Ontario Reformer, 12 Jul 1872, p. 2

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_ Ira flat on "let him it is sb fiowing itself tl trouble in the burns, si "bottle of which plaints. Lo pecular ent eye: and gra his obed use, all look at a inthe in but it cared for or unsou exibit t without package and Arat Ppossessic us EET EESY JITTER I a PP ---- » ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, JULY i%, - - OF as a = ------ EE... > a ---- --- re tion continued BO davs, for whic each | member is allowed by statuto $600 or 12 | a day for this session, Then Mr. Gibbs, z to this rule, would receive over |] would say that a letter im the last issue according Grazd Truek Time Table. £300 for the timo under consideration. In the name of the clectors of South Ontario, | we ask, what service did Mr. Gibhe rer der | for the either in the Y wall, OSHAWA STATION. -OSITAWA TIME. COIRG PasT 6:55 S47 ved dpem. 1 8300 1 'We cannot discover that Hovise, or on any commiilie: | tion} sk did he, during the aforesaid time, move or Mr, White said he was in favor of a STATION, seco y moti form whalever, or | thing for the notioy » Whithy Station ten | nd any mo won in any form whailever, or | thing for the promotion West fiftcen | MaLe @ specel, or ask a guestwen, ersay a | tories. word, or do a thing ers l up to lL . wctories; counted en lwo ce hozror to speak pelil Now, encouriys su H y Post Ofiice | we intend to state the trath, an ns fillows 1 : i 3 pata we have luilen into error GOING EAST. ING WEST. ventually : hav full vi 0 I i matter we shall thank the [ind i x .i} any one e'se, to put us nght. Both oly a y 3 : r . West. at Dug we are impelled to ask again, what n from offering a | has Mr. Gibbs ever done in the House, | 'ments to proture votes, att 3 ad at7.3) ew York | except to stand upto be counted on a vote ) pre aithing occurrad on the when he lappened to be we f get iis n and tl I'oron | wi uid hav matter investi aed. | prese "| ors with better Mal do pot. claim that he © t me could come befor HEP e ock a. th. uti! wat he is a * projound grace if he had sapporte J gracions, electors of 8 uth Ontario 1 have election trials tried before judges . = . roy ~~! doydu want a man to represent you ia the 144% ef < » ) > "YL Ontinio Leforuer, No You > want ne such person acting for youat Ot- | What have 'you | Two | Conmons who caado noth! -- mm Fri fay, July 12, 1872. tawa or any where els B. ness, for the aforesaid 3007 = votes, both on the wrong. sidv, and the pre- Waat Has Ir. Gibbs Done for His'Con- | sentation of one petition. If Mr. Gibbs | stituency, or for the Country, to En- title Him to Re-election ? Oshawa ceive of the riding aro most cheering, ' receive g | Were a yourgiman, waLting in experience ranks, and triumph is certain. or a yonng legislator, there might be hope rr -- © -- M. E. CHURCH. We come now to the session of 1870, of amendment with reference to his activity | and find Mesers. Blake ani Mackenzie | i the House. striving, as in the Assembly of Ontario liamentary life precludes all hope of amend- ) ment in this respect. ELECTORS ! T. P. Wurrk, the werk ing-man's ggndidate, is just the man you He has been an active worker for But his seven years par- | - Xwlera they had beén defeated,) to discon- place will be (D. V.) next Sabbath. nect the action of tte Local Government from tliat of the General. Not that there R vat. should bs any antagonism between the two' * 23 : 1 } as rears i i wns! lodies, but that there should not be any the last twenty years in his Towns chance for an improper alliance between them, and that a position of perfect and amicable neutrality might be maintained Nn overy Jospeet. ! to himself as a representative, and to you On the Gch of March (the House hav ing hued SM . met 15th Fel ruary) it was moved to render the members of the Legislative Co y Council, and an active leading spirit inthe County Cougeil, and wé doubt not, the lose of the next five years will show a record for him in Ottawa alike creditable On Mond entertainment will be given in the chur nzcted. in the evening, as having placed him at the head of the ncils poll in 1872. tijat promises to be good. Every pre fthe Provinces r voiing in the House of Commons of Canada. Mr Harrison | moved in amendment the six months hot. Carried, 82 to 69--Sir John, Sir George, Beatty and Gibls, voting for the amend: m ale, Mackenzie, i oN a Pa wating is Favor of the engin monn £132 in he House of Commons. Di On the 1245 of April, Sir A. T. Gait | even this large sum will, we bolieve, prove | wed, seconded by Mr. Shanly, --** That | = Th moved, seconded by Mr. Shauly, That | whom the Jord oi Et his breeches pock and Legislative Assemblies ation ia being made to make it pl SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! Dr. | = This is the amount generally stated to be at the disposal of T. N. Gibbs, for the secure his re- taeligible for si*ting atid a -succiss, Coburn will the chair. tartainment the public dally invited. ' A -- ---- ------ Complimentar:; i and Address. purpose 'of attempting to elegtion as representative of South On- ° On Wedne day evening last about fift Ger of no avail. -A large number of those | - and aral mere now considers | Men of the Engine the present syst2m under which the Inter- : : . : pre ¥ 3 he 'carries in will colonial Railway is being constructed ained Mr. A. ot ye eing Sonsiructe 1 aaa prove themselves mea, by. spurning Lis ted Mr. A public work of the Dominion is expensive 1 f | bribes, and voting against Sir John's most and unsatistact Electors of Soath Ontario, redeem this riding from the dis sypper at. Hobbs' Hotel. sans in all sat do ; Es obedient antomaton, = "That it is not in tha pubilc interest that the" Government should be charged n to partake grace under which it has lan forithe past | Célents red by ith the maintenan nd workin ¢ il- with the maintenance and working of rail s'men, and ways. And "«" T :. is desirable that ete: which ample justice was done. Mr. R. Di McKay the vy remarks by the chairman five years. Prove yourselves