a A kb pn Te, 5) a es Sa LB rem -- wy boy DS in xX X ncuziox is described by a member the Sorosis 4% & man who has neglected ~ bi prin y of making some woman Harpinzss is a perfume which one not shed over another without a few 'of one's self. He that would m: others happy must be happy himself. Provaxity never did any man the least Fook No man is richer, happier r wiser it. It commends no one to society ; it + is disgusting to the refined, and abomin- able to the good. VIRTUE ims own Kswarp.--An Ottawa sncak thief stole an overcoat which he found hanging on a fence. In consequence . of the former owner having died of small. pox; the thief is now in that land where warm coats are a superfluity, Ax old farmer said to his sona: 'Boys, don't you ever speckelate, or wait for sow- wit to turn up. You might as well go an' sit down on a stone in tiie middle of a med! der, with a pail atwixt your legs, an' wait for a cow to back up to you to be milked.' A mzcxiEss athlete in Virginia lately went up in a baloon with nothing but an trapeze in place of a ear, on which he went through his broak-neck performances, several hundred feet above the ground, to the astonishment of a gap- ing multitude of men, women and children. silver, if pressed between the thumb and fingers, has a fifm grie, and will not read- ily ind whereas the counterfeit coin feels Seay 154 nearly smooth, and will slip a- like a piece of lead. "I sorz you will be able to support me | &> # said a young woman, while walking out with her intended during a somewhat slippery state of the pavement.--*" Why, yes," replied the somewhat hesitating swain ; " with a little assistance from your father." There was somo confusion and a profound silence, To Darvs orr Rats.--Take a bunch of matehes and soak: them over nightina teacpp full of water ; then take out the and "thicken the ator with In- dian meal to a thick dough, adding a tea-Y oon full of sugar, and «Litto lard. Lay about the premises where the rats are, and where nothing will get:it. It decidely is the best exterminant. Give it a trial. wai RIREEE ar Sicxies.--Rev. T. De aid, in a sermon in New feo by or day, that " if a man in low life commits a wong he is convicted, if he is in high life the lawyers plead | > a deranged 3 -- SN omch and diguative organs--by ing which, and giving to them a healthy tone and condition, the disease or ogmplaint will disappear. Experience has © | proved that the means best adapted to this end is *' Darley's Condition Powders and Aravinn Heave Remedy." It has been uesd in numerous cases with complete suc- ¢eas, generally, effecting a cure in, a few days. It is the best condition known,and may be given with perfect safety at all times, and does not require that the horse be kept from work. Remember the name and see that the signature of Hurd & Co., is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, Newcastlo, Ont., Proprietors for Sold by all medicine dealers. © Neo Bisk. Thomas' Eeleciric Oil Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. know anything of it? gi it is time ime you did. AIN CANNOT STAY WHERE IT IS used. Fo Tar best way of detecting the spurious | ated nippi eoin is by the toych. A genuine pieco of | § all over the country sa; 3 medicine kay has on such complete t of six of the best olls tha 3 1piats as for external immeasurably super 'Will save you muol and is believed tang ever Lily ferihg and many dollars of Sxpduse, Is one or more dealers in every rion, 2 can circulars are found. buy it art Prepa: 3% 8. N. THOMAS, Pazues, N. Y., And WORT OR & LYMAN, No Sole Agents for the Dominion. NotEe.