AWA reports: AHEAD.. 4 ailway Telly. ROB THER ADA PEOPLE op Times.) rs as anada : he wa anthorigi an Paatie \Y #ewhich « atricd out, hag LINOnNs. unter LAN to Sleuly od m the meorporate ng for charters apg e work Ss a will doubt. € {inning must from the tirst of $3 1s~in itself gratify. €1.quir © Whether ler conditions they termination, When the Stine road cor ity midions nt Using to private of a sum ex- debt ; a 19} is thought ally en v well ask when Wletion of Impracta- te what are colossal expenditures nd welll ! No ques- ted t6' this country Vv its maternal interest wtant bearing on its Northave the punty, of j$48 People's re- nt: ever been s0 y are likely to be { shall be completed. hed of by the mil hundreds of thou- il ned on to the "You do ng, pl the 1 8per or political this ting and ir, aud this is cviash of Vide wmouths are and a cy for ructe sting § are ©8s waiting to that evin- lucre even ristic trait Ti equency. niterly at a ers of arallel m Cana- a wage that weak words for t raw set or more corporate he Domin- t to bund ion of that patlies are afileast rs ofl Sp Us A w Se alr fhe © These 'atives ol ariiswent ! land grant ech ry are tari ur gntiemen, the people, CeasuTy the ox t, and to see nestly and wwe betrayed SC kre setde LY ramble for Te ot, and Ts, make the otras ched th spar t vss to ury. e division ing in the Linations, men . of *u both cetuccurd give arces since ter their share he hea of of one or whe asted 10 at sth Gover hel) es he wial fund meut, the o.ated at better to h pisced 1g tisns to and P, Peers" einatieally all, the rovinei al. pass when luiproper have roll of sup- it have elected any of the g Ad ACC , apd risen ail pa hese railwa béth the rce In and, y end nld a. ne G demane pendec been to this m for life mtatle to the rty puddle Lo e the ding of a xpended ? y coutrac- Hounees; refore, we ail under wwernment is of those 1 in order n a combination of held no sush whip in though th ATe sue 4 a eonrse. ¢ public {4 r Yor niembers of Par- pecuniary interest ty ot the Minister f Fin: ate take e cr draw. t fan men nipanies ¥ oo hne ® ember of Yer f the vote of the plaee r anda ae h «leading } } dd to the ave good press of I cal jarties are er expectants for rort with these ¢ House; utter « to_u ter; ding." Were . 10 over- nent an of would speak this -ride the d sweep hon st and nut haves or ont bf it, expedier cy; and uv prion should be nee of even be put epmblic wr fare, 38. t hlic lane be a plaus. forward in mg. The hat. the ls.apd an handed ¥ conspirancy, time as may demand; tied hand time their and and to at the merey of for the » -- next ten of the Connection * ed a_petitic sih--th wm to the t three-quar- he* veritertirry the i 7 the: the - sur 'ar'ng nfluence onorable | ression that they | fur pake of our 1¢ ren, 4 crs and rar ted, and ovr fathers sisters for the ave: --The Hom: travelling ation lia mentimer rivrming detective, Goverm Tt throvgh respect - tin the the work in the ent, to is un- Tc De ngall 'receives a wo rk, better if the and has the Commons __ heatts and T > THE ELECTORS OF THE SOUTH RIDING OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. GENTLEMEN : Yon will soon be called upon to ! choose a repr sentative to the House of Canada, toserve. you during the term of the next P arliament. Having nomination the Ri hh » candid: prese native been honoured with the wv the Reform Convention of 1 now beg to aanounce myself | for the Position of your re. And that you may be enabled | to decide how far Luay beentatled ta your confidence, I take the vppourtunity of stat- ing my opin ions on soe of the political questions Likely to elaim more innediate publi 1¢ attention. The history of Great Britain and proves eonclusively that good fegislation, and honest administration, | under the constitution of Responsible | Governizent, such as ours, cannot obtain without a perfect harmony of political | opinions in the members of the Executive 1 am, therefore, opposed to all coalitions | of opposing Pp slitical parties for carrying on the ordmary affairs of Government. ce Canada 3 1n order that the wants and wish- es of the people may be faithfuly repr - | sented in the Legislature, it is necessary that frand and intimidation in connection | with elections should be visited with exem plary pani ishment, and the most ample | opportunity atforde d for the free and wn- | biased exercise of the franchise. The { holding of «d 11 the elections 1a the Domin- fon on one and the day, under the | authority of a stringent law, for the pun- ishment of bribery and corrapt' practices, | and th» trial «1 ele¢ ions by the Judges, weld, in my opinian, coadace to that result While-it is requisite that the ex- | rtun discretionary & opiniet that those d to the smallest | tw ith the proper adquiuis ent of the conatry posed to placing z+ sums of public wal of the Ministry, without the s of Parliament hing rst obt uned to all particulars and details eoanected theewith. same if enntest ecu'ive shonld hav eC powers, [ hud t! shot LB) the moneys at the expendature disp met We find that countries that have advanced most in national~sveatness and material prosperity, are those Whose people areeny mgt i in themost diversified pur- suits, dw ho have turned to.the utmost accoanf the natural advantages they pos- sess Posscssing, as we do, in our fer- | tile soil, extensive and ingens. rivers. natural resources- to an almost un- limited extent, as well as easy communi- | cation between all parts of the Dominion, it is my firm conviction tl at, with the en- ergy and entsrp ise of our people properly | dirested, and énecn 1 by wise legisla i tion and good Jans, time is not Fas dis | tant when our Dominion will rank among the first countries of the globe, in the cx- | tent and vari of her agrienltnral manufactured fucts be such, inion, that while e aging the develop sources, to, nacessities by levyh of the revenna requi + upon such nmport ed artic! v1 be most advantageously produced and mannfactured in our own svuntry Lakes, mm my at the same time, 3 as \] Advantazes are ' hands to direct and appiy them, wnld make usa of every proper means to induce in migration to our coantry natur we s The de of a country like ours, having thousands of ziles of inland bound aries, -F stm unly with the bre: f 1t arms of, ler people; therefore should be our ail to cn 4 a martial spirit in the people, and train our young men to he expert in the use of war- ike weapons; and to this end the Govern- ment shou'd ments for devoting the time necessary for | . that purpose; and not as hitherto, by de: pending upon the municipal councils to make the deficiency. -- 5 and all other questions, having reference to the welfare of the conn try, I shall, previous to the elec'ion, have an opportunity of discussing - with you, at public meetings and otherwise. And, in eonclasion, T may be permitted to add, that being ** to the manor horn," and hav- ing thy property in the Riding, my inter- ests are inseperable from yours, and that, should you honor mre with yonr eonf- dence, and ¢harze me with the dies of your representation, I shall to the u'most of my humble shilities endeavour' to de- serva the one by a faithful "discharge of | the other, 1 am, Gentlemen, Your mnost obedient humble servant, T. P. WHITE. Whitevale, June, 1872. must IHS wi coli ds, wh yg ft to oy ..fraquantly bring plinonary complaints, which lead to that distressing and fatal disease, consumption: but attended to in time, Wafers" are: a certain stop the irritating couzh, strangthen the hr nehi J tubes, all irfitations andl inTunition. They are a's) nartienlarly adapted for the of singrs anal péblic spe wkers Soll all Drigists and country dealers. 