Ontario Reformer, 6 Dec 1872, p. 4

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(ind uted 0 alow M010 of the Rervous soon, ER RGEC. | | la mediewiyatect mig gry WModical Hall. 1871.) Prospectus for 1873. - ; ALLAN N LIN And the equine race with the dumps "ind . spirits and constitution. If we persist in : SIXTH YEAR. ; ; : 1 keeping our blood pure, we discharge a T Wile tvery Siiptn of villge hg debt we owe nature, and are invariably There naTy & Yoom 1b the tra Ret plate rewarded for our trouble end expense, It DR. DEANS TE RA DINE, C l E A PE ST PA P E | =1 No livery rigs no friendly race - J is useless to expostulate on the many ad- And merchants all wear a doleful face vantages of sound health, and if you are AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co, An Illustrated Mos thly Journal, dni- . - : On account of the Eplzootic. now in search of the precious gift, you ate would inform the public that hie has just received a full ssvortient of versally sdmitted to strong! mended to procu 8 olin re Poriodi calin the Wi * . TRS hore are mening and owing i da. | of the Gro Shoshouees Remedy snd Bin | Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Bie: sestssivet hamoie WIN TER _SERY take : vio ot Amorican Taste. Anthe walking beam of the Sur Sivay «| |" take 4 directed. A User Contrac Contract ith the Gu the PRATER yn lps the Rpkagiotie, Few People unacquainted with physi; TOILET ARTICLES, &ve, | Not for sale in Book or News Stores. IN THE PROVINCE ' ¥ Cantal our house was a scene, ological chemistry are aware of the quan' . : a vr : i pion 'WEEKLY oy My wife had been toiling from morning till ¢'en, tity of iron in the blood, but all 4 ould WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. TH tL IN] hile Tssued with all the LIVERPOOL, i But the clothes wouldn't dry, for the clothes | kuow the importance of keepin; the > lias nore of io temporary oF Hmely LONDo horse had been supply, for debility, disease and » are Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug Store. Remember the sland, nearly opposite Hindes' Hotel, al 8 cliaracteristic FEY of ordinary Laid up with the Epizootic, . 1a. Ut is an elegant miscellany of pure, AND CLAScOw, sure to follow when the quantity becomes | Oshaa, Aad il 13th, 1871. 1-4. ght and graceful literature ; and a collection a --THE-- Not a single trot at the Mineral Springs: too much reduced. The Peruvian Syrup No selling of pools by the betting rings, (a pi otoxide of iron) supplies this vital ele- 0SZAWA 4 AGEN The horses are sneezing and Blowing all day, { pictures, the rirest ecimens of artistic skill, 1 p Alhoush each succeeding resh pleasure to its friends, NE wauty of The Aldine _ Forthe "making of books" and such horsey ment, and has cured many chronic dis- ERTIFI FI CATE iy fe AGENCY. ig Brg ated after it has boon things eases. bound uff + 81 the year. While other [4 0% - Are floored he Epizootic, = icatipn iH alin superior cheapness, as Ny ( Bald-tace, and Gipuey, po Big Legg d Jack We have often wondered whether there vompardd with Fy als ot osm nt Class, JHE \ And every one racing pack is a person in all New England, who does . v op ' 2 nT : . lorie argiunappronch > ed pt as id with- i bi Like a Grand train, are "off the track." J tot now and appreciate the value of | J HIS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our ly [ont coffh £4 price or character, -- A f > . . ae ol t du- On account of the Episonic. | Johnson's Anodyne Limiment as a family |" | authorized Agent, for the sale of Ren elle be Chaps Who have girls living out of tows | medi cine! It is adapted to most all pur- ee fll Bro Olam on BB i Can't hire for th : { s, and is the best pain killer that can > Clit