Ontario Reformer, 15 Nov 1872, p. 4

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ELAR eR se Rl 288k 14 EE Se, uted to a low state ofthe nervous system. Td] oy tal Owing to its bracing effects on those ens v ssonthatn Eel Mowe! Oa - . AUTUMN LEAVES. | oo Antamn Leaves! spirit grieves | That you so soon should fade, | The beauty ht | That charms our sight On earth's breast be laid Oh, leaves so fair! Your colors rare A sweeter mem'ry bring, "Than all the flowers Of summer Lours, Or all the buds of spring. Your haighty pride Could not abide The summer's changeless green. But you must wear Those garments rare Like mantles of a queen. You roh the skies Of sunset's dyes And morning's crimson flush; And then by day Your trophies gay Bedeck each tree and bush. But by-and-b The Nrarhiul sky Will lay your beauty low, And o'er your forms December storms Sweep wide the driftingsnow. Then praise be still T'o artist skill, That spite of winds or storms, Gives to our sight, In colors bright The beauty' of your forms. OLD BATTLE-FIELDS. A VISIT TO THE CRIMEA--HOW THE OLD FORTS LOOK TO-DAY--4 VIEW OF INKER- MAN AND BALAKLAVA--SOME INTEREST ING RUSSIAN GOSSIP --ENGLISH GRAVES, An E. gush correspondent, writing from Coustautiuople, September 21, says: We reeyived orders at Constantinople to go tw Gala z, aud there embark Gea. Adye and Col, Gurdun--the latter being our commissioner in the Danube--who were to proceed to the Crimea to inspect all the English cemeteries there, and re- rt orrtheir condition to our Government. We left the Bosphorus on the 22nd ult, and were at Galatz on the 24th. I was much disaj; . «u with the Dauube, the 'country vii loues sive of the river being perfectly fiat, with high reeds, and the river of a dirty yellow color. Neither was Galatz a lively place, being by all accounts either all dast or: all mud; it wos dust's turn while we were there, a new in clouds. The only place oi am cit was a public garden, where a bana jiwyed of an evening, and where you could ad liquor at extravagant © rifes Ge lighiful spot was most i prop: | ** Garden of Paradise; = but Galatz, We left on the 27th, wa. « at Odessa the next day. Here we ui stayed a couple of hours, and went «1 Sebastopol. Sebastopol is one large rin Jou can hardly imagine thé state 1t nist ve been left in. Barring here and there, where a few houses have been rebuilt, it reminds you more of Pompeii than any- thing. On the 30th, having got horses (weedy brutes with Cossack saddles), ---- and myself started on a tour of inspectior. | We had no guide but a good map Col. Gordon lent us. We first rode to the Malakoff, of which nothing remains but a small semicircular tower about fifteen feet high in the centre. All the rest of the walls and entrenchments are but heaps of rubbish. ~The French, before taking the Malakoff, carried their trenches, which are still visible, to within an incredible short distance from the Russian line. They were only sixty yards from the base of the front, so that the French batteries, which were some distance to the rear of their trenches, had to fire with great nicety, or they ran achance of hitting their own men. From the Malakoff we rode on to the | . Mamelon, which was also taken by the French, Looking from the Malakoff in- land the Mamelon is about 400 or 500 yards off, slightly to the left; it, like its great neighbor, is situated on the top of a'mound. On the other side of the Mala- koff, across a sort of ravine, is the great Redan, which proved such a tough mor- sel to our men. "It is in the same condi- tion as the other forts, nothing but heaps of rubbish. Here we found two skulls. -- We then rode to where the camp of the Light Division was, about three miles from the forts. Here you can see the ruins of our men's huts, and a cemetery of the _Royal ungineers and Royal Artillery. - Meeting General Adye, he directed us t the field of Ingermen, which is about two miles further to the left. On the heights above the Fehernaya valley, the spot where the fiercest fighting occurred is marked by an obelisk erected to the memory of the English, French and Russians who fell in the battle. We rode on 'a short way to the edge of the cliffs, and came to the celebrated Sand-bag Battery, which the Guards defended against such immense odds, and then returned to the town by the ravine by which the Kussians ascend- ed to the attack. The land all round within four or five miles of Sevastopol consists of high steppes without trees or "hedges. but in some parts a sort of scrub | grows * ral deep ravines run down to the uai 0, especially on the Malakofi side. Aliother day I went up the Tcher naya River in a skiff. In this valley the battle of? Tchernaya 'was fought by the French and Sardinians. Here, many cen- turies ago, was the town of Ingerman, if habitations cut in the solid perpendicular cliffs, one above another, like holes in a | rabbit warren, deserve the name of town. You cin now see the rock all excavated. -- | Some of these cave-like habitations are still used, as we saw people in them.