Ontario Reformer, 14 Jun 1872, p. 2

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? . * - . ~ 5 hd ee -- Sida! : ONTAR10 REFORMER, OS | Trunk Time Table. OBHAVA STATION.---OSIIAWA TIME Be sure and attend Garthand Stephen- son's sale of building lots this afternoon, at 2 o'clock. ; Wx observe by the Whitby Chronicle, that Dr. Coborn, of this place, has been elected to the Medical Council for the next three years, for Kings' and Queen's Divi- awaiting the credit of the Dominion--the unavoidable result of the project which the Government is now pushing forward. In future sessions, when the work is ful (under way and money all spent, the alternative will be presented to Parlia- ment, 'Vote more money or loose what a On Friday last our citizens were delight- od with music from the Carnival Band, which i§ around advertising the great musical carnival to be held in Rochester, the 20d, 3rd, 4th, and Sthdaye of Joly mort The following exit, tom Wel HAWA, FRIDAY, a mista ¥ | | | JUNE | allowed. Mr. Gowan suthorise the of $20,000. 4 Read first and second time, and to be published as the law directs. Mr. White introduced a by-law jo pro. » La FREY NL HE i hi i you liave already invested in the enter- pride." Thus, for many years, will it prove a heavy drain on the resources of this country and burden the Dominion with a debt that will be heavily felt by coming generations. Throughout all its stages has the oppo- sition offered its solemn protest to this rash and reckless scheme, knowing full well that the country Is not in a position at the present to enter into such a hage undertaking, nor financially strong enough to incur such enormous liabilities as would be required to build it. It was proposed that the question be leid over till, at least, } every but metic on Moa- | the route had been thoroughly surveyed ET maj and some approximation to the cost : ry : of arrived at ; but the Government would fa brook no delay, probably thinking that ay is closed at 7.30 gaed at Qu Sov by ow York it will take a good portion of the $30,000, Friday. | 000 to make things right with the electors in the coming election. Mr. McKenzie, as well as other leading members of the pposition, strongly objected to the total disregard of the great principle of respon- - | sible Government, and moved amendinent | after amendment, to the effect, that the 5.800 am. sion, The office has hitherto been held by + "Sam. | Dr. MeGill. ArraxTioN is directed to the advertise- ment of the Ontario Commercial College, of Belleville. This is one of the best in. stitutions of the kind in the Dominion; and any young man wishing a thorough busi training t do better than attend this College. For information in the matter call at this office. Tue volunteers took their departure on Wednesday morning, about nine o'clock. They formed at the Drill Shed and march- ed through town, the fife and drum band playing ' The girl I left behind me. " Waggons were awaiting them at the west end of the town to convey them to Whitby, where they took the Steamer Norseman for Niagara. Hornisin.--On Wednesday morning last, the shrieks of a female were heard in a certain houss in town, as -if some one was murdering her. . Our informant, who was passing at the time, went to the rescue when he discovered a woman struggling with a red-coated gentleman; and before representatives of the people, jn Parlie.| he could render her any assistance, a loud ment, should have some litile control is | report was heard, and Mr. Red Coat had the expenditure of 00 8/pum a imphunted a kiss onthe fair lady's check. $30,000,000, and in the disposal of #0 | Ty steamer Kingston, was burned to lug uantiy Wl - DION, 00 seven the water's edge, on Tuesday last. One say, John A. was inexorable, | woman wasdrowned. A despatch in the i #% Rh CLIMIE, - . PROPRIETOR. |,nd would permit no 'curtailment of his | Globe says:--* The Kip ho: of $B Bo _ | demands, His servile majority supported fhe Gites Dota of Lite naa Naviguion ; 2 ; him throughout, and the Pacific Railway mpany's Line, was the one ih whic i # B@niario Reformer, Bill has passed the House of Commons. ihe rinoe of Wales and suite. made the i Sh Now of South Ontaric. it is in rip up the River St. Lawrence and Lake 8 , electors y Ontario on the occassion of his Ro 8 daw lace to ask : What has: your repre- | Highness' tour