a Apedvo dE GARTE, er-day by a In vat ho was conducting him i BUTCH ER, % appears from the > 1y the Alla y Jeune oil - Opposite Cowan's Block, f Albany, was conducting + AS. ON HAND A SUGPBRIOR!' Sie outis IR. Sherid 3 5 quality of Sucar-Crred Smoked Hams, a : My.) Pestdes tie usual stock of Fresh Moats. - Also, & | vy faken insane. On quantity of Corned Bool (which he can rece 4 , wend), he ap, waged. mi conversat ie n, G. W. GARTIL sh yp douls rattle iv My © © Oshawa, April 12, 1872 vie © former asked to seg het his request was complied MARRIED 3 | d theta iuto his own pocket, Py the Bev. T. Myres, at his resid nce pressed several miles fartuer, on April 28d, Mr. ¥F. Jd. Drew, of Oshawa, | adr icly turned the con. to Miss Eliza Louana, second danghter of | u lunatics and the wode of she late William Graham, Fsq., of London | | He ¢ 'Out. u plained that it Was | ecessary ' aliae a ual la aa ay um, 3 | cuicsts of ted physicians A Chemical Food and Wutritive Tonic, | dg Was lnsane, ad's come. 2 JL THE ORGANS A D TISSUES | the County Jud of hokds in solution the the: County Judge. Sharh B oh an mae Sen niuscle, and nerve, and remark that he was a law. * distributeste sah Proportien. oy i to see the paper, Ww judge iran gly com a 4 h ese ctinns are deranged oe ere drawir up in due form. As tee. be Drivenin a willbe imperfeot) -w foith the jajer, Sheridan - ved froni insufficient i . on become watery and Tea in fibrin the | after glancing over-it, alip. "vital principle, the whole system undergo breast pocke i perverted putrition; diseases sip vocket. He retain. oof Be Liver. fiom oes Heart and Lungs, with a of the cundnitwent and fo Prostration and General Debility 2 ugh itution is broken down wit! they reached P . ql.» and K.. Susi tution is Ty caabiehe Si + " i gest food: and to the care, Saenidau wusisted acho fees mental and_n Aiician exertion: 3A 3 S I Compound Elixir of Phisphates an ers that Mr. Hoxie was the bid A reliable. And pervianent in its effects. Druggists at §L. wi was asdoevaring face Bh fo) OPENIN && SECOND TO NOME FOR QUALITY AND PRICE. 23 ° LUIS | Se | PHOTOGRAPHY. | G, ee TEMPERLEY'S LINE, Call and examine my stock before purchasing-elsewhere. crowd seized Hoxie, nets " Pour. Bewt, is dutial, and it w.nid have oh i bet | J.O.1RH. Henry | CASH PAID FOR SHEEP- SKINS AND. WOOL. | Composed of foe Sollaweing Fis.Clams | H | Raa ee | SCOTLAND MEDWAY, = HECTOR. | \W INTER SERV A worse with hua hd pot} Oats, ¥ bushel, TAUNTON, April 11, 1872. | 53-3m. | TWEED, THAMES, SEVERN. | : Cader Contract with the Canadian Gor > hal futmetiy Writes him sansa iaan Have seeurnd, Md newly Sed wp | ig | Th st f this Li intended t il} " { or carrying the Canadian and U3, N | t wa arate} by the crowd, Bucy - FREE BEL Jue { | from Quebec and Montreal every Teuaoay dur. | | | 4 La. course Saeri- Peas, ¥ bushel, . i ng the season of nav n o anc rom as thea at an end, aud he Twsiown¥ Suche... Latest Improvements, | I Bion every Wednesday. calling af P.ymouth LIVERPOOL, LONDOND: ta the walls of the asylum. us Ei both in : | points west at reduced rates. Certificates issued | ? - lard #2, ONE OF THE | to ies desir us of bringing out their friends. { AND' cLASTOW. Cd aah op WR | : BRO I | AT fu rticuiass apply to's C anwar HIS COMPANYS LINES *' Lt, Wh3s 03a Vidit to Nan = ind Apples, ¥ DB. riers oins i] {AvjarsiEs and Asssmoriar, A 4 LE H 1 f | aed Om €. W. S)MITIL T d of the Hndernaied Pall P ixd-a Coascrvative mmtiag Beans, Jo PESRERIRE LL | | fhe S : { S | v | | Double posed of Clyde Built Iron H 1, ia that city, this eve.