- in. the diligence for Lith the succeeding d aad robbed by - ition of Paletto, The ogran Fy Fo to which diention was attracted Lit in the conves was identified by Bes erty. of Kis murdered i watch was sworn fo ag ate Frutcesco Foudi, rng vistiges of pore and wurdorey, : for the expressivn of ppe _Casalimica, "Re v. and képt his oath, hs were pat to hy He did Dot deny pind the cave whic | discovered, nor that tand of robbers whe le affiried that he 7 the dilligence « January, 185, and Hipno on s. instep Casali imasmuch as w aimed at Rim when Iso ve lnntarily cope wlio projected the rersge of Prince Teorp- 1368 (June 13), and hostage to await the usand francs for his sure greated intense . oné_of Prince Torlo- sent. The euly qaes- nea refused to answer cht implicate any one + Carp, driver on the os. to Foggia on the R60, ideatitied fwo of ceomplices- of Filippo it ak made on that » tome he swore to ag sisughter turned pale, L eoicerning the truth cin. trembling, said: The other hung {ichele wrning the court was A lady from Foggia tly questioned as to' night of the 17th of the diligence between ja was attacked, the wd three wen murder ust after the beginning , adic senseless, but ghis | r the face of the villian un and robbed her of rings and locket. She examine the spoils in ett, and after a lo «1 them... When fy the man whe lied: "1 could ce from wy re then opder- after' a' few mo- she pointed out une man i robbed. her. ta, of Pisa, said tha* he on the night of the as unable to identify any Capt. Capalti, cne of st expert! of the Italian d that three men of the rio Mondani, Pasquale nasi Cxipt, were conviet 4 for niirder, and es- K The three men ut. Capt = Capalti. to imprisonment for , Pasquaie Mascis, zo» Ferrer, Stanis- vumni Celesti, the sen- pronvuneed. TAIN'S * APPEAL. w:ca when called upon to nce of death should not iv him; replied as fol- 1 fault with that 1 demands the ; but if any worthy ac- Jd bear any weight in rym so dreadful a pun- plain to your most il- aus in my life which g'y for wy safety from . It I robbed the prince, and to the peasant. If the rich momopo< life uf many a poor s behalf my arn was it of vod » defend. i dealing with my fellows been scrupuiously cor- act can any of my men I bave not lived without 1 the dreary hours of ight I have rehearsed y poor mother, and iled down these weath- whenever the stainless ildhood arose before me. bstinate, and ambitious ) enter inte' daring ex- nature, | It is strange sympathy with the name to Torracelli, the bandit, convinced 'that he was which should-govern rwedomn is a boon. - Bat nt that so long as [ Js of religion and law, I ception of these ambi- awry, as you term the I pursued:"I can hard- or hour "with any pre- wived definitely to fol- ving.. It was ny Da- sation for' which I am + 'than the crow for of the idiotfor dancing wre the only words I am ng to you under the I will n@t close-without orid that Filippo Cas- iid toh die. _ Ih there re- : chapge of sentence, 1 enquire after a certain v Jesuit father of the . who must be now, if if he will not recig- ell him that I have pre- mor of the giver (expos medals oni his breast) lever forgotten his name SENTENCE. udge rising, said e of this tniunal of jus- sion of your own coun- rdict aganst_ you invel- f death, that you be tak- we whenex you came, Callisto. and. that you, - * yon, Carlo Mondani, ix, you, Tommasi Cal- Ferrer Stanislas Giovanni Celest:, be n, severally executed, Liies be not removed rated from your spirits b+ denied burial in { The dav appointed ceeution is Friday, the a be yon, ¢rgyvmén the prisoners urt House and | to the fon of San wen of powerful vearing a beard, and cowed and ewarthy - rosure to the sun and Casabianca's features corfld have suited emi- Roman warrior or gladi. OF THE BRIGANDS, ing. at [five o'clock, & rmes marched into the «te prison, and ranged h sides of the first scaf- in that quarter. The 1¢, and a long trap- vtre. Dressed in prison their beards and wear- gloves, | the