~ other many. C8 arc unsup, ¢ will Live : com aA [SPAY IJ! BUTCHER, Jpposite Cowa 8 ual © Yad n's } 3 ui a, "~ i. HAND A St FEL & Co a --- Pj AdommyIo J SPRING, POY uae 's8n or) © pun homestead, 1 his Sith year, Johg [Radu 'soul! 2] > Natritive Tonie AND TIS ) 'SAS JI 1872, QUIJI0SSE + | et Qs 'S.NVYMOD 01 400g 1X3N gasiwadd 4FADHVT anv MAN OL AIAOWIT Ak JL PAY ne N to the G Y Lands, TX et any other a offices or agencies nd a siti ~ & 4 la Banks: 3 sed they J 'sdeog pajuadg 100], 'Squzo 1 i Royal Canadian Bank, Canadian Bank of Commerce, Ontario Bank. And when a ment 13 tot where there {re oes 1o141g pue Anjend 1529 943 Jo ' ' sgn o4([ Jo down "with ble the Stom- waste goin 1 exe 8) § 8 0 A 'sorsnagy 1 19 ysi8ug] pure youd ZY0LS DAYT SNOSNIZLV '2UINUd PHOTOGRAPHY. J. 0.3R.H. Henry Ilave secured, and yowiy fitted up | with all th OPENING, t Latest Improvements, both in ONE OF THE a praratus and 5 ANVILEE MAREERTS, April 83 Lass 6 oe a3 LR 0S oes 040 045 a by making LARGEST Clas Pictures! EPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO Ealarging and Cofouring Photographs Oshawa, April 11, 1872, 5241 stock of New Spring Cloths is now complete, t Advertisements. and <mbraces all the | " i | | RICK MCBRIAN, ¥. D., M. R. C. 5. : bind LATEST STYLES] | % 3 Det e. | i LONDON, ENG- : fiom t , RITE dip he Stock is oue of the hest ever brought into | /ANTED ! ' ' tk a. oo nh) i | ly to SPITAI CEORGE COURLEY'S. | ; | | BEAUTIFUL] G ENTLEMEN requiring New Saitz, would do well to call early | JOHN B. HARRIS, and leave their orders. | Fish, Foe Fish. TRIAS | Fu Doo b the Dest Mammen, H'S, JTHIS LIVING eck during the | Pa dat PRICES Sy STOCKS : | im. ; AR obs el : eg, # D oR STOLEN. i T E EY IS ES OF THE - ast Whit- p and 4 . that will for their ~---- AND Good Fits Guaranteed | awa, April 12,1332, 1-tf h'yrecommeonded ta Tadic asa paaton forth let. Xow sndcring the EVER EXHIBITED IN DAVID McGEE. - NED Blow Joa= rooms Divheen, it 2 HODDER cannot b> r i ~ RBOLIC RIACARE? SOAP ¥ » postestcs oll 1 afc ing prope ented, has al riitation, remo I thonld.be rex malin ON, ONTREAL. 0 UEBEC, To-morrow (Saturday), ~~ t a OSHAWA, REMOVE ONE DOOR SOUTH, | | | to tho premises lately occupied by AND AT PRICES THAT WILL ERLEY'S LINE, t-Class VYOOD MACLEAN, HECTOR. STREET, VILE, . Defy Competition! ad y I'd siciaue, sorders arf now, ia iho Maleria dad I Ju Ajuo pies IHL A' INSPECTION INVITED. r » '0 Contractors / CIF1C GES r LS D SPE ATIONS ina few zs to be ) storeys fpet deep. (Co and Oshawa. 1 R SALE SELINA ST, a half Frame IHL XI » A. M..GHISHOM, 'S.L1LIHOLIS IVIN BTY ON Bak 3 Krive 3 n. 'There is 2 bas ever hoes hed 38d a good recs on \ < 'S000VdOL dvd N3IE109 ONY LSIML S3Jvd 3S AN s apply on the ¥ ALTER FOGG. _ Thetd L ISHAHMONS GIBBS' BLOCK. - od 8 lee Joong 00 WIS EM LOST. : IFS ARE HFREBY 1 ogotiatin for A nots EL A. DLARBORN in favor of Tajed November ist, 1871; Aue OSHAWA, Aptil 5, 3673 "LI AYL 7 3wpd | | 3 Ten. 1873-522 TTAD. 0 2 HIS SPACE IS left to show that BAMBRIDGE has always on hand New and Secend-liand "Wagons and Carrigges ready when called for, at reasonable rates. TAUNTON. AEE Every Shelf, Holo end Corner! SLA PRLSPEIITS NEW SPRING @o Ds GY FT tine " Give my Tho & t Grateful to a generis public for past liberal patronage, I beg most cecher. is an legs ant oi sc. aT, With an Exceedingly Ghoice Assortment of A Represesint'xe ard Champion ef Amovican Ave 1, --AT-- tw W WILLARD'S, Thue M. 4 14 ad TRATED ALUINE ©) make thes pro- | festion w { a 100 for Sauty, sal ost tfnlly to anpounce that on account of Increasing