Ontario Reformer, 13 Sep 1872, p. 3

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FE RIDE. IN TWO HOURS. Post.) "han Reticker, alifornia Boy," wes ihe sad- wide 'celebrity, re hours, 'drow es and gentle e-course Satur- seman to exe- g a dozen fleet aiting near the the nder to of each mile. thirty of these ieir speed and ssary to bring . for this race. who also travel in attendance. Chan" stepped w in the wp first ho! well built, ae- as dressed in a of a blue shirt - d white cuffs, ¢eches, white es, and a red, about twenty- the last tem - ved in the sad- . in the employ wpany on the ve years of age + St. Toot vo s brought wp, so eager for -a r difficult un~ mount. With in the Mexican g released made was off like a went flying i past the half riuer evidently p came in under Reticker reach- rom his pomy, the fresh horse t out, and was rs got through the succeeding k his time com- eticker them * r, and mount- at a pace which ame nin 2.12. % nplishied by the ited no signs of rather enjoyed f the sixteenth an ugly vicious bly answered to wain's celebrat- al minutes were ince the animal hod on his hind marrifested » won, and *' the smount and take eventeenth turn , for lost time, fastest time of ~ nty miles were . and the twenty } mine minutes. is dressing room minutes, when hed his ride. It n taat he-would inthe allotted e time to spare, rolong the race «. This was ac- g the entire dis- s! and changes. - x) minutes. As 4, -four minutes Hing ten miles, themselves - as kg ended. SSOCIATION of this Associa Congregational 15th of iin The p ssed under the d, the Sowers, arvest--subjects. eld of Sunday the gentlemen on the subjects pishon, Principal n. A. G. Tyng, { the celebrated . Rev. A. Buther- ev. Gavin Lang, Canon Bancroft. Association has he service of 'hief Protestant tie proceedings e both _interest- urther informa- lication to the w. Millard, of sicings at Fort Cartier's defeat cessfully treated mp of Hypophos- born cases are Forester was ar- on Saturday, being ur- being the m 4 rihune, in notiec- into Mail calls of "its party in dubbed " The he Minsterial Union 'and Pro- s of it as * The, suggests that it organized on a 1 would llke to he organization. "Gordon's Self-__ had in a field of of Mr. Taylor, onto. The ma- ccess, and the ny farmers, who sus of its powers. and dry that ind in the ordin- , 'drawn by an cut and bound ) as rapidly as a The whedt was o thé barn the «ivantage, that ed if required, 1 cut and deliver caves, with less n, and leave the f-raker, as now i the wire used 'the machine is ernment have all ster, who defeat. te, Mr Holmes, r of the Goyssa. s corresponde! this & mistake. Leader's corres he of the Ottawa oroughly Opposi- urther, that Mr oil th the Opposi! Cabinet office. - the Leader's cor- ves two things: is not a support- rnment ; that it will be nt meets. Mr. popular snd in- ink he will rend. orm cause in the os a 'seat in the' lieve, with Mr. ' -- m-- CG Tar report comes from Paris" th Nellie Grant is about to be marr renhman. to a Tarr Republi ¢ M a Jepubika cans of Maine have elected 15,500 majority, a gain of 5,000 on last ly vote. The liberal Republicans ave not been sble either j in Vermont or Maine to the dar Republi vote, a fact - ey v ty Sean pects for Mr. Greeley. _Y por pros Box® parties described as ** First Ward politicians" of New York have been de. tected in & new mode of smuggling cigars from Havens. The cigars were done up in rubber bags ready to be thrown over. board as the vessel ap hed port. In case however, Suton officials ame on board sooher t ex detected the game. pute wag The state of society in:-some parts of the Western and Southern States is shown by two despatches this morning. In one for governor by over ra nu ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1872: CAUTIC wi THE NDE HERE. | wd Snution all parties FREDERICK JOHN OULYER | JOHN CULYER. . Fam Whitby, Sept. 10th, 1872. 