Ontario Reformer, 1 Mar 1872, p. 3

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y with Rat Skins o¥ing. Amusing story per i A} lady havieg ent Ly (which a consid- kin aud flesh an eighth cre r*moved from her he lpeality having fail soggested that a por. pf some inferior animal d the patient readily whout two-thirds grvem . and quickly skinned, ctor cut ott a piece of trimmed it fo suit the pped it on, and. fasten- adhesive plaster, after : rface was 'sovered with ivi. The exjeriment his most sanguine ox! ten days the cure Tas. arface of the wound is e growth-of hair, and to answer every pur- neconvenience to which t is on account of thé ocasions, while sitting had been put to. go me inconvenienced by. ing on her, sad fafien tion of het driss ¥hich 3 the transplanted raf algd mniff stspiciously - Ik{ in the sfrects yet G---- in India has been te has at las been discov- cording to Darwin, a color for dress where is buff: in winter time ins. PT speaks of the death s from throat disease, oo rv, describing & recent "It eo aldnt stay up wn it came." 3 wipe out the German tinue to pour. into_Paris h» eonutry. The fund 3,000,000 francs. aiaiasiag lr aosay, ntracted to supply, ome atform cars requiced by lailway. 1 Bombay states thas rainst the rebellious af eutirely successful, now quiet. il*announces that Mr. 'Home Rule for Ire. as been offered a jude- alary of 88.000. Will the burying ground fi Church, in Scarboro', 2, just as you enter by fibéd to.the memory of ged 110 years. ault of the editor of a t its last issue called Kuss; " he had written 2." and the fault, was ed man of "Mobile was 134 of eighty-three, to remark during the had been married thir- , bat néver git out a region Kickel "up a Sanday, ia their place aaah: The minister, is cand the flock t him, and contribution ibles. ypular, : Lir-oared race between ers, of New York eitr, Cabot, of Pittsburyz, is lace »mn the Schuylkill, es. The stakes, which { irCIs8y, Are 3:00). New Yori inforas us resolutions were passed "xchange opposing the Ship Canal, and a com- ed to proceed to Albany feat the canal Ball mow gislature. ghtening her grasp om ovitices. The Ufficical nunounces the extension raine of the clauses of titdtion relating to the ncluding those on the y service. ; tly, a prise fight BF. id a man was broken The woman had just head in chancery, asd ~demolished under her , when the myrmidens als are joking Trochw ortie." Ome cf them got out of a. railway oing_ to leave hy the cn official respectfully vy, Genefal, for the ch the distinguished the reminiscences of the carriage again and 130 is safe who has once looking to drink for sas =. or comfort. ' While they will lik ly be tem- itis built, the raifrosd the rails are'laid down, ected, and the train id aly for the locomotive; sles us, and away we wn the line we have ructing, like a flash of tion, - 1° ing in Atlantic avenue, day evening last, was r, aud after proceeding Lis pocket in vain for tened back, overtook anting -his revolver, Give me that wateh." ndered it without .8 away. On reaching n was startled in the ative of his deperate _ ighwayman by an in- wife: ** Why, John, 1 on the bureau this ve been wearing it af O---- ee 4 c 24th ult., the wife of = daughter. ED. arsoiiage, Oshawa, on the Rev. J. Kennet; Oshaws, to Maés . py, of the Township r SESE ES USS od a i fo SER Ti FE oN, bin PRES BY: RFR R ia | A meeting, convented by the National Temperance Laague, was held on the night of the 30th at Exeter Hall, for the purpose of allowing medical men to state their opin- jons and €xperience as to the medical and dietetic use of aledholic liquors. The re- warks of the speakers went to show that | the treatment of pafients who had been | firinkers was more difficult than that of those who were abstainers; and that . the man who broke out and drank hard periodically did met injare himself so much | as the moderate drinker. One gentleman adduced the fact that, during the preval- ence of cholera in Hully from 40 to 50 per | cont. of the patients died under stimulat-. ing treatment. The general scope of the | observations Jf those who-addressed the | meeting was that disease was very much | more successfully combated when stimul- | ants.were no' prescribed. ! Ox <f the most brutal outrages on | record was perpetrated between 'Wing: H hart 3nd Clifford, on Tuesday evening | of tast week. While the driver was warm- | ing himself in a tavern at Belgrave, a | fiend in human form completely severed | with an axe, the two hind legs off one of | the horses a little above the fetlocks. The aight being dark, the ocenrrance was not noticed till Wingham was reached, the dumb brute being driven from Belgrave on the stumps of his legs ! The comumuin- | iy sympathized with Johnstone on his loss. The animal was worth 8100. The | scoundrel who" comuitted the deed | » unknown. . - AN EARLY Srrive.--~There is a tradi- tion among farmers that an early appear- | ance of the polecat tribe denotes an early | spring ; and as these animals are now cut in force, it is presumed tHe p esent spring | will be an early cne. * One farmer said the other day that he.had met strong evi- | dences of as many as several skunks ina | drive "to market. of some tweuty miles. | He is a firm believer. i SINCERITY is speaking as we' think, believing as we pretend, acting as we pro- | fess, performing as we Prusmise, and being a8 We appear. S-- -- DANCING MHIOOL. Prof. Geo. E. Moors will give i struc- tions in step dancing. to, Misses and Mas- ters at his Academy, Hy land' s bloc, every Saturday at twoo'clock. Instructions will | also be given to ladies at Live o'clock p. ni. and atseven o'clock p. m. every Saturday. Terms--23 cents per leason--Adv't. 3 FRRIRELI AE or. Wanlars Phomustas. HERE IS NO D SEASED CONDI. tion of the body in which Ds. Wheeler's r Couipound Elixir of Phusphates and C alisays Jay not be used with posiive benetit, Being a Cuemical roud aad Nutritive Tonie, it acts hy ! sivlugicaily i the satue manner as our diet, It Pertects Digestion, Assimilation, and the Se won of Healthy wioxl. It sustains the vital forces by supp) ing che waste constanuy go dng on, of nerve and wuscle, a8 the result of nents aud physical exertions, enahii & mind and vudy Ww undergo great labir without tatigus. Is action in budiding uw) constitations brok a down with wasting Chronic disesses, by tast living abd bad Laoits is iruly estraorflinary, its cifect being umuncuinie in energizing all the mm the body, Paosphates being assolutely Ly aan ths COW uh ol Liss ts, Ils Hme be Na ure's geese restorative and vital ed by al] DZ agouts at $1 x Commereial, TORONTO MARKETS, March 1. Sines L X25 oi! Waeat, ? bushel, Barley, do Peas, do Osta, do Rye, do Poiatoss, do Hay, Pom... Apples, ¥ bri, 44 2! IT WHITBY MARKETS. { To ing fe a gh oe 06 oer on els "Yheat, Fall, ¥ bushe!, Wheat, Spang, do Barley, ¥ bushel, .. Oats, do Dons, do Putatees, do Nutter, V1, ositawa M ARKETS. Four, Yew, Wheat, Fall, ® bushel, Wheat, Spring, ¥ bashe!, Oata, ¥ bashel, Nye Barley v Peas, ¥ bushel, .. Potatoes, ¥ bushel, Butter, ¥ », Lard ud, * Eggs, ¥ dozen, Green Apples, ¥ bus, ...... Beans, ¥ bushel, ... Dressed Hogs Poultry. a Cloyer Seed # bushel AlsikeCiover... bdo asian 5% 0s 5% iT BOWNANVILE MARKETS. March 1. LITRE I 060 oe 038 06 63 06, ee O49 cw ..000 ow . 000 UR J 015 Wheat, ¥ bushel, Ryo, do : Barley, _ do Peas, fo Oats, do 8 Clover Seed, ¥ bushel, Timothy Seed, do ° Butter, Um, - MONTREAL inxs. March 1. $135a$1)| ox: 03! 065 057 LR os 015 on NOTE LOST. LL PARTIES ARE HEREBY warned against negotistin for a note ade by SAMUEL +A. BEARBORN in favor of | eary Dearborn, deted Novamsber 1st, 1971; due i5 one yeur from dite, - March 1st, 1872, - - . 3wpd PRO BONO PUBLICO. | LL KINDS. OF )F CANCERS AND | 4X. Tumors taken out and cured without the | rise of the knife, by DR. B. PATTERSON. The | best of references given in Bowmanvide and | « sen here, Orrick--Church Steet, Bowmanville, Maich 1,1572. Wheat, ¥ bushel, Oats, ¥ 32 2s, Barley, ¥ 48 Bs, Peas, ¥ bu-hel Buiter, oy, 4741. CHANGE OF F BUSINESS: 1 1 AVING DISPOSED OF MY BUT: CHER'S business to MC. N. steph mon, | So leartiy recommend bio WW ne pativsag: of ur '0 Te WSF cusloiners and I OIGE HENRY. Oehawa, Feb. 27, 1872. IN reference to the assve, I big to sav to my { fren. s that | shali cary 0 tae DUSIBSsS ot Lue stand, corner Ui mang aud Caurea S.rects, ee -- aiter Friday nest. A uid stuck or Fuse Cass MEATS of all -.-kines 1a bis S080, Wil always be kept unl hana. A wagun wil be Tun daily, sud ad Herwuns ceslrous of baviug i call at it db bouses will please leave word ai Lug shop. A cali is solicited, as Bu jpaing will be thared to give satisfaciivn. G. KX. SIEPHENSON. Oitawg, Feb. 27, 1572. Ll ER ------ ER -- FOR SALE. HE PROPERTY ON SELINA ST, wusisting of a story and & bat Finnie | viling Bova, wills slols aa 'able wud diy, shed | karucs with » Hm die rr am fied oi | i i ot), & DEVEr weil of oxucliouy - ¥or Wiles and | Vivaaer, to Meo, wn | tun, about {} miles from Bowmanville, | PUANS AND SPECIFICATIONS | days of a Factory - London yvery Wedne {on the: way out, | undersignes d executors, CEN ~. -------- "SHINGLES,- HINGLES OF ALL KINDS oh sale at wy Mill, Lot No. 6, ith con, JONATHAN STEPHENS. March 1, 1812. Rosie * Notice to Con tractors | ! will be ready for or Fog wi ina Sraw erected at Oshawa, Naty, aioe br Te, storeys high and about 30 fet by 80 HAT CO., MACHT) alk and Oshawa. Oshawa, Feb. 28, 1872, " To the Froe and Indophdent ELECTORS OF THER VILLAGE OF OSHAWA. YENTLEMEN. --As you will he called WN upon in a few days to record your votes for or ins! the Keanting ete of he bonus hus towards aiding he establishment amongst ns, in order to nae a se respectable appearance worthy of the occ; occasion, | 1 would respectiully fn invite you to call pur | chase onc of Marquis of Lorn" Hats, ONE OF THR rh "Grand Duke" Collars; AND A : 5 | +) " Tichborne Scarf," then recitd your votes yea for the bonus that prosperity may become more prosperous. I remain, Gentlemen, Yours ver. Trulv, Oshawa. Feb. ®iat, 1373, HODDER. EE ---- EI 'STEAM PEW EEN 'LONDON, QUEBEC, . AND MONTREAL. TEMPERLEY'S LINE; | | | Composed of the MPruwid ig First-Class | Iron Steame | | SCOTLAND, TWEED, MEDWAY, ; HECTOR. FRAMES, "SEVERN. | The Steamers of this Line are intended to sail | | from Quebec and Montreal every TU DAY dur- | ing the season of navigation of 1572, and from | A gating at Puy: Mouth Th tickets from points west at reduced Thsh Certificates' oa to parties desirous of bringing out their friends. For fu) particulars apply to the Company's Agent dat Oshawa, | C. W. SMITH. FOR SALE. HE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTH | 88 Acres, in the South-east corner of the | corporation of Oshawa. A quantity of thegeon, Also, 290 acres in Grundy Co., Iowa, U. 8,, den | Rare from Cedar Fails, 4 miles trom New village, om the Illinois ( 'entral 8. R. 1 79 écres cnltivated : frame house and stabie | | In dere The » hole 10 be sold very cheap. A.M. FAREWELL, ----n ---- § 45-1. Oshawa. For | Sale or to Let. } E BHOP AND DW ELLING NOW eccupicd by T. | 5 hard ware meratiznt, | King Street, Bown ply to SAMU a HEAL, Bowmanville, or 75 PH ey THOS. ECK, | Ushawa. February 16, 1872. { Tx Coe ev) 2|PUBLIC_ NOTICE! LL PARTIE: INDEBTED TO THE undersigned arc requested to call and settle | Without further notiee. i T. HAWTHORN, 8% At store of Messrs. Tripp & Shaw. "Oshawa, Feb. 18, 1572. 'Sw gm REMOVAL. TRIPP & SHAW, AVE'REMOVED TO THE STAND | lately occupied by Thomas Hawthorn, | - King Street, Oshawa, whire they will, SN | keep © onstantly on hand a splendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, for and Gents' wesr, and Which Shey wit poi at lowest rates. and sl made {0 order on the shortest gd Good Fit Suaraniged, | "Oshawa, Feb: ia 1872, FOR SALE. 1 { { | {| Agents for the sale of our | rights and privileges of the trade, as though appointed by us. "NEW AND IMPORTANT! -- STEELE BROTHERS HAVE THIS DAY MARKED DOWN THEIR NEW YORK TO SUCH Liow Prices as will Suit Everybody. TO SELL ouT THE BALA! tCE OF THEIR EXCELLENT STOCK N A SHORE TIME. Gall Early for Choice Lamps. y Continued Bargaius in China and Crockery. First-class Provisions Groceries, and Everything in our trade, Reduced to the Yowest possible scale, to CLEAR OuT our immense stock before seed time. STEELE BROTHERS GROCERS AND -SEEDSMEN. Oshawa, January 5th, 1872: CERTIFIGATE OF AGENCY. YHIS cerfifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly authorized Agent, for the sale of Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent Puunily Sewing Machines. Soot Machines in the vil of Ostiawa, and that he is also pe tv appoint ines, in said Territery. Such agents have all the Signed for the C y gnc for the COMPANY: J.J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, Ont. The above Machine is one of the best Family Machines in the saith and only ds to be seen Lo be ated. withent and S30 Ww ith stand. Agents Booty S&F A second an Grover & Baker Manufacturing Machine for ws cheap. Warranted to do good work. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. 