- oreo ded FR ~ Tooms I | NEW SPRING GOODS i TH Tf vneage ie --AT WM. WILLARD'S, FE Ra A to t'e Government of Ontario tor Crown | Lands, Thuoer Dues, Law Stamps, Licenses, ov any other aceount, wil hereafter be made at the TAUNTO | offices or agencies of any of the following | « Banks: | i Royal (aiadian Tank, ] : . Canadian Park 9" Commerce, HIS SPACE IS Grateful to a generous public for past liberal patronage, I be most Omtatio ' most roupectiully ny to L that on po of ae business y has | Bar. left to show that been abliged to enlarge his store almost as large again, and it is filled, {i And when a payment {3'tc be male at a point | i Shere thete 1s 13 och ro | ati un aut vr y | Tripp's Poetical Effi. HEvery Shelf, Holo end Oormer! |Cumimzioitiiul | GAWBRIDGE fp i waa | Who stand in Sontiema Bots and Sh . A MACKENZIE, has always: on band | Treas rer. } i Api | ryt pies voi. one axl all, Toronto, March 27th, 1872. 82-1m. New and Second-hand The best of stock he keer dal Band, i : + Calf, Kip, Spanish, finest an' | . ee i Wagons and Carriages brands. Tat ol - ell wa, Dry Goods of Every Description, | STEAM ready when salled for, Emi a COMPRISING serwezy at reasonable 1tes Rimes are hard, ut Fou all od uo, i ' LONDON, QUEBEC Reyairing and Shoe- "Mopey scarce, and prices low. Dress Goods, Fine English anl Canadian Tweed: and ' ' ing attended to us A os fo goo. Gi, ui uce taken in Cloghs of all kinds, Laces, M)urning Goods, Ties, Shirts, Prints 9 usual Ea de oF Sime" Sireel, Street, one (an excellent assortment) Hosiery, Collars, Boots and MONTREAL Shces, Rubbers, Trunks. Also, a choice assortiuent of : SIMCOE STREET, - GROCERIES A . _ . OSHAWA. ALLAN LIN. Maxch 29, 1872. OBEAWA AGENC 'Lroumgad f vs {June 'sna or) ® pue ) 'soysnig] JIT] 'sdeog pojuaog 'souldipoy Tew wn ant 3 Bd 0. SEE. 1 ve TE EU -u Fr 's [3 ging them in an asylum,- 'SINVMOO 03 400Q IX3N sasinadd HIDUVT axv MAN OL AIAONIF | With an Exceedingly Choice Assortment of { S TYOLS PAUT SNOSNIZLV 'gyms 04(J Jo JuowIOSSE [LION 'sag 1300], 'SquIO, 0 CI EAD 1s9q 910 Surghiond gst Buy pue youosy TRIPP & €- 'guinud TT o> ed J=1% LTR] STEAM WEEKLY TO Es0sEonl LJ 8 SRR TR 2 -- Ir} ip synesian, 4,20) tons holding, Sa A E. { S40 tons b vuliding). Ci ian, 3,250 ton + 8 in Hg 3, Sate ' t. Ir recently w.ibezsn by saying: "We pied ITT Ae a eokugied by ni CHANGE OF BUSINESS! 1 'hore to proclaim our yeso- © 8 : ! EVERAL GOOD SIZED TOWN Los | 'Tos hr poms: os son i ou Tui weer @® T® Mp, BARRETT. | | | phe H Y Jot sale, ina goud locality. Terms reason- 3 sowMANVILLE MARKETS. i 1 ? N ~--HAYV E-- ¢ have come together to talk | + LS April WARREN L. ASH. for i i Wheat, ¥ bushel, u ™ man, | #3 Suture sctiuy which ae] | Tue ve ies 2 oil churches, mor plunder Barer" do : ois io Oshawa, March 23th, 1873. Sef. EE a-- I : 3 i CHERS business (Ms G N. Stephonsom, | - | SST Hid Cant pe : | " oy eartii to ti tio.age T f the people." He thea wens EM ois wal athtiiag fortis wintwoftiel | NOW OPEN ' Ek pes ent Bilmtl the Weiro sage GOOD STEADY BOY--ONE ABLE | "aud \ earnest defence of mon-~ easing an nanan Sw sustomery to Fura ihe ation. . { GEORGE HENRY. to handle a team and plow, and make f . . 