Ontario Reformer, 26 Jul 1872, p. 3

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ve ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1872, DIRECT IMPORTATIONS FROM EUROPE! W. FF. COWAN Is now in receipt of a portion of his SPRING IMPORTATIONS. He would draw particular attention to the following lines, which are offered FAR BELOW RULING PRICES! 4000 yds. Grey Cotton, at 5c. yd. 2000 yds. White " :c. yd. 3000 yds. " Ling Cloth,1llc. yd. 2500 yds.Beautiful Prints, 12!c.yd. A Large & Varied Stock of Dress Goods. &&" All who desiro Style, and Extra Value for their money, should make their selections without delay. ONE CASE OF FRENCH KIDS of the Foussie brand--a glove which takes the lead in England, and which has been before my customers for fifteen years in Toronto and Oshawa. Although these gloves have advanced seriously I 'still offer them &t the old price of $1 per pair. ¢ Fut Down. To THE a? ELECTORS | of Eritish ) OF THE Rye n1{Col, Den. ) i Barley "hg ta the SOUTH RIDING | rae's vai mien; Kip New Potatoes, ¥ bushel,. will unite | Butter, ¥ mn, me wn." Elect Lard, un, very pith of Eggs, # dozen, On turio was | Beans, ¥ bushel, A. Mac. Woo! 0n, and the other rut Catarie OSHAWA MARKETS. } n Tor nto Jast Reform Flour, Vowt,.. I Wheat, Fall, ® bushel, ' Wheat, Spring, i | Oats, ¥ "ushel, candidate ~- bu, Lg Denison, a THE PRIZE BULL, LORD LISGAR! Ne 303 HERD BOOK, WILL SERVE Al Cydenham Farm yi Nee Pros SUMMER, OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. orough-bred Avrahire Ball, " Lord Rag- HAVE PLEASURE IN lan" will serve on the same terms at the farm of Mrz , Phillips, near the G, T, R. Station, THOMAS SUN GENTLEMEN You will soon be called upon to choose a representative to the House of Commons, of Canada, to serve you during | the term of the next Parliament. to Juue 18th, 1872. | A Large Guaniits : OF Rew Advertisements. Offering their Customers FANCY and STAPLE more repres- trorallows and to help him | LOST! Having been honoured with the N SUNDAY, nomination by the Reform Convention of ras Whi t he Riding, 1 now. beg to aunounce myself e.g a cand ron for the Position of your presentative And that you may be enab led | o decide how far Imay be entitled to yvaur fidence, | take the oppe tunity of stat- my opinions on some of the political que stions likely to elaim more immediate ublic attention The history of Great Britain and proves conclusively that good legislation, and honest administration, under the constitution of Re sponsible Gov went, such as ours, cannot obtain ut a pe rfect harmony of political | opinions in the members of the Executive. | I am, therefore, opposed to all coalitior 1s of opposing political parties for carrying on the o hare affairs of Government. 21st JLB EITHER FIRST-CLASS British Plate Glass TOILET MIRRGRS, _ For the astonishingly lo of 15 and 25 cent$" each, Osh ro. | find T att July ALL THE presentatives rizes, and con. tish subject to 24h, 1872. rid Ontario 1 .OS TI! 1 ETWEEN STEELE« BROS. AND SPURRELLS HOTEL.on Wednesday last, at about 5 o'clock, a PURSE containing several Dollars. The finder on bringing the same to this Office will be rewarded, Oshawa, July 2ite, 1872, CARD OF THANKS, TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO! | : urn my sincere thanks to the Agricultural RE FOU NDED DUTIES | Dry Goods FOR 30 DAYS, n in giving . 10 order to put Oat BENEFITS > io 5 Canada : nuswick better Fag Ne w Brunswick Comme: ig Tuesday, July 2nd, previovs o Stock Taking, at J. BARNARD'S LATE J. CARMICHAEL'S, ri de w n. ons of dollars for 1a the matter WAY In order to # put Ontario Complete with Frames, at the Hardware Establishment bf 1] T. WILLS GIBBS', Simcoe St., Oshawa, Ta ance Company for the prompt payment of vount of \iyy insurance on the building | yed by fire'on the 16th inst. JOHN J. GULLOC K. | Agent for Oshawa. Iw Ga t off the Pacific ns ow ih the rail- so that the expen- on dollars of nay inure Ao the and so so put In order that the wants and wish es--of the people may be faithfuly repre- sented in the Legislatures-it is necessary