Ontario Reformer, 30 Aug 1872, p. 3

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man traded hi i rass and a bottle of Sie is threatened with o he pumps are going dry, prizes at the resent com; e Chie ago 'High School e girl ni r gale damaged of * Fairfield Cons were also tnmereifully was haunted in nd a thcrough in venerable woodpecker of Mr./Daniel Mel » - eks old, was bitten Ba 3 unday night of last we x -- angrene set in, and 4 vy hours 'ms is st salary paid in 1 that of the Lord the nd dollars a year, Mr ws first lord of the tres rp fans are sold for the ladies who have ome. 10 chew the «t he " } in one evening } 5 t long-lived plants are mes grow ad fastest. ats Vip ~~ that is commonly the ind durable which : while that which is < most liable to be dissolved, « ntive Committee of the er sical Festival and Peace Ji forth this liabilities at $65,000 -- eipts were only $44. leav. of $210,600. Nt 2 ress, this Peace Jubilee. KE wis grain elevator o order for a belt which is fo t in the world. dt is to be width, two hundred aad feet lomg, and i two wo hundred and twenty-five EsT.--The oldest present at the nomi Monday. His name is Ji ow 108 yéars of age. . Jones . and served in the navy e uses two walking sticks 1d, but otherwise is and strong... A ie married a young 'wever, in a couple of months, = a gay deceiver of eighty serature in England has been this summer that it is said that Sundays of July many sscs had to forgo their usm Meat could hardly be hfield market. Tons of ym the country unfit to be rid had to be destroyed. The ted that the meat would haves! nearly alive to be wholesome, the value of one hundred thous sterling had been tainted by kion alone. as applied for a more airy cells =, three physicians Sersitying iffering - from bronchit's he warden of the Tombs de- the prison is always excep thy, and a prisoner 'confined car or more invariably gets = v& Stckes has already changed & s from cell 51.10 73, - the lattes nicely carpeted and papered riends. indoor hfe. Ey wing marnage notice ap AS ican paper:--*'In Lima, Pecenti® M. Brent, American Charge'd = Peru, son of General J. Hy iate editor of Pomerog's Demes ss Michaela Delgoelo Moreno. s from one of the ne inflnencial families im ys to hér husband $6,000, The weeding was the grand f the kind even seen . the invitation thereto being + of 1 soiled silver coin, about © n American qarter doller." ny Argus says: --** The follow- = nu of bar eloquence in a westerm indoubtedly delivered. trial of a person on a writ of | Which side the learn-. : natwo nt advocate was on it is It to ascertain from his le counsel on the other si chends the principle involved = rtant case. Law, sir, is very ¢ understand its elementary © The principle of this case, sir, "= 1 in the horn books of the J I hold in my hand, sir, & lackstor i at glorious magnus chartus, = ion and bulwark of English h was wrung by the illustrious word in-hand, from the ruth- bu'the banks of the. pleasant on that momentous occasion. id not intend to. make a speech J liave not examined the ques- submit' it to the court with == 1 incongruvial remarks." a1 say, * Americans are 'cele= Id over for their respee No, they are riot. Americy for their respéct for lad vomen: If there comes | very. sweet and comely yo) essed, there arg a dozen ph more than willing . to o hecausé she is a lady. Bu Irish woman, poorly ci walks through the car o ly cares fof her, because sh san. Hit were a a 'red her at once. ow, I ought to respect womanhood. yw a woman looks she is the s your mother, as your sister, | e, if you are married, sad shter, if you have children. very depths of my being, ood itself, without regard to of :some andwithout regard ontially to berespected, and Jess than a man who does: instinct and the sentiment: act according toit.