Ontario Reformer, 9 Feb 1872, p. 1

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> A Ry, PAPER. £0 INFORM HIS - First Insta). anging; 11 Enghisig Paper ; he brill laney » estab. only or indes' Hotel T WILLOX 3h LI KEWISE all to come yrs. YOLISR MIEN ARTMENT. OR HIRE. made to.order. Bim iLifter, xd Cheap for Cash the best VE Ww AREROOM ET SRI SE & ascii RILI (: ATHER, AKERS, ne, Superio Samples © sulgra aud n where nersl Agent. 16- dn Lend ma ATES. JARED TO. LEND rity of Good f Interest, sors, Principal r in one Mortages, $s BOUGHT AND HOLDEN, y Broker, e. k St, Whikt 14 Th Agni forthe A and ow Yorkand Li ; "ER Fairbanks, Ka, i - Free f The bes of lisies tobe veckqued sum i re sad Snare ww = Fis Business Bivectorp. TTT WOR, Clie, UER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Txea: CW. comiEN, MB. FLL. pa BIOIAN Hing dog Fly AND aR idence and Dive ealy oppoune Tbe FRANCIS RAE, M, D., JPHIBICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCH- and Coroner. King St. Oshawa. 14 C. 8. EASTWOOD, M. D., (JRADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY of Toronto, at pressnt at Black's Hotel, Oshawa. 113 3. FERGUSON, Lip SURGERY. ba EE Ras (CE lata or Hor oy - FAREWELL & McGEE, a ATTORNEYS, SO- LICITORS, Convey and N Oshawa, -East Corner of King and Streets. +35 MONEY 18 La, Mortgages bought and J. E. FAREWELL. .] RR. McGe=. S. HW. COCHRANE, L. L. B., Blogs ATTORNEY LAW, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary. Publi iy Bigelow's id ~Builiing, Dun a JOHN McGILL, JICENCED AUCTIONEE wa. All ordaca left at this OSHA- will be 12 -~ P. BR. HOOVER, . Issuer - of Marriage Licenses WHITEVALE. OANAWA LIVERY STABLE, H. THOMAS, PROPRIETO! ry mh vy o3oi Carne ies IT C. W. SMITH, joer PATENT, INSUR- Simcoe of Steamers FW: Gen, Bae, DOMINION BANK! WHITBY GENCY. J. H. M CLELLAN Amt B. SHERIN & Co., 'VY BOLESALE MANUFACTURERS of Hoop SKIRTS. Best How Fork Ms og Street, East, hed on 2 P. HOLLIDAY,: ROOKLIN, ONT., AGENT FOR the ha Toronto. Risk Fire Insurance Com red Al Compan- Also. bg wr and Spins g the Ay for loans of money et rent), low Anteres:. - 181y -------- etn = DR.CARSON'S MEDICINES. The Greatest Public Benefit of the Age Golden Otntment, &c. The above Medicines can be obtained st all Drug Btores, ee + et a ---- + ------ SPRING STYLES In great profusion st the Dominion Outfltting STORE. Latest Styles in Hats and Caps. Latast Styles in Neckties & Collars. | Neos Latest Styles in Whiteol'Césd Shirts 4 LARGE STOCK OF Men's Under-Clothing VERY CHEAP. A large andffsttractive stock of Men'sd. Boys' Ready-made P LOTHING. MUBRELLAS, CARPET-BAGS, SATOHELS CRICKET and LACROSSE BELTS, CHEAP at HODDER'S. : - G. HODDER, : &%0ne door North of McLean's Cheap Grocery Store, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. Apel 90,1971. ond BOWMA And hie strict attention for Bowman Oet. 5, 1871. M ARKUS MAY ER, NVILLE, Invites the sitention oN his friends in Oshawa and 4 iicinity to his *alsrged place of | Superior Stock of Goods. His long experience as =: PRACTICAL HATTER AND FURRIER! SR ne RA a Mg Jeo Mok sn et en | and his assortment of Hats, Oaps, Furs and Buffalo Robes | PAPER COLLARS, NECK TIES, GENTS FURNISHINGS, &o., Are well Worthy of Inspection. When Tou Want s ios Set of Furs for Tour Wits or Daughters, GALL AT X. MATENS. Furs Altered and Repaired. Highest Price Paid Raw Furs. M. MAYER. (26) } 187. NEW FAL Two Cases of Beautiful MANTLES, "IMILLINERY. Millinery and that great selection of our F Soule Ribbons &ec., 90 38 to Emporium for gh who SEPTEMBER. 14, 1871. L GOODS. 187. - «AT THE-- TEMPLE OF FASHION LARGE SUPPLES | BEAUTIFUL STYLES! --AND-- VERY CHEAP! A Most Comprehensive Stock of Staple Dry Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Winceys, Dress Goods, Linens, Damasks, Carpetings Curtains, Towelings, Hosiery, Gloves, &e., &e. JUST TO HAND! made expressly for our Fall Trade, in Silks, Velvet,Plain and Satire Cloths, Velveteens, together with an asssortment of very Elegant 'Waterproof Suita. MILLINERY. The patrons of the Temple of Fashion (who are legion) will be pleased to Sears elitt MBS. REDMAN (late Miss M. J. Thomas) continues to su ge hac been lay the t the Forte Tuli Biiming desire. Stylish Goods. Soh oT a a, wal, 8S. TREWIN. WM. DI Shawls Blankets of the Warmest MILLI Ingress mei, . Dress and a Twa Buttons, Overcoats and Pea Jac Umbrellas, Carpet BOOTS AN Buy the Lockman Sewing Machine and CKIE'S FALL AND WINTER STOCK I8 NOW COMPLETE IN i| Dress Goods of the Very Latest Patterns, Irish P: aw forall Shades atid Priced; Shick 4B 40 90. 