-- There are now about 7,000 troops encamp- ed on the sonth side of Sevastopol --Horse Artillery and Infantry. Of the former there were: forty guns and eight mitrail- leuse. sham fight on the 4th; "in honor of Gen. Adye, who went with Colonel Gordon and our gallant 'captain on horseback. The two fofmer great swells were in, cocked hats, plames, and no end of medal: and orders. The general wished some of us to go also; so we buckled on our swords and __were politely accommodated by the auth- orities with an open carriage, hordes not being obtainable, in which we were driven about after the Staff. (Un being preser ted to the Russian General, he asked us to go to headquarters after the review and have some tea. orders to the buglers 'in attendance; for, instead of saying, " Sound the retreat," of whatever it was, he imitated the call he wanted with his lips, and it was repeated by the bugler. Headquarters turned out to be a wooden hut in the middle of the | camp, where we found a table laid with fruits, sardines, anchovies, German sausa- ges, biscuits, bread---quite a la russe, and | were soon supplied with tea; brought in tumblers, with no milk, but a slice of | lemon floating in it. On the sixth we went round to Balaklava. it is long, narrow, and very deep cliff, on which are some old Genoese tow- ers, on one side of which, with the assist ance of a rope to lower himself down, a | of black paint and.a brush, one of our | ellows painted the ship's name in letters four feet long. On each side of the har bor are steep hills 400 or 500 feet high, which protect it from the wind. The en trance is so narrow that, before the Cri mean war, the Russians never considered it as a harbor, not thinking large ships could get in. A twenty-mile walk and a map enabled me to form a good idea of the battle of Balaklava. here are still the remains of the redoubt and earth- works, batteries which played the mischief with our 600 braves in the Light Cavalry We walked over the fatal valley to the Fadukhineheights, wherethe French were afterwards encamped. Here we found the remiains of their roofless huts; many sardine and potted meat tins are still strewn about, with the usual collec- tion of bottles. From here we went to Yalta, thence to Kertch, and thence on here Tux Emperor Napoleon will leave Eng- land for Madeira in the spring, the royal t '" Victoria and Albert" having been placed at his disposal by Queen Victoria, They were reviewed, and had a | He had an odd -way of giving | This is the | most wonderfully inclosed natural harbor, | 7 . On the | - right hand side going in it is a precipitous | - I Tue life of the body is the blood, and pg the blood is the lever which regulates our ol 871 . | spirits and constitution, If we persist in | keeping our blood pure, we discharge a | debt we owe hature, and are invarjably | | rewarded for our trouble snd expensed. It | | is useless to expostulate on the many ad- | vantages of sound health, and if you are now in search of the precious gift, you are | strongly recommended to procure a supply _ Sa g- ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1872, -- DR. Medical 1871. Hall. DEANS AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co., would inform the public that he has just received a full assortment of | of the Great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, TOILET ARTICLES, &%., WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. | and take as directed. Few People unacquainted with physi- | { ological chemistry are aware of the quan- | | tity of iron in the blood, but all should | know the importance of keeping up the { supply, for debility, disease and death are | , sure to follow when the quantity becomes too much reduced. The Peruvian Syrup (a rrotoxide of iron) supplies this vital ele- | ment, and