Ontario Reformer, 15 Mar 1872, p. 2

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Challenge For $6,000. : { Mr. Glen--fur the Joseph Hall Ming | facturing 'Company--being desirous @| | | prove beyond a doubt that the Leffel! | Water Wheel manufactured by thew js the! Fowke, MdOgs; Hodder and Fdwards, gN. | best wheel made, has issued aghelleng$ Df. McGill 'was re-elected ChLaivinas, SOND reer. | GOING EAST. wanufacturers of water wheels of any kind, On wotion of Mr." Gibbs, seconded by Sorina roy Mail, 1:45 a.m | Whether they he imitations of the ladfel or | My. Hodder, Mr. Arkland's salary was a : us am. | Mixed, - = +325 pn. | any other. ; Tle challenge is for £6,000 a | raised to $400. lr pm. | Express, - - - . | side, the winnells money to be refunded to |. The followi Bpress, + - 1:3 pom. | Passenger, - - 7:17 p.m : s f mg The morniug express goes upon Sunday morn- | Nim, and the luser's mouey to go towards ed: a. bul not on Monday. | establishing a mechanical free litrary in |. School Management : WHITBY STATION. any town in Canada named by the owner | Cowan and McGee. bi of going hoe ors Whithy Sten len | of the successfal whoo. (Oshawa wazts a | Bchool property: Dr. inutes later than the above, | good mechanical free library.) The wheels | Messrs. Fuwke and Smith. | to be tested in a flour will, driving the | Finance: Messrs. Carmichael, Hodder, same runs of stone, grinding the same | 3nd Cowan. wheat, and having the same nuwber of | - Library : Messrs. Edwards, McGee and | square inchus of oveniag to. receive the | Glen, water. The judges to be non-residents Of | Permission was given to Miss Madden | Canaila, the competing 'parties to *haose | and Miss Farewell to change divisions in | one each, and the two a third. i £7 | the school. : Over 6,000 of gliese wheels are mow(ih| The following ts were examined, use in Cavada and the United States; Wod | found corveet, and ordered to be paid : : this Comjany claims to be the uly man- | T:Hastnett, $24 ; Hatch & Co., $21.63; ufacturers of the genuine' James Leffel | Steele Bros, $2.75; H. Langley, $21.40 | Double Turktine Wheel in Canada. | Jub tykes, $256.40; A. Baker, $2.30; ee | Wm. Leask, $62. | | "City .6f Montreal." Board adjourned. Fo The American Dispute. The Nashville Repuld ican and American, Meeting cf School Beard. RBAY¥D TRUNK TIME TABLE Piest vigulae wepting of Board. Pres- C8EAWA STATION. ~OSHAW A TIME. et Tr 104 were Messps;- Gibbs, Coburn, and SPRING TRADE. - | ERCHANTS AND OTHERS ARE 4 1 : invited to call at our Office and ex- | steanyer of the Inman line was published swine Specimens of Plain and Fancy | inthe Nautical G.izzette and may not prove | . . | whelly uninteresting to our readers. Al- PRINTING. " i | though net a full description of the vesbel, : it will give a slight idea of the accom. da- AMrErdet promptly attended to, and. | tions passengers will fild on her. The . ~Batisfaction Guaranteed. { steerage holds comfortably. and is by law Bik ha 2 | allowed to carry 1,252 passengers. She is W. R, CLIMIE, - - JROFRIETOR. | said to be large, without being unwieldly, { and without sacrificing safety for speed. The following description of of this new | fers to the Washington Treaty difficulty | in an editorial. Ir. the course of the. ar- ticle the cditor declares: --" One thing Guimio Weimer, | Cehaws, Friday, March 15, 1872 fortune to the vesse) : there is no improbability that it will occur. . Be : | The steamer City of Matre df: was built | It is very evid ant, however, that whatever, ent: Dr. McGill, Méssm Gibbs, Cownn, | indepanficnce [take it" 1 is by organisation, M ny £5 Ganviorad oid AM he New Sosei Machanic} . * «Workingmen 'have & very short Tond to comfort ifithey will vnly- 3 their, organizatidn is not against the men who employ and pay them, but for them- | | a leading paper of the Soathern States re. selves. A movéident of this kind has been tried in New YorR, and success has prived-1yv, the. watter set right. that it ia no. experiment. or. theory, sid now at this time several organizations have been formed tg atfeypt Ry repeat the sue cst that attended the earlier tfial. A-tmmber of years-ago several working- men conceived the idea of securing a body of themselves, one thousand in number, to '| bind themselves .tv lay by £1.50 a week for ope year, toward buying for themselves a tract of ground on which to build homes. The thousand: names were secured, and due care being taken to secure only sober, industrious, and prudent subscribers, the money at the end of the year was also on hand. The sum was $78,000, with a little savings interest added. As soon, however, as £25,000 was to theircredit in the bank, they b:gan to ook arpund for a location. They decided, prudently to buy only the best land, as they were buying homes for themselves and their children. Attention was called to the fine location of a new suburban village, sloping back nnd across the New Haven Railroad, which was then just begun. The saciety decided on it, and paid $10,000. down on the con- wact, the rest to be paid in afew wonths. } Long before the year was out, the remain- [ however, is very evident--the United | q.r of the purchase money, $40,000, was States ard not in a condition to go to War | 14id down, and the control of the village | with any power ful nation. Thanks to the | ya ji their own hands. So great was the | linchiacity of the Grant Adwimistration, | geirs of ¢ther workingmen to join and She has every requirment which may pos- ! YUE B%Yy is inferior to that of Spain, and | live with them, that it was found needful ibly be necessary for the wholesome main- | immeasurably weaker than that of Great | very soon to purchase one hundred acres | tenance of the immense nuniber she can | Britain. It is idle to speculate on the | adjoining and lay it out. The village, ea ry, and for saving them in' case of 1nis- probable results of such a contest, since | Mount Vernon, is now one of the finest and most thriving of the sub rban clusters | of New York, and every 'morning i sends : {by Messrs. Todd & McGregor, attheir | damage we 1night inflict oh the British | f, 4) its swarm of happy, smiling fuces, Tan past week has farnished evidence | yard, on the Clyde, aud was launched vn territory on 1 his cuntinent, would be mor» that the disloyal utterdnces of Hon. Jos. | the 20th of Septewber last, having cob- | than counterbalanced by the utter des- he 4 | a1 a: i 0 oti | ig in his Tate apeich a Ottawa, ay { Jowied eight een eon I ga | truction of our foreign commerce, the ruin sccopted » the *' new eparture oF | feet; breadth, 44 feet; depth, by Custom's | of our acaboard cities, and, worst of all, the Téry- Liberal-Conservative- Moderate | Register, 35 4-10 feet; tonnage, carpenters' | the chuck | which it would "inflict on the Coalition fatty, led by Sir John and Sir | measurement, 4,459 tons; registered ton- | groeith of our population through immi- Georgl. © Ahou® tliree weeks have passed | nage, 3,026 tons; cflicial number, 65,909. | gration from En'ope. 'Under the circum: fakin, ie x | Her istered tonuage, as before stated, since the Fon. "Joseph stirred np the | 7 TOBREEC 00 po a #'.ances, it is highly impro? able that there to push and drive for the day the industries of the great city. The scheme is being 'mooted again in great thirty miles out of town to f1.d a location and then perhaps a mile or two off the road. As time is an essential value to the sauglierilig dinexation Gre sad heaped a | is larger than that of any ship in the quantity of fresh fuel thereon, and yet not vne of his associate Cabinet members has attempted to quench the flame, or given { world. with the exception of the Great | The hull is, of course, of iron, } Woolwich Ancnal reat Preparation Eastern. { and her model gives a ship of great buoy- | ancy, so, much so, that in her trp from the | bnilders' yard to Liverpool only about 100 will be any war with Great Britain." silly= hoax about a secret treaty for the, ind of Canada from the empire will sport was referred to in the Imperial isment. Mr. Mactie, who makes col- uestions a speciality, thought worth while to call the attention of the Cdlonial Depgrtment to the report, and asked to the Under Colonial Secretary, replied that be had not thought it worth while to con- teadict such an absurd rumor, bute, out of respect to the gentleman asking the ques- tion, he would state that there was not the slightest foundation for it. CONDITION OF THE AMERICAN Navy. -- An American paper, in speaking of the lection of maritime curiosities, the ships more resembling those of the midille ages than anything else, and that the entire navy at home and abroad consists of about 50 vessels, 8,000 men,. and 670 guns, and goes on to say, *' Jobn Bull has avoided numerons wars by the judic'oys expendi- tupe of $50,000,000 yearly. and without increase of taxation, has within 'eight years, built up a navy that isa match for . ay two Eurcpean Powers combined. England has spent £180,000,000 less than navy in the world." | [MVeatuse Prornecies.--Some vener- erable weather-wise individual predicts for 1872 large freshets. He says for half a' century large freshets have occurred every ten years. In 1822, "32, '42, "52 and "C2, the floods were very disastrous, and he concludes that there will be great floods of mighty waters in 1872. Another old weather prophet, who/ can remember clear back to the great frost of 1830, says " everything pints to an early sp-ing "-- the giese stand om one fuot more than [logs is thinner than ia previous years. | These signs were never kaowa to fail-- | nor even to makqan assignment. ProsasLe Miuitary Drarr.--The St. General of the Domini n, having written | tothe 79 Colonels of Battalions as to whether they could fll their ranks with- | oft resorting to a draft ucxt spring, unly | two replied in the affirmative, It is be ---- Tus chap in Halifax who concocted i] fave the gratification of knowing that the | Towa, which has'squeez d thie females to Mr. Hugesson | state 3f thesr Navy, says that it is a col- | we have, and' has built up the strongest | usual, and the bark on' the north side of | New York, although under disadvantage, | Mary's Vidette lear.s that the Adjutant. | as now it is 'necessary to go twenty or | workman, and a most uportaut part of | * a X : : : ih Po P lieved that oat of a nomial Volunteer | his capital, this almost destroys the whole | © : .: force of 40,000 mh, not over half that plan. A workingman's village now should | be directly on the line of railway, sud not ' number cuuld: he. mmstered for. service. ar Material ---- There were forty! fatal age of small- pox ip Moptreal at week. & Conbas id én 'exhibition at Difuqds) death. ' 8: rw Muzny, the wellknown' snti-Popery agitator, Las stopped "his lecbures. Hy'is | dead. ) - | A British war sloop has destroyed the village occupied by the murderers of Bis. hop Patterson. According to son.ehody--wos it Coucius? | | --he that in the world would rise, must | take the papers and advertise. A school mistress in Green Bay, Wis- consin, rides to school every day in a hand sled drawn by the big boys. 2 Tue British House of Com: en have, | rejected by large majorities propositions to reduce the English army by 20,000 and 10,000 men respectively. | twenty-five cents a barrel, eB # mearly cightcen hundred: | daily pipes. Tea wos a cup to the snow- bound Pacific travellers. Hew » man hates to be sgen sitting downton a slippery sidewalk. A Windsor man rafiled off his family Bible at ten cents a shake. Ax Agent General for Canada is, it is said to be intel to- London. Gas was discovered in 1730, nealy a ceutury before M. C. Cameron was born. A man can_got along. without advertis- ing: so cana wagon without greasing, but it Grinds. : A Pennsylvania lady froze her fore- he d_ became perwanently insane Jouko Tas salary paid to Miss Anna C. Brack- ett, Principal of the St. Louis Normal School is $2,500 a year: ; Tux hotel bill of the Grand Duke and | Iris reported that ms ely, ie c 8. Charles Hotel, Now Qrigans, | Charles of Prussia, while in'Rome lately, | asserted his claims to the candidature for | | the throne of