Ontario Reformer, 9 Feb 1872, p. 2

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"JRAXD TRUNK TIME TABLE OSEAWA STATION. --OSIIAWA TIME. GOING WIST. GOING RAST. secommoda'™, T:5 a.m. | Mail, - « « . TS am. xpress, « - lL a.m | Mized,- - - -32% p.m. fixed, . . . 5% pm. | Express, - - - press, «+ MAI pm, | Paseenger, - «7:17 pom: The morniag express gocs up on Sunday morn- | Monday. ag, but not un WHITBY STATION. Trains going East leave Whitby Station ten isutes carlier, and those going West fifteen mutes later than the above. "Gnimio Reforuer, Oebiawa, Friday, Feb. 9, 1672. OUR TRAVELLING AGENT. Mr. D. Howuipay, is authorized to re- 'seive mopey and grant recvipta for the Oxtarto Rzromusr. Tell your feigh- bors that the Rxroruse is only ONE DOLLAR per year, payable in advance. ER --------------------" THE WAR CLOUD. Emboldened by their success in cheat- ing the British Commissioners with regard to the Fishery question, the Yankee Gov- ernment has made absurd and extravagant demands on the British Government as indemnity for the depredations of the Alabama. Englaud's desire for peace was mistaken for cowardice ; and the modest, heterogenous American people have asked | payment mot only for direct losses conse- quent upon the depredations of the Ala- Dasma, but also for subsequent decline of American shipping interests, the prolon- ;getion of the war, ete. True to their t ing instincts, they could ask ne less. 'Phin impudent demand has aroused a de- soidedly,meaclike feeling among all classed :in Brgland, and but one seniiment per- >vades the entire community, namely, that the'demand sayat be emphatically refused, and that if. she Amery cans persist in their + and Conservatives. The auly .teference to ive matter' in the Queen's Eps ech is as ; follows : i 'The Arbitrators-appeintdd par, Want ington, for.the A wr- pose of amicably settling the Alabay, '* claims, held their first méeting at Gensva - Cases were laid before the Arbitrators on | behalf of each party to the treaty. lithe cases submitted by America, large clans were included which were understood.on | : '* my part not to be within the Province. of 'have At the conclusion of the speech, Mr. Disraeli called the attention of the House to the foregoing paragraph. It was, he - said, signally uusatisfactory, and showed, in his opinion; that the Ghvernment still the byulding fund. Particulars in ad- ratepayers isequ sted . EE er ---------- ONTARIO. REFORMER, OSHA x TA, | - Ts assembly in Mr. Cowan's new store o tavern liosnse certificate to Mrs. Down: | on Wednesday evening was a decided suc cess. About seventy cvupl to, Whitby, Bowmanville, : other places, were presemt, | commenced at about nine o'elosk.and cone | tinued till between three and four morning, The arrangements were plete, and all enjoyed themselves thoro'ly. | The music of Davis' quadiille band, from Toronto, was pronounced the best ever | heard in the place. The. supper was firsts class ;-furnished by pee. Cullen «f Whitby. Wz have been requested to announce | that the annual meeting of the Bible So: ciety will be held (D. V.) in the Presby- terian Church, on Wedunesday-- evening {next. The Rev. Mr. Manley, agent for | the Society, will deliver his celebrated ! lecture on the * Bible and the World." | Having heard the reverend gentleman on different occasions, we have no hesitation [in promising all who may attend a rare | intellectual treat. The caus: is a good one, and we hope to see a large attendance at the meeting. A collection will be taken up on behalf of the Society. TP -------- Mz. Hoirr has secured the stand lately occupied Sy Mr. Burns, one door North of Hodder's Gentleman's furnishing Estab- lishment, Simcoe St., where he intends to fit up one of the neatest photograph gal- | leties in the Provinge, with all the latest improvements, and do work second to none. Until he gets this gallery fitted up, he will { be found in his old stand on King Street; entrance between Gillei's dry good store and Deering's boot and shoe store. ---------------- . Apovur thirty of the of Oshawa Division visited the ville Division oh Tuesday evening last. The visit quite surprised the Bowmanville brethern; (there were mo sisters present, sdmitting ladies to full membership having drivea them all away) but nevertheles, a happy time was spent in singing, speech-making, etc. An excellent luncheon, got wp in a hurry, was provided. Tue R. C. Church was crowded to ex- cess on Sabbath evening last to listen to the sweet voice of Rosa d'Erina as she sang the evening service. Those who were fortunate enough to gain admittance were delighted. After 'service the fair eongstiéss sang " The Harp that once | through Tara's Hall," in splendid style. The new Baptist Church of this place will be opened on Sunday, the 18th inst. 2 'hree sermons will be preached on Sun- . On Monday evening a soiree will be held in the Church. . Proceeds in aid of vertigem ent. Tax To wp Hail Qussrion.