Ontario Reformer, 12 Apr 1872, p. 3

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= a laste trajh thaol Be Wise --Too olén a cold or slight > Co ne at @. W. GARTH, NEW SPRING GOODS STEAM VILLAGE OTS) ok @ TWEEN 3 i Le you aad hence systematially neglected until a | j BUTCHER : . ; : a= POR: oe ey ) siiple curable affection is converted into | ' LATS LO N DO N, QU E BEC, thaw ¢ 45 1 a serious pulmonary disease. The more 0 i WwW ' oc 2 re se Me by - t en rt anuthen wer be tgided with, prowptly use 'Bry, DR te Co pry Blo > \ | { ; 1 1 1 A R D ; S ro. ea Sei The gil . od tale of ba s Puimonie Waters," which have sus- | quality of Sugar-Cured Smoked Hams, S P R 1 y 1 . 4 A xz ) ' MONTREAL. : 3 orb 3 Jeituize ) x on | | | { passed in ; _-_.miSianHa . -- § | Er lL ay SS A Ae i - ET ow E EE prudent, aware that a cough or cold should : v besides the usual stock of Fresh Meats. Also, a a i> sine their reputation for over 30 years. pauantity of Corned Beef (which he can recom. = igi © assuray hey 'are alfwayé efficacious, and exert wend), cheap. ; ' sed a bull-dogy most beneficial influence on all the Lron- | \ G. W. GARTH. | SN | J | O N around the bb : . Q | 3 . . lity ® hoy hial and pulmonary organs. Sold by all| Oshawa, April 13, 3872. ves But love - i of stolen hay ruggists and country merchants. Brice | ---- ughs' att uli-d, 5 cents per box. s well as at Jo | 3 Gaal lt 3 well'as at Jocks. "This in vee , | GOVERNMENT BANKING. HIS SPACE IS a the old may : The "DANCING SCHOOL. Grateful blie fi # liberal pat 1 beg most : Oshawa, March 7th, 1872, i n; wh x XN Sinner. § three to ; Prof. Geo. E. Moore will give i-struc- wie ; : mos > fo pind vg 4) mks pa has TEM PERLEY'S LINE, | left to show that na i i Eo oa as it aden "ri ions in step dancing to Misses and Mas- SE K 1 8 7 2] been obliged A enlarge his store almost as large again, and it is filled, Compossd of the following First-Class BAMBRIDGE Tripp 8 Poetical Effusion. with a piece of u ors at his Academy, Hyland's block, every . - 'cloe i il - . SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, HECTOR. | Ladies and Gontlemen, read the news, Ya rope He canes Baturday at two o clock. Instructions will i SE a Every Sh 1£ Hol d Com 1 NIGER 'NILE, | Wh stand in need of Boots Shoes. man's oi Ita and oot t 9 he given do Indies at five o Slack pm LL PAYMENTS OF MONE . e 9 e an or TWEED, THAMES, SEVERN. has-always on hand > and ouse, ite him at seven o'clock p. m. every Saturday. ! A L T I : the - ' sited the hook Terius--25 conts et Tr ~Adv't Fi to sthe Government of Ontario EY al With an Exceedingly Choice Assortment of The Steamers of this Line are intended to sail New and Second-hand the colt's a 2 Sate ed the off . ie . | Lands, Timber Dues, law Stamps, Licenses, or = ¥ JRO Cuehos and Montreal svel x ghd Sur te Wagons and Carriages x Al 3 any other account be made i [A of nav on 2, an: rom S Apped the colt. an en he § A Chemical Food and Nutritive Tonic. | offices or agencies of any of the folowing 0 SCN ag ! ny * : 3s at Plymouth | Hell on your soles, if not your ways, wu A i Dry Goods of Every D ob ihe way out. Through ck dy when called for, Give 'food Laderstanding to ol he avs. hroy ent on > Bauks : 7 k t. Through tickets from all | Tea wien calied 10r, say through barn yand-- general LL THE ORGANS AND TISSUES : ods o © escription, 7 fins red ince ie Conieatey rar ro able rat Aid i they Tip heh ask po payee" igs, hens, ' e bod! onstrusted and newrished