* ) ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, ocho i, 18240 TheGreat Female Remedy. 1871. Medical Hall. 1871. oa an JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. American Art HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE Is - 5 . re unfailing in the cure of all those painful and DR. DEANS . ; gerous to which the famale consti & tition is subject. Xt moderates al excess and ve- aon ro an be relied an. rb nd AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF JOBINSON & Co, as wry way HAVISG, PURCHESED. THE DRUC HUSINZSS OF hse we | Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Align ve ve wer CHEAPEST PAPE R is should noi be laken Female: dine he FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pre. | Nancy, os they are sure tobiing on Miscarriage, = TOILET ARTICLES," &c., ALR. Bin the HT to make SE any ol, ime toey are In all Cases of Nervous ions, | Pains in the' Hack and Limbs. Hatgue on slighi| WHICH HE WILL SELL ATPTHESMOST REASONABLE PRICES. Bs Shears bee tr woe Rncen Henry pi of the heart, Hysterics and | . - g ss. it ky is ne since its Suber mene have ed: bo ga ough By opener. Dr. Deans' Office in the DrugiStore.] [Remember the stand, "nearly opposite" Hindes' Hotel. Cog oR ely k Nr THE P R Oo Vv | N C EB I ! HIS SPACE IS TO enn | PE] a FE 1p Bt coo | Onbas A317 wb Ee WER brought o lif A Its effect in PacEage: Which shuld be carefull! pnervod. | 2 7 BA MBR, / DGE 0 is most - ORK, SOLE | RCFRILTCRE. i 3 : 2 Norchrop & Lyman. Newt: Ont seas wf Ontario Commercial College, THE has always on hand bet ewcastle, n' general | 1s apparently healthy on re- | ents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle . : ; : Now amb ox hand during the enervating hours | "For salt oy Lt Ee Deans | Belleville, Ont. * © Wagons and C 3 y when called toe Osha { - Tr in he orging. The in Brectivs Jertie and J, Hayrue THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL INSTITUTION FOR BUSINESS ily succumbs. Individuals on Bowmariite a AM ast, STOTY hi, A TL, if o% the age, where young men' and boys een prosure at aduestion arac Ad ie 4 ' f ot Seasnalile rates, A side of Jory, and whose Nitality rn -------- So -- bra mm ! The charges are moderate, the risk nothing, the result unvariable, and the opini- font hy id Be uatnhy of ; i . heparin, and Shoe- | | ons of the Press, letters from promi nent business men, and the united admission of hundreds of of volumes(for ten Limes its coo: | } nu ing attended to as eT Sypris hk | its use is a necessary precau- in honor of the dead, Heaven has |: | SUBJECTS TAUGHT. the guestion. ~W Sxception of » small | SIMCOE STREET, against premature mortality. rere. "birohibition. and Earth is not 1 Book-keeping--by single aud double entry, Spencerian Penmanship, | o ie aire Land Ti.ds now 4 gin wy g OSHAWA. a x P France, has started 16 enti] emblems which ado tic, Correspondence, Commercial Law, Phonography, Telegraph- -- uk, , #14 ' a » | March 20, 1872. © tam "yl y ona Tm pine Ha asuure us wo are th 8 world of | ing, Railroading, § teamboating, Mechanical and Architectural Drawing, oe usa 80 readil Only One Dol lar a yeail ' £1] i Ric... ; ho is to visit every cify, town | | Che Sepaiourss of the loved ones' | | ete. ete. 'duced, has | F YOU WANT and remain to convince the alleviates our grief and soothes the | | . . . mess of theory { ts it vabup of i imi; he | | wounded heart. It also cheers the be- | '| A Staff of Beven Practical and Experienced Teachers, atiens J hte THE 1 on fit i i ; 5 bellishment of the grave presents Those who can devote a few menths to study; rents who have JoNs TO EDUCATY; rive Q st r attractions to arrest the atten- many wick | S + C i pleict mee, | | dis aniesi dria: | |e Se of elle hl i ohupulnd A i Te Ta or dha | 2 Sei 12% PUBLISHED EVERY; FRIDAY MORNING, | FIRST-CLASS con- : use and learn the name of one who VICTORY. the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, shared so largely in the love of | ~| APD! be obtained elsewhere. the stomach, liver, and 4 of the as om, We take thi thod to inf u | Speeimens of Penmanship, and Journal containing all particulars sent free of charge. peby angel {of ercy to th rd that we ni orders Richa wine he . ddres, $. G. BEATTY & Co., Belleville bi is an me! ose suffering ves of depart en at low §° , 13 from costiveness, os weakness, sick. fours, was in the best style of headashe'and bilonamens. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, TC, | CERTI FI CATE OF F AGENCY. oF THE FINEST QUALITY OF The Great ri ee iy Remedy aims to| | /T4 ANE AMERICAN MARBLE Oi Pry; Yio EB WwW R C L. I M I E be purely vegetable. It claims to contain | : aD ar M T RTI [ y : 4 a Sa properties SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, r YHIS. certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly lied Fe any other Remedy. or Comp pertaining to Cemetery work wil meet | | J authorized Agent, for the sale of XPen h 2 comparison witl { EERSTE [SASTRY | | Avkot's Patent Look Stitoh and Silent Fires | i res where i n in use ie. ramet Le [| pene Sewing Machines "™ISIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA phicians, 'shipped No Risk. y . ; alten i Th mas' Lelectric Ol! Worth Ten Min 5, its Weight in Gold. Do you know anything of it?! If not, itis time yo vou did. & This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling our 1! Sewing Machines in the vil of Oshawa, and that he is also authorized to appoint [genta for the oe ol ga Machines, a said Terghsary. Such agents have all the t **| rights and privi egos of the trade, as though appointed by us. : " CALL N i of Bron- | = . Signed for the Co i ! 3. ON N CANN 7 STAY WHERE IT IS igned for the Company, " Shiis sid Congumption to Peo edd, Pad a : Medien svermade: | J. J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, Out. | : : and to you dose cures common S roat. Ome bot i ---------- oy Grxivs axp L ABOE. ~-- Alexander Hamil | hrm cid waning Colgh.. gh. Oneortwo bottle, | The Shove Machine is ame of the best Family Machines in the market, and only third number Til sontala » Geo S Cl IMIE, bd to pprec Prices, acd hou! stand a . gents bea: pict o plate inserted 4 . . eg: te friend: Men | Six to eight gases of Biles na any case of Rxcori- ator a Sa end & Baker dhe Ee oS Buntinplete: EVE RY DESCRII I ION OF 1 ated nipples of ER Rohe Ma] to do good work. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Shtistinas nvmber for 1872, will be & . Jies/in this--when ( | gired ears en- : Plank, of Brookfield, Tioga County, Pa.. . Solirras I Suaelt although . have a subject § in hand, study it profound- | went Hd niles for a Cr of An OIL, whic fs oy in Hint} a : AT THE RSek} without extes charge to all jear- SEE So SESE ESE A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES™"-- ....._. . a Ba | TRIS foyer Sf rote constTiNg oc spe ee reap PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL PRINTING REFORMER' i i " ' lishers have purohased at dia Pain Caps edt con yiere tut pitton had wot sik tuabore! Men's Ww car of all, Classes, Ladios, Misses' and Children's, expen Tp Res Chas J by Baa, oar what it is--the first Yomin : ATURE'S SCHOOL." | ds, and the best medicine for the Cure | SLA met of Brsichiis 1s ote. Gosh 2 Besic of all Classes and Sizes, colds, Soghh, Th ism all over the country say: * We have never soldy and ap Fox N i o F F ] C E. » | a medicine that has given such comple tis- CONSISTING OF ica a SONS mer complaints, ele. Soki by, all Logit hee shee much com "=! To be Sold at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent., HE 4 EDL aot ; L 25 cents per bottle. i oy a ual wwe anuary 'num every subscriver who pays : 2 : | A L A N LI N E. SA ES Delicved 50 be tmumen IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. for one year in advance. 28 The first auprosciies of cotwump- fering ahd many dolars of expense. 