: bargains. If you dots believe ii, oui: | fancy goods, ete, loss about $1,000; insured for $500. Wm. McChesney, confectioner, etc., | loss about #100; no insurance. | J. Hyland, owner of the stores occapied by Messrs. McChesney and Johnston, loss about 2,000 ; insured for $700, J. Barnard, dry goods, stock new and well selected, loss about $3,500 ; insured | for 83,500. Dr. McBrian, dwelling and surgery, | loss about $100 ; no insurance. Jas. Carmichael, *'ownet of the shop | occupied by Mr, Barnard, and the dwell- The | ing of Dr. McBrian, loss about $3,500 ; | { insured for'@1,400. | {R. Fitchett, tobacco store, loss about : $1,000 ; insured for 500. J. J. Hall, barber, loss $250 ; insured for $200. 4 | ©. W. Garth, butcher, loss on stock Sand baiiding vecapicd by himself, Fitchet, | { Hall and Henry, about £4,300; insured | for $2,800. J. UO. & I. H. Heury, photographers, loss about 2000 ; imsa: .d for $600, Lin addition to the abo ve-nane | parties, Lo vem] buried out, a great many i por write ubie by tie removal r he Lire, Blusou Dive. lost sovut Sad § eovered | are gentlemanly ; are not. Some Losers { has, we understand, acted very gentle- manly, and settled all claims against the company as speedily as possible and to the satisfaction dt all.' So have some (other agents. But we cannot say this of the agent for the Provincial Insurance Company. He has acted any way but gentlemanly. He has insulted these who hau claims against the company, and an- noyed them greatly. - Some of thom have managed to settle with him 'after *'A1 world: of trouble." Others are being | troubled and can not get a settlement. If the company want to do any more business in this town they will first have to discharg> this man who has been troubl- ing those who have lately had so much trouble; aud then apologise for his mis- conduct. We could publish some of his insuliing remarks, but forbear deing so. We will wait till all have settled with-him, and then we may have something more to say on the question. The old customers (and as many new onen as wish) of those of our merchants and business men who were compelled to move on Sunday night, on account of the "extreme heat," will find them at the fol lowing places, for the present, where great | bargains may be expected : | 8. Trewin will be found in the store lately occupied by E. B. Wilcox, one door west of Wigg & Son's furniture ware- rooms. Dr. Deans will be found in the shop next door north of Taylor's jewellery store. Wm. Dickie will be found in the shop between Trewin's and Gillett Bros. J. F. Willox willbe found up stairs, over W. Lang's store, one door west of Steele | Bros. : | J. P. Johnston will be found in part of | H. Wilkinson's boot & shoe store, three 1 doors east of Black's Lotel, till further notice. R. Fitchett will be found, on and afte | Monday next, in part of Keddie & Rice's | new store, . | J.J. Hall will be found at present at | Hindes' Hotel, where he will shave you | as clean as he ever did. Geo. Garth will be found in the place lately occupied by Mrs. Finney, next door | to Shaw's boot and shoe store. J. Bariard will be found two doors east | of Black's hotel. J.0. & R. H.: Henry will be found in the old stand, Bimcoe BSt., next door fo the Reroruzs Office, The other parties have mot, as yet Bowmanrille. "Ox the might of ¢hs 10th inet.) a firs . in the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. Eleven of the servant girls perished in the flames. being circulated throughout the Province, and we hope every man who has a spark 'of temperance principles in him will sign these petitions. If wou r0rnt to lene your orier for a set of furs for Christmas, call at M. Mayers, Bowmanville. ' -- Tuere will he an, open meeting 'of Oshawa I. O. of G. T. on Friday evening will form the evening's programme. public are invited. Admission free. J. F. Wrirox has still on hand a nice lot of Christmas presents. Call on him, up stairs, aver Lang's store. * Entrance-- immediately * joining 'Steele Brother's store, tn the west. More than the usual attention given to Gents, Ladies. Misses and Children's Boots and Shoes at W. Dickie's Trunks from 21.