ji true men, for TruMmaxNy P. Wesr, by voting House it i chair, be immedi- of this vices explainin ately taken to ascer'a ments canuot UD» mad lier arrange- Me. Gir the Volunteers wa organ i responsible f this county Pr parties for the private enferpris ling existing con- tracts and for the ition of existing Dominion Rail of whereby a ve » road as a 2 he did by read n the following address: To Alexander He chased like eheep, "at a fev head ; and so insinuated last week, in a ; : slanderous attack on Mr. White, regarding lerson, Esq. : While the Gilibe '¥s In part payment there- | County Council proceedings. iz \ 3 th fe large sam may be saved | Rielite arty, of whom Mr. is m3 a iow... wie in the cost of rary felt pleasure re cost of tho ugh-paccd member, delights to traffic | wirkm Mr. White on 1 desires to place V rovernmert ro Governmert rel the frapchi »f men. 5 and expensive the other} mieers sive railway Lost: 40 i y I nandant Bos : ni Baws . in an independant posivion, by leving accomplisiiment of your a full days sf n to your native lan happy retura to your ! 1 the Government pay them Reformers v wages for a day's work, and not trust to George, Beatty : by eon for buil (a Mix has resul C00, 000, thie charity of corporations. MR. WHITE AT, OSHAWA. , I S---- f that one, According to annoandement,, a me i of us t hla 80€ 3, and had toil 1 snd sa: pleasant edtopetiie®, thro to obtain a tivelih were, to a large our own, should, to leave us, but pl 2 of your return to « of our pleasant of the friends and supporte thrown i Le tw hhrisa ty White was hald in the Sons' wd, one whos aa shown: to H ead loss been « 1 1 los extent, Hull and the greatdit enthusiasm plade, on Tuesday evening last. The common astead « {the was fille woe, ta he the * prevailed, . i Mr. J. O, Guy oceny Mr, T. & { ding | aftera few remarks, cali¢ Lup m Mr. White the Lard ca of On y ¢ feel g tario shou 4 any other y has b ture, at the r midst, l 0 address the mee . t ] » + hi! " . It was tie first time he hdd ever ar pear visit te een 80 ¢ system; Let Sir Jolin dud Si means now pieasu native vour liealt] ; have been spared to hin hand | the preseut time was to place men of their | aga. 'During the numbe: you have be man dof our department, in Wonks," prive | ed befyre the clectors of Oshawa, and he He trusted that of rewarding th& main motive which animate] them » atuble wld at the n ample was glad to meet thew, rent; and that 18 FN their pleasant | or situations under the Gover iment for | views in Parlinment. He had not vauity enough to think that he was the only per On 21st Aoril, Mr. Holt sn moved, sac- | son in the county fit te represent the coun- onded by Mr. Mackenzie,--* That services of Dominion officers in Sootia, being the same as in! New Bruns- | bear the brunt of the battle, and hoped wick, should be paid the same: as those of | that all true Reformers would aid him New Brunswick, to wit: § istead of *He believed that the majority of the Con- | d 810,600, as proj osed by the Government." sved him (Mr. WHite) honest Carried; 68 to 68, in his evavictions, and that hs would Ministry being defeated by the better judge- carry out honestly the principles of his ment and fair dea liny of Mackenzie and the | party. He could assure the electors that | Reformers, {if elected he could do as much for his bs aliz1ys voles for | party as the present representative did the largest sum to be paid on salaries!!!) Again, same day Mackenzis moves: -- n con sons, brothers, uncles, eohisins,; ete. x the the | ty in Parliamént ; this contest was not L Nova | personal. matter ; ha had bes chosen te , C€Tely believe well as those of our employers. servatives bel (/ibbs and the entire ydu by your employers. Electors, remember, G directed him. AIL that was required of partment of the "' That this House regrets that'thé Govern. the Reformers of South ment shonld have deemed it nec sary to increase the salarise of officers in thes pub. die sepvice of a time when the utmost eco omy is absolutely recéssary 48 a deficit in the Lost: 53 to 92. "Joseph Hall Machine Works," Osher, Ontario, ) to present you with this Tea Service, begging you to ac cdpt the rame, not on account of its in Ontario was to He would not dstain them long now, but unite, and they were irresistible. oenne . Gibbs, Beatty and the Ministry tco strong this time to prevent Mackenzie and the bapd of Reformers _to answer any quastions that might be put who act with 1stoppinz another raid on | to him, when a person in the audience | call up in your mind such pleasa the public chest for increased pay 40 | asked him if he did, when Mr. Farewel] officials, GiblLs voting as usnal, for the in- | and Mr. Lrease, May 6th. Mivel the Pensions secured thie many attentions and kindnceses re- | edived by usat your hands duri g the past, and we indulge tle Mr. White said he would be most kL: POY | yéars, when separati would ba preseut, and the quzstions of the day would be discussed, us shall have taken int your life's history, only to be compared Ld the oasis in the desert with its detight- ful verdure, its cool bowersand reireshing waters. { "We, earnestly wish that you and your family may be yet spared many years of leasant and unalloyed enje t in this ife, and that you may be and safely wafted over life's stor ny haven of neaceful and' eternal rest at last With warmest avishes and kindest re- gards, we subscribe oyrselyes, (on behalf Gibbs were ruaning for Parlia- ment, vote for Mr. Farewell, and work for to. provide * That ' Mr. Gibbs, and if he, (Mr. White) was by this Bill shall be | ever indicted and tried for murder } ind credted Mr. White said that about twenty-five by. the abatements from the saiaries of public officers provided for by the avithout any contribution from the Dominion." Lost: 49 to 83. Sir George and I another drive into the public purse, making provisions paid exclusively but of the the | years ago be wai indicted for three things, | all, breaking into his own house. assaulting a the funds of The facts A man had one of his man, and assaulting