Ontario Reformer, 5 Jul 1872, p. 4

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: : : ONTARIO REFORMER, ( et Ne Risk. CERTIFI C ATE OF AGENCY. | AGRRATH iii CALDiSGOV we IF YOU WANT A court asked the counsel for -the plaintifi Thomas' Eclectric (Ol! "i orth Ten Tomes American 4% how long the trial would probably last. its Weight in Gold. Do you know : ¥ | ** 1 can't say exactly," replied the connsel g of it! If not, > > . | TO BE MADE AT uy wil non ots as one ite: Hig I have is tune You sbi. FEY 1S certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our nly iree hundred and eighty-four love letters . | ; lie »AIN CANNOT STAY WHEREAT 18 | authorized 'Agent, for the sale of 2 ~~ . : LA The Aldine: eons eho 1 Fi RST- C SS Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY, ¢ I) ie N read " : # One dose en Con pre Throat. "One hottie iy b : { A Sous FUSTRATED MONTHLY anne Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent BROOKTLIN, |) on dared «be te tn wy Troubles ' | : | BY ' Giv vr Yow : - jive my love to the artist w F - Se : Machines. " ALDINE who are striving to make thas TLE aml ly - ! H ARRY TA I T, fostion worms of adimitation for 13 . | | has always en for usefulness," higher than the Battalions which have for ure ofa crooked limb hy six | | bourse ~ , » r Who has had Asthma for "his further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling our > bs ain : years borne the heat and burden of the ) cent bottle left, | Sewing Machines in the village of Oshawa, and that he is also authorized to appoint - oh + | - y . THE ALDINE, while issued with day. But what could our Volunteers ex = i ; Tor TS ld get no more 5 Suc rents. have all the regularity, has none of the4emporary pect from 5 Goversment awhich saw. their NEY wi Agents for the sale of our Machines, in said Territery. uch agents. } fa i ee x mean a Go ent ( q It : : ctrie Off resfored | rights and privileges of the trade, as though appointed by us. a y 3 OR | » an elegant miscellany ofpure, 1 comradesshot down and wounded at Rida ul \ ad not spoken above Signed for the Company, | ful literature, and a collection of JN 5 ? ay, fig + fo Yani rs v » Years, t J lallory, of T 1 I +H J 1 N 7 rarest specimens of artistie skill way, fighting for Canada, yet never . ectrle Of J. J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, Ont. NL Ek || | 8 j white. Although each suco ng much as protested against the outrage on | cured f \ Dealers affords a fresh pleasure to our soil, nor demanded reparation for the | all over the ay: + ** We have neve HY IY : T \ ! % x value afd Beauty of Fie. Try past and security for the future { Rir Ge : has give such complete | 1, 3 x SY, Nr 8 os che it hen a * 3 | Eay elaim superior cheapness as rx 2) Y MACHINE AYR { JAAR dy E. Cartier, the heaven-born ** Minister of | rivals of a'similar class, THE AL (CALL ON "LOOK OUT FOR Good Photgraphs! OSHAWA, FRIDAY, JULY oH, 1872, -- | PROSPECTUS FOR 1072802 | A Representatixe and Champion of oe Ke 4 Pray Volunteers are disgusted wil proposal to forma pampered and privi Battalion at Ottawa, to be called the Guards. The ** Guards ™ will rqeeive bet | | : ng ter pay, have gredter privileges, and rank - a bttle of your Gil, Which | "sr \ FRE iene NRESETSERI FEES facti The above Machine is one of the best Family Machines in the market, and only It is com six of the best oils that are sto be seen to be appreciated. Prices, $23 without stand and $30 with stand. Agents | known, s asgood totake as for external use, w Ad. a4 A second-hand Grover & Haker Manufacturing Machine for sale cheap. Warranted and is belie we measurably superior to) to do good work. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. EPEW S MEDICAL VICTORY. EF, on emi. DE DEEN, OF PAIS FRANCE emt I War," may receive a rude awakening at the = unique and original conception--alone | elections. al nach abeolutel with price or character The pe possessor of Gt womploted cennot duplicate the fine Reaper and engravings in any other number of volumesifor ten times ita cos The labor of getting THE ALDINE the press is- so Front that reprinting is the question. ith the exception of number specially réserved for bind! oem df > t 8 #1 w £ Geo. S. CLIMIE, et EELE wd ave you much suf- ) fer r s of expense Is s id by STRANGE StcIpE. A Paris correspon: | on y Tex Tae Wha dent Of the N Y, Tones says.---A Singular | circuls : fe Boones, Wy oo B T ND HOES suicidé was recorded yesterday- two of [PU Hoar: them, in fact --and the resent mania Prepar 3 THOMAS, Pueris Purely Veqstalie Compound 4 2h : 1 nama |, NOR FHROP LYMAN, NEWCASTLY on CONSISTING OF --uamed by pliysicians, Depew's Medical Victory, seems to be for the most bizarre 'modes of | Sale Agents for the Domindon that cures every kind obs healthy Humor.dnd every y o v Oone's existe sty f Tr Fleet Sel * ry . 