Spain. Tus Port Perry Standard 'says the | school tmildings of that place ate" * 6ld, rickety, inconvenient and unsightly." "Let as trade off our Town Hall for h inhabitant" of Gloucester, held a levee a short time ago in celebration of her one hundred ard twenty-first birth dagys i Tue first clanse of the bill making it criminal to, belong to the Imtermmtional Society was passed Ly an overwhelminy | majority in the French Assembly yestor- day. Tus proclamation offering a reward for the murderers of Thos. Scott, near Fort Garry, in March, 1870, has been issued. The principal part of the proclamation reads as follows: w A Tue great University boat race between | Oxford and Cawbridge is announced to ! come off on the Thames, on Saturday, 23rd | | March, Both crews are now practicing | daily. i Mg. Beran, chief officer of the Human- | itarian Society ia New York, has at lywale | a crusade against J iges uehooting matches. | His latest victory was putting an end to a match begween Paine and Bogardus, both | noted shots. It is the style now-a-days, when ah eu: gagement js. broken off by the lady, vot to return the presonts givea her by her fitaces Maes. MEurrasLE Prreer, the "'oldess | | sword of D5 os. Tae Empéror J lia granted a full y the public to understand distinctly that | tons of ballast were on board, and yet she | the disloyal sentiments met with no favor | was perfectly staunch. Shu has four decks | at the" conference table cf the Dominion | and 1s divided into: eight waeuitight Suen i Goverment, "Silence reigns within the Partments running from the keel to the circlé of power at the capital; and the | third deck, and five from the third fo the fourth or spar deck. The main deck is of organs of the * powers that be ™ although | (From the London Weekly Despateh.) in every department, which is the more disloyalty of the words uttered by one of | Paty. their chiefs, dared uot condemn that | Soar 10% °F he The eo Fhe Same yet. | ductions more or less extensive. but capable of being tough siege, however, and the making of | is 8 inches in diameter, and the stroke of | and that most of the orders then any amount of wry faces, they have man- | piston 4 feet 6 inches. The propellor is | have been long fulfilled, : two-bladed, 20 feet 8 inches in diameter, : aged to get the .nauscous dose partially | ha pitch ot 28 oy The boilers, |Very extensive scale were anticipated this swallowed, and are beginning to fall into | eight in number, are fired in twenty-four | year. but comparatively few men have line again quite readily, to resume their | furnaces, and. are proved for a working | been discharged, and it is now. expected duties as applauders Gf whatever falls | pressure of 50 pounds to the square inch. {0 00 ooo possible contingencies. the ------------------ > give, from Dominion cfficial lips, be the same good, bed or indifferent. © Some of these | organs feebly support Mr. Howe, and be- | -- gin to4hink that what he said was not so | Can any one accommodate us with a bad, after all. Although he tik the { few loads of good wood ? If so, will they ground that Canada snd Canadians did bring it along at once, aud oblige! not amewnt to much in this world, and | that we ware being shamefully abused by 'the mother country, it is looked upon as all right by the opponents of Reform. | Mr. Howe virtually threw ou: the hint that the only thing left for Canada, under the circumstances he pictured, was annex- atioh to the United States. And yet our | Tory«Conservative friends can see nothing | to object 'to in such semtiments uttered | and implied. May we not ere long ex- | pect to find the upponeats of Reform at | theirold tricks again--signing annexation | manifestoes and rotten-egging Her Majus- ty's representative iu this colony! If recent move.nents are any indiestion of the course to be pursaad by the reigning WOOD! WOOD! New spring goods at Barnards. See advertisemen'. Cras STIEN offers his house and lot for sale. See advertisoment. FircHET has just received another sup- ply. of the " Peerless" fine-cut chewing tobacco--the best made. Texpers for the erection inst. Me. Il. J. Argrayp oTseas for sale 25 acres of good laad within th: corporation of this villag-. For particulars see adver- scent, | establishment will be kept up to ifs full | strength for some time longer. | guns for naval service and coast defences | are being produced with unprecedented | rapidity at the Royal gun factories; in the | | Royal carriage departiaent the manufac- | ture of iron carriages for the guns is pr - | eseding with corresponding speed; the mer the shell foundry are working overtime { to execute new and extensive orders for | Palliser and other shells of modern kinds; The Royal Arsenal is still full of activity | { remarkable, because at this. petiod of the | steel from side to side, the beams upon the | financial year, when the army estimates | at first struck dumb by the wildness and | patent principle of the Buttery Iron Com- | are about to issue, there are usually re- | Seeing | : a | that large numbers of extra hands were | which they could mot praise./ After a | worked up t5 3.600 H. P. The cylinder | taken out at the outbreak of the late war, | reductions on a | Heavy | i and in the Royal laboratory, though the | | cartridge makers have accuniulated such a | | stock of animunition that {there is little | of the Hat | Jeft to do, thy departnsmt is very busy in. | Factory must be in by noon on the 20th | the preparation of torpedoes, fuzes, and § ternational, bccause it 1uilds instead of In reference | | the other material of war. | to torpedoes, it is scarcely a secret mo | that a more than seven or eight miles vutof town at the farthest. The. rule of selection | should be, not te go over. half an hour's distance in time. ~ This will make an hour going and returning, and is all a poor man can spare. p Again, the workingman, at the present rate of wages, need pot limit himself to 21.50 a week. yong or old, warried «r unmarried, who really wants a howe and.is worthy of one, { who cannot lay by 82p:r wok. At this