¥ 4 RIP SRT AN i Howe AN ANNExATiONIST.--There is | little aoubt but that Howe is at heart an annexationist. No man short of a villain, a traitor, or a fool, could utter the ramp- ! ant treason he did during tho "'dark days" of Nova Scotia, (that is, before the ** bet- ter terms" times.) Office, fo a needy | | Owe dose cures common Sore Throat. Neo Risk. Thomas' Eclectric Oil! ste Weight in Gold. Do you know anything of it! A not, it is time ine you did JAIN CANNOT STA STAY WHEREIT IS , It isthe cheapest Medicine ever made. One bottle man, quieted him, but as the croppingout | De Broo, Fifty cents worth has of the rock shows what the substratum | . must be, 30 do these obullitions of pre- tended fear, point the way to ultimate an- nexation as manifest destiny. To fear is | half defeat. To declare it toa young men's Christian assembly, is to sow rank political heresy, and scatter broadcast seeds which will yield an hundred-fold.-- That is not the worst of it. The Cabinet of which he is a member does not repudi- | ate these sayings. Why should it! It has | trampled ruthlessly on the Act of Con- federation in the Nova Scotia concessions --in the terms of admission of British Columbia and of Manitoba. Its leading | member has delivered to the Yankees | our Rhine, has put in jeopardy our fish- | eries, has relinquished many just claims, | and is prepared to make Canada a sca goat to bear the sins of the empire. sensible man wha has watched the wares of the Ottawa Government from its incep- | tion wo this hour, expects it to take an | honorable course on public questions. Its | whole career has been one of vacillation, iency, and questionable morality. -- Woodstock Review. Hzarre 1s Steexera.--To prevent ox conquer disease is one of the grandest at- tainments over aimed at by man ; and Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers will as sure cure eoughs, coulds, tickling in the throat and pulmonary complaints, as war and pestil- ence will destroy. Severe colds if not at- tended to sooner or later lead to incurable consumption, and the strength strongest soon fails if neglected. The readiest and best means known for the eu~e of these complaints is " Bryan's Pul- monic Wafers, "which have been thorough- ly tried for the last twenty years, and have never been known to fail. Singers and \ public speakers will also derive great bene- B¢ from the use of them. Sold by all medicine dealers, at 25 ots. per box. Nor Qurre So.--*'It is among the most i savage and debased tribes only that the | eondition and comfort of the horse hare been neglected," but we believe there are many in civilized conntrics who are guilty of the same neglect, and without the ex- suse of the former ; here all may avail themselves of the use of an article which was done more than anything else hereto- fore known to improve the condition and relieve the suffering of the horse. Those who will not use it will be the loosers, their horses the sufferers :to avoid both use " Darley's Condition Powders and Ar- abain Heave Remedy," satisfied with the result. mame, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ontario, proprietors aid you will be Wuo Wourp 32 Wrtnour Ir. None, we are sure, if they knew the wonderful effoct the " C matter what part is affected, or from what cause it arises, the moment the Pain De- , stroyer is applied, that moment you will "get relief. Itis the greatest medicine ever known for the cure of rheumatism, pleurisy, neuralgia, tooth-ache, head-ache, sprains, . bruises, bowel complaints, &c. Sold by all medicine dealers. "Tamia Naxx 1s Lecrow," may be ap- plied tothose who die annually of C P | cured an old Standly of the | sin; Yemomber the | Pain Destroyer" has | Whi upon all kinds o aches and pains. No! Cough. One ortwo bottles, les and Ki idney Troubles. | Six to eight applications cure any case of Excori- | ated nipples of inflamed Breast. One bottle has | cured lame back of 8% years standing. Daniel | Plank, of Brookfield, Tioga County, Pa., says: "I | went thirty miles for a bottle of your Oil, which effected a wonderful cure of acrooked limb by six applications." Another ;who has had Asthma for years. says: "I have half of a5 cent bottle left, and $100 would not buy » ir] could get no mape. Rofus Robinson, of Nunda, N. Y., writes: "One small bottle of your Ecleotric Oil restored | the