4 ' RO ' 10 19 ro 'hi . : i hat dependson Impurity of ' Julting an ext Hes esistone A strong | Nowe. Ecfectric Seles Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses' and Children's, | Seep ser. and Kun and other vital or- of 1871, 14 already exhausted, and It is now ablesboc red man, who wished to shuttle of r sak bye W: T. A § if all Classes and Sizes gans, are uot wasted beyond boreal Tops) Palt. ide ee scarce as well as 3 valuable book. Sp this mortal coil, took a in Whithy by 1.41 of a! DD For the cure of Bre Beaty Eruption of the FIVHIS SPACE IS [EW FEATURES Job 1673 gi 1 about half way down fro RC EN 32t Cry { all kinds, 1 ils 3 1 : . HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT Skin, Ulcers, pnd Fever Sores of A ) : x to their enterprise, wherever it He then secured one end of the rope firm manville Ontario " T b > S ld t R d t n 90 Per Cent Humor in nd South a nach or Fyes, Sore left to show that duced, eal SAE) iv. and tied ti thor ohd 0 ¢ 0 a a eauctio 0 oy Ears, Eruption on the bead, and I'm ples or Elotches RA Cm iy, Phiishersof Ys y e i e otl : on the face, o JL atarals Pr. Fy head cf etioan Dab. oti reas 8 <opnie wn Sey neck, but' about one anki Ve - 2 a Pad . > n : - 1! other reed e fact is amo Add rt this naanuer hie made a leap from fhe wiz | CARAdian Pain: Destroyer IN ORDEC TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK nd Disease of th Ski, of whatever or BAMBRIDGE Et ute rod vats fh N | y 5 EN carrigd out « bi dow. Of course when he reached the end \ SAF AM IL Y NM EDICINE, 1 R 1 are literally dug 37 Ethie hod» AT THE so many weekly wicked tec rit and exist And thrive ofthe roap he came crashing ag ttl | and ki n, relieving thou ] , > ¢ tle, in su anes, will convitwe tie taost 0 . Y | 8 a ui 2) Sup Je-waue Lo ing ag : A shar of pub lie patronage solicited. be wot sie eh Eo aa Yaa alway s on hand thing better_indeed Friel . ~ . : " 1s, Nore "Cleansothe itia 0 hea ver J t With a lation brains were scatid red u 1 the wall ] of " % druises. ramps i . L. PRU DHOM. #9 I puritise bursting thro gh thm ki i$ os ples, " Ne 'W and Sec ond- hand UL kind oy hand of such the people. The other sought death by : RSS, aes, Rips ot pana Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it © [11 . and his paper is rather indicative of his own tying his hands and feet, and ; Ging 4 holera ~ Morbus w agons and. Carriages than il EY at nt, Shenae ying : : , a1 , xce t ready. when called for, a ge ele [o) F F | C E at reasonable rates. . ed and sluggish in the veins; clennse it Shen ' l bs : . 4 Tr ul, and your feelings will tell you when ing his head down between Bien " yi John's Hot Air Frst-Prize N E WwW loo pure and the health of the system He was found upright, but reversed Foard, » 08 Prum. 1 ; > s Bow 1 4 prig : . {2 : : : i eptip Re ulat ng Pur ative, as well appears to have made great efforts Xanax PAIN DESTROYER has now Fi PRIN S Y ES JisaGeytip Regulat ng JOTE lar inert of Scare fron nD} full 1 wily J nt Ny "HE T FFFICIENT yw 1 nt in relieving Congestion escape from the trap he had : ¥ | wl vell liked, never failing ing as eis IS THE MOST EFFICIENT S ; J ' Sitlog a you ager othe Liver and wll the ' ; a 1 to ve p ent relief when nical Drum in use, and will dis- prepared d ' vs Ww or Visceral Urgans . : t 1 « ef known a single t, occupy less room, and. answer A . , the dt r than any other. By its usea For Female Complaints, whether in joung ¥ | ing attended to as A ToveniN CIDENT A Newi " v t ch better heated with one stove old, married or single, at Xia wh - womaBhecd, |i 1 ' ; it on ! i di 0 ! land correspe it says that during one hted with its operations ¢ in ) system with two or three or at theturn of life, the Medical Victory | usual. n ers would beg to announce d the year, specimens from the follo American artists; W. T. Rich Reraird S| fionrd, 6. i. Smillie. Aug. Xl A 3 S .. ns, 0, rley' ctor hl epg anc Shoe cox. James H. Beard, J. D. & "ihe Beard, Paul being J. Hows bd ese pictures are ing rej wo! 'without rd to expense Cy the ve eprod engravers ia 'country, and will bear the Jeverst sults of the most tremendous snow storms ever witnessed there, last winter, a poor widow left hir home in searcir--of her only s a boy of sixteen years of age, who had gone out m the mornir wood:cuttin with several others. Unable t anxieties, the poor mother rushed the blinding snow:drnft 1 boy, and that her feeble some way help struggling on for several nn party, who were on their ret time she was utterly exhausted a than paying for itself in one Ay of Wo All who have tried I not be wit hout them for many times | ersigned has secured the Darlington, Can to fill all t notice, A full assortment nd Box Stoves, constantly on F. T. HOSHIN. THE Sd4th VOILL.UM For INT2! THE ILLUSTRATED GEORGE GOURLEY'S Stock of New Spri LATEST STYLES! I'he Stock is oue of the best ever Cloths is now complete, equal Inthe cure of Rheumatiem, Dyspepsia, Liver Compla and diseases of the Kidueys aud Bladder, ts effec re surprising toa For Regulati ug the wels, and curing Biljousiess, Headache ick Headache, Neuralgia, Female Weakness, Nerv u ness, Paing in the Side, Loins and Back, and gcnera Weakness and Debility, 1s npdtive powers . ond movey and beyond price. STHE GR LOD PURIFIER, AND A L IVE GIVING CIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator ot System, carrying off all poisonous matter and Ke toring the Blood to its healthy