Ontario Reformer, 18 Oct 1872, p. 3

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MENTS ° of be » rior, wos LHEIR ve fon hve Public eS a berience, * Purchasing r ont in the Th Our nat. : Ominion, OR TIVE Tag on a ing oe en Joe Fi NJ n's Sona near te awa. ring to purchase wit wm their Money and BINSON. Wa ROBINSON, © way i and Nutritive Tonle 3 on PHOSPHA' + great favourit Soid a at at $100, e with ---- -- mertial, MARKETS, Sa October; 17 fisen =» -13% 3199 L068 .. 040 A MARKETS. | y ® VILLE MARKETS, October, IF Avene LE J ow - 063 Tis . 3 on . 000 0 .. 013 i -------- dr extisements, 1 2 AYEDY Li PR EM SfISES : OF. ary will be suitably JAMES BURNS. Iw Lot go) Sale l RIBER OFFERS FOR nd 1s ot on William Streets v himself. The eng od ™ age. with a i vel r coliveniences One-fifthof an Acre, moreot" ROBERT MURRY. m2, - Na. Yd DTICE (3 IY EN THAT APPLL- h, 1872. ; The Ta con. of the Town- 18, 19 and Wim NTED "THREE VEST, AND MN ABER S. Co im F. Mc ARTHURS. Bu Shs SALE. ) oD SIZED TOWN a. good "iocality. Terms WARREN L. ASH. K LOTS. ET "LEFT TWENTY hare pples trees thereon, » Ng better can 'be c found in the vicinity ALL. M.S. 4 rd, 1872, e or r To Rent! : I BLE | RESIDENCE t P. Smith, Esq. ng 'best built and ceiled inside. ¢ it warm, dry, tern holding Joty n acre of land, 2 »od tenant, "acl, "AK. FAREWELL. RESIDENCE FOB 2 OR To RENT. 4 LY SITUATED PRO- = t road, only I} miles from pr e m the To wn of Whithi 2 i smmodious 3] Le back. © a hs dr ars apply to Dr. -- SALE. RTY ON SELINA ST. WALTER FOOG. ot t, Barley, Oats, Peasé, and Wool! RIBER WOULD SAYA te him, sither by Note, a, that thea same must be § ith October next. 1 woald 4 r "the 1st October ne: ] ne wholly i cash, A arranged 3 ¢ J. W. OWES: ser Lith, 1372. kl ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1872. Farmers Attention. HE SURSCRIRER HAS RECEIVED instructions from MR. THOMAS SCOTT, to soll by Tublio Auction, on Lot -No. 16 nh . of Kast Whithy, ON THURSDAY, OC TOBER rm, 1872, swing valuable property, viz, 1 Entire th on Yan Tam), WF years ods 1 Draught are, in foal, to (Netherbyd: 1 Mare, aged ; Colt, 3 years aid; 1 Colt, ¥ years old : 1 rade ow, in calf to Wilson's Imported Bull; d Milch Cow Min eal ; 1 Fallow tirade Cow, in Alf to W, Leask's tho hie heed i; 1 Helfer, gens old, in calf; 2 Heifers, 2 34 cars old, . 2 years oid ; 1 caning Steer; 1 tet + 4 Spring Calves ; 1 phy orede hid 1 Iron Axle ne me Seated pixie W Pole: 1 pair Knee Boba. ins, M caper, nearly ne Jonna oR hithy ; 1 Mower, C Re o Combine Reaper r [&) ymbined Broad Mivators 1 Two-horse Roller, 1 Two hore: ie rrhrne or. 1 pair Wooden Harrows, 1 pair dron Su wa, nearly new i 1 Onehorse Scufller, PROW 3 ough, Ne sds : 1 Plow, Iron "Plo e¢ Rake, 1 Horse Fork, Hops 1 Fanni rd Mill, 1 Two. Sow urnip Jaster sower attached ; 1- Set Double ort tug; 1 Set do. lon tug, Whiffle- k Yokes, with Forks and Rakes. Harn Ne trees nd of Hay and Turnips,and various Also a qv iy her articles. te commence at Twelve o'clock, sharp. Terns. All sums of "#10 and under, cash ; r that amount Ele ven months' credit will over ten to purchasers furnishing NT be = except | for: Turnips, for whieh Bot requi Eight per cent. discount will be Slowed for cash payments LF ATRBANKS, Auctioneer East Whitby. Oct. Mth, 1872, rr . CAUTIO N. +g THE UNDERSIGNED HERE- W BY caution all parties from Hegotiating for a note of hand made by us in favor of Mr, E Morgaa for the sum of $200, as we have not re- ceived value for the same, and will not pay it. FREDERICK JOHN CULYER JOIN -CULYER. East Whitby, Sept. tol \, 1872. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. i HE SU BSCRIBER OFFERS FOR | sale that valuable p rope riy, situated on the | North sideof Kin ot, East, Lot No. § con- sisting of fifty acres, in Tre of from ten to twenty | z acres. On the prevfiises is a © 00D TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, with driving shed and wood shed attached, a good barn and other outbuildings. . Also a good | garden of choice fruit trees, and one of the BEST ORCHARDS | Province, containing over 1,000 trees. | Phere is ¢ ght acres of good hard wood on the | emi SOS, or Jurther phic rulars, apply to the | th INISEeS. propre an Sn Hue pn H. S. DREW. VALUABLE PROPERTY: for SALE. HE SUBSCRIBER. OFFERS rin sale his property on William street, consi st ing ofa block ¢ bo ar houses and over an acre of land. Itis high, well drained, good cultivation, EN Also, that fine pr aperty in Prince Albert, now occupied by Mr. Wileox, Bailiff, i HUGH CARMIC HAEL. | 114 hd , and in a state of Oshawa, June 22nd. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE N PURSUANCE 'E OF THE STATU TE | { of the Inte Provinge of Canada, 29 V jetoria, | cap. 28, sec. 27, notice -is hereby given, that TT vedita ors and other Persons having any debt | or or effecting the Estate of | G FORGE MITC "HELL, late of the Township of | Darlington, in the County of Durham, Yeoman, on or about the SEVENTH DAY OF | » hereby required to Joend in | | Pos On DAY OF NOVE UBER NEXT ; immedis after which day the said | Admi nistratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the feteons entitled thereto having regard to the: debts and claims only of which she shall then have kad | notice and the said administratix will not be li- able for the assets so distributed toany person o ] whose debt @r claim she shall- not 'have had notice at the time of such distribu ot n by nd notice is hereby given to parties nde ted to | the said Estate that payment must be forthwith | made to the said administratrix, LUCINDA MITCHELL; by Farewell & McGee her Solic tors. Dated this 19th day of September, 1872, FALL WINTER CLOTHING. LATEST STYLES AND ~ BEST QUALITY. CALL AT« GURLEY'S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. He has just received his NEW STOCK, w hich will be doo la complete. Beautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. Clothing of all: kinds made to order on the shortest notice. A CALL SOLICITED. rmmnb---- pe -- 2dw | CHARCOAL PIPES ARE THE Sweetest Smoking Pipes Made. > . A Large Supply JUST RECEIVED FITCHETT'S, King St., Oshawa. A LARGE SUPPLY OF SMOKING Chewing Tobaccos! ; RES FAIRLY OPENED Lamps and Lamp Shades, OSHAWA Fall Trade NOW 18: FALL. 72 { AND Things Worth Remembering ! -- HH ao AND SEE THE PLACE FOR GOOD TEA. A At STEELE BROTHERS. CHISHOLM S -- 0) THE LARGEST LOT OF NEW STOCK, NEW WILLOW BASKETS, At STEELE BROTHERS. NOW COMPLETE % The Greatest Variety of New Fancy Baskets At STEELE BROTHERS. -- 0 -- Flannels, BEAUTIFUL 'BIRD CAGES! At STEELE BROTHERS. | Blankets, meant $< ee ------ Tweeds, YOU GET Pure Spices! At STEELE BROTHERS. Cottons, Shawls, Silks; D THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN ress Goods, &ec. CEEAPER &ec. &c. &ec. At STEELE BROTHERS. ---- 0 me NONE BUT THE BEST Than last year, or ever before ; C O AL O I L 1 offered in Oshawa. For proof, + | examine the prices. At STEELE BROTHERS. ALL MANNER OF PROVISIONS & GROCERIES At STEELE BROTHERS, > EN Seman 20) Jett THE PEOPLE SAY THEY GET CHOICE BACON! And Cheap too | At STEELE BROTHERS. NEWEST DESIGNS Fresh Pork wus soon mx 00 | Nyy 1 NERY 4000 1bs NICELY CURED MEATS, | MUST BE CLEARED OUT! 