-- W. He siser has- just died in" New brief illness: His name was . and he was called the mil u: broker of Chatham street. t remarkable man, eccentrié died worth over £3,000,000. t thirty years, it is said, he city, and since with brother Henry in the tructure in Chathomisteutly wn to pedestrians of thay as "The Misers Rest. never inside a theatre, never hrty or ball, and never had & died without having. seen. thongh he was born in New ken, 'or Staten Island. He. tive, or knew- hoy shes "He had a great gem oneyj;. When the third Avs | was in its infancy, and the . these brothers bought 22,= 000) shares, which they have 1 which it is useless to $8¥ ndid fortune. The brothers: . hermits life passing all these: id den referred to, with no mn save an old servant, 'wh yd called once a day to ath estic details. Even until & is death, Mitchel} refused hy e and only finally eonsente & to the house of hismiece Of" His fare is equal to led by any' first-class hotel. = p thinks Stokes is simply gebless richest, his boybeod a Tue U. Progs. wear a most woebegone Oxpression of countenance. { Brear Harte has concluded fo write & story for Scribner's Monthly. AN English locomotive was 'lately Tun experimentally 66 miles in one dour. "Tue debt of Canada, in twenty years, from 1851, to 1872 has increased from £20,421,472 to $126,832,008. A CONNECTICUT atiiateur farmer swi the scythe with one hand and Wears alo his trusty umberella with the other. A chicken farm, embracing seventy-five acres, is in succe operation near Philadelphia. Tud match between the English eleven and the St. George Club of New York has been Arranged for Sept. 18th and 19th. -- Ca¥apIAX lumber, under the new Amer- { ican tariff, is ®aid to have advan per thousand feet on some grades. FE ¥ v6 apaperis very muchlike carry- | ing an i on a windy day. Every | body thinks he could manage it ter | than the one who has hold of the handle. A vouva lady was looking at a picture | representing a pair of lovers im a boat, | _ with a lover gently clasping the waist of | "his Dullcinea, when she ingoctntly re. marked, " How natural |" . 'A Hist to Housexgerers. -- Few | people knéw, and thousasds de not know, | that by setting a glass fruit jaryon a folded towel, thoroughly soaked in cold water, the fruit can be poured: in boiling hot, with no more danger of breaking | than with a tin can. Cut this out and | paste it-on your cup-board. A Wac up west says oe would = Joh try to go to sea upon a shingle, make a bg 2 of fog, ar a streak of lightening through a crab-apple orchard, swim upon the rapids of Niagara, arise the dead, stop the tongue of an old maid, or set Lake Ontario on fire with a wet match, as to | stop lovers from committing matrimony | when they take it into: their heads to | do so. . porinG the siege of Paris sixty-four | -- Yalloons were sent out of . the city. * Of | this number fifty-seven' reached a safe | repting place, landing one hundred and | fifty passengers. Two fell into the ocean, | % ~~ where they and the people in them were 1st, and the other five were captured | by the Germans. In the balloons vast numbers of pigeons were taken, and they, in flying back to th ir homes, carried | into the besieged city fifty thousand messages. CouerIDGE once having occasion to go | from home, his wife packed his portman- teau, and gave him strict orders to put on ® clean hi every day. On his return, | 3 gi ai y in findi mantea@ shirtless. But inquiry develo the fact that her pine' e cians husband had obeyed her order to the letter, having put on a clean shirt every morning, but Lad forgotten to take the soiled one off. And there the seven were . on his back. So Hincks has started upon the road sure to be trod by traitors to their party and their principles. He has plenty of company on that dismal road. There is Washington McDonall, C. B., ex-Govern- or of Manitoba, and speculu--tor in vil lands. There is Jolin Hillyard Cameron, er-Frand Master of .the Orangemen, snd paid defender of the murderer of D'Arcy McGee; and Walsh Shanly, Ab- bot, Holmes, Jackson, Drew, Ault, and Ross. Move on and make room; there are more coming. i "AN Ottawa exchange has the following: A few weeks since a well educated young woman, the daughter of wealthy parents, | suddenly diszppeared from her home near Smiths Falls. She was finally discovered } dressed in a suit of her brothers clothes, | and working in a saw mill at Ottawa. | When taken back, she avowed that her | sole object was, to be talked about. Didn't | _ the neighbors talk when I left ! she said, and won't they talk more now, when they - hear were | have been and what I have | done?! Her fellow workmen never dis- | covered her sex, and they have not the | slightest ideg that their pleasant compan- ion was a feinale. She left for