through this country. Her g ibe, Friday, J = 014, 1872. Ft tive taken in is matter hull was of iron, and will not, therefore, : i RUIN AHEAD. Why voted, as he always dees, in favor of have been damaged by the fire. She was i | ¢ q-- the Macdonald-Cartier Government, and | Naren Be fort A Sd mas insired . thaSurely the Public Exchequer has been in favor of the most runious Pacific Raijl- $60,000." oy i 2 idlay Cumh, 3 ia { iain chough by that Higertils spect: way. He has totally disregarded the | Reypwpen Garth and Stephenson's sale £4 of a leading Canadian Railway, | yous of the majority of the electors of | of building lots this afternoon, at 2 o'clock - thraominatad the G. T. BR. Certainly the this riding as expressed at the polls in ' ' ! | | whiercolonial throuzi, shameful mis-man- | | | | wilbment, is turing out far more disas- joo sly, in the finsncial point of view, its most decid-d opponent ever pre- Yet, notwithstanding such un- March 1871, when they declared in favor of J3tble. experience in the past, the Macdonald-Cartier Ministry is of Parliamentary control over the expen- diture of public funds, and condemned igh about involving the country in a still Eo 'and colossal undertaking, in an enevita- sons Art Journal, published in New York will give some idea of the entertainment. " There are to be times in Roches- again ter, N. Y., dint first week of July. Mr. George H. Ellis, the most en ing and music publi and piano dealerin that part of the State, has devised |- a Grand Musical Chemiol): to last four ntl July Sih, dung hich nga, : n y uring which a d : ---- concerts will be oy mine artists | To the Editor of the Ontaric Reformer: from this city Dodsworth celebrated | Dear Mz. Eprros, . band. These concerts will be given in an 1 see from your valuable paper immense tant, purchased from P. T. Bar. | week, that the Reform Convention of the | Lu} nam, and capable of holding some ten | South Riding of Ontario have met at hodsand people. One of the ing | 'Whitby and nominated as their candidate foatures of this enterprise is the immense | Truman P. White, Esq. - As in all prob- |; waiubeg of rich and valuable gifts which | ability the elections will Jeome on soon, I will be distributed among the ticket hol- ders. The gifts will exceed six. thousand in number consisting of Pianos, ranging | ing in price from $1,600, downwards,%spaus of | matched carriage horses, beautiful sets of jogeien Sa tion Mr. a man of extraordinary activ- ity aig, and is cortain to oarry out whatever he undertakes, We have |i known him for some fifteen years, both socially and in business ; and are satisfied that enterprise will be crowned with t sacoess, for his are everywhere, and his resources are infinite." Excursion boats will 12ave Bowmanville, Oshawa, and Whitby each day of the Carnival, and convey reionists to Charlotte and back for half price. Tickets for the Carnival, with a chance for any of | ¢ the prizes, $1.00; for sale in Oshawa at Hindes' Hotel, the Commerial Hotel the Oshawa House, and by Messrs. Chisholm and Neale. Mixed, - - « «250 p.m. ARB don, Express, - « « 75 am. Sp : Passenger, - - 7:10 p.m eXpross goes up on Sunday morn- Monday. il i ig po 1 | ] morning but not on WHITBY STATION. going East leave Whitby Station ten earlier, and those going West fifteen later than the above. 1H li 7 i E il k : bf : OSHAWA POST OFFICE. 'The malls are closed at thisoffice, by Post Office te ! , GOING WEST. mail, orning mail, 9.15 mall, = | Fomine mall, 7.06 B.---There will be a maiiclosedifer the west very Sunday Morning, ij i i i 4 i 1 F I if F 4 nl i it! ; ; ¢ I E ! Hf E ¥ ¥ 3 i § hi: i i ; 4 Sofie i i i ; E : KERR g g f : H x8 : C. Fellows: are We EVANS » AERDER 4700. " MARRIED, ; Oubas, on Wednmday evening, 12th! inst., by the Rev. W. Patton, May : Hit : Hl hb IF : I : E HE H HH oH 1 § ' | i g Hal B5F8eE | | E Rawjonxs to EE FAI] orders promptly attended to, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. | 3 E i} i} I ; H F gE g 2 fe 8 if F COUNTY COUNCIL THIRD DAY--THURSDAY. Whithy, June 6th, 1872, Council met at 10 a. m. Warden in the resent bu? Mr, | y previous day read <<: the anomly of those election where a majority @f the friends of the Government were appointed to test ed election cases, the result of which have always been too apparent. The Ref party in Ontario are sble, and, I