'vAt STEELE BROTHERS. HAVE TAKEN STOCK, AND NOW SELLING OFF! To meet heavy arrivals of Goods At STEELE BROTHERS. ---- Tailoring Department / A FINE TIME TO BUY" Choice Crockery : AND GLASSWARE At STEELE BROTHERS. Under the management of MR. SOUTHCOMBE, whose reputation needs no puffing. i ga See Fall Price List sf for Clothing. ALWAYS UP TO THE SEASON IN Finnan Haddies & Oysters At STEELE BROTHERS. tn $0) ee WANTED! Any quantity of Eggs and Prime 1 Dairy Butter ! Inspection Invited. - A. M. CHISHOLM, At STEELE BROTHERS. ' IMPORTS FOR FALL OF 1872! W. F. COWAN 18 NOW SHOWING A CHOICE SELECTION OF FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS OF HIS OWN IMPORTATION: DEY RESET VS Tod siett advange In the, 06 of wool bas 2 Winter Goods. The, year oo still current in many of the load: of last Winceys at old pri Stocks of Woolen Shawls at old prices! at old prices. reaps of Drees Goods at at old prices. ed consumérs to Piles of ee Thousa of yards of of heawy | Lots of Blankets st old prices, &c., &ec. ne 0) The Dress Goods Department Contains 11 Wool Cloths, a full assortment ; all Wool Serges, & Saxon Il assortment ; A Yeu R8ilk ay w aol French EE pa i A The House Furnishing Department Embraces: sts Wool and Uniens, Felt, Alem and Star. ort og cong aby Sheeting, To i welings. Price LA quality can to the most prudent buy jam ¥¥ool French celebrated in great variety. its, Lace Curtains, Linen confidently recommended ers, B---- THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is now fully stocked with the choicest West of and upon will ¢ es to Clothing. 5 An early r call res) 'weeds, Cloths and ' Overcostl a ring Soasonable and Fashional pecthully nvi W. F. COWAN. 2-27 18 New Fall Goods. 72. Osnawa, Oct. 17, 1872. Direct Importation for Our Oshawa Fall Trade, THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS' TO INFORM HIS CUSTOMERS AND THE blic, that he has received per Steamships St. Andrew and St. A LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS IMPORTED DIRECT, CONTAINING IN VARIETY Shawls, Mantles, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, and Millinery Stock, and Corsets, Skirts, Hosiery, and Gloves, intluding Sull range of Sizes apd Colors of the gonafine celebrated Jeovin and Josephine Kid Glo 'Which will be sold at prices much below the figures usuall with a large assortment ol Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Lustres, Alpacas, French Merinos, Atlet, White, Pink, and Rose; Saxony Flannels, Plain and Fancy Winseys, Superior Make, Carpets, Damask's, Lace Curtains, Table Linens, Oil Cloths, Towellings, ete. To- gether with a large supply of Gents' Furnishing, Cloths & Trimmings, | Clothing Made to order--Fits Guaranteed. MILLINERY AND MANTLES A SPECIALITY. LATEST STYLES AT ALL TIMES. S.. TREWIN. Corner of King and Simsoe Streets, Oshawa. oves, asked for these Together Oshawa, Oct. 16th, 1872. Comprising French Merinos, Crape Cloths, Fancy Dresses, Shawls, Gloves, Collars, Laces, Fancy Goods, &c., Oshawa, October 1st, 1872. "BLAMEY & BRIGGS ARE NOW OFFERING Teas from 10 to 20 per cent. Reduction, --ALSO-- FRUIT JARS, Consisting of the Gem, Mason, Clamp, é&c., All of which will be Sold Cheap. 0% FRESH ARRIVALS OF BRIGHT SUGARS, FRUITS, --AND-- GENERAL GROCERIES. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. BLAMEY & BRIGGS: JUST ARRIVED ing Gibbs' Block. P.S.--Goods delivered promptly to Customers | in > Town. 7 A din ml disappointed when they visit this Jel knoun fe in nes. A GREAT VARIETY OF GLASS| "F. J. DREW Widnes AND JEWELER. Jewellry made to order. 