- 50.to $18, Valises, Satchels, Hats, Caps, Collars, Ties and Gentlemen's Haben- dashery. * P. Tavrorn has received his handsome tea met, and it will be on exhibition in his window on Saturday. Every person shonld see it, as the like was never seen before. . J. Birxaep's stock, which was saved from the fire, is almost as good as ever, but will be 851d much cheaper. If you don't believe it, call on him in his new stand, two doors east of Black's hotel. Tae fire didn't trouble Blamey & Briggs very much. They settled their in- surance business immediately, and are now!doing a bigger business than ever. If you don't believe it, call and see the crowds in their store. Tare Anniversary in connection with the Christian Sabbath School will be held on Thursday, 26th inst. TeA to be served to | ~~ AGAIN' we remind our readers of the lecture to be delivered in 8t. Gemge's Church, to-night, by the Rev. T. 8: Cartwright, M. A. Subject: * Queen Elizabeth and the English Reformation." Don't fail to attend. Admission 25 cents. Proceeds in aid of the Sabbath School fund. Let the church be filled. A wesTiNG of the committee of the 8. 0. 8B. 8. A. was held in the vestry of the W. M. Church in this place, on Wed- nesday afternoon, to mak) arrangements for the Convention of the Association, which will be held in this Village on Tunes- day and Wednesday, 4th and 6th of Feb- ruary next. . J. P. Jouxsrox had just received a large and full assortment of fine gold jewellery previous to the fire, which he now offers at a great reduction. They were selected specially for the holiday season. Tempor- ary quarters at Mr. Wilkinson's boot and shoe stora, while fitting up his new shop, which will be one door west. Mz. Cursmorx don't believe in having any rclics of the late fire left, and has ad- vertised a sale. By the appearance of his crowded store it will not bo long before he has sold out all goods damaged by the fire. He informs us that his Joss was covered by insurance. We wonld {advise everybody to take advantage of the chance of buying goods cheap, and pay him a visit, Look ovr yor tue Srams.--The® Star Minstrel Troupe of Oshawa, will give one of their unique entertainments ih Hobbs' | Ball, on Tuesday evening next. They have issued a good programme, and prom- ise to carry it through well. The play of the evening wiil be *' The Black Statas," a most langhable farce. W. CO. Anderson, the old favourite, will appear in his comi- calities, For particulars see programmes. THE ALDINE FOR DECEMBER, (CHRISTMAS NUMBER). Evanynovy has seen the old of the discovery of prin , where two elderly men, With the aid cf the devil (thén as now an innocent lad), have taken the first impression from a type form, and are rapt in awe as the im- portance of the event usserts itself in their minds. Fancy the feelings of this trio could they o'erleap the barriers of time land gaze with us upon the spleudid pages now before us. ere are svecimens of the most exquisite workmanship in wood- ent printing, in quantity sufficient for a very good sized volume, on the most | sumptuous paper, and yetit is merely ! one month's offering of a fine dollar reriodical ! Let us measure t§is wonder, | let-us count thee plates-- just" forty large and small, costing subscribers one cent each! When it is considered that in no other publication or shape can so much art be obtained for winy times the amount of the subscription for the whole year, it can be readily understood that we are doing «our readers common justice to acquaint them of such an opportunity and to impress upon the Amarican public the plain duty of a cordial and practical support to 'an enterprise which reflacts upon our young country. ' Can any good thing come ous of Nazerath!" Is there such a thing as art or correct taste in Americal' Come and see! Among so many it will be impossible for us to attempt even the briefest critical notice of the pictures, which collectively form a most Miporb gallery of art, but wo | must express our admiration of the | beautiful picture of the lufaut Jesus, so | timely, so charming in jts childlike simplicity, and so and tenderly rendgred--a