Ontario Reformer, 9 Feb 1872, p. 3

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in the hearts of mil- dion. vpn Xavi - Bigotrien and superstitions have grad- ally wom T4Z frum the minds of men women, t of reason. pdb Seligons hs ued toi how kt aa eh fs or have wilarged the | mested ant setaallasods the people, and sown the seeds of | tahun will seenit. Tt 1s thie condition of (aoe AX : 8 . ity in soil which yields rich harvest, | cient nourishment that excites hereditary influ. - + 22] = SEE 8 GTRELE BROTHERS tunes on his flute, and the dog : cunsidered necessary to save a human soul largement of the Glands of the neck, Eruj ev iots y v i and fawned upon him. This from eternal damnation. tation of the Kidneys and iad ten: and Gopeting. ' machine was exhibited to the of The world is teeming with good influen- | on, with headaches and nervous irish, ol in, who was greatly delighted eos, which-are spreading into the by,ways | fiesstion. Anyremody that radically cures these Wet compan LJ shodowed ples of ie, ling up the sor | rch, Bt, FREES THITIND "is his least merit, If your rowing, healing the sick and leading the | was ally devised to eine Er ationor h one of the apples which you unfortunate and erring back to paths of y blood. No remedy in existence acts ivbiciy.™ Toe Ringjookan | te vues who Mare ud Were te ER EE EER 3 | ; : LARARD' S rte] Sms el ome | MARKED DOWN: |. IMPROVED HOT AIR GENERATOR . Claims to be the most complete *nd effectual Drum Heater made. Bot doubting thet it was an i emancipated mertuls might array in power BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, " . + An Inspection solicited. Apply to | hefaft, hastily left the room, gaint the abuse, bigutries and impositions | were bushel, ................. SIH GN % 0 R, LARARD, orto HATCH& Cos., Ohawa. mselves as they departed. Hav. . f° which clog the wheels of pragress, and | Rye, do... "000 06 : THEIR NEW YORK | } £2) Box 155, Oshawa, 29 PATFNT APPLIED FOR. the Minister of Marine (the {bring suffering to humanity ! Barley, +f. 08 0 It ------ + ho ventured to remain) to ask 3 sans a 06 . : iad D . 2 veatined to rims} tot 08 Hoots Cue Sesame of ah START BS 1 |ALLAN LINE. Just oes For Sale 'but obtained ; 4 gious revival at present, A : i , ar ed that the Es E Nzszasxa has an editer who spells wife, Privseasrcisaeisys 932AWA ASBROY . - . 1 ; : i jin "Forni Ww nish, upon which the question wy ; | 4% Dominion umitute ; arerooms | 1 in French, when the black No lady without 41 inches of white arms 0 : 1 \ { ly answered him. At tha pro. 9 i * . \ 'need attempt to hug Alexis. mness of the Minister also for. me Raises Wao i Barina in New York is 60 to 40 that f C.H. DUNKS dhe Tetreated precipitately, = Stokes will be itted. fi i mot be the worker run delbepitel LL : = WINTER SERVICE! | eing. i Je : M 'N will d Go How- " ELA Sa wns Under Contract whth the Canadian Goverument N 2 i 4 --A oT story A YernoE Applea bel, ......coo.ooonoenen 175 98 : ; oiseless Patent Steel IE by» wicked egirin wile of Massachusetts have sub- Yo. sucH SIEM VERY XM Spri Hey Bott p ricke . : rin ! not wholly unconnected with scribed $30,000,000 for the erection of a heat, X ve ! - LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY p g | om unless the Table-Talker isin | building for their use in Boston, to be : LF 3 - 3 it AND Te Ih B =e ' ting to be a _veracious anee- named Paine's Memorial Hall - ow Prices as will Sui Everybod 3 HIS COMPANY'S LINES ARE | i. © As it did }considerable exe- Tux distance from the Lake of the - Ls] vy ' Double | ined Clyde Iulit Lon Steamahips CLEANEST, | EASIEST, g the country exchanges, it | "Woods, to Fort Garry, by the Dawson ¥ 3 | ons 4,200 tons (building). Sarmatian, h repeating. La Montaland & Road, which is a very good one, is 110 } Caspian, §350 tons, Capt. i 3 i 5 meas wens Tenens . Bookt, Scandinavi fag. 00 Song ¢ 'apt Balan. And Sor durability and simplicity has no equal. 