a woman. of the case were as fellows : Gis joins Sir John, atty in obtained the of under false pr houses ses, and with his father He (Mr. | to gject them, 'but met with | uch gough usags that he was ¢ ympelled dgpariment,) and wife, took possession of it. for pentioning off-improvident officials who | White) went are thus enccutaged to splurge away and | #90 it while they are young," for they oan | co retreat. Mr. Whito (s0 votes Mr. Gibbs) be'provided when | twl first offences and fined. $20 on each. old out of what industrious people earn @n the third, t and save, > AESSIGH oF 1871, House met Ith February. What do you suppose is Mr. Gibbs' record, in the House from its opening up to the 22nd March--five weeks? He presented the petition of the Ontaria Bank, and stood up twice, and was counted on a division each time. During the entire {lv his thoughts must have been so "" profound dhat he did nothing but think, ~ exoept 'as above. His organ, the Vindica- who told it was a responsible man, when oh were: enthusiasti. tor, says he is a member of the important there was a loud cry of name. puis || gaily received, and heartily responded to: committee of public accounts. * Grant it. Mr. Dingle was-named as the circula'or of | « The Quen and But what has he done on that committee 7 | this vile and mean report. After inquiring Family." , God Save tho Qaeen, Very respeétfully yours, { Rosgrr Dirrox, tf Daxzer Magay, | Wirttiaw Ewan was tried for the | ILEIAM Swany, Ros r""WepoeLy, M. FrLercues, | Canrys Frescn, | Geo. J.-Barcray, Oshawa, Ontario, July 10th, 1872. , Committee. e Judge found that the | witnesscs were perjuring themselves, and' he dismissed the case. Such are the facts ! AS Near as we can remember. { A voice--Then it is a falsehood that you were indicted {or murder ? Mr. White--It is an unmitigated false- hood. Mr. Henderson replied in an appropiate manaer, manner towards him, and hoped that the present would go dows as a heir loom in ; : "his as family long as his name' lasted. The questioner eaid that he hal beer told it for a fact, ard that his informant. had offered to bet $500 that it was so. Mr. White wanted to: know if ths man At the conclusion of M Haondersen's weeks rks, the" company joined in singing, "For ha. iy a jolly good fellow.". The » ehpirman and vic e-chaiyman then gave the following toasts, w by Mr. r Jogislator | The session under considera- | 4-0p. | Weddell. *' Army, Navy, and Voltntas 3 In reference to the other matter, he of | ¢ the Reroruen stated his views on that question, exactly. He never worked hard- | Mr. Henderson replied thanking the com er for any man than he did for Mr. Fare- | pany for the hearty manner in which thes of our manufae- i 1 encourage manufactor » a fow farther remarks, inclination and s opposed to all such doings: and 'f such other side, he The elec All thatlis required is unity ia the Reform | 1As intimated last week the re-opening of | th: Methodist Episcopal Church in this | Rev. { T, P. Bradshaw is advertiged t» preach at 10.30 a. m., and 6.30 p- m., and Rev. S. Morrison at half past two in the afternoon. Better men for such-an occasion could not | be desired, they are men of thought, good speakers, influential and have filled the most important and responsible positions in the church with which they stand con: any } occupy ' To the Public Services and en- kindly and cor- Supper, Presentation Machine wrtmeent of the Joseph Hall Works en- Henderson, their late Foreman, and a few invited gnests, at Fifty-four ber- of the ex- Mr. Hobbs, to n occupied tho cha'r, and Aftera [ tho gathering, he called ypor rm his part of lings of heart- t, ou behalf of our fellow toa 1 when shine, mnterests | with by duty, becalled upon rospect en attended with safaty and of your years that cted with ua, as fore- "Hawn : . x : : : almost cotplete harmony and chines will do well to come to Oshawa | eu ily hive parcinsel good feeling have-prevailed, and we sin- that you have earnestly endeavored to promote our interests as We alio feel that the almost unprece- ted success that has attended our de- partment is mainly to be attributed t) the gp wtial and satisfactory naunsrain which you have dischatged the duties placed upon We have assembled here to-night to -ex- press our sentiments of friendship and giod-will towards yon, and it affords us . . great pleasure, (on behalf of the en- for his party, viz: voto.as his leaders | ployees in the Eugine and Machinery De. | tmnsic worth, but as a testimonial of oar 0- | would meet with them again before the | esteem and great regard for you and your | Vindicat 0 : : "Zia ¢ fan ES "sme dicator out) t fs when there elections took place, when his opponents | -eqtimable family, and our appreciation of indicator outiursts this week. | place among us, this small memento may t mewor- sof the past as shall appear bright spots a to the great | of; the employees in the above-mentioned thanking them for the kindly | m>mbers. of ths Royal | | side, or what has he done anywhers else asa | about the man, Mr. White let the matter' Cliesher and coiipauy, and a song by Mr. | Thernt Red, White and Blue, by Mr. Jas. Brongh Me. Guest of the evening, had " toasted" his health. He said tha try, but hid nevor sean such harmony ex 118ting between employer and em; existed atthe Hall Works. er, as it would ba to their own inter n to do so. hin one int When he eame liome alter a few yo sence, he s arcely knew tha place, it had IIe hoped to sce the t M4 i Ln improved so much. Hall Works improve inthe future as the y | had in the past; they werg } ' hore, but were well kn i i +d them for th 1d resum kindness sh Tha next toast t- | Manufacturing intercsis was * Prosperity of the Jose | the motion - introduced by. Reformers to | Glen, who replied in a few very appr ate remarks, revi live to assist in ec ing it on, his remarks, Mr. Glen was frequently en- { thusiastically applauded. Mr. T. Ho'li | day followed with a comic song, for which he received a hearty eacory. The next toast was | Machine Department. Mr. Mr. J. 8S. Larke, of tha Vindic Geo. 8. Climie, of the Reformer, by a pong from Mr. E. Hi to follc gins, for y,respon:l | was "The Ladies," Mr. Gi. Bare! ed in a most ablelmanner. ¥ and remarks by Mr. R. Dillon. "The Henderson." t Mr. A. 8. Whitin: would lik) to 'ask i ha had bean acqnainted with a great many Mr. White if he was in favor of protec- | employers and employees in the old coun ¥ IN He urged | 1" He thought the trae policy of the | upon all to do their duty to their employ- and sts They seemed all to be working | he would no doals rest--the welfare <f the town. y Oo ££) ] ve one = aaa SE Le " f / pi Carvinpculine. 