1s sold by | TERNS POR 1872. Poste rs usands one or more vi t " 5 pi . . tou ate 40. widow i et girculars are found. Price rice, cen, Why met] A share of public patronage solicited. FE Cp L. PRUDHOM. {gs Folmonie Water" upon the frst ee Ear i Hectrived, | : AT ME TCAT TI TTTT 7 | Soh have our suomi Gocuir on agpiemtion: Blank Forms ance of the cough, pain or soreness of the W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans NEW AGREAT MEDICAL Dis Uy i 1 We give many beautiful and desiraigs article 4 : F rally preclud, 4 WwLUY lL Hay . Sebi hes i ss | ACE EA Wan Lo BF TTS <. ceoorie WINTER SERVILE Any person " Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers," Sold by J. HIGGINBOTIH AM and D. STOTT, erent, iI apply with Te ea enciqeing ' N : Undér Contract with the Cana % and thus prevent the necessity for taking Bowmanville On ~ SPRING STY a ' he JAMES SUTTON & CO., . . for carrying the Canadian and U. them in more sonplains. T° Canadian Pain Destro ; g, Publishers. 23 Liberty Street, New York. Ei Show Bills, jo. 7 STEAM WEEKLY TO 3 COW | A SA FAMILY MEDICINE, At 4 9 ef mani tons 'LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY well and favorably known, relieving th ou | . a | Hr . . ands from pain in the £1 . 2 \ # | AND CLASGOW. Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore ; A TWa Business Cards, pus COMPANYS LIngs ARE 0SEAWA AGENCY. Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in IFTY Be" Careers Srmps in 1 aE LONDON, QUEBEC DOLLARS | 5 Ris ' Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, Scal : i : v ds, Frost Bites, dec. i : k a¥p -| WORTH OF MUSIC 3 7 } 1Sit.1 WB geputs bir peri nae no | GEORGE GOURLEY'S| : V FOR © 3. A the pubis yD uIROER bas now] 4 i hg MONTREAL. 1siting Cards, TBERS wherever used is well liked, never failing in a - 5: A : UBSCR R nile k used, and a never gut Tele! PL Stork of New Spring Cloths is Dow complete, to PETERS MUSICAL bo Ano ly where the directions have and embraces all ¢ MOXTHLY are getting beest followed, but on the cont all hoi atuiefolomthan | ro red with iy poeations and mms in) © J ATEST STYLES! | Ed. Bill Heads, Webster, Thomas, etc" who have not seen this 7 from experience in the matter, hav- ; \ pass | : Sve speak A the best brought into Every thing isnew, fresh Musical Magazine ly ; and therefore those whoi The Stock is oue of he ever gh and Kling. C {should send 30 -- for any of the complaints forg he place. iy i wl! * : nich itis recommen may nd upon it : : ; y an ome cons. | tT TEMPERLEY'S LINE i and specimen pages sen 1, ie {4 by Hays | The asionis ciicacslt he Ca comation P| GCRENTLEMEN Circulars, ~fies. Sample y Thomas, Kinkel, Pear Destroyer cur cand. op i 4 y A > MEDICAL Vi CTORY : and othe lar detful effects n=! . | mailed free of postage ®V. ter Yoru Suing the ortufons ot entitle it to midis requiring New Suits, would do well to call early | Composed of the following First-Class" to teachers for 6 cents pig umber e list of Remedios. Orders are coming and leave their orders. DR. DEPEW, OF PARIS. ¥ Log CE, eu omi- Iron Steamers: AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF Liberal terms for Intro-igor 40 cents. Four badk r8 cbpdhy; : Grea Compound | SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, __ HECTOR. wntith? Jans Dera itoz 35 conte. of {All Work Done in the Best Manner, Twamp, NOR SUE - 4 Address. ; . y -- i oh rg bed TERI ne Rdran eat | LOWEST ee Emenee) ETTER-PRESS PRINTING tkinson and Dr. Deans ING PRICES CHARGED 3 he | London at Chronic Diseases. eet Shy ig 3H qu and Jn, JE; LIVI looms, #54. Fever Boros of al Kinde, Boils - trom all T Lifookly John 4 . Blotcbes Certification issucd TDR JA%ES ELBCTIOREYSICIA, | sin Berane J Bgmiovumena| A TA Ts | AB SpE s 4 0 the Company FROM A in. thei worst Tor Good Fits Guaranteed! Re Se RL IT . ews time, by the use of this Bld hemedy-- 2, 1832, 1-tf. mock cam il coi En: a =~) 3 Dw. oily Bh Fe Foo INMANLINE | ADIES VISITING CARD 03 it when TO AND FROM # is foul, and r feelings will tell when. Rat ihe 3 the 'Blood pure aod the health of A will follow. ol fad Geutlp Regulating Purga fue.as weil act Eo Nervous Dents, Premature t UP TO Liver ng sls the peculiar hat 20 powerful agent rel : i 4 - 7th Dee. a . 