home last | week. - | CroLERA infantum is carrying off thons- | ands of little children at this time of | year. Sudden chills and improper diet | are the chief "exciting causes, combined with unwholesome air. Fresh, ripe fruit and well-cooked vegetables may safely be | indulged in by children in health; and farinaceous articles, such as hominy, | ~wheaten grits, corn-meal mush, and stale bread are wholesome. Parents need to | be assured concerning the quality of the | milk their children use. In the case of | illness nothing is more important for children than that thé apartments 'where they are should be thoroughly ventilated. z § THE great Boston Peace Jubilee wa$ | very far from being a financial success | The liabilities incurred by the Executive | Committee wire $650,000, while the re- ceipts amounted to only $440,000, leaving a deficit of $220,000 to be made good in some way. The Committee, not caring to assume the payment of the sum, pre- pose to get up a grand lottery in which 100,000 three-dollar tickets shall be sold, vith' the Coliseum for the principal prize. This is an ingenious way to get rid of ithe sacred shed, for neene would think | of buying it except for kindling wood, and | a citizens in the neighbourhood are :sting against the authorities allowing a dangerous structure to remain ng. = ~ Port Perry Standard contains the ving account of A most serious, and .e same time most exciting accident: -- day last week, a little fellow, only five rs of age, son of Mr. John Mcore, of 7th con., of Darlington, while on a it at his grandfather's in Whitby, was ced on the back of a horse attached tg orse rake, when the anim#® ran away," rowing him to the ground. and one of "he teeth of the wooden rake entered his body just behind the hip bone, gliding downwards and forwards till it came out in front of the thigh, about seven inches from 'where it entersd. He also received two or three severe bruises. It was thought | at first that the r little fellow would ~_ warcely recover from his injuries; but we are Lappy to' learn that he is doing re- y well. Let this be a warning to others wot to trifle with the lives of child- | ten, by placing them in such hazardous. positions. . How Twexty-tuREE GENTLEMEN GOT Szars ox THE Nw YORK CENTRAL CARS. -- A gentleman from the west, who arrived in this city yesterday, tells of an incident which this week on a New York Central train which may furnish a hint to | travellers hereabouts. Among the pas- sengers who got on the train at Utica, N. -» were 23. men who were unable to find ascat. Among them was a lawyer, who Proposed to the-rest that all decline to give up their tickets until all were furnished e agreement was made, and when the conductor came around he found 23 gentlemanly but very obstinate men who refused to give him either tickets or money unless he would show tliem a place fost, The conductor replied that there wore plenty of vacant seats in the next car but on inquiry it was ascertgined that this | "aa a drawing room car, $#6r which an | *%ira charge was made. So the 23 de- 'lined to budge, and matters remained in AB unsettled condition until the cars had gome a long distance. The conductor | finally induced two dozen persons who had | seats to go into the drawing room caw, | without extra charge, and then made a place for the obstinate 23 who then gave Up their tickets, as they had said they *ould do. Undou they had the Tight of it, as the courts have 1 fai . ris j Sompuay i ph js dad odati ves him accom ions. $oringield Repubis-om ed in re- g his port- | ] 3 fof KINKEL'S ONTARIO MILL, er -- -------- itt a tep-- A ITHOUT PHOSPHORUS = NO ', say the Germans, and might since com- to be ma and in a | ites, of | ec, Doniy children, and that andphysical resul cessive use ! that train of evils known | great relia promptness { Fuimediately asd v4 p | dev ; ton SL COMPOUND ELIXIR OF PHOS AND CALISAVA a great favouri* | Physicians and public. Sold at §1 00. Commercial, WHITBY MARKETS, Wheat, Fall, ® bushel, .............. Wheat, Spring, do . Barley, ¥ bushel, ...... Oats, do Peas, do Potatoes, do .... . Butter, WB... di... vai hnsiesin ss i Rg - sses8¥y TORONTO MARKETS. Wheat, B bushil,.. .... cc cecoinainss Barley, do a Peas, do Oats, Rye, Hay, ¥ ton, Apples, ¥ bri... BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Mhéat, ¥ dushel,... ........coounnen Rye, Peas, s, qo. iii i Clover Seed, ¥ bushel, ...... Timothy Seed, do Butter, ¥ »,.. OSHAWA MARKETS. Flour, ¥ewt,................ Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel, ... 'Wheat, Spring, ¥ bushel, .. .. Oats, ¥ Yushelu......... RY... oevere.c. New Potatoes, ¥ bushel, . Butter, ¥®,.............. Lard, ¥n,.... Eggs, ¥ dozen,.... Beans, ¥ bushel, .. CAUTION! 7 HEREAS SOME PERSONS HAVE been tres on the nds of Wm. FAREWELL, Sr., they are Serehy warned from doing so any more, or they I be pro. secuteu to)the utmost vigor of the law. STRAYED. NAME INTO THE PREMISES OF Mr. Sullay, Lot 27, 3rd concession of Darling- ton, a dark red cow. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expenses. a9 dw-pd. Mr. D. H inkson, jo AS' PURCHASED TEE KARR x rroperty, near the Factory, which be in- Vers La) Hg oul ia Village and Park Tot. 18-40 'Notice to Debtors. -- -- LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO| James Carmichael Esq., are required to abe payment without delay to the und:rsign- ed. =» FAREWELL & McOEE Oshawa, Aug. 28, 1872. w STRAYED! ROM THE PREMISES OF THE Subscriber, Lot 5, 2nd con. of East Whitby, on or about the 16th inst., y TWO MILCH COWS, One about-Seven years old, white and red spo's ; the other Two years old, red with white stiipe down her back. Any perien giving such information that will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. Wu. GARBUT, Harmony. Harmony, August 26th, 1572. 20-2in. BIBLE CHRISTIAN SABBATH SCHOOL. N THE 8ru OF SEPTEMBER, THE Anuiversary of the above School will (D.V,) be celebratel, on which occasion t services will be conducted by the Rev. J. Kenner, com- Inehelig at half-past ten, half-past two and six o'clock. Morning Subject: "The advantages of laying Chemical Pood and Nutritive Tonic. | 22 Steele Bros. HAVE PLEASURE IN Offering their Customers LJ , ALL THE - BENEFITS OF REFUNDED DUTIES 'FREE TRADE FOR EXAMPLE, Good to Very Choice TEAS, Now from 40 cents to $1 per Ib, hold and holding fast, or an address So yuuriy ek and women." Afternoon,s Subject: God,s re- gard for children, or an address to Sabbath school Scholars." Evening's Subject;," The Good | man blessing his Household, or an address to the heads of families." A' collection at the close of each service in | aid of the School Fund. On Monday, the 8th, a | | Social will be held in the basement of the church. | Tea being served to the children at five o'clock, | and to parents and teachers immediaetly after. At falf-past seven, a public meeting will be held in the chufeh, when a service of Song, accompanied with connective recitation will be given. As the programme is entirely new to the country and unique the public may expect to be highly gratitied. Admission to church, 2) cents. Oshawa, Aug. 27th, 1872 1-2w. WE would call the attention of Teach- ers and muieure to KINKEL'S NEW METHOD FOR THE REED ORGAN AND MEeLorkoN, which we wil issue about September First. The work is pronounced superior to all others of its class by Teachers who have examined ft. It contains a clear and simple course of instruction 'whereb; any one may easily acquire the mastery ¢ this favorite Instrument, with a few mont mudy. It will always be a: favorite work with t 3 Teacher, on ac- FOR 1 HE count of its clear rogression of an wmustment thas ; more of an am yer for Pupils, and will prove a mine of weslti to the Amateu=, on s ccount of the many Melodeons, Songs, etc., that Mr. Kinkel bas lected and arranged eo: for this work. Kinkel's New Method will be mailed, post-paid, on receipt of $2.50. Address, J. L. PETERS, 500 Broadway, N.Y. Send 30 cents for the latest number of Peters' Musical Monthly ill at least $4 worth of our latest ad her Instrumental Piano Music. 2 . GRISTING. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING PUR- JHASED the property heretof known as FANE MILLS, about three miles north of Oshawa, and having put in New Boiting Clotis and otherwise improved the facilities for produc- ing First-class Flour, would respectfuly solicit the patronage of the, people of East Whitby and surrounding townships. No effort will be spared to give satisfaction. o,, 10X & FREEMAN. East Whitby, August Gth, 1672, "Dissolution of Partnership. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETO- | fore subsisting under the name of Tripn & For 0 yes this day mo ved by AR con- "1% debs due by the late firm will be by Mr. W "Shaw, and all accounts due to the firm are paid to° m, tobe DAVID TRIPP. WM. SHAW, Oshawa, July 15, 1872. Mr. Shaw begs mers of the late WM. SHAW. N, B.--A REDUCTION OF TEN PER CENT on all CHEAPER BY PACKAGE. Toarrive shortly 22 Chests Uncolored Japan, \ 75 Barrels Bright Refined Sugars. Stone Preserve Jars 'IN GREAT VARIETY. STEELE BROS. | GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN, OSHAWA. cash for the next 30days,to make room purchases. w.a ir 3 ig July Ly 1873. oy July 18th, 2672.- H + 1879. BLAMEY ARE NOW Teas from 10 to 20 FRUIT & BRIGGS OFFERING per ceat. Reduction, --ALSO-- il A GREAT VARIETY OF (LASS JARS,| Consisting of the Gem, Mason, Clamp, &c., All of which will be Sold Cheap. 0: 1) FRESH ARRIVALS OI BRIGHT SUGARS, FRUITS, --AND-- GEN ERAL GROCERIES. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. BLAMEY & BRIGGS: P.S.--Goods delivered promptly to Customers-in Town. their selections without delay. ONE CASE OF of the Foussie brand--a Oshawa. Although these gloves h them at the old price of $1 per pair. A Large and Well-Selected Stock found in the Gents' Department, and Osaawa, Marcu, 1872. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS FROM EUROPE ! W. F. COWAN Is now in receipt of a portion of his SPRING IMPORTATIONS. He would draw particular attention to the folowing lines, which are offered FAR BELOW RULING PRICES! 4000 yds. Grey Cotton, at 5c. yd. 2000 yds. White 3000 yds. " TLin'g Cloth,1lc. yd. 2600 yds Beautiful Prints, 12ic.yd. A Large & Varied Stock of Dress Goods. && All who desiro Style, and Extra Value for 1 7c. yd. 1 their money, should make FRENCH KIDS| ! glove which takes the lead in England, and which has been before my custome ave for fifteen years in Toronto and advanced seriously I still offer of TWEEDS and CLOTHS will be customers are respectfully requested to place orders for Suits before the assortment is broken. W. F. COWAN. 51 TAILORING --AND-- CLOTHING | | | WM. DICKIE'S. DRESS GOODS IN THE Newest Styles. PARASOLS Of all Shades & Prices. MILLINEZRY FLOWERS, &C. SPLENDID Black Lace Shawls, Only 81 26 Each. | | 'BOOTS & SHOES | | Of Every Description. . Ogawa, May 9th; 1973, $5,000 REWARDI iE rz HE RATEPAYERS OF THE VIL- LAGE of Oshawa, having lately voted the above reward for the introduction of a new manufacturing interest in our midst, it has given a gredt tmpetus to the building of Houses for our industrial classes, In order to give greater fucilities for the rapid fintshing of new buildings, the subscriber i a LARGER STOCK HARDWARE than has ever before been offered in Oshawa consisting in part of 600 Kegs of Cut Nails. THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORT- | MENT OF PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Glass, Putty, &c,, IN THE COUNTY. > 4 SPLENDID VARIETY OF Spades, : Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, &c. " A LARGE STOCK OF LOCKS, KNOBS, LATCHES & HINGES. A Splendid Assortment of Carpenters Tools. All kinls of Paint, Varnish, White Wash, Kalsomine, Shoe, Scrubbing, and other Brushes. A large Stock of Rodgers and othe Cutlery, Dixon's and other superior makes ¢f Nickel and Silver Plated Goods and Cruets. A first-rate assortment of Axles, Carriage Springs, Iron, Rope and Chains. | | | | OPENING, ONE OF THE - | LARGEST MOST BEAUTIFUL And the best assortment of Guns, | (including Breech Loaders), Revol- vers, Pistols, and Shooting and Fish- ing Tackle in the County. The whole of the above stock was pur- chased before the late great rise in prices, and will be sold cheap for cash. T. Wills Gibbs. A Oshawa, May 3:4,1%%: bY pS | | STOCKS EVER EXHIBITED IN | OSHAWA, AND AT PRICES | THAT WILL Defy Competition / INSPECTION. INVITED. A. M. CHISHOLM, GIBBS' BLOCK. OSHAWA, April 5; 1874 Dolly Varden (The Latest Thing Out,) bo a : JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SUPPLY OF ~AND-- Chewing Tobaccos! | A OF THE BEST BRANDS. King St., Oshawa. Oshawa, May 20th, 1872. The Admirers # HORACE GREELEY WILL DO WELL TO Buy a Light Hat HODDERS. BOWMANVILLE MACHINE & IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. VAN VFACTURERS OF Leffel American Double Turbine Water Wheel, Iron and Wood Working Machinery, Circular Saw Mills, hi Shingle M ¢ | known at this Office. 