-- Electric--Sel stand ed and El Oshawa; in Whitby Grd. NH. H. Gerrieand J. Byrn ks Brooklin by John Bowmanville On Canadian' A ands from het Why not For sale by W. T, Atkinson and Dr. Deans Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT Pain Destroyer 8 A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT I well and Javoruily known, relieving thou HARRY TAIT, Philip Taylor Plated, and Fancy Goods. Seo A I a PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker & Jew lev, Oshaws, April Lh, 1871. of. JK airs THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST Stock Watches, Olooks, Towsley: flver Slmooe Street, Os awa. MLanuY SE om WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION TO OUR NUMBER ONE AND TWO BUCKEYE COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER, With Johnson's Self Rake, Improved for 1871. We believe this Machine, as we now build it, to be the most perfect Reaper and Mower ever yet offered to the public of Canada. Among tte meas ad we sll siieni Jo Che Tollowing we It has no Gears on the Driving Wheels, Baabling it to pass over marshy or ssady ground without slogging up the gearing thereby renderia 1t Jess lable to breakage. It is furnished with§ tim tig Drug Store, WRItHY JAMES H GERRIE, Four Pou Efren, Two iv Mowing snd Yo Jor Boofing, ous of whish bet # sickle edge for cutting ripe, clean grain, the other a smooth edge for outting grain in which there is grass or seed clover. nt Ledger New Patent T ilting Table. for Picking ob Lodged Grasn. bia is the [only realy valuable Tilting! Table offered on any sombined Reaper sad Mower. 1he Table can be very easily raised or lowered by the Driver in his Seat without stopping his Team. This is one of the mest important improvements effsctedda sny Machine during the jast tie ears, the malleable guards both on the Mower Bar sod Reaper Table, with best sast stve Tin alam tursishad wits owe ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL Can be made to act as Rakes at the option of the Puiver, 47 4 14vis Seudy aptensed bY ula ok. The Cutting apparatus is in frons of the Machi or Mowing, the oom Be or ef i pepe md vy This Table Is 08 constructed as Dy -- En iy Ceara 2 or tha ing uw aa bts ate Clothing Branch of his Business, / "To enable him to devote more time to the HAT AND CAP! ~=AND--- GENTS' FURNISHING| XL, DEPARTMENT. In order to do he_ will sell a large stock of fost made Clothing at Geaatly Sdjced Prices, p of | Mens' Under and Overcoats, | Pants and Vests, Touth's and i Children's Suits, At Pricts over before offered in Oshawa. | Crmtierapn Fw Jiebingn oi Hats and le Tay the cheapest. | GALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. G. HODDER, - Michael's Block, Simcoe street, we . Ostober 36, 1871. 7 1e® INMAN TINE \ OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, New York, Queenston and Liverpool / Crry br AxTwEne. an OF BALTIMORE. Grex oF Linenick. Wroln Pier 45, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE. or tI 4 Sums. 5, Jueenston Liverpool, - ey To which he em "hh heir JAm been Having gh Remember the stand, directly o Oshawa. jean Oshawa, April 1, 1871. | NOTA "BENE. & HAVING GREAT srumie NEW and see hd vonmiairiie Great inducements held out to thase Surdisigngut our Biablichmen | BPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE : UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. | A SPENDID NEW BERSE FOR HIRE. Coffins kept constantly © and or made to order. A choice lot of and Perambulators just received Cheap for Cash bet Last, but not PE rte hud 1a woe Blind [Lifter, the Side, Back =a Head Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Sprains, bruises, © Cramps in the ' Stomach, Morbus. Dysent Bowel Siar laint, prt he on apply to the Company's {a the lowest possible prices. | but and the ladies weep. The judges delay, and the trial is put off, ol one day the mautder is out, If capital punishment be THE N | DOMINION FURNITURE WAREROOM | fTHE LARGEST STOCK OF Gather the Grain into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it right, there ought to be no partiality in hemp. Murder is murder whereever com- mitted, even if the President afterwards appoints the murderer Minister to Spain." Be Just axp Fear Nor. --In this God's world, with ite wild whirling eddies and mad foam oceans, where men and nations its if- without law, and judgment jenjust thing is sternly delayed, thou think that therefore no justice ? re is er the fool hath said in his heart. It is what the wise, in all times, were wize because they denied and knew forever not to be. tell thee again, there is nothing | alse but justice. One strong thing I find | here,below. My friénd, if thou hadst all the artillery of Voolwich trundling at thy | back in suppert of an unjust thing, ard | infinite Pongres visibly waiting ahead of thee, to blaze centuries