0 NN To the E. Dear Sm, T. P. White's ECS © slated hy 1 of the Reforder, No one hang heard Mr f Mr. one that Mr. Wi is at | Rones 1 12, instead of clearing hi harges, trie | §wenty-five years ago, actually murder man, his wife, a large family of children have and made a bold att ¢ stood' higher u their estimation, It is only a few sh months ago that one of our foelle s murdered, yes, brutally murder 1 blood, at Fort Gar 1 tl What became of the niur into Joh : y 1 his sat ving the past prodross | At the close of the mecting, the general | of the Hull Works; and spoke inthe high committee met for the transaction of busi- | est teres of Mr. Henderson. He dida't | John A, and quails wkea John A. frowns. Mr. White's prospects in all parts know any one who had done more for the 1 anl his | friends feel confident of Lis final success, | Henderson, and hoped that he would long prosperity of the establishment than Mr. During *" THe health of Mr. Munroe," Foreman in Engine 2nd General ght the Munroe re sponded, followed by a song from Mr John Smith. * The freedom of the press," was then heartily toasted; acknowleged by r, and | them wed h hereceived anencore. The next and last toas _ R. Dillon was also called upon, and made! a few HE Mr. Galloway, who r humorous remarks. was foliew © | with a song, by el a hearty encore. 1 Itbeing now about half-past eleven, a ; x 3 v few wished to retire, and the chairman | y I than im--the old to the ph Hal od | Works;" coapled with the uamas of Xx the hint; s American Territo the anthos of remembersd, Thomas N. G standing Ids Bull Dog prop ibservient tools of got he now conntry. tbbs, notwith { of the most s ELECTOR. Oshawa J idy 11th, 1872. To the Eddfpr cf the Oita Who will dény that the wing eor | fab was not heard in or near the Yarlia | ment house at Ottawa | Sir A.--(Surrounded by of the M. P." med) late you en batile manfall tas L Rot 1 tario most sweetly; [ think they will | to mind th ir own I's and Q's now. you, Gentiemon, | will spare just befor - ed these hot bea assure means; neither by subaissitg will now go h Use yowr wflucne ir which we are er ous at the Ei to you all is about p>» placza dpower i ar poiicy will not = pring utyiofl fair p long sn sative y by all the ) thanked all for their presence, and for the geatlemanly manner in which th iconducted themselves. were tendered to the committee of manag Y | 'ment for the rer in which they ha conducted the affair; and ts Mr. Hobbs for the very excellent supper he had pro mar vided, ' | time; but the groates till half-past one, enjoying themaslves im etc., and we doubt if ever a happier time was spent in Oshawa. his best to please, and well they saceand 3efore closing, he Jose Ha Works, employer and employe 1 1 1 1 cess, may they go on ve wish t ' a ® ouartowvn what it is, the liveliost Ili town in the Dominion. The teas was electro e, I and was a most beantiful present. largest piece oi inscription: «1 fo rine and ent the Hall Works, r, July Oth, The} supper Joseph 1872," provided by Mr. Hobbs the year, and speaks well for Him as a cates was excellent, considering it many ---------------------- Mowing Machines Below Cost of Production. The Joseph Mall Manufacturing Com- pany. ef-Oshawa, are offering some Ohio Junie Cayuga Chief Junior Mower, and Wood's tified to know' that your Self Rakers, at a price far below est of production at the present cost of Iron old | Machinery cannot bs made at any'hing ucive to you h hi \ : 3 \ 1 turn to Oshawa | Well to purchase this year, as the saving | I eould ousily hava purabased all tho grain like present prices, and farmers will do h will be 'more than the interest of the money for many ye Ars, very scarce and dear, Labor must be All wanting Ma. before purchasing." Iron has risen hundred per cent., and is still advancing. ---------------- { Tae Ballot Bill has been passed Ly |] ! the House of Lords without smendmant Sir Geo. F, with the dropsy. | WE bespeak for Miss White a full house, at her farewell concert this evening. Don't fail tg attend Tue members of Oshawa Temple wil Putit will not « y. visit the Duflin's Creek Te mple on Tuesday | evening next, ' Tue absence of the Exlitor, who is at tending the annual meeting of thé Cana. I would-be:politicians dian Prose Association, prevents raply to WE have been requested. to announce I A few of the guests left at this number remained mensely with sor gs, recitations, speeches, Every man tried \, every sue- unproving in the future, as they have in the past, making it; presented to Mr, Henderson nsisting of six pieces, The re the following time of one | Carrier is lying very ill | unwilling to ex Votes of thanks see him wty shake of a ciap on the shpulde *"Ah!g morning my dear br G.--Glad to see you, I had a few th ng speak to yon a t Mr 18 very mmportan voter : A.--* Yes, vor in 8.0. Mr. G. 2 Oh! all right, all r A.--Yes but that the Dr as a bad atlair about 3 been done hated R power by such things, an they ars ecarryi faithfally have got in worse than prouiscs a UA mn mostly to f Wi secured, one other mang if 1c » way 1 should be a First Be ut es presume | Mr. 3. --A merchant in the nor buys up some gran at times, f "he keeps up the pn es + is a Reformer, rn in my sid You know a certain bank, and sapplies, bat confound tr the he sand took al al 1 papers with him ang sible 'statenie ate ! and 'cons wd ollie bank hours, d continues to get all » wants, but for him, I ani safe in saying in the conrty a good few cents per busve cheaper than [had to pay, and would have cleared £57,900 at least, and by that mney mado out of the electors, you see, I could a fina majority and 0 ave paid them back with their ns own 'apital ! There are my principles Bat, I supvose you have done y will, notwithstanding. M" G.