has cured many chronic dis- | onses., | We have often wondered whether there | is a person in all New England, who does not know and 4 | Johnson's Anodyne Liniment as a family | medicine! It is adapted to most all pur- | poses, and is the best pain killer that can | be used. Farmers and stock raisers have fre- | quently told us that they have seen very | good results from giving Sheridan's Car- | | alry Condition Powders to cows and swine | The powders put them in good candition, | Agents for the sale of our Machines, in said Territery. | and give them strength to care and pro-| rights and privileges of the trade, as though appointed by us. | vide foi their sucklings. | Coxsumrtion, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, | Feeble, Irregular Action of the heart, and | la long list of windred diseases, are attrib- uted to a lo. sta + of the nervous system. Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug Store. Remember Oshaa, Aad il 13th, 1871. the stand, nearly opposite Hindes' Hotel. ki 1th. CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY. appreciate the value of FFYHIS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly authorized Agent, for the sale of Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent" an swermen. Family Sewing Machines. This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling our | before and after they drop their young.-- | Sewing Machines in the village of Oshawa, and that he is also authorized to appoint Signed for the Company, J. J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, Out. The above Machine is one of the best Family Machines in the market, and only | needs to be seen to be appreciated. Prices, $33 without stand and $30 with stand. | wanted. #4 A second-hand Grover & Baker Man Agents ufacturing Machine for sale cheap. Warranted Owing to its braciuy effects on those cen- | to do good work. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Hypophosphites the prompt and decided benefit received by patients laboring un- ters we may ascribe to Fellows' Compound | der these diseases. | Be Wisk 1o-pay.-- "Tis madness to neg- lect a cough or cold, however slight. -- Consumption may follow, and th ugh Dr. Wistar's Balsam of wild Cherry has fre- | quently cured this much dreaded disease, | it almost invariably. cures: the primary | diseases of the . throat, lungs, and chest, | where other remedies fail. i | VERY HARD T0 KILL. --That people sur- | vived the depleting lancet, the drast 3 purge, and the terrible salivants, of fifty years ago, is proof that they are hard to kill. The motto of modern medical science | is " PEKSERVE AND REGULATE, NOT DE-| " and no remedy of our day isso! rurcly in harmony with this philanthro- | pic logic as. DR. DEPEW'S MEDICAL | VICTORY. In this powerful yet HARM- LESS VEGETABLE RESTORATIVE, dyspepsia, STROL | | billious complaints, and all diseases of tht FIRST - C L AS S stomach, liver, bowels and nerves, encoun- ter an irresistible antidote. i | | ly allowing themselves to drift through | the preliminary symptoms of consump- ! tion, under the fatal delusion that they are troubled with nothing but a ** slight cold." How necessary is it, then, that a cold should be cared for from its incipien-; cy, and every exertion used to get nd of it. " Bryan's. Pulmonic Walers" and by their influence on the bronchial and pulmonary organs all fears of danger- ous results will soon be dissipated --but they must be taken in time. Sold by all druggists and country dealers. Price 25 cents per box. t No Risk. Thomas' :Eclectric Oil! Worth Ten Mimes its Weight in Gold.- Do won know | anything of it? If not, i it is time you did. | PPALY CANNOT STAY WHERE IT IS | It isthe cheapest Medicine evermade. | One bottle | used. | One dose cures common Sore Throat. has cured Bronchitis. Fifty cents worth--has eured an old standing Cough. One ortwo bottles, cures bad cases of Piles and Kidney Troubles Six to eight applications cure any case of Excori- ated nipples or inflamed Breast. Ons bottle has cured lame back of eight years standing. Plank, of Brookfield: ioga County, Pa., says: "1 went thirty miles for a bottle of your Oil, which effected a wonderful cure of a crooked limb by six applications." Another who has had Asthma for yedrs says andl £100 would not buy it ifI could get no more." Rtfus Robinson, of Nunda, N. Y ** One small bottle of your Eclectric Oil restored the voice where