believe, de- termined to frown down everything that ; E B LEE L £ i E Ea ehi id | £ i £ F : ie Report of Mr. Boulton, Commissioner arrow's bridge, read and laid upon the table. : Petitions presented: from C. Paxton others, praying for the construction of a bridge from the Townshi of Scugts to tlie Township of Cartwright; from F. Wilkinson asking for rent of house owned by him and now occupied by one Patrick Whelan, a confirmed lunatic. . Mr. Bickle gave notice of a by-law to| appoint a Treasurer for this County, and to fix the salary of that office. A by-law to confirm by-law 14 of the Township of Rama, was readl first and second time, and referred to com- mittee on roads and bridges. Council adjourned till 2 p. m., when busiuess ras named, id ths The Warden i upon table rg Rug He increase of i . i e County, i or an of |; : a salary. AA the 'Auditors' report on non- ug $0 nat leating iq resident land fund tand annual report of | "py ot 0 that all Taverns are to be closed during the time of an election; but Ante pep re pT of fol. Council adjourned till 10 a. m. of fol- | 1,0 ig it we ses so many at polii lowing day. who are utter idiots by J 2 polling Pitves It is not difficult to find out the cause, FOURTH DAY--TFRIDAY. Council met at 10 a. m. Warden in the | when agents of the candidates are known with them to the polling chair. Mr. Thompson absent. Minutes | to bring Jiquar places and' have it secreted in some ¢on- read ud confirmed. The Report of special committee ap- | spicuous place, at least very soom made pointed to rovise and equalize the Assess- | conspicnous, by leading their silly dupes ment Rolls, were read and received. | with the greatest apparent friendship to Upon motion to adopt report, Mr. Shier | there quist retreat; on. their return a vote sec-nded by Mr. Bigelow, movedinamend- | is secured and the mans' senses to the demon of drunkeness, ment that the Counsil do go into com- mittee of the whole thereon. Would that the electors of South Onta- Amendment lost on the following divi- | rig, and throughout the Déminien, rise in sion: --Yeas--Messrs. Bickell, Bigelow, | their might, frown down every dishonest Brown. Cowan, Guy, Miller, Sexton, Shier, everything that has even the &p- Smith, (E. W.) Tweedis, White, 11; Nays 50 of evil, for the sake of our honor Messrs. Betz, Button, 0'Donavan, Gordon, | for the sake of our young Dominion; gi 8 Holman, McDermott, McMillan, McRae, | no quarter to i man or any set of men that would not 1 i ! ih 58 g ] F E Tux arrangements for the Firemans' pic-nie, te be held in Bowmanville, on the 7th of August next, are progréssing favor- ably. Invitations have been extenued to the following brigades: Rochester, St Catherines, Toronto, Belleville, Napanee, Peterboro', Lindsay, Oshawa, Port Perry, Cobourg, Port Hope, and Orone. Ina note received from the Chicf Engineer of the Bowmanville Company, he says: | " Your Company (Oshawa) is earnestly & | 28 : : E 4 Es a : i H i | ! 1 g E i Jou» shams whet wo have heard neigh- telling what fapulous Jriees got for pi poultry, they o! Ls Ae Rc' Be "old ican m H 3 2 F g H t 3 i is ¥ A g : £ aEegst $ g £ § i 8% ¥ 3 8 i ; i the Patent Combination for undely assum- ing only $1,500,000. No more subser- way. Its object is to connect British vient tool of the present Ministry can be found than T, N. Gibbs, Eaq., M.P, for more closely with the other and was, insanely, made one South Ontario. He is found supporting conditions of the entrance of that their every measure, ne matter how in- us Hs into the Dominion of Canada. It most gigantic line ever attempted 'jurious, or how unjust to the interest of Ontario, full many an example of which they this continent ; its estimated length is miles, and its course is through one we purpose to lay before the electors in solicited to attend. Don't fail." We be- coming issues. Within a fow short | wildest and most unsettisd districts itish North America; and its ulti- lieve it is the intention of our Company to MN he : | turn out on thas occassien, as'they have al- months you will be called upon to express - your approval er dis-approval of his con- | Y*7* done on former occassions, the best cost is at present incalculable. On fool-hardiness of this herculean work, oe the following from the London duct. Then will you be afforded an | in the crowd. 