2 ~ a ne. Rrussia on eut to; { ink' s big diamond that week =] : miles. TO SELL OUT THE BALANCE OF THEIR i] Ausirian, 2.700 Sons, Captain Hig ansfleld, deposed. Fisk was Ar a day . . : Write: Restorian. Soha, ( aptain A. . Osceola, Missouri, e other y s if oravian, ons, Captain | pinged #riva-dving wut tora | $44 editor of the Banner was shot just as ly = resi : : ; Owing. to a cominatic Smith. Sold Germatiy. 3% 70 WHOM IT MAT CONCERK. d our-in-band," and point- 'his paper went to prées, and a rival sheet . ARR F Apia, 1. Grahuin, th . . ber, the various attractions of | ot & full report 2 tragedy. a : EXCE LLENT STOCK of Refiners, Coal !Oil has Goan s Gees and Simmer esse Que. E the undersigned hotel propriotan, Stewart's immense marble 3 : 5 pt a . np fidaan ed suunge nuns advanced greatly ih price, ble Night Saturday, on gurival of v Bed Bottom, and we are katisied it is the en he avetue; what was that; | Tox McGanay, the og , is FE ae mad : . . and is "still rising, Now Forming a weekly ine between Glasgow, , Quebec Spring in wc, and recommend it to consumers Fae oan ; 4 at his fiendish work again no longer i and dame, is my city residence ; a ~ § . TECUMSEH HOTEL, { ,- London, Ont. Anca; 8 sy 0} Snsdeuics 34 employs the revolver, but keeps 8 saloon IN A SHORT TIME is the Jue 15 by your os FUE Erie, | | |e: Con ou oti x digs in Cincinnati Sh aensiau ss sen ¥ i erpool and ndonderry, Firs guificient ; it was! *'O, tha, ~ i , } ry seat you can see my pet : A 'yours girl in Por{ Wayne couldn't Cabin from $81 to $91, according to accommoda- AMERICAN HOUSE, -f - h } ees # of well cooked provisions, served out by the! GLOBE HOTEL, - hore ; 1 allow my tenants the Ft br besa had, ao dhe itbcnted Mr | Cun ¥ washes, CaN Early for Choice Lamps. | | | may. | VANDERBILT HOUSE, the grounds." La Montland . self with his thumb. She did it with her 4 HAVE THIS DAY tion. Steerage, $30, including a plentiful suppiy | WAVERLY HOTEL, - |. Rochester, N. Y, Syracuse, N.Y. Oshawa to Glasgow, First Cabin, $71; Inter- - y i 1 | [ . | iSinst, 5.90: Stecrage, GLOBE HOTEL, - | « Albany, N.Y. 1. : : Eales veneration dle £2" Retu: : for six mofths, #s-(CITYHOTEL, + - { . % ~m d with the 'wealth of the o little molars. Fe reeset 200 BARRE LS! | ui Rtas or six. mopths, fs J e made several other inquiries ~ Har Sezvy, a colored citizen of Mis- nn . 1 Pre . n AMERICAN HOTEL, - |- - Troy, N.Y. : abel... ; issue at etuied Takes Uo puries wibing i OTC | SNYDER HOUSE, Waverly, N. Y nership of the Herald building : souri, played "bluff," and Sos. all hia TOR RE ! 2 Seatfand. ony Bart af Canada: + pi 2 Ww. Wig & Son . : . . - - { e Steams! of the Montreal Ocean Steal id oe Boul, we So Corea, 8 el en Wuessd the A Continued Bargains in China and Crockery. AT A LOW FIGURE. BUY YOUR | shipComputy unippiimsutniiitian| "0 - hha his Selistestury 1. -7Winners ET First-class Provisions Groceries, and LARGE CANS AT fers thereby avoiding the us ual changes of cart. omer. Jas. is . M . " or the dalpod sovps bom of om vl at. bow dn dur or | BRP Lo Everything in our trade, Reduced to the | | on: Lousiana tel Trini Pootival Ej = Sona: an an oue duty for yh . Lowest possible scale, to 0! EE Ion Manto Tron aa ult 141 inp 's Poe ica JL usion. is this your house, om. more than three hundred years, and is now | AlsikeClover...... Si . h : of seed ti Passengers by the ALLAN LINE etunut he sur- I" No, Madame," replied the as sound as it was in 1533, when Edward | ------------ + CLEAR OuT our immense stock before time. F R IO | R SEA cy rma | Ji hd Cm re, rince of Erie. '1 cannot tel Pomeroy Id: d the p d h rd A Hen, apply to ets an rma | At D. rely af ontyc call, N belongs to my . partner, Jag for the Stuarts. : CHURCH "DEDICATION J; : P I) LA SIS winsHilpg wil] be des tehed frdin Liverpool ie be of stock 4 bop ona, - C 0 M P L E TE : Dows in Georgia, enterprising circug The New Bapti ist Oh b, Oshawa, STEELE BROTHERS : (Cal, Kip, Spanish) finest t ; : © . FROM LIVERPOOL. FROM PORTLAND, Hell mond your soles, if nbt your ways, Figaro gives the following | smen reap. golden harvests by painting a Will (D. Vo borapened for puise - RIBERA. fr» 8h Nov. ahd Dee. | Give good unders to all he says. btaining the light instant deformed cow pea.green, and showing. it | orship, bt the use of matches and with aa the famous Cundurango from the South | On Sunday, Feb'y 18th. | GROCERS 'AND SEEDSMEN. PRUSSIAN™: - gi RL ] pay i n - Times are hard, as you allido know, . NESTORI AN, - 7th Dec, 3ith Money sonrce, and . ger of setting things on fire. American mountains. / Lge Wot gio l 3D. 0% SCANDINAVIAN -14 th Jas; -- stuck on HY more coming. . : m. v. Te. Vv. - : --- ong vial of the whitest and : Paesipent THES is reported to have | son. D. D.. and Kev. W. Stewart, B 4. Toronto, Oshawa, January 5th, 1872. + 'BSApLIAK, t B.A. Toron Orto nts, Montrea! po aide of Bimeos. Stree] dos Sonu Nora aF # | ; ast side of mcoe one door { : put in ita piece of phos- » expressed his fears of the intention of the Bare arranged to Se roa yh Feary nd L. SMITH Agent, wis Laylor's jewelry Store, the size of pea, upon which Bonapartists and © ists to pected. : TRIPP & SHAW. ; BB | P The above services are all open to the public-- : : EMBRACING ' live oil, heatéd to the boiling trouble upon the first opportunity. The | all seats free. | th vil ermal. ne mene | SOIREE | | CERTIFIGATE OF AGENCY | a ye yel® "nOTIOE the vial hermitically. - To + i A SOIREE ' WO ACTIVE RESPECTABLE LADS . s 3 : - = A Sacr by the name of Soul Sleepers, 1s wanted, from 14 to 15 yerrs of age, one asan | LL PARTIES IN BTED TO THE ® the and allow the air . said be i in Southwest- jn ald o Canrcl on onder croning be had Spprentice; and one to Assit a Cabinent Maker. I SUBSCRIBER ILL, PLEASE vial, and then recorkit. - The soba making peogion. in ibbe, Esq, M. Po in the Chair. Doors Midi rN . N. Those used ic the trade preierred. Good wages call and settle without space ini the bottle will then ern Virginia. 1t teaches the annihilation Rider ls 7. nding HIS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly siven. Apply to MITCHELL, ules. Jun. ahel nous, and the light obtained, | ot oe wicked and ihe sleep of the sightooms | authorized Agent, for the sale of | rock sivect, East End, L Md : until great judgement day. : to that of a lamp. * 'As soon After § o'clock any evenirg. 2 Tt Qui : "Admission Single Ticket, 50 genta; Ticket Ime 2 Oshawa, July 6. 1871. T1341 { i . : A Youxc man in Danbury, Conn., when | sdmitting Lady and Gentienia, 75 cen ¢ - Public Announcement | EV Sask it Power san be a ee ope hot he | kama: emacs wh 0 Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent a i insertiun of the t of the death | ~~ . A . VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. i in. announcement H Wry olde wee Savin of hia wife would cost him nothing, feel, | FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY i Family Sewing Machines. "| pee re mal R N ARD the hands to increase the flu- ingly remarked that * death for him had 9 This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling our i tas I Ls a at state of il. Thus prepared the vial been robbed of half its terrors!" RG . "| Bewing Machines in the of Oshawa, and that he is Alo Suihaciag so % in tod lel fine property in Prince Albert, now fi for six months. This eon- A Recexty arrived English servant = Agata for fn tule uf vat hina, iu sid ey ug dwiis ave occupied by Mr. Wilcox, Dati AVING TAKEN THE BUSINESS ow used by the watchmen of girl pitched a cup of scalding coffee into . x