sum five hundred msn wonld acc "ruulate | over £52,000 in one year, which is all that is necessary to start one; and the sualler | the organization, of course, the more easily | it is raise l and handled: The advantages of such ac*ion, ton, would not cease merely with the securing of house and home, great as is that blessing. The nian' or boy who has saved moncy for a year or two, and bought something with it, has more than tha, eaccquired the habit of saving and accumaolation, is strengthened 'in the consciousness of the porsession of. jroperty, begins to exper'. ence the self-reliance and prudence of the capitalist and land-owner, and his self-res- pect and influence growing and widening is on the highway to fortuie and power. tearing down--because it organizes | for ™ | society instead of against it--t i party of skilled workmen have been | an ¥ Instead, of against it--lecangd 3 ww make every man a capitalist in- There ia no workingman, | Here is something better than the In- | { This demoralization of the corps is sttri buted to the operation of the Militia Ast { an whi ¢ on active service. | Iya communieation to the Royal Physi | cal {Bociety of Edinburgh, on the Extirpa- tiofif of Vendincus Serpents from Islands, | MriiRobért Brown calls attention to the facfhat the common domestic pig has ex- | teripinated rattle-snakes in some districts | of Oregon, and that great antipathy exists between the pig and poisonous snakes in all parts of the world. to enjoy, iu a singular degree, inu.uiity from the venom of reptiles; and the auth or is disposed to rc gard the noa-occurrauce of savkos in Irelan 1 as attributable to the large umber of pigs kept in that country. 'I he animal seen:s A icientific excharge infori.s us that Mr. Noah Rogers, of Thomasville, Georgia, has invented an aatomitic fire kinller. | The machine is so constricted as to enable one in a distant part of the house to kindle a tire without getting out of bed. And so the march of progress goes on. When some inventive genius has prolucd a { machine which will enable a man to dress | himself, cat his breakfast, and do his day's | work without getting out of bed, the lazy | man's millennium will have fully come. "Tux Sotith Bruce] Reformers mustered in strong force at Riversdale on Saturday | Hon. Edward Blake, M. P., was unani- j mously and enthnsidstically nomiaated as | | the insuflicient pay allowed the wen | or even the ergagancnt ving, which is | kept as av Indian keeps a scalp--as a tro- | | phy of former victories. | A May nun-l Samuel Wats n, was found dead on Friday night, on the 6th concession Markham, hali a mile from i Unionville. His neck a d arm were brok- He is supposed to have been thrown whilst the horses were 'em. from his wagon runnigg awsy. | Mps. Wnrian B. Astgr died in New , York on Friday in Net 73rd year. She leaves 310,000,000 to her grandchild Miss | Ward, Mrs. Astor was a danghter of Gen | eral Army rong, President Mailsou's see. retary of war. Her private charities were many and muni cent. | A 'Paris paper, allud'ig to the Chicago | catastrophe, and desiring to impress the { readers with the grandeur of the great lakes, 'says that * the artificial pieces of | water in the Beis de Pculorgue comonly | give them a faint idea of the lak:s Haron | aud Superior." | Iris unlerstood that the lands in Man- | itoba that have been surveyed will be of- fered to the public about the lst of May { next, AN Zle nécessary books and papers | required by Surveyor General Denvis, are being prepared. The patents Tor lands will be sigaed by the Governor-General. Last week applications were made 'to sme time enzaged during the night only, i 1 of robbing thuse who are; andthe | trying, perfecting, and manufacturing eapital that it offers too is not merely the several new descriptions of these ** sub-| pation of -moneys--it is the solid © mew issues allow the viongs aud ar " ghirteen" at Outawa and their sajpor- ters, then look eat for a bold attemjt w cut our connection with Britain, sud au | alliance of a greatly inferior nature. Bat on the other hand, from s ut penned by coulition senbos, it surmised that tais © new dopart ma rely a rwse to divert the altention of | the public from Sir Julia's recent sarren- der of Canalinn hts ; ead by creating 7s of | the Premier tu be presel over hightiy,and | to escape worited condemnation. Dominion Parliament will soon met, and Sir John and colleagies dread lo face the rapresentatives of tz piople whoa they |" have betrayed, as far as in their power lay. It has pot denied that a wrong has been. iuflicted, znd that the Premicr was a consenting party thereto; but it is claimed that he coald not help himself-- it was the best thing that could be done | under the circumstances in the inferest of | others. -Cold comfort," that, fer Canada. | We have ben injured, - aud a great por- | tion of our wealth and privileges surren- ! &ered.to a neighbor, with the consent of | the "Chief Director of our public affuirs; | and, yet we are told that we must not complain, we must not blame the guar- ! Cian of our rights who has thus sold us, | tnd who alone we can call to account-- | Lut we must leok to the power which friglitened our protector into betraying | us. That kind of argument won't do: | Sir John, and these who by their votes help t> hosp him in power, are responsible for | the great wrong inflicted upon Canada by the Washington Treaty ; and the effort to | mislead ur blind the people to the fact | will not avail. 8>ath Ontario, we regret | 40 say, has to bear part of the blame; but | we believe that the ensuing election will show that the electors of this riding have been nwilling parties iu Canada's recent | degradation. ET ---- We have been requested to announce tliat the annual concert in connection with | the Wesleyan Methodist Sabbath School of this place, will bé held in the Church, | on Tuesday next, and by what #e can | lears from partios who have been. at the | rehenrsals of those who are to take part in | the performance, we have no hesitation in.