voi. here the person had not spoken above | 8 whisper in fivg years, Rey. J. Mallory, of Ww pom N. Y., writes: * Your Kcleetric Oil | cured me of Browchine in one week." Dealers | all over the country say: * We have never sold a medicine Jhat, has given such complete satis- cures bad cases of ast | It is composed of six of the best oils that are [ known. Is asgood totake as for external use, and is believed to be immeasurably superior to anything ever made. Will save you much suf- fering and many dollars of expense. Is sold by one or more dealers in every where these circulars are found. Price, Why not | | buy it today cents. * | Prepared pared br 8. N THOMAS, Pucures, N. Y., And NORT! oP & LYMAN, NEwcasTLE, Out. Sole Agents for the Dominion. | Notk.- eletyic- Selected and Electrized. | For aslo b; Atkinson and Dr. Deans Oshawa; Ry A voy by J. H. Gerrieand J. Bym n Bevo he John Warren, Bold by J HIGGINBOTH AM and D. STOTT i Bowmanvilie On Canadian Pain Destroyer 8 A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT I well and favorably known, relieving thou pain in the ands from Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Sprains, Pra Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus. Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, dc. The CANADIAN Pain DEsTROYER has now been before the public for a length of time, and wherever used h well liked, never falling in a ve per when 'timely used, a we have never known a single nf issatisatiion, \ where ih furections have have been roperly follow: ut on the con og LL en with its operations, and s of the highest terms of its virtues and magical effect. We speak from eX rience in the matter, hav- ing tested it thoroughly ; and therefore those who are suffering from any of the comp which it is Say ee 13 may depend owt it a Sovere el De aston: a ed. ofthe Canadian Pain Destroyer in ou jug the # for which it is derful effects in sub- duingthe torturous 8 Biina. matism, and in | relieving Nervous A of Rheu lections, entitle it to high | Junk in the list of cio: Orders are coming | ne Pealers, in all parts of the an: , for nl sup and each testifying: ast io the universal sat jon it gives. e Canadian Destroyer never falls to ve "immediate relief. All Medicine Dealers ; Physicians er and use it; and no amily will be without it after tryin it.d ig A only Tuy. five Cents per For sale b; Atkinson and Dr. "Deans shawa; in Eo k A by J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrue Erooklyn by John Warren. Sold in Bowmanville by J. Higginbotham and D. 'Stott, and all medicine dealers. The Great Female Remedy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. HIS INVALU ABLE MEDICINE IS | uafailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female consti- Fr ixsubject. It moderates all excess and re- | moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be | refied on. TO MAR RIED LADIES It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pariog with regularity. These Pills should not be taken b Females during the FIRST THREE MO! NY Sof Frey: nancy, ast. are sure to bring on Miscarriage. but at any other time they are safe. In all Cases of Nervous and § 'hites, other means have talled ; and although a power ful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, anti- mony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the Lo mphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. $1.00 and 12} cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, t., general agents for the Dominion. will insure Kotte, aula over 30 ile, b y return mail, For e bt W Atkinson and Dr. Deans Op in Nib 'by J. H. Gerrieand J. Byrne | in Broclyn by' John Warren, Sold by 5 TSGINBOTHAM and D, STOTT wmanville, Ontari: tion, although science has of late years sensibly: diminished their number. It is gratifying to know that the general use of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry is largely instrumental in attaining this end. VETERINARY Surgeons all over the coun- try are recommending Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders fer the following trouble in horses: -- loss of appetite, rough- ness of 'the hisir, stoppage of bowels or water, thick water, coughs and colds, swelling of the glands, worms, horse ail, thick wind, and heaves. Jomxsox's ANoDYNE LiNIMENT may be " administered to children with perfect suc- cess, in cas-s of croup, whooping-cough, influenza, and almost any of the diseases to which they are liable. OrrressioN after eating, head-ache, nervous debility, arethe effects of indiges- ion. One, or two at most, of * Parsons' Purgative Pills will give immediate relief. 