the person had not spokenabove a whisper in five years," - Rev. J. Mallory, of Wyoming N. Y., writes: * Your Eclectric Oil cured me of Bronchitis in one wee Dealers all over the country say: * We have nevegsold a medicine that has given such complete eatis- faction as this." Itis weinposed of six of the best oils that are | known. and is believed to be immeasurably superior to anything ever made. Will save you much suf- | fering and many dollars of expense. Is sold by | one or more dealers in every place where these | circulars are found. Price, 25 cents. Why not | buy it to-day? Prepared by S. N. THOMAS, PHELPR"N. Y., | And NORTHROP & LYMAN, NEWCASTLE, Ont.. Sole Agents for the Dominion. Note. Selected and Eleetrized. | For sa W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans Oshawa; hitby by J. H. Gerrieand J. Byrn n Brooklin john Warren. Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT | Bowmanville Ontario. s as good to take as for external use, Felectri jE. eZ A 'Scribner's M Scribner's Monthly. | 4 Serial Story by DR. HOLLAND. New Story by SAXE HOLM. A Long Story From BRET HARTE. BRILLIANT ARRAY of CONTRIBUTERS. CLARENCE COOK on Furniture and Decorations. R. H. STODDARD on Authors. Faendipary Inducements to New ubscribers ; | 300 PAGES FOR $1.00! &c., de. | The publishers of SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, In their Prospectus just issued, promise for the | ensuing year a more brilliant array of contribu- | tors, and an increase in the variety and beauty of its illustration, already conceded by the critics to | | be finer than any which have hitherto appeared | | in any American magazine. ! | Dr. HoLLAND, the Editor, will write the serial |. story of the year, which will be autq Yographical in form, and will be illustrated by Miss Hallock It is entitled Arthur Bonicastle, and will deal | with bome of the most, diffleult problems of | American Life. Jt will be commenced | November Kifer. the i There will be anew story by Saxe L) One Legged Dancer, y HoLx, The | BrET HARTE, the best writer of short stories now living, will contribute a characteristic story ertitled The Eple of Fiddletown, which will be illustoated by Sheppard. R. H. Stoppard will write a series of ente- taining papers about Anthers, their Personal | Characteristios Home L Families, Fri | Whims, and Ways. A series of Pertral | Living American Writers, is also promised, Clarence Cook will write about Furn and the Deearation of American lars These papers will be eminently practical | well as artistic, and will be illustrated with de- signs and sketch y numerous artists in addi. jon to those which the writer himself will furn. a. Hans I, Egxieston Froude, Hret Harte, Among those who will contribute are ; Andersen, Bryant, Bushre! Higginson, Bish: y HH mad, } edman, Stockton, Stoddard, , Warner, Wilkinson, Mrs.| Whitney | besides a host of others. | The editorial control and direction of the Mag- | azine will remain in the hands of Dr. Holland, | who will continue to write "The Toples of the | Time," which the N.Y. Independent says " are | more widely quoted than any similar papers in any Awierican magazine," Walter Gilder will write " The old Cabinet i | s hith ), Prof. John C Draper conducts the part it of "Nature and Nel ." 'The! departmonts of "Heme nud Soefety," and | "Culture and Progress," will engage the con- tributions of moge than a score of pens on both ides of the Atlintic. The Watchman and Re- Actor says : * Scribner's Monthly for September # b tter than usual which indicates a needless was'e of editorial brains and Publisher's mon.- < for the Magazine was good enough before I" yet the Publishers prom still better for the coming le to make 1 The subscription price is $4 a year, w o al rates to clergymen, teachers, Ee ELIAS Mack: The following Extraordinary Inducements are offered to new subscribers: For $5.50 the Publishers will send, or any bookseller or news- dealer will supply, the magazine for one year. and the twelve numbers of Vols, I11, and IV, containing the beginning of Mrs. Oliphant's Serial, ** At His Gates ;" for 87.50, the magazine for one year, and the 24 back numbers from the beginning ; for $10.50, the Magazine for one year, and the 24 back numbers bound (4 vols.), charges on bound vols. paid. This will give nearly 5000 pages of the choicest reading, with the finest il- ustrations, for $10.50, or nearly 500 pages for a dollar! and will enable every subscriber to ob- tain the series from the first. 