anadian 1g parties de us ringlug out their friends. | at feasonabie rates, d : ' piss. Be ns; ele. Out co ne w hich holds in re on the material Royal © Bank, COMPRISING {For ful It os -- to the Companys men are Td, 43 You a} you solide know, de 1D hte r ditto, Old of which-are made bone, muscle, and nerve, and Canadian Bank f 3 + Ageut at Oshawa, , | Repairing and Shoe- oney scarce, 14) Cit, ome (1) dog, one distributes } to each its proper propartion. Fa in of Commerce, { «» GC W.SMITH, | : A large stock on hand, a" more coming. Sghter. It is supposed the g Tt DE i Eng sacut, Ontario Bank. Dress Goods, Fine English and Canadian Tweeds and | ing attended to as Produce take in exchange for are still rons te : a 3 Q . | | East side cf Simcoe Street, one door North of Will be Dyspepsia, the. food 'will be Muperfoctly | And when a 'payment is to be made at & point Cloghs of all kinds, Laces, Mourning Goods, Ties, Shirts, Prints CHANGE OF BUSINESS [4 usual. Taylor's jgwelry Store. THEN i TRIP! HAW, JRIDE OF ay Horr. --A dissolved from insufficient gastric juice, the blood | Where thero 1s no such agoucy, then at' the an excellent assortment) Hosiery, Collars, Boots and f PES an will become watery hud Fettel cient in fibrin the | a¥ency of any of the pl an, suthor- ' y TRE ' Acjualutance g hal printiple aud thad Sclelent dn Ib. tho | ied hy any ofthe above-named Banks to receive Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks. Also, a choice assortment-of 3 SIMCOE STREET, Bumed ver ya from Boreonied nutrition; diseases suc deposits on their account' »: . OSHAWA. | A L. L. A N Ls INE; f the Liver, Kidneys, rt dL x i Fora Baty Jolie A MACKENZIE GROCERIES : 0) sult, and JS cantitution is en down ith Toronto, March 27th, 1872. 521m. ' ¥ Mardh 20, 1£72. Rx -------- " " nthe wel w asting = To enable the Stom- B -- achto 3 food, snd to supply the waste going | ____ = Lane : ls. . AVING DISPOSED OF MY BUT- OSHAWA AGENCY. from Lyna, t e pa AN ¢ . , . s dying, aaa, uf re mn Tr of Phot ad] pee -- &2" SECOND TO NOME FOR QUALITY AND PRICE. &% CHER'S business to Mr. G. N. Stephonson, in a Calisaya is reliable, and pe rmanent in its effects. > 1 heartily recommend him to ihe patronage of calculating to . oid by all Dragsists at $1. PHOTOG PHY ! - my former customers and frien { RA (] - -- { | | 4 dare.at the farthest. -- Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Osbawg, Feb. 27, 1872. GEORGE HENRY. %, aud Meuday the bi ogg QSMAWA MARKED. : that = oye | we) | =~ : | | SEE tren | : 5 welts ue ol revo mde | J ORM. Henry | | CASH PAID FOR" SHEEP-SKINS AND WOOL ! 'WINTER SERVICE! w her old stand, corner of King and Church Streets, 3 Wheat, Fall, # bushel, - . -- . = ¢ on and after Friday next. A full stock of First. } Wheat, Spring, ¥ bushel, TAUNTON, April 11, 1872. 63-3m. class MEATS of all kings in the season, | Ustler Contrast w with the Canadian Governmens ats, ¥ bushel, Have secured, and newly fitted up | ran daily, ind all persons desirous of having it J 5 will always be kept on hand, A wagon will be for carTying the Canadian and U.S. Mails. : R " i ay | ; the call at thelr houses will Blease leave word at the . STEAM WEEKLY 0 a conse i . . Fawsnas ane i sBop. call 1s solicit 4s uo pains wi Cc relieving i . Pous, POpshel..... 0... cuisines ne atest Improvements, spared fo give mtisfagtion. N. STEPHENSON. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY > by the Li BEE rotacecs, ¥ bushel, ; Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1872. | es AND CLASGOW. : Liew, : 3 ST 4 it both i a wered siete 20s fi @ E 1 poe: $9, af» od | | th ia > AD! B | OT : ras COMPANY'S LINES ARR or i roacion: of our mel] ded 2h | SS Avg, 4 IN! HE 2 Z| Ein ; 3 At St Pet ers FE. Green Apples, us, eva senin | B S ks S | Polynesian ons wild gt burg, in GR 48 go fo. 1 A m LOTS FOR SALE. rE ite, ENR rr Beans, ¥ bushel, ....... rooms = S SEY ERAL GOOD SIZED TOWN Lots Clover S o bushel. keClertrs rere $81! |: MR. 'BARRETT. --HAVE-- speed of ! IY P, rutation iy 2 Dressed fogs ; -- SEE : recently 2s eleven wiles Timoiby ' Pitindianas i occupied by . for sale, in a good locality. Terms reason- i oi BOYY MANVILLE MARKETS. Semluna WARREN L. ASH. hs Oshawa, March' 25th, 1873. S248. | Tons, Ca an J. J. tira i | Forming A weekly Ii Quebec and Mentreat leay a car won ball of 26 | ; April 12 u by 131 SR Wheat, ¥ bushel... .. coi. 1 They hope, by making n « f aanass of matter of ; PRI " | <his enith eighteen th riey, . F a . : First - Class Plotures ! i eter, through Seni pan : ato; mae | apdattending to the wats of their | NOW | OPEN iy to think of customers to receivé the patron- a = Clover Seed, ¥ bushel, expe | age of the inhabitants of Osha: Que bec very Saturday, on arrival of © 1 WAN TE D. Forming a Saba, Quebee GOOD STEADY BOY--ONE E ABLE | LX to handle a team and plow, and make | RATES OF PASSAGE. | himself generally useiul. Apply to 0: ad Bi JOHN GOULD, Foley. | Suhawa to Live mdangary: a sige | Shu gioiEy - EERIE CAUTION ERE te { 1 sucd at reduced rad Prepaid E Pa Certifical HEREBY FORBID ANY PERSON | issued at Hedused Bates to i PRT Giv ing credit ta oy wife as 1 shall not be re: out wh Trends from sponsible for any debts contract y her, or any other person, aiter this date, neither do I give | "The Sicamehipe of path the ¢ Sonireal Ocesn t to her di f be- | ship Com Shieir pastanefa at the TO | Lae ber deponng if say property be | $2 aur ial" Por, pases JACOB RAICARD, Ct Tach eet f East WLitby, March 22. 1372. 503-w-pd | opens Trains lea leave Tortiand enarrtval oft ipl points and the facilities sorisd rs by the ALLAN LINE cannot be 3 LEAVING TOWN. bene br ior ------ | sion, apply to B ARRET HAVING SOLD | Eteamships will be despatched from Liverpool ® out to J. O. HENKY he will leave | and Portland as follows: | nis gallery on the 30th inet. ; and HOITT'S | FROM LIVERPOOL. FROM PORTLAND, Gallery will be closed on the 3rd of April. | HIBERNIAN, «|= 6th Nov. nd Tee. | GOOD BY, BARRET! GOOD BY, HOITT! MOR { ARITAK, JR - pb i Ni ¢ of | SAMA Fa 14 X the meantime, HOITT hopes to see many | LRUSSIAN, © =" 30th » Lg \ iopes to see MARY | NESTORIAN, © - ith Peo, uth of his old patrons, and any new ones | SC STOMA ¢ © Gh who wish for good picturcs, | Mo bs ye AL AN. x | omDrEs FOR PAINTINGS RESPECTFULLY | ore L. SMITH, Agent uta, SOLICITED. Oifoe, wa. A larze assortment of Picture Frames FOR SALE. | smband whith must and will be sides HE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTH in Oshawa. O Y S T E R B AY | 43 Acres, in the South-east corner of the |-4ls0, 4 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES corporation of Oshawa. A quantity of woud FOR ALL STYLES OF PICTURES. thereon. : "TL8T PIV PIE 'ary) STA0ID MIN 'SHUSSAId MIN \ Francisco paper is Timothy Seed, do . : . ! A's and surrounding counlry | a liste on Put out out bien dl 015) | 1 at is . { SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO . MONTREAL MARKETS. | oad