Ontario Reformer, 6 Dec 1872, p. 3

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SON, VIL INFORM aad every. in every style, r, and th in, Phe Yey for yourselves. HAVING a Reasonable. jo member the place the insuring public 'cal management. ORS: East Whitty, - Pickering. East Whitby, Uxbridge. = Whitby, Pickering. 5." Clarke, VOHN WILLIS, Vice-President. H resident. false statement of ary, be is no longer . ING, , IES, Shoes; EI TINUED Eveng, PRROW, VENING! 2CLOCK. WOOD. merican, strated | IERICAN, now 3 circuls- ries of all ;gestions and ad: °r workmen and ris. : ents, -discoveries | ining to civil and ling, mining snd st progress in the criineering rail- hb; 5 magnetism, aphy, chem- Lic chemistry sehold Econom. & to Techn stronomy ge ) person who de- ned can afford to - neers, inventors, vers of science. 'and people of all NTIFIC AMERICAN d have a place in fice and counting: college, academy. illustrated, only CIENTIFIC AMBRE mes of neasly one y contents to four cial list of all ork) = s she publi ~w York. connection with e SCIENTIFIC are Solicitors ts, have had over the largess estab- Lave made ag in- Ad send a sketch ; free of charge, fad -- f char a Tnstacions how Address MUNN AE SRS RRR, SA * Canadas, Province of Ontarls, County of Ontario. - 3 ps io to-buy from © Skates worth $8 will be sold for $3 50, ' GET THE BEST. PIANOS! » re sop I .. Ta ne ITI rr ------ Sas BEST FURNITURE AT R= LARARD'S OSHAWA CABINET DEPOT, HATCH & MEARNS OLD STAND. 'Insolvent Act of 1861. N THE COUNTY COURT, IN THE matter of SAMUEL ALVORD HAIGHT, Insolvent. On the TWENTY SIXTH day of DECEMBER will ap DRE) Jest, ihe paid unde e Bdge of Court under the said Fo 8. A. HAIGHT, Whitby, 15th November, nS in Coal! Coal /1 Coal 11] HE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND alarge lot of COAL suitable for Cooking, Hall, ad Parlor Stoves, so for Black. smiths, which he offers at reasonable prices. ers left with J. B. KEDDIE, King Street; Oshawa, or with the undersigned a e attention. Terms strictly Cssh. JAMES 0. GUY. Port Oshawa, Oct, i mn 28-4in MILE, MILE! EE { UNEERSIGNED HAS MUCH 3 Ouama th hat he has = Ad dd Messrs. Rus- well & Glass all their right and interest in the Milk business, and that he is now en, in the sale and delivery of that most Todd tn article, MILK, in its natural 'v! He hopes, bya continuance of the business and punctual: ity in delivery, to merit and obtain the patron- age of all who may be in want of the same. " H. TAPLIN, We the Whietsigned take plsasure in recom- Mr. Tap- in our 30 the tah as being reliable in the shove ness, and would id recolnmend toall who want him, G. Hen: A. Farewell, 3316m-pd. SKATES, SKATES | Bb ST OPENED OUT THIS WEEK | 0 2 Jovi of Skates, which will be sold [very | J. W. Fowl Ww. Mean Skates 'worth $4 for $2, Skates worth $1 80 for 60 cts. And others prapodtionally (heap. Also 'a ful assortm 200 Kegs of Cut Nails PArrived this week from 2dy. Lath upto 6 inch. | Coopers' Truss Hoops ; and a good assortnient of COOPERS TOOLS Arrived to-day. A > , Splendia lot of =n CATTLE TIES, AT T W.GIBBS Hardware Establishment, Simcoe St., Oshawa ,Ont.| Oshawa, Nov. ist, 1572. Str | BAMBRIDGE HAS THE BEST CARRIAGE PAINTER IN THE COUNTY. CA LL AT . | R. WELLINGTON'S MUSIC ROOM, King ireet East, Oshawa, | AND EXAMINE HIS NEW AND LARGE STOCK Organs and Melodeons, Selected from some of the most celebrated makers, warranted for, five years. PRICES LOW asl TERMS EASY. sold on thi; Also Instfuments to rent. | Orders for Tuning attended te promptly. | R. WELLINGTON. | Oshawa, October 2ith, 1872. ' 22-1 | | PROSPECTUS | OF THE St. Lawrence Bank. Incorporated by Ao Act of Parliament. CAPITAL. - iY 000,000. 10,000 SHARES OF $100 EACH. H EAD OFFICE, TORONTO rrovistoNaL DIRECTORS 3? J. C. FITCH, Esq., "Toronto, - JOHN SHEDDEN, Esq., Toronto, FRANK SHANLY, Esq., Toronto. CAPT. THOMAS DICK; Torpnto. JOHN COW AN; Esq., Toronto. W. F. ALLEN, Esq., Clarke. The first call of Ten' per cent. on the Stock of this] Bank is now due and pay: the Domi: Oshawa, and s wil Jeeta" deposi the. amount aa boon > ] K. F. LOCKHART. Cashier. N.B.--S esirous of doing so nay hareholders d the Dalnnos of heie" Block, aad wii receive ita - COAL OIL] « | examine the prices. Dividend yn ar gerne 872. 2-3in OSHAWA Fall Trade FAIRLY OPENED AND Things Worth Remembering ! ---- 0} m-- THE PLACE FOR GOOD TEA! At STEELE BROTHERS. ---- 0) {i ie THE LARGEST LOT OF NEW WILLOW BASKETS, At STEELE BROTHERS. The Greatest Variety of New Fancy Baskets At STEELE BROTHERS. a 0 BEAUTIFUL 'BIRD CAGES! At STEELE BROTHERS. 0 ree YOU GET Pure Spices! At STEELE BROTHERS. ween () § commun THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN Lamps and Lamp Shades, | At STEELE BROTHERS. wtf) } e---- NONE BUT THE BEST At STEELE BROTHERS. -- ALL MANNER OF PROVISIONS & GROCERIES At STEELE BROTHERS. THE PEOPLE SAY THEY GET CHOICE BACON! And Cheap too | At STEELE BROTHERS. Fresh Pork * WILL SOON BE IN, AND 4000 Ibs NICELY CURED MEATS, MUST BE CLEARED'OUT! At STEELE BROTHERS: --_----li---- HAVE TAKEN STOCK, AND' 'NOW SELLING OFF! To meet heavy artivals of Goods At STEELE BROTHERS. -- OQ) | w-- 'A FINE TIME TO BUY 'Choice Crockery AND GLASSWARE! At STEELE BROTHERS. 3 107 ---- ALWAYS UP TO THE SEASON IN Finnan Haddies & Oysters At STEELE BROTHERS, BR He WANTED! Any quantity of Eggs and Prime Dairy Butter ! " At STEELE BROTHERS. ' October nd, 1872, 18 FALL. 7? GO AND SEE CHISHOLM S NEW STOCK, EJ NOW COMPLETE 'Flannels, i Blankets, Tweeds, Cottons, Shawls, Silks, Dress Goods, &c. &c. CHEAPER &ec. &ec. Than last year, or ever before offered in Oshawa. For proof, NEWEST DESICNS MiLLinerY Tailoring Depatment! Under the management of MR. SOUTHCOMBE, whose reputation needs no puffing. 87 See Fall Price List _2¥ for Clothing. Inspection Invited. A. M. CHISHOLM, Gibbs' Block. Prints, 1872, NEW FALL GOODS ! Dress Goods, CLOVER, TIMOTHY, CROWN Oshawa, Nov. 18, 1872. HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE INHABITANTS OF Oshawa and surrounding country that he has received, and is still receiving well assorted stock of Spring Goods, at the usual Low PRICES. Cottons, ". atings, Poplins, Tweeds, &c. Clothing Made to Order on Short notice! The Usual Supply of Groceries, Crockery, Horses, 'Wagons, and Anything else You can Think Of All Kinds of Produce taken.in Exchange. J. W. FOWKE , MARROWFAT AND COMMON PEAS AND BARLEY FOR SEED. QA & 0° 8 lc K oP \/ R Comprising French Merinos, iy KL. WN) O 2 <Q $ ad GW . Crape Cloths, Fancy Dresses, Shawls, Gloves, Collars, Laces, Fancy Goods, &e., AN & Pg > & A Oshawa, October 1st, 1872. BLAMEY & BLIGGS ARE NOW OFFERING FR All Teas from 10 to 20 per Gat. Reduction, --ALSO-- . A GREAT VARIETY OF GLASS UIT JARS, Consisting 'of the Gem, Mason, Clamp, &c., of which will be Sold Cheap. 20: FRESH ARRIVALS OF BRIGHT SUGARS, FRUITS, --AND-- GENERAL GROCERIES. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. BLAMEY & BIRGGS: P.S.