44 Special terms to Dealers Clergymen and Teachers. SCRIBNER & CO., 654 Broadway, N, Y, TroUsANDS of people are now - careless- | y will | stop the hacking cougn in a few minutes, Daniel | "1 have half of a 30 cent bottle left, | Y., @writes: | | of Canada, Toronto, a Purely Canadian Institu- | 8s it in a well known fact | better as a lubricator. { Lad ir. my Flouring Mill for lubricating Purpose. A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES @NSISTING OF Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses' and Children's, of all Classes and Sizes, To be Sold at a Redu ction of 20 Per Cent., IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. A share of public patronage solicited. L. PRUDHOM. Such agents have all the Prospectus for 1878. |, SIXTH YEAR. TaE ALDINE, An Tlustrated Monthly Journal, uni versally admitted to bo the Hand- somost Fomiodital in the Lg Repro vo & Cham 4 on of American Taste Not for sale in Book or News Stores. THE ALDINE, while issued with all the regularity, has none of the temporary or time: 2 iy ow pi bm teristic T of ordinary wm cals. It isan elegant pure, light and graceful literature ; and a collection of ctures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill, in Diack and white. Although each succeeding | number affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value and H beauty of The Aldine will be most appreci: ated after it has been bound up at the close of the year. While other publications may claim superior cheapness, as compared with rivals of a similar class, T' ALDINE is a unique and original conception- alone and unapproach absolutely with- out competition in ice or charaoter.-- The possessor of a comy volume cannot du- plicate the quantity of tine paper and engrav- | Ings in any other shape or number of volunes for ten times ils cost; and there ave the chromos, miscellany o Notwithstanding the increase in the rice of subscription last Fall, when THE A DINE assumes its present noble propartions and re- presentative character, the edition was more than doubled during the fm year ; proving | that the American <% public appreciate, and | will support, a sincere effort in the cause of Art. I'he publishers, anxious to justify the ready con- fiaence thus demonstrated, have rd them- selves to the utmost to develop and improve the work ; and the plans if for the coming year, | as unfolded by the ®&Fmonthly Issues, wilt astonish and Selight even the most' sanguine friends of THE ALDINE. The publishers are authorized to anfuncs de signs from many of the most eminent artists of A In addition, THE ALDINE will reproduce examples of the best foreign mast ers, selegted with a view to the Righest artistic success, and greatest general interest; avoiding such as have became familiar, through photo- graghs, or copies of any kind, The quarterly tinted plates, for 1873, will reproduce four of John £, Davis' inimit able child-sketches, ap propriate to the four seasons. These plates ap- pearing in the issues for January, April, July, and October, would be alone worth the price vi a year's subscription. N The popular teature ot a copiously illastrat 4¥ ed "Christmas numb. er will be emtinned. To possgas such a valuable epitome of the art world at a cust so trifling, wiki command the subscriptions of thousands inevery section of the country ; but, as the usefulness and y tractions of THE gX ALUINE can be en hanced, in proportion 4 to the numerical in ters, the publisners propose double sure," by the louewing mmparalleled offer of - Premium Ohromos for 1873. Every subscribento The Aldine, whe pays in advance for the year 1573, will receive, without additions] charge, a pair of beantiful oli chromos, after J. J. Hill, the eminent kuglish painter. Ihe pictures, entitled "The Village Belle, and Crossing the Moor," are 14 x 2 inches -are F YOU WANT PIANO SEWING MACHINE, CALL ON Geo. 8S. CLIMIE, AT THE "REFORMER" OFFICE. | YORK SHIRE: ll CATTLE FEEDER OR FATTENING AND BRINGING into Condition Horfies, Cows, Calves, Sheep, | and Pigs, the | is used and recommended by first-class breeders. | Stock fed with it have always taken First Prizes. | Milk Cattle produce more milk and butter. It Fattens in one fourth the usual time, And Saves Food. Price 25 cents and $1.00 per box; a dollar. box contains 200 feeds. HUGH MILLER & Co, | Agricultural Chemists, | TORONTO. 