2 'FOR SALE OR T0 LET | rus coMMODIgUS TREMISES io a 2} stories. There 13 also an 3% x M,--one . and a Racks the same lot, an well adopted for Ma pr; given on the ort or Ca "Nike etal oh Roby] to RICHARD WADGE Harmony; or to C, oney, on the premises, RICHARD WEDGE. Odtwa, awa, September 11th, 1872. country in Akansas the militia has been | ordered out tRhenforce the law, and in an- | other x Blas in Illinois a mob, who were ised from a jail which they attempted to re op-n for the purpose of lync ing | a criminal, set fire to the town in revenge. | NEarLy 3. 000,000 letters went to the | . Dead Letter Office in the Tnited States | last year. - They are partly® Slassified as follows: 58'000 no/ country or 'Stite di- rection; more than 40,000 lacked stamps; 3,000 without any address at all: £92 000 in cash and more than $3,000,000 in drafts, checks, ete., were found. It ap- pears that, on an average, cvery letter Dead | misdireeted or that goes into the Letter Office from. any cause contains one dollar. MurpEr ar CoBourG.--A brutal mur- deroccured atCobourg last Thursday night, in the bar-room of the Commercial House, | Mr. Flanigan, with - the bar-tender, named Kewin. About ten o'clock Kewin ordered him ont of the bar. Cohen refused, and Kewin proprietor, by which a | man named Cohen lost his life in a, scufille | First-class Villoge Lots FOR SALE! HE SUBSCRIBERS ST Li. WH FIFTEEN LOTS en tle which they offer for Sale. I THESE | ARE TIES HIGHEST snd DRYCS™ | Within the Corporation rd | As no more Lots will be offered fur Sale, parties GOOD BUILDINT SITES Should not let this opprrinuity pass. Terms Easy. Title Indisputable. Apply to SAMUEL WOOD, or JAMES WO D »Oshawa, Sept. 10th, 18727 then commenced kicking him out, bnt he | fell. down and Kewin kicked him while down. where he was afterwareds found. Cohen was a respectable old man about fifty years of age'and leaves a wife and six children. Much 'excitement was caused by the disgraceful act of the bar-tender. A jury empanelled under Coroner Ewing, and after a long deliberation returned the following ambiguos verdict: --*"The Jurors upen their oath say that Thomas Cohen | came to his death on the evening of the | ~----fifth day of September, in che year of Our Commerc'al | Hotel, King street, in the town of Coho- | Lond 1872, in front of the urg, from a nerve shock produced by a kick in the region of the stomach, adwin- | istered by one Th Kewin, d d iid been affected at the time with | disease. The Juiors cannot find the eviderice adduced that there was "any malice on the part of the said Thos. | ewin. In Oshawa, am the ih ast, the wife of Mr. R. irckie, of a daughte: To Daliuws; o onthe 3h ins. .the wife of Mr. eal In remit on thie 5th Inst, the 'wife of Mr. A. Simpeon, of a son. DIED. In Oshawa, on Saturday, 7th inst., Mr. Silas Sirus Sanders, aged 33 Years, Suivi uu | In Oshawa, on the 6th inst., Annie Maria, the | infant daughter of Mr. James Keunedy. In'Oshawa, on the 10th inst., Mr. George Coats aged § months, At Mitchell, on Friday, 6th inst. Rev. DavidCantlon, Blle Christian Minister, A Chemical Food and Nutritive Tonic. | AY 7TITHOUT PHOSPHORUS NO | add, though*, say the Germans, and they might Do action, since Phosphorus and its com- pounds are known to be the motive power of the | nervous and muscular system. They constitute more than half the material of the human body, being sound in ev presence is absolutely essent version of A E which isthe vi hey are now Europe and A ous, whic! h | bl pal a i Roni ii =~ puny c! that cond nervous dphysical prostration resulting yous bad habits prs ve use of stimulants and us that train of evils known as a fast end eat reliablity and promptness in its mmediat and Jormanetly restorin, devitalized constitt has made Dr W wl IL ER'SCOMPOUND ELIXIR 6F PHOSPHA AND CALISAVA a great favourite £14 dg] Physicians » and public. Sold at §1 00. Commercial. Toe | _ WHITBY MARKETS. --Septenibee 12, Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel, .... Wheat, Spring, do... Barley, ¥ bashel........ Oats, do il. Peas, © do Potatoes, do Butter. $3. .44 TORONTO -- 1 Whoa, § bustie),., IEE Barley, do viens Peas, do Oats, __ do Rye, do Potatoes, do ... Hay, ¥ton,....... Apples, ¥ bri... x BOWMANVILLE LE MARKETS, September 12 eat, ¥ bushel, ................ ye, do wa SR Barley, do ene B88 Peas, do crengeme seve WET Oats, 0. TE Oeasiaeseen 080 Clover Seed, ¥ bushel,....... wens ON: Timothy Seed, do Lo. 0000 Butter, ¥ 0... es 3 KETS. "ONMAWA MAR September 1. Flour, ¥ cwt,. . Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel, Wheat, Spring, ¥ bushel, Oats, ¥ Pastel; Rye... - Barley .- . Peas, ¥ Yoshel...., New Potatoes, ¥ Vashel,.. Butter, ¥ b,. 1 Pew Brertisemts. Cash for Wh eal, Rye md V BSC [BER WOULD- SAY Tes = RB by Note, Book same must be paid 1 would 'he Ist October next, my usiness will LE peri By for cash, without bted tchim, either to all i indeh rise that gor u Bor bn that after r next. otherwise eSpee J. W. FOWKE. Oshawa, September ih, 1372. 241 He fell dead outside the door | ©" ol lora, | ; | same by provi | 19 effects in | the | ..$125@81350 : 12 pi 01 pind Sas | 0 6 073] © 40 | Harmony, August 26th, i872. YE 7s | 260 | Fs ...813 ast 060 1% 00 05% LX oes ow = HATS & CAPS, 198 Basle, 0 Oats, Pease, Eo ALLS 1.11543 07-N u B ] into Condition 3 $08, "Co owa, C os and Pigs, the | | TORESEIRE CATIIE YELIZR is used and recomm nde by 1 Stock fed with it have a' wa? | Milk Cattle produce more mw. } { It. Fattens in one "ourt: And Saves Foo Price 25 cents and $1.90 er | contains 200 feeds. "HUGH MILLER & Co, | Agricultural Chensists, | 167, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, | Fer Sale by all Druggist everywhere. 233Gmn RICHARD WHITE'S ESTATE. AX PERSONS INDEBTEF :{C TiHi¥ above are required to make payrcent with- | out delay:and all those having wits against the Estate are requested to leave thom wi FAREWELL & MCGEE, Solicitor for tie Estate. | Oshawa, Sept. #th 1872. 2-4w, F. J. DREW | | VW ATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. Jewellry made to order. 28 Pearl Sticet, 8. oul, A "OTA. | ft. rr Py A UTiGi: | YA" HEREAS SOME PERSO: S AVE | been trespassing om the sroanc nut Woy FAREWELL, Sr., they arc hcreoy wale | from doing so any more, or they wii ire pios | secuteu to the utinost vigoi oi the lav. | STRAY ED. Steele Bros. HAVE PLEASURE IN % w | Offering their Customers Jszeunnmn DUTIES FRE+< TRADE COFFEES. 2 P XAMDPLE Good to Very Choice TAME INTO THE PREMISFS OF (wo Mr. Sullay, Lots Dd corcessione. DaSitg | ton, a dark re: The owrer (su Lave (ty Py 1ayu i; expense: | aw af i Mr. D. Hinkson,| AS PTRCHASED "HE KAkR ty, pear, the Facrory, wlick Le in- | tends ay g out in Vilage and Park lot. 1840 Notice to Debtors. -- -- LL PERSON 8S INDEB.COD TO | James Carmichael Esq. are ceqaired in Mako payment without Ay "to ihe undersi w- FIREW ELL x M GE fos | | Oshawa, Aug. 28, 1 CsTray JOYIT oi | JRon THE PRE: Sulpseriber, LL on or about the 16 ! TWO aiill | One abont Scven 1, | the other Two years old, iv | down her back. Any persen giving <u lead to Weir recovesy Ww WAL bast N EW Fall Goods | 2 LATEST STYLES IN Gents' Furnishing, READY-MADE CLOTHING in the Latest 'Styles, for Men, Youths, STRAYED. CAME INTO TEE PREMISES OF becriber, LotVo,10,! fStheoncestion Fast he ul or about théth of A Whitby, ttd ring Steer Calf, BS get it expenses. R. HARPER, JR. - East Whitby, Sept. 12t} 1872. A Rare Chance! 