prisoners e fi o;flanked by clergy- Before entering ere met ly a oup d tor: hes? who Jed the ud chanted in di ial RCIALS. that | I never rob- . - 3 3 ee RC le lL A. HH strains the Psu of David, De profundis. | Om reaching the scaff Id the wonks fom ed a passage through which the prisaners ! might pass, and when the s:ven men took their stand on the drop the friirs kuelt Beside Filippo Casabianca s"ool an old and tottering priest. The sorrows and anxieties of a Jong mission were written | in the wrinkles of Lis face, and to-day in! particalar the old man's heart seemed | more than ever burdenel. Earnestly. | pously and affectionately did he utter his | | and prayed. | | i nal words to the domed brigand, and ' ple Nets) will take placa Tomorrow, at those words brought bak to the haxdened outlaw's heart all tha best feelings and all the goodness of 'his childhvod. This was the priest for whom Filippo had asked in court, and it was this good man who first | tard Filippo's coufession, and «ho taught him the radiments-of a sound edn. cation, Three of the brigands refused to receive a priest. At the appointed hour the magistrates read the sentence of death to each prisoner. The noose attached do the neck was hooked to a strung rope which hung over the head of each. All this being done and every noosv tested, three bolts were' drawn simmltancously, and Filipho Casabiauca and his six com- panions were uo more. The space wnder- neath the trap-door was coucred by a screen, aud it was forbidden that the bodies should be exposed af the fall. Filippo Casabianca belonged to one of the best' famnlies in Piedmont, and his | mother lives in Rowe to-day, an estimable | and virtuous lady. - er a Some Singular Things. Tory journals remark that it is very -sin- gular that the Hon, Mr. Blake should become ill and have to leave the Provines fuer the sake of his health on the eve of a general election. It is very singular. It was also very singular that tae late Sandiield M-clonaid should have been ill during the last local | e'ections. Yet, no Reform joarual had the indecency to sneer at hii therefor. It wus singular that the Hou. Sand fizld Macdonald snould die oa tae eve of the Diwmiaion electivus, for if it b: a crime to bacome sick at sucha time it must be & greater-criwe to die. It is singular that Sir George Cartier has beea 1d on the eve of the electous, | aud so ill as to preveat hiw from taking part iu tay coutest. Yet io Reforw ournal has been bratal eavugh to insalt w for being iil It is singular that the Hon. Joseph Howe shoud bz so ill oa the eve of the elections as to have w leave the Province for-his heath. Yet no Refora joaraast has heaped avuse vu him for being ul. Si:cness aal doth ° are both very singular uccurrences, but wore singular stili 1s the mysterious dispeusaiioa of Providsuce that peruuts so winch coarse- ness unl iudelicacy to coatral the Tory ress. Probably, however, Providence wiles to do with it tia. Sitaunic in- fluence. We would like to point out one mo e singular tung. iv 1s si gwear, af Mo 'Blake 8 d_ sign in leavi'g th= Province was to desert the Reform cause and hus Ro form assocrates, that h» saud have, as his last act, empty d tis reanlaing streugth to the deavery of two w th: mos powertul Tuvectives vi his life against the cocruption of tas U tara Govern nt and tvo of his uobigpt audwmost vlequent pleas um favor df the Reform cavse and Ins Re- form culevguss. Tat was a queer way to desert Retorin, was it Lot! Joan China aia'; $oap. (From ti: Maryseille (Cal.] Appeal. A little incident was brought to our | motive a day or two ago, which illustrates the ingenuity of Cuiuese in rather a pe- culiar mannsr. © ** Mickey McDaniels," as he is familiarly called, owas a number of gress, which occasionally get into the slough and stray' away to the Chinese vegatable gardens whica birder his ptoas- ant pool. Doabtless they would le » thewselves to Johuny's cibbage on th_se predatory excursions, for it is