226m 167, KING STREET EAST, For Sale by all Druggist everywhere. D. HOLLIDAY, ROOKLIN, ONT., AGENT FOR the Isolated Risk Fire Insurance Company BD Aj101431g pue Ayjend) 1saq ay} jo Suiyjhud tion. Also, for Queen's and Lancashire Compan- ies, capital £2,000,000 each. Also. A Appraiser for the Canada Permanent Building poi fpr Society, Toronto, for loans of money -1y nt and at low rates of intefest. G. B. Stock's Celebrated Extra Machine Oil 8 NOW USED IN ALL THE PRIN CIPAL Manufactories and Mills in Ontario and is giving entire satisfaction, and all unite in saying there is from 2 to three hundred per cent, savior over all other Olls, and as the quality of this Ofi (» well known, it is unnec for me to state the reasons why it supercedes all other Oil, hat it will neither gum nor get thick in the coldest wéather, TESTIMONIALS : Tne Josern HALL MacHiNg WORKS, Oshawa, Ont., April 14, 1870 GEO. B, STOCK, Esq., Brougham, DEAR SiR, We have been using your Lubri- cating Oil for the past four months, and can say without hesitation, that it is the best oil we have ever used. It is also cheap, and lasts longer than any other oil; we have run our large 14 foot Iron Planer 7 days with one oiling. It keeps the tools clean and brizht, We do not want anything Yours truly, F. YW. GLEN, Pres't. '1 Oil against any other oil in the Dominiv " nrefer it to either Sperm or Olive oil, or au used on machinery, A. HENDER= x, Foreman Joseph Hall Works, I will rus 1 find Stock's Oil to be 'he best oil I have-ever 1 had used olive previous to Stoek's, and find Stce'c's to be the best, Moss Smits, Duffins Creek, Ont, 1 would ratler have Stock's Oil than any ever used in my experience of 20'years, 3 WROGE BLAKE, Foreman for Brown & Paterson, Whitby, Ont. I have used Stock's Oil and I find it to excel all oil I have ever used in 40 years mahutacturing experience, and have wel astor aad Olive Oil, cipall; vious to-using Stock's Oil. pracipalty gre Jacos STALTER, Greenwood. rm, Olive, or ence shows it, arkham, Ont. machinery, which re- We prefer Stock's Oil to either 8 any pA viv ofls ever used, for ex SPAIGHT & SON, my 1 use Stock's Oil on volves about 4,000 times per minute, and find it the only oil that gives satisfaction. J. CuurcukLL, Bangor, Ont. » Oshawa, Feb. 7, 1871. GEO. B, STOCK, Esq., Sik, your axis machine oll comes Heater ig perfection for lu? icating purposes than an thing used, so far as" known to me, it w neither gum nor corode, and wares satisfactory. Very truly yours, A. FAREWELL LE PROPRIETOR : GEO. B. STOCK, BroucuaM, Or, AGENT FOR THE DOMINION : STOCK & WEBSTER, Box 1314, Toronto. Philip Taylor EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilver Plated, and Fancy Goods. He is the sole agent for Russell's Celebrated Watches, Lazarus & Morris' Perfected Specta- cles, and Meriden Silver Plate, best goods made and every thing in his line made to order. It will pay to examine his Stock before purchas Goods and Jobs warranted ing elseware. All and cheaper than any other House. PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker & Jew ler, Simcoe Street, Os awa. Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. tr. ASX FO IT-12SIST UPON IT-BUY NO OTIER CET TTR , 4 CURES VMS CF INDIGE _..N AT ONCE. | TRY IT Siren: ' AONWHH r ) IN 'SINVMOO 01 400Q IXaN ISINAYd HIADHVYT anv MAN ol1 a PIS 24([ JO JUSWNIOSS® [RIIUOK) © pue 'soysnIgl 100], 'SquIO)) 'soysnagl die 'Arowmnyaa, € 'S q pue youd 'sdeog pojusdg 'Soup Jug 'sSni(g < OH auinua ur' ust S Blood, Purification of the the Invigoration of System, and General Restoration to Sound Health RE PRINCIPLES FULLY CAR- RIED out in the treatment adopted by the eminent Indian DOCTOR LEWIS JOSEPHUS in his most wonderful Allerative and Tonic Med- icines known as the Great Shoshonees Remedy No injurious consequences can result from their use. No mistake can be made in their Ad- ministration. Persons who have been restored 10 ease, strength and perfect health by the whole- some power exerted by these Indian Medicines over the system, after fruitless trial of the whole ia of sic, attest this fact, The numerous testimo re stern, undeniable and incontestible facts sufficient to convince the most hy t compounds 'orm many marvellous cures, and accomplish all that is red. No matter what your ailment may be, or of how long standing, they will find the spot, and astonish you by the rapid manner in which you are restored to perfect hgglth