'A LARCE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES CONSISTING OF Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses' and Children's, of all Classes and Sizes, To be Sold at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent. IN ORDEC TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. 4 A AT PESIR\BLE PROPERTY A share of public patronage solicited. belonging te the estate of the late Francis | | Teylor, situate on the East side of Simcoe street | and South side of Richmoud Street, Oshawa, | 'msisting of Une Brick House and Two Frame ! L. PRUDHOM. Cottages, w ith yards and gardens { , The premises are in good repair, Foy are well | veuiently (situated with regard to | @s well a8 other business portions hi the town. | CASH FOR WHEAT, BARLEY, PEAS! 'The property will be soid on easyierms, and in gels orf NA ks to suit pnrchasers. or ters and further Jarticulars £pply to the SELINA TAYLOR, THOMAS TAYLOR, 4 Y RAGLAN. JOHN TAYLOR, BELLEVILLE. PHILIP TAYLOR, Osawa. }) McGee, Osha Or to Farewell & McGe thelr Solicitors. ou , | Oshawa, Feb, 16, 1812, SONG FOR THE PEOPLE, Come listen now unto to my song, Il try and not detain you long. To those who wish | offer treat, And one 1 think but few wilt boat, if thro' this sung you follow m elt yon what the treat will be, » pot ask of you to takes Of that which will intoxicate, Of spirits that will ere destroy, oa A ver brings one lusting joy, htest homes ein: br jite :st ones the arkest 1 shall not give you smoking weed, That which I know Jou do not aed, Tobacco that discolors KX 0 ci wers give Ee h. Nor offer you that tick'ish stuff, Which glories in the name of sn Noris it ne rv ier un tng tea, That I shall offer unto thee. Unto the bam IN fil ead With some da 10, fl pe Li you Dread, To you and friends we Would be a dozen Cart-de-ve- If with this view you on me 1 will with pleasure treat you 9 shis advive Lf give, Eve many days you longer r live. Give mo a your pictures B Tae best . 81 -heapost Ald thes du ery wih io 8 in m If yon my galery wi Yi rigs "I's umone flight o'er Jas. E. HOITT And cast of (illett's just a Artie FOR SALE. | FLANNELS, 2 RYE AND OATS, AND FURS 3 WW, F Oo WwW. KE, Is in town yet also a splendid assertment of At undSnatly ¥5w prices and inl great variety. NEW DRESS GOODS; = NEW HATS AND CAPS; NEW TWEEDS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, NEW COATINGS, NEW PRINTS, NEW LUSTRES, Clothing Made to Order on Short Notice / GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. J. W. FOWKE. of Actes, 1 mile North of Harmony ; 108 acres, in Stibwdon ; phim at - and some village {otsin Oshawa, whidh would be. dxchan- 'Also » quantity of firstclass Brick J.W.F. if 126 Sed for other property. Oshawa, Sep. 21. 1871. 4 OB PRINTING, Of all kinds dnd in Every Style, "PLAIN OR IN COLOURS, Executed st the "REFORMER ™ 'office on the *- Shartest Notice, Nouly anf Chonply. Owing to a combihation of Refiners, Coal Oil has advanced greatly in price, and is still rising. Now is the time to buy your winter's supply. . 200 BARRELS AT A LOW FIGURE. BUY YOUR LARGE CANS AT PEDLARS.2 CHOICE BUTTER AT If you want something nice. in the way of But- te; go to . PEDLAR'S. Fg Paxipiss SUPPLIED. b ba ~THOSE-- BUTTER! BUTTER! I8c. PER POUND. | or | 2 The Coming Man. | ims; stevenson, tay to] | have s0 liberdily supported Ner wirce het oi "| OSHAWA, Decemtior1, 301. THE GOMIN Fr rly nf "3 dN MING 'WOMAN| IL ARARD"S {§#PROYED HOT AIR GENERATOR Claisaa to be the oat complete "nd effectual Drury Hente ye Tin: solicited. . Apply to," D, ... Esa erto Ar\Fortt ou. Ohawa. 