dati Cl hy t cost; and there dre the chromos, |. : : ee es mgs, | VO 200 Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent ah Srritadh Only One Dollar a. vear Biolaght gui bf the Eplaotle. Faguers and stock raisers have fre- F mil Sewin M Tod i es hear ta ths miscar Y y ' At yun Gt indice can pins of purse, | | quently told us that they have soen very a "a g HLACAINCS. crt Tost il, won THE 4 LDINE X * ts wan s Cav- 1550 i's present noble proportions and re- ig i oe Tie hoatse, J ee fom Jyvine fr and swine | This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling our | reseniafiie ch or, the edition was more ] z ? ; x the past year ; provin - before and after they drop) their young. -- | Sewing Machines in the village of Oshawa, and that he is also autho orized to a) public appreciate, and | What will we do for our winter's fire, The powders put them in good candition, | Agents for the sale of our Machines, 'in sdid TFerriter: Such agents have all the | nil 1 4 cee Hho . Fit an PUBLISHED EVERY FRI DAY MORNING, Since cord wood is getting higher and higher, and give them strength to care and pro- | rights and privileges of the trade, as though appointed by us. + ul i cmon trated have exerted them- All because the saw-horse has caught the dire, | vide for their sucklings. | Signed for the Company, elves tolthe utmost to develop and improve the Prevailing Epizootic. . J. COLLINS, St. Catharine Yat. vk ; ahd ns for * coming year, The Mail declaresghe plague is sent, Coxsvmpriox, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, ---- : Sal A monthly _iemmete aril BY For the sins of the local Government, Feeble, Irregular Action of the heart, and The above Machine is one. of the best Family: Machines. it the arke: in MINE. And until those rocreant Grits repent, a long ist of kindred diseases, are attrib- 3 ; gh hines in the marke! . needs to be seen to be appreciated. Prices, 823 w oyF stan rs) and 8S: 0with sta tnd, - We'll have the Epizootic. uted to a low state of the nervous system. | wanted. ## A second-hand Grover & I Manu : Machine for sale arranied | An i \ ED T In fact all the ills of the mt day, Owing to its bracing effects on those cen- | to do-good work. Satisfactory reasons given for selling, nples o ny rized to announce de- os! eminent artists of HE ALDINE will ie best foreign mast- Are not traced to their source in the usual way, | 1€r8 We may dacribe to Fellows' Compound Mice, and greatest general ind oki: avoiding J VV R C L I M I E But of this and of that you hear people say. Hypophosphites the prompt and decided : z i as have bec miiiar, through photo- . . ' Teal through the Epavorc. © _ | bene received by patients boring uo-| | ARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES mito sym kul The fully If the banks won't discount, and money is tight; | der these diseases: ) RRR) OLIVER JNJ i imait yd e « id: skete lies, ap- | ldren ha d bl 3 STING OF opriate to the f asons. These plates ap- | - Sp og, | Be Wise ro-paY.<<'Tis madness to neg- CONSISTING OF caring dn the ies for January, April, July, h d, how h r o ' . ' y- ' 7 Y sy 2 | A ie ali v h the price of Through the curse of the Epizootic. ta cough or col owever slight. -- 'S ar all lasses adies lisse 1 Children oe ine wait l oe ie ie may follow, and th ng Dr. Men S W ear of all Clas: ; I LAales, A and (i on I'he popular feature of But one comtort [have among all this fifss, | Wistar's Balsam of wild Cherry has fre- of all (Masse s and S Z08, i : il be tine fo ih, Suman -- | S I M C OE STRE ET, OSH AWA. ud [ thank my stars, for it might be wuss, : Tony Sat, (Uf It tah he wu | quently cured this much dreaded disease, ; Of th rid $1 a copt so arifiing, will | And