long, for thy vie- tory on behalf of it, I wor ald advise thee | to call halt, to fling down thy baten and | say, "In "God's name, no!" Thy "'suc- eess?" What will thy success amount to | _ If the thing is unjust thcu hast not suc- ? eseded ; mo, not. though 'bonfires blazed from north to south, and bells rang, and editors wrote leading articles, and the just thing lay trampled out of sight, to all mor- tal sys, an abolished and annihilated Success? In a few rears thou wilt be dead and 'dark--all cold, oyeless, | deaf; no blaze .of bonfires, ding- -dong of | bells or leading articles visible or audible | to thee again at all for ever. What kind | of success is that! re Taz Crows.--Héary Ward Beecher says of crows: Aside from the special question of profit and loss, we have a warm side towards the erow, he issomush like ome cf ourselves. He is lazy, and that is human ; he takes advantage of.those weik- © &F than 'himself, and that is mankind ; he is sly, and hides for to-morrow what he can't eat jody. showing a real human providence ; he learns tricks much faster than he does usosl things, showing'a true * boy-nature ; he likes his own color best and loves to hear his own voice, which a: eminent traits of humanity ; he will never -- work when he can get another to work wl he can got his claws upon, and is less mischievous with a belly full than when hi , and that is like man ; he is st war with living things except his own kind, and with ae he has nothing to do. No wonder, then, that men despise crows; they are so much like men. Give men wings and reduce their smartness a little, and many of them would be good enough: | to be crows. How Taz Bony or a DRowNED Max was for him, a genuine human trait ; eats he | Scalds, ' Frost Jia, do The Caxapiax Paix Di wherever used is 1 liked. never case of dissatisfaction, where the | heen followed, but on the con PY ro with its operations, and effec Ww ~ speak from experience in the matter, hav- which it is recommended, may being a Boversign Remed; Tor The astonish bg efficad Destroyer in peer the recommended, and ita won | ding the torturous pains of Rhoufnatism, 4 and in coming all of the Dealers, in parts relieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to | rank in the list of Remedies. Pg ped | in from Medicine country, for further sup | a4 to the universal satis} | The Can n Pain e immediate relief. All it i gh will be without it after Price. only Twenty -five Cents per For sale and tion it gives. Medicin nw Atkighon and Dr. ghawa; in hy B. Gertie snd J. ye A rookiyn by John Warren. Id in Bowmanville by J. H! botham and n y ggin D, Sid in and all medicine d has now been before the Lublic for a length Yi time, og the highest terns of its virtues and pak ing tested it thoroughly ; and therefore those who are suffering front any of the complaints for depend upon the Canadian Pain Abie 1 Rg effects in sub- Desitoyer never falls to 6 Dealers Physicians order and use hy and So IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Just received direct from the manufacturers. A great varisty of petborsa, snd selling ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS NEW ESTABLISHMENT IN OSHAWA! MISS ROOME, Lipase cy | The Great Female Remedy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. IS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS unfailing in the gure of afl those painful and us diseases to which the female consti- | tution "is subject. It moderates all excess and re- truotions, and a speedy euro may be | danger | moves all obst on. It is peculiarly pA op oy in a bring on the Sony pei: with These Pills during the RST THREE are sure to bring on AM bois, gored any other time they are safe. In all Cases of Nervous and Pains in the Back and Jimabs, Sfjortion, Falpiation olf of the hi 'Whites, these Pills will ai pe rem 0 not con mony, or pO rad hurtful to the constitution. short regularity. package, which should be carefully preserved. JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE FROMEEIon $1.00 and 13 cents Jor Postage, enclosed Northrop, & L 'wcastle, t., agents for the D inion; i 5 jamie [ containing over 50 pills, by oh sale b, hawa ; in in Hog ov th by John W Sald by J. HIGGIBOTIHAN and D. STOTT Bowmarville, Ontari in Memoriam. A GAIRST EXPENDITURES Siered ng pronibifon Sd Earth is not injured, tted, by them. it those beautiful emblems which adorn Racoverep.