00 ef the 32 abitants o* a ; Throad, he said, must bs INET. Senne a 01s { a and Suttoundingestinny. Zisiags which Englishwen + | wereiga 'does exercise a real ) : " « ' ! Enlargin, nd Colouring narchy was' an institution he : Tae | ii reer in peril, and adversity, tha , . . v. The English m«marchy : iL : Oshawa, April 11.1572. © @2uf that of aay other nati nm. . JEL : & {th ereiguty of th sponsible jor amy debts contracted by her, [ety any | bring out thelr ends from - ol Ae BW a Ad e - TORONTO . v Ei : || Oshawa, Feb, 27, 1372. i" ather person, " this date, neither do J sive Shen ibid he a the M 1 - B------ 3 i 4 my consent to her disposing of any property be- | (40 C fund theie which embraced Congress {| -- -- ----"] longing to me. : | Trak Ean Whats Ponta islatures, as well as the Bxe- . rs Conn S11 asl » Z| | Et With as 2) | gers thepouy avoiding the 'usual charges 3 ? AE WRIT 06 su 4 } ast thy, March 22. IJ 533 wn ing and bandling o rage. ctween £700,900 aad £3)),- > pig tos) RING. S | S| | 7 13 " > . TON 79 pi ong' I'rains leave land on arr! sable the total of the Bag, I OT 1} Ocean Stea: mre for Moutreal, Toront He closed with a vindiea. : Tone ier adatan sn TY 2h ' ts; and th stocracy aud a defence of the ; : 4 0 73 4! m| LEAVING TOWN. oe For thro BARRET HAVING SOLD |e | | T C A betw con Liverre 4 LARGEST oS | i i cession i . | AVING DISPUSED OF MY BUT- i : | further the interests of the : TIE ve Fost -Class Ricturss! | S . H WANTED. Oshawa, Feb, 27, 1872. lus. €f generahy uselul. Appiy to { RATES "OF oF PASSAGE JUIIN GOULD, F. ley. | Oshawa | In yeference to ths above, I beg tosay to my | Api 5, 1872 SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO {| friends that I shal carry on the bu-inesgat tie | | { to Liver; and Londondery an Cabin irom $51 to , according to act Siwend | 4 3 Yon, Juoerage A ial A plenith | old stand, corner of King and Chureh Streets, | -- ~~ { of well cool provision: ay ou: | -THEIR--- | on and aiter Friday next. A full st ckot First | | Biawants oy Sto the U class MEATS of all Kinds in the season, C A U 3 i (o) N i { Dffig a Hr Firs Calin. wild always be kept on hand. A wagon will be | - mw dite. $ nN Seerige. as y run daily, and ail persons desirous of having it | -- | or te ~ des. good for mor | call at their houses wi.i please leave word at the sus ot redneod rates --AND-- PEE RR = th p. A call ls solici ed, as no pains will Le HEREBY FORBID ANY PERSON | spared to give satisfaction. ew, At Reduced Ford ih set G.N. STEPHENSON. Giving eredit.to hy wife as [ shall nol IN Foo Ada LILES r C . s, as an essential Joument of OF... A WRITBY MiRKETS. § { | 3 i 3 all, ¥ bushet,..............¢ P | | a ezihee 15% GEORGE COURLEY'S | | | i ® out to J. 0. HENRY he will leave ls rilan his gullery on the 23th inst. ; and HOITT'S | will | as fo | Galiery will be closed on the 3rd of April, { | | MOST en A Si 0 + SER [Ud A GOOD BY, BJRRET! GOOD BY, ROITT: | JTBERNI No more cheap pictures in Oshawa. Tn the meaytime, HOITT hopes to see many of his old patrons, and any new ni who wish for goud pictures. OLDIRS PER PAINTINGS BECPECTFTLLY SOLICITER- A la*ze 'astortment of Picture Frames on hand, which must and will be $61d at prices much less than.ever before offered So OYSTERBY.. 