condition Sold by all & Dealer SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET YOUNG, SILLS & CC ath, 1 871 : 1d. Hindes' Hotel. &e., i} S SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA March 29, 1872. : b51-6m comparison with the best foreign wi the Setet mination of the Jotun work Ti ALDINE shall be a successful ALPE taste in competition with any exist. | ing publication in the world. LITERARY DEPAKTMENT. Where so much atiention paid > ill and get up of the work too much dependence uppearances may very natugally be feared. anticipate such misgivings, it is only to state that the editorial mu ALDINE has been intrusted to RK fERRY STODDARD, who has received assur | ances of assistance from a host of the most pop ular writers and poets of the country. . THE VOLUME ¥OR 1872 wi | contain nearly 380 pages and about 250 en! Commenci uary, €V rs third number will contain & beautiful tinted picture on plate a inserted as a frontispiece. The Christmas nvmber for 1872, will be & spleudid volume in itself, containing i ings, (four in tint) and, although ys ol GENTLEMEN requiring New Suits, would do well to call early and leave their orders. 1, will be sent without extra charge to subscribers. A CHROMO TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER was a ve Jopulag feature last year, and will _ be repeated with the present volume, The ' y ros "ommended to l.adicsas a | lishers have purbhased aud reprédu fret pr ation for the Tollet. Jor | e pepac, the beautiful oil painting + « mplexion, and rendcriog the | titled "" Dave NATURE'S SCHOOL." T Lo Sor + Clear, and free from Drvness, it | is 11x13 fushe: s, andl is an éxact fac-simile, in sige + 11 quickly remove # | ltedness, | and appearance, of the original picture, No "w= Chnpars Remember the stand, nearly opposite I ARTICL? 2 | gnomy, or the * Signs of Character with and how to Read them," is 4 $pecial Medical Hall. TOILE and Anatomy The Ofganization, , BEST AND | 1871. WHICH HE WILL SELL AT*THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. would inform the public that he has just received a full assortment of gL 20s Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug Store.' HYG PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co.. Oshaa, April 13th,' 1871. Johnsor's 'An wnd pach, | ever published Do not cast this aside with a tempt. If yon are one ; 8 be] F Deans . ost liberal Premiums . that are never ailing hb to you ng a t Wh s ps erricand J. Byrne a ple: number, with new who have not seen this valid friends that they may know : : He hd nl ; . SFOTY torial P ster pectus, and a complete | Every thing is new fresh Musical Magazine PEW'S MEDICAL VICTORY, the great | Bowman Ontario. = 1 : de S. R. WELLS, Publisher, blood purifier is available f 55 Broadway, New Yotk. and specimen pages sen toretrace her steps. What was-to he don boysswere quite ur $y r v 3" ran FAMILY MAGAZINE. was agreed that they should cover her for help, Her son, however, nobly refus the relations of Mind and JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. L (o) Ww E Ce) T When the lads 'gave the alarm in the v . U'reckies, Pimples. and vtaerim- | American chromo, which will at all son. Their efforts to find them were for 2 retail for {roid ns of the human body ; with AND pe. it cannot bo sur aescd. | than cost price asked for THE ALDINE audit locked in one another' starms " Indeat} live, in accordance with hygienic prin. G d Fi t G t d | / CHE APES 4 for one year in advance. ne: arm n i 00 ! Ss uaran ee CAPEST Stock of One Ce ony, one year, with Oil Chrome, he od difficult to find a more 'to insta ot al a th they are sc Pp Aap ~ : nance / = and Soia 3 : Plated, and Fancy Goods. all the well-known | ©®ive an extra copy gratis, making 11 copied for om ort mple nal " 5 ne , RUE © Oe taken from + the 1 1 ple J 1a exertion a { the ot i P iperior aheal hy zction on Any person wishing to work for a premium, 1 £mallpox and La r 1'atients | offered by no other paper. nu as well as the Best Pictorial Family Magazine Book, by H. S. Per WORTH OF MUSIC ts BI 0 open 1 1 jon will at 'terial t | our agenf, will apply with reference,-enc K FOR IT-IRSIST UPON I"- bY N hg : fection Th Jer 1 Jasin 3 e. Price 15ceats per Ta let. $1 for outfit. article known t iiedienl Foon i the many years it has been published, anc n Watches, Lazarus & Morris' Perfected Specta- | Single numbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten or more, | their Music for less than It will pay to examine his Stock before purchas PETE 'S Webster, Thomas, ete and cheaper than any other House. R'S Watchmaker & Jow ler, She sank down in the snow, Phrenological Journal, them honicward, a t} I Phr log The Brain and its Functions: } ed to-leave his mother, though to remain lage, a number of men he peril of th 1 ng in the cure of ali those pain ithnology, or the Natural Histo f M. SINC Te ST ah Te Tang asi to Which the female const Analogy, or the Natural History of Man.) )jwyNG PRICES CHARGED several days fruitless y were finally, PCC On, 0 snriED LADD | 3 saith. What Ye should | P y rogether. It will be delivered free, » --_ ~~ they