more fitting | subject eonld not have been. chosen to open this Christman volame, | The other platos are: A Street Scene | | in Cairo, [tint] The Gaile Board, Knes- ing ; After the Storm, Schenck; Chiist- mas Visitors, Guido Hammer: God's Acre; Moose Hunting; Gool, Bye, | Swesthoart, [fullipagel] The Ornamental, | Deiker; The Uacful, * Diilker: The delidately, | both on sea and land. | to have been injured | aclass, at the head, reaching on 'an aver- | | | | Gor, IX,, 24th and 25th, We have recived a Eommunieation | 208th Chass; The Advance in Winter ; fio a0 tnt hi IFAD { Keeping House, John 8S. Davis, int] a pe on Sigming Ne A Mem- | y, Liwpid Springs and Fioods ; Then ber of no Church," asking the writer of | Fare Thes Well, My Country, Lov'd and the communication which appeared two | Lost, Picking and CGlioosing, Beckmann; weeks ago, over the signature, *' A Mem- | Caught at Last i At-H me ; The Fish- ber of the Church ™ a fo hd 1 | erman's Family ; Hore, Chick! Chick! an the rh, 0 ew gn 'stions ; but | Suort; The Pets Enjoyment ; Morning ; as *' A Momber of no Church" has failed { Out. of Doors; Evening; Ia Doers ; to conrply with our rules, viz: not farn. | After the Storm, a Calin, [four scenes) ishing us with his name, we cannot pub- | Foe ths M hniar, Ogsartiog W It Oft times | lish his communication. Lot * A Mem. |, PPeT% shat a Cid; hish in Iu.) ~ fancy Lisped; Is the Solace of Age: ber of no Church" call aud see us. | An Artistic Evening ; The Nagghty Poy At the tamperance mosting en San lay {~John 8. Davis. (tint). +| you need not flatter yourself that medicine is last W. Annis, sr., occupietl the ghair, Elder Clendenning preached a bricf fr erance discourse, taking for his tex}. 1st He gave an explapation of the passage, and made those explanations the basis of a practical exhortation to the friends of temporance, to ""agonise," to deny themselves, to be in earnest, and practical, 'and to be actu- ated by high and noble motives in batt]. ing in behalf of the temperance causs,-- the best of all causes, --the cause of God, of religion, and of humanity. A CORRESPONDENT iaforu:s us that the Primitive Methodists, three miles north of this place, held asocial in the church commonly known as *' Fraser's Church." It shold have | een called a tea meeting, | The reading matter is good, as nsnal, ; but of course, in this issue, is overshad- {owed by the extraordinary pictorial at- tractions. The volume of the Tue ALpiNe for 1872 is, announced by the publishers as the holiday present, andl, we thizk, { when it is known what a royal book it is, {it will hardly require. their additional offer of a beautiful chrome froe to crowd them with orders. Send £3 00 40 James Batton & Co, pablishers 53 Maiden | Ane, New York, for this bound volume, and sdeurs a gallery of enzravings that will bs a ssurce of joy in the honie for p many a day, a --D © -- ee {A Washington special says: --The Sec- | retary of - the Treasury has declined to al- | { low a British steamer in the employ of the | Pacific Steamship Company to trznsport fréight from Aspinwall to New York on { equal terms with American vessels. for they had all the pre-requisites neces- | Wasnmixaron, Doc. 6.--TIn the Senate, sary, such 13 any amount of rich and | aresolution was introduced creating a Coin- ing, and his house was destroyed. Au old woman stayed at his house all night. "Powers and she sat up late drink- in got drunk, he went to t four o'clock his wife awoke snd vered his house on fire. Pow- ers got up and let his cow out of the stable then went back into the house to recover his money, amounting to about $600, 1t is supposed that he had secured the money and wa j returning with it, when the roof fell in op him, - Loxpox, Dec. 10.-- The gale continued yesterday, but not with the severity of Sunday. Despatches continue to gome to hand bringing intelligence of disasters The damage in this city is considerable. Six h®uses were blown down, and faty persons are known y fallirg buildings. A brig, the name of which has not been ascertained, foundered off the west coast of the Isle of Wight and every person on board perished. The barque Niratsund, from Hamburg for New York, was wrecked on Kim Ridge, but the crew were saved. The eter attached to the Royal Ar- senal at Woolwich was damaged by the gale, and the hospital has been without gus the past two nights. Communication is yet very much impeded. Lowceviry or Farmers.