--Goods delivered promptly t6 Customers in Town. a CHARCOAL PIPES ARE THE Sweetest Smoking Pipes Made. A Large Supply JUST 'RECEIVED --AT-- FITCHETTS, King St., Oshawa. € A LARGE SUPPLY OF SMOKING --AND-- Chewing Tobaccos! JUST ARRIVED FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. CALL AT GURLEY"S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR |FALL AND WINTER OLOTHING. He has just received his NEW STOCK, Which will be found complete. Beautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. Clothing of all kinds made to order on the shortest notice. A CALL SOLICITED. F. J. DREW ATCHMARER AND JEWELER. Jewellry made = ep Street, St, Paul, MINNESOTA . Cp & Shingles lington. December 1, 1871. WANTED. IVE PANT, THREE VEST, AND * TWO COAT MAKERS, Constant im- loyment. Apply at F. F. MeARTRURS, wmanville. VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale his property on Wiliiam street, consis'- ing of a block of four houses and over an acre of land. Tt is high, well drained, and in a state of good cultivation, Also, that fine Reperiy in] in Plince Albert, now occupied by Mr. rb CARMICHARL. Oshawa, June 22nd. RARE CHANCE. Splendid Business for Sale HE UNDERSIGNED BEING about to retire from the CABINET and UNDERTAKING Business has decided to dis pose of his present iarge and profitable Suainess at RE Priges Albert, estab shed over Jourteehi Yea and which affords an' excellent opportun! fy. - any one wishing to engage in such ab: 1099, The Premises and whole Stock-In-trade Will be disposed of at a Bargain, and on easy terns. The stock in hand is large and well assorted, run of custom excellent, For terms and other particulars, apply the premises to W. II. BARK. Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1872, 1-tr VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. AVING PURCHASED MR. CON. ANTS interest in the McGregor property I offer for sale twelve lots on the west side of Centre Street. Terms: One-third eash : balance on mortgage, with interest at eight per cent, To parties who will erect a house at once, I will not require any payment down : but in addi- tion will vance ons hundred do'lars on each lot, if they ere¢t a house thereon, costing not less than ), and take a first mortgage wit} insurance polic ies for the value of the lot the amount advanced. For full particulars enquire of Lyman English, Barrister F. W. GLEN, [4] A. B. CAMPBELL. Lr Oshawa, March 7th, 1872. First-class Village 'Lots FOR SALE! HE SUBSCRIBERS STILL HOLD FIFTEEN LOTS on the Karr Property which they offer for Sale. THESE LOTS ARE THE HIGHEST and DRYEST Within the Corporation, As no more Lots will be 6ffered for Sale; parties wanting | GOOD BUILDING SITES Should not let this opportunity pass. Terms Easy. Title Indisputable. Apply to \ . SAMUEL WOOD, or JAMES WOOD. - Oshawa, Sept. 10th, 1872. 2-u ONTARIO MILL. GRISTING. HE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING PUR- CHASED the property heretofore known as BEAN'S MILLS, abaut three miles north of Oshawa, and having put in New Bolting Clotis and otherwise improved the facilities for prodne- ing First-class Flour, would respectfuly solicit the patronage of the people of East Whithy and surrounding tawnships. No effort will be spared to give satisfaction. WILCOX & FREEMAN, Cast Whitby, August 6th, 1672, NITROUS OXIDE OR Protoxide of Nitrogen | * DMINISTERED FOR THE PAIN. "less oxiract Sjon of teeth at the dental rooms FERGUS L. D. S., over the grocery of sims. on Bros. Rng St. West, Oshawa. ms need not pow. from fear of pain at- tending the operation of extraction, carry for years in their mouths a mass of filth, a fruitful cause of disease, which has not only, ruined their health and destroyed their happiness, but made them objects of repugnance to all who are so unfortunate as to associated with them, as 1oHus Oxide is pleasant to take and quite harm- ess. Oshawa, May, 24, 1872, GREELEY CAMPAIGN MUSIC. WITH A PICTURE OF GREELEY & BROWN. Good-bye, Ulyses. Song & Chorus. Corham 35 cts, | He always Wears an od Ww hite Hat. Song and Chorus. . lacarty 35 " The Farmer ses Chop ping on his Way. Sons and Chorus, » - Higgins, 25 Greeley and Brown' (] Galop to the White ouse. - Drssler. 40 * Greeley's Grand March. - Smith. 