4 1t is for the sake of Canada opportunity of recording your hearty con- SOUTE ONTARIO REFORM CON- demnation of the present mal-adwinistra- | TENTION. tla! we venture to urge the ex- of pausing before she invests tion at Ottawa. Then will Mr. Gibbs -- - ect: the fate he too justly merits--an | The adjournod meeting of the South lion after million upon a project, not 3 ambitions, but likely % be mere overwhelming defeat. Ontario - Reform Convention, for the se- at), nous than s second Suez Canal, or' a lection of a candidate to represent this riding in the socond session of, the Do- bootond Mount Cenis Tunnel." - Such ia : carpe" timely advice of the leading exponent minion Parliameut, was held in the Me- $337 opinion in London, England-- h has been the warning of the opposi- I fi: i EF F 2.2 Ee ii { ; 2 £ to the Premi Wheat, ¥ busBel,......oonnpe present blind rage. 7 ; A The most J berately concocted Toronto girs GAME OF SLANDER, -- | chanics' Hall; Whitby, Thursday the 6th members from its very conception. Mr. Gibbs' organ, the Vindicator, has inst., and was largel ; ? Se y attended by dele- commenced its system of dirt-throwing at | gates from all parts of the riding. z on pothing could deter John A. and his in their headlong precipitancy, Mr. T. P. White, Reeve of Pickering. and | Thechair being vacant, owing to the the Reform candidate for the Commons. | death of the President, and illness of the Mr. White has no parli katy vocord 4 | chairingn appointed at the mesting held respect to this 'great work, and ac- , in the session of 1871, through influence of the Gevernnfent, the the 30th alt., odi - attack or misrepresent ; hence his actions ua od by the Rare of Mp, IY. of the country was rashly pledged to it inside of two years, and have in the County Cuuncil are made a text for | Spears as chairman, pro tem, and Mr. S. our devoted co-fem. This is nothing moro | J. Holden a3 secretary. : than might bs expocted, the Tory craft-- | A communication from John Rateliff, within ten. Rashley, we say, * ithe first condition necessitates undue Tithe, and the latter involves an utter Esq., Columbus, was read, regretting his when andi oo initicy. During the session justi they again resumed. he question of adoption of the report itbos: on tion being the F y ; HY To Contractors. Tamms SE re Oshawa, June 1878. Wiw. STRAYED. Fagus a Eh ATE eo yver, sk § = £3 g ri | 7 i iF HL S38 2 il i , Pts TE Eh 1 : 2d i od ths nu: ened Fast Whikhy, Sune ad IE WANTED! {§ ERVANT GIRL. Apply to MRS. JOHN B. HARRIS. i t ¥ | 5 } g : i 5 efi & 1, to aid in erection of drill shed in Thorah, be paid to Donsld Ross, the con-- Seacion, ops 'order of Mz. Bolinsun 'snd Kero ot sanding ittee on Conn it committee on - read and considered in com- as anend- amounts of orein. _ Council adjourned till 9 a. m. of follow- ing day. FIFTH DAY--~SATURDAY. 1 HN gl H ti g y iit HEY In Hil 2 8 ar 1 =B is : L Ei E £ A te i niinh Is ilk f £ EF § i HH i z i i ES : : 1] : i ilk i 4 Sabi i i ] 7 ] i § F f 1 ff 1 Fg i E i TET ven a on bya small OF THE Stuer A aay of x EERE U. very chins A.M. FP, Oshawa. ik i hl 33 I 0; j EE i it : | I i . 7 § i Hl £ ¥ E H | E | H LOTS FOR SALE. EVERAL GOOD SIZED TOWN Lots for sale, in a good locality. Terms ressos- WARREN L. ASH. Fresh Fish, Fresh Fish. - HAND AT GARTH THIS NING. a2 twas week dang 08 | F i amount it stated in one of 'our Ameri. Rr Dennings Toi. N. are two old One is | f | Ws ; | ! t | i ff fir i E 1 | i & ! iF E £ ¢ country a "of her §000,000 by leaving the selection of writing { Intercolonial route'with the Govern- a space ht, and in addition, obtained a Railway piece. lost worthiess for commercial purposes. pen, snd the Pacific R. R. ison a far more On one bendous scale, snd bids fair to be the (unsidodpning cap-sheaf of the innumerable Prayer kless acts of the present administration. the addil Union Pecific of the United States, day to 80 miles long, cost $82,000,000, sé the "Praise io fate the 2,600 miles 'Canada transfers ific will cost well nigh ¥150,000,000. to Hamiliugh only 30,000,000 dollars have beea oll this session, yet it is very evident to . 