1 AVIAN 1% foc omtle bom Sand oF > 3 : lorte Raa ALLAN SE at 8 thatars i hi wah - 0 N e w Y 0 rk, Queens ton an d THE LA RGEST SIZE POSTER, to i sg, -- -- : cu! matism, Dyspepsia, Liver | i tome Fe I Liverpool ! EXECUTED WITH 'emale W . re a) genera RICHNOND. Crry of 'Weakness and Debility, its curative rh are he ID Pe EGR) Bagi. Crry or rt | : i : REDU D RB : ErTSLILLSy EEE. ESSE | NEATNESS AND.DESPATCH, La ov EY Purification of the Blood} ® willing "0 tesri®y. 3 . Imvigoration of the Vere al form, 1 an mot. obiain relief from G lB. SYstem, a. other sources, tre particulasty invited to call and | General Ecstoration to Sound Health Dace in Neilson's Hall, Belleville. Office A BE PRINCIPLES FULLY CAR. 11a. m. to 3p. m. RIED out is the tTestmon eminent Indian R LEWIS OS Yours most respectfully, in his most wonderful Allerative and Tonic M: H. JAMES. M.D. cies known as the Great Shoshonees gle Meg. ls. No injurious consequences their use.@ No mistake Srp BAL lu . Persons ® yo Frode Tou oper 10i-- *S.NVMOQO 01 400Q IX9N gaSINAdd HIADAVYT axv MIN 01 TIAONAA Royal Insurance COMPANY. FIRE AND LIFE. pertorm 4 TR joy be, ot of how long Standing, the; Lr find TEMPORARY OFFICES: | in'whick ou Soni on BY The Rid Tanner y A The Remedy and the Pills are pleasant and Corner of St. Paul and St. ae iy Sud the Pills grep) : wl relied uj e p Francois Xavier Streets. She Throat, permanent our : neys; Digestive Organa &ro., ke. as well as Scrof- Xa The he yd Eons from Impurity = By = of Cons Further Septing the third stags of oirmatien, with full Hiring og usi Ie M and con testimonials tificates of Cures, can be obtained by pr nl S c | " . Youne, iLL Fo dy » 9m Pler 45, North River. | J AT THE sums and manner to suit RATES OF PASSAGE. : r Sante Ww u Steerage. um. is - . ¥8 gold. I ut estmonts ade esting y REFORMER OFFICE. C. W. SMITH, Osuawa. SRE | Sl July 2. 153m : Th 'SPM 9L(I JO JUOUINIOSS [BIIUIY) © pur 'consnag [00], 'squio)) 'soysnig Je 'Alomngiog 1 'sdeog pojuadg 'SOULIPII ANB 'SHAY PETERS Philip Taylor Musical Library |Orders by Mail Punetually Attended to. FIRE DEPARTMENT, the Shoshonees Treatise, the Hand-book, or the CONSISTING OF EEPS THE LARGES T A Almanac and Circulars, from any druggist in th he K a aE ARG T, BEST AND | FIFTEEN "VOLUMES FILLED WITH 4s Sity Insured 4 Price of the Remedy, large Pi : . ; REP etn WIThOUT | $188. a . Sa - Bultlony - | Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilver CHOICE PIANO MUSIC. REFERENCE T0 THE HOME OFFICE. | edu ils ver BeBe {The Science of Health. Plated, and Fancy Goods. _ VOCAL COLLECTIONS. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Manhood, How Lost, How Shining Lights. A choice collection A NEW INDEPENDENT HEALTH MONTHLY. i al : i Restored Hearth and Meme, Fireside UST PUBLISHED A NEW v i Songs or oJ iim of Br. Culfverwell's chron Essay on the radical two volumes contain all of pay ben Bn IR f Sperma- | first need of the individ the and the Ho is the sole agent, for Russells Fontan thant ined cing) of Spas In. | race. Heatth is oy Disease 4 atches, | & Morris' Specta- Gems, A collection of beau SRN tency 2 Sie eet ob i clea ana) Silvey Plate; host ated jESodyinade Ballads by Wallace, Thomas, Keller, ar. | Disease dwarfs and thing i ete. also, he in science to examine before $86,603,210. Picinducod By acl sndulgance or chy: and | Preser pA gp ge Ld ii purchas INSTRUMENTAL COLLECTIONS, | THE SUM OF in.a sealed envelope, only 6 conta. and SEE ag By IP TA : is Sr AR BL FATTon, IE semi REMEMBER THE STAND, The celebrated n this ad essay, practice, that conseque; , Dane Mu Rerum. thereto result of the Bus- | of self-abuse may be radically cured without the the . - SE anes the Payment of ai dangerous use Of internal medicine or t| the ep: CIE SCIENCE OF : A collection ote, o Lan pue pit i rs Suiyikie JY0LS DAYd EEL Y uy pue youd auInud si DT I NE B736,200. Heatly demanstraies fom a thirty year years' suc seminate th of the knife : pointing out a mode of imple, certain, ahd. eff by means of which every sefferer, no matter what =P on anion anor | bi is condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, th, Happiness ' fia . : : "pp porTE FLEE pe er AER : hath || i" 4 sees) | Res Nex? door to the Montreal Telegraph Office, Chief Agents for Canada. seal, oy ot $2 plain envelope, norm per volume, 7 . ~ A PERRY, Fire Inspector PL UE Bh ab Ba cents. of tEMED : } A | pombe BE ' adem, LL lo = Also, Dr. Culverwels "iMartiags Guids : Fo way. X. Sa } | cpanel = i SR CLBEAC : | SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA, RET n a. Co Bm