business he has THE ALDINE, 4 hi ts 4 liged A enlarge his store almost as large again, 'and it is filled, feguiatity, has none ful literature, anf a « | rarest specimens od artis 3 8 fresh paeasur and Leaunty oi SL apprecia ed aller o o Dry Goods of Every Description, COMPRISING close of the Xe ar, Ww f efor apprvachd--absvautely price or character Just completed conn Repahing and Shoe- Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. CASH PAID FOR SHEEP-SKINS AND WOOL. TAUNTON, April 11, 1872. fine paper and eng number of volumcsy/or ten limes its ¢o i; Dress Goods, Fine English and Canadian T ods and is Jaber of ge! ing attended to us Cloghs of all kinds, Laces, "Mourning Goods, Ties, Shirts, Prints ue question. \. usaal. » nunber specially reser . (an excellent assortment) Hosiery, Collars, Boots and of ati, 1) wifes ex SoD . Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks. Also, a choice assortment of Segoe as well Fou Hable boy wr asper, | SIMCOE STREET, The enthusia apport so readily acc - > C to their enterprise, ; were ver it has been intr OSHAWA. G R O E R | = S duped: has convine at the pubitsuersof (1 al Marc] > DINK of the sounin: 3 Of dic th2)cy taal the | arc} 72. . ' Awerican public would recognize and heartily | March 29, 187 y N PRICE | support <ny Sine ere tiv Bis to vale the long | [7 N T N HN and standard of illustrate nt licatiors. hat SECOND TO NOME HOR QU ALITY A Db J a. so.many w eekly wie ed ty exist and thri is not evidence that there is no market tor an { thing better--indeed the success of THE AL | | DINE from the siart is direct proof of the con- trary. Wilh a population so vast, and of such varied taste, a pubiisaer can chouvse his pe | and his paper, is rather indicative of his own | than of the taste of the coun 1 of the excell nce of tuis a 53-3m. | cox. "James H. Beard i Frank ie acd, Paul goa, J. tow . . | Lnese p 8 1uc bd without i? ! regsrd tu exper engravers in | | the country, Sud t eritical any exits LOTS FOR SALE. {EVERAL GOOD SIZED TOWN for sale, ina good locality. VN Lots Terms reason- | WARREN L. ASH. h, 1873. --HAVE-- | Wins VE 5241, | HEN) S10DD: AL D, w dl.cs ul Oshawa, March 28t WANTED. | GOOD STEADY )Y BOY--OXNE ABLE | to handle a team and plow, and make | him=elf generully useful. Appiy to JOHN GOULD, Foley. 51-3w-pd NOW OPEN April 5, 1872. CAUTION! HEREBY FORBID ANY PERSON Aut a oil painting by i r wife as I shall not be re- NATU GE 8 SClouL., c sponsible any > Gon contracted by her, or any heb an exact simile, in si other pe arson alle or this date, neither do 1 Five is 0€ se- sph | gravings, (four in tial) any, @ | $1, wil be senl'y JMBOUL exira « --THEIR-- SPRING SHOW : OF ing of any property JACOB RAICARD; Last Whitby, March 22, 1272, 503-w pd ILEAV ING TOWN. BARRET HAVING SOLD e out to J. 0. HENRY he will leave allery on the 23th inet, ; and HOTT allery will be ¢l d on the 3rd of April. GOOD BY, BARR GOOD BY, HOITT! No more cheap pictures in Q:hawa, In ¢, HHOITT hopes to see many s, and any new oncs FIELD and GARDEN | ORDIES ISR PAINTINGS BESPECITILIY LOLC » N A larze asaortment of Pietare Frames go of n hich must ard wil be sold at | . r ess than ever before offered ° 3 Alzc, A CREAT RED A \ ON wn rrrcrs 4 ICTULRES. . EHOITT. H E Florence So Machine, JOHN iS A AN AVI dm TA Seleections from Leading Growers in Britain S f N TCC Chak | \ and the Dominion. . [Si ; POST'S MUSI N ! VICLC 0X. Whi description of the muchine, will | + With Besides which they have ordered a Lot of the Crorcest ORS ESL WILLEDK. VARIETIES from Whitdy, Jan. 18, 