were not divided, Vor tleir's was a : j lis showid tof 1 ; . oy rai ketches and biographies of leading | CARBO Five Copies, of self-sac rific ing hers and Others. As a guide in of the poor." general information on the leading topics | jSoNG ECH() FIFTY ®® rritation, removes (ho cffcets | SOU have our paemium circuler on ai ~ .more relief in cases of Chronic Rh pack v hould be served. iblished. "The Journal" has reached its | kins. Price, $7 50 per FOR 8 3, co ~ 3 TF OSLY | | n JAMES SUTTON & CO. LOWELL'S [Ae ; he was never more popular than now. Two hundred new and to PETERS MUSICAL | cles, and Meriden Silver Plate, best goods made or ATR A CARBO wa (Simcoe Street, Os awa. | fatigue and hunger The 3 A FIRST-CLASS would have been certain deat} well as possible, and retun tothe villag . x e 22 Postidle, an : loth "| The Great Female Remedy. |! «. with directions for cul-| Al] Work Done in the Best Manner. was, in all probability = certain death lives, went to rescue niother and h r « happed Hands, Chilbiaios, Frost | with it, has yet been bfiered at found under a cliff, frgzen to death, » how clothed, and how to exercise, I EEPS THE LARG January number, to every subscriber who pays A TERMS FOR 1872, - Ve ong h dea ond " # ¢ Y nd w ! nll ¢ ar ents of i i = ' love stronger than dea It wonld Ae ¢ " to brin Miscar ge. ¢ 1 v in lepartments of life, are | Oshawa, April 12, 1832. Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilver Lak E TOILE] SOAP; Any person sending 00 names and $49, will rand training Children, this magazine ng propertics of "arbolie the money. as ie i thon. » lay is given, and no efforts are spared to = Wel give many beautiful and desirable articles "* anti- | mak iis hy most intere Sting and instructive | A NEW SCHOOL DOLLARS : thenid be Ty 3 8 + wth this Soap i's use by Any person wishing to act permaaently, as ° tism, no matter how severe, than anv 1 MOSES, \ ORK, 1 OR. ith Volume. It has steadily increased in faves dozen. Contains over ({UBSCRIBERS | He is the sole agent for Russell's Celebrated . . i "ny Publishers, 23 Liberty Street, New York. 4 t POSE ONL hy Terms. Monthly, at $3 a year, in advance.-- | beautiful Songs, Ducts [MONTHLY are getting | and every thing in his line made to order. # YSPE PSIA] 0) TN iN A Lv i, - . en. and an extra copy to Agent. ete, by Will S. Hays, two cents a plece. Those | Ing elseware. All Goods and Jobs warranted PHILIP TAYLOR, Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. A 0 la, Pimples, &c. It possess es al 3 JRYIT) IT! + «ud hoaling virtues of FCarbotic ye. yeen frund by Physicians everywhere +c irativo qualities not discovered ioany | and sparkling. Contents should send 30 cents for a sample copy. Th music is by Hays 3 F | free, Sample copies Thomas, Kinkel, Pe t : Caution!! Caution!!! | , , Pesr : Lo | nM mormm: mailed free of postage €¥, and other popular Pro] Bone Publico. GAINST P ENDITURES.] | 70 the Public of the British Plovinces A for 65 cents Sk ai ens ) : Li RIRDS OF cASCERS 15 T A CARBOLIC CHOICE PIANO MUSIC. leaven ha North America. Liberal terms for intro-¢,. 40 cents. Four baok ! Tumors taken out and curd without the | 3 CA RCA RYS yocal COLLECTIONS. The | ~ ming Lights. A choice collection { best of references givem in Bowmanville and | Tis GamoLE fs the most reliable and efeacions hE al Susted Songs. dl H NeCHANGE | re lodid | REQUIRED vr r : : | : al HEATER : Bena. seg eas. core. | MUSICA] Library CONSISTING OF FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED WITH rheumatisim, del <u ire paration. Prico 25 cents. the stomach, liver can now be said without f 1-1 RRIE, contradiction, that it ; n 4 . duction. num bers.for 75 cents, cases of costiveness, ikness and BEG MOST RESP ECTFULLY TO| 2 acquaint the public of the British North Am lJ. L. PETERS, Ad ul New dway, York |e erican provinces that in May last I caused the | business at 80, Maiden Lane, New York, Tor the! | sale of HOLLOW AY '8 PILLS AND OINTMENT, which | were up to that time prepared by william Brown, The Science of Health. . to Ea 1h at - dditions al ols now deceased, to be closed. 'hese Medicines Lr is often remarked by : t ho y Ll ac wih were, I regret tc from what has lately come | A NEW INDEPENDENT HEALTH MONTHLY. . ! gra pr ats | to my knowledge ade up of such very ordinary 3 5 ns to arrest the atten ingredients as 16 Fender them almost worthless, | Devoted tothe preservation and restoration of and therefore calculated to damage my good | Health on Hygienic principles. i name, Health is the great want of the age. It is the Those who do not wish to be deceived by buy- | first need of the individual, the nation, and the | ing spurious medicines, which are now likely to | race. Heatth is long life ; Disease is premature from the States or elsewhere, but to | death.. Health develops body, mind and soul; . 