1 Also, A GREAT RFDUCTION IN PRICES A A Te POR ALY STYLLS CF 1ICTURES. J. E. HOITT. ITT Fresh Oysters | i ¥ RECEIVED. DAIL v . , Barley, ¥ bushel,.. : OFFICE (7 THE \ L Onta, do we. Sad 5 bred MasiracrerixeConrayy . . ET ... 065 06 aT, Mancn 8, 1872. " sion sa wea en akin aaa 'h rous of testing the merits of ; v Teme ee WN a a : ¥ A LATEST STYLES! water-v Leels now offered for a, as to their eo pon.ica' ure Bow Eo tistments. 0 The Stuck is cue of the best ever brought into mwaufactrers of the Gan ~~ - ~ A b, ) 3 " . : - o : S l Lowes Doums Tommie, WH FREDERICK MeBRIAY, MW. Pl R--_ . ski B E A U | F U LC; : S mind ei why Siuiengtdo henge tors noseirat, texas, io. (GENTLEMEN | TAST "PPT Yoav SHACTD MAN [S€ FIELD and GARDEN J Stock of New Spring Co ths is Dow complete, and embraces wil ' (| b 'ary 'S44N2 NV SHYTI0D MAN 'SITVT-MER 'STMVHS MIN ber it be IOTATIONS of the # LAND. Hinigy Mog Oiawn, gil: | DorstE TURBINE oF a1 = A requiring New Sait-, would do well to call early hh ffs sels in all roe to - PRISZECIUS FOR 1874-00 TELA. a.d weave their vrders. iactured by the competing 'TINIYd MIN nsarssamriin S -- A Bepreseatatixe and Champios of + YET » American Art All Wor Don n3 in the Past Manner, | Seleections from Leading Growers in Britain 'e in the hands of any respon- x opsan | dollars ( Y, : : d th D A mi 1. p Bows re i Che Aldine: L o WEST an e Dominion en To phic | LIVING PRICES CHARGED ! STOCKS 3 a flour mill, dnvisg' the N ALvoRarED 'MONTELY] AND stone, grinding the same Journal clai aio to be the handsowest ving the same number of © bayer in the worl Besides which they have ordered a Lot of ths Caorcest | ol cnn » h . ow dhe of water discharged 80 AL oer | Good "Fits Guaranteed ! Varieties from- 1 :-uf 'he a:uount used by each rthy of adwiration Frege wit | , 3 3 2 erp bees or usefulness. tary Ww wg Oshawa, April12,1532. 14. Beecher. Florence Sewing Machine, gsm JONES. 's.agdvyNdve 'r '8q00D XONVA MAN '(pid fe'en kinds sare - Ea nal ol TRA i ee es he "| Sold by the Plate orf: py BL Whthr, Jan: 18. 7 4 41f, REMOVA ' "ord emeysQ no0dlg BUld 'SATINVIN MAN CHOICE lot of © of Qaned Fras 3h om lies, etc., oft hand and for se... The choicest Fruits, of ull kinds, 0: season. to le ron-residents of Can- . thoronghly well informed THE ALDINE, w hile ismued vit ne a EVER EXHIBITED IN Wicks Celebrated. Floral Catalogue, {ord th poner of tar RETR ps a. ODD B R | J terature, and a Tolection of pictures, the | t%o to choose the third. rarest specimens of 38 blaitor | YF FOR SALE DD The highest pies paid for al 5. f the witni'} wheel tahave : Toad B 0 ge Ta - : : rE WEST HALF OF oh SOUTH TRIPP. & SHAW, chin Fob, ' nnded them and the loser's ns Ry gn WILE, \ To be along i in due time--all with 1 a view to meet the pti in fe NT en AVE REMOVED T0 THE STAND |< 2%" Bign of the Oster Bey L Laws. unards sataifishing a we 1 ce hen piRfet Wants df the Country at Large. . sere in Grd Co. ows U., eh | Bi Lied. Suvi dm Tlawihorn, | - Oshawa, October 38, 1871. i rary; m apy town » a3 compared N y a 16) acres rand y Soplows, ing Street, Oshawa, re the: wil, ae usual, the owner of the Tacit --alone and uw Cedar ¥ wprendia sok in ? 3 keep constafitty on band a . - To-morrow (Saturddy), | + | aaa ER J NEW DRESSMAK:. ott 4034 Els L Garry OSHAWA, a= ei ESS"" | BOOTS. & SHOES ; to mive vod amd sufiGient volumes_/ Yimes its cost. > REMOVE 5 4X : . . 