and full igor. The Remedy and the Pills are pleasant and safe to take, and are warranted, and may possi- upon to make a permanent Tare of diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, he neys, Digestive Organs &c., &c., 08 well as Scrof- 45h the various Ekin Diseases, ag cro! diseases cepting the third information, with Medi , and nsumption., Almanac and Ch Dominion -FREE. Price of the Remedy, in large Pint Bottles, | T.GIBBSOhawa,Ont, 00, Price of the Pills, per Box, 25 cts, 2d0LS AYA SNOSNISTIY {um and arising from Jitsputity of the Blood, a 0] Further ; ning ing the 4 s - | This Cures, can be obtained by porno 3 in fis mpudity the Shoshonees Treatise, the Hand-book, or the & 8h. reulars, from any druggist in the >» | moch valuef gers use orinted from 2 diuderent plates, requiring 25 im- pressions and tints to perfect each picture. The , same chromnos are sold for $30 per. pair, in the art stores. As it is the determination of its con- ductors to keep The Aldine out oi the reach of competition in every department, the chromos will be found correspondingly ahead of any that can be offered by other periodicals. Every sub- scriber will receive a certificate, over the signa ture of the publishers, guaranteeing that the chromos delivered shall be equal to the samples furnished the agent, or the money will be re- | funded. The distribution of pictures of this grade] free to the subseribers toa $5 periodionl, will mark an epoch in the history of Art; and, considering the unprecedented cheapness of the price for The Aldine itself, the marvel falls little short of a miracle, even to those best acquainted with the achievements of inventiv e genius and improved mechanical appliances. [For illustra- tions of these chromos, see November issue of | THE ALDINE] Tho Literary Department will continue under the care of Mr. Richard Henry Stoddard, assisted by the best writers | and poets of the day, who will strive to have the literature of Tue ALDINE always in Keeping with its artistic attractions. Térms: Chromos free. THE ALDINE will, hereafter be obtainable only by subsfription. There will be no reduced or | club he cash for subscriptions must be sent | to the publishers direct, or handed to the local | agent, {rithout responsibility to the publishers, | except 'in cases where the certificate is given, bearing the fac-simile signature of JAMES SUT. TON & CO, Agents Wanted. Any person, wishing to act permanently as a local agent, will receive full and prompt inform- ation by applying to JAMES SUTTON & CO,, Publishers, 32 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. Money to Lend AT REDUCED RATES. AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND A any amount of money, on the security of Good Farm or Productive Town Property, at the Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, a sums and manner to suit borrowers. Principal an be re-paid by yearly instalments, or in one sum. Investments made and other securities SILVER AND GREENBACKS DOUGIIT AND SOLD. For further particulars apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Oficial Assignee, Money Broker, &ec. Office-- McMillan's Block, Brock.St.,, Whitby vpril 13th. 1871. TE ~~ r. CH eMICALS ia Debentures, Mortages, Sole Propristors snd Manufacturers of the Cele- brated Victoria Carbolic Preparations. Labor 8 Worzs, Victorias Hall, Melinda Street to, Ont. The following Genuine Preparations are sold by all ats. Bo sure and ask for the ViorTomia PREPARATIONS, and see that you get them. MT TNRIA CARBOLATED FCT OR A ERE JELLY This Jury is highly recommended to Iadiesas a most agreeable paration for the Toilet. For ip Cor and rendering the Skin Rott) te, Clear, and from D [1 is unrivalled. It will quickly remove al! Roughness, Tan, Frec! and other im- BE Da Ss (UTORRGILET Soap <7 This Tonzr Soar all the well-known antiseptic and disinfect: properties of Carbolie agreeably scen ab hy action on the Pp! fred! ho af persp Boag Atonid A Karty used on, 0 over Should be washed with thls 8 a ate ae oot Be soread of disease. Price 15cents per /|CTORIA CARBON VICTORIA CAA RYSMA wy r RBOLIC VICTORIA CARS TAN 'esspools, Stables, Slanghter. | 8, ca Arsing. It will dnve awa: hes, &c. Mea ., C80 be preserved from Pputrefaction by its | Carbollc Acid was selected by Lier Majesty's | SC outitiohers, Ja preference wo sl} other | ectant for 0 pr - ' infections diseases. Prico Bente, : dig { MRE ICT + 1SHING PASI