'in Memoriam. GAINST EXPENDITURES in honor of the dead, Heaven has uttered no prohibition, and Earth is not injured, but benefitted, by them. those beautiful emblems which adorn of the sd loving the * alle and Moved ones viates our grief soothes the © take this method to inform y Fh we cah fill orders for ysl he ves of departed friends, at low fren, executed in the best style of workmanship. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE --AND-- SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, ed ¢ to Cemetery ork Til met ng kh Prous attention, by EE -- American Organs! HE SMITH: AMERICAN ORGAN | Co. have now ¢ mpleted their Twenty-Fir: t} Jeep of § uiniatan, Wit a constant and still increase | | of growin, As the manufactory is one of the it also ranks among the highest in the rr country. During the long ex erience of the Inanuioctaress thes have Sisadi) pr of every method to nbd the uality of tone and 10 increase the mechanical lities for the performer. And though they expect to continue the course of improvement, they are abundantly satisfied with what has done, and with the estimation in which their in- or are held by f music. RES i EE ; i £ § £ i Stop and See. HE FOLLOWING REMARKS ON Testimonials of wonderful and ex cures in Te aby the GREAT i: DIAN are stern, aod inconiemable facts, sufficient to te , 8, conv that the Great Medical Com; Gi 4 Joarned afer for ages is now accessible the reat SHOSHONEES REMEDY For Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, EB © s, &c. oll v Storms of Br that of Peter C. rio, of Consump or that of Ambrose" Wood, of Consecon, tario, ia and Liver Complaint, or that of oy jt oscy, of Napauenr Ontario, of Rhenmatism, who had 'actually been on crutches for years, in spite of all treatment might be mentioned had we space. 4% Call at the Drug Store and get a Circular o unquestionable certificates on the GREAT SHO INEES REMEDY and satisfy yourselves. Price of Remedy in Large Pints, $1. 23 For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers in + icine Agents 108 Bowmanville Messrs. J. nbotham tott A N & Lyman, Newcastle, gl nied Manhood, | How "Lost, How Restored UST PUBLISHED A NEW edition - of pr. Sulverweily the radical cure (without medicine) of 8 rma- torrhees, or Seminal hid we I Losses, Alatge, hiv | Physical Incapacity, Tipe - | riage. etc; Consump Aue induced by self-indulgence or Erin, 42 only 6 cents. admirable oF, demonstrsies loom a thirty pong or 1 ce, e alarming consequences radically cured clear! s may be without the i i All necessary fai Pl NE Mass. ILM : £ i i a or the a Sr of the knife : pointing out - mode or cure a} once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every iarat: no matter what Worth Ten Times | heretofore, and 18 now well. Scores of such cases | 7 ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, APRIL 19,1872. LOOK OUT FO Good Photographs ! TO BE MADE AT Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY, BROOKTLIN, BY HARRY TAIT, { Philip Taylor CHEAPEST Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilver Plated, and Fancy Goods. PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker & Jew ler, Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. tf. 11m. JAMESZHEGERRIE, Fam i)fBrug Fiore, ML ith) bo at the lowest possible prices. | | | | : [THEQUARGEST [STOCK OF ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS | IN, THE COUNTY OFJONTARIOJ Just received direct from the manufacturers. A great variety of patterns, and selling Whitby, April 13, 1871 NEW ESTABLISHMENT IN OSHAWA MISS ROOME, of 8. TREWIN, begs to inform the Anhabl. anst of Oshawa and surrounding country that she has opened a New Store on KING STREET EAST! IN THE STAND Lately Ocoupied by Mr. J. J. Hall, where she will carry on the business of | DRESSMAKING, MANTLE-MAKING and the making of CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, &eo., &c. --IN THE-- Latest Styles & Fashions Having had a Jong experience in the bison confident of suiting all. entrusiod to her will be iy ar d taste. A share of patronge solicited, Y Sstncien for ARgatiosn Money to Lend --AT-- REDUCED RATES. Ax Now PREPARED TO LEND any amount of money, on the security of Good Farm or Productive Town y. at the Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, n sums and manner to suit borrowers. Principal can be re-paid by yearly instalments, or in one sum. Investments made in Debentures, Mortages, and other securities. SILVER AND OREENRACKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. For further particulars apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &e. 