--A public meeting t 0 consider the above question will be lack 1 on Tuesday evening next, in the} | find Americans in our markets literally | taking everything offered, at high and un- ing: 1 ylor, ba severally Reeve and Clerk be authorized to grant such certiiicates. Carried. The [nsplctor of Taverns presented his seport. . Mr. Smith reported that he had paid the Treasurer' $3, which he Bad received from R: Harpor as rent for road allowance league * La Gronde Sallie as the Duchess, supported dy a good troupe. The Holman's are so well and favorably known that no further metice is required from us, All who ard not afraid to enjoy themselves in our notorious, and to attend. See Advertisement. | between 10ts 6 aid 7 in the 8th o +A petition signed by Mr. A. 8. Porteous was presented, praying to be appointed Tavern Inspector the present year. A By-law was then introduced by Mr. Mothersill, and by the Council to purchase a piece of land from Mr. EL. Luke, on lot No. 8 in the North Half of the 5th eon., for rpose of widening the road already esfablished across said pot No. 8. Mr. Smith gave notice that at the next meeting of the Council, he would intro- duce a By-Law to spppint Overseers of Renwars, Fouad and Fente / iewers, for t year. A By Law was rio aond and pass- ed appointing Mr. A. 8. Porteous Tavern Nicos 1 pector for the p year. llowing accounts were and ordered to be.paid. . Of sgt Greenaway for lumber, $13.75 ; of George Corbet for grading a piece of rvad, $10 ; of Mr: Beall making and Registering deed of gE" Lake votthia corparation 48 lan lor ruad, an registering two road By-laws, $7.85; and of J. Joynt for one load of wood delivered to Mrs. di an indigeat. The Council then adjourned *o first Mon- day of March next, to meet at 10 p. m. WM. BEALL. Township Clerk. Lrovindal Legislature, On Wednesday of last week sixteen pe- titions were presented, and four bills in- troduced. in answer to a question by Mr. Patter- son, Mr. Blake said ths Ministry did not intend during the present session to intro- duce a measure to revise and amend the municipal law. Mr. Oliver moved for a select commit- tee to inquire intoand report as to the best means of protecting the valuable tim- ber of this province from the ravages of tire, He expliined that owing to tha con- struction of railways, the carelessness of railway mien, more valuable wood had been destroyed in several counties than would have sufficed for the use of these counties for ten years. Then there wus the practice of leaving' valuable timber to vot on the ground, on account of sume slight 'defects wood. He thought that speedy measur®® should be taken for the protection|of what was a valuable AMERICAN PROTECTION. To the Edito-;uf the Ontario Reformer: Sir,--We' have been so many times told that we Canadians were too slow and unenterprising to be able to cope with our Yankee cousins--that we were almost fain to accept it as a fact. But how do we find it mow! American salt monopolists are thoroughly lobbying Congress, for fear that our salt way enter into the market in competition with theirs." At the time of the abrogation of the Re- ciprocity 'I'reaty we were told that they did not want our lumber ; and even if they Jid, we, and not they, would have to pay the duty. To-day, since building material is admitted to Chieago free, we precedently remunerative rates. Sexton, of Port Perry, recentl from parties from Chicago $18,000 in gold for lumber in his yard, when they were glad to buy everything and, at prices one-thi bine mill culls, i than ever before obtained. hat The arguments used before the comwittee was, that they needed and must have our luwher, and that they, not we, paid the uty. in iron (nails) also, we see an advance in our nmarkets of about 30 per cent. All for the benefit of Chicago. Mr. received eh 7% 13th (inst.,.an 1 not on Mouday, as previ- ously snnomsced. A tull atteadance