'TOBACCO POUCHES FITCHETTS, SMOKING PROF. WHITE, | op | { FPEACHER OF THE PIANOFORTE, { A. SINGING, ete., Organistiand Composer, Is | now prepared to attend pu Terms may be | Oshawa, June 26th, 1872, | SHINGLES. | HINGLES OF ALL KINDS FOR Mil 1 N " 3 | tm. anor Ties tron ka) Dagiing | 2 JONATHAN STEPHENS. | [IE 4 Lumber & Shingles | TAOR SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR. lington. Al A. BD. CAMPBELL. December 1, 1871. ar | VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. | HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR - sale his property on Wililam street, consist- | ing of a block of four houses and over an sere of | land, 1tis high, well drained, and in a fate ot | good cultivation, | Also, that fine rty in Princ® /18éry, now occupied by Mr, v ro] i cox, Bailiff. HUGH CARMICHAEL. Oshéwa, June 22nd. 11ef Fresh Fish, Fresh Fish. Salmon Trout, N HAND AT GARTH'S, THIS MORNING ; and twises week during the season. Pafronize Oshawa, April 26th, 1872, FOR SALE. THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTH 'MA. 48 Acres, in the South-east corner A of the corporation of Oshawa. A quantity of wood ereon. Also, 160 acres in Gru Co., Jowa, U.S, ter miles." tron Godt Fal 4 sie rom Nee Hartford village, on the Illinois Oentral R. R. 70 acres cultivated; frame house and stable thereon. The whole to be sold very cheap. A. M. FAREWELL, Oshawa.' * FOR SALE. HE PROPERTY ON SELINA ST., consisting of a story and a half dwelling house, with stone foundation. There a stable and driving shed attac] and & rden with a number of choice Fruit Trees on t; also, a neverfailing well of excellent water, For terma and other particulars apply on the premises, to - WALTER FOGG. ane VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. EING THE NORTH HALF OF LOT No. 3, in the 6th of East Whitby, the \ 3 well property of Mr, John A and watered, barn, driving-house, and other outdoor con 3 also an excellent st one house and kitchen. i TR eal taining v es t plums, cherries, ng As the owner Is Fetire ffoth Jetive } tye) enay terms - ment will ¥iven to purchaser. personally to the owner, or if by letter to Columbus; P. O., Ont. East Whithy, July 23th; ters: 164w RARE CHANCE. Splendid Business for Sale HE UNDERSIGNED BEING about to retire from the CA UNDERTAKING Business has 45-41, March 1, 1872, and on tasy 3 and well Aen a Be . run of custom excellent. For terms and other particulars, apply on the «premises to W.H. PARK: Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1872, Her FOR SALE. ; AVING PURCHASED MR. CON- Poner To n aer n, the 2 the Re olao of Centre Street. Terms: One-third eash ; balance on mortgage, with interest at eight per cent. To parties who 'will erect a house at mos, I Hon HE advance on aa e aula on tah lot, if they erect a house thereon, 4 costing not insurance policies for the varae of the Jot wn the amount advanced. . Ror tlt particulars enquire f Lyman Fnglls' F. W. GLEN. " ¢ NITROUS OXIDE sles Protoxide of Nitrogen Oshawa, March 7th, 1872. DMINISTERED FOR THE PAIN- less extraction 8f teeth-at the rooms of J. FERGU of Simson Bros. | Grist Mill Machinery, Belf-Rake Reapers, Mowing Machines, Common and Gang Plows, Fanning Mils, - Chopping Mills, Feed Cutters, Lath Mills, etc. A.B. GIBSON, : 7 MANAGER. Bowmanville, July 3rd, 1872, 13tf SPECIAL NOTICE ! FANCY and STAPLE Dry Goods FOR 30 DAYS, Comme:icing Tuesday, July 2nd, i I to Stock Taking 8 at Pow J. BARNARDS LATE J. CARMICHAEL'S, King Street, Oshawa. § | Oshawa, July lst, 1572, Farmers' Produce Taken in Exchange unfor Nitros Oxide is t to talte and less. Oshawa, May, 24, 1872. CHANGE OF BUSINESS AYING DISPOSED OF MY BUT- 'S business to Mr. G. N., Stephenson my former customers Re of GEORGE HENRY. Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1872. Thomas Brooks, | BUTCHER. to FIRST-CLASS British Plate Glass TOILET MIRRORS, For the astonishingly low prices of . 15 and 25 cents each, plete with Frames, at the Hardware i 'Establishment of T. WILLS GIBBS', | Simcoe St., Oshawa. | Remember the i bar ol place opposite fu Oshawa, May 3rd, 1872.

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