that fraud and' intimidation in connection with elections should be visited with exem plary punishment, and the most ample SoH BvD. Remember the place direct' in opposite the Dominion Bai Oshawa, May 3rd, 1872. Dissolution of Partnership. FPHE PARTNERSHIP HERETO. tunity afforded for the free and un fore sub isting under the name of Tripp & exercise of the franchise. The Ma Ad dealers in voots | ions ia the Domin- /™ hy wast a : ie and the. shme day, under the ate firm will be paid ; FREE TRADE OPENING, A Large and Well-Selected Stock of TWEEDS and CLOTHS will be found in the Gents' Department, and customers are respectfully requested to place orders for Suits before the assortment is broken. W. F. COWAN., [224 CHANGE OF BUSINESS | King Street, Oshawa. ton, if they John A. Ontario Farmers' Produce Taken in Exchange Oshawa, July 1st, 1872, and all accounts due to the authority of a stringent law, for the pun- to be'paid to him. jshment of bribe ry anfl corrupt practices, hl Ip TRIP P. and ths trialof contested elections by the SL RAGE TITY dges, would, in my] opinion, conduce to that result. While it is requisite that the ex- firm are over the creased © Oshawa, July 15, 18 2 rs 1a say to ) the numerous gusto- te firm that he will continue to Osuawa, March, 1872. b1 ry on the same Business at the old stand, and » receive a continuance of the liberal pat- ecutive should have certain disc retionary given to the'late firm. | powers, I hold: the opinion that those on > WM. SHAW, 4 * ARE NOW OFFERING powers should be ¢ omfned to the smallest WTC A ot rt Par ea | limit, consistent with the p roper adminis- fo 1 purchases, W.S, tration of the Government of the country. Oshawa, July 15, 1372, Hence I stand firmly opposed to plicing the expenditure of large sums of public _moneys at the disposal of the Mivictrs, with at the sanction of Parliament being first obtained to all.particulars and det ails eounected the-ewith. AVING DISPOSED OF MY BUT- CHER'S business to Mr. G. N, Stephonson, heartily recommend him to the patronage of my former customers and friends, GEORGE HENRY. ONE OF THE Tripp's Poetical Effusion. Liidies and Gontlemen, read the news, Who stand in need of ots and Shoes. At D. Tribes, iL if you do call, He'll try to ou. one and all, The best of om e keeps on hand, Kid, Calf, Kip, Spanish, finest and best of brands. He'll mend your soles, if not your ways, Give good understanding to all he says. | He'll make your Boots without delay, { id if they rip hell ask no pay. més are hard, as yeu all do know, Money scpree, and prices low. tock on hand, and more coming.-- prod J in exc hange for goods. Stand. East side of Simos Street, one door North of Taylor's jewels tore. uYlors Jeweler TRIPP & SHAW. Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1872. Fimes. E-- Y . NOTICES. 15-wi | RARE CHANCE. T I from 10 to 20 per ceat. Reduction, Splendid Business for Sale | 'A GREAT VARIETY OF GLASS : ENDRESTON TN advanced most in nhtional greatness and HE \ 1 NDE RSIGN ED SEING : abont to retire from the C and | material prosperity, gre those whose people | 'XDERTAKING Business has decided to die | are engaged in the 'most diversified pur- | pose of his present large and profitable business ] suits, and who have tarned to the utmost | at Prine Albert established over fourteen years, 8 IN reference to the above, 1 Deg to say to my | friends that I shall carry on the business at the | old stand, corner of King and Chureh Streets, on and afte r Friday next. "A full stock of First- class MEATS of-all kinds in the season, will always be kept on hand. A wagon will be run daily, and all persons desirous of having it call at their houses will please leave word at the shop. A call Is solicited, as no pains will be spared to give satisfaction. G.N. STEPHENSON. AT Sheuld not t had gained g those whe er yannt. Per- ndskill, for rural he Ar- page, thers which it, amd ther full Bucket, Junt- rth's well- we --ALSO-- : We find that countries that have LARGE S T Oshawa, Feb. 27-1872. es of Thomas Brooks, BUTCHER. M2: GEORGE