of | ! | protection is deing for tha couatry . at , Since the people from the West came here and pay us such prices, and 'the cost of transportation, we an idea of what Of course other towns must pay of wealth to the province. Hon. Mr. Scott said "this was a large subject, and one that could not be hastily disposed of. It had been calculated that quite as much timber was destroyed by fire as was brought to market. He thought tht the House might see its way to mitigate * At evil, but it could hardly be done this session, for a great many per- sons would have to be consulted. He might state that one firm was now cutting 160,000 logs that had been .burned over last year. If that timber were no cut this winter it would be practically useless, for timber that had been burned over would be without value if not cut down immediately. The motion was carried. 2 Mr. Lauder moved, 'That a select ittee be appointed to enquire into the truth or falsity of certain statements contained in numerous sworn affidavits effect that one Lewis, acting in concert with others, and who was raceatly a Gov- ernment Inspector of lands ip the town- ships of Melancthon and Proton, in the county of Grey, had during the last elec- tion for said county represen the in- habitants of said townships that he was authorized by the Government to state 'that if the voters of Proton vated against Mr. Lauder, one of the candidates, they should have the full benefi* of the low es- venerable old Town Hall, should not fail |. published in certain newspapers, to the the comin ittee. Mr. Blake said had, in the taken an unusual course for a Govern- ment --they had placed on the committee three of the O three from the Guvernment side of the House. The Government would therefore resist the amendment. The Speaker put the amendment, which was lost. Yeas, 13; nays, 48. ; Mr. Lander then wished to have his name struck off the motion) but the House by a vote of 43 to 18, passed the resolu- tion as amended by Mr. McKenzie. pro " Six petitions were our- teen 'ills introduced. he. : In committee, the Railway Appropri- ation Bill was odo the: effect that every order in Cove shal frumedine) after the ing t i in the Ontario Gaséte, piu The House went into pommittee on the Bill to secure the independence of the' Legislative Assembly. r. Blake, on the suggestion of Mr. E. . Wood, consented to make the appoiut- ments include those of the Crown and of the Government of Ontario; and, on the Suggestion of Mr. Canseron, those of heads of departments. Mr. Cameron said he would move an Ament on , with a view to limit the number of the Executive a ape by add. te word r. © to words, '" But the ke Bropossd to. od shall not con- sist of more than six members." that the Goyernment ition of the ittee. y difficulty which the Government had had of attending to the »us cowmmi to thie amount of legislation, to the large questions of policy which came before em, the requisitions of b whe required that their wants and grievances shoul { be stated, and those persons who came to the capital during the session, re- | quiring that. their wants should be attend- | ed to. The House knew that the result | was that a good deal of legislation had been passed through the House in a per: functory- manner. Mr. J. 8. Macdonald thought the Presi- dent of the. Council ought to be paid for his services. The amendment of Mr. Cameron, and addition by Mr. Blake, were held over until the Bill comes up for con- currence. Mr. Blake moved an amendment to pre- vent the Bill from having effect upon any member of the House who held such an appointment as the, Bill indicated at the time he was elected. The Bill, as amended, was reported,and the committee rose. Monday, 5th. Fourteen bills were introduced. In reply to Mr. Perry, Mr. Blaka stated that the Gover did not intend dur- Mem- | bers of the House would recollect the | li ht and elegant roof covers the two rowa oF oot, reaches down in fromt far enough to shelter the from rain or sun, but not far emough to obstruct their view of the opposite side of the street in which they are go'ng. There are aprons also whic draw up from the foot-board as a protection in wet weather. The vehicle is therefore, much lower than the present | omnibu. A passenger steps in and out at owe effort from the siewst into his oF her own seperate place or division. The huge wheel at the back is quite concealed, and revolves in a closed case or sheath, some twelve inches in wid*h. The seats, being on two sides and the'end, admits of being well. padded at the back and cushioned, rendering them perfectly conifortavle. 