--Last week a man fell into | the Detroit River and was drowned The | next day attempts were made fo find the | body by grappling hooks. While the men | were thus engaged, a buyer of junk stuff, | named David Repito, an Italian, who hap- | Ja to pass up the docks, watched them | a while, and then asserted that he knew | of something that would lead to the speedy | i the body. | He proposed to get | a loaf of baker's bread, put some quick- silver into one end, and seriously asserted | that on being thrown into the water it would float to a point directly over the body, and * then stand still. He was hooted at and | told to go about his junk buying, notaman | believing in the old woman's whim as they | termed it. ito went away, but return- ed in a little while, threw a loaf of bread into the water near where the man went off the dock,and i in a moments called the at- tention of two men below to the fact that the loaf was spinning around lke a top. It went partly under the wharf, stood still for a moment, and then went half a block down stream, turning right and left, and, my vouched for by five different men, st od rly $¥o minutes against the current ih wan floating drift wood right by it. Very much excited the Italian shouted to the searchers to drag over thespot. They i Susthaninn, gen and i was half an od ore they over the spot but when they did it was hooked into the cloths of the drowned sailor, and he was hauled to the dock. --Detroit Post. { Hoxe.--A shelter to cover in two lov- ing hearts, the corner stone of which is the virtue of woman, and from whose doors "all other blessings of civilized life are to be traced. But yet, no home is complete Without a supply of the " Canadian Pain « Destroyer," to prevent disease or for the : UG oF Souq, Soke umes pl ints, the many tombs around which we love to linger, assure us we are in a world of warm and loving hearts; t! of the sepulchres of the "loved ones ound are I aks Sheer he be additional em tion of the : use and Jean A name of one who is so largely in the love of t " o We take this method to inform yom that we-can flil orders for decorating the ves of depa at low gures, executed in tho best style of workroanship. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC,, OF THE FIXEST QUALITY Of ITALIAN & AMERICAN MXRBLE. --AND-- ( SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, / TO LET. The Pump Shop * WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHE, At t present worked by thesubsoriber. Possession en mm ely. £& Only business of the Kind ain town~--plenty of Cuntom--rare chanoe for » gogd Pdmpmaker Puy E. SILVER. Bowmanville, May 25 1871. Bricks! Bricks! OR SALE; MACHINE-MADE PRES Faw White Bricks, at She Oshawa First Prize Cultivators. i rheumatism, neuralgia, &c. Forsale by 40 Droggiats and gouty desjers. 25 cents per bottle. 3 A Disraussing of the sufferer almost as' e friends | pin as the sufferer himself, and should receive im- | mediste attention. Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry speedily cures coughs, colds, influenza, sere throat, &e. It will always #eliove consumption, and inmany well at- 'sobbed eases it has effected » perfect" eure, time, ii MONTHS o Pres of Preg- Hip RY wer- anti- Full directions in the pamphlet around each Co and vil ehiiny v7 SHG BE Gorienad 1. yrs Tile JOHN WILSON HE SUBSCRIBER WouULD DIREC . the Wo-horse Iron C a: iE Gnd whlEh Rare for ws years LA Price | 8t Provincial and Local Fe I KING STREET East! IN THE STAND where she will carry on the business of DRESSMAKING, MANTLE-MAKING and the making of CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, &e, ro. 4 the busi Al orders i bS axteuted With 9f putringe ani LER in tod. Vacancies for DRESSMAKING TE OF THE. ESTAB me Lately Occupied by Mr. J. J. Hall, Latest Styles & Fashions Bin a more compact form than any other Reel Rake, This Table is attached to the Machine both in front and rear of the Driving Wheel, which eo ables it to pass over rough ground with much greater ease and less injury to the Table. The Grain Whee! Axis is on a line with the axle of the Drive Wheel, which snables 1 to urn the corners readily. | The Rakes are driven by Gearing instead of Chains, and therefore have | a steady uniform motion, Making thems much less liable to bres':age on uneven g grain. 