casion to re cut COE nd 1 s of thousands in every | | P p1 i {it almost invariably cures the primary ton of the coun as Lhe nscfulnels and . ~ For at -- She Yiugue wl Gop ped | diseases of the throat, lungs, and chest, To be Sold at a Red ue ction oF 20 Pos . Ce nt. ' ' ARE Ral Ce ae Rl You 2 High 3h SReIe dae sound eet) jwhere other remedies fail. ' y y For on ue Sanus ind beat." | Very HARD To KILL. --That people sur- ! up by the Epizootic, jvived the -depleting lancet, the drastic Promium CRIGuISS 100 1873. | --Chatham Banner. | purge, and the terrible salivants, of fifty A share of public pati mage solicite oe. - Sem By a " ions, whe pars o} -- -- msm | oars ago, is proof that they are hard to ns ely nc P1573, 'wi receive. without JERRY JENKS. ig kill. The motto of modern medical science u dional chaige, a pad of il oli chromos, ii #iissz |is ' PERSERVE AND REGULATE, NOT DE- - , DE ea: rh cen inc ish painter. | CONSISTING OF Tue WELLAND CAMPAIGN--AFPTER gmE)STROY," and no remedy of our day isso n "(ssing the Moor," are $i x 3 fnches--are | - - Barrie--WiLLie THE WANDERFE-- os) ries in harmony with this hilanthro- F YOU WANT is ee ile I eng % lin- | : y 3 Ss T E A M Pere Murcmeur ox Fismie--Tae | pic logic as DR. DEPEW'S MEDICAL Gre . r 3 i / £2 v £0 per pale, in the Bic SUPERINTENDENT. "ICTORY. In this powerful yet HaRM- | oR. hit stores. As letermgination of its con- | by l y f reach ! RET WERN . | aes VEGETABLE RESTORATIVE, dyspepsia, : 7 oY ! ibid lg ee oof the vaagh of | Posters - [From the Toronto Weekly Advertiser.) | billious complaints, and all diseases of the Fl RST - C L A S S TR : § viii be found corr iy Tab he ad of Fo) that ! " LON DO N, QU J Last week I gave details of how I fol- | stomach, liver, bowels and nerves, encoun- : : Kfery sub. . gi ' re, iblishers propose | IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING ST I "a puble sure," by the following | riodicals., : Hiv " 5 ERor : H receive poplin ate, over the signa. . ' . Jowed IN THE Wax: of Willie the Wander- | ter an irresistible antidote. nH : _ publishers, onto wily 3% San , AND / er. This week I was ar THE WAKE (thisis| TaousaxDs of people are now careléss- Ta 5 red shall be equal to the samples . re. nord 3 L the age the nioney will be { [ MONTR EA E a purely: Celtic expression) of pogr Dr. |ly allowing themselves to| drift through Qunded. The distribution (of, icares af ch Blank F orms, L. King, whose death--politicaliy--i¥ well. | the preliminary symptoms of consump- will mark an epoch in the history of £ Art; and, 3 ! tion, under the fatal delusion that they 3 ng th Tay €o recedented heapae ss 'of the are troubled with nothing but a "slight cl i tldine itself, the marvel falls little It is very strange how rapidly the Tories | cold." How necessary is it, then, that a th il ¥en 10 those best acqiinniad . 'ave dying off. Ther® must be a disease in | cold should be cared for fronf its incipien- EPS 1 HE L AR GE ST. BEST AND |} ice pod iances. {For illustra- Sho W Bills, Ontario which proves peculiarly fatal to |<Y And every exertion used to get rid of OR A CHEAPEST siockor © 1 T| a aya pow the Tory party. Probably it is some in- | sey he hating beers Rw minster | Watohss. Clocks dlerv. ilver| ~ -Tho Literary Department TEMPERLEY'S famma-TorY malady, brought on. by each ot by their influence on the bronchial tches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilver| pe » under the care of Mr. Richard | ; Busines Cc ds : successive vic-ToRY gained by the Reform | and pulmonary organs all fears of d lated, and Fancy i flonry rd, assisted by t 8 est writers | . S ar dy Party. (There is no joke intended in the [2s results will soon be dissipated -- ut | fi Ty : ifterature of THe ALDINE always in keeping wl "Composed of the following First Clu : . )they must be taken in time. Sold by = ) with its artistic atts ns. uf preceding sentence, as all the words are in : . ox . : : druggists and country dealers. Price 25 \ ; 4. eae ny Webster unabridged.) ! 