'ky member of the House, and to every elector, that this first bonus is the presage of larger grants in the Lord's Pire. The members of the Government, : i H i : moots rocky coast--always begins | inability to be present at the Convention, life boats. Such are its tactics. i Lat expressing his determination to do au Babinasn, Bate ands Smith, (Scott), War: i lake, | in his power to secure the return of the | ren, Widdifield, 13. maintain the high and hol, inciples of on, the character of Blake | gentleman who might be selected as a Council adjourned till 2 p. m., when Sur glavious Comstiaion oad a4 oo | candi : rinci which are the birt! t little now that T. P. White is upon th | After calling the roll of delegates from pe Beats subject which Se target. . each municipality, an adjournment took | of bt with, and baptized in blood. EE place for one hour; when the Convention | order cf the aa, amendments were moved Then shall our young Dominion prosper | +o DrrErMINED to win at all" hazards, no | ngaih Seamed. ation had and Shares but 3 Degas Ned, su thane when righteousness shall run down our i | isl ele; was again y on ollowing 'division:--Yeas aber i pp - Sospicatia he | the total number 'of delegates answered to | Messrs. Bates, Button, Cowan, O'Donovan | ij SANS SINPIOY secure victory, the U0- | their names, with the exception of one | Gordon, Holman, McDermott, McMillan, | ; minion Government are straining every | from ()shawa, namely: McRae, Robinson, Rowland, Smith, nerve and unjustly taking advantage of | Pickering 42, West Whitby 18," East {oatth Warren, Widdifield, I4; Naya, Sir Goo. Onier: Introduced every circumstance, in their effort to make | Withy 18, Oshawa 11, Whitby 12--in Miller. oo hell, ahgclon,B kW) ntrodu z y . 4 , Bex A which peovides that a subsidy | Mir retention of oflice sure, by the elec- | py." py jegation appointed at the first | Tweedio, White, 10, . 'and 50,000,000 acres of | Ho" of supporters as the election. Ontar- | megting of Convention, to wait upon Hon. | The standing committee on printing bo oid in its 5 io, according to the late census, being en- | Geo Brewm and ascertain if he would brought in their report, which was receiv- let granted as construction, | 1 2 to 'six additional representatives, t to accept the tion as candi- | ed and adopted, and the Warden instruct- itis that the Government be empowered | petituencies have been patched up with | date for He Seprescutation of Soqth On- | ed to grant orders for the amounts of iste with any companies, or form visy to the creation of sections that will | $rio, verbally repo that Mr. Brown ¢ tioned th . y themselves, to proceed With | return Tories. . While Sir Joha's bill re- | Baring Jocidec, hot 0 sack a seat in Par | Menara. Gowan ee sei tod o | 12%, in 'work. The Ministers have laid before lating to this question was under consid: | nomination. ' . Socept 8 tel committee, to consider proprie- barca ove: imaginary differences in 4 House no reliable' information 28 to | oration, proof after proof was produced in | _ Dr. Coburn, Mesars. 8. J. Holden, Chas. | ty of granting a sua of money to the | the past, is so evident as to need no com- probable cost ; they can give but the | 4p. House showing the iniquity bf the | King, John Tweedie and Andrew Annis p voluntoers of this ty who may att mig indefinite answers to ali inquiries as vopund ott omindmais wore Jee appoisiod - scrutineers of the bal She pprosdiing annual dlls AT; hich joocomary data ; they are in perfect | 1 5ved, with a view to a more just distri- | ~ On motion of Mr. 8. K. Brown, secend- Jogo plaints" a8 to whether there may not be | tion of the new seats; but to all such | ed by Mr. J. Ferguson, the verbal srmountable natural difficulties to be | .nendments a deaf ear was turned by the | of committee appointed to wait upon Hon. ; there have been no surveys.of Tories, who had "' cooked " matters to suit Geo, Brows - reusivad, aud the com- sult routes from which Parliament | homaelves, and consequently the unjust | On motion rae docuine shat the can? ant aye Mt make 8 selection ; and, in fact, all | | ooure was voted through. Principle is | didate receiving a majority of votes, be : and ged "os to be known is, that the road | wooo in Dominien Cabinet affairs | declared the nominee ol this Convention. ; his obelt® take its rise somewhere in the sped and: trickery 'constitute: th Although the names of several gentlemen nity of Lake Nipissing and meander Ba same h Ey » | were mentioned as candidates, the only use, all ™™7- & | stock-in-trade of the *' powers that be" | one announced