| guaranteeing a good entertainment to those | who'mdy attend. In addition to the sing- | ing of the children, several duetts, quar- | A Teiesrax from Madrid states that a | marine guns," both aggressive and defen- § eapital of health, content, and happiness | Reforin Candidate for the South Riding | nine different magisirates for a warrant | of Bruce in.the Dominion Parliament. The for the arrest of Riel, each of whom re- | ether subject of the meeting was stated by | fuged to issue it, on the plea of want f the chairman to be a more eff-ctive organ- | jurisdiction. Riel and Lepine hava both eiisis is approaching in that city, and that | give, and that in this respect, as in some the King is taking the necessary steps to | others, the country is better protect | that trewsure which neither moths nor The i 3 y 3 if "pictures, defend hi: thruie. 1 Ox the 11th inde , the British House of ejzcted theiamendinents by Mr. 7 the: by Mr. Muutz, réducingit 10,000, by a larg i : S It is 1cported in Ottawa that Sir John will force Huwe to write a ns, reul ajont «3 cxencrating the Doria. e miter of his la'e spe ch. 18 gallery wiil be peil; aad before 120s 1a prices tloirT announces th d ou the rd o closing he offers great A lot of pure frames to be sold cheap. Sea advertisement. Dy reference to avr advertising ¢olumns | that Mr. B. J. Rogers, sr. | it will be see will offer for sale, én Lot No. 7, 2ai eon. East Whitby, on the 25th inst., a lot of valuable farin stock, implements, etc. Sale to co.nm:nes at 1 o'clock, J.B. Pat. tefson, Auctioneer. A NINE moUR League was organized in this place on Friday evening last, with the following gentlemen as officers: D, Porteous, President; Mr. Ashley, Viee- { President ; Jas. Hezath, Recording Secre- tary ;= Jas. Brown, Corresponding Secre- tary ; M. Warren, Treasurer, Tue Oshawa St. Patrick's Benevolent Society has: been invited b§ the Torunto Societies to go up and join the procession in that city. They have arranged with the Grand Trunk to allow themselves and all their friends to go and return for one fare. The Whitby brass hand has been engaged for the occasion. A Sociayn, under the auspicas of the Oshawa I. O. of G. T., will beheld in the Sons' Hall this evening, commencing at 7 | o'clock. The committee of managem:nt promise a good time to all who may attend. An excellent, programme is prepared for the occassion. Tea served in the base- ment of the hall. See advertisement for particulars. We learn from the Whitby Chrondole that Mr. Willian Ferguson, of Dutfin's | Creek met with a sad ac:ident on Friday | last, which was near costing him his life. While hewing railway ties in the woods west of the Creek, he was struck bya branch of a tree in ths face, completely breaking his nose, part of the spliaters eutering through the nose to the roof of uy by 20,000 men | t {rom all:complicity or know- | | rust srrupt, nor thieves break through | from invasion than it has been at any | shop Pe or oak previous period. - The colouies and out- | stations are also being supplied with the | uswest designs of guns and other muni- | A Tenmists PerxoNirion Redtizep. -- | tions of war; one lurge ship, the Edgar Cleveland last week was the ane of pne | Cevil, is loading with 25-ton guns, the | of those aw ful canes of mysterious warIng | largest yet. issued, and will sail in a day | 3nd sad fealization that have boen agoniz- | or two for Halifax, N. 8,, notwithstand., '"€ the country papers lately. The sad { ing the withdrawal of the British troops | Sircuiustances are as follows: --A young | trow the Dowinion, and the War Depart. | 3d beautiful married lady, whose hus. | meut, steamers | | de Grey, are engagad in shipping guns of | | the same calibre to Portsmouth, March- wont, and the other forts round the coast. road weeting," step, ed into a neighbor's house to while away an hour or so until he vaturued. While engaged ia knitting | & stocking, she was startled by the sudd:n | dropping of all th stitchas from oue uee- dle, but not being superstititons, she pre- ceeded to ga'her them up, when a looking glass in the roym fell and broke; she then felt that <ouie deadly peril hung over her husband, and rushed home. , The fron door was open, his over-coit hung we the flour, and his plug hat was placed on the marble bust of Daniel Webster in the parlor, With an undeniable feeling of her terror, she rushed to room --enly to find her warning reslised; there he lay on the bed, with his boots on the pillows snd' the ace of spades tig tly clatched in his hind. She did not faint, but denied 'trumps 'and played a club-around his bead--until he promised to give . up such tricks. A'New Carrive.--In a trial in London recently, a witness described himself as of a profession of trade of the existence of which neither the judge nor barristers in court seemed to be aware. The witness said: " Iam an early caller." Why said the man, *' I calls different tradesman at early hours, from one till half-past five in ee -- © ~<-- ue follo sing is a statainsat of the rev- enue aud expenditure of Canada, for the month ending 23th February. RrvENUE-- 19,919 94 37,994 43 Po cases ssinere $1,521,700 82 A new inventiun has lately been patent. od in this country that is likely to be very generally utilizad. Woe allale to what is known as Simm's Patent, an arrangement | that the feminine portion of the commun- ity, at least, will bless the inventor for. Without entering into the descriptive, we | | may say that it is a kerosene oil lamp with | an apparatus attached for heating water or | other liquids if necessary. When the | weather is oppressively hot in the summer | : po | season, to make a fire towards the close of | fhe wuruioe and that fa_how 1 makes my | tha afternoon in a dwelling for evoking | { goes to bed at six, and 1 | purposes is calculated to produce no little § jeor oon.» + But surely 'you don't call | discomfort. With this inexpensive con- | any person as early as one viclock I Yes | trivance the necessity for the ual fire ! 