41-1 REWIOVA TRIPP & SHAW, A HY e occupied by Thomas Haw King on Oshawa, where they wiil, as keep constantly on hand a splendid stock A BOOTS & SHOES for Ladies' and Gents' wear, and which they | will sell at Jowest rates, Boots and shoes made to order on the shortest notice. Good Fit Guaranteed. Oshawa, Feb. 16, 1872. si ors Notice. : Wes Administrators Notice SHINGLES. JHINGLES OF ALL KINDS FOR b.) sale at my Mill, Lot No. 6, 4th con, Daring: tun, about 4; mies icin Bowmanville. JONATHAN STEPHENS, March 1, 1872. aa INI M3 '1180000 Add ONIHdS M3 '"" w Vicks Celebrated Floral Catalogue, ADNVA '53407 ANY SUYTI00 MAN 'S3IVT M1 IN » $ "To be along in due time--all with a view to meet the Wants of the Country at Large. 's.gdvNyvar MOVED TO THE STAND |. 'eqeon "05d TTINVIN A "emeysO '1004S Burd ' r I LAND PLASTER AND SALT. STEELE .B OTHERS GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN. Oshawa, January 5th, 1872 N PURSUANCE uF 1 Of the late 4 late and I laims to | =F IF YOU WANT A FIRST- CLASS! PIAN OR DIRECT IMPORTATIONS i FROM EUROBE lage of Ost day of April, the said Admin the aa cts of the said deceased ons Ril Jed ther by lie assCls sO (is :ht or claim he > of suc h di hereby sa . ith made Dated this 12 » whos W. F. COW NE Is now in receipt of a portion of his SPRING IMPORTATIONS. He would draw particular attention to the following lines, which are offered - FAR BELOW RULING PRICES! 4000 yds. Grey Cotton, at 5c. yd. 2000 yds. White * '7:c. yd. 3000 vy Lin'g Cloth,1l1c. yd. 2500 yds. Beautiful Prints 12.c.yd. A Large & Varied Stock of Dress Goods. && All who desiro Style, and Extra Value for their money, should make | their selections without delay. | n rs of Mare 1 JORN DIC RIE, Administrator. HOUSE AND LOT! For Sale: {ITUATED ON ALDERT, STRE EL SOU TH of Ju uke's t t Ww MACHINE CALL ON § NESS! Geo. S. CLIMIE, AT THE ' | (11 CHANGE OF BUSI AVING DISPU " MY BUT- | CHEK Sb V. Steplior | [44 ONE CASE OF FRENCH KIDS REFORME of the Foussic brand--a glove which takes the lead in England, and which has been before my customers for fifteen years is Toronto and OFFIOE. Oshawa. Although these gloves have advanced serpusly 1 still offer tol cou Ih: tosay to my | them at the old price of $1 Jos pois. f Or gr SALE. Large Wel Selected Stock of TWEEDS and CLOTES will be found in has Gont hrs 'pertment, and cust m rs are respectfully requested to place orders for, Suits befure the assortinent is broken. i W. F. COWAN. Osma~ 2, 1872 : a Luaage od AGE HENRY. class Meals w Cad kisius will always be Kipt unlan mu daly, and au es wis Cush ew 1 ac Wielr Bolsce Wii pledsc Jouve Worl al Lae M hop. A Cod is s0uts tu, as Gu pains wid Le | RES hol» "cont: red . ¥ | ELMS3--$500 Cash Bal ans in year'y lastals a N. STEPHENSON We or Present rental, $250. . N. xb Oshawa, Feb, 27, 1872. i WILLIAM DEANE ing. * Also, two lu.s acd | ard, on B Brock Sucoteas, | | O skeva, Feb, 6, 1512 WINTI SEWING | VILLAGE LOTS | FOR SALE. . | FIAYING PURCHASED MR. COX. NTS Interest In the M-Cregor perty, { offer for sale twelve Tots on the wats. e of { Centge Sireet. Terms: Ouo-third eash; balance | nn mortage, with interest al ei ht per cent. | wie Ps 0 will ersct a house | 1 | Hn Ba, ie | S i vale 3 the lictes for s vatue © k or For ful particulars enquire of Lyman Tiglish, [12 | F. W. GLEN. i | | i rance polict amount Ostiwa, March Tih, 1872. Tripp's Pactioe! Effusion: Ladies and Gontlem Vio stand in nee LL ck on hand, and more coming. -- in exchange for goods. e Sireet, one r Narth of Top: P & SHAW. ALLAN LINE. 0SRAWA AGENCY. B ER-SERVICE! t with the Canadian Government the Canadianand U. 8, Mails. STEAM WEEKLY TO ||. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY AND CLASGOW. HIS COMPANY'S LINES ARE posed of the tnderngtéd Full Powered, Built Iron Steamships: (Huilding), Sarmatian, . Gespian, 5,250 tons, Capt." AB tans Capt. Ballan- Lieut. Dutton, oon Captain J. | Under Contr: fur carryin, tyne, R.N. Wy Ti by Alrd. XM Brown. i" 2A in, 2,600 tons, Smith, R. N. Germatiy, 250 J. Graham, denderry, Qu aturday, on arrival of the pros irom 3 2 disso, Quebes ine bet ween Glasgow, and Montreal, RATES ob PASSAGE. Oshawa to Liver; oot and Londonderry, First C abiz from $81 to 201, according to aceommoda 3 ha udiug a plentifal PRE visions, served out by the the Company. . First Cabin, $71; se, $2, , good for six months, fis- Formi; Ee u week | sued at redideed rites, Prepaid Europe Passenger Certideates ars issued at Redoced Rates to parties wishi bring out their fie iS feos England, Ir¢lan bo Scot land, to « wei dy ida. The Steamships of bs streal Ocean Steam- gui p Company land 11 engers at the Grand k Railway Wharf, © PORTLAND, passen gers thereby av nz the usual charges-of cart- ing and hand f baggage, Express" ns in "Portiand on arrival of the { Ocean Steamers for Monireal, Taronto, and all western points 3 and the [acilitios "afforded passeng A by the ALLA RANE cannot be sur passed by any othe Forti aroug hh passa Hong apply to Steamships will be despatched from Liverpool and Portland as foliows: & tickets Ee adevery informa- FROM LIVERPOOL. FRO: PORTLAND, | AITBERNIAN v 3nd Dee. MORAVIA ith " inh " NEstoktak oo Kyo Gh Jan, o IL & A. ALLAN, rto L. SMITIL, Avent, Ageuts, Montreal. Pou Lilice, Quhawa, OYSTER BAY! Fresh "Oysters RECEIVED DAILY --A Te i JONES SIMCOD STREET. OSHAWA, Sold by the. Plate or Can. Fa, of Canned Fruits, Jel: ZA lies, ete., cn hand and for sale. The choigost Fruits, of all kinds, in their | season. Tho highest pried peid for all kinds of choice Fruita. 2 Sign of The Oyster Bay Bamp. Oshawa, October 26, 1371, 7 NEW DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT "RE-OPENED! MISS ROOME the rooms HAYS RESUMED BUSINESS IN Next Door to HOITTS véizs to call the attention of those hive so liber pity suppased her since her mencement in in und while han: them for past favors, solicits a continuance of the same. . Oshawa Dec. 8, 1871. Leumber & Shingles OR SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR- lington, ng A. B. CAMPBELL. December 1, 1371. fIR 4 | APPRENTICE WANTED 'WOACTIVE RESPECTABLE LADS wantad, from 14 to 19 yerrs of nge, one asan apprentice, aud one to assist a Cabinent Maker. 'Those used tc the tradepreferred. Good wages | given, Apply to W. MITCHELL. | 1 3 Brock strooty East End. fer 6 o'clock any eveuirg. Oshawa, July 6, 1571. 1847 | VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. TPHE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS JOR pee his pro rty on William street, consis: ing of a black of four houses ahd avy over 4n acre of lard, Jt is high, well drained, and in & state of good cultivation, Also, that fine pr in Prince Albert, now occupied Ly Mr. Wilcox, Bailiff. [-} 'HUGH CARMICHAEL. Oshawa, June 22nd. BUTTER. RIMI DAIRY BUTTER, AT 18 CENIS PER POUID, AT TREWIN'S. Oshawa, Dee, 1, 127L PRO BONO PUBLICO. LL KINDS oF ¢ ANCFRS AND Tumors takon ont and hout the a of the kni'e, by Bi B. PATYT A 1h3 of ve refgrences given in Bowinaw land Are Orries--{anssa Seest, Dgwasmiie Maid i, baie Stand-- to I nf : a a RS a er -- a p40. 1 2A ml th Se 5 A 0. A SERRE PL A gH HS AA 18 i