--O ye ; pretty fair, ) Probably {20 or 30,000 do 1 ars which I would nd in money will do it. I tho money will do it A.~I know it will; and you know I ean assist--the sceret servi 20,000 you know, Mr @ : toney, $ Ah, yom: Well, we can doit; » to be styngy rdaly in mat you have the ie soft brained sometime are meinbers t frightens A.--No use in being nig ters of that kind. 1 | made good progress. That is | way we can getalong. Sou | have can se ouly { qualms of conscience --they | of churches and what not a | the poor boobies. I underst member of one of ths wel you area leading churches in ¥ | 1 - y 5. yy ' nag | Tr that the Rev. Anslew Sehustor, a convert. | the province; but-I hope nothing will pre- hope, that in after | ed Gotman Jew, will officiate in. the Bible Christian Church morning and evening; kn« next Sabbath. Just before that Dr. Warren, of Brooklin, committed He two ounces of laudunum, which suicide, yesterday morning. drank cured at the drug store, and then walked home and shot himself. Dr. called on to hold an inquest, Rae was {of Mr. T. P. White will be held in the Masonic Hall, Brooklin, on Saturday (to- | » morrow) at. 2 o'clock p. m., and at Whit y on Tuesday evening next, in the Me- | chanies' Hall, at 7.30 o'clock. All friends | of the canse are requestad to attend. * Tue Montreal Telegraph and Canadian Express Compenies' offices have been re. | moved to the stand lately occupied as | the REFORMER office. The place has been | fitted up meatly, and is. one of the best { offices on. the line. With Mr. Wm. Me: | Clellan as manager, no doubt a large buai- ness will be carried on. Mz. P. H. THORNTOX mst with a severe 'accident on Tharsuay 'of last week. While fixing a belt his hand got canght in the | shaft and he was drawn up over the pully. | His shoulder | "shiftes," which saved his irfe, as it was | the means of disengaging his hand: Dr. | McGill was called, when it was found that | to bones in his left hand were Eroken, bosides several bruises on' his arm and We are happy to say that Mr. on: is doing as well as cah be ex- pacha p- » . ip Aa alga ens. going te 'press, we learn | he pro- MEETINGS of the friends and supporters | struck ' against the 'iron | | vent you from doing yolr duty in such a | good cause as that we are engaged in. ¥ou re in power, and my id might is righ?, no matter what pring are trampled on, or who sn#fer Mr. G.--Exacily ! I know there great deal of bunkua talk we 118, is a this what g about | charch mpmbersing, cor spi d not; butt is a poo- k'nd of 1 won't |@ a man have Lis own v ay when | the prospect of honor and emoluments are | before hiw, I ean assur | quite eool on these matters, my friends pretty quiet; I giv scriptions to build : churches aid Sunday Schools, 80 that my name is kept np. A.--~That is good ! good." Bat thers 'is another very powerful interest in the state what has been done to secure it! I me: the liquor interest. Mr. G.--=My dear sir, that is 'where;my great strength lies. Why, sir, the first | thing I do 1s to secure all the grog shops, | and I may say that _I have the | that interest, and can assure you that any man who .is as fortunate as I have been in this. respect need not fear ,the result. | Whiskey is a power not to be despised, and 1 would advise, stronzly alviss, all cur good friends, by all means, to uso this | agency. I know of no surer way of suc- cess than to engage a few of the leading men engaged in the traffic to drive along | with one whilst canvassing tha electors: One so sure to win. I count on this more than anything else--I have never been dis- appointed by it. ,A.--You are a brick ! - I shall have to make youaGovernor, and willdosomething great. for you as soon as I get all these con- founded Grits out of the I was obliged to find good bérthrfor them as they were tlfe men who. kept mein power. Only McD. to provile for now confound the fellow ! T thought I hail rid of him, when I sent him to Manito a; but he sticks to us still and Jape 1m wren A or w Iie tenial off the infamous Gibb's y reference to the indictment cannot Help but admit Rast politiculy 1 to make clique believe that he did, some a npt to kill the dog, » Province ies is_one this same | Tapper is the champion slangwhacker of | i S . whole of | You see, | - | nh him now, : i | good bye at present. I shall probably see 3 Hh | a) Jos the elections; if not, yon shall | GIDBS(W. H.) INA PIiG-PEN Goud bye, good bye. | A PUILOSOPHER, AUDITEUR. . tid © Af -- Pickering Coupeil. You do "your best. | bi Norlh Ontario JACK { | hear from me, 3 [Prom the Whithy Chronicle. ) tion makes his azo had Presto! what a in a man's nature ! the bsstdo-do farmer in orth Ontario I pursaant happened to have m hy : Lord Pros- resent: | prct " on the sidewalk in his resent. > x » I * Ladship" would have found 1t eonveni- ent to discover that the romone of the tall chi ly more velumniou } and woull have felt it his dity to follow out a course of a priori reasoning, at least until after the North Outario man 1 crossed his august shadow, who Lis would probably revert to the teof the probabilities er if chat clpd-hopper Saturday, Tune (20th, 1372. Conneil met to adjournment. Members all last mect my read and ap- Ting Oshawa, Minutes of sinoke issuing bMcTormack and mey slacks was ler ; of William Bork- and 'W. Dunbar and by the Clerk ; Wilson and Ralph Mowbiay and others,and Madigan, by Mr. Green ; of {1 others, of Selah Orvis and ¢ , by DBrowa ; of Rev. John Dunbar and Buchan, by the Reeve, M H 1 moved that the law to ec. veen lots 16 and 17 in it now 1s, be now rd ot and referred toy of 1! le. T ¥ thers, of of Fatrick ghts ier Gordon a yay more congenial sub had actuaily had the honor of wal g on tha seine sidewalk as that honored Ky the tic step of the Reeve of Oshawa, Coancil , and much, very mue more, was Mr. Green | P:©0 iin December iast, but now it is the late in June. In the interim his recveship has bud led out into a full blown Warden; xt and more, --is actually the nomi- ed and adopted, and bob-tail Tory €Con- ions Aor roads and bridges ven'ion, who lately sat in solemn ¢ mel ave at Sunderkand, and after a whole day's in- ad between lots 6 and 7 in | cubation hatched the Re ve of Oshawa 8 | 7th con. #30;R. Mowbray & C. Rogers,com. th ir nominee by a vote of 26 to 24 his | On side ro: d between 8 and 9 in bth | orponent being --well--Mr. Patterson, m., £25, Patrick Madigan, com. { Divison Court advocate, of Beaverton. A On + } tawnline, opposite first con., | victory tealy and an illustrious stam in Com. political 1 to 'boot, But-thankful for { «t Dunbarton village, small mere and frail as the bark was com. 