4, sad more reg in removing th The Gearing is very simple, st: ovg and durable. The Boxes are all lined with BABBIT METAL. The Parts are all numbered, eo that the REPAIRS can be ordered by telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of the part wanted. or mowing, Brust sera sseomees FEIgmarnar ry All our malleable Twice annealed, thereby rendering them both tough sod strung, OUR JOHNSON RAKE Is so constructed as to raise the cam 80 far above the Grain Table that the Grain does not interfere with the machinery of the Rakes or Reels Wo make the abeve madhines in two slew: One, large siss, for Farmers who No. Two, medium size, for Larmers than a reaper, execsption of difference in sige, these Machines xo. Thachiad a want hereto fore a 5, both iu sisd and. pele tara may have aa early n between ibe ST Bomar 2d a, oe a EY STORE, JUST TO HAND, NEW TEAS, NEW SUGARS, NEW COFFEES, NEW OOCOAS, NEW CURRANTS, NEW RAISINS, PRICES THE. LOWEST. +... OMSE PAID FOR PRODUCE. Seven Osma wa, Sept. §, 3071. GROCERY South Oshawa. Ohoice Selection of Everything New! me, | Goods delivered to all parts. merits. And we guarantee that all Machines shipped this season shall be equal in quality and finish to the samples exhibited by our Agents. LI } 'We invite the publie to withheld giviag their orders tintll they have had sn oppersunity of sapesting our Machines, as we believe they are ussurpased by any 'other Mashines ever yet offered on this eontineat. < . We alec offer among our other Machines : J oHNSoN's Self-Raking Reaper, improved for1871, with two knives, smooth and sickle edge, and malleable guards Woop's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. BuckkeYE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Self-Rake. BUckeYE Reaper No. 2, with Johnson's Self-Rake 4 -|OH10 Combined Hand Raking Reédperand Mower. CAYUGA CHIEF, Jr., Mower. BuckeYE Mower No. 1. Buckeye Mower No. 2. -» BaLL's Ohio Mower No. 1. Ohio, Jr., Mower. Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake, Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. Champion Hay Tedder AND OUR CELEBRATED HALL THRESHER & SEPARATOR Greatly improved for 1971, with either Pitts, Petes, Planes, Woodbury, ¢r Hall's Power. We shall algo offer for the Fallirade o lps . NEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HULLER, Very much superior te any other heretofore introduced. A mew and complete Tllustrated Catalogue of all our Machines fs boing published and will be Teady for early distribution, free to all applicants. 41 our Machines are warranted to gise satisfaction, and Purchasers sill have an op- of testing. them both in Mowing and will be portunity ti Reaping before they required to Cottage re ON WELLINSTOX ror partivaione For further informetion addrons-- +. rw. GLE OBA WA ONTARD a EN aw, TE Omi July 20. KiNG ST. EAST, OSHAWA. Junest, WN. PUBLIC 'NOTICE| H ARMS | | | | SHUTTLE OR LOCKSTITCH Sewing Machine. T HAVING COME TO OUR KNOW- primey rok BE have considered it to our interest to TC Corner of Mill and Simeoce Streets, " SOUTH OSHAWA, For the sale of our machines. STR The ARMS Bhan so. tyme fo g Jere bag a and Mustte tos change of SRE. pe tobe rapid, snd ps 88 it will do all kisids of work. See the machine ETAT nn Sen. Agt, No. Rewin House Block, Toronss. 3 A & G. HIGGINS, Ayn tir re (ONG BOB) FIFTY A +-DOLLAS kis. Price, ¥ pwr FOR $8, dosen. Contains over Two hundred new and ES &C. HIGGINS, SUnsorinznl i 2 ARD TO BELIEVE, eis Nevertheless! | rain | GROCERIES VERY CHEAP. ood Cooki er by the N UMMER Ld GOODS at cost Raisins only 5 cents a pound, and siehoep (orTos Woolen goods are' adv , but - {homes jott's, for a short time, at the +d is the time to Secure what you need. oT = 3 Iiott, 5 r. rE 8 "EOE. AR nx = Ni EW SHurTLE OR fon SEWING MACHINESAS. FOR 'FAMILY USE AND LIGHT NUR IEG COMPACT. iRatoraas SIMPLE AND ATAVAOT ANY: ad pra ori oune #4 by A BIEL, : rmvate F ES, MI Ry rtic "Any Age Age or country. Y or ME. Tvaidn * ) "AFA, \2