25 Pearl Street, St. Paul, MINNESOTA. Lumber & Shingles Fok SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR- ington. A. B. CAMPHELL. Decembef 1, 1871, wu PROF. WHITE, TEACHER OF THE PIANOFORTE SINGING, etc. Organist and Compaser, { prepared 0 al ers may Known at this Office. ay Oshawa, Jane 20th, 1872, FOR SALE. IYHE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTH 48 Acres, in the South-east corner of the corporation of Oshawa. A quantity of wood thereon. Also, 160 acres in Grundy Pu Towa, U.S, ten miles from Cedar Falls, miles from New Hartford village, on the Hiinols. Central R. R. 70 acres cultivated; frame house and stable thereon, The whole to be sold very cheap. A. M. FAREWELL, 45-1, wa. RARE CHANCE. Splendid Business for Sale HE uv NDERSIGNED BEING about retire from the CABINET and UNDE RT RING Business has decided to dis- pose of h darge an nd pi business at Prince wey established over fourteen years, and which affords an excellent opportuni ty to any one wishing to engage in such a The Fremises and whole Stock-in- trade will be be disposed of at a Bargain, and on easy terms. The stock in hand is > and well assorted, and the run of custom excellent, For terms and other particulars, apply on the prem: W.H PA K. Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1872, WE VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. AVING PURCHASED MR. CON- ANTS interest in the McGregor 1 offer for sale twelve lots on the west GLH of Centre Street. Terms: One-third eash ; balance on mortgage, with interest at eight per cent. wa parties who will erect a house at once re any payment down ; but in di ance one hundred dollars on each lot, if they erect a house Dereoh, costing not less than , and take a frst m: wit) insurance policies for the value "of the lot an the amount advanced. For full particulars enquire of ai) q of Lyman English, F. W. GLEN. Oshawa, March 7th, 1872. 43 ton gr ill a First-class Village Lots FOR SALE! HE SUBSCRIBERS STILL HOLD FIFTEEN LOTS on the Karr Property which they offer for Sale, THESE LOFTS ARE THE HIGH EST and DRYEST Within the Corporation. As no more Lots will be offered for Sale, parties wanting GOOD BUILDING SITES Should not let this opportunity pass. Terms Easy. Title Indisputable. Apply to SAMUEL WOOD, or JAMES WOOD. Oshawa, Sept. 10th, 1872, 241 ONTARIO MILL. GRISTING. HE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING PUR- CHASED the property heretofore known as BEAN'S MILLS, About three miles north of Oshawa, and having New and otherwise pig ing First-class ut the facilities for produc- jour, would res fuly solicit the patronage of the people of East W' hithy and surrounding townships, No effort will be spared to give satisfaction. WILCOX & FREEMAN. | Bast Whitby, August 6th, 1672. NITROUS OXIDE cI Protoxide of Nitrogen NITE FOR THE PAIN. |] of less extraction of teeth at the dental rooms . FERGUSON, L. D, 8. over the grocery of Simson Bros. King St. West, Oshawa. Persons need not now, from fear of pain pain M- tending the operation extraction, years their mouths a mass of filth, fruitful cause of disease, which has not only ruined their health and Jestioyed their ha; them objects of rej 0 all who are so unfortunate as to TE otitad with them, as Nitros Oxide is pleasant to take and quite harm- ness, but made ance Oshawa, May, 24, 1872. 2w-7 GREELEY CAMPAIGN MUSIC, WITH A PICTURE OF GREELEY & BROWN. Good-bye, Ulyses. Song & Chorus. Corham 35 cts. He always Wears an ou Ww hite Hat. Song , and rus. Macarty 35 " Thé Farmer Chopping on his W ind Sons and Chorus, Higgins. Greeley a! Brown's Galop to the White Serv J w wa o the White Greeley's Grand March. - Smith. 40 Greeley"s Favorite Polka. - _ - Strate. 40 Any of the above mailed, post-paid, on receipt of marked price. , Address, J. L. Perers. 590 Broadway, New York. Send 30 cents for th> latest number of Prrers' Musicar MoxraLy, and you will get eight or mine choice pieces of New Music. 