1 calls bakers Letween cre and two, but 1 upon ordinary occasions 'is obviated, a8 | .;,t ud uo bakers on my lists for the last the common. beverage esa be prey "| two months. The bakers is the earliest of equally as well and wuch more expedi- | jy» What ways there are of making a tiouly with this uRAsuming arrangement. | living in a vast city! Only think of the In the sick roa it would be very useful; |. 00 0f ¢ early callers," and a man of and altogether i ah article ia Dotmnestic | about five 'and twenty settling Cown to iv Ecunowy it is daatinad to be, at no distant | : . " : day, accorded. a high place] Peeuniarily | Tae Middlesex Spring Ass'zss will.com- it will effect a considerable saving, and | mence on the 25th inst., at'Gal', vhen the | sleeps till the Lord Panmure and Earl | Pand was down town attending a ** rail. | I gets up betwean twelve and one | ization of the association, and in pursu- | ance thereof a strong executive committee | | was appointed. A Compaxy has been formed, with a | paid-in capital of 81,030,000, for the pur- | pose of erecting in Chicigo a museum, op- era house and lecture hall. The museum is to be thé grandest . flair ever known, and for maguilicence, the opera house will sur- pass any in the country. Chicago's oldest | manager is at'the head of the enterprise, | and the building will be commenced dur- | ing the coming summer. ! sells at 80s to 100s jer ewt. in Liverpool, { whi'e the fine te nest brands bring 112s {to 11Cs. Aunerican Lutters are guoted, | saute date, at 70s to 100s. A litile more intelligence and care cn the part of our farmers in making butter, would vastly enchance the value of this n.ost important | article of export, and reader if sure of finding always a ready market. Proressor SiLLiMax has been analyzing | so-called brandy sold at the| bare in our | country. His sample--not an unusual one--contained 583 graius of solid matter, nmiadé up of alum, iron, sulphuric acid, oil of some kind, burnsd sajw, tannic acid, Guinea pepper, lead aud copper! What a dese for the stomach of a hi 'man being! A few deys since a Montreal lanyer re- turned to the railway ticket ageat in that city one dollar, overpaid 'him in' making change. Fora mowent the agent stvod | speechless ; then, as the tears poured down | his cheeks, he grasped him by the hand, | and exclaimed: *'Pisase staal still one minute, sir, and let ma look at you --nd a Lawyer, too." It is conceded on all hands that the next election will be most disastrous for Sir John A. Macdonald, in Central Canada There never was a time when his hold ¢n | the present time. From present appear- { ance he will not have a corporal's guard | | at the next election. I~ Now xNow YE, that the sum of rive | THOUSAND DOLLARS will be paid by the | Province of Ontariv, as a reward to such | person or persons as may be instrumental in bringing the eaid murderers or any of | them to trial for the said murder before Canadian Lutter ¢f goed quality now | in a strictly professional way, some of the | the Conservative party was so weak as at --sar'y and secure a seat. totts; chermscs, etc., will be sung by the | bis wouth; and while prostrate a tre. fell | adults contested with the school. The | across his ueck. Mr. Ferguson was takea Rew! W. W. Ross, of Toronto, a zealous hme by his fellow workiuen, and Dr. " | Tucker called in, under whose skilful worker in the eause; and, we are informed | go ional treatment he is now ay sn able speaker, : with others, will deliver | yrocressing. The injuries received aie | shostgidresses. Admipsion 15 cents. Go | very severs, and the face so wuch braised', : | that the sufferer-will be disfignred for life. | | be prevented. The inventor is a resident | ed with. | of an aljoining eruatry, Waterloo. | the satisfaction of those who will have | received the unanimous nomination of the | be equitably apportioned. socially, by its use, much discomfort may *¢ Campbell murder ase" will be proceed- any Court of competent jurisdiction; and | | in %ase more than one person becomes en- titled to participate in the reward it will For| Mz. C. F. Fraser, of Brockville, has their curiosity aroused, it may be stated | Reformers uf South Grenviile torepresent | THE civic enumeration of the population them in the Onfar'o Logislatare, in place | of Mitchell is about 2,028, or 236 more that the price of tis actizle is two dollars. { | of Mr. Clarke, deceased. thag that made by the Government. Woodstock Rericw. - " A ' skedaddled". They crossed the border at Pembina on Saturday last. - Tue Brst Tiur, 2 17.--The Turf | Board of Appeal, to whem was referred | the dispute regarding the time made by | Goldsm HE Maid, st"Wilwaukee, lest fall, | "as decided that the mare is fairly enti- | tled to that recurd. Will Mr. Bonner now | beat it with Dexter, or any horse in his | stables?! Prairie Farmer. | | A forgetful young woman out West the | other night aroused the inmates of a hotel | to which her bridal trip had led, on account | of finding a myrin her rrrwy. Thatriling i circumstance of her marriage that morning | had quite escaped her memory, and it was not until sunimary justice was about to be | visited on the of:nder that she happened to recollect. it. A Tre magisteates of Leamington, : Out. have decided that a militiamanis bound to give his officer six moaths notice of his in- tention to retire from the force, notwith- standing that he miy have served the fal- term of three years for which he enrulled, wid the opinion has been eadors:d at wi- litia head qnarters./ Joaquin Miller says of Queen Victoria: "In Whitehall I Girst saw the Quoen of - England, a sad and silent woman, whos: virtues, chatities and sim>licity have chal- lenged the admiration of the world; a wo- man who has tarae1 from the allursm uts of courts to. educate her own childrn; a woman always clad in uncomprisiug black." | A Max at Turner, Me., has a contrac' | for the muiafaztaes of 13) wails {| boot-heels fur a Boston linn. These heels amoun to 811,000. © SL {Pus Japanese clergy pause every fifteen utes in their lig and say their congregation, " Let us have asmoke. night ' AL tho Fores say Jod Howe is et three distinet