40 Greeley's Favorite Polka. « Strate. 19 * Any of the above mailed, post-paid, on "receipt of marked price. Address, J. L. Peters. 590 Broadway, New York. Sw? Peters' Musicar MoxTuLY; and you will get eight or mine choice pieces of New Music. . 25-in. CHANGE OF BUSINESS AVING DISPOSED OF MY BUT- CHER'S business to Mr. G. N. Stephonson, 1 heartily recommend him to the patronage ok] my former customers and friends. GEORGE HENRY. | Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1872. Ix reference to the above, I heg to say to my | friends that I shall carry on th: business at the old stand; corner of King ana Chureh Streets, on and after Friday next. A full stock of First | class MEATS of all kinds in the season, will always be kept on hand. A wagon will be | run daily, and all persons desirous of having it call at their houses w i please leave ward at the shop. A call Is solicited, as no pains will be! spared to give satisfaction. G.N. STEPHENSON. Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1872. 7 Thomas Brooks, BUTCHER. h\! R. GEORGE STEPHENSON HAV a NG sold ont his B fq fe me, I bez te solicit the ofom | extended to him, an: d ses roply | | old customers and nev o ES of all kinds. usual. atte; The ped ill All orders jet at ho "shup Props to. King 8; East, Oshawa, June 5th, 1372. 04f OR SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR-[* | Grist Mill Machinery, i | Pansiig Mils, Send 30 cents for, th latest number of |- NEW FALL & WINTER @00DS +. IN GREAT VARIETY, just arrived at TAUNTON! THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT EVER OFFERED THE PUBLIC. We have an excellent assortment of English and Canadian Tweeds. Tailoring done on the shortest notice, and good fits guaranteed. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT is el assorted, and our TEAS are A No.1 DOD GREEN TEA at FORTY CENTS. Ly Dust Taye we are selling at dis, by ve pounds. BOOTS & SHOES in GREAT VARIETY. Alo, an axceljent nant " wil be of Rushers Overshoes, Ad 80 ana "i fact em everyihing ng has bo belongs Call i examine our stock and prices -and 'Satisfy Yourselves be- fore puithasi elsewhere. ™ | Cash Paid for "Hides" and Skins | WAL 'WILLARD. "Taunton. DESIRABLE 'RESIDENCE FOR SALE OR T0 RENT. FEAT FINELY SITUATED PRO- erty on the front road, only 1} miles from Ohape and 2} miles from the Town of W hitb; containing 164 acres with commodious house x40 containing 8 rooms with kitchen at the back. There is a good orch ton, on the pre Z NEW Fall Goods! LATEST STYLES IN HATS & CAPS, Gents' Furnishing, ; READY-MADE CLOTHING "J ~ % In the Latest Styles, for Men, Youths, and Boys, just received at HODDERS. BOWMANYVILLE WACHINE & IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ANUFACTURERS OF M TURERS 0 Leffel American Double Turbine Water Wheel, Tron and Wood Working Machinery, Circular Saw Mills, Shingle Machines, ! Belf-Rake Reapers, | Mowing Machines," " Feed Cutters, Lath Mills, ete. A.B. GIBSON, ew MANAGER. Bowmanville, July 3rd, 1572, 1341 Dearie ie Cash for Wheat, Barley, Oats, Pease, | Rye and Wool ! HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD SAY to all indebted to him, either by Note, Book account or otherwise, that the same mus t be paid on or before the 13th October next. I wonld also add, that after the 1st October next, my » usines otherwise especially arranged, «J. W. FOWKE. Oshawa, September lith, 1372. 