'thus offered, in which to try his luck on the stormy puddle of politics, his reeve- ship--I bog pardon 1 terinined to make a splurge; in the dest manner possible, announced that he would ** allow" his name to go | before the electorsof> North Ontario as a candidate for M. P, in the Ill-libe servative interest. And so how m, and have had him for the three past P. com. weeks, flashing like an Oshawa meteor, for | hither and thither: And, oh! what a . ad R. Harpy : change since er! Tien, he was it 5th eon. road, in part of lot 18, 820, | provd as Luci he is as ** 'umble" | h McCoranack, conf, and as genuinely s»; as Uriah Heep, of | e lot 2," hmible;" Memory. Shaking hands three times within the space of half an hour | between lots 14 | with unfortunate voter--and } a shake! Not of your lackadaiscal shikes, buta full grasp of the proffured com. .' | hand, 'with a persistant wri gle of the nd £200\ uniortunate flipper, accompanidd with such y 3, 8 Wg t loos, mcanwhile making the . ite enquiries after the ** mis- Buuissioner. | sus," with full particulars as to the num- units were ordered to | ber and sa ry condition of the younger : it expended | branches of the voter's family! It is even Ty he has discovered a gushing babies, ki sing the livtle un- | washed hopefuls in such a ma as will | eventuate (as he hopes, ) ia aside pressure being brought to bear wm his favor on the | voier by the delighted mam:mas. | ple of his wa, y noth- | sout a new kind of s; cle, styled hich his Wardenship is mpje i | imeeting of Council. 3 follows : 2%, W. H a Ki Diz 0, Win. Sa ller, com. ns ware et lots 30 and 3 n side road bet ve t cn, $40, Ira Orvi between lots 8 and 9 in artr ck, com. road, from to 35, road, man n 8th con. road, ofijx n rear|of Tth c the same 5, %25, Joseph I , com. road between lots 14 and IS in , vlo, J sh Pilke yi L tsi 10 xander Wadde ad, $53, C #S. Green, C I'he oll t th cou., $40; grave} and | putting mas Stohter, } for work on the roads, £12; for road scrape ber. for the aid to Wats, John | mers," wh ¢ with an ungradging lil which has bestraddied of the editor of that noude- reript sheet, the Ontario Observer, poured a flood of light into the ted cranium, enabli to ** observe" thincs in ger n particular, from an entirely new yoint,) --with a sprinkling of sub ns to sundry congregations strug- ith a de¢lit on their churelios ¥- to. repeat the rele r, the member for Sout back to the ¢ part of His. "wardenship put on the f las: week, while paying a profes- zit to Mr. Jcha Galbraith --com- kncwn as ** Jack"--who nr mith "" rans" a stud horse . vd is pretty well kno QUAY, . com. 3 wided joier--not af : week: F. Me : : d to speak his own mind to any : - gi 1s ech to his ¢ Ludship® will netrel by one of the faithful, (ibs called n ' Jack," and with wuch sft sawder wity of manner i r the health of ¢ missus' number and condition' | Jacks. Findirg Jack not nark, his Wardenship pro- ¢eeded to enquire diligently after the state of Jacks flocks and herds, at the same time | expressing a desire to make a personal in- | spection. To this Jack was agreeable, and led the way to where the cittle were graz- ing. Mr. Gibbs was quite delighted, .de- | claring that it reminded him of the days | of yore, when by Cedar Dale, he fed his, | fathers flo k, a frugal swain, Report says | | that hs betrayed his rather limited know- | stand 1] : of the bovines by remarking on the | of {irst.rate: ability auty f th it high gride cow, whigh Jack » : -- : *, | 'form d him was ouly an old bl stag. amongithem. Sir John Ras the talents of | Jack still failing to come *o the scratch in attributes of | the voting way, his highness next enquir- a statesman, A Parliamentary experjenco | ed after the * pig family," of which he de- . _ clarel both himself my brother Tom, the member, excellent judges-- the latter | especially having invested heavily in the | loveable creatures in 1867, gave both an business, but his mind is neither compre- | excellent opp artunity of be coming acquain- There | ed with their d and bad qualities--but i Tine + 4 expressing a decided preferemce for the particle of originality in him. ** Liberal Conservative," verily. His war- denship scrambled into Jaks pig pen to institute a personal inspection, and enlti- vate a close acquaintance with the porkors probably with the view of prononncing 4 | npon their probable valus, regardiess alike Thelleislative | of the bad odor and the denlement done ly his own, "are of the most | to his patent leathers. But alas! my | vange and insignificant character. His in. | master, instead of Jack being overawed by "&. tadeod a kind "to this exhibition and illustration of the great ' ' law of affin ties, Le yelled ont, ** Gibbs ! invons strain upon it if you had not wanted n y vote you would The Hon. Edward | never have been in my pig pen "--turned I}iake is capable of doing more real on his heol, leaving .the warden to his ro- John | flections upon the breed of pigs and human i ingratitude and insensibility. te TOWSER. -- + + A -- - ary its owner ul, and peli: 5 sons trom first as of the litt quite up to th The Dominion Tricksters. 