's Block, Brock St., Wh Tx NATIONAL PILLS. The Best Cathartic of Any Age or Country. ABEWD DISCOVERY OF ME- composed of "NMCIVN YFRIAYL worthy of a Crh - 4 THEY ARE SUGAR COATED. Wa Sold by all druggists and medicine ealers. WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & CO., ELIE ok A GALVANIC FLUID, Universally acknowledged to be ose me of nest powerful Liniments for the cure of DR. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, And for all cases where an external » Piestin te eulred, an tensive 2d for the complaints enumerated. HR b all Drasgista aad Modietn WOODRUTFT, BENTLEY -& CO., Proprietors, C FLUID. to any paid on a 2 eavsiope. to any ortwo Culverw el"s * Marriages Guide, Pro Bono Publice. LL KINDS 3 ri Bi. 87 Tinad AND Azgga Es ay a -& EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND Simcoe Street, Os awa. DRESSMAKING ATE OF THE ESTABLISHMENT "amid OINVA'IVD SHIA0E UA MARKUS MAY ER,% BOWMANVILLE, Invites the attention of his friends in Oshawa and vicinity to his enlarged place of Business and his Superior Steck of Goods. His long experience ass PRACTICAL HATTER AND FURRIER! And his strict attenti d him in Enlarging his Stock, and he is now offering chp ont AR to buyers. His fat purchases have been heavy, and his assortment of Hats, Caps, Furs and Buffalo Robes! PAPER COLLARS, NECK TIES, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, &c., Are well Worthy of Inspection. ¢ Bust ------ When Tou Want a Nice Set of Furs for Your Wife or Daughters, CALL AT M. MATTERS. Furs Altered and Repaired. Highest Price Paid for Raw Furs. Bowmanville, Oct. 5, 1871. (26) 1871. NEW FALL GOODS. --AT THE- TEMPLE OF FASHION! M. MAYER. 1871. LARGE SUPPLIES! BEAUTIFUL STYLES! ~--=AND-- VERY CHEAP! A Most Comprehensive Stock of Staple Dry Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Winceys, Dress Goods, Linens, Damasks, Carpotings Curtains, Towelings, Hbsiety, Gloves, &e., &c. JUST TO HAND Two Cases of Beaytiful MANTLES, made expressly for our Fall Trade, in Silks, Velvet,Plain and Sind Cloths, Velveteens, together with an asssortment of very Elegant Waterproof Suits. { MILLINERY. MILLINERY. The patrons of the Temple of Fashion frie are legion) will be Pleased to | learn that MRS. REDMAN (late Miss M.!J Thomas) continues to superintend the Millinery Department, and that great pains have been dis nye in the selection of our Fancy Goods, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Trimmings, &ec., 50 as to render this "Eestablishment the Great Fashionable Emporium for all who desire Stylish Goods. Temple of Fashion, Corner King and Simcoe Streets, Oshawa. ig S. TREWIN. SEPTEMBER 14, 1871. WM. DICKIE' S IS NOW COMPLETE IN Dress Goods of the Very Latest Patterns, Irish Poplins in all Shades and Prices, from $5 to $0. Shawls of Choicest Styles, in Stripes and Clan Tartans. Blankets of the Warmest Make, and Woolen Knitted Goods of Fvery Description. | MILLINERY! In great variety, very cheap. Dreas and Mourning Caps, Furs, Bte. Ladies' Bayard 'Bid Gloves, Two Buttons, in k and Colors. TAILORING Clothing made to orpER by First-class Workmen, and a Good:Fit Guaranteed. Overcoats and Pea Jackets, Pants and Vests, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND PRICE. Fancy Flannel Shirts and Drawers, all Colors. Collars, Ties, Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Valises, and Trunks, from 81.50 to $16. Hats and Caps Cheaper than Ever. BOOTS AND SHOES A large assortment of evesy description for Fall and Winter. Overshoes, Rubbers Ete., Good and Cheap. Buy the Lockman Sewing Machine and the Self-Baser from 3 : W. DICKIE. a» Medical Hall. 1871. DR. DEANS AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co., would inform the public that he has just received a full assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, TOILET ARTICLES, &., WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOSTRREASONABLE PRICES, Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug'Store. Rememberfthe stand. 