1 : "1 ; : | possess themselves of the genuine HoLLoway's | Disease dwarfs and paralyzes all. To educate first place, we breed from the very best SO rte r s, & joste: AND OINTMENT will do.well to see that | the people in science of life, which includes all t each pot and box bears the British Government that relates to Preserving Health, and to the Art stamp on which is engraved the words * HoLLO- of Treating Diseas without Medicine, is the ob- WAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT," and that the ad- | Ject and purpose of this new Health Journal. | dress on the label is 533, OXFORD STREET, Lox-| THE SCIENCE OF HEALTH will. aim to dis. DON, where only they ¢ wfactured, and in | $eminate throughout the world a knowledge of { no other part of the world. The retail prices are | Hygienic principles. It will not be the organ of on the labels in British currency, and not iy dol- | any person, business, or institution, but an earn- | lars and cents, est teacher of the Laws of Life and health. COTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, No representative of mine will ever travel THE SCIENCE OF HEALTH will be the ex- t notice. Ev hing through any part of the British Provinces, or the | ponent of all known means by which Health. work will 'meet United State s, either to sell, or to take orders for Stieugth, Happiness and Long Life may be ob- , by leaving ort my Pills and Ointment, and as I have reason to tained by using and Regulating those agencies ? believe that attempts will very probably be made | Vitally related to Health and Treatment of Dis- to deceive the. public in this way by persons call- res of 1 « ibiti h is not ; Ye All use of the knife, by DR. B. PAT? £RSON. Ss w ach adorn d whic h we love eleswhere. ome, Fireside OFFICE --Church Street, Bowmanville. Bumeds, ia Bronchics, ritaton of the Bromeid and Sweet Rounds, "Three V Qlumes Bowmanville, Feb. 21st, 1872. eg Fue Nome easy Songs by Webster, Persley, ete. umes Abo, < ; Offvusivo Brea, Ulcerated Gume, And The two volumes contain all of Will §. 8 wi - : - For Public Speakers senses. Haye Songs, Chronic Disease A collection of beaut Tonto Tors Lala Glangto ats used by a. Physio: Gems. -- : ering fu . le are ya ysicians, i DE: JAMES ,ELECTIC PHYSICIAN, for the care of the above disorders are now, ful Ballads by Wallace, Thomas, Keller, Would respectfully state that he is now | undodstedly, the Most popular in the Materia ----t | Foam acon a roe wom orm | Yezm _Filce 5 een in INSTRUMENTAL COLLECTIONS. psy, or their form ; - ; BRR ; | Consumption, in Hts Aarious stages, (with Dr. | ' ry " yoiy Fingers, Nagle Circle, and Ih edies consumption is no longer an incu- £1 \ EE Siglo is Young bare yas very, irregularities, biliousness, s "the kidneys and bladder E nounced incurable, ( H. ing our State, that we show a larger prd 8 t 1ses him to portion of good horses than any other | +] pau ri ame of one who « the love of Family[Rrvg[stere, VM biihy State in the Union. This, we tell them, JAM 18 owing to two pring ipal reasons: in the Table di ): Bronchitis, Catarth, A Gravel Dro General Dropsy, &c.. patients : Props and cal Recreations. who have Sled tapped several times are curable | : Dance Music. Two collections of moder. under Dr. James' treatment ; diseases of t { : ------ 3 n 8 H ANT 18.8 waro preve-1- of Trine t Memo EYE AND EAR, Hine TSINPECT Typhold I overs, Cholera, 8 1:2" pox, an nade Xe wii 4 t Errors of oath, Nereus Debility, Sals)invalnabief r 3 Decay od a effects of \ndiscren Draius, Cos-pouis, * guth--a cure al ps ! ancers has without cutting, and little » ' $2.50 per pial Ed Sdre| Legs, Sait Rheum, and Scrofuls in ail ' pew df ; in' clo clot, pith gilt sides; $21n oh: | forms. 43 J. is happy to say, diseases which | |, oh } a | have hitherto been thought incurable are now | rapidly yielding to his treatment, as his grateful patients are willing to testify. No Calomel, no | mercury, no Mineral Poisons, w will be adminis- | | tered in any form, in any dise: The afflicted, who cannot obtain relief from | | other sources, are particularly invited to call and | see him. "Ga Office In Nellson's Hall, Belleville. Office | | 'hours, 11 8. m. to 3 p. m. | Yours most respectfully, | | | . A great variety of patterns, and se at the lowest possible pricze. STOCK OF stock ; and in the second place, our per workmanship. dition Pou MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC which in our judgment are of incalenlabl OF THE FINEST QUARITY OF ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE AND + | use Sherdian's Cavalry Cos EST advantage. * \&e, ad for destro i: Turousasps of Promising Youths, Women a m : both 'sexes, go down to untimely grave from general debility and weakness, who f 500 We would call attention Opera at Home, a collection of over hundred beautiful opera so ia cloth and gilt. Trade Suna. $1. ease, including Air, Light, Temperature, Bath- ing upon medicine vendors, falsely representing | ing. Diet, Clothing, Exercise, Rest, Sleep, and all that they are acting for me, and with my know- | hormal agents and hygienic materials. ledge and consent, 1 deem it advisable to put the | , TERMS, Published monthly at $2.00 a year ¥ as : public on their guard against any such decep- | ib advance; single numbers, 2) cents. Clubs of this vitalizing element, and is the only 3 - [ ons. ten at $1.50 each, and an extra copy toagent, We : ¢ I most earnestly