0 ang Onbgors, = hn so PATENT APPLIED FOR. ALLAN. LINE, | Just. Pooaived & For Sale OSEAWA. AGENOY, oi ye. : ASEH. 2 niall Fil Win' va Lg J ES H: 'DUNK'S Noiséleas Patent Steel Spring, Bed Button, |WINTER 'SERVICE! Ole Songs BE Cua » STEAM 'WEEKLY, To LIVERPOOL, 'LONDONDERRY 2 " AND CLASGOW, x HIS "COMPANY'S S LINES ARE|- api) . mjgead of the gndernoted'¥all Powered, CLEANEST; EASIEST, d Clyde Built Irom8teamships:- And Tor durability and simplicity has no equal. | Gorerhinent Mails. Sarmatian, tons, Capt. t. Ballan- Dutton, Polynesian, tons (building). * 380; tons oeiing: . Caspian. ¥ 'Seandinavian, i 0 ons, ay Ea 3] pili 700 fons, ie ort, 3 2,700 tons, ravian, 2,650 tons," iron" egy, efmati its mith " CONCERN. ath" Fay: i 70 WHOM IT MAY Forming a weekly line between Lon- | donderry, Quebes pnd. Montreal, Ha ng Que- [ WE the undersigned hotel propristors, | bec every Saturday arrivaug + © have in use the Dominion Steel Spriug Forming Foc ne betv A], vy Quiet Bed Botiot, or ps satisfied it is the best | i J v Jee pring in-use, pring vb vy | Dui gf at, and recyminend it 10 consumers | RATES OF PASSA TECUMSEH HOTEL, Ont. Oshawa to Liverpool and Yudatderry; First | GREAT WESTERN JOTEL, © Wiadeor, Ont Cabin from $51 to $1, acco ding aii sions | nl HOUSE, . '«. + tion. Steerage, including a jen! pe ¥ | WAVERLY HIOTEL, - - Rog x ey f well cooked provi ed out JN neater, Bheraras bombay vo the Ussmpany. 7 '| GLOBE HOTEL. © *" "gyragias, Ny Othavais Glasgow, First Cabin, $71; Inter- | VANDERBILT HOUSE, - 20. | GHOBE HOTEL, - . N. p , good Tor six mouths, is- | Albany, N. Y. | 22 at reduced rates. ' crry HOTEL, " - 5. AT ie Prepaid Europea Passenger Certificates are AMERICAN HOTPL, .' . . Troy, N. Y. taanod at | Reduged Ralks te parties wishing to | SNYDER HOUSE, Waverly N, ¥ | Tape: out their friends from England, Ire.and or | p Ww. Wigg & Son. | Scotland, to any part of C.nada. Oshawa. Jan. i" osm." . The, Steamships of the Montreal Ogean Steam- Tri ip 8 Poetical E Fusion. | | ship Cos ny jand their passengers Bt the Grand Ladies and | Trunk allway 'hari, PouTeAND, passen- onthe fol, Yead the ne Wha a legis Jools and 8 Tippin 3 you dq, call, a] : -- 8 IT | western points; and the fa illtigs attorded jai | passengers by the ALLAN LINE cat'not be' su passed by any other .ing-afloat, For through passage * ickets end every informe. | Lion, appiy to Steamships w he despatclied from 1 iverpool | and Portland as follows: j Fron' 1th dor.. ROM Fonzi a, MBERNIAN. fr Nov. fad Dee. toch - | Eres thereby avoiding the ustial charges of cart- id ve. 4 Lh ALY ya ene'an and bandling of baggage. express Trains leave 'ortland ongrrival of the "ihe best of e Kid, A Rrra hed oo of Helimend your died if dou Rap | e | Ocean Steamers for Monirear, Toronto, and all | five hake you: unders! Bia widow doy wi + - a if the; a - 7th C. mes are , AS wv, | Hav, TaN EAE EA How, s I I. & A ALCAN," {Orto Agents, Montreal. pd by jl Oshawa, wo APPRENTICE WANTED WOACTIVE RESPECTABLE LADS aptedcfrom | 16 tp AS yergs of age, onc, IL PARTIES » | peat lS ES | A La te Sado y Yrade a. od call given. Apply to ¥ Hy das. | Kipiora) wah Si re | aii 2 BRTPP. & SHAW. NOTIOE. TED TO THE LL - PLEASE will ew, r W. MITCHELL, street, East End. sow 131 3 o- Hrork vn | After 0 Selo aryevenirg. Oshawa, July 6. 