azz | | Eelereing smd coteuring --THEIR-- Wheat, ® bushel, ..................81 353 $1 3 PIR... o8 oni | Brier, PAS De. .conenn ais. 038 O87) Oshawa, April 11, 1872. id Pets WHIM... icine 0.80 Buiter, ¥B, . .. Letireinas OB = 4 fe i a ork neck, ny i fio TomoNTO MARKETS. [ : : | ¥ If there is any 3 April l ' s, we think hin that 5 range 8 1 82 | Craw, of Minto township, bet ween Durham ang which upon a test ¥ : e rounds of butter in one | - atone," na 5 8 1 l drawn from her i one | fy ¥ Lum, =~ we | OF ther tral ft - Fi : wraecan 8 zooye 1 GEORGE GOURLEY'S | FIELD and GARDEN | LBC IE ? 1 ) OS che ... 043 ; | Steck of New Spring Cloths is now Komplete, ANT rnixc Coxpany " 'SINIUd MAN A --- 's.agvNavse 'fr ned + thi 'SAOOH XONVI MIN '(pid 'S14N ONY SYVTI00 MAN 'STIVI MAN 'STMYHS MIN "old 'STTINVIN AAIN 'eMBYSO '1004S Bury] L068 | and embraces all the MARCH B, 1872. Le Ces : on 2! g the merits of HH i *>...o.......018 018} JT ATEST STYLES! now offered for I = : 5 a "G2, 23 10 their ecolomical nse id Advertisments. | The Stock is oue of the host ever brought into a8 Juan Laciarers ofthe GRE : : \ es I a FEEDS i ptr l Doemz 3 es te TE. FREDERICK MeBRIAN, 2. I, 3B. cs. | Cay 4 iy Tah B E A U T F U L a. § i - «1 UY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG- GEN TLEMEN i . Also, 250 acrge in Grundy Con Towa, U.S, ten | J. E. HOITT. . Fresh Oysters : oh' 1 i | --g miles m Cedar Falls miles trom ew | tie IMITATIONS of the NX LAND. llindes' Hotel Oshaw | Bates ny 8 ilie Tt | ou the! Illinois Cen tral R. | 70 acres cultivated ; fra 1 house and stable | | horses: 'The whole of sad very chicas A Valuable Property R ECEIVED DAI LY 4 M. FAL Ste, a Oshawa. | - For Sale. --h- hands of an i. 'ls > EATER ] Th : Aldin ¢: | LOWEST | and the Dominion. Lil Sale or to Liet. 25 ACHES siNo xommurur J ONE SH LE {TURBINE or. auy E co -- ---- requiring New Saits, would do well to call carly veclsin allcases tobe 2ROSPECTUS FOR 2 125th TEAR. and leave their orders. sfactured: by de cumpeling A Representatixe and Chamipien of Al fn tke Bact Manner. | : Seleettions from Leading Growers in Britain American Art all yw OTo L020 wl 8 g the halen 1 "the Village of Oshawa. For terms, etc., =» Eat . ' ND DW } NOW aed uve prices cmnoen:| STOCKS HE sor ASD BELLING ou BS TY aire : i = : Ring Suet, Bowmunvit . 4 4 ply Jo SAM) ele Oshawa, March 14th, 1872, x. | 1 : wd Soe i oS i des which they have ordered a Lot of the C BF we T H | Sold by the Plate or Can. Sake Bun bet pret in ihe wont ; 11 Besides which they have ordered a Lot of the CHOICEST 'Good-.£its Guaranteed ! y | A ing to receive the mate 1 water d lischarged to * Give my love to the artist workmen of THE VARIETIES from ie mae need rene HR 2: EX Wadi fF fra Boba, Ari 12108 ar | Notice to Contractors | | Florence Sewing Machine, x v ways. been for use sfulness,"-- Henry ur v | : - -- ; ALL AT JOHN POST'S MUSIC EY LANE AND SF ECIFICATIONS C STORE, in the town of Whitby, and geo | The choicest Fruits, of all kinds, in thete » non-residents of Can- - y y 'd S our inspection in a few A sth ® 5 ALDINE, while "issued with all the EV ER EXHIBITED IN : ! ad ot ? r this beautiful machine, which makes four dif- | season. be th bly well informed ~zul has nove of the temporary of timely | 4 » Vicks Celebrated Floral Catalogue, |i Juctery ap Buiding Tors sharers ferent kinds of stitches, and sews both ways, if test ing the power of tur~ ste ay periodicals. | . | high and about 300 feet froninge