Catiery Surgical nstruments, Shoe ' Knives, Plane Bits snd Chisels, has ever been discovered whine has spvacy onsehold and workshop f Prise 23 cents, ki POOR COPY CHEAPEST PAPER IN THE PROVINCE, T #3 per annum, in advance, wiih oll { Posters, --THE-- 'ONTARIO REFORMER' Only One Dollar a year, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, BY WwW. R., CLIMIE, SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING CONSISTING OF Blank Forms," Show Bills, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, e .: Circulars, AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF FROM A LADIES VISITING CARD UP TO THE LARGEST SIZE POSTER, EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AT THE 'REFORMER' OFFICE. Orders by Mail Punctuslly Attended to. CALL and SEE SPECIMENS. Gi PN REMEMBER THE STAND, 0] Next door to the Montreal Telegraph Office, SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. WINTER SERVICE}, Under Contract with the C for carrying the Canadian aad 5 STEAM WEEKLY To AND CLASGOW, 7 HIS CO ; i TT compo of te snore hn ARE Tons, Ci 'n J. Graham, Forming a weekly between donderry, Quebec and Montreal ocrpeoh lok bec every Saturday, Night Ex Forming a weekly and Det ween Gloom j Montreal, » Queber - RATES OF PASSAGE Oshawa to Liverpool Cabin from $31 to $91, aud tion. Stee: $30, issued at Reduced Rates to red ning out their friends from England, Ting vtiand, to sny part of Canada. - le ps of the Montreal Ocean Steam. Com lund eis passengers at the "Trunk i EN fo 3 thereby av and handling of Trains lea: i the A Lay Pu Flin" hodet te any other line afloat. be su tion, apply to ie Yiokets aud avery infitig Steamships will be despatched from and Portland as follows : reo FROM LIVERPOOL. HIBERNIAN, - MORASIAN passe: PROM PORTLAND - 6th Nov. 16th * 4 Dea. 1 NESTORIAN, - 7th Dec. SCANDINAVIAN 1p Dee Hy ne H. & A. ALLAN, L. SMITH oun Mudieeg) it Pos Ottfoe, Oshawa. STEAM BETWEEN LON DON, QUEBEC} AND MONTREAL. TEMPERLEY'S LINE Composed of the following First-Class Iron Steamers: MEDWAY, HECTOR. NILE, 8 3 SEVERN. The Steamers of this Line are intended to # and Montreal every TUESDAY CN n of 1572, and an Fe INMAN LINE} OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM New York, Queenston and Liverpool / ARIS. ORK. OF WASHINGTON. LETTER-PRESS PRINTING ™™ simansiut T t vy Cab SE. Steerage. 0 ieenston or Al he Syucnston - - $75, gold. $30, currensy. London, - - - 80, * 8 Paris, --: . . 99 " 38. Tickets can be bought here at moderate by persons wishing to send for their EN er information apply to the July 20. C. W. SMITH, Osnawa. A? Age FE hr NTEPEYS ' Pi Cit YICTIRLY eo. ull ITJRL asi MAM LO alu ely Vegetable Compound © i ians, 1 apow's Medical V3 05001 E us wr ' y Kru ton of the Sian, Fh creaf wll-kin a, Ba Hover the Mouh and Stomach or Eyes, Sere Lory, Bron vat wud Tiraples or Pitches te | 4 Pome ainert!y it the es Tiefr mis; hi the Skin of rative ef pots 14te: ] iood sheuaver you find Lasting thr ugh te skin fe aso vas clean u it wien Jou ra ed va islugshoin thy veins © Mowe ben! wind sour Teel igs will tell you whes. wy Bho i pore. sud te health of the system wil Ji ier trentle © gu' of ng Pirgative swell wen Tai, Re Po Ld Bp iar ment of Lg Asa powe fs agent no relieving Co ion, : 1 Inflammation of We Fiver and all the Visceral Organs na - 2 nade Complain ly, whether in young yr wittghe, 06 Lhe dawn of 'wouisnbood, a of Life, tne Medical Victory bas 80 tg +19 of Rheuma'iem, Dyspepsia, Liver t | diseases of the K re pepatat d -- its elects ure surprising toall Fur {1 ; Kowels, and curing Biliovsness, Tedache Slob- euralgia. Female Weakness, Nervous. ! 11 the Side, Loins and Hack, and seneral Weakness aud Detility, its curative youd muey and Leyond price, IT TA THE OREAT Hans MUKIFIERAND A LIFE GIVING PRIN. CIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator System. carrying of all porernous matter and Ree tering the Blood to its healt y condihion. "Sold by all Drugyists & Dealers. SEXD 70% A DCSCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. ADDRLSS : 0. /{OUNC, 81 LS&CO. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY || Pusiness rE NT : wN. ,-"HOSPITA GE 0. Hinder B WwW. COBURN, 4 FRANCES PEIsICIANS UR and Coroner. - ' a a. 2 Ligne *DH 'Office over th King . St., Oshawa. © All operations preform: RCHITECT, the, York ibbs H DOMINI WHITS ied - is | i 3 oi i ie J BE A

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