--In a late ad- dress before the Farmer's Club of Prince- ton, Mass., Dr. Nathan Allen said that ac- cording to the registration reportof deaths in Massachusetts, published now for thir- ty years, and prescrved with more accura- cy and completeness than any where else in the couptry, the greatest longevity is found to obtain in agricultural life. In the ten different occupations, as given in these re- ports, the cultivators of the éarth stand as age the age of nearly sixty-five years, while that of the next class, merchants, is on'y about ®rty years; that of inechanies of all kinds, about forty-eight years; that of shoemakers, about forty four years, -- Thus tliereis an advautage of about fifteen years on the side of farmers as compared with merchants, as they reach an average age but little short of the threescore years and ten alloted by the Psaliuist to human life. : - MARRIED, At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Wm. Brooks, P,rt Perry, on thy 4th fast., by Elder B. J. Ro_eri, Mr. Chafles- Cartis, to Miss Cecilia Bro. k , both of Port Perry. A Chemical Food and Nutritive Tonic F YOUHAVE BEEN AN INVALID for years with some Chronic Wasting Dis. case of the Lungs, Heart, Liver, or Kidneys, going to cure you immediately. Repair goes on uy and time is necessary to build up a broken- down constitution, D9 not take every nostrum you read about, nor follow the advise eof every friend who has a specific to offer you. Procure remedy scientifically prepared, that fs the re- sult of experiénce, that hasa large amount: of evidence of sensible poople in favor of iis re. liablity, and persevere in its use until the whole system undergoes a radical improvement and health Is restored. Dr. WHEELER'S COM- POUND OF PHOSPHATES AND CALISAY a Cliemical Food and Nutritive Tonle, will vour most sanguine expeetations. as it com. bincs everything necessary to perfect digestion, Nutrition, and the formation of Health Blood, and to vitalize all the organs and tissues of the body. Sold at $1. 00 per bottle, Commercial, OSHAWA MARKETS Flour, $ewt,........ Wheat, Fall, ¥ bush ¥ of Blue Peas .. Black-eyed Marrow-fat Peas . | abundant provisions and tea--black and green--and some of it, as one of the speakers said, *' very strong." Entertain. ing addresses were delivered by Revds. Amy and Wallace, preachers on the circuit, | Mr. Higginbotham, of Bowmanville, and [ the Rev. Mr. Hutton, of Oshawa. Fi. Prririows for a Prohibitory Law are | a successful gathering. | next. Binging, recitations, dialogues, ete., | The | nancially, and in eseroyther way, ic was Tux public examination in the Union School will be held next Thursday and Friday, Dee. 19:h and 20th. dnd : 4 New Potatoes, ¥ bushel, mission to adjust the claims under the | Butter, ® n, Geneva Award. Mr. Morton introduced Fig i a Bill that authorizes the appointment of | joe YS Oaeh- | three Commissioners at an' annual salary of $4,500 to hear and decide all claims for losses by the acts of rebel cruisers for whose escipe the Geneva tribunal held .Great Britain responsible, The Commis- sion is to organizes in Washington, bat may Bailey; "do hiold sessions in other cities, and is mie oy do - ed to two years. The awards are to di seo paid in 60 days from the day of finding, | Tove ceva' Jagiel- with interest at 6 per cent. per annum, | Butter, ¥B,.. ......... from the date of loss of property, except vo~oocsscssosm=N SBuBEEBBI ERE ER Wheat, ¥ bushel, .. tye, do ngsEnses™ WHITEY ARKETS, J. HALL WISHES To Rm assisted in saving biggiok Homa, $ M. CHISHOLM DESIRES ® return his sincere thanks to the Fr Eo from the recent fire. ~ Card of Thanks, TEE SUBSCRIBER si thanks tot the citizens. gomeraily, for thelr Sinn saving his Picpert on Sunda thing nore » iat will oe Card of Thanks TO JAMES DAVIDSON, Manager Phaniz Fire Dear Sik, A sincere for Dm avd Seeman cst