authoritatively was that of "look at POUTSe, 8 best it may, across the con- | iy, 4},gir dealing with all public questions- | Truman P. White, Esq., Reeve of Picker- |' inthe got to the Pacific. The Government | paying the least bearing upon anything ree | ing. Of the others, those present would But it iponded that oll choice of route. letting Iating to the exercise of the franchise. not for a noms think of seotpling the "eared fooDtracts, and disposal of this grant | will Ontario submit to be longer abused Noe ation; suc [t was Ho Upon a vote] il mebat Warden in the be left complotely to their judg : ; : Whi Council ig i or unso@rally, ip y. J and cheated out of her rights by those | being taken, therefore, Mr. White was at | chair. Members all present but Mr. exibit #¢ and control.' Pasiismart must | now in office 1 ' once selected be the candidate, and his Thompson, Minutes rend and eonfirued. b>. egate its most secred functions, and | T. N. Gibbs, of South Ontario, was one Hon mille HIROuA, eport of select committee appainted to ; Tackoge Representatives, slcted by the people, | of the Tory compact who voted against eh The praesd a mde hs gugstion ot ut ayes and Aralt bave no voice in the enormous oX- | every motion for as equitahle adj ¢ plate rm, a Eroeted with choos, In re- i id ' : of public money, and' almost | of the repr of thia province. He | sponding, he briefly returned thanks for ite bo ugiralied graiit of public land. Yet, | helped to carve ont constituencies to suit | the honor conferred, and cxpressod a firm il to g"e° wo strous as this demand | the purpose of his masters. Will his con- belief in the success which would attend B saoithas os 100 ried a che scheme is | witoents support him in thus acting] | slection. He would, at the ear.Lat oppor Co mee te ppors » A - "each pac Mndulimiinicis avi ancertainty, snd i". ee" tunity, avail himself of the privilege of ; Qbly distinguishod for the want:of 485 | Tuy Treaty of Washngiton is eonsider. | "ising parts of the Riding with which he . pprate estimate as to cost; Joha A. | od about " dead." The British syern- Was not pers y ted; a 4 " had only to call upon his sub- | pony a that the Arbiteat eld i pelt gl a A coRient supporters in the House who | pet at Geneva on the 15th, and then ad- | tive--of which he had not a doubt--at the voted into the hands of his journ for eight months, to allow of the | end of his term ef office he would bo abls A We : Ow. Truly, Treaty being fully amended and under. rr ich 2 Suir nds, he unto him dle ver befores aw such going it blind, | i450 in the same spirit by both Govern- | _phis course wonld be in accordance with ments. Graut's government refuse to ask | his present professions as a Reformer. for any adjournment, holding that the Bo Sjouruing the Dow ron iiied by «bi outen if | VACA was Arann have the power to adjourn if the. e imous election of James: Holden A vote of thauks was then tendered to Mr. Spears for his efficient services as VILLAGE COUNCIL. Council met on Monday evening last. Members all present except Mr. Wall The Reeve in the chair, Minutes of i] ; ¢ § Hii EK ir 5: H ! Bamoarxs may be expected at the sale of lots this afternoon. Wiskision Biss removed his Boot and Shoe Store to his new stand; King St. Tue boat race between the Atalanta crew of the United States, and an English crow, took place on the Thames on the 10th inst., and was won. by 'the English- men by 20 lengths. W. Wiee & Sox have jnst weceived | of another lot of those splendid Steel Spring | i Béd Bottoms (and: more eoming.) They are cool and comfortable, and pronounced tobe the best in the market, and most durable. Call and get ope. it is also the best place if you want to get good Farni. | be $100 ture, as a greater part is hand made. They are selling verey cheap for cash. Give them a call. 3 | 4 i i of ; i ; i rg i Hi examination that the H ok E g i 1 F i i i if fi 1 E 4 Hi {1H fri i i : £ Association 3 "SHINGLES. | x3 HINGLES OF ALL KINDS FOR 'wale at my Lot No. 6, 4th con. Darling ton, about 4} from ] Pit JONATHAN STEPHENS. Ee 228 FN ¥ H i hi ¥ i 16%] i E : i} ) i : : i March 1, 1572 : | iv 3 i i Lumber & Shingles - JOR SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR : | December, 187. v2 GANPEELL. il 8 i 1 3] ] : centres; } Ba ;

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