1b js claimed that thers is an important econ- 'omy in this methud of construction, as there are no doors, no glazing, no paintirig of s.des, no internal paneling, and only three wheels = The weight of the vehicle will not be more than two-thirds than that of the present one. I -- Up In A Balloon. Young Donaldson, whe made a balluon ascension at Reading, Pa.; on the 30th of Angustlastand performed aseries of trapeze feats when a mile or more from the earth, repeated his thrilling performance in Nor- folk, Va, on Monday last. . There was no basket to the balloon--its place was sup- plied by a trapeze similar to those used by circus performers; and above the trapeze was placed a hoop, secured to which was a suit of heavy clothing, to be used by the wmrial voyager when he encountered the cold currents. The Norfolk Journal in describ- ing the ascension, says 1hat when the bal 'oun was released from its moorings and reac a great altitude, Donaldson sud- denly, and apparently with little effort, threy himself iu a sitting posture on the bar, kissing his haud to the crowd below. Suddenly, pretending to lose his balance, he fell backward, sliding head downward uiitil he caught by his toes on the side ropes that suspend the trapeze bar. In this per- ilous position he swung to and fro several seconds--a time which seemed an age to the awe-stricken crowd below. Throwing himself back inte his seat on the bar, the smronaut sat astride the same. Then began a series of gymnastic evolutions--balancing L'" try on" of 8 perfectly American type. ays the Court Journal | consent to the Genevs | without it is before EZ i i w a thrashing on the resist under fair chances pwer. We muss tell the would seek to robber, or at with all their posed. They must not rely upon the pres- ent effeminate English administration. Ite bered through its various acts of incompetency snd arrogance, and any further false step and perhaps an early discussion of what has been done in this matter, may end ita career. The Alabama affair is a swindle from be- ginning to end. | There is not "ene shadow of pretest for the claim of the United States. It was well known at the time |i that the Alabama was about to leave the shores of Bogland that the United States representatives would not give ia any of- ficial request for the arrest of the vessel, though pressed to do so, till the eleventh hour, aid one would half fancy that in his diplomatiz for casting, he saw the compli- cations that might arise by the procrasti- nation. At the very last moment he said to the administration, "" Stop her!" and they did their best, but it was too late ; the agent that was sent to Wales got there in time te tee the vessel steam down the Irish Channel, and sheshowed such a lively pair of heels to pursuit that that was made The best was done in good faith | towards the United States that could be. The whole thing has been, we repeat, a The nature of the attempt is further man- ifested in the endeavour to include the deeds of a number of other vessels, mere waa. ont ; it was--1 *O, the, ismy country ; you can see my pet buffaloes there ; 1 allow my tenants the free ush df the grounds." Ls Montlsnd was impressed with .the| wealth of the Prince. She made several other inquiries Tue almost ruffianly conduct of the Tories in opposition in the Legislature will surprise no* acquainted with the history of the party. They are simply acting according to precedent, If we take them at their estimate of themselves they ave, par excellence, the'gentlemen of the land, "the glass of fashion and the mould of form." They are the true and only le- gitimate interpreters of the code of eti- quette, the of good manners, the conservators of taste. All beside them a docked 2 proper appreciation of the gravity As the treasmirer « f 8 California county ot J not having the bans of protec- of the question at issue batween England turned ont the gas in his office the other | tion removed. In fact, we netice the and the United States. ~The American | =o oo Cc iby a gang of robbers, | Canadian his been abundantly able to claims were greater than those which would ] bow oo " 4 and the vault robbed ! cope with the Amorican whenever simi- follow a total conquest. They were preo- | ne and