points, sal fears What will they say of John". when' the tind that he is promptor to poor decrip sel "Two womén have made 'application to Commodore Vanderbi t for the office of Uopductor on phe Now York Central § ai Tus anor highsy .mé refergnce fo be . igs of a certain colleg af never allow any ap essays fo the Le ers rewaining in the han authorities. fw omageiLreremar id A Michigan Indian was promptly est corted to the happy hunting grounds by a can of nitro-g'ycerine, which hs endav- ored ta onen with his listle hatehet:- A'young wan says he thinks making love to a y ung lady : t ing his prospective father-in law an entire: ly differently thing, and far from pleasan®. | Tae following is of interest to intending emigrants to the States:--The New York D.mocrat alirms that, so far this year, there lias been an average o oae murdep a day'in that ety. | A Clev: land dry goods clerk, a poor ors phan, desires '0 engage hoard where the secrat of how he pastes his hair down 13) scollops will be cr nsidered a suffici 'nt Loui: valent. Ir is said that Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia. while in Rome recently, on lis | way to Egyp', doclared that if France | made an attack upon I[raly, the litter coun- try would be dafe.d=d by German; . A firmer vesiding near Utica, N. Y, while being run away «ith a pair of fright ened horses, shouted, ** [ leave my wife 210,000; no time fo mak: a will." He is still alive, though badly Lruisid. Queex Victoria has presented her groom | John Brown, with + gold medal 3nd grant- ed him an annuity of £25 in recognition of his promptness in arresting O'Cannbr when Le assan!ted her: Taz British goverement is now engaged in testing the merits of a new breech load- ing rifle that is said to surpass anything that has yet been produced. The Marquis of Tweedale is the mventor. A woman who went into a photographic establishment the other day to haye a picture of her baly taken gave the child a prelauinary spandang, in order, asthesaid, to bring a healthy bloom into its cheeks 80 it woliid make a pretty picture. As long as you make drinking respect- able, drinking customs will prevail, and thé plough-sha e of death, drawn by terii- e dias ers, will go on taraingup this whole continent frem end to end, with the long, déep, awful furrow of drunkard's graves. Ix the Chicago Post office, *he other day there waa found jn the mails 3 newspa containg $110; 'which. the simple-mndad sender was trying to forward to England under a two cent stamp?! The name of the party mai ing the paper could not be ascertained, and the viluable package went to the dead letter office. Tae latest name forthe T has beea invented by the intelligent sup- worters of Mr." Lachfin McCallum, in 01¢:--*M lecat » Coastituti nal Party.' The title is appropriate, for they are only moderately constitution-1 after : 1i: but it seems altogether goo wuch name for such a little party. : A circumstance occured in Edinburgh the other day which may serve asa caution. A lady who had her child vaccinat «d acci- dental'y touched its arm with the ip of her nose; which happened to be slightly scratched. The result was that the pro- cess of vaccinationdaly developed itself on the naral vrgan. remnant Ax Inrupext Prckrocker.--Col. J. H. Grover, who was performing at Cardiff in his sensat'o ml play entitled *' I. 0. U." on the 9th inst, lust his pocket-boek con- taining £J, for which hy promptly adver- tised a suitable rewarl. No tilings. how- ever, were r ceived until last Wednes lay moaning, when his Packet book reached him by. post in the forut of a valentine, winus the money, but containing ths fol- lowing written upon a small slip of paper; "Mr, Grovir--Yeou are a'guod comedian, but you don't know the way to keep mon- ey. 1 send you the joie'-hook--as a valentine--but the cash is in bitter hands, We like Americans, thay ave always so" Yours. Nine Pounds, Worth, 'I. 0. U". Edinturgh Courant, : Wein, hore is one of the most extra. ordinary swindles, (if we may call it -o) which in thtse days of dod has been brought to lizht.- A wan in den Mass. sent gveat numbers of cireular; 'o various people thronghiout the conntry, offering to forward to tham by mail a handsomely bound book with a rich and peculiatly in- i for fro tispiec: exieut:l teresting pic ure in ths Bighvest style of French art, in sov- | oral colors.' "Every bachelor," the circu- | lar sid, shomll real it--:very married couple, and unmarried ladies, if they like. Every one should Jeep it in the trank or the pocket., Sent by mail, on the rocei;t of sighry cents. The bait took, a great many people sent the money, and what does the raanler sapposs they received in are attached tol the boot or shoe in this wise: A piece of leathér about a quarter | of an inch thick is fitted to the bottom of | the wooden heel, and a screw passes i through the leather iat) a m 'tallic plite, | which is nailed to the outer sole. Ian this | way a man can change his boot-heels in a | mouinent. A Brrxe newspayer, sips Guiseppe Mazzini is at Tirano in the Tyrol making | preparations for'a revolutionary of Italy. | | This arch aritator, it seems, can never be | satisBed. His whole life has been a con- spiracy against thé Pope, aud having lived to see his Holiness deprive! of the most | of his power, he now wants to measure | his strength with "the king of Italy. This | miy be the last step that will break Mez- sini's neck. . Taz WratneR.