STEPHENSON HAV. ING sold out his Butchering Business to me, I beg to solicit the patronage heretofore extended to him, and will do my best to supply old customers and new ones, with the best meats of all kinds. The pedling waggon will call as usual. All orders left at the shop promptly attended to, otf. King St. East, Oshawa, June 5th, 1872. and wh lent opportunity to the account the natural advantages they pos- any in suet a business. | OSS. The Premise Stock-in-trade will be disposed of at a Bargain, and on easy terms, The | FRUIT JARS, stock in hand is large and well assorted, and the ck in hand is large ar Consisting of the Gem, Mason, Clamp, &c., For terms aud other particulars, apply on the | od premises to | : Ia W. II. PARK. All of which will be Sold Cheap. y 17th, 1872, 14tr en- SOR ese a ce one, Ang- Possessing, as we do, in our fer- extensive Lakes, and immens- rivers, natural resources to an almost un- limited extent, as well cation between all parts o t 1s my fhirnr convid tile soil, f cvu as easy commmnni- of the Dominion, ever Been tion tl at, with the Birds -is a and enterprise of our people properly 10: r ipse of - lirected, and encouriged by wise legis : 3 ~ y's OM and go ws, the time is not far dis- FRESH ARR IVALS OF BRIGHT SUGARS, FRUITS, among the first countries of the globe, in the ex- Ft : AND ; we have The tent and variety of her agricultural and GENERAL GROCERIES. € or rathe r the factured products. Our policy should h, in my opinion, that while excour- 'BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED, BLAMEY & BRIGGS: t -of our natur si re- P.8.--Goods delivered promptly to Customers in Town $5,000 REWARD! CLOTHING The Admirers Prin e Albert, *"Witheut doubt the finest periodien pub. lished, having no equal either In E pe or America." SCRIBNER'S FOR JULY, bu Attract Descrvod Attention, rom Lassing's delightful Article on West | ol Illustrated); the brilliant Conclusion of Wilkinson's Critique on Lowell's Prose ; Warner's Charming Paper, a Sumner Back Log Study, the best of the Series Je published ; Dr, | Hold and's Editorials ; ** the Christian Sabbath in Great Citi "The Jitrary, Butesu Again i | "Our President ;* " Indircet Jags two | Curious Articles of Popular ia lusirated; A Startling Exposure of Smuggling by Women, | and the means employed for its detection ; rk | Jing Papers in the Old Cabinet ; Growing ar | lence in Home and Society, and the New Depart | me ut of Nature and ih hb oe; by Prof. Draper, { besides the usual variety tories, Poems, Posi "asays and Reviews, &e. Price $4 per year, or 35 cents a Number. Fowvule Booksellers and Newsdealers. SCRIBNER & Co., Pu ' 654, Broadway, New York, do r onr "he Min- ra dn ra portion ih BOWMANVILLE al ag HORACE GREELEY, ously in our own As all our natural advantages are less without brains and hands to direct iy them, we should make use of per means to induce immi gration MACHINE & IMPLEMENT | MANUFACTURING COMPANY. JrUrscH RERS OF Good to Very Choice a country like ours, sandy of sibs of inland bound rost with the Brave stout arms of her people; it ild be our aim to cultivate a le, and train our 1en to be expert in the use of war- , and to this end the Govern r them sufficient induce- ting the time necessary for »: and not as hitherto, by de > anunicipal councils to WILL DO WELL TO mainly BEAUTIFUL Water Wheel, 1 Wood Working Machinery, Leffel] American Double Iron an Circular Saw Mills, Lid TAILORING FOR SALE. HE PROPERTY ON SELINA ST. . consisting of a story and a half Frame dwelling house, with stone foundation. There is a stable and driving shed attached, and a good i oice Fruit Trees on Shingle Machines, I I ] AS J Grist Mill Machinery, Buy a Light Hat Sclf-Rake Reapers, Mowing Machines | : i re ~ ow rdeu with a number of s Common and Gang Plows, rn also, & never-failing well of excellent water, Fanning Mils, For terms and other particulars apply on the premises, to WALTER FOGG. ae VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. AVING PURCHASED MR. CON: ANTS interest in the McGregor pro 1 offer for sale twelve