gagrel aa | larly situated. ~ 3 of 820,000 in gold -ecin. _ du maritime pursaitsour tonnage afloat Jos Wonk .cf all Kinds, in the latest | 1s ing the present seaipn to introduce a are boorish and at best but half civilized. This shat has a respectable show so long as Monsieur the Tory has all things his own way. If he ean rule and be the man in authority, he is able to display a med- timates which had been made of the value of their lands, but not otherwise." The said committee to enquire into the cir- t cted with the alleged improper interference of said Lewis in said election, and the authority on which e g t Law. |himeelf on his taruing over and Upon a motion of Mr. Ardagh for a re- | ** skinning ti'e cat" by the side ropes, etc. turn of surveyed public lands in the County | Upward grandly and steadily rose the bal- of Simcoe, with particulars as to whether loon, cleaving the sir like a mighty bird. sold or d, the p , date of : sale, price, &ec., (uite & discusssion of the When the balloun was a mere speck in the Crown Lands question ensued; during | distance, invisible to the naked eye, , Zposterous and impracticable, and if -ad- | uh Kitag Pusu ous 16 a hi mitted would Le fatal to the power an |i ran geoghy - i dar grow great Reroruer office. Qrdess by mail puncta- honor of England ; yet, said Mr. Disraeli, (sneering) the whole subject is disposed of ' in one brief paragraph of the Royal speech. ally attended to. Mz. Gladstone in reply, said the Treaty Teer & Ssaw have wemovea to the of Washington itself shews that England is | stand lately oceupied by I Hawthorn. ready to make every concession shart of the | They will, as usual, keep on Jhand a first- | national honour to establish friendly rela- | class stock of Boots.and. hoes. tions with America, and to sct an example . vithout sitits of lai to be followed by other nations henceforth. Fin Wate wocid nya a Lat Aliew " ghe Gloverumant, said WiaPremive, iaready | cheap at Steele Brothers. 'Great reduc- "to explain gveryshing n cama with | tion in prices. the treaty, but it will not admit it kas un- willing'y wade a mistake. The paragraph in the treaty is only a fair and Ynmistake- able interpretation of the treaty. | He could : Bik if ho desired, refer to the p eposterous cha- | REMEMBER the anniversary services in , racter-of the American demands, which, of | connection with the B. C. Church, on itself; proved their absurdity, for they were | Sunday and Mcoday next. such as no in the last extremity of | ipo latest song out is the *'Song for war, or in misfortune, with the spirit of the people of | 1 orion in their hearts would ever submit | a= to. (Cheers) Mr. Gladstone concluded by | saying the Government would maintain - the position it had taken firmly, though in » a friendly manner. > 'We have not much fear that a war will be the result of this affair. We expect to see the American Government back down from their untenable position, "because thers is no nition on the earth less pre- pared to engage in war than the Ameri- | "prom Geo. Gourly, flour and wood for @ cans are, and none are more fully aware of | indigents, $37.67; G. F. Blamey, grocer- : this fact than Gen. Grant and his Cabinet. jes for indigents, and pails lent at time of The Southern States are realy to rebel at | go which were not returned, $11.58 ' the first opportunity ; and in such a case | Mr. Sykes, tree guards, $15.95; Steele the Yaiikees would quickly recognize the | Brothers, refreshments for firemen, 87.90 ; /Giflarence - betveen England's friendly |. W, Suwith, services as Poll Clerk, 82; , neutrality and England's hostility. There | T. Henry, gravel, $7.10; Mr. Thomas, in counec¢tion with fhe will be The soiree | Presbyterian Church of this place held on Wednesday, the 22nd inst. VILLAGE COUNCIL. CouxciL Cuauszer, Feb. 5. The Council met at 3.30 p.m. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following accounts were' presentsd, and on motion of Mr. Cowan, seconded by Mr. Luke were ordered to be paid :-- lowest depths of national the People," by Hitt. Published in an- | .is a saying that if you give certain persons yrope enough they will hang themselves. Phe Yankees have been allowed too mych | rope. It isa duty that England owes to | herself to pull that rope tight ; and if in so doihg she can effectually close the windpipe of the American Eagle, so much the better for England and for the general peace of the world. Trial cf Drum-H In our last issue we gave an account of the trial of Mr. Larard's drum-heater, " The'Coming Woman." After this trial, _. the room was allowed to cool down to 33°, when the trial of Mr. Pedlar'sdrum, "The It commenced at 10.15p.m., the thermometor | outside being 15° above zero. At 12.29 | Coming Man," was proceeded with. the heat in the room wasup to 55 2, which was kept up for two hours and twenty "minutes. At the close of the contest the judges, Messrs, P. H. Thornton, J. Irwin, snd J. Dick, declared Mr. Larard the winner of the 860; and a check fof that amount was handed to ths Division by Mr. Peglar. $3 This contest was brought about by Mr. Podlar sending a challengs to Mr. Larard, the last naned gentleman agreeing to Mr. Podlar's terms. We believe Mr. Pedlar | is not satisfied with the trial, and should the parties concerned be able to come to terms, no doubt another bne will soon take place. 4 "Fug mutiny in the north of Fodia is being | utes of last weeting read and confirmed. put down with a severe haud. The com- mander hasordered fifty of the mutinecss to be blown from ths mouths of cannon--a " getrible sentence, as it involves, according drawing gravel, $22. Moved by Mr. Cowan, seconded by Mr, | Cameron,--That the annexed amounts be deducted from the taxes of the following persons : Mrs. Downey, $2; Mrs. Rourke, 81; Mrs. Wall, $3.50; Mr, Ferman, 85, Carried. : An application for the offices of Asscasor and Collector was read from Mr. Glenny! Tenders offering sites for Town Hall were read,--from W. H. Thomas, anu Mrs. Farrel. Laid over. { The following Cowmittees were ap- | pointed : | Roaps AND Bripces-- Messrs. | Wall, and Cowan. , Fixaxce--Messrs. Gibbs, Cameron and | Wall. A by-law for the appointment of Asses- | so: was read three times and passed. {Moved by Mr. Cowan, seconded by Mr. | Luke,--That Mr. Glenney be appointed | Assessor, at a salary of $1.10. Carried. | The following rénts for Town Hall were | rethitted :| Eastern Star Lodge, Miss | White, M: Beit, aad the St. Ratrick's | Benevolent Soc ety. | Onimotion of Mr. Cowan, seconded by { Mr. Luke, the Council aljoarned till | | Monday eveuing next, at the usual hour. Luke, | Bast Whitby Council Proceedings. Covuaaus, Feb. 5th; 1878. , The Council wet this day--members all preseut--the Reeve in the chair--min- | A petition was presented signed by A. | 8. Whiting and 21 others, usking velicf for widow Scally. Mr. Budth, seconded by Mr. Luke; vsprs. Allans, of Moutresl, alone have a greater registered tonnage than all | | dhe American ports, from the New Bruus- | wick line wp in Maine to New York itself. { We adduce from these facts this faet, | that if protection suits our neighbors as | they now have it, ours eminently suits us we have it. We have shown we are outstripping them in every field wherein we are brought in competition. To the Editor of the Ontario Reformer : Dear Si. --Nn looking over the enl- nmus of the Vindicator of this week, I came across a letter written by Mr. G. H. | Pedlar. I beg to reply to this in a very | few words, so that the public may not be | misled by the ridiculous assertions he has | made. | In the first place. During the trial the | judges in their decision state, the ther- | 'mometor registered 24 © lower daring the lientire trial, and not, as is stated by him, | during the trial of his untortrnate drum. His extraordinary efforts for another | trial niist be apparant to every one, vis: | to try and regain his lost laurels. I may | also state that he has the impudence to | reserve to himself the right to make his own terms again. Mr. G. H. Pedlar will oblige by sending ! his challenge to me through the post, so. | as to give. me a chance to take him up. The public will bear in wind that in the | last test my drum was behind the stove, whilst his was allowed to be placed en-. | tirely on top of the stove ; this is one of | the terms of his challenge. ot L. LARARD. ET ---------- (ADVERTISEMENT) To the Editor of the Oshawa Vindicator Mr. EDItoR,--Mr. Larard is attempting to make capital out of the so-called trial between his drum and my fuel saver, which took place in the Son's Hall here op Thursday last, he com- mencing at 12.15 p. m., in a mild day, when the thermometer on the outsidé stood at 3°, and 1 commeficing nearly four hours after the conclu. sion of Mr. Larard's trial at 10.15 the night of the same day. The outside thermometer having then fallen 15° below the point at which Mr. Lazard commenced, and closing st 3.22the morn- ing of the following day. The outside tempera- ture then was 24° below the point at which it stood at the commencement of Mr. Larard's trial. 