1571. vituins PROPERTY for SALE. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFE FOR 'sale his property on William stréet; consist. ng of a block of four houses and over an acre of | d. Itis high, well drained; and in a state of i good cultivation, . | ~ Also, that fine fropertsin Prides AiSert, now |] occupied by Mr. Wiicox, Bailiff, HUGH CARMICHAEL. . . Oshawa, June 2nd. ' xy Publig: Frnt 2 en | | | | 1 | | | AVING TAKEN THE BUSI NESS ~eartied on ¥ forso many i by: M. 4 he nar ihe y- Mn. 3 vii Chmncuam. begs to inform OYSTER BAY ine we | Frosh Oysters RECEIVED DAILY eo J ONE S Sold by the Plate or Can. " CHOICE lot of C of Canned Fruits, Jel- | lies, etc., on hand and for sale. Sn hw atom i | 1 | Sn PE | | FE SATURDAY NEXT, NOV. 25, re a ENTIRE NEW. STOCK 1 Of Fancy and 'Staple Dry Goods, v Milner, ae é | | The choicest Fruits, of all kinds, in their CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES | season. Loan PA Oshawa, Nov. 2th, 110 Eo eA | | Forms Son 'Machine, PRO BONO | PUBLICD. (ALL AT JON. poSTS MUSIC of WHithy, and see F. PATTE, J | this beautiful ns. Ras : Those In ! send hele A | cinity that He is to exccute Paltiting. price list, A en tiee and in first-class style, | Gibbs' Cabinet Factory, Hall's Block, will receive The highest price paid for all kinds of choice Fruits. ra Sign of the Oyster Bay Lamp. ° Omava, October 26, 1371. makes four dif- ! ferent ki oh id sews both ways | rune, very High ligh hiung Fa tending TAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY TO | ens to. 34 Ry gh Vids. wl | inform the inhabitants of Oshawa and Vi- receive" hy tian af th hi , with op ' Grain} roll Glazed ath 4 | ge Wh Tewasing, Ae £ othe f arb no- IR soit eo . wiLicox. Dorders left at Mr. Whitby, Jan. 18. . Alar | Ime Boot Store, King Street East, or at the | ence of the unde: ed, opposite Messrs, Pur BUTTER, ~ | PR DAIRY BUTTER, AT 18 3 re) CENTS PER POCRD AT NEW DRESSMAKING TREWINS. ESTABLISHMENT RE-OPENED! MISS ROOME HAVING RESUMED BUSINESS IN the rooms | - Next Door. to HOITTS Gallery ! + | prompt atiention, | » F. PATTE, Jr. | Oshawa, Sept. 25, 1571. Oshaws, Dec. 1, 1871. Lumber & Shingles POR SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR Decemtt fas | MB Caner boiz orre, esmAW), The, mails closg at is often elo, Post menceimnent ® business ;: and while thanking ' ee time © iE ely them lor past favors, Solicits a copt the same: : Moran Mall "in| quel Evening Mall, 408. | Ti ocd Tr oy | walled moralhig at 15; oif Moriday's, The No ets Wipe wig ey 30 a. m,, dally, The Bafieh MAll, Oshawa ,Dec. &, 1511 K FIL 5 By: LvY Li TDR STORY EELS I ay op aA EA) 5 a es o | 5 'BARNARD a aqd its Vicinity that he . OLD" sTAND 1} pe from the West, Bt - Ti ais AE AN FALL, 1871. NE 7 | 000 tons, 1ient. & } = GOODS COMPLETE! AND FASHIONABLE 3 . STAPLEGFANCY Le? 4 DRY GOODS, "8 A m GHISHOLM'S | u Big +43 4 GIBBS BLOGK. . al A sid 1524 RE . + ORRAWA, Seana i, - td "ie d Panes ng uli ds W "w MILLINERY, &C" twa : 4 mad EE bE Np EL = SN mea a oF a 0d

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