'nearly foppesite HindesTHotel. Paras, Ani dd, 1871. . 1-4. AUCTION AND 8 Now USED IN ALL THE PRIN. Commission Business. |wd 1871. 6. B. Steck's Celebrated Extra Machine 0il over all oth HE SUBSORIBER Ix RETURNING | state the ever es 5, any other we have run Planer 7 with one CLIMAX DOUBLE CYLINDER THRESHING MACHINE, Manufactured Ton, Glasgow & & $3 hich a the bee Rol Mackie over 1 will run Stock's Oil agai the Dominion, and 1p I pre! Olive oil, or any A.Hex a ei Joseph Hall Works. 1 find Stock' 's Oil to be the best oil T have ever LITTLE GIANT THRESHER AND Hh Rbvionsto' ook, WAT tnd SEPARATOR, Mosks Sure, Duffins Creek, Ont. Share fous arms awn uss, made by Joseph i wo rath 40 dan any JOHNSTON SELF-RAKE REAPER, |" da Strence pn. in it. THE BUCKEYE COMBINED, Faroman for Brown & & Paterson, THE OHIO COMBINED WOOD' N -.SELF-RAKE, a an other ofl in Sperm or on machinery. Lo Thre once QU dnd Lgnd SH THE CAUGACHIEF JUNIOR MOWE xperincs. ye eves geod THE FAR FAMED PARIS GRAI DRILL, ovis ALTER, ah ou PRIIVATORS JARG ha N, Markham, LL OTHER 1 ame Buoei's Ou om mip machtmersy, which re- 0 Sm ar CL HESRERT Sivas about, hob and find it | J, CCH, Bag, Onl. a, IE HL GEO. B, Esq., 2 } "ES ey gum corode, and re! Very aly youn inten SOLE PROPRIETOR : GEO, B. STOCK, Bsoucmak, Oxr. AGENT FOR THE DOMINION | STOCK & WEBSTER, Box 18, - . ws, .. We prefer Stock's Oil to oily everuind; fy Oratory & 56 AND MARBLE, MADE AT NEW- CASTLE, ALR oH of Bi b Points and "DAVID BISHOP. SP han. and al ther kind of repatrs. Tm FALL AND WINTER STOCK AT THE Dominion Furniture Warerooms | C. H. DUNK'S Noiseless Patent Steel Spring Bed Bottom Is THE CLEANEST, EASIEST, | And for durability and simplicity has no equal. | TO WHOM IT MAY OONOERN. Just Received ed & For Sale| THE JOSEPH HALL MACHINE OSHAWA, ONTARIO. ESTABLISHED 1851. |TheJoseph Hall Mastnsburing Crm PROPRIETORS. WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION TO OUR Weitere NUMBER ONE AND TWO BUCKEYE COMBAED have in use the Dominion Steel 8; Bottom, and we are satisfied bik is the TECUMSEH HOTEL, - - GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, - AMERICAN HOUSE, WAVERLY HOTEL, GLOBE HOTEL, - VANDERBILT HOUSE, GLOBE HOTEL, CITY HOTEL, London, Out. Rochester, N.Y, | Syracuse, N.Y. | yot offered ts the publie of Canada. « Albany, N. Y. . A ts many od AMERICAN HOTEL, Troy, N.Y. SNYDER HOUSE, Waverly, N. Y W. Wigg & Son. _Oshawa, Jan. » a dm. INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM sickle edge It has the malleable guards * Ledger Plates. It is also furnished with our Y ork, Queenston and Liverpool / CITY or RICHMOND. CITY OF MONTREAL. New AMTWERP, BALTIMORE. CITY Or BROOKLYN. BRISTOL. CiTY OF PARIS. b LIMERICK. | C1TY OF BRUSSELS. DUBLIN, City oF Naw YORK. Sr or oe MaLIaL. I Crrx or DON, Cry ov Worn, Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdays ! From Pier 45, North River, RATES OF PASSAGE. | To Queenston or Cabin. Steerage. i dverpool, - - $75, gold. $%, currency. London, « Mh" 35, P g 90, " 8 " 08 constructed as to Tickets can be bought here rates by persons wishing to send Tor t their friends. For Agent, C. W. SMITH, Osawa. 153m July 20. Sori ifusé, and ¢ yd IREAPER AND MOWER, wisasor, ont | With Johnson's Self Rake, Improved for 187 ios +10 be thd most parties Reaper ent Mowe my © the fellowing It has no Gears on the Driving Wheels, Enabling it to pass over marshy or sandy ground without clogging gearing 1 it loss liable to breakage. It is furnished with) , dh tharshy mien Four Knives, Two for Mowing and Two for Reaping, one of Whisks for cutting ripe, clean grain, the other a smooth' gh outting grain in which thers is grass or seed clover. oth vu Cuufilowar Baz-ant Sleper Table. wilt estate New Patent Titing Tab e¢ for Picking up Lodged Grain, his is the cnly really valusble Tilting Table offered on any combined Reaper aad Mowe, he Tabls can be very easily raised or lowered by the Driver in his Seat without stopping his Team. This is one of the most Important improvements effected in any Machine during the past twe yeam. ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL Can be made to act as Rakes at the eption of the Driver, bys Lever readily operated by Ms feet The Cutting apparatus is in front of the Machine, and therefore whether Reaping or Mowing, the entire work of the Machine is under the eye of the Driver while guiding his team. Ths Talla BLT matin" toms eho "Comasos | Gather the Grain into'a Bundle before it leaves the Tabls, aod dest lin a more compact form than any other Reel Rake, This Table is attached to the Machine both In front sad rear of the Driving Wheel, Whisk JONG ECH() FIFTY ables it to pass over rough gr A NEW SCHOOL DO Book, by H. 8. Per- WORTH OF MUSIC Price, sopr FOR 83, | dogen. Contains over I UBSCRIBERS Two hundred new and to PETERS MusicaL | beautiful Songs, Duets as Are eg their or less than | etc., by Will 8. Hays, two cents a piece. Those | Webster, Thomas, ete'|who have not seen this Every thing isnew,fresh Musical Magasine and sparkling. Contents Should send 30 cents for ia sample copy. Th kins. and specimen pages sen free. Sample mailed free of postageey. and other popular to teachers for 65 cents | re A ak There is no side Dranght in either Liberal terms for intro-|go 40 cents, bets duction. 'num bers for 75 cents. Address, J, L. PETERS,599 BroaNew dway, York CONDENSED = ATMOSPHERIC BATH! The Greatest Invention of the Age. NOR THE CURE OF ALL KINDS OF Diseases, both acute and chronic. Prof. Stone would announce to the ple of Oshavs and the country at large emp ha Bath is now in a 'We make the above machines in two sizes: must unquestionably hold a place as far all other curative and sanitary genta as lation lo Animal life is above all other than a veaper. very few hours wi 3 difetence Ia sn, family ae at come to as above stated, whi offered on this continent. honestly and promptly answered. Oshawa, June 15, 1871. We &180 offer 'our other Machines : Chronic Diseases, Dr. JAMES ELECTIC PHYSICIAN, Would Ohio, dr, Mower. Power. We shall jlso offer for the Fall trade 8 SE finally conclude the purchase. Vor futher information addres . AS AWA ONTARIO d with much gr Wheel Axis is on a line with the axle of the Drive Wheel, which enabl lor mowing, and i ob caainr hand strain, ha Twice annealed, thereby rendering Sis bothvogh and aii, OUR JOHNSON RAKE ds so constructed as to raise the cam so far above the Grain Table that the Grain does mot interfere with the machinery of the s Rakes or Reels. Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. ease and less injury to the Table. The Gra it to turn th readily. The Rakes are driven by Gearing instead of Chains, and therefore bam 'a steady uniform motion, Making them mach los lisble fo breakage en uneven ground, snd more regula i removing grain. The Gearing is very simple. strong and darable. The Boxes are all lined with BABBIT METAL. The Parts are all numbered, so that the REPAIRS oan be ordered copies Th omas, Kine, Peer | te10gTPh oF otherwise, by simply giving the number of the part -- Andean Jew shety ed One, arge size, for Farmers who havc a arge amount io yep | Ne. 7: wo, medium size, for Farmers Aaving more use for a Mower Ett te And we guarantee that all Machines shipped this season shall be equal in quality and finish to the samples exhibited by our Agents. ve invite the public ta withhold giving their orders until they have had am opportunity Paadting our Madiine, ase believe Yay. We Wuaa--d, by any "other Machines over yt Jonnson's Self-Raking Reaper, improved for187], with two knives, smooth and sickle edge, and malleable guants \ dieses | WoOOD's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. iui=t| BuckEYE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Self-Rake. BuckeYe Reaper No. 2, with Johnson's Self-Rake Onio Combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. | CAYUGA CHIEF, Jr., Mower. BuckeYE Mower No. 1. BuckevYE Mower No. 2. 'BALL's Ohio Mower fo L | . 3 Farmer's Favorite Grain fl. Champion Hay Teddre AND OUR CELEBRATED HALL THRESHER & SEPARATOR Gréatly ihproved for 1871, with either Piit's, Pelton, Planet, Woodbury, or, Hall's § or 10 Hor NEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HULLER, ory mh spo es thr Bertie tend. , A mew and complete Tilustruted otulopeh of 4 oi Machine Stag publ aad will be ready for carly distribution, free fo all applicants. - et up Machines ars sarranud to give saliyiition, and Puibesuicenill dash SJR portunity of testing them both in Mowing nip Spe Ti