1 affer in order to give the respedtive heat. ers a fair test to put up $100 against Mr. Lar ard's $20, the money to be deposited before the ¢rial in the hands of the Reeve of Oshawa, the Joser's money is to be paid over wo any charit- able purpose the Reeve may designate. The trtal to be made in the same or any suitable hall ballin the Village, with the same heaters as were uséd at the former trial, and to be placed in the same positions and before the same judges, or any judges mutually agreed upon. Specifi- cations and form of trial to be the same as were used at the last, with this exception, that both drums need not be tested on thesame day, and the'trial of each drum shall commence with a imil de te and at the same hour of the day. - Should there be any material h in the outsid during the trial of the respective drums, the judges shall take the same into consideration in deciding as to the merits of each drum. This was not dene in the last trial. . To Tue JUDGES oF THE Last TRiaL. Allow me to tender my best thanks for your very gentlemanly conduct during its progress. Truly Yours, G. H. Puntan. To the Editor of the Vindicator: woved that the petiticn of A. G. Smail to their ideas, eternal 36 well as temporary | panishment, { 50d 55 other, praying the Council to grapt | he so acted. Such committees to report the result of such enquiry to fhe House, together with the evidence taken by them. The committee to have power to send for persons, papers, aud records," Mr. Blake, while perfectly willing that the ful est enquiry should be made into all authenticated harges of improper con- duct on the part of members of the Gov- ernment, entirely objected to the system proposed to be introduced, of founding inquiries in this House on a mere state. upon thing to which he must new refer. sheet in Toronto, (the Tele- un- challenged, rather inclining to Pam the country believe the untruth, to the detri- ment of the Government. The sheet to which he had before alluded had been tel- ling the country that the Commissioner of Crown Lands took his Bible oath, When he accept od the Speakership, that he wonld some duty er ether, and that he violated nis The country had been flooded with repetitions of this chary, But all the old members of this House knew--the Judnget members knew. it was well the country should know --that the charge was a wilful and auda- cious falsehood; for the Speaker takes no oath. Here was an instance of a news- paper writing a deliberate lie in order to injure a ber of the G t. Was the House guing to grant a committees on a charge made by a mewspaper of this stamp--a news that was the common sewer for all the lies mn the country ? Mr. Blake thea d by d t Gov which it was made evident that settlers on | almost through powerful telescopes, wild lands wit hovattdt Ye dealt" With in a pe ak Aber 3 much more liberal and just than | io, repeated hisdaring trapess fest of hang- has characterised the rule of the late Gov- ing head downward suspended by his toss. Buch a scene was never before witnessed i ii the Assessment Act of 1869. su _ The bill making further pro-ision touct- | painting, ing the appropriation of the railway fund | effort to it. snd the bill to incorporate the eee Sims 56 dept Bobeaygeon, and North Peterboro' June- | mile, and struck the cooler currentof ai tion Railway Company were read s third | the srona ) time and passed. $ the hoo On the order fur receiving the report of i the committee w the Billo further se- | and cure ence of the Legislative | exccising himself to keep warm. Assembly. . Blake moved that the re- ! i ------ Just bo it Saackugds nd shat the Bill be ferred back toa committes of the whole, | Tus Macitobe Legislature have bog thereto Ge ood the he ip yery watch oy ied ovée 45s that the Executive Council shall not at any time Ontario Legislature had seen fit to express consist of more than six members. their regret that no steps had been taken = Cameron simssind Sint ides the | to bring the murderers of one of the citi- Coufederation ieut-Governor io to ice, and thei might appoint wore than five advisers, but pr u Sulteio Jusios ir ope they were to be inted i i way. He charged Mr. lation