entreat all those who may | are offering the most liberal list of Premiums. read this advertisement that they be pleased, in | Local agents wanted everywhere, and cash com- once with the blood | the public interest, to communicate "ihe purport missions given. Address all letters tc once withthe boc. fe fof the same to their friends that they may not be | SAMUEL R. WELLS, Publisher, _-- defrauded of their money by re hasing worth- 389 Broadway, New York. Bryan's Warers, (The great public - less imitationsof the genuine HOLLOW AY'S 1'1LLS J -- ah ii bi og t fi that should : 5 : ar I would ask, great favour, that should , , come to the knowledge of any person that spuri- Wm. NH. Low e, B.A.L.L. B., A 1 A N | TIN NE. E. ous medicines are being hide Orson my name, he be pleased to send me! all the particulars he | BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY-AT- | can collect respecting the same, 1 is to say, | | TE I ero r he i oly | cy LW. Solicitor in Chancery and Inaglveney os EAWA A a GENOY. ing the spurious medicines, and like wise the name | a mn | Office on Silver Street, Bowmanville, | and address of the House in the United States, Mc onloanterm A! toids., 'ea sy 16-44 oney to Lend " axl 3 1 | or elsewhere, which may have supplied them, so preserved) to be a sure, harmless and em- | as to enable me, for the protection of the public, LL BE See to institute proceedings against such evil-doers, | Stop and ee.. | and 1 engage to remunerate very handsomely - - AT . Srx fel Tan oe . | any person who may give me suc h information, | r HE FOLLOWING REMARKS ON | the informants name never being divulged. | estimonials of the most wonderful and ex Should.any person have reason to believe that | | might be saved by fortifying their systems BOUNSALL, Bowmanville, { THE [COUNTY OF ONTARIO, THE LARC with Iron. The Peruvian -Syrup.is "an Iron Tonic prepared expressly to suppl IN STEAM BETWEEN preparation of Iron that will assimilate at This PreraziTION {3 un~q for Sharpeninz and Pelish ive Poeket-n nive Razdts, ic 1 mak~-s' Knives 1} wel Baty % . heb Eglin LON DON, QUEBEC, H. JAMES, M. D. remedy, ) have now been in use over twen ty years, hence it' cannot be said that they Whithy, April 13, 1871° are on trial. They have been thoroughly Just received direct from the manufacturers. " tried, and pronounced (on the authority of those whose lives and health they have in season will invariably cure colds, co . : P. Coleman sore throat, and all Bronchial horses are rejoicing as we the contrary x ~ ~ nto popalar 7 0 2 g:meral uscfula s: AND and gra G. B. Stock's Celebrate d his obed Extra Machine 0il lookata | : inently salutary preparation; and if taken CIPAL Masufactories and Mills in Ontario pe : ! te in the in | saying in fro REDUCED RATES. 'WINTER SERVICE | overaiother ois Ohe fair trial vill it} ! ni Eng ng other Of, : e fi 2 convinced the tical IPS in Lg ; . i mrtotes © TOASONS W font Safed it Sold by lf medicine Aenleffit Zovts. | PATENT i eo, andi | ona ee Ming he if dowels | JA, ica: wu art Cuery ten tar Sct: | Ls aroun of mane othe ert of Good | Under Contr et he Canna Gripen | a6 nS rif Eerwinel iat wines os | TEMPERLEY'S LIN DO. wy a wedicine dealers, ar © t er |i r ' ne cient to convines e e, E J we « ® of , S0cts; » \ 8, . OF UD3Ou : < igi x ompound | enn do at a cost of six cents in postage), one of | serves, large, 25. yp R Lh d in gr eat or De or uctive Town Property. at the any go . nor get thick in the coldest weather. .. 8 4 TESTIMONIALS : ; ~ ; same. | promise to examine it and send a reply, | Balsam, Callin sis, Coxcombes, Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, STEAM WEIELY TO without Owxers Or Horses Rejoicix : . ' stating whether the Mediciues are genuine or | Maryg Petunia, Phlox, Panzy nig, Lari Dram: XE son from whom he purchased them to have his | hena, wor, Zinnias, &c., &c. can be re-paid by yearly instalments, or in one | AND CLASGOW. Sshawy, Ont., April 14, 1870 Iron Steamers i Arat {* money returned. ch sorfyin great variety of colours, and from | sum, HIS COMPANYS LINES. ARE DEAR SIR,--Wé have » rogham, your Lubri- | SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, HECTOR. i ut their owners rejoice | Lhe Son urs orn dl 0 the Misdicncs canbe Supplied, at te tient | Ce Lonisn™, IER 24.6in, | 404 Other securities. | A composed of the undernoted Full Powered, tg Bes atio that i 1s the bent oil we hays | TWEED, © THAMES, becagsa of the astonis 4 i alm diy state that this great ; 30 S880 Prices J Bowmanville, April 24, 1872. 