nights an dl a a PPO | HUGH CARMICHAEL. carried on so successfully forso many years : . J : Oshawa, June 22nd. nae Uabiiants of Fieve es Boar AE magazines where explosive or "her mistress' face, at San Francisco, be- J, J. COLLINS, 8t. Catharines, Ont. aterials are stored. ' cause the lady lioped the Prince of Wales oth | ' m art of Queen's Bench an ap- would die. Sheis now looking for another Friday, Feb y ! The above Machine is one of the best Family "Machines in the market, and only O Y S eg E i 2 AY | RE-OPEN THE OLD STAND | ' made on behalf of the Rev. place--British family - preferred--refer- THE H IOLM AN needs Lo be seen o be appreciated. Prices. ERE stand and &: Sri (Agena p _ | n for a rule to show ences unexoeptionsble. . to do ak Sadistactory ' . 2 meade should ob aan Tux Teuperance' Reformery of Massa-{ Fng/ish Opera Troupe / | Fresh Oysters oF he Marquis of Ripon, Lord 'ehtsetts, having d d lob > ged Ix OFFENBACH'S OPERA, 1 : R! a od SL RE TI ea onde LARCE LOT OF BOOTS VND SHOES BUTTER! BUTTER! receiven oaivuyiSiTurDAY NEXT, NOV. 25, : : - CONSISTING OF -- ark | os pee iid ig poi kom bond ge both | MISS SALLIE HOLMAN. 3 Men's Wear of all Classes, _Ladies', Misses' and Children's, CHOICE BUTTER AT | E y © wn ax) AND Y: ASH st he Queen to take the opinion femperare and long-lived, are Sse the Sop : by ups Ju LIA BoLus. . of all Classes and Sizes, UND J O N S ' upon the legality of the ** most inveterate smokers in the world 1" | ®% ported ary ea : - > . . be oO : ENT NE ST K 4 lo bet Majesty when she A Faw winter amdbement has boon in. | Mer oe teed eni en | To be Sold at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent. 18c. PER PO SOCOUSMEE!, eeavs, IRE w or n the passin i « arted compan, ' rablchment Act, bus Lord 1 Stes. 3 tis onl Ts aw tule SONG FOR THE PEOPLE. IN ORDEC TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. If you want something Sold by the Plate or Can.| of Fancy and Staple Dry hed to present such a docu- ! a hog, paying so much a guess, according | t : g i ; ici nice in the way of But- overeign. The court unani- to the value of the animal. The man that | Jame lien now unto my song, A share of public patronage solicited. cin | ter, go to CHOICE lot of €anned Fruits, Jel- Goods, Millinery, &e. d the application. 3 gots nearest gets the hog. : St Fhowish 1 rr i. PRU DHOM. ; lies, etc., on hand and for sale. a pi.» rupture between Hon. G. 4 on. E. Blake turns out, as Tua averag gtivet stp Opy . 1 The chofpest Fruits, of all kinds, in their! c422 4¥D JUDGE ot YOURSELVES. vers : : in the Legislature of Ontario seems to be at ik of 4 PEDLAR'S. seamom.~ | in tahe a Tory canard. . Ths ; about 49 out of House of 82 members. odo 5 1 hd 2 i i ; The hi id for all kinds of | . Ci, iy los vias tang vy be ECEESEE | GASH FOR WHEAT, BARLEY, PEAS! | [ore ert tt], com mi it Ao FAMIDIES SUPPLIED. SM : EAE Al statemonts are destitute of item from the Courier-Journal. It says : 2@- Sign of the Oyster Bay Lamp. TH iD) rine of ionduion--snd | Tawat of monty ud fo eity | SERIE RYE AND OATS, Ap Furs: | | ea aon ie wi creations ° : happens that Mr. Brown, aver $30,000,060. This would Jave pea pasion to write to Mr. Blake the State debt." for several weeks past, nor Tus pig is the wisest animal in the ite to hifhi--nor has any world, because they nose everything. nion on any subject ever the good personal, relations Buss a aoe Sawn) . nadisted betwen tum: her expenditure by just $100,000. Pretty B.C. So applied for an good. raté the " Western Pacifie A Mussount lady advertises for a per- e pany" for the purpose of an who is.in the habit of serenading her as. E. HOITT lock, will receive : NEW PRINTS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, Oshawa, Sept. 25, 1571 PATE In B U T T E R . ay across Vancouver Island 40 stand near the house, so that