3 5 bes wilabeidgod) | ig. | POE bon. Visiting Cards As I said before, Dr. King is politically x 2 a dos ts i poi Y To OwxERS oF Horses. --It isa well a) E ne on » per annum, in advance, with ofl Chromeos free, | tested fact confirmed by the experience of| YT nm . ThE Al will afier bi ie 4 door ok Sir John, who has a great many | | thousands that Darley's Condition Pow- | M A ('] Hl 1 \ K ha th ka : tak} becriptic Phere. will § 4 Shiatnable 21 | . sins to answer sivoe he abandoned his|ders and Arabian Heave Remedy" for| v5 n Ay | Watches, Lazarus & Morris Perfocted Specta- | 4 Tate: cash for subsc ayst be sent | Bill Heads, Foasion. | horses is superior to anything of the kind | and Meriden Silve best goods made |, he ponsibil he publishers, | ' ? ! now or ever known. We know that it has ; : : em ro ores where the ate is given, | Bat this is one for which his conscience | | been used in many cases where the horse | iy amine his St efore purchas | BEATIN. Lhe J le Signa) Janes Suy. | --which is is very elastic--will ever unbraid | has been considered almost worthless, CALL ON pi bay A Join. 3 2 hi : \ : with the most satisfactory result, the horse | LIP TAY . DE Tu : = San { Ci rculars, Between Sir John and Willie the Wan- having bel Festored to patos pi ' or & Jew focal agenty receive full and prompt informe o 0 ler, rg a derer Dr. King, one of the Ridgway victims, | , 14 scarcely be observed. Many wah | Ge eo. S. C LIMIE, Sireet, Os awa. is again victimized. . horses have afterwards been sold for from | hawa, April 13th, 1571 . ' f. | > SUTTON & CO, I AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF iH King isa prodigy, equal to Blind Tom. [#50 to $100 more than they would have | 5 | Publ ishers, * But their abilities ate fiot of the same previously brought, and were well worth fk : FH i 1. MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. stamp. King's peculiag Stalent lies in| then Remon let all interested consider AT THE his profanity. To hear Kim swear, When jhe er Sembo ie ame. vd ing thet > FE = 5 5] M on ey to Lend L E TT E R - - H E S S P HK IINTI N G he has sufficient room to practice his favor- | package. Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, _1Ont., proprietors for Canada. Sold by all Tok i EF errno | | 1} Tryp ta au Cg ion rendering and hair | medicine dealers. ® 5 REFORMER ? yb i VE Sor ie REDUC ED RA TES. ' - = fh . MA : Blind Tom's ability lies in his--well he No Risk Fh 08 | § AM NOW PREP an ED TO LEND FRO New York, Queansting didn't adv ,--and as I object to grat- h\ - 5 . re | A at of money, on the security ofGood | . uitous puffing, except when an apprecia- | Thomas Eclectric Oil! Worth Ten Minies 5 4 | | m-- a I rty. at the tive friond furnishes me with a fifteen cent og Vio Weitht in Cold. Do you Snow OFFICE : Boe! A I TAVITIRTOSNT | | owost Poscible Rates of Interest , T Liven, ool] anything of it? Jf not, { . . LADIES V ISI ING CARD P Fastage, then Lean do mysharocf dond-} = oi, Ja : ; prone ol rower. Princip . x * ; " ita . | One of King's weak points in his great | AIN CANNOT STAY WHEREITIS = AY I ) nd le in Del » ! N) bi 3a ents made in Debent Mo hn} dislike to Cotton. . Cotton is one of Sir a used. It is the cheapest Medicine ever made. " kd 1 oh fetes) Mapages, | John's carpe pL whose reputation is | 0 dose cures common Sore Throat. e | has cured B: hit: Fift t rth has slightly | but whose price never | J Tcl og One ortwo