lots on the west side ot Centre Street. Terms: One-third eash ; balance an mortgage, with interest at eight per cent. To parties who will erect a house at once, I HODDERS. SA wot Fequire any pafment down but jn add}. EVER EXHIBITED IN tion will advance one hundred lars on each f EE HAR D Ws RE ro = NITROUS OXIDE insurance Fo a a the value oF thelot an ced. lO Rie Protoxide of Nitrogen ! {ether questions, e tothe welfare of the conn- Il, previons to-the elec ion, have unity of with you, at meetings and otherwise. And, in I may be permitted to add, Chopping Mills, ' Now from 40 cents to $1 per Ib, Feed © itters, { Lath Mills, etc. A.B. GIBSON * to the manor born, and hav- MANAGER. | rty in the Riding, my inter- manyille, July Jrd, 1872. 13-4 | _ In order to give greater ficilities for the rapid inseparable from yours, and that, | | finishing of new buildings, the subscriber i should you honor me with your confi- ! laid in a - dence, and ¢harge me with the dulies of WM. DICKIE' S. LAR ):q your rej I shall to the utmost GER STOC my humble »bilities endbavour to de- | serve the one by a faithful discharge of } | the other. ' ' : . | | I am; Gentlemen, Your most obedient humble, servant, T.P. WHITE. ' Byte tne: HE RATEPAYERS OF THE VIL- disenssing LAGE of Oshawa, hating lately voted the {above reward for the introduction of a new manufacturing interest in $fir midst, it has giv ep. a great impetus to the building of Houses for ou* industrial classes. HH STOCKS March 1, 1872. publi conclusion, _that b Ing my pr ests are « resentation, CHEAPER BY PACKAGE. lainds;. h and ) rtment. urrespon- 1blished i 82.00 WANTED! { ERVANT GIRL. ho) For full particulars enquire f Lyman Englis Whitevale, rister. srrsler F. W. GLEN. © DRESS GOODS\60p kegs of ut Nails. {| THE LARGEST AND 1 MENT OF PAINTS, OILS, . VARNISHES, Glass, Putty, &c,, IN THE COUNTY 4 SPLENDID VARIETY OF Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, &c. A LARGE STOCK OF LOCKS, KNOBS, } FLOWERS, &C. | LATCHES & HINGES. -- Stone Preserve Jars it i Splendid Assortment of Carpenters June, 1872; . Apply to adavay, : France, has starte 1 -a most traveller, cw a t ur rotind the MRS. JOHN B. HARRIS. ; he'is to visit'every "city, tow. and » and remain to convmee the in- PRO F. WHIT E, of the valne of his mission; he " s reached the oniinson of Canad FFYEACHER OF THE PLANOFORTE, | has reached the Doniim n f « wnada, 1 SINGING, etc.. Orranist apd Composer, 1s and, as usual; meets with snparalle now prepared to attend puplis, { Ferms may be success. This traveller is Depew's Med. known at this Office i | £ ewest St les. actory, the Great Blood * Purifier, | Oshawa, June %ih, | 22 Chests Uneolored Japan, N 4 ally enring all diseases of the blood, ro ZL | STRAYED! of Th stomach, liver, and nervous system, AME INTO THE. PREMISES OF # and is an angel of mercy to those suffer riber, on Sunday last, 16th inst,. L] ing from costiveness, female weaknéss, k and White PIG. The owner can 75 Barrels Bright Refined Sugars. Frow Paris, successful Oshawa, March 7th, 1872. "SHINGLES. HINGLES OF ALL KINDS FOR LO) sale at my Mill, Lot No. 6, 4th ¢8h. Darling- ton, about 4} miles 'from Bowmanville. JONATHAN STEPHENS. LYE 4 THE OLD AND NEW METHOD OF TEACHING MUSIC, Mi E. Palmer, CHES THE ABOVE METHODS, | © latter, pupils can by strict attention i hi nnledtion, of the * question o the 0 weeks. Toarrive short] y OSHAWA, T ASSORT- IN THE 5 RY PMINISTERED FOR THE PAIN- bitant Sitraction of teeth at the dental rooms oil of J. FenaUso S., over the grocery of simson Bros. Ring St. West, Oshawa. Persons need not now, from fear of pain at- tending the operation of extraction, carry for years in their mouths a mass of filth, a fruitful cause of disease, which has not only ruined their health and destroyed their happiness, but made then objects of repugnance to all who are so unfortunate as to Te associated with them, as Nitros Oxide is pleasant to take and quite harm- less. March 1, 1872. 1872, AND AT Oshawa, May, 24, 1872. PRICES wy sickheadache and billousness. 