well kuo vn that the descendants of Rome's ancient Jr vess have a fondness for this article. plan hit upon by John to prevent them from gratifyiug their natural propen - sities was ngemous and novel, and re- | mained undiscovered 'until a few days ago. Several geése belonging to Mr McDauiels had died, and no reason could be assigned for this strange procedure on their party for they were fat and healthy, and a goose is supposed to be a long-lived fo:l. But when they were to be picked the mys ery was solved. Four of the birds were found in a singular manwer, and one which can hardly be described. A ring of fine wire, about two inches in circumfer- ence, was found in the mouth of each held there by being turned over the top of the head and Fovked in under the feathers. The way itcame there is easily understood. The Chinaman when making these rings, twisted two ends of the wire together, turning the end over, making a srong | hook. This was hung on a cabbage leaf or other vegetable, and left to wait for the coming the victim. In feeding, the govse would strike its bill down to pick up | a tempting morsel, and if one part of the | bill went inside this loop its doom was sealed, for the loop would, by the force of the blow, be turned over the head of the reckless bird; and the hook, of nicessity, would fasten under the feathers, on the top of tho head. A few struggles of the prisoned bird would draw the fine wire | under the feathers out of sight, and thus | .the bird would be left unable to close its bill. In this condition, with its head held high in the air, it- would ran aroaund in a circle until exhausted." Even on being driven home and observed in that situation it would require close inspection to detect | the cause of this strauge proceeding on the part of the. tortured bird." Mr. Mc- | Daniels had lost a large sumber, and only discovered the caus: 'accidentally' when picking them. Havurax, Feb. 10th, 1372. Me. Jas. I. Farrows-Dear Sir: In order | that sou: oth sr suforscinsy be beneiited, | you are at liberty to give this letter public- ity. In the winter of 1869 I was taken ill | with Disease of the Heart, accompanied by vivlent palpitaton, aud from that time | gradually became weaker, notwiths'and- ing continued professional attendance, upto s few weeks age, when your compound Syrup of Hypophosphitics was comu- ended to me. The use of it during a very short time enabled me to resume my | wsual work, and now I am as well, fat and | bealthy as I could wish to be. very truly, W. Frank Cucnrax. The Heart being a great muscular organ, Fequires vigorous nervous force to sus- tala it. As Fellows' Hypophosphities re- Yours Stures the nervous eleuicat, it will always | strengthen the Hert weakenel though loss of this element. Tae INVENTOR. Arter war, pestilence and intemper- - sncé--colds lead to the greatest destruc- tion of human life, mainly, because it is cunsidered by many to obo conse- quence and hence systematically neglected, until a siuple, curable diseases is convert- into a fatal pulmonary one. Every- one troubled with what is called a slight cold or cough, should immediately ise Bryau's Pulmonic Waférs--they allay ¥Titation at ove, and exert a most bene- ficial intuence on all the Bronchial and pulmonary organs. Sold by al! Dru; gists we country dealers. . Pride 25 cts. por x, < Ax unusa ly large shipment of Kurop- ~ ean mail passed through Chicago on § Baturday woraing, tagged for New Zes- land via San Francisco--some 30) bags, Pequiring an extra baggage car. It was Weusterrod from the Lake Shore railyoad to the Rock {sland railruad, delaying the nin twenty-five minutes, | InDa Fngton, on the Gh inst., (he wife of Nye | gar 20 BELA | ONTARIO MILL. | "gD EING THE NORTH HALF OF LOT 3 -- v ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA; FRIDAY; AUGUST16, 1a~= BRT A. Gibird, oc & son. In East' Whitby, on the 7th inst, the wife Mr. Lsaac Cole, of A if In Oshawa, 'on the 10th inst., the wife , Andrew Thompson, of a son, "+ Me MARRIED, i At Harmfng, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. L. B. {inttan, Ne odist row Minister, Mr. ticha a, to 2 berta Victoria Lrew, Yoth of East Whitby, +) Vie DEATH. In East 'Whitby, on the 15th inst., Mr. James Gray, sr., aged Do 25th dusty, Mv, [Ww . to the Univn Burying Ground. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend. A Chemical Food and Nutritive Tonic. W THouT PHOSPHOIUS NO though*, say the Germans, and they might add, no action, since Phosphorus and its com- pounds nre known to be the motive power of the nervous snd muscular system. They constitute more than half the material of the human bo ly, being sound in every tissue, and their presence soiutely essential, as they romote the cn. e m of albunien in the n ood into fibrine, wh his the vitilizing agent of pure, healthy blood {| They aré now coming into universal use in Europe and America in tie treatment of Sersful- { ous; Cgecmptive and Venoreal dise vies, which arc cased by imroverished or poisone | blood; and in diseasesof women suffering from irregular ites, obstructions and exhansting discharges, in pale, puny children, and that condition of nervous + andphysical prost ration resuiting from bad habits exces ive use of stimnlants and tibacco, and all that train of evils known as a fast life. The great reliablity and promp ness in its effects in Ammodiately and permanetly restoring the devitalized constitution has made Dr W HEEL ERSCOMPOUND ELIXIR OF PHOSPHATES AND CALISAVA a great favouri e with the siclans and public. Sold at §1 00. Commercial, WIIr BY MARKETS. Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel,.. ........ Wheat, Spring, do Barley, ® bushel,............ Oats, do Peas, do Potatoes, do Butter, ¥g......... TORONTO MARKETS, ly August 1. 3140 @%1 43 . 087 LR L070 oT .080 04 .080 ... 08 18 00 ensnne nin end 8 BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, : August 15, eal an aia . 060 veiw 0 88 «x 003 .. 08 en 0 G0 . 000 1 ".. 012 OSHAWA MARKLT: » Wheat, # bushel. .............. Barley, do Peas, do Dats, do Kye, | do Potatoes, do . Hay, ¥ ton, ....... Apples, ¥ bri, .. Wheat, ¥ bushel, Rye, . do Barley, do Peas, do Oats, do Horie Ciover Sced, ¥® bushel, ......... Hmothy Seed, do » Butter, #m, 4 3 August 16, cree 33 3 @ $3 62 iS 1d 17 oo EERIE 7 TE 050 ava OAS eee 0.60 oe om 000 016 012 00n ES 05 Fiour, ¥ cw, .. a as Wheat, Fall, ¥-bushel, ... Wheat, Spring, ¥ bush Es Oats, 8 "ushel,............... Rye BALIYE . ls ss vines Peas, # bushel, .... .. New Potatoes, ¥ bushe Butter, ¥'S,........... Lard, BM,............ Eggs, ¥ dozen, ... Beaus. #® bashel, Wool inkson, {({ASED THE KARR r the Fictory, which he in- | liage aad Park Lot. 18tf g oul GRISTING. THLE, SUBSCRIBERS HAVING PUR- "HASED the property heretofore known as A 3 M lea north of awa, and bavinz put in Ne olting Clotis and of wise imnraved the fuc s for produc- ing First-class Flour, wonld respectfuly soli-{t the pvronaze of the people of Exit Whithy and surrounding townshi «No effort will be spared to give satisfaction. WILCOX & FREEMAN. fast Whitby, Aagnst 6th, 1672 IMPORTANT SALE! HE SUBSCRIBER HAS RECEIVED instructions from MR. JOHN HAMILTON to sell by Public Auction, without reserve, on TUESDAY, August 27th, 1872, on the | remises King Oshawa, the following property pou | Horse buggies. 1 Cutter- new, 3 sets bu Hrnes:--one of them silver micunted, 3 Mic] Cows, a large quantity of Houschold Furniture, nearly new. Also, the House and Lot now o¢- cupied hy Mr, J. Hamilton, and the garden produce. - Sale 0 coinm 'ace at 1 o'clo. k, p.m. Terms:--F or the Housenoll Farniture, cash: for the H.rewes, Cows, Baggies and Catters,.