bottles, ] Da ed Cotton is more | cures bad cases of Piles and Kidney Troubles R FATTENING AND BRINGING to Sir John now than he was | Six to eight applications cure any case of Excori- : ding useful Fears | sted nipples or inflamed Breast. One bottle has into Condition Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep ago. The more the Cotton is used the | | ured lupe bucicof eight years finding. Danie | and Pigs, the an 0 roo e oga Joun SAYS: more valuable it becomes, especially where | went thirty miles for a bottle of pA Oil, Which TORESHIRE CATTLE TEEDER any dirty work is to be performed. But [effected a wonderful cure of a crooked limb by six re is used d by first-class hreeder let the fates keep King and Cotton apart " applications." Another ,who has had Asthma for | go> { and recommended A io. I re, 5 or else your connnercial editor wi Ng, i <5 "T have half lof a 50 cent bottle left, Mill Cattle produce more milk and butir, to Tt sudd. fall this stati id a 8100 wi would not buy ® ir] could get get no mote, a en in is 8 @ Aar- in n, an « Writes: 1 repo P as Robineor our Bi tric &i Bibi] It Fattens in one fourth the usual time, t £ 8S Os "0c MH After the result of the elections had been | [the adv ee CL Hey na Tt . And Saves Food. I A 1 i City oF NEw YORK. INDACKS BOUGHT AND | UP TO CrTY oF LONDON, | v Lb, CITY OF WASHINGTON. pply to - Lume THE LARGEST SIZE POSTER, Vie i, 191 ~ | EVERY DESCRIPTION OF For EVERYBODY) Sailing on Thursdays and {= 'Arowmyao, oN MIN. 01 diIA0 \ ~ of ards 7, w N. Y., writ "Y Eclectric Oil] Price 25 cents and $1.00 per box; a dollar bx Eaoviceld 1 moved low ret the Welland | Pod bd of Bronchitis on one relly id Desivy contains 200 feeds. ouse, prepartory urning home. | gi' over the country say: * We have never sold Shortly after my arrival at the hotel, Mr. Fao a hin has given such complete satis- H UGH MILLER & Co actiol t -- -- . Biggar whose self-esteem and pomposity tis com of six of the best oils that are ) deal bigger now than it was be- oe » aa good to take as for external use, Agricultural Chemists btained the situation as Superin- | and is believed to be immeasurably superior to 4 al Lhemnisls, pire of the Canal,--in company with a | fa iLing © A ire Juve ou Tn uch if | 163, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. limb of the law, entered the bar-réom. |oneor more dealers in every place where these de by all I ut hate prides himself on his classical edu: buy it toda Fri. Price, 25 cents. Why not | Fer Sale by all Druggist everywher: cation, and he proceeded to quote Mark | Prepa THOMAS, PuzLres, N. Y.,| Antony's address over Camsar's body, as ALTISATX: LYMAN, NEWCASTLE, Ont.. ' ». MOLLIDAY, follows: ** Friends, Romans, countrymen, Nort tite Sena and Esiiga ROOKLIN, ONT., AGENT FOR Fane OTE.--. ric the Isolated Risk Fire .C Lcome to.bury Ciesar, not to p him." For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans of Canada, Toronto, a pire ore he could go any farther with the | Oshawa; in Whitby by J. H. Gerrieand J. Byrn | tion. Also, for Queen's and oration, which was distasteful to the friends | n Brooklin by John W ily Aopen Le for the 00 eq ac ho A of King present, Biggar was instantly | _Soldby J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT | Avpraiser for the Canada bermancnt Build: SEIZED, ad ordered to EASE his noise, o n | Bo Bowmaavilie Ontario. eyo otanta, for jeans of wits i of instant burial in one of the -- | Th ----ba tom eGreat Female Remed . Jocks. Biggar remonstrated; but remon. | ¥:|"G. B. Stock's Celebrated En Ne The P| J0B MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. Extra Machine Oil | SN RIN 3 ta 1 : At last tl® hour for departure arrived, : ' 234% 