25 cents per box. BIRTH". Yaw ot Nth nit, Inox 5d editor of the Vind ndicator, of a son. . on the 31h ul wife of Mr. yhnston, of a son. the 1st inst, as Nn Ini Oshawa on the 33th ult, the Benjamin 'Robinson, of a daugh In Oshawa. on the 27th uit, theywife of Robt. Smith, Esq., of a danghter. & MARRIED. In Oshawa. Jaly 1st Rev Richard Ric hens, of ths tows "ton, to Miss Susan Martray at the on They remedy, ' , the J.P InO huwa on the wife NM CY tr of wife of Mr. ter. Dr. Thornton, Mr. In Osha ta, July 2nd hrile's father, by Ww Des arn, t of Johan Mu deli East PIED. 2nd Darlington, nn the e night of Tuesday, the 2n¢ In, Dar ar. Edwin Wasnington, son of Mr. 8. Washington, A Chemical Food and Nutritive Tonic. fPHE GREAT Pt JPULARITY OF DR. WHEELE RSs COMPOUND ELIXIR OF J HORPH AY ND CALRAYA is | 18) ' rund, down s with diseases of the Sighiach, Feer breaking down in the general health. Iteffect- ualiy relieves pain or a _ense of ruliy® *% in the Stomach after eating, Heart-burn, Flatu ence, "ons ipation from torpid liver, Didi ls Head- achds, Irritation of the Kidneys from the red deposit in the Urine, irritabili'y and retjessness And pe al deb The One ANROR Can « Digestion, all tho lack energy and vi themselves to uny fatizwe, willbe which the wl y is _raired out this prostrate lition and energized vitalized un nder. the use of this preparation. It is harmless, delicious, does not lo 1s not followed by a relapse. Sold at $1,0) - Dygyeysia t the rapidity Commercial, WIHMTEY MARKETS. July Whaat; Full, 8 bushel... .. Wheat, Spring, do ....~ Barley, ¥ bushel...) . Oats, do vi Peas, do ... 085 Prtonss ds m .e f B.ui a p& ol 130 00 L065 & | Barley, | Wheat, ® bushel,...... | Peas, | Dats, MACHINE & IMPLEMENT | Mowing Machines, *Bowmanville, July 3rd, 1879, and | Our policy should | cony- | nent of our natural re- | uti ize our | ga duty fora portion | offer them snflicient induce- | if " Bryan's Pal monic and sooth and | al'aving the (wife of J. S. A owing to | bility in buildipg vp constitutions Liver | A Kidneys which arise frem Dysglepsia Dr Digestion, --and resu't in poor blood anc and! Bladder ywed by nervous prostration which inevi ably arise from | Feeble with | of and we its effect, 'and | -| LORD LISGAR! $15 @8%1 38 gic oro | SENS $a Ps OXMAWA MARKETS. Flour, Wowt,...... Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel, Wheat, Spring, ¥ bush | Oats, ¥ "ushel,, Rya_ .. ... Barley Peas, ¥ bushel Butter, . » Lard, ® n, Eggs, ¥ dozen, ..... Beans, ® bushel, Wool is BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. July Li $1235 asis 060 Wheat, ¥ bushel, AND om SO Rye, do do Peas, do Oats, do -ix Clover Seed, ¥ bushel, .. Fimothy Seed, do Butter, ¥ », £ TORONTO MARKETS, 1 July 4. «8140 @§143 L057 oe 073 ' 0:41 0:65 . 0.75 1800 2260 25 30 Be Advertisements. i Barley, do do do Rye, do Potatoes, do Hay, ¥ ton, Apples, ¥ bri, .. Bex ..070 ...0 40 06 05% BOWMANVILLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY. )[ \NUFACTURERS OF Leffel American Dyubls Tarbine Water Wheel, Iron and Wood Working Machinery, Circular Saw Mills, b Shingle Machines, Grist Mill Machinety, Seif-Rake Reapers. Common and Gang Plows, Fanning Mils, § % Chopping Mills, Feed Cutters, Lath Mills, etc. A.B GIBSON, MANAGER. 