1a SELL MYTARM OF FIFTY CRES, situated in 14 No. 11, 3rd con. AW Litby, insets of | or 20 urc It is beantafull ust outside of the ug mise: cs there 0 adh Bai, Ue ty of those who desire & CSTE Te. 13th, 1572 "Lory Be Con leading the and a M8. HALL . nef red and ite. The it by prong property and paying acres, to 2 of ground fof Guna Sod , Barn, "and | iar and having pa and otherw in a beautiful and Boys, just received at HODDILKS. t ONTARIO MILL. GRISTING. HE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING FUK- | EJ) the property hescivtoce Ki wi as | BEANS MILLS, about thiee udics' Duith w | {in New isviung Viol. | \se inyprove tie (aciiitice i ba arr Fiolr. we would respecting png 4 le of Mast W Liby sua | EE es gy Ao will be spared | to give TEAS, Now from 40 cents to $1 per Ib, [oarrive shortly 2: Chests Uncolored Japan, 75 Barrels Bright Refined Sugars. Stone Preserve Jars IN GREAT VARIETY. S$1ec:LE BROS, RULERS AND SEEDSMEN, OSHAWA: BLAMEY & BRIGGS ARE NOW OFFERING Teas from 10 to 20 per cent. Reduction, --ALSO-- A GREAT VARIETY OF GLASS | FRUIT JARS, Consisting of the Gem, Mason, Clamp, &c., All of which will be Sold Cheap. 0 FRESH ARRIVALS OF BRIGHT SUGARS, FRUITS, --AND-- GENERAL GROCERIES. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. BLAMEY & BRIGGS P.S.--Goods delivered promptly to Customers in Town. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS FROM EUROPE W. F. COWAN | Is now in receipt of a portion of his SPRING IMPORTATIONS. He | would draw particular attention to the following lines, which are offered FAR BELOW RULING PRICES! 4000 yds. Grey Cotton, at 6c. yd. 2000 yds. White " Tic. yd. 3000 yds. " Ling Cloth,l1c. yd. 2600 yds.Beautiful Prints, 12ic.yd. A Large & Varied Stock of Dress Goods. && All who desiro Style, and Extra Value for their money, should make their selections without delay. ONE CASE OF FRENCH KIDS| of the Foussic brand--a glove which takes the lead in England, and which has been before my customers for fifteen years in Toronto and | Oshawa. Although these gloves have advanced seriously I still offer { them at the old price of $1 per pair. | A Large and Well-Selected Stock of TWEEDS and CLOTHS will be { found in the Gents' Department, and customers are respectfully requested to place orders for Suits before the assortment is broken. Ww. F. GOWAN. $5,000 REWARD) Osmawa, Maren, 1872. TAILORING --AND--- CLOTHING --A In order to giv facilities f finishing of Lhd the Saberd She LARGER STOCK HARDWARE than has ever before been offered in Oshawa consisting in part of 600 Kegs of Cut Nails. THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORT- MENT OF PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Glass, Putty, &c., IN THE COUNTY. 4 SPLENDID VARIETY OF Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, &c. A LARGE STOCK OF LOCKS, KNOBS, LATCHES & HINGES. A Splendid Assortment of Carpenters Tools. All kinds of Paint, Varnish, White Wash, Kzlsomine, Shoe, Scrubbing, and other Brushes. A Large Stock of Rodgers and othe Cutlery, Dixon's and other superior makes of Mickel and Sliver Plated Goods and Oruets. A first-rate assortment of Axles, Carriage Springs, ir Iron, Rope and And the best assortment of Guns, (including Breech Loaders), Revol: vers, Pistols, and Shooting and Fish- ing Tackle in the County. The whole of the above stock was pur chased before the late prices, parr fod plied ~T. "Wills Gibbs. WM. DICKIES. DRESS GOODS IN THE 'Newest Styles. PARASOLS Of all Shades & Prices. MILLINERY FLOWERS, &C. SPLENDID Black Lace Shawls, Only 81 26 Each. BOOTS & SHOES| Of Every Description. SUMMER, ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS EVER EXHIBITED IN OSHAWA, Defy Competition / INSPECTION INVITED. GIBBS' BLOCK. Ositawa, May Sth, 1978, Oshawa, May 3rd 3902. i OSHAWA, Apill 8, 167° OPENING, .| ronage given to the late BEAUTIFUL A. M. GHISHOLM, BOWMANVILLE : MACHINE & IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. N2FUFACTU RERS OF Leffel American Double Turbine Water Wheel, Iron and Wood Working Machinery, Circular Saw Mills, ' ¥ Shingle Machines, Grist Mill Machinery, : Self-Rake Reapers, Mowing Machines, Fanning Mils, Common and Gang Plows, Chopping Mills, Lath Mills, etc. A.B. GIBSON, . MANAGER. Bowmanville, July 3rd, 372. 