22-tf FOR SALE. | rNHE PROPERTY ON SELINA ST, consisting of a story and a half Frame dwelling house, with stene foundation. There is hed attached. and a good of choice Frait Trees on a stable and drivi ing al jun den with a num ; also, a never-failing well of excellent water. For terms and other particulars apply on thie premises, to WALTER FOGG. March 1, 1872. ane = SHINGLES. QIHINGLES OF AIL, EIXDS i, BLE £3 adie : Mared JONATHAN STEPHENS. rt % , barn, sheds, and cls. tern. For farther partiediurs apply to Dr. opr Common and Gang. Plows, { Thopping- Mills} | FOR $5,000 REWARD! ----) | -- THE RATEPAYERS OF THE VIL. LAGE of Oshaw: above reward for (ing ba aately arsed th manufacturing interest inourmidst it hus given a great impetus to building ind ustrial Fv the " Teo fuking order to give sates facili facilities for the rhe bid LARGER, STOCK * HARDWARE than has ever before been offered in Oshawa consisting In part of 600 Kegs of Cut Nails, THE LARGES? a ) Pest ASSORT- PAINTS, "VARNISHES, Glass, Putty, &c., IN THE COUNTY. SPLENDID VARIBTY OF Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, &c. LOCKS, KNOBS, LATCHES & HINGES. A Splendid Atvriient of Carpenters All kinds of Paint, Varnish, White Wash, Kzlsomine, Shoe, Serubbing,and other Brushes. A Large Stock of Rodgers and othe Cutlery, Dixon's and other superior makes of Nickel and Silver Plated Goods and Cruets. A first-rate assortment o Axles Carriage Springs, Iron, Rope and Chains. . And the best assortment of Guns, (including Breech Loaders), Revol- vers, Pistols, and Shooting and Fish- ing Tackle in the County. The whole of the above stock was pur- chased tefore the late great rise in prices, and will be sold cheap for cash. IT. Wills Gibbe. Oshawa, May $nd,%72. CAMPAIGN OPENED | The Western. Advertiser." 1872. EXD Db Fou A PREMTUM LIST LARD ESTERN A R. TIER Py Ne BEST F FAMILY NEWEPAPER IN CANADA, wo give the § 3 Jalent howe an ore news, elegrary A m. OTHER TOPICS Ina mod ioand in ate 'S in a woderate The " Ladies Department" has es etiquette fashions, eminent women, rece The. Farmers' Column," Ketoan, one of the best a Canada, giving seasonable articles for Winter, Spring and Summer. The ** Curious Scientific columns," has a great deal of useful aii c Our Chess Departmetits i3 one Ye best in Canada. * The Humorous" is not ted, all the freshest and wittiest be ng carefully compiled. Our continued are noted as bei entertaining. While giving all due attention to news of the Dominion generally, ws attention the compilation a estern News having special co en all parts of the Music--In almost every issue we io we give te words and music of a new and ra In addition to these o and pra attraction, the excellent tone pervad) ng it columns and the carefulness of the WESTERN "be SHE Tare a Be ho i v to the family circle. PrevIuns.--We give very liberal all who raise clubs. For jnstasibe; a i of Snags a at $1.00 each, we will send a Clusinh ** Osborn " Sewing Machine, with latest attach-" ment. Cash value, 835 00. 44 ReMEMBER--The Paianos of Present Year give Gratis to Ne v Subscribers. Address, JOHN CAMERON & Co., London, Ont. (1872, 1872.) AS USUAL! Complete | Success l 10 FIRST PRIZES AT TWO EXHIBITIONS. W. BELL, &Co; GUELPH, ONT, . Received Every First Prige for , Organs & Melodeons s will be doug wholly for cash, without At the Provincial Exhibition, Hamilton, and Centre Exhibition, Guelph. This grand success, in sdadition to Jas year's | record of & Silver Medal, 3 Diplomas, and 12 First Prizes, Prove that our instrument in the opinion of competent judges are incomparably superior to all others. - Sole proprietors and Manufacturers of the ORGANETTE, Containinz Scribner's Patent Tubes acknowledged by all tobe the ee EL chi ment yet introduced, Their supstiay con. ceded by other makers from the yr. tat Guelph th ey w ithdrew from conipetition, thua ackr owledging their inability to compete with ins trument. fully warranted fir nve 2 went lone containing Afty dig. uments, Ww. do Co. v ir Frers | Guelph, Ost. tnd, 1973,

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