1 ) - ne ol ; 3 awa. a Latics an Scat wer, and chin ther ES ISHM : fo of £4,000, Shat tha : 3 : real prin ; $1 a small ~ ot LA MN D PLAST ER d AND SA My Notice to Contractors / * tade to ocder Ln theshorte st notice. RE-OPEN EI J the entire expenses pe fad ally ed binding, of x fal ' . a td wi. eT - 3 rT. La Baste | SOU ! is Bi nk ols : ooh A Fit Guaranteed. ro vies au gv | EES Spam ONE (DOOR SAUTH, chorwans IESE Sarai CN Be " ya ROO! 1 n 1; ¢ wate- rd a 5 ver intro ' y 4 - y uays of a Factory ani Uther, badlings to be | 4 die head ad ul head «© - Faced has comvinesd the ihe pr erAANeTe of HE AL: to the premises lately occupied by i Ss T BE BL E % ty O - . 4 4 : DINE of 1 Juba heir theory that the erected at Usbawa. Main ouilding two storeys | - H&E BURL: an eage. Sach wheels in r 3-80Un and eva i p uhh si about Jw feet font y 30 ieet deep. | | age. a w on a - d about 3 f b, on She" vould ppcoenie awa Rowell 2 iret | GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN. MEM LITT | SHINGLES. |y Te o morrrs - id "id drouth, are of mo | i samiedeT ad pubic iors" Tn WOOD & MACLEAN," Oshawa, January 5th, 1872. 4 % io eka gy" | §uxgLEs OF ALL KINDS FOR | Yat 5, : {idence that the 4 ' "RET . ¥ 2, le ERSTE . | sale at ny Mill, Lt Ne. 4th Guth. .Darfug- hare ie = "nC hung - FOR SALE | baat, bout 4 nates Lutht Buareniile. bb - SIMCOE STREREL, ...:. ; : = -- : - { . | 3 axaTA iw | aby 1 in Canads, and that it is is rather on ieatt ve of is own | ? E-PRUPBRTY ON SELINA ST. ST., Sot Yo Re : Samer | Spellings HAWS 4-13 T IMPORTATIONS LEisfmais® <r 60 WANT | y vf : iL exoeilenoe of during the coming | 4 RS s < ' DIR a stadie Cod dri¥ing shed attached, and. a god t IF YOU WANT A LL ber & 000 of these wheels are now , ¥peciusens - fi « Eris Srodment | FI eh w Frais: x A ba ooh var | um i ad d the United 3 \ ¢ ile Wome waded : {| For terms other purticulars apply on Supods pea Gu Covet | SEE foie hos Ung rs FROM EUROPE! 8 ix pehugholy FIRST-CLASS! tas a dah i on this coptinent exceed $ J. D. Smulllfe, s, Piguet i : : Mari, 182. ot ait an ob: iwber. ; pictul beiug reproduchd. without | 5 T -- ogo L v ea carey ; I. = sve been thoronghly tested © | dg Defy Competition vam i n, sud has fully maintain- HOUSE AND LOT PI AN O | APPRENTICE W AK 4 pul or it has gained jn Canada 1. 3 J P Susnttnaniul with any exist- | 3 ds - - - ITUATED ON ALBERT STREET, I et AC TAT = : SB soon Sit SPRING IM NS. ¥) SOUT of Luke's ractesy. Ths anted, S.ates .as Bs most oe ing publication fn thd world. i sel in practs vpecal on JATERARY SEY AwTNESL ; . rh Lu. webuilt ast fai. Well of god water, we, is apprent! sud ne 10 assist o oe would draw particular attention to the following Clara on Lia plumes. FS ie i Hoe wed le hid olerred. God MN Where so much attention paid fo ihintradon / siviia FAR BELOW BI Bey, Toa SEWING Co A INSPECTION INVITED. | 4000 yds. greys Cotton, at Hc. yd. | Administrators Notice. bab Fo¥ Pp wblishing a new descrip- appearances in may very natuguly iia eh Bo nei e fo le eat snag TE JH 4 a 2000 yda Whi 7c. yd. ¥ PURSUANGE OF THE STATUTE MN ACHINT | FALTABLE PROPERTY be Of the late Prov Canada, bs BER : - 23 Sec. 31, potice .is hereby given that hal ? | EE St - TE Sl 2 5000 y Lrg Clown Clo Sage 4) : A x er Bois Dich a Tate | > "CALL ON gh . 