ant © damages from recent conflegration was settled by you, 2 Voor commons, Oshawa, 10th, ¥ fs rr ------ FOU NDI : N WEDNESDAY LAST, ON ne COE STREET, a POCKET BO x 7: ing a small sum of money. The owner 1t by calling at Begley's | property, and paying for this Oshawa, Dec. 11th, 1872, STRAY EDI M THE PREMISES OFR. J. » MACKIE, about of October, BRINDLE COW, with turned An ving in that recovery will be rew R gel Butcher Shop! GEO. W. GARTH, RETURNS THANKS TO HIS NU. ustomens, past y ghd beg 10 remind them i AK pad Next door to Mr. Gurley's Aus the A o? pier ph Oshawa, Dee. 12th, 1872, LOST, 47 : NX TUESDAY EVENING of the und ton, a " East Whitby, Dec. 12h, will LA suitabl Quigicrs i this Office. ex's or % A I! bscriber also the Wp fp yA Re TAL Cg 1w-pd TERNS Sabbath Sobol Celebration, On Thurs- | that no interest is to be paid until all day morning the High S:hool will be ex | claims are decided, when, if the fund is amined in Classics and M sth smatics, aad | sufiicient interest will be paid in full; other- ir the won, at tws o'clock, in the | Wise pro rata. © The money, when receir- other branches. Readings will be given | ed from England, is to be set apart as a by some of the pupils, andl it is expectel | fund for the payment of the claims. gp - Wheat, Fall, # bushe!,. Wheat, Spring, do Bariey, ¥ bush, Lats, do Peas, do Potalces, do .- Batten $3... oyun nor Srinarve rs that ths Trustees and others will make | some remarks. . The standing of the school during the' last term and the re- sults of the oxamination that will close | next Wednesday, will be made known. | The public examination of the various-| departments of the Public School will be on Friday. , The parents and the friends oi the pupils, and the public generally | are cordially invited to attend. "Tt is | very, desirable that a large number should | be present to encourage the scholars and the teachers, and aid the great and noble work of education, " DIED. In Oshawa. on tha nizht of Thursiay, the 5'h inst, Mary Catharine, widow ofthe late John | Ritson, aged 67 years. As the deceassd oceupied a respectable position among the old settlers of the place, we deem it appropriate to give an extended notice respecting herself and family. She was the eldest daughter of Benjamin Stone and Catherine Kendall, of Massgchnsetts, who were married in | 1802, and at once moved to and settled in the township of Asentt. Lower Canada, now the Province of Quebec. Mr. Stone selected land on éah sid» of the St. Fran- | cis River, cleared a large farm and pros- pered in the enltivation of the same. The cold season, after tho close of the Ameri- can war of 1812-15, destroyed his crops, and gave him the Western fever ; and in the spring of 1807, he, with his wife, two sons, and five Sunghiets,, settled upon 400 acres of land in Wie township of Whitby, now in the eastern part of Osh- awa. Nine years later, the youngest son died at the age of 13 years, and at the present time, the eldest son, (Mr. B. Stone) is a member of the Senate in Min- nesota. Manifesting that public spirit which was a peculiar characteristic of Mr. | years of age. eecese~Ti sgavege Fort Erie, Dec. 6.--Win. Armstrong. TORONTO MAZKETS. coloured man from the neighbourhood of Buffalo, last evening entered the house of 8 family named Sailor, in Bertie township, under the pretence of wanting to get warm, and, there being mo men in the house, wade a criminal assault on a girl about 17 Failing to accomplish his ay ir. design, owing to the determined resistance : - of the girl and her mother, he then assault- PF ecoo SERB Wheat, ® bushel,............ do 7. fs ---- | ed the latter with intent, but was stabbed | by a carving knife by her son, who is about ten years of age. Being unable to escape from loss of blond, the negro was brought here and lodged in the lock up. 'This | morning, after a preliminary examination | before Charles Treble, J. P., he was com- mitted to stand his trial at the ensuing as- sizes. There was manifested a strong de- termination to execute summary vengeance | on him by the people during and after the | trial, but the excitement gradually subsid- ed, and he was quietly reconveyed to the lockup and afterwards sept to the coun'y { gaol at Welland. As he failedjin his des- | 1gn he will only be tried for assault with | ntent. : { | © Mireur, Pa., Dec. 6.