1 1 In tually, There is not am whter, but nong of the extending over a quarfer of a century has necesdarily sharpened his wits and made him famaliar with the? details of public hensive is not a The Bills to tima introduced npr profound. whicle-he has from time into Parliament, {1 which have become | law, have either been prepared by others | of have been clumsil d frémthe Acts fa ment tel) is not of bear cpnt being active than rather strong. brain ¢ then Sir woik in a w conld ae cpmplish in six 'months when you | h : \ | cime to finessing and ¢rick the Minister of Justice Hore he has | quite a home bit a few rivals and no superio:s, so that | Tae Union I io-nic, ann unced to take the phrase "artful dodget» | Place at Corbett's .point, yesterdsy, has 8 - \ { a vr 1 y 3, av n + Imost instinctively looks for | been postponed until Tuesday next. of Sir John A. Macdonald. His Tur Toronto Mail has gone into the (Sir George E. Cartier wmitted | historical parable business as well as the Mil Hon. J. H. Cameron. It relates that orcs ahd well st I tuind inders. arnong the ancient . Israelites there were vigorous ahc we. stored mine) are inferior | 4 parties, and that Balak was one of The Hon. A. | the leaders of the opposition. Balak took Chmpbell is_respectable, Sir F. Hincks | as his organ Balaam, of which organ the Globe is the modern representative. The parable is so good that we beg leave to take it and coatinue it. The other party had also an organ, and as the conclusion } Howe | of the parable, we assume that the | Toronto Mail is modern representative of | Balaam's Ass.-- Hamilton Tinies. whenever the name agued, fir the Minister of ia posscsses a tg himself intellectually, nts for finance, Fangevin is ve, and takes good care of his family at at the expense of 'the public ; A. Morris | 1s aggreeable ; Tilley is mediocre ; is|a driveller ; I. Mitchell is coarse, and f Lr It is not neees- | Braxem.Sir Jouy --ReMAREABLE Cox- sary to characterize the Hon. Mr. Aikens. | TRAST. i iin, Mr. Biake has lect. | shown during the present Session of Par- But what shall we say of I:s mem liament, that in moral® ton 2, dignity, . a 7 © | argumentive powers, grasp of intellect, Perhaps the less said the | graces of oratory, and a through know- | er. That they are very far from being | "edge of first principles, as well as in ical integrity, that he is immeasurall; superior to the leader of ths Goverment. Hides: w} ma. : ; : Indeed, the whole kaker's dozen ocenpy- ives, whose official acts, the electors of ing the Treasury Benchvs, and cor 8titu- Ontario are invited to endorse -by their ! ting the Cobinet of Canada, put together vies at the ensuing Will they | in a bundle, would not be sufficient to i masters, they know | Wilke. ove : Edward Blake, who stan ls : o-day, acknowledged by leadin «They have had enough | ,f a1 parties, the ablest public mi of the Minister of Justice anil Minister of | whole dominion. He is an honour and Finance. They understand both gentle- ! an ornament to his country, which has to | Just reason to feel proud of her talented likline « the | 200- The vere lesson Mr. Blake taught ha ] ob 01 I Sir John A. Macdonald on Monday last, fair trial " dodge|is no longer available ; | will never be for, en ky that Gentleman party lines are ones mora estiblished 1] till his dying day, and we venture to say, they ars resolved that Tory ru'e and Tory | it will be the last time he will attempt to corrnplim shall ¢aase in this Province, at 2ssail M:. B. Cari Commons aga, 1h i i? > °" | the langmage of falsehood, coarse billinzs- gate, and #ile, personal vituper: . We mind to retire gracefully, for Lis days are | hope Sir John for his own sal e, will numbered. The Redistribution Biil will | henceforth give Mr. Blake a wide berth, | the treaty will got for he must be satisfic 1, with all his van- € 3 ity and salf-conceit, that he is no match hi; not even saltpetre (no reference to | in the better field cf intellect, for the y wave him. -- Ham. Times. | Promier of Ontario. -- Standard, . the Ilouse of Commons. S59 much for the Administration int ually. bers morally nits nts it is not worth while to demonstrate. These are the whose men past public | | election do so? my T their duty b man thoroughly. . Coalitions are net Confederation is © mplete ; least. | Sir John may as well make up his not save him ; save ho BA ve and a ae KEES f rawhide, | of tw are Toronto. | dertook to make a dry bread recently, using her thumb to | conscious of | their re- followed by ---- GY : T-- Broke Loose. T20 Wrsk of a Menagerls, » The Titusville, Penn., Couri 3 wWoek Bays: - of last As tis yreat Barnam's show was e Ere on Saturday morning es route 4 one of the trains drawn by twe om. gines was thrown from the track, sud both locomotives and several cars were i tated down the bauk, the two lonaer j bedded in the earth, while the latter wey complet wrecked, and the entire trai, and 1s contents received a lively up. The lions roared, the monkeys chy. tered, peirots screamed, the great erous snoried and bawled, while the ferocious amima's, like the giratie and shrank treinbling into corners, keeper, Corry, 3 recognize the caresses of thar Avpobats-and equestrians executed of agility never attempted in the ring, some of then going through windows in their eagertiess te Melvithe ed a pirouette on My while Lozelle and Wilson gave tion of their skill on the *" dying unequalled for rapidity in its Dan Castello thoaght that ¢ thing he conidsay was that "al 18 better than presence of mind case," and he proceeded to give a practical illustration of his idea, white the old formers involuntarily gave an exhibition of ground and lofty tumbling not set down in the bills. Ben Lusbie, the * |i i ticket seller, svived a poolem in subtrac. tion with his vgual abinty, while Samer. teld, lis assistant, made "change" wi refreshing rapidity. As the accident happened about two o'clock in the morning, and the uight was Hh lieth fe il cloudy and dark, the coufusion that reigu. ic ed must be imagined, for it 'cannot! bs de- | scribed It was speedily discovered that a cage containing