8 NOW USED IN ALL gil P wari butt p X as did also the train, and the Tory mission. || ALLS, IN AL ABLE MED CINE 8 | ett as aathtn attisfaction. and 4H trie. Seed io aries and myuelf departed. On the train | dansezous fiscasca io which th female consi | sing there ly from 3 hres bund per cout or unsou : I found an sitting beside a respectable tution is subject. It moderates all excess and re. ions, peed this Oil is well known, it Is unnecessary far me to exibit tl | X looking person and a3 my tongue has a Pe in ands J cure MAY | orate the reasons why it supercedes all other Oil, i un' Elegant Pall | redes Each 3 . i ec § . tendency to w 1 soon got h with MARRIED LADIES as it is a well known fact that it will neither gum 0 aving ; red paper, exceed- ' without + he { an pion. Th . ae ronthee | 111s posilintly pile will, in a short time, | POT Ret thick in the coldest weather. nisin vaste, ayy Chromas or Lit ogrephs pd EE package i 1 met ¢ exhausted, I remarked that bring on the monthly vesiod wi ty. TESTIMONIALS : : | - a -- Si a a8. pn . we place ourselves be- | | . 1 it eather for Sahin TAP " during oily shouid te Taken or pades Tux Josgpn HALL MacHINE WORKS, - - Jn addition, A | J Arat i : Yeu nice os owl re) hid a are sure tobring on Misco . STOUR. phaw, Ont. April 11, 187 ) | En Mem OFrian. heuy Pp or worn out Stes) but full : Whe capital weather, replied my com- but at 'any other time they are 0% | GEO. B. rougham, : - hk ' Marie expressly. and can only be Cases of Nervous and 8 Spina 'Affections, Dia ip We have been. using 2 you Lan bri GAINST| EXPENDITURES ain ¥ N 04 se btis fi SA | ' 5 3 M ED. Uk AL is cating past 0 1 say y y : # 0 collect sib is i 0) ™ What » ity it is that our Minister of Pains in the Back and Limbs. Fa atigue on slight | Without hesitation, that it is the best oil we have | : noref the dead, Icaven ha red a Oe CE v § Fisheries &c., does not stay at Ottawa and | Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all | ©Ver used. iLis also cheap, and lasts longer than r ; . ) They can be Framed, or Hound in the Vol- ttend to his duties, I sai other means have failed: and although a power. | 8nY other oil ; we hav run our large ' foot Iron wig ibe Ph 4 gee | wines, re moving the objection raised by many; ' ful remedy, 80 not contain iron, calomel, anti. | Planer 7 days with one oiling. It keeps the tools he A jes Rd Ory for ts to the elegance of a bound vol- - gros pity; but perhaps he does, was mony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Slean 8d J Tigh te We do not want anything > ya 2h Win h ne, me ause others may have it. repl {Full directions in the pamphlet 'around each ir as a lubricator, wi iy ¢ YG i. Pres't ar r ine 'anadian.--A character --=mamed by |i | package, which should be carefullf observed. Yours truly, F. V7. GLEN, Pres'. f the loved ones' om a 1 pait : by Krieghoff, the em- 3 o | thatcuresever oes mot, I answered, as I mn evi . y 3 disease that de wu. Ne saw him up in Welland to-day fishing for| JOB MCSES, NEW YORK, SOLE ¥ ROPRIETOR. 1 will run Stock's Oil against any other oil in fale " grief 3 so he A hea Bi pL anhering is Canada" : . the Lungs, Liver, wind' K « 5 votes. $1.00 and 12} cents for postage; enclosed to | the Dominion, and I prefer it to either Sperm or avo 1h a ha Fr ile : 2 nally prichosha by Em PO- . , Are Bot wasted bey 11 Y | Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., general | Olive oil, or any other used on machinery. beilish t at ; adi fon em m A pa itty e nd Fat upeter For the cnreof § <!. ou don't mean that, surely? Perliaps | agents for the 0 ns will 'Insure a bottle AlHENDEKSON, Foreman Joseph Hall Works. | lishm [the grave present suis Na ¥ior a ol ee oo Fheum, Hoge: va, Sued. He ' ingetting a containing over pl #, hy retur.. mail. , EL 4 X { Wedo not ir his d as 3 n, Cleers, an Ver tr + geung bite, was my | "For sale b Atkinson and Dr. Deans 1 to be the best oil I have ever i . a" OF . \ , irs is tl hromo. The ori- JO: : Humor thn the Mouh au companion's answer. Oshawa, in Wait hitby % J. H.Gerrie and J, Byrne | , 1 find Stock's Oil to be the best oil I have ever use and 1e of one i win s by | of Berlin, and the . Ears, Eruption un ta fu Perhaps 50 as he gave good baits I re- | in Brooklyn by John Warren, had i louring Mill for hr Ing Da ges: EL ithe Jove of I re; ntatior ine the anost pon on the face, st» ctaiv Jie Sold } Sr and D. STOTT pire gievious to: Stocks, and [find . ra ws the Lighest price of any of its all other reeds - The f Bowmai file Ontario. Stock's to be the J We take this method te Inform ) nk i ¢ colouring for our Chro- | and D: of the Skin of ? What do you know about the baits he i _ Ll Moses Smit, Duflins Creek, Ont. hat we can fill orders for de is by 1 A i Fi wb dy whose orally dog 21s ane are litergl'y dug used! queried I 4 gr of departed friends, , ( Portra for Sketel by , 14 my compation, looking a I would rather have Stock's Oil than any figures, « ed in the t style of \ large « : tna opin ths | vied de" " Hikle annoyed. t ny hb Manhood, How Lost, EHOW | ever used in my experience of ih A ARE. workuiansl 1p. one of our Sor e only adhe re to our rule i ete hulu Of ita curative ws him put a AEORG " MOM IENTS. TABLETS. ETC ! ¢ best wherever foun , - Hale ET the A of X, - pie hovk in] Rextored ANE Sforsua for Brown & Paterson, Whitby, Ont. 4 gy : DALE FT, NO. 3 The Firs Co here i of Execlse.-- \ - . eT ursting the uy -- | N / THY FINEST QUALITY CF his is & Cotipan: siece to npgiber or nd b \ iraptiofy or Rares; cleus © 11% . A vote interrupted my companion. J edition of Dr. Culverwell's | have used § Stock's Oif and Lind it fo creel el ITS ANE AMERICAN MARPLE S Cb : A ¥ 3 he eo i, i LbE tracted nnd sluggish Int) vb -oxt No, said I, but a blind eel, for the fish Celebrated Essay on the radical | i158 Thave ever toed n eum manuf £50 rest pair of Dining How} Chrouos ever pabr kbs foul, and sour feelligs wo) Ege already v cure (without medicine) of Sperm rience, and have used Castor and Olive Oil, o in In Bap te Dive eve Aud ok Mesitliind had voted for Thomson. torrhaea, or Seminal Weakness, na (ex cipally previous to using Stock's Oil. SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, BE | t : : we will follow og sd gg Just at point a gentleman passing voluntary Seminal Losses, ney Mental | JACOB STALTER, Greenwood supplied on sh notice. Everything Nao. 4, The | v--F rom a niograph. iy He ; diisa Gentle" gn'u v2 Tg MLY r od Sie my companion, | 3nd Physical Incapacity, SE to Mar- pertaining to Cemetery work will meet | ir ak of " ris Oo pe ava| PLAIN ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, FOR THE COMING YEAR! ds a --- . i J SRN EXECUTED WITH Four Dollars a Year in Advance. | | erally Conducted, Ably Edited, without Pol- sor Sect, it is a Journal For Everybody, a wel- come visitor in Leisure Hours, tr 5 ge NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, nS 9A(] Jo ON | 'squI0)) 'sos 0] pur may 'sdeog PAIUIIS 1} 'SINVMOD 0} 400(Q 1} wrized to collect until Chro- The New Weekly will retain all the ren id dFAVDUYT anv 3) ee pue Amend }saq ay} jo Fini featgres of the Present Monthly form, and com- bing ith them the be st of other journals, mak it emphaitcally The Family Paper of THE erie : y » | AT . Its Contents will be varied, and our aim is to secure the best f Home writers, uniting | | with them the g whor counties: It wi i gmaiterin a yestghansny four | 1e or Paper. A < 'sors I r b Q ol auinua HE SUASTIN ie i Tes ¢ i » LR ad PRY i iid lt as a louie, &e. V - hands' with him said, Bad age. etc; also, Consumpt Epile 5. far. | We prefer Stock's Oil to either Sperm, Oliv r with prompt attention, by leaving or- vill t rd the li mette of seven : er pawurts . 