24-6in. uble Ped of Clyde Built Iron Steamshi ever used. It is also cheap, and lasts longer than % iid a 2 Q LE] were was there ever 1 Rs. 6d., 2%., and 34s. per dozer miraculous effects on their hor f ""'Dar- | such ja cure jas th 1) in the person of Wilson Ry aot Pili: oF Other, without i= Sou. i ton: Planer 7 ax with ow Sing. It keeps the tools | from Quebec and Montreal every Tul SESDAY fut. dur- ley's Conditic owders 1 Arabian | that of Phter ( rnestown, Onta Pn the honour to be. For further particulars apply to] t , 8, C clean an t. e do not want anything the season of na tion of t ; Amirose Wood, With great respect, OBSial Aust ke Now Yours truly, F. W. GLEN, Pres't. gat the way ones aroug! Sokels_ fc from x 12 cial assignee, Money Broker, &c. | 8 west al sr having no appetite, others would de of John } , of Napanee, r, POOF Rating nnan ; ? umatism, w ad actually been' | 553 Ouford Strest (late 244, Strand), London, Office McMillan's Block, Brock St., Whitby the Dominion, and I prefer it to either Sperm or or full particulars apply to-the Company's ll over of Sr atment 17-10, Olive oil, or any other used on machinery. Agent at Oshawa, . w RMITH. michvidaeiv vir hh ent eye: rise MONTREAL. use, all « S NOW USED IN ALL THE PRIN- but it is : ' . -- ' ia by the GREAT IN-| he has been deceived by buying spurious imita- | Hj FOR SALE CHOICE BIGAR 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND RE/ exibit t box r er for ages is 1 accessible in the | the books of instructions which are affixed to the | ance, for bedding out, includin, AY i Aster, IVER 3 Tux Josern HaLL MACHINE WORKS, > package \ not, so that if spurious he may apply to the per- mondi t Williams, Stocks, Scabiosa, Ver- | n sums and manner to suit borrowers. Principal | Liv POOL, LONDONDERRY Composed " the Jollowing Flest Clabes why 'not? and who knows but t GEO. B. STOCK, Esq., 4 z Ea: { y Chemists and Druggists who desire to obtain | the best imported English Seed--from J. Carter | InVestments made in Débentufon, Mortages, four months, and can say EE AT id "SEVERN. t boldly state that this great remedy las NEVER | g29 worth (for which remittance must be sent in SILVER AND GREENBACKS Hou GHT AND t id Polynesian, 4,200 tons fivatldiny any other ofl ; we have run our la: 14 foot Iron 8 re intended to sall ing, 0 tons Capt. ree on | The Steamers of this Line a nk rihs of Brighton Ota ario, of Consumption ; or | {jscount. better as a lubricator Lond Wed y, calli S75 Plymouth | . ndon eve edn: y Heave remedy." Som re' lean apd | Po-of Consumption. or that pf .Ambrose, Wood, JAMES HOLDEN, NES Through all- y THOMAS HOLLOWAY. I will run Stocks Oil a against ai other ofl In | to parties desirous of heinghng out their ee frionds. - vour their food raxenougly, yet derive no | on crutches for ; pite of all treatment 17 (September 1, 1571 Vill 13th. 1871 oh A.HENDERSON, Foreman Joseph Hall Works. benefit from it; some were hide-bound, Forming a weekly line between pr | d. | Sow rp ne yomirea), lov the | bad 1 wal Stocks ot] ahs the best 9 oil I have ev or - E t E 3d 4h ay jouring or lubricating pu T 5 Forming ig ana | had used olive previous to Stock's, and i fd I N M A N iL J § N | Btoek's to be the OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, d Mont an oitreal. | Moses SurTH, Duffins Creek, Ont. RATES OF PASSAGE. - TO AND FROM Oshawa to Live 1 and Londonde | 1 would rather have Stock's Oil than any Cabin from $81 t. o> $91, according to pris 0 ever used in my experience of 20 years. | tion. Steerage, $30, including a plentiful supply 4 GEORGE BLAKE, | of well pa visions, id out by the Foreman for Brown & Paterson, Whitby, Ont. to the Compan; | gow. py Cabin, $71; Inter- d had we space, . Proclaim the Glad Tidings) FPVHAT THE GREAT SHOSHONEES temedy and Pills, of 'the Eminent Indian nd Dealers in Medicine Man, Doctor Lewis Josephus, of the tor Bow Messrs. J. Great Tribe of Shoshonees, British Columbia, is . tot working the most marvelous and astonishing theap! petite and digestive organs corrected nar Cures the Would ever heard of, Never in the 1 . Ld annals 'anadian edica istory has such the skin softened, amd a sleek shining aj id cess attended the introduction of any medi ! -- pearance given to the coat all without any Viamhood, How Lost, How cine heretofore, danger to, or preventing the horse be Restored used Remember the name, and . . UST PUBLISHED A NEW a a 3 3 Co on J medicinal vege table ingredients, (some of whick see that the signature of Huns Wy . Culverwell's | we will mention, such as the Extracts of Wil¢ CAC ok p Northrop & Eyman, New on the radical Cherry Bark, Podophyllum, Juniper, Quassia, h package. ; By Sd ficine) of Sperma- Smart weed, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, Compound castle, Ont,[proprietors for ( anada. Sok torrh inal. Weakness, In-| Extract of Colocynth, Jalap, Sécotrine Aloes, deal ary = al Impotency Mental Capsicum, &c., &c.,) which enterfintothe com by all Medicine deale rs. 1 teat Incapacit » ents to Mar- | sition of the combined medicine, are such an Ther i 0 1 ion, Epilepsy, and | harmoniously ified and c ded, that it | Tae Fr TURR. OF TeLEGRAPHY Hebe 1 findulgonceor sexual extrav- 'is made the most searching curative in the séems to be practically no Jimits to. the pcsonly 6 celits. known world, and cannot help but act on the ud ¥ system in a very satisfactory and desirable man ihilities ol Jegraphic communication, ky or, in this admirable essay, | ner. No matter what your ailment may be, or possibilitic s of teleg P clearly deme from a thirty years suc- | of how lgng standing, i will find the spot ana Already the transmission, rapid as it 18 cessful practice, that, The alarming consequences | astonishyou