--A terrible acei- | dent occured on the Pennsylvania Central { Railway, about fif ;y miles west of Harris- | burgh, this evening. The second section | of the Ciuciunati Express, bound East, ran into the rear of the first section and telescoped two Pullman cars. Five bod- ies have beeu removed from the debris. --- Five persons wece injured; none serious- ly. H : Loxpon, Dec 9.--A terrific westerly gale, causing great destruction to property of all descriptions, prevailed yesterda throughout England. The telegrap wires wore prostrated, many buildings de- | molished, and others damaged. In this | Sl ts. Pew Ddvertiseme Ta WUD AP PAPA MP NOTICE. FfYHE UNDERSIGNED RETURNS his thanks to his feliow Townsmén and Friends for their sympathy wi h him in his loss by the late fire, and hopes thatall those indebied to him will come forward freely with the amounts due from them, so that I may be placed in a position to commence the world anew. GEO. HODDER. gor of Thanks. J. BARNARD PRESENTS H ¢ CERE thanks to the Oshawa and Fire Brigades for thelr utmost efforts to guish the late disastrous F' and also many friends who assisted in t! Joode apd furniture. * to those who afforded his family. Card of Thanks! STEELE BROTHERS DESIRE TO express their heartfelt thanks to the Fire- uen and Citizens of Oshawa, as well to the Firemen of Whitby, for their valued assistance apd protection at the recent fire. GARD OF THANKS. F. RANKIN WISHES TO RE. ® TURN his sincere thanks to the parties SIN. t not loast," heme and comforts to who so kindly Stome's life, he at once, with a few neigh- | " : in removi rait city a large uumber of pedestrains were removing his fu hRuse du 'ng the late fire. the children at 4 o'clock ; to the public between the hours ef 6 and 8 o'clock. See advertisement for particulars. in Ox Friday next, 20th inst., the Mopnt Carswell Division, 8. of T., intend hold- ing a social tea. The Rov. J. Kenner is to deliver an address on the occasion. The Bowmanville Temperance Chir is expect« ed to be present. To commence at 7:30, Admissinn 20 cents. Tuere has been » new Company form- ed in town for the delivery of goodewhich come by freight, per G. T. R. The Com- pany is styled, 'The Oshawa Express Delivery," and merchants employing them to deliver their goods can depend on having it done promptly, as the lead- ing. men in the Company ard up to their business. Wg are informed that a good tea meet- ing was held in the M. KE. Church, Myrtle, Inst Wednesday evening, the object of which was to raise money to purchase an organ for said church. Everything pass- ed off most agreeable and harmonious. Professor Wyatt, of Brooklin, has charge of the music and singing, which was very fine. Rev. T. Argue, of Uxbridge; R B. Denike. of Port Perry; T. Meyers, of Brooklin; and others, gave witty, in. structive addresses. Proceeds of the evening £75. bors, erected a comfortable school house, | 4ashed to. the'ground by the violence of and n the conrse of a few years, three of the hurricane. Street lawps 'and adver- his danghters were selected to t: ach school | tising-boards were blown down, and many | in some part of the rapidly extending set- tlement. This chool heuse was open, and free for the itinerant Ministers of, all densminati ng. - Mr. Stone's dwelling be- ing near, became the "home" of self- denying, pious, and earnest preachers of that time, who, on all occasions ' were equally and heartily welcomed to the hos- pitalities of Mr. Stone and his generous wife. The eldest danghter--Mary, the subject of this notice, became the wife of the late John Riison, in 1822, shortly after having become a membe of tho W. M. Church. For fifty years has she so adorned her Christian profession, and. so hallowed has been her influepce, that every member of her family became a member of the church of her choice at an early age, On Thursday evening, she was attacked by paralysis. She thought but little of it'at first, but the family were greatly alarmed, and at once summoned medical aid. The attack continuing, she became Fapidly worse, and at midnight her spirit departed. On Sunday, the 8th, the body, folloved by one son and six daughters, with their familes, and many other relatives, and a large goncourse of friends and acquaintances, was borne to the W. M. Church, where the Rev. Mr. Scott delivered an able and impressive sermon suited to the occasion, andthence to its resting place in tho cemetery. Still let hermild rebukings stand Between vs and the wrong, And her dear memory serve to.maks Our faith in'goodness strong. 