25-5in. CHANGE OF BUSINESS AVING DISPOSED OF MY BUT- CHER'S business to Mr. G. N. Stephonson, 1 heartily recommend him $0 i he patronage of my former customers and fri ® GEORGE HENRY. Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1872, In reference to the above, 1 say to my friends that I shall carry on the Rite A at the old stand, corner of King and Chureh Streets, Xt. full stock of First season, Fooly pty 6. N. STEPHENSON. Oshawa, Feb. 7, 1672. Li Thomas Brooks, BUTCHER. R. GEOROE 81 EPHENSON HAV- me, I to to solicit the hetetufore jo Rim, and will old customers and one, with the aggon will Fil call as as Lr RE Ee attended to. | King St. East, Oshawa, June th, 1572. Of. Belting Clotls | f NEW LATEST STYLES IN HATS & CAPS Gents' Furnishing, READY-MADE CLOTHING In the Latest Styles, for Men, Youths, and Boys, just received at HODDERS. BOWMANYVILLE MACHINE & IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. NAXVFACTU RERS OF Leffel American Double Turbine Water Wheel, Iron and Wood Working Machinery, Circular Saw Mills, Shingle Machines, Grist Mill Machinery, Self-Rake Reapers, Mowing Machines, Common and Gang Plows, Fanning Mils, . Chopping Mills, Lath Mills, ete. A.B. GIBSON, MANAGER. 132 Feed Cutters, Bowmanville, July 3rd, 1872. ' Wz would call the KINKEL SH KixxeL's NEw METHOD ri RED ORGAN AND D LT, which we Tm issue about t. The work i$ pronounced superior to ul vihers of lis class by Teachers have HO D REED C ORGAN. Kink of Now Tad bo Mailed, Py ---------- 1. PETERS, 20 Broadway, N.Y. Sénd 30 cents for the latest number of Peters' Musical Monthly and Ji. wotth of vu fate YORK SHIRE CATTLE FEEDER R FATTENING AND BRINGING into Condition Horses, Calves, Sheep, Pigs, the hos fo en have bE taken First Milk Cattle produce more milk and butter. It Fattens in one fourth the usual time, And Saves Food. Price % coils and ' -- yg Leper box 4 dollar box HUGH MILLER & Co, Agricultural Chemists, 167, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. For Sale by all Druggist everywhere. 208m A LargeQuantity OF FIRST-CLASS British Plate Glass TOILET MIRRORS For the astonishingly low prices 15 and 25 cents each, Complete with Frames, at the Hardwate Establishment of WILLS GIBBS', Simcoe St., Oshawa. Reman the place opposite -- 872, Doin Bk SHINGLES. nents | QHINGLES OF AL ALL KINDS FOR a. ost thy MILL Lot No.8, Gh eon. Darling- | JONATHAN STEPHENS. : "et "er Mareh 8 5, 000 REWARD ] mmm mn PE AYERS OF THB VIL. Tors of Et Jar oir LARGER STOCK or HARDWARE thaa has ever before been in Oshawa consisting in part 1600 Kegs of Cut Nails. THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORT- PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Gldss, Pitty, &c., IN THE COUNTY. - A SPLENDID VARIETY OF j Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, &c. A LARGE STOCK OF - LOCKS, KNOBS; LATCHES & HINGES. A Splendid Adoottueat'of Carpenters All kinds of Paint, Varnish, White Wash, Kalsomine, Shoe, Scrubbing,and ot her Brushes. A Large Stock of Redgers ead cthe Outlery, Dixon's and other superior makes of Nickel and Silver : 'Plated Goods and Oruets. ii And the best assortment of Guns, (including Breech Loaders), Revol- vers, Pistols, and Shooting and Fish ing Tackle in the County. The wholé of the above stock was chased kefore the late great rise m' and' will be sold cheap for cash. T. Wills Gibbs, « Oshawa, May 3rd, 198. A first-rate assortment Carriage Springs, ir ron, TAILORING ~AND-= CLOTHING BS WM. DICKIES. RT & Pg DRESS GOODS IN THE Newest, Styles. 1 PARASOLS Of all Shades & Prices. MILLINERY FLOWERS, &C +7 | SPLENDID lace Loe vl, Only 81 26 Each. BOOTS & sHoes. of Every Description. Ovni; Map 08, 181, Le

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