25600 I soon Prints 12;:c.yd. |i ioe i fees oe Co EL il daa LEERY IRS SES | Geo. 9. OLIMIE, | Zs trumps - ed Stock of Dreas Goods. ioieioes i HUGH CARSON: 1! A. M. CHISHOLM, A barge & Vaio ar plicants. 2 . AGREE TODLARD, who has receavea assur- AT THE h Qshawa, June 2nd. wr abces of assistence lrom'a hust of the wost pop- d. 3 | gr All who dasizo Style, and Extra Value for their meney, shawidunake the Saceia pao dpe v A i nformation address, war writers and poets of the country. their selections 2 py i . without delay. san i "REFORMER" | BUITEBE. Ere Eee ne Rs Oshawa Dec. 8, 1371 ' 4 P 4 4 o . N t } 1c Kjuo pros t } cha. ge W ure in informing the pu' - 1, veils Be wont Without eX # t we have sold and for- he A CHRONO TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER V. Glen, of Oshawa, Op- was 3 very pupuiar feature last year, and wil Formers, Drawingh, dey pemied Will Lis Present Vo.ise, She pes 1 uther necessary informa~ - asia yuvs yuivieoed aid FO) bases, x gd Liteé Jorrot z cel lebrated Deuble Tar- 7 °F Gio P00. Natunues he eit col," invented by James. i a elu y Ne 1 wo 8 the ** Leffel Wheel" Amerie © ' i ih Sul ae Xi ligated durse'vésidg fae. Way p wT LLiLys wi it} aerlities for nfnuiscturing - Bec, ik Mae ics iff Cahada, fo Me-- al dry BUIDbe: , W BUCY SubeGrbe wie wae can successfully Luild our. + -- Your i wuvaie. od advise partivs m Cavads, Ud Clirgmo, + hoy of nother mplitg- = Dre Coil ome yor, with --- ra Glen's facilities are nnsur~ - aS fain. sing 8b samen foel sure that"he vill give Ws dad A uy Figs i 3 o thepologm 48 i . : rig pac", hla "se 8 wily fof & prem: v. | " 1hlie an 5 1 Gaul edhe ibid GOL TA @ylbcisn H i. Laing sur evil man bus 07 11 0c yajer, . 3 ud B SHLD: RRL . 4 Hohiesen AMES SUTTON & CO. LES LEFUEL @4CO. o® Pater 3 itor het Ko 'SLL1aHOLIL TANUVIU FHL NT 183d dH A'103d19dd F. W. GLEN, 3 THE VULUNE TUK 1672 |ONE CASE OF FRENCH KIDS ; and about 250 fine the ilme i --_-- DATRY BU BUTTER, + tof the Fausalo brande--a wiih akes tha Jead in Aand, and A to The sal es ance mt | -© FFi OC E : . | PE PER ODED, od Oshawa, Ont X Si camtain BL aD the number for Wo to 3 2 rd number will Sytaserien 'ecire to call attention af Hoted phe io win : * be lortawati male tothe said Ada aulstpgtur, ! i TR BS' BLOCK which hes dem before fir fifteen years in Toronto and Daied sis 12.4 Cay pt Mal 1 : x. 'GIB ' Oshawa. Althongh these gloves have advanced Seriously 1 still offer | Ee |: F o RS s A v £ a Doc LAL EW : them at the old p.ise of 81 per pair. 3 . Osha rtificate.-- Ty trouti spec. : y % 'COLBORNE. STREET East, | P i, : : : A Large anl Well-S:lected Stock of TWEEDS and CLOTES will be "NOTE LOST, (85 tx0 Lots snd Grehard, with one RO- BONO PUBL. mide for aer2, will ve a .p, Ohio, Dee. 25, 1868. aphid oh T. containing Nfty en- Toth and lek ur. |foand in tho Gents' Department, and customers rt requ LL PARTIFS ARE 'HEREBY aaa SH JRA | ANLTISDS BF OF Saosr gras Rois wing oT | 10 piso ons Lx Salt bare Lhe asotment jo. broken RE haat ed mR Eo Bact rorya St BRP BP ATES 'S0DOVEOL 60 ONY ISIML S3IVd 38h ISHEMONS " Nal "- = » a a 3 QOS 20PWIS ar fi Wl ei! FS \ Aes - . A irene' year fr : CWILLIAM E ANS. Tb a, Domi -- aE © Ovi; Junin, 1873. ERE Li SL * ERTINE "lem Fess, 156° » * | Ymaliste © gravings, (four in tint) and, alinoagh (¢ ed wi TT ie irs, Doare gayar of ments. 3 - ron AT ; / » '8 4 Hl - »> . A