of the Constitution in the manner | re, in which the new Cabinet had been cou- structed. He moved in amendment "That in case any mem*er of the Logisla- : tive 'Assembly hereafter becomes a mem- | © ph NS siashimad ber of the Execntive Counéil, his election | Imperial authorities alone had jurisdiction shall be void and his seat vacited." The | in the matter of the Scott murder. He object of the amendment was this--that aised Riel as a hero, and denonnced Mr. his Excellency might appoint mure than | P : : six pr wei Bn the affairs of the country Blake and the Oatario Assembly in coarse An amendment was should be paveried five executive | and violent officers as before; any member | moved by Mr. Hay, which, while asserting of this House who become an Executive | 1, dof the Legislature ro to conduct its Councillor should vacate his seat. " : p Mr. Blike pointed out 't} while the own affairs without interference, declared member for Toronto was so anxious | the self-evident truth that each Province no* to limit the prerogative of his Excel. | had a right to express its opinion respect- lency t1 appoint as many advisers as he | ing the manler of a fellowsubject and in evidence from 'parties said to be conuected in Scott prove the falsit: of charge that he had in any Wanner in. terfered with the late election in South Grey; but on the contrary proved, from binati inemnection with Mr. Lauder, endeavored to bring Government influence: to bear in the Towaships of Pro- ton and - Malancthon in favor of Mr. Louder. The discussion of Mr. Lauder's motion was continued until recess; and duri the evening some other matters the attention of the House. 4.) the itaencies on the basis of population. "After routine bus ness, 'motions for 2 i § £ i g £ i % fa £ ? KE ih i ; i § li ih i Ey [4 -] : 1] ly Al HF 1d E i] 11 il : 4 fhe Fri : ¥ a iu , he was anxious te 7 provide that no more than five of these counci should be responsible to tue couniry by holding seats pom the floor ui that House. He was not surprised that the leader of a rarty that kept a General in office for . years when a constituency for him should go further, --that a gentleman who had again anc again Stites Bia sutiution of the old rg irresponsible government and the Family Compact, should ask them at this time of the day, in the year 1872, at this era of constitutional to affrm the view that His Excellency should be permitted to choose: members of his Council who would not.anly be notrequired, but would not be al'owed to have seats in that Chamber. What did the amendment of the member for East Toronto mean' It meant that a secret conclave advising His Excellency in secret, without owing any to the people, might wl vice i Soorofthe House. this case Outario especially, as the murder- od. man was one of ite citizens, The gal- leries were'crowded with excited spectators during the debate; who,at the close of Mr. Hay's speech, expressed their sympthay with his seutiments by loud cheers. This interference with the dignity of parliament- ary procedure 'was rebuked by the Attorn- ey-General, and the galleries were cleared. The debate left no doubt that Governor Archibald did shake hands with Riel, ne one membet of the Government, who hed wen to ea h other, testified to the facts The amedment was lost by a vote of 18 to 5, and the motion carried by the same vote. She result caused among the people outside. : Tas population of London according the last census, is 3,883002. This vast great excitement ing save the ples of can redeem them from the charge of hav- even ss gentlemen. Hamilton Times. How 10 Caren of the farmer 1s » cellar wall it likes she best. 1f a rat is | mously chased in a cellar or other room, it will run Tas story round by the wall, and is decidedly averse Brows and to leaving it. From this habit we have a it. The common . E. Blake turns out, as d, tobe & (Tory cansrd.. The contradicts the story in the following {*It is hardly necessary for us always believe the' E we New tolls it i-="* An infant, three theirs when they can, snd seek to svenge the various letters | 80 injury. 3. 'To be sure they can obey of the English alphabet with correctness good laws, before they seek to altar bed and clear distinet enunsiation, with the ex- | °0%% ; hum after its pater familias the air of seme | qualified for of the latest ballads, ed occasionally lead | take it.

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