twe Royal Asiatic Lions was among the wreck, aud{ the terrified per- formers were not long in ascertaining that these two mpuarchs of the jungle wer looserand unharmed. This "fact added to the terror of the scene, and a stampede for safety imunodiately ensued. Charles White, the celebrated lion tamer, alone remained undsmayed avd immedi ately began perfecting arrangements secure his pots, a feat, as may be sy . not easily ac:omplished. Providing hunself with an Prof. - Wh te advanced toward the spot where | the two uuleashed brutes stood glaacing fer usly about them, but he had not approached very near to them when he was grested with a ternfic ros from the male, which broke the stillness of the night in' an awful and stariling manner. It 'meant business, ' and as the great beast stood erect lashing his ta sides with hus tail, it was evident that fer 8 " monarch of all he a tine at least he was surveyed." The lit itten "or baby lion pats took of the general excitement, and few. ed pitcously. At times the lioness would seize it in her mouth and look furiously about, as if upon the point of leaping inte the darkness in searc': of a safe retreat, and for a time things looked squally. T lion tamer, however, was at work, procuring a stout rope he succeeded throwing it over the head of the male li and in a few moments he was seem: fastened to a tree. - The female, h with a porversendss peculiar to her se: and perhaps infuriated by the recent of her ** kittens," was not so able, and showed tight, but Prof. White determined snon brought her t iy the younger ore and slowly di it into wn mapty cage the wo her was sedoced to follow, and thus were both the ferocious beasts secured and all im:nediate danger from jthem was over. The other animals were captuped with: out much trouble, and about 10 §'clock the show arrived at Corry, where an immense crowd of peopls 'were awaiting their may 10t known until the traia reach: that the cage eontaining the gers hal been harmed, but in the sinash cne ernid of the ca been knocked in and when tha train stopped at the depot, both tigers qitietly poke thsir heads out, and wereupon the point of leaping inte the crowsl, when they ware discov . and driven back. ---- CI --e Tae disappearance of crows in some sets tions of Kentucky is accepted a an omen of the early appearance of cholera. Tue Fénian leaders of New York issded a new address to Irishmen counselling them nog to interfere with the Orange para le. MoNTREAL popers warn the i i Pr a against connterfeit ten cents pieces. Their similar " coins" circulating in Tur Louisville Courier-Journal sad® Horace Greeley is a regular old Potato: bug because be is down on the president's Murphies. It is said that Chicago alone, in the next three years, will require 800,000 tons of iron for building purposes, to say nothitg of other uses to which it will be put Lake Michigan Mas been moved by a series of tidle waves. At Marristee, the water encroached upon the beach fully twenty feet further thau at any time before | this season, Trey do business with dispatch in a3. A man in a certain neighbout. hood, who had lost a valuable mare, re- evived the following by telegraph: *'Mare here. Come get her. Thief hung." A Cororzp woman at Grorgstown ua- little child eat some assist in forcing the food down. As the result of her humane effort the child choked fo death, after: suffering terrible | agdnies for fifteen minutes. Tue Carleton Place Herald, a Comser- rative paper, says: "There is no doubt that the Government! must be changed soon after the electichs, as the present men have outraged $very principle of honest Government, §nd the country, - from one end to the Bther, is crying out against their rule." § Tue first approached of consumption are so insidious that thousands remain wm its presence vrtil it has brought them to the verge of the grave. The unmeliate use of *'Bryan's Pulmcnic Wafers" upon_the first appearance of the cough, pa"n or soreness of the throat or chest, would generally preclude a fatal fe: sult: thersfore, when you take a cold use ' Bryan's Pailmonic Wafers " and thus prevent the necessity for taking them in uinre dangerous complaints. To be obtain- eld of all Druggists and country dealers. Prive 25 cents per box. ir John A. was even more pressing on his fellows to support. tie Mail then he at first got credit for. Here is what a Western exchange says of tae late caucus at Ottawa on the subject: Sir John very plainly told his followers that they would have to put their hands m thuir pockets and Relp to ll the Mail's needy coffers. He told thetn that the paper wns started i Yieir interzsf, to secure fection, and that whether they , the . concern must be Therenpcy a feeling of dis- IT seen liked it sup] orted, content bedan to manifest t mutterings that presage s coming n were heard in every corner of the caucus. Finally Walter Shanley gave vent to his pent-np indignation, and was Beatty, of the Leader--the venerable Bishop Beatty,--who, in thun- der tones, let his leader know that he had. a Leader of his own, and that it, too, had claims that dare not be overlooked. Next came T. C. Street, and after him half a score of others, who denounced the rch black-niailer in terms that made even his stout heart quake--and the caucus dis- solved in an angry row. of n low stor self, and .the GENT choose Comm the ter nomina the Ri » cand presen to deci confide ing mj questic public Canad legisla under Gove withoul opinio! "1 am, of opp{ on the esof t sented opport biased holdin ton bn autho ishmer and th Judge that re ccutivd powers ower imit, "ration Hence 'the ex money: withoul first ol eonnec advand mater are eng "suits, 3 accoun sess. tile soi rivers, limited eation it isn ergy direct tion a tant » the fu tent a manuf] be suc! wging source NeCcess| of the ed art produ eount useles and a; every to ou having aries, heart. there mart} young ike ment ment. that | ndi ke havin "try, 1 an op publi , concly * that } ing ests shoul dened your of m perve the o

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