13-1 Feeu Cutters, Dissolution of Partnership. HE PARTNERSHIP HERETO- fore subsisting under the name of Tripp & ana whom. wen this day Siosoived by mutdal con: sent. All dee due by ¢ he late firm will be paid by Mr. ym. Sha, all accounts due to the Sm are bo " DAVID TRIPP, WM. SHAW. Oshawa, July 15, 1872. = Mr. Shaw begs to say to the 15-wid PROF. TH Ea Ea ar ite Ges" SHINGLES. HINGLES OF ALL KINDS Ton, eat Thy Min Min, Lot No. 6 ih th Sh Da JONATHAN sTEbN. & § be a Lumber & Shing oR SA SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR A.B. CANPREL- " VALUABLE PROPERTY for THE St SUBSCRIBER OFFERS Ss eas that fi id By Prince Albert, no the the ony by Mr, HUGH S chef a Oshawa, June 22nd. March 1. 1872. 4 ul December 1. 1871. trium- Fresh Fish, pn ad = Salmon Trout, 0% HAND AT GARTH MORNING ; Se Bh twice a week gg = April 2th, 187%. FOR SALE. IT\HE WEST HALF OF THE SC 80 4 Doves, in the South-east th of Oshawa. A quantity ity of woo bb reon. Why 160 acres ju Crabdy Do. Jou ) ¢ "FOR SALE. | HE PROPERTY | ON SELINA ST. consisting of & story and a half dwelling ----_-- with stone foundation. a stable nid 4 driving shied 8 attached, and a it custo- mers of the late hm | t he will cuntl continue 3 carry on e same business a! Ol hopes to receive a Scutisuaop of the ia stand, and pat- WM. SHAW, N. B.--A REDUCTION OF TEN PER CENT on all gash for the next 30days,to make room urchases. LE pu July 15, 1872. 15w SPECIAL NOTICE! |B Great Clearing Sale FANCY and STAPLE FOR 30 DAYS, Commencing Tuesday, July 2nd, previous to Stock Faking, at LATE J. CARMICHAEL, King Street, Oshawa. Farmers' Produce Taken in Exchange Oshawa, July 1st, 1878, KINKEL'S si: KiNkeL's NEw METHOD FOR THE REED ORGAN AND MELODEON, W! we i issue about Sepeetnber First. The work to all others of ita + By by Teachers it. It a clear Wz would call the - Flor 30 NEW METHOD 3 favorite ie Instrument, wil with the auc groin By It will always be a favorite work with 'eacher, FOR THE Suzi ness and il rd an amusement than for Pupils, ie. i, ve amine of wealth Amatous, va on i ccount many choice Songs, etc., inkel has R EED OR GA N. Kinkels New Method wil be Siaiiad, postpaid. ah S PETERS; iain 2 N.Y. Peters' Musical Monthly | SA VT A ge Sw. "Dolly Varden TOBACCO POUCHES (The Latest Thing Out,) FITCHETT'S JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SUPPLY OF [SMOKING ~--AND--- Chewing Tobaccos ! OF THE BEST BRANDS. " King St, Oshawa. Dry Goods i: J. BARNARD'S alto. a nover-Miling well Of excellent wi For terms and other particulars apply on premises, to VAL JABLE FARE OR SALE. » RING THE NORTH HALF OF Hivines atered, £30 also an excellént stone house kitchen, wood-shed attached, two excellent orchards taining v Y of plums, cherries, & retire from ment will be gi personally to the owner, or if by. letter to Columbus; P. O., East Whitby, July 28th, 1872. RARE CHAN CE." . Splendid Business for St HE UNDERSIGNED J disposed of a stock in ey ia Ia: run of custom excellen For terms and other part premises to Prin ¢ ¢ ® Albert, , July 17th, 17th, ii and simple course of f Instivietion whereb,; any tena pins Bro Bike Be, wei aperation of cause of disease, > [them and he their to ba 'with NiroaOside ot to quite : Oshawa, May, 2, 187%. lh al CHANGE OF SE $ -| | 1 { ! Lp DISPOSED OF MY B ER'S RS busine $o Me. G. N. . " Le oom Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1872. Ix reference to the abov: bh fricnds that 1 shall carry o {i Oshawa, Feb, 27, 1872. Thomas Brooks BUTCHER, | M R.GEORGE STEPHENSON HA ING sold oh a Butchering 1 beg te solicit the extended to him, in will da to old customers and the of all kinds. The pedling waggon will usual. AN orders Jenn 8 the shop attended to, King St. East, Oshawa, June 5th, 1872, , A LargeQuanti Ri FIRST. cLASS British Plate Glas © TOILET MIRRORS; For the astonishingly low. prices of 15 and: 25 cents. Complete with Frames, at the Establishment of WILLS GIBBS Simcoe St., Oshawa. WE Oshawa, May 20th, 1572. _ Oshawa, May 3rd, 1572.

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