by the rapid manner in which you H AY SNe us Of sclf-abuse may Be rhdically cured without the | are restored to perfect health and full vigor, is found too slow, and mauy ingenious rous use of internal medicine or the a)-| This Micdivive is pleasant and safe Yo take, and . on solving » prot ylication of the kn pointing out_a mode of is warranted, and may positively be relied upon minds are employed solving Hi pr Thiem : ure at once simple, cerlain, and, effectual, by to maken Jermane nt cure of alt dasases Of the ¢ sed ca 2 iricreased. Jut we means of which every suffepfr, no matter what Throat, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys Digestive Organs how thé Spe od can Be ine his condition may be, may Sure himself cheaply, | &c., &c., as well as Scrofula, .the various Skip believe ~ perfection has been attained in privarely, and radically. Diseases, Humors, and all diséases arising from 2 . dain Destroyer," and that This lecture should be in The hands of every Impurity of the Blood, excepting.the Third Stage thé" "Canadian Pain Destroyer, - 3 x youth and every wan in the land. =| of Consumption. Further information, with full it is the only reliable agent for §emoving & Sent undef seal, in a plain envelope, ./ directions for using the Great Shoshonees Remedy dress, post paid on receipt of six ce and Pills, and containing testimonials and Cert pain, and curing colds, coughs, rh¢umatism, = ost sidmpe. v | ficates of Cures, can be obtained by "securing the Also ir. fF Culverw el's " Marria, i neuralgia, summer complaints, &c. Sold | yice 25 cen th. : ¥ J ire ulars from any respectable Druggist in the by all Druggists and country dealers. -- | CHAS. J, C. KLINE, 8: €O., Creatise, the Hand-book, or the 'Almara¢ and Address the Publis shers, Jominion- free. Price 2b cents per bottle. 27 Bow ¥, New Xo: k Post-Oice Boy 886 ills per Box 25 cents, with rough and shaggy |hair; others hs 7 i t Store and get a Circular o ung Cer ates on the GRE olc SHONEES REMEDY and satisfy yourselves, heaves "and other complaints peculiar to rice of Remedy in Large Pints, 81, severe colds and coughs; many had S. horses; on all it operated as a charm, tl v alf- Pru STORE REMOVED TO NEW AND LARGER PREMISE 'disease or complant was speedaly removed, ve Stuft ai hue sed Stock's 23 snd Ifind it Fons excel | of ve ever used ears manufacturin, for six months, is- | rience, and have used Castor and Olive Oil, - cipally previous to using Stock's Oil. Jacos STALTER, Greenwood. WHY? SIMPLY because the numerous Valaable active NATURE'S OWN VITALIZER wEAYTIC N.--All genuine has the name ho Eire Certificates are ran (x07 rh vian Bark") u lates 10 pasties Yishing to blow in the glass pamphlet sent . fre @). P. nt Proprietor, M Dev st. New york. Sold by all Druggists @ a" their tan from Englan. 10 an' robe Lp of te Montreal Ocean Steam ship ip Company I land 1 their ngers at the Grand PORTLAND, passen- i: New York, Queenston and a Ee Sy i Liverpool ay SPAIGHT & Son, Markham, Ont. =] Tse arges C RICHMOND. JITY OF AMT , ~ | gem thereby & craiain the 'usual ch of oart- | | use Stock's Oil on my machinery, which re- | CITY OF MONTREAL, CITY OF BALTIMORE, pend d batdling leave Portland 1 volves about 4,000 times per minute, and find It | Cypy oF BROOKLYN. BRISTOL. ¥ Oc 4 Steamers for M ha fmarrival of the | the only oll thatgives satisfaction. CITY OF PARIS. LIMERICK. wale ts: and the Ha a Shae) . CHURCHELL, Bangor, Ont. | Ciry or BRUSSELS. C JUBLIN, western pointe; and the facilities orded fri CiTY OF NEW YORK. HaLirax. | aby & A SNE cazmot be ar CIty oF LONDON, JURHAM, Oshawa, Feb. 7, 1571. bam J othe line afloat. . CITY OF WASHINGTON, or vf | passage tickets and every informa | GEO. B. STOC K, EsqQ., gp ot ill be a hed Ivo SIR,-- Your extra machine oil comes Joarer ts Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdays ! w espatc m Liverpooi | perfection for luc icating purposes than an and Portland as follows : i " Ling used, 80 far as" rm 3 to me, it w neither From Pier 45, 45, , North River. gum nor corode, and wares satisfactory. Very truly yours, A. FARRWELL wssortment of s, Scented Soaps, French and English icine: EFEEEERY. Next Door to COWAN'S. and a General sobnia DRUG FROM LIVERPOOL. FROM PORTLAND ERNIAN, - - 6th Nov. 2nd Dec. M: AVIAN, - 16th " { | | RATES or ¥ PASBAGE. | bi { 9th | 8 AN. - 2rd ord | | | To Queenston or Cabin. Steerage. SOLE PROPRIETOR : Queenston - = $5, gold. $30, currency. London, . = ow 80, 35, GEO. B. STOCK; BrovaHam, ONT, Paris, + - -'1 MW, Tickets can be bought here at moderate AGENT FOR THE DOMINION : by persons wishing to send for Uh friends. Yor #TOCK & WEBSTER, Box 1814 further information apply to . Company's Toronto, 4 Agent, ©. W. SMITH, 'OsHAWA. T.GIBBSOhawa,Ont July 20. $ J] g it AIRE PRUSSIAN 30th * NESTORIAN, 7th Dec. SCANDINAVIAN - in it H. & A. ALLAN, to L. SMITH, Af t Post . Oshaw, Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, EE il Everything of the best Quality and Strictly Genuihe Drugs, Patent Med 4 Price of Remedy in large Pint Bottles 1.00, PELE 8 Te PER A TR Ib SS

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