131 w ". FREDERICK MeBRIAN, MD. MRC. GL S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG- LAND. Hindes' Hetel Oshizwa, WANTED! Q FRVANT GILL. Apply to MRS. JOHN B. HARRIS. PROF. WHITE, FPYEACHER OF THE PI\ANOFORTE, SINGING, ete., Organist and C. ompaser, is now prepared to attend puplis, Terms may be known at this Office. Oshawa, June 26th, 1372. Ss" r RAY oO) D! TH {AME INTO THE PREMISES ' OF / the subscriber, on Sunday ast, 168th inst, a small Black and White PIG." The owner can have the same by calling and paylng costs. JOHN EWING. Oshawa, June 20th, 1872, H PIANO for SALE at a BARGALY. OF EX PRIGHT COTTAGE PIANO, made by Collard & Collard, of London, England, six octave, Price $100. Apply. at this Office. FOR SALE! NE CARRIAGE F HORSE, 3 YEARS old ; one Set of Filver Mounted Harness; | and one buggy--all first-class. Apply to JOHN HAMILTON, Oshawa, June 26th, 1872, ; N8w BUTTER. RIME DAIR RY C ENTS PER © BUTTER, AT 1t POUND, AT TREWIN'S. Osh: va, Dec. 1, 1871. 34s FOR SALE. HE PROP ER Tv ON SELINA ST. ue by Price , with stone found tion. 'hed; ang ago d uu with a number of choi "ruit Frees en 0, a never failing well of excellent water. terms und other particulars apply on the premises, to & ; WALTER FoGG. 4tr March 1, VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. r HE SUBRC RIBER OFFERS FOR T sale his property on Wiliiam street, consist ing of a Block ol four houses and over an acre of land t i« hizh, well drained, and in a state of good cultivation, Al y, thst fine property in Prince /lbert, now r | Mr. Wiieex, HUGH CARMICHAEL. n-tf ec up sied by ) residence. of the Oshawa, June 22nd. Fresh Fish, Fh Fish. Salmon Trout, OX HAND AT GARTH'S, THIS 3 MoR¥I: G ; and twice a week during the season. Patronize him. Oshawa, Aprile, 1872. FOR SALE. [THE WEST H ALF OF THE SOUTH $3 Acres, in the South-epst corner of the corporation of Oshawa. A quantity of wood thereon. Als0,i16) acres in Grundy Co., Towa, U. 8., ten miles from Cedar Falls, 4 miles from New Hartford village, on the Illinois Central R. R. 70 acres cultivated ; frame house and stable | thereon. The whole to be sold very cheap. A.M FAREWELLY Oshawa. 45-0 THE PRIZE BULL, +() 303 HERD BOOK, WILL SERVE AY" at Sydenham Farm during the season. Leas: Covunon and Grade Cows $1 i ouch, ak | time of service ; ful bred cows $4. * ar was awarded i Wize at the last Provia- ) | Show, vver 37 e ! "ue tnorough-red Ayrshire Bull, * Lord Rag- lan pil serveon the same terms at the tal 60 1 Of Mr. 5, Phillips, near the G. T. R. Station, Jeo e ouY., 5 ng IT 10h ITE ~ NTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, JULY 6, 15 Great Clearing Sale OF FANCY and STAPLE Dry Goods FOR 30 DAYS, Comme: cing Tuesday, July 2nd, previovs to Stock Taking, ut J. BARNARDS LATE J. CARMICHAEL, King Street, Oshawa. Farmers' Produce Taken in Exhatge Oshawa, July 1st, 1872. NITROUS OXIDE ~--OR-- Protoxide of Nitrogen ! DPMINISTERED FOR THE PAIN- leas extraction of teeth a' the dental fooms of J. FERGUSON I, D. 8, ovér the grocery | of simson Bros, King St. W, est, Oshawa, Persons need not now. fiom fear of pain at- tending the operation of extraction, carry for | years heir mouths a mass of flith, a fruitful | cause of disease, whith has fot on'y riined their thew objects uf Fepugui ance to all who are so unfortunatd as to he associated with them, as Rites Osidh 4 is pleasant to take-and quite harm- oss, Oshawa, May, 24, 1872, A Large Quantity OF FIRST-CLASS British Plate Glass TOILET MIRRORS, For the astonishingly low prices. of 15 and 25 cents each, Complete with Framcs, at the Hardware | Establishment of T. WILLS GIBBS', Simcoé St., Oshawa. Remember tho place directly opposite the Dominion Bank. Oshawa, May 3rd, 1872. 4-tf. TAILORING CLOTHING --AT-- WM. DICKIES. IN THE Newest Styles. ting of a story and a half Frame | There in | PARASOLS Of all Shades & Prices. MILLINERY FLOWERS, &C. SPLENDID Black Lace Shawls, Only 81 25 Each. 'BOOTS & SHOES Of Every Description. " de ' Dsmawa, Sth, 1072 DRESS GOODS Consisting of the Gem, Mason, Clamp, W. F. COWAN -BLLAMEY & BRIGGS ARE NOW OFFERING Teas from 10 to 20 per ceat. Reduction, I A GREAT VARIETY OF GLASS fi k FRUIT J ARS, --ALSO-- &c., hit [i All of which will be Sold Cheap. | 00 H ARRIVALS OF BRIGHT SUGARS, FRUITS, --AND-- GENERAL GROCERIES. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED: BLAMEY & BRIGGS: P.S.--Goods delivered promptly to Customers in Town. FRIES DIRECT IMPORTATIONS "FROM EUROPE Is now in receipt of a portion of his SPRING IMPORTATIONS. He | health Afid destroyed their happin=ss, bat made | would draw particular atténtion to the €llowing lines, which are offered FAR BELOW RULING PRICES! 4000 yds. Grey Cotton, at be. yd. 2000 yds. White " Tic. yd. 3000 yds. " Lin'g Cloth,llc. yd. 2500 yds.Beautiful Prints, 12!c.yd. | A Large & Varied Stock of Dress Goods. && All who desire Style, and Extra Value for their money, should make their selections without delay. ONE CASE OF FRENCH KIDS, | of the Foussie brand--a glove which takes the lead in [England and | which has been before my customers for fifteen years i} Torontd and | Oshawa. Although these gloves have advanced seriously I still | offer them at the old price of $1 per pair. A Large and Well-S lected Stock of TWEEDS and CLOTHS will bé found in the Gents' D 'partment, and customers are respectfully requested to place orders for Suits before - assortment is broken. | W. F. COWAN. Osawa, March, 1872. 51 Suet BROTH ppg --HAVE-- NOW OPEN --THEIR-- SPRING SHOW FIELD and GARDEN SJ DS uu L--( --d = Seleections from Leading Growers in Britain and the Dominion. 1 Besides which they have ordered a Lot of the Croicesz VARIETIES from Vicks Celebrated Floral Catalogue, To be along in due time--all with a view to me€t the Wants of the Country at Large. LAND PLASTER AND SALT. STEELE BROTHERS GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN., Oshawa, January 5th, 1873. Lazber & Shingles IF Sng SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR- A.B. CAMPBELL. December 1, 1871. THE 'Florence Sewing Machine, ALL AT JOHN IN POS TS MU SIC | STORE, in the town of W this beaytiful mechine, whi fe-ent kinds of stitc ea, runs ver and sill, urchase Sess 10 -. hine, if t TS 8S. M. * rece full descr; tion of Wie © price lst, ete. SUMMER, ILLCOX - ¥, Ww iachine, with JCHN 8. }, WILLCOX. 1872: | | Whitby, Jan. 18. + =OF-- VALUABLE § REAL ESTATE | | HE FOLLOW ING operty belo gin z to {JAN ES M ACK EE, w wo an 10st ents the Donyinior) and six niles or on the Kingston road. contain land, more or less, which wil | parts, viz: 123 acres on the nowtl i road, and 52 acres on t'.e south side. ™ par Con. of East Ww hitby, 1 | Youn On: hard of choice fruit, a good twhstory | Bric House, nearly new, two Barns. ong wit | stone basement, Stables, | other buildings" suitable Tor a fret-cluss farm, | This farm is under superior cultivation, OPENING, the fences are creck running across the farm close 10 the harns, that time. Terms of sale: Five per, rent. sale, one half of remaining sun. in ene mon! remainder in Four or Five equal annual ins's ments, with interest at Seven pr cent further purticulars apply to Mrs. Mackie, premises. R. WM. MeGTLIY Oshawa, June 17th, 1872. ONE OF THE Ladies and Gontlemen, read the news, Who stand in need of Boots and Shoes. AtD. Tripps, if you do call, fet try to please you, one and all, The best of stack he keeps on a Kis, Calf, Kip, Spanish, finest and best of brangs. Hqll mend your soles, if not your ways, Give good understanding to ali he says, He'll make your Boots wi hout delay, And If they rip he'll ask no pay Times are hard, as you all do know, Money scarce, and prices low, > A large stock on hand, and mora eoming. -- Produce taken in exchange East side of Simcoe Strect, | Taylog's jewelry Store. TrIPP & SIILAW. The Admirers ' HORACE GREELEY WILL DO WELL TO BEAUTIFUL Ff at" STOCKS EVER [EXHIBITED IN "Without doubt the finest nerlodies) nub. lished, having Bo equul euer ln La: wel or America." SCRIBNER'S FORJULY, Will Attract Descrved Attention. { From L asing's delightful Ar OSHAWA, bia lo urious Artic Yon or Popular = | A Startling Exposure of Smn | and the means employed for its d ling Papers inthe Ofd Cabinet ; G §ro in Home and So iety, and ihe > . y Prot. Nlore | ment of Nature and = | besides the usual va y | Essays and Reviews, § | Price $4 por year, o | For sale and subsci | Books liers and Newsde SCRIDNER & Co., Puklishors, of AND at als = ws PRICES THAT WILL Dolly Varden TOBACCO POUCHES (The Latest Thing Out,) Defy Competition | AT INSPECTION INVITED. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SUPPLY OF A. M. CHISHOLM, ~--AND-- OF THE BEST BRANDS. GIBBS' BLOCK. King St., Oshawa. Ofhaws, Nay 20th. 1872 [AUCTION SAL 0} VALU ADLE| | Thepe is on the farm 20 acres of good wood, a with scarcely any broken land. Possescion eiven | an November, ploughing may be dene before | of money day of | Tripp's Poetical Effusion. :: HODDER. 654, Broadway, New Yorl, TITCHETT S| SMOKING Chewing Tohacéos! «| CHANGE oF) BUSINESS | N. Stephonson, } patronage of uers 'atd {rie GLORGE HENRY. Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1872. to the at ove, I beg to say to. my ry on busi eas at the A wagon will be rows ol having it eave word at the as no pains will be pad 10 giv € satisfacti G.N. STEPHENSON? O.hawa, Feb. 27, 1872 & 'Thomas Brooks, BUTCHER. MF 2. GECRGES EPAENSON HAV. - In G sal Business to ¢ t ¢ heretofore st to supply he best meats t B rgon will call as Creer' kil et the shop promptly 912, va, June 5th, 1872. Driving Barns, and | , it i# well watered by a spring | EWARD! For | on the | D 53th WILLIAM FLINT, j EXemtors. | 2 lately voted the r 'the' int duction of a new ¥ interestdn our midst, it has given \ to the building of Houses for ou™ indasu | a_i greater farilities for the rapid inishing of ne w. buildings, "the subscriber has | {aid in IY nize STOCK 'HAR D W x R E. X n ered In Oshawa »n ling Fgh t of 600 PA of Cut Nails. | Tate LARGEST RD, BEST ASSORT- MENT PAINTS, | OILS, VARNISHES, a Glass, Putty, &c., IN THE ( ot NTY A SPLENDID VARIETY OF. Spades, Shovels, Hoes, For Ks, Rakes, &c. A LARGE STO | - CK OF : |LOCKS, KNOBS, Buy a Light Ha LATCHES :ndid A & HINGES, ssortment of Darpenters Tools, vw |All kins of Paint, Varnish, White Wash, Kalsomine, Shoe, | Scrubbing, and other Brushes. A Tan) Stask of Rodgers and othe Cu*l 27, D.xon's and other superior z 3 of. Nicksl and Silver Passi Gods and Crusts. ortment of | Axles, art rye Ny wring y Lrom, Rope and Ch wns [An the best assortment of Guns, lading Breech Loaders), Revol- vers, P'stols, and Shooting and Fish- ing Tackle in ithe County. 2 CLR 12 whole of the above sto Li efore the late great vi t and will be sold cheap for cash. T. Wills Gibbs. ay 3rd 1972, was pur: In prices, Oshawa, M VILLAGE LOTS ? FOR. SALE. hie wv Lio a PU RCHASED MR. CON- rest in the McGregor property, t + Int the west side of $ third ensh : balance with interest at eight per cent. ire who will erect a house at ones, I pe wny payment down; butin addi Tin Y h ndred do'lars on each 1e the re on, eo tiflg not. U8 bb a ¥r ¢ with 3 for the bod Tot "the Jot and i PF t 4 ara enquire fLyma almstor. g O.thawa. n English, . F. W. GLEN. March Tth, 1872. 48-47 YSHING or 1 LES. ALL KINDS | o 8 NHINGLES FOR STE PHENS. at OLD AND NEW METHOD OF TEACHING MUSIC. iss E.. Palmer; ACHES THE ABOVE METHODS, n by strict attention 1 efliciently, pleces * and answer any sic, in from 6 to 12 Mi E SHURSAT Bua a intl vicace of weeks, 2UPILYS UPILS MAY TRACTICE ON TEE TIANO OR MELODIAN. LESIDENCE--MR. C. FRENCHS. h of Christian Church. 53m REMOVAL. RIPP & SHAW r AVE REMOVED TO! THE STAt 1 tely oc 1 by Thomas Hawthorn, ¢ they will, as usual, ple ond) d stock of ) 0 BOOTS & SHOES for La ies! and Gents' and which they 1 at lowe . Boots and shoes yrder ox the shortest nol 'Good Fit Guaranteed. | OsLawn, Feb. 16 1572. oar, i