by 5) feetide scp. | TUBS very light and still. Those intending t0 | The hikhest price paid for all kinds of --each art to ch 3 nd grac =] MACHINE-MADE it AL CO. yurchase a machine, if they will sound their ad- | : party to choose ene ful literature, as lection on ofp tures, the | onto and Oinawa. | dress to JOHN 8. M. WILLCOX, Whitby, will | choice Fruits. two to ehoose the third, ] rarest Yecimens of artistic kill, in black or | Oshawa, Feb. 25, 1372. ow receive o full description of the machine, with ; #2~ Sign of the Oyster Bay Lamp. Qshawa, October 26, 1871. b r class, E ALDI is an | ' HE PROPERTY ON SELINA ST. uwner of the successful ; | T Ley | | | | | 7 : | by ' ] concepti lone and un- CT S d sist f a story dnd a half Fib NEW DR N A ncn se sl To-morrow (Saturday), Emsam REMOVAL. (UC ESSMAKING + ¢ ) Th sar of the volume OSHAWA - | a stable an vin, ed attached, an FOO & to be tested:at §, 1 34 = DO read ouuast dp the quantity ne | . . :) CR Dvr ;. : TT Tr oy ESTABLISHMENT tv For terms and other particulars apply ow the | i : | | | fardoh with a number of choice Fruit Trees on fine paper a: d igravings in any ther hape ps 8 m-- | it; also, a-never-failing well of excellent water, | 4 3 - »" f vol Raf pf 3 {imen its co | - 1 | five good and sufficient hb aft Tile S60 Sat REMOVE P T AND SALT. ™=* WALTER F063 i RIPP & SHAW,| EE-OBENED) i ut © | R ee of $4,000, that the press ia a0 great that repeating is but uf LAND PLASTER J RR 4 Yn ER i ire cxpeuses of the 3 pecially reserved for binding, the © dition | : i I S S R O 0 M E hie mdb sn sO NE DOOR SOUTH, | v AVE REMOVED TO THE STAND | wheels that give very. p. fr Toke Pou 1572. Bp ae = vr. | 1. = B rR oO T H 1D) Rr Ss 'HOUSE AND LO r | King daily Sesupled by, Thomas Hawthorn, HASTE BUSINESS IN A P husiastic supp £0 BE 4 . | Keep tantly on hand a splen stock of full head and full gate % Re Shi Mus rise. wherever it has beca intro- | : ! Ss T E -\ Peonslantiy el asp te fail under partial head inc, has comvaiced the yublishessof THE AL-| 0 tlie préinises lately occupied by hE For Sale; | Next Dpor to HOTPTS Gallery | ch wheels in oar orn. pubic would. recognize aud Geary | AFD AZ GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN. HE Io A hs son | 'BOO [ S & SHOES begs to ggll the atigntion of those frisnds 2 are eet~ C ate LU ione | 3 of uke's ractory @ house is dr wets yall zo ort ent sine ustrated pod sation 3 "fut I WOOD & M ACLE AN, ' PRICES = po naw--built last fal. Ride i of good water, and a be Todi 4 Gent &bd which th jh a a0 ur a while than routh, " s pe t | ol - T Cist t a further particu- Tr lies" > wear, and whic e; s no id ide hs ve hed ls Sei Tor w ny | ; Oshawa, January 5th, 187 2. ' | lars apply to Ne, Pru at - oF yan | er will scH ar iow ps De Boots and shoes 7 | them for past favors, 5, solicits a coatinuane it po totter indeed the success of THE - | A THAT WILL CIL4S STIEN. made to order on the shortest uotice. | the sa are the only makers. be 4 DE from the start is direct proof of the co SIMCOE STREET, : | n284w-pd. ? on the pre nises. Lerrss DounLe Gt trary. With a population so vast, and of such | . E s her can choose his patrons nada, snd that it is : Yutied jie, a pil Ee indict ative of his own | oe voiigmen: Bf rift. AES OSHAWA, DIRECT IMPORTATIONS, Administrators Notice 000 of these wheels are now year, wpeciumens from the following eminent . N PURSUANCE OF THE STATUTE | Ea or "| pea SALE AT MY MILLS IS DAR- A ol ; : _ " it W Vv