¢ months' eredit on ap; rovel notes : for the honse and and lot, terms mad: known on day Jf sale. D. BISHOP, Auctioneer. Oshawa, Aug. Sth, 1572, VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. No. 3, in the 6th cen.,'of East Whitby, the pro ety of Mr, John Alexander, well fenced and wa'ered, go d frame barn, stables, sheds, driving-house. and cther outdoor conveniences: also an excellent s! one house and kitchen. with wnod-shed attached, two excellent orchards con- taining varieties of the choicest apples, pears, plams, cherrigs, &c. As the owner is about to retire trom active li'e, very easy terms of pay- ment will be given 0 the purchaser, Apply | personally to the owner, or if by letter (post-paid) | to Columbus; P.O, Oat. | East Whitby, Ju'y 28t1, 1372, LOST! N SUNDAY, 21st INST., EITHER in Whithy Tow, or between Whitby and Oshawa, a BROWN SILK UMBRELLA. The finder will be suitably rewarded, by leaving it at the RidvorMer Office, Oshawa. July 21th, 1872, 16-iw Dissolution of Partners.ip. HE PARTNERSHIP HERETO- fore subsisting under the name of Tripn & | Shaw, as Manufacturers and dealers in : and shoes, was this day dissolved by mutual con- sent. All delits due by the late firm will be paid | by Mr. Wm. Shaw, ind all accounts due to jhe to be paid to him. : Bim 479 fo be pa DAVID TRIPP. WM. SHAW. Oshawa, July 15, 1872. © 15wi Mr. Shaw begs to say to the numerous custo- | mers of the late firm that he will continue to carry on the same business at the old stand, and hopes to receive a Souling ince of the liberal pat- iv > late firm. 3 ronage given to the late WM. SHAW. N. B.--A REDUCTION OF TEY PER CENT on all rash piarchases for the next 3)days,to make room for fall purchases. W.S. Oshawa, July 15, 1872. - 1-wi RARE CHANCE. Splendid Business for Sale HE UNDERSIGNED BEING | | about to retire from the CABINET! .and | | UNDERTAKING Business has ¢ *oided to dis- | | pose of his presefit large and profitable business at Prince Albert,estabiisi.ed over fourteen years, | and which aifurds an excellent opportunity to { any one wishing to engage in such a b h Tue Rremises and whoie Stock-in-trace will be disposed of at u Bargain, and un easy terms. The stock in hand is lege and well assorted, and the ran of custom excelent, For terns and oilier particulars, apply on the premises ta W. I. PARK. Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1572, - Wu BUTTER. RIME DAIRY BUTTER, AT 1¢ (ENTS PLR POUND, AT TREWIN'S. 34-4 VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR PE mary oo William street, consist- ing of & block of four houses and over an acre of waa. Ais high, well drained, aad in a state of in Prince Zlbert, now that fine rty p ocsupled by Mr, Wileox, Bali. HUGH CARMICHAEL. Cn Oshawa, June 22nd. v Nieele Bros. "HAVE PLEASURE IN Offering their Customers ALL THE BENEFITS REFOUNDED DUTIES FREE TRADE FOR EXAMPLE, > Good to Very Choice TEAS, | Now from 40 cents to $1 per Ib, CHEAPER BY PACKAGE. s Toarrive shortly 22 Chests Uncolored Japan, 75 Barrels Bright Refined Sugars. Stone Preserve Jars IN GREAT VARIETY. STEELE BROS. GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN, OSHAWA. July 18h, 3673. FROM E cr ™~ DIRECT IMPORTATIONS UROPE! W. F. COWAN Is now in receipt of a portion of his SPRING IMPORTATIONS. He would draw particular attention to the following lines, which are offered FAR BELOW RULING PRICES! 4000 yds. Grey Cotton, at 5c. yd. 2000 yds. White 3000 yds. 4 Tic. yd. " Lin'g Cloth,11c. yd. 2600 yds Beautiful Prints, 12:c.yd. A Large & Varied Stock of Dress Goods. &" All who desiro Style, and Extra Value for their money, should make their selections without delay. ONE CASE OF FRENCH KIDS of the Foussie brand--a glove which takes the lead in England, and which has been b-fore my custome rs for fifteen years in Toronto and Oshawa. Although these gloves have advanced seriously I still offer them at the old price of $1 per pair. A Large anl Well-S lected Stock of TWEEDS and CLOTHS will be found in the Gents' D :partment, and customers are respectfully requested to place orders for Suits before the assortment is broken. Osmawa, Manca, 1872, W. F. COWAN. 51 BLAMEY & BRIGGS ARE NOW Teas from 10 to 20 OFFERING per co :t. Reduction, --ALSO-- A GREAT VARIETY OF GLASS FRUIT Consisting of the: Gem, Mason, Clamp, Al of which will JARS, &c., be Sold Cheap. 