1 Oxford University, was badly damaged, | persons injured by flying debris: Despatch- | es from the seaport towns report numer- ous marine disasters. Eight ships were blown ashore in the harbour of Plymouth. The flagship Narcissus broke from her moorings in the harbour of Devonport, but the crew succeeded in again anchoring her before any serious damage was done. The gunnery-ship Cambridge avd three small merchanfinen, lying in the same harbour, also parted, from their anchors and were blown ashore. The crews were exposed to great danger, but rescued from their perilous position. LoxpoN, Dec. 9.--Many towns were flooded by yesterday's storm. Several vessels are ashore in Cork harbour, and the damage to property in that city is very great. Three pinnacles of the tower of St. Thomas' Church in Exeter, Devorshire, were blown down while the congregation were at worship, and falling on the roof crushed through into the body of the church. The congregation, seized with a panic at the first intimation of danzer, | rushed from the building. None were killed, and their escape is regarded as miraculods, The Leborna, from Sunderland for New York, went ashore and was wrecked off Lowestoft. The crew barely escaped with their lives. At Oxford, the chapel of Oriel College, and the goods station of the Great West- ern Railwey entirely demolished. " CARD OF THANKS. *3"HE UNDERSIGNED WISIIES TO return his sincere thanks to those who so kindl in saving his goods from the late fire, 8. WOOD. CARD OF THANKS ! N ESRS. BLAMEY & BRIGGS A wish to 1eturn their sincere thanks to the Fire Brigade of this Village and Whitby, and those of our citizens who 80 kindly assisted in saving their stock st the late fire. CARD OF THANKS. (EO. W. GARTH RETURNS HIS WN sincere thanks to the Fire Brigade of Oshawa, also: of Whithy, and to the citizens noble efforts in saving his ] from fire on Sunday generally, for their Fanaa on Bruce St. Evening last. Card of Thanks. "BE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO return his sincere thanks to. those who so kindly assisted in saving his goods from the i.e on Sunday Evening last. R. FITCHETT. Card of "Thanks. J F. WILLOX WISHES TO RE- | ® TURN his si thanks to the Fire e and those who so kind) Foti ia tks (ha meshed of ham | A establish: ] aged | will lead to her recovery will warded. G. W. GARTH, BUTCHER, ) ~--AND--- .FANCY GOODS. J.P. JOHNSTON, | WILL BE IN PART OF Mr Wilkinson's Boot & Shoe Store FOR TWO OR THREE WEEKS, Until he gets possession of his NewSire '\Y ATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. Jewellry made to order. 28 Pearl Street, St. Paul, = MINNESOTA. \ 3 WANTED. IVE PANT, THREE VEST, AND. TWO COAT MAKERS. Copstant im loyment. Apply at F. F. McARTHU! E wmanviile. | IMMEDIATELY. W ANTED IMMEDAITELY! TWO y apprentices, at Bambridge's Carrisge Factory, Rimeoe Street, Oshawa. - Nov. 29, vinAL PORK, PORK. (ASH FOR ANY QUANTITY OF gosiiyon. J. W. FOWKE. STRAYED. about six weeks ago, a low-set person information that cow. Any giving lo ht . oe J. W. FOWKE. . Ost.awa, Nov. 89. 2:32:41, House and Lot for Sale! E SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR A the House Street,at stern, other © mveniences attached. The 1and consists of One-0/ih of an Acre, Moree? Jase. ROBERT WURRT. Oshawa. Oct. th, 1872. HAT FIX wa, and 3) < Splendid B HE UND First-clas & FOH HE SUBSCH which they oir fo THE HIGHEST Within As no more Lots wil GOOD BU Shoufll not lef Cool amir, § Oshawa, Sept. 10th

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