Canada and the United - Inet ca iL ily ais hand ery April 4, 1872, . FROM EUROPE 1 Toc notice in herby sven that oil droit: | Ss H | N G L E 8. . CHOICE lot of.C of . Fruits, Jeol: figs, cte., on hand and for sale. Tr 2 white, Although each succeedis number | : ref iu a inning wiidel tnbave alford "and beanty of THE Ene be WILL, To be along in due time--all with a view to meet the Tos t nu houn p y rds establishing » me-" A AP he year. W hile other publications Wants of the Country at rge. ibrary in any town in Can- im superior cheapness as compar with price list, etc. | | JOHN §. M. WILLCOX. | Whitby, Jan. 18. Alf, FOR SALE. | | | i | | | Osawa Dee. 8, 1871 I Good Fit Guarghiteed:. | Ochawa, Feb. 18, 1872. s of 10 other wheel ever i " Darley, Victor Nehlig, W. H ors and other persons having any debt og cla | -- - 1187 A.B. CAMPBELL. d on ti exceed eux. ARS J. D. Snutllie, (0 E. Piguet . upon or adfecting the estate of John Dickie, Luis | QHINGLES OF ALL KINDS YOR | iis consingnt p. rank Beard, Paul Dixon, J. How BL . of the Village of Oshawa, in ag County Hoy ~ sale at wy Mi, Lot No.8, th con. Darling. | it n, about 4} mies fiom Bowma le 3 number, nese pictures are being reproduchd without | J D C "gr Province of Ontario, deceased, who died : : y 'best vers in | pe about the Bed day of Jamvary, 1872, are hereby h 3 > £ Hs o bir S AB everest critical t : e [} om, tition required to send in partic of thoi claims to | JONATHAN STEPHENS, ! APPRENTICE WANTED ave gel ti horonghly tested 3 boom a ,! with the best foreign work, it being | ) 3 his Aduinistrator, John Dickie, of the said oe March 1, 1872 | 4 a 1 tain- 8 at i ' of awa. eoman, on or lore the h | > > atic i kh Bs fully Taaiptaiss SLOT shail be ol the publcpers ti -ation of | ° PS day of April, 1572, immedlately after which day | i 1 WOACTIVE RESPECTABLE LADS tion 3 has gained in C American taste in competition with any exist- . ' thesaid Adminisirator will proceed to disteibnte { iF YOU WANT A | walled, from 514 14 to 18 arts of on a * > a the assets of e sal leceased among the per- | | { apprea ce, one to nen tes 2s the most eco ~ J ing publication-in the world. by led thereto, havi to the debts | practical operation = i LITERARY DEPARTMENT, Is now in receipt of a portion of his SPRING IMPORTATIONS. He! | Sat nim only of abich be sh then have bad | = used te ie iain 1 t trat will not be o Bt 'would draw particular attention to the following lines, which are offered | | ot e; and the dministrator Eu, Where so much attention paid to iNustration Ald get wn of the. work ton ach depthienes To able for the assets so distributed to any persoy of whose debt or claim he shall not have had ng - | Attar 6 detock any evening. | tice at the time of such distribution. ' Ww R G And notice is hereby ria given to all parties Oshawa, July 6, 1571. | An to the said that payment must | INSPECTION INVITED. 4 ya | be PREER ble VALUABLE TY for 000 s. Grey Cotton, at 5c. yd. TE ioe - PP A N oO PROPER uz 2000 4 vg Ww hite 1 '7:C. yd. FOR SAL E. 1. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR to state | hat 3 oar 'management of THE oor Four rises on bidior wag oni ng of a a block or and ov 3000 yds. Ling Cloth, 1lc. yd. N COLBORNE STREET EAST, | OR i , well drain aad 1 ie 2500 yds.Beau Prints, 12%c. yA. |r Ssteel des tn i 0 ep pete wr 2 lites Alert wy Hf apd wih ey na Se blac k. ue Tam, ¥ | 3 y TERMS--$500 Cash. Dalance in/yearfy instal SE WwW IN G Oshawa, Juno 22nd, et i G SH | Large & Varied Stock of Dress | Fon eA ILLIA3 DEANS. = ro M. : HISHOL M, && All who desife Style, and Extra Value for their money, should sake) Qdhawa, Fabs, 1, x A ACHIN E, | BU 2 iy "i E R . « 47 A their selestions without delay. | NOTE LOST. | RIME DAIRY BUTTER, AT 18 | = = CENTS PER POUND, AT § ONE GASE OF FRENCH KIDS ;x. runmss ans nznesy, CALL ON | TREWIN'S. Oy! . se Luo pros latiers, ALDINE has been intrusted to Mr. RICHARD icanuts, " en HENRY STODDARD, who has received assur- IL 1 ances of assistance from a host of the most pop- formation ad dross, A: war writers and poets of the country. F. W. GLEX ; THE VOLUME FOR 1572 : ; Hi z 259 fine wil ntain nearly-330 pages and about , ly Oshawa, Ont. hii ings. Cominencing with the pum, Dar Tot e desiré*to cal tenti January, every third nambe contain rtil Pi call attention to ¥: beau rd u tinted pict ture on plate paper, iuserted certilicate; -- Soon as a frontispioce. 2 The Christmas nymber for 1813, w: rrp, Ohio, Des. 20, 1868. i FE om omen we in itso, containin gravings Hour in tint) and, althoug . 5 F1, will ba sent without eXira Clraeg: ave sold and fur- Iy subscribers. : f Oshawa, On- +] ¢ A CHROMO TO EVERY SUBSCRIGER d Formers, _ Dyawings, 3 y ry ular feature last yoa oth informs 3 [ on Hh Ls present volume, AW Yuet intee ; ut 5 lisiets 3 i and regrodu x ¢le¢brated Double Tur- i Joa atin Sion. 4 Inve Had by, Jaiey tude AE 3 = an exact fac, sae, in size | as the ** Leffel Wheel. nd ¢ f the origi pi e { b = A 4 Ci 0, which will at all compare | od ourselves to fur- with be 4 ye been offered at retail for less | ities for manufacturing 5 than cost price asked oh THE « ALLL ¥andRt 18 Ir Mr, a rogether. 'Jt wili - be de ivered free, Ww in Canada, to 7 January number, to cvery subscriber who pays 1 successfully build ouz for oue year in advance. ¢ parties in Canada, TEKMS FOR 1572, sels of no other mann One c sisy, one year, with Oil Chromo, - Be ' five , r's facilities are unsur- Any person sending 00 names and $10, will ro- sure that he will give : celvs an exiracopy gratis, making 11 copies for . y - the mone; therefore com i a my i: on wishing to work Yor a premium. of Canada with can wave our pacmiwmm circuler on application. z sure he will man- We give masy beautiful and desirable articles al . : odered by no other paper. all respects equal to Aby pea wig 10 act permasently, 85 our agent, will apply with relesencc, angluang #1 for uit. '2181 'yp tady 'eavysg [IL ATdaaInaa [5 ¥ Lv Is TAMAVIN TIL. XI 1834» 'SLLAHOLIZ S - hich takes the lead in En land, and | | made by SAMUEL A. DEAR {BORN jn as 3 : of the Bowsie Suite 2 aa for fifteen years in | ey yess fom date, et hl, _ . Geo. S. CLIMIE, (4 GIBBS' BLOCK. . | QOshawa. Although these gloves have advanced seriously I still oer Marth lat, 15:2. 3wy Ochaira, Dec. 1,187. i | ASK AT THE | Rema Sea phen bg) WEEDS 2nd CLO ill nN PRO BONO PUBLICO. | . | Large Well-Selected Stock of TWEEDS an THS | . tran Pi in jo and Wel Department, and customers are respectfully requested LL KINDS OF C! ret Sa S2 "RETO OSHAWA, April 5, 1073 I place orders for Suits before the assortment is Bev, coax, |= Ee we Eaite vy Di Pit EESON." The RMER " | . } A aN. Orrrcx~Church Stocet, Bowmsz ills. | : Osmawa, Maren, 1872. hr ol HK oy L FEL & Co. SL - JAMES SUTTON & co." " ; " % LEY 7 Pubtichers, 0 Libesty Street, Now Yord : z ' i. "00018 00oW WLI AML % yvg N3100 ONY 1SIML S30vd Ish

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