20: BRIGHT SUG FRESH ARRIVALS OF ARS, FRUITS, --AND-- GENERAL GROCERIES. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. BLAMEY & BRIGGS: P.S.--Goods delivered promptly to Customers in Town. TAILORING ~AND-- CLOTHING AT WM. DICKIE'S. DRESS GOODS IN THE Newest Styles. PARASOLS Of all Shades & Prices. MILLINERY FLOWERS, &C. SPLENDID Black Lace Shawls, Only $I 256 Each. BOOTS & SHOES Of Every Description. Osmawa, Msy Sth, 1978, HE RATEPAYERS OF THE VIL- LAGE of Oshawa, having lately voted the above: reward for the introduction of a new MmaAudfuctusing intetest 10 Gar midet, it has gives a mpetus to ou" freat lupe juilding of Houses for In order to give r facilities for the Raisting of new a Sen fo Ths upd M LARGER STOCK HARDWARE thaa has ever before been offered in Oshawa consisting in part of 600 Kegs of Cut Nails. THE LARGEST AND BEST ASS8OR MENT OF J PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Glass, Putty, &c., IN THE COUNTY 4 SPLENDID VARIETY OF Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, &c. A LARGE STOCK OF LOCKS, KNOBS, LATCHES & HINGES. A Splendid Assortment of Carpenters Tools, All kin'ls of Paint, Varnish, White Wash, Kalsomine, Shoe, Scrubbing, and other Brushes. A Largs Stock of Rodgers and othe Cutlery, Dixon's and other supsr.or |makis cf N.ckol and Suver Piatod Goods and Crusts. 4 Arst-rate assortment Axles, Carriage Springs, Iron, and 1 Chains. And the best assortment of Gune, (including Breech LEoaders), Revol- vers, P stols, and Shooting and Fish- ing Tackle in the County. The whole of the above stock was par- chased !efore the late great rise m prices, and will be sold cheap for cash. T. Wills Gibbs. Oshawa, May Xd,1072. SUMMER, 1872. OPENING, ONE OF THE LARGEST BEAUTIFUL STOCKS EVER EXHIBITED IN OSHAWA, Defy Competition! INSPECTION INVITED. A. M. CHISHOLM, GIBBS' BLOCK. BOWMANVILLE MACHINE & IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. | V[ANUFACTURERS oF Leffel American Double Turbine Water Wheel, Iron and Wood Working Machinery, '| Circular Saw Mills, Shingle Machines, Grist Mill Machinery, Self-Rake Reapers, Mowing Machines, Faaning Mils, Feed Cutters, Commen and Cang Plows, Chopping Mills, | Lath Mills, ete. A. B. GIBSON, MANAGER. Bowmanville, July 3rd, 1973, Bu SPECIAL NOTICE ! -- Great Olearizng Sale en Oilfeee FANCY and STAPLE Pry Goods FOR 30 DAYS, Comme: cing Tuesday. July 2nd, previovs to Stock Taking, at J. BARNARD'S LATE J. CARMICHAEL', King Street, Oshawa. Farmers' Produce Taken in Exchange Oshawa, July lst, 1872, The Admirers 5 \ HORACE GREELEY WILL DO WELL TO Buy a Light Hat seein HODDERS. Dolly Varden TOBACCO POUCHES (The Latest Thing Out) --AT-- FITCHETT'S. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SUPPLY OF SMOKING --AND-- Chewing Tobaccos! THE PRIZE BULL, _ LORD LISGAR! 0 393 HERD BOOK, WILL SERVE at Sydenham Farm during the séasan. Terms: mon Grade Cows $1 v time of service ; full bred cows $1. ** Lord gar " was swanded Ist prize at the last Provin. clal Show, over 37 entriea, The thorough-bred Ayrshire Bull, "Lord Rag- lan" will serve on the same terns at the farm of Mr, 8, Phillips, near the G. T. R. Statitn, Dubai. THOMA { MAS GUY. Port Oshawa, Jaue i8th, 1872, 114f, i A Large Quantity JOT FIRST-CLASS British Plate Glass TOILET MIRRORS, For the astonishingly low prices of 15 and 25 cents each, Complete with Framos, at the Hardware Establishment of T. WILLS CIBBS, Simcoe St., Cshawa. Remember the place directly opposite the. Dominion Bank, Oshawa, May 3rd, 1572, tf. "7 - CHANGE OF BUSINESS AVING DISPOSED OF MY BUT- CHER'S business to Mr. G. NN, Stephonson, y recommend him to the patronage of my former customers and friends, GEORCE HENRY. Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1872, . IN reference 1o the above, I lez to say to my friends that 1 shall carry on the business at the old stand, corner of King and Chureh Strests, on and after Friday next. A full stockof First classy MEATS of all kinds In the scasen, wisl alvays be kept on hand. A wagon will be run daily, and ali persons desirous of having it call at their houses will please leave word at the shup, A cail 1s solicited, as no pains will be spared to give satisfaction. " G.N. STEPHENSON. Oshawa, Feb, 27, 1872, 1H Thomas Brooks, BUTCHER. h\! R. GEORGE STEPHENSON HAV. - ING sold out Lis Butchering Business to me, I beg to solicit the patronage Leretofors extended 'to him, and will do my bust to supply eld customers and new ones, with the best meats of all kinds, The pedling wazgon will call as usual. All orders left at the shop promptly attended to, - King St. East, Oghawa, June 5th, 1872, FOR SALE. HE PROPERTY ON SELINA ST., gonsisting of a story apd a half Frame dwelling house, with stone foundation. There is a stable and driving shed aituched, and a warden with a number of choice Fruit Trees on it : also, a never-failing well of excellent water. For terms and other particulars apply on the premises, to WALTER FOGG. otf. March 1, 1872, aie VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. AVING PURCHASED MR. CON. ANTS interest in the McGregor property 1 offer for sale twelve lo 8 'n the west. side of Centre Strect. Terms: On 41rd eash : balance on mortgage, with interest at eight per cent, To parties who will erect a house at once, I will not ire any payment down ; butia addi tion will advance one hundred do'lars on each jot, if they erect a house thereon, costing not less than , and take:a-Srst mortgage wit? insurance polivies for the value of the lot an the amount advanced, For full particulars enquire f Lyman Englls arrister, F. W. GLEN. 3 Oshawa, March 7th, 1372, SHINGLES. HINGLES OF ALL KINDS FOR sale at my Mill, Lot No. 6, 4th ¢ th. Darling- tom, about 4§ miies from Bowmanville. JONATHAN STEPHENS. 490 March 1, 1872, QERVANT GIRL. Apply to MRS. JOIIN B. HARRIS. PROF. WHITE, EACHER OF THE PILANOFORTE, SINGING, etc., Organist and Composer, is now prepared to attend puplis, Terms may be known at this Odlice. - Oshawa, June 26th, 1872, STRAYED! AME INTO THE PREMISES OF the subscriber, on Sunday last, 16th inst,. a small Black and White PIG. The owner ean have the same by calling and paylng costs. : JOHN EWING. Oshawa, June 20th, 1872. EE a Tou Lumber & Shingles R SALE AT MY MILLS IN. DAR- lington. ) A. B. CAMPBELL. December 1. 1871. 3H Twp ER Florence Sewing Machine, /NALL AT JOHN POST'S MUSIC 4/ STORE, in the town of Whitby, and see this beautiiul machine, which makes four dif. fevent kinds of stitches, and sews both ways, runs very light and still. Those intending to urchase a machine, if they will send their ad- to JOHN 8. M. WILLCOX, Whithy, will receive a full description of the. machine, with ce list, ele. 3 JOHN 8. M. WILLCOX. 4141, Whitby, Jan. 18, NITROUS OXIDE --OR-- Protoxide of 'Nitrogen DMINISTERED FOR THE PAIN- Jaas axtraction af teeth at the dental rooms of J. FERGUSON, L. D. 8. over the grocery of simson Bros, King 3t. Wait, Oshawn, Persons need not now. from fear of pain ate tending the operation of extraction ry fol years in their mouths ' i A cause of disease. which has n f health and destroyed their hap; is, but made them ohjects of repagnance to all who are so unfortunate as to he associated with them, as Nitros Oxide is pleasant to take and quite harms Oshawa, May, 24, 1972. Fresh Fish, Fresh Fish. Salmon Trout, N HAND AT GARTH'S, THIS MORNING ; and twice a week during the season. Patronize him. Oshawa, April 26th, 1872, OF THE BEST BRANDS. King St., Oshawa. Ouhaws, May 20th, 1978. | corporation o | | miles FOR SALE. i "HE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTH 4% Acres, in the South-east Sores of sha wa. A quantity of wo thereon. . y Also, 16) acres in Grundy Co., Towa, U. S,, ten from Cedar Fails, 4 miles from New Hartford villaze, on the TNlinois Central R. RB. 70 acres cultivated: frame honse and stable thercon. The whale to be sold very cheap. A. M. FAREWELL, "of. Oshawa.