5 ame by calling and paying costs. JOHN | EWING. Oshawa, June 20th, 1872, PIANO for SALE at a BARGAIN, | OEY Pr RIGHT COTTAG E PIANO, | made by Collard & Collard, of a ils | land, six octave, Price $100, Aj p y. at this A Chemical Food and Nutritive Tonic. FPYHE GREAT POPULARITY OF DR. WHEELER'S COMPOL ND ELIXIR oF PHOS PHATES AND CALISAYA is owin reliability in building wp consti th diseases of the Stomach, 3 which arise from Dyspepsia tion, and result in poor blood a n in the general health. It eff in or a sense of fullness in the 1 after eating, Heart-burn, Flatulence, . rom torpid liver, Bilious Head -- - vor ys and Bladder BU P 0 E = . DEIME DAIRY BU TTER, CENTS PER POUND, AT TREWIN"S. 3- tr | VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. FrPYHE THAT WILL PARASOLS lay efliciently, pieces t 5) Dolly Varden f TOBAGGO POUCHES (The Latest Thing Out,) Of all Shades & Prices. RESIDENCE--MR. CO. PRENCH'S. Third door North of Christian Church,, Oshawa, May oth, 1782. 53m REMOVAL. TRIPP & SHAW, HAVE REMOVED TO THE STAND | lately occupied by Thomas Hawthorn, King Street, Oshawa, yo the keep constantly on hand a sple; BOOTS & SHOES for Ladies' and Gents' wear, and which they will sell at lowest rates. Boots and shoes to order om the shortest notice. Grod Fit Ruaranitesd, Oshawa, Feb. 1 Feb, 16, 1872 llowed by nervous pros y 'which inevitably a Dyspepsia or wwe delicale constitution y and vitality, and are unab HOWE MD. * -- STH 1% prevent or of 1 ¢ test at $ a Defy - Competition ! MILLINERY| AT. 18 Osh , Dec. 1, 1871. --AT-- FITCHETT'S. JUST RECEIVED SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR rty on William street, consist- four houses and over an acre of | , well drained, and in a state ot Tools. |All kinds of Paint, Varnish, | | White W. ash, Kalsomine, Shoe, | Scrubbing, and other Brushes. | A Large Stock of Rodgers and othe Black Lace Shawls, Cutlery, Dizon's and other superior | makss ¢f Nickel and Silver 3 | Plated Goods and Crusts. STEELE BROS., Only 81 26 Each. Commercial, WHITBY MARKETS. will, as usual, stock of INSPECTION INVITED. cultivati , Also, that fine property in Prince cupied by Mr, Wileox, Bail, § HUGH CARMICHAEL. na Zlbert, now | § IN GREAT VARIETY. Wheat, Fall; ¥ bushel, SPLENDID Oshawa, June-22nd. Fresh Fish, Fresh Fish. Salmon 'Trout, A LARGE SUPPLY OF SMOKING Lumber & Shingles TORONTO MARKETS, © uly 25 $1 40 @ $1.43 06 | 4 first rate assortment of Axles, d by none Di ATHS FT Whit afternoon, at 2obt. Kurs Lis afternoch ab BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, July 25 $1304 813 r 06 060 065 045 5 00, 0 00 0713 ( ) Nona seas Oiw: AT GARTH'S, Patronize him. a, April 26th, 1872 FOR SALE. THI 8! and twide a week'during the | ' GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN, fVHE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTH | 18 Acres, ration of Oshawa. tl ereon. \lsg, 160 acres in Grundy Co., Iowa, U. mile" from Cedar Fails, 4 Hard rd ales 1 Le Teo L2 village, on the cultivated ; frame ten | miles Hons ow | Illinois Central R. R. | The whole to be sold very cheap. A.M. FAREWELL, Qzkaws, in the South-east corner of the A quantity of waod | OSHAWA. house and aid | JL July 10h, 1872. BOOTS & SHOES of Every Description. Osmawa, May Oth, 1978, Car r age Spr ings, Iron, Rope and Chains. And the best assortment of Guns, (including Breech Loaders), Revol- vers, Pstols, and Shooting and Fish- ing Tackle in the County. Fhe whole of the above stock was pur- | chased kefore the late great rise m prices, | and will Le sold cheap for cash. T. Wills Gibbs. Oshawa, May 2rd. 1572 GIBBS" BLOCK. OSHAWA, April 5, 187% A. M. CHISHOLM, | ~--AND-- Chewing Tobaccos! OF THE BEST BRANDS. King St., Oshawa. | Oshaws, May 20h, 1872, R SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR- lington. A. B. CAMPBELL. December 1, 1871, i 3-te i TEE Florence Sewing Machine, ALL AT JOHN POSTS USIO STORE, in the town of Whithy, son this beautiful machine, which makes four aif-- fevent kinds of JOHN §. M. WILLEOX. Whitby, Jen. 18. et S 0

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