she can Arties" | / Sept. 25, 1971. mE to mets ths EW LUSTRES, EW RIME DAIRY BUTTER, AT 15 MIILLIN ERY Ce 'to the mainland, sad then : scald him. NEW LU N COATINGS, t NE DRESSMAKING CENTS PER POUND, [AT ) i 1 | ' -- rh i : . NE § hag Clothing Made to Order on Short Notice / ESTABLISHMENT Obawa Boe halt I Sh - calls upon workmen to : fhe rash of working men to Chicago for | ()N COLBORNE STREET EAST, othing ; TREW Lid 4 3 ) 'a ny ' things : *' 1. To do their employment has been largely in excess of vA id big Rs gid oa aad RE-OPENED! T.umber & Shingles further not VILLA BekiE: | | | pm ag EVER! THI 3 7 r 4 Florence Sewing Machine, J] W. FOWKE ( i PRO BONO 0 PUBLICO. ACh n Ho torn oo hy. and go . . ) ; F. PATTE, JR., ro ha "iow intending 16 ar M018 Jaws 74t ale & splendid Sssarement of AKES THIS OPPORTUNITY TO! Rurchaset mucking, finer toil gn their ad inform the inhabitants of Oshawa and Vi-' receive a fuil description of the" machine, with Bs 5 Es 2 E == 3 TE i cinity that He is prepared to execute Painting, | price list, ete. . : rain bling, Gisecing, Paperhangs Jonx s M. WILLCOX. F &e.,.on the shortest no- ? | At unusually low prices and in great variety. es: and in frst-class uyle. -- Oners lof at Mr.| Whitby, Jan. 18 ase. Tripp Boot Store, King Street East, or at the l FLANNELS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW HATS AND CAPS, | Shab esas bt opposite Messrs, prom #5 ESSE i go GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, I, whether it be for life or She demand, and that ot the prevent time Eve Hoses with Brchard, on rock Sirees sat contained in block. i 1 : | help other: people to do - "the Relie! Committee is being appealed to TERMS : A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. MISS ROOME JOR SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR- hey can, and seek to avenge by numbers of people who have gone there : . AVING RESUMED BUSINESS IN a caNPRELL To be sure they can obey expecting to find plenty of work and high | Oshawa, Feb. 9, 1872. = J. W. FOWKE. . He the rouns December 1, 1871. re they seek to altar bad wages, but who have spent all their money : ' ilo North of : i $l . bs Batt Door| to et Post orvicr, oefiiwa, ; : id ; ¥ "without: ing to do, and » » > 1 a i H i v . ho the attention ds who a ; | RRs Et Trt evans. Lo | Bible Christian Church : rene wr The Coming Man. kes shaun ED . aa Pes | i fiod with the course taken working men hete give heed to the warn- | ANNIVERSARY, OSHAWA. } Rr Te soils "conti , i Ing Mains $1. gpa pn and the Telegraph. There: fag: snd 'towp away from Chisago lot the Toei ANNIVERSARY of THE Outiswa. Dec. 8, 187). | Ereaing Ma it | Kecging Mall A. M. cHisH RE : ng him and electing & new , Present. I 4 There will be a mail closed a 4 3 phove Church will be celebrated MV. = : , | Se i 3 . Rot pata oa omy mi BE preached at af oS J o B P R 1 N T I N G, - Ta oor: Br ne i 4 rite nt] | 7.30 am, Sundays excepted. - fieid says be will seo them %eut to the jail where Stongh, the man Of all kinds and in Every Style, : : It J StoutvaS] ea m, ad nwall before he will act. : ; i | rkest] a. px _ 4 Ens slosed a Thured 3 ' wl rr PLAIN OR IN coLours, Fuel savers|[ EA le Saal 5 7 ADRS suocs immediately from the West, at The mail for Enfeld, Foley, jail, prosseded to Stough's cell and march- nent of subsidies to the ; MH - A | slosed at 12-c'clock every Tuesd : 2 od him out » short distance, where 'they , atthe «REFORMER " office on the Tat | Registered letters should § the imtarest on the public a hung him tree. The mob then by rendering a Execiited : : al FoF | minutes before the hour of elosi pubt Autti dupiaing of dq or op : Le Shaviant Notice, Neatly aud Cheaply. OSHAWA, Degember 1, 1871; AA 44 Nes gum rom § o'clock o. disure aver revenge. . y abe wr

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