3 nal ' Jia Fits, i d by se 's work, Mr. Mucha 1 graceful * pose, ils or experience shov ba i % 3 ia A oxtray. | 8nY other ofls ever useq, (or exy t.| JF ders with | act Chronic Inflauima ion of ton SPAIGH 5 Sox, Markham, Ont, ! C. BOUNSALL, ! h A ompanion for No, 2, Visceral Organs gy hoe. { vey a of Parlor Chromos * two sweet R E M E M B E R THE ST A N D CRE or iv ve tyr Ju mse" e, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. . my STR - owmanville. rE » 3 Rs yn A ws Hud ion, as be The celebrated author, {i this admirable essay, [ _ Tuse Stocks Oil on . ° machinery, whit hn Bowmanvil pd Pome Ti als . fluke, Los Jiminal RR re ry Minister, clearly demonstrates from a thirt years' su pe | V1 volves about 4,000 times per minute, and find it | Pages, Two Elegant Engraved Title . ' 4 HE 3 : cessful practice, that the i ay gue | the only ofl that gives satisfaction. : = zes wi furnished each year, for our inter- , qua . Tao wapiat, Hist of self-abuse may be radically cured without the J. CHURCHELL, Bangor, Ont, tis gromly advanced by the certainty that our : od ar dl Rh erst rn, ge felt like smoking, and moved | dangerous use Of internal medicine or the ap- | I 1 wper will be preserved and bound; : blatant, and disses A144 ; : ite effects are sui priv wis tes Po pre So car, where I found a jovi- | pucation y of the knife : pointing out a mode of | Oshawa, Feb. 7, 1871. A P P E S . fcc, Osher publishers said we could , and soon 1 forgot all about the | Pure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by | GEO. B. STOCK. ds a ir Tlion sie Jews ® a paper Ifke our present Monthly for Howeis, 3u) suting uh yet . nly : [means of on may be. ma Ra matter what | SIR, -- Your si hine oll comes nearer to | Sn twa Dollars a Year, bul our subjeriberd know N ¢ d ¢ : . ¢ / / 0 pews, Pains in the Ride, Levis wud Fe uestion. s condition may mself cheaply, perfection for lu® icating purposes than ane y have done so, and in spite of prediction Weakness and Dob! My, ihe ur v arely, and radical | far as' known 1 e, it w ther | e that we ¢ not retain its expos ive features, and ex oor 0 he Mon rea Te eq h fi sod " in had one ub De | This oar hot he hands of very | gums ores id ware sisson. Burden and Wer ry ih cate reais xpelive atures , elegraph Ufjice, praetor [he youth and every man in the land . ery truly yours AREWELL | m, bers p : RT ¥ he for onl y twice the rice, we say we will do it,and CIPL rect Renovator snd | did help ~to spend |' Sent under seal, In o plain envelope, to any dd | SOLE PROPRIETOR are prepared to buy any quantity of the presentation 2] the Chromos in advance, is 5 va 'ull dress, post rece cen System. Nog Lo off wll pore yuons 5,000 and also helped themselves post stamps. paid-vy recip: of siz conta we GEO. B. STOCK, Brovemau, Ost. Good Merchantable | 1pples, IY vidence that we mean what we say, . torisig the Blood to its lies! y condiidn ly share, from the effects of ("pr Culverwells "Marriags Guide AGENT FOR THE DOMINION : ~AND | Zon Ballas, Soar Payable RB Afvanee, 5 ay 2 Drags ei. 2 needed help to get to their price 2 sents. | iahor STOCK & WEBSTER, Box 1314, | WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE. HENRY H. SAGE, | si/ t &cs Jerry JENKS, 127 Bow , CHAS YC Proms Bo. i Tori. Ohaw Bowmanville, Aug; 27th, 1872. 5tf 30 Bday, Ne Thy SI MCO E ST RE ET, OSHAWA. ounc, 5 Bath, (he [Hi £ i =

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