--According to the old sign we nre to have six weeks more of sharp winter weather. The second day of Fe was. clear and bright, which is considered hy many as a certain indication | of the continuance of winter for the time mentioned. Two days stormy weather in the beginning of the week : blocked np the Junda adly, and made trade very dull in own. return! The New Tes'ament, with a chrono lithograph of the Virgin and Child! The State Constable who weut to Malden to seize th: obnoxious literaturs was both- ered, and very naturally, 3 Avwrmems of the 6i1 wooden ligé of battle ships, with its hearts of oak and the thousand memories that song an 1 remijance have helpad t) endear; 'will pluck up spirit | again from a rather provoking accident that has happened to one of the bust of the British iron-clads. manded by Lord John Hay, was run into by what the Army wid Naey Gzette des- cribes as an "old Dublin pig.beat," and besides having her ports and boats carried away "was mauled severely" as fo be obliged to put into harbour for repairs. The old pig-boat, en tke other bard, ap- pears t» have s1staina | no injury at all and went on her way without any difficulty. Tt will be remembered that at the battle of Lissa thé most formidable iron-clad in the Italian navy was rin down and sunk by Admiral Tegethoff in a wooden vessel. | The same thing, if we mistake not, nccur- ed in the late American war. It would seem, therefore, that iron-clads are not yet invincible even to the unarmoured antag- to | The Hotsiur, com- | Ei | "The following able wilt show | at a glance the length of the vari | sod the number Of nails in Frigid They are rated S-penny to 20-permy, | first column gives the number, the | the length in inches, and the | number in sp pond: Number. 12-penn; : 4 W-peuny - - %» ; From the f regouing table an quantity and sustabis i dyn work can be easily made. Visurivs is begi Alter one of its 4 ion, it Leging to show signs of mischief. A month the smoke was very delicate and ent, but it soon after began to get 'and to be laden at times with puffs of "These, more recently, have been fi by other projectiles, and the Naj golo of Feb 3, says fire could be seen les, vomiting from the crater : The eruptive movement Hi i ¥ if ¢ i tertai of a serious cut-lreak. are i ed to protest against it." ooh id) RT ---- 7 Rie ol i 2d ; Mi ss For Bows 5 §itkis not boy who learns a trade | follow it all his life. Governor Palmer of | aud begun his political creer as a | ble in Macoupih county. A circuit judg in the ceaira! part of lilinois, was onces | tailor. | Thomas Hoyne, a rich and | nent lawyér of Illinois, was once a | vinder.| Erastus Covning, of New "York, Eg { too Luak to do hard labor, commenced ag' | a shop hoy ia Albayy. When he applied wy iittle boy, what can you do I" * J do what I am bid," was the answer that. Alassachusetts, was a shoe aaker. low Weed was a canal boat driver. Ex- Governor Stone, of Iova, was a cabinet maker, which trade the late Stephen Af Dorglas, also worked at in his © youth. Large nurubers of wen of prominence living have risen from hu:able life by diny of industry, without which talent is as' Work aloue mikes men Lright. and it deg not alone depaud on the kind of work have to do whether you rise or mot. depends ou how you do it. . 3 To tie Public of Canada. OFFICE UF THE Joszpu Hari Masvracrurine Cour: 3v Ushawa, Uat., March 8, 1872. sale 1 Canada, as to their ecunciuical a8 of water, we as manufactur rs vijthe Gaye VINE JaMEs LxrrEL. Doumis Tun, make whe tokio. challenge to i utacturers of ple. WHEEL how wade i, Canada, whether it be 1MITATIONS of Jans LerrEl Dousie TuRsINg of 8 other pattern, the wheels in ali cases to bb wholly manufactured by the competing parties. x We will place in the han sof anvr # | : to the awamd of the j 30 by ested In a Syut_uill ivi J same runs of stone, grinding wheat, and having the same number i square inches of ing to receive th] water, the amount of water di be the measnre of +he amount used by w The judges to be non-residents of Ci ada, aud 10 be thoroughly well info in the wode of testing the power of bine wheels, --each party to choose judge and the two to choose the third. The owners of the winning wheel to hai their woney refunded them and th money to go towards ishi chanical free library in ; ada psmed by the owner wheel. Ey 'town The wheel to be tested at §, }, §, § and full gate. 4 i- £ Each to gi and su honda, to the srtouns of 64,000, sheb loses shall pay the entire expenses of There are some "wheels that give good résults with full head and full galt age which entirely fail under uta} and partial gateage. Such wheels climate, where the water-powers are allel ed by both cold and South, oe practical value. We claim that we are the only of the GeNvine James Lrvsx D Torsixe WaeEL in Canada, & :d that! without a RivaL in the woRLD IN CAL RESULTS. More than 6,000 of these wheels are in operation in Canada and the U States. 'The sales of no other wheal yet introduced on this continent ¢! one-sixth this nu ubef. Our wheels have ben thoroughly in Great Britain, and has fally mai ed the reputation it bas gained in and 'the United Sites as the mest nomical water wheel in practical op | ever yet introduced. : We are how pablishing nicw tiva water-wheel punphlst contain pies of valnable matters, which sont free to all applicants. (A For further information address," | F. W. GLEN, Oshaws, Ont N. B..--~Wa desire to call attention thefollowiug certificate: -- : SrarxarizLp, Ohio, Dee. 25, 1068 We take pleasure in informing the J# lic of C that we have sold and #9 nished Mr. F. W. Glen, of Oshaws, tario, Patterns, Forme Dra! Guages, and all other - tion to build our celebrated Double bine Water-wheel, inven Leff, and known as the ** We have also obligated | nish the same facilities dor / to we other pasties in Cal Glen, no one can successfully bull | whee's, and we advise parties in U to purchase our wheels of no other | facturer. Mr. Glen's facilities are ¥H passed, and wo feél sure that he | perfect satisfaction. We | mend him to the public of Ci entire.confidence, feeling sure he | ufacture » wheel in all respects | our own. (Signed, J - 'any ong' third the ago i ned { Pla: a much abused version of the ' Last Dasa of Pompeii" just now in py | don, and perlispy the volcano feals i of small-pox, whew the olf' of the deceased rushed into the necessary that b) in compelled to one. thing, but stat- | Tiki was a country Blacksmith ones, | for esplaywent, first he was asked, his: sceured him a place. Senator Wilson of #8 Thurs? § useless a8 a gold coin on a barren island. Being desirous of testing the peri df the diticren. water-wheels now 2

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