'of Choicoat Styles, jh Suribes 452 Olan 'Tartana Woolen Knitted ALS, Bd iption. NERY! oe Co Ta Ladies' Bayard TAILORING! Clothing made to oxpEx by First-class Workmen, and a Good Fit Guaranteed. kets, 'Pants and Vests, OF BVERY DESCRIPTION AND PRICK. Fancy Flannel -Shirts and Drawers, all Colors. Collars, Ties, , Valises, and Trunks, from $1. 50 to $16. Hats and Caps Cheaper than Ever. D SHOES rtment of description for Fall and Winter. Overshoes, Rubbers, as' A large asso ent of every Saerip *¥ the Sals-Baser from _W. DICKIE. AUCTION AND ; | Commission Business. ING | sav TErERSELIE C SEE goo; Br be MACHINERY 'AGRICULTURAL Cp -- SUCH 48 THE OLIMAX DOUBLE OYLINDER PB aro MASERE bo GIANT KAY ASD) Jia SEPARATOR, J Shar for 4 Barmere anti whl Wd by Joseph JOHNSTON BELF-RAKE REAPER, COMBINED THE OHIO CPMBINED woOD's THE CAUGACHIE? J JUNIOR) IOR MO THE FAR. GRA 33 OULIIVATORS, GANG PLOWS, AND ALL PLOWS, CLIFTS PATTNT LOOM MANGLES THAT TOOK THE FIRST ( J use PRIZE AT TORONTO, AND FANNING MILLS, ada bow OF Lh Ly) ye ssp hemes MADE AT NEW. ATE er kind of repairs. A share "DAVID BISHOP. ro | sm mde ne kept 6. RB. Stock's Celebrated Extra Machine Of | NOW ED Er) IN ALL THE PRIN. EE asitisn eel oe a TESTIMONIALS: rook pangs. So Lord by AY rer hace our =e EE wi ot in i oll I have ever EX Er Ofl than aay I would rather have Bt over ooh In m7 Cxperionce Foreman for Brown & Patersca, oa pnp an Suratendieen for SEARS EE ETHER fag OUbawa, Feb. 1, 0. Ev TA SOLE PROPRIETOR : GEO. B. STOCK, Baovamax, Owr. AGENT FOR THE DOMINION : ROCK MEER Sea | TORBEN, Chey Ous i Omera, | { { | | | Goetry. AA A A OUR WILLIE. By Fronenos HAYWARD. When the violets were blooming, And the birds sang sweet and clear, And the gentle flower-fairies Openod wide the rossbuds near. Little Willie came one morning Flding all our hearts with joy-- Never breathed a fairer cresturo Than our darling own wee boy. Eyes of blge and hair like sunshiue, Lips like rosebuds fair snd sweet. How [ long now for the patter Of his little busy foot. No'er again on earth I'll hear them, As be ran to " plek the posies," Vor my derling's gone to heaven Willie sleeps beneath the roses. Three short summers here God lent. hiss. "Thy will, Lord, not mine, be done." Bowmanville, Jaa. 18th, 1978. Selections. THE HOOSIER SCHOOL-MASTER. BY EDWARD EGGLESTON. Prom Hearth and Home. CHAPTER IX. "" Did you use the blood warmi" asked 'Samall, with » solemnity most edifying: These were the only words he had utter- ed since he entered the cabin. "Laws, yes; I jest let it run right out of the cat's tail orto the breaking out.-- Fer airesipelus, I don't know nothin' as good 'as the blood of s black hen." "How old?" asked the doctor. '" There you showed yer They's no power in & pullet.' The older the black hen the better. And you know the cure for rheumatis." And here the old woman got down a bottle of grease. -- " That's ile from a black dog. Ef it's rendered right, it'll knock the hind sights off of any rheumatiz you ever see. But it must be rendered in the dark of the moon. Else a black-dog's ile a'n't worth no more nor a white one's." And all this time Small was smelling of the uncorked bottle, taking a little on his finger and feeling of it, and thus feeling his way to the hesrt--drier than her herbs --of the old witch. And then he went round the cabin gravely, lifting each sep- arate bunch of dried yaths from its nail, smelling of it, and then, by making an in. tervogation-peint of his silent face, he managed 10 get a lecture from her on each article in her Materia. medica, with the most marvellous stories illustrative of their virtues. When the Granny had got- ton her fill of his silent flattery, he was beady to carry forward his main purpose. There was something weird about this silent man's ability to turn the converss- tion as he chose to have it go. Sitting by the Granny'stes-table, nibbling corn-bread while he drank his glass of water, having declined oven her sassafras, he ceased to stimulate her and opened the vein of gos- sip. Once started, Granny Sanders was sure to allude to the robbery and the doo- tor's course was clear, "I 'low somebody not fur away is in this 'ere business!" Not by a word, nor even by a nod, bat by some motion of the eyelids, perhaps, Small indicated that he he agreed with her. "Who d'ye v'pose "tial" But Dr. Small was not in the habit of supposing. He moved his head in a quiet way, just the least pérceptible bit, but so that the old creature understood that he could give life if he wanted to. "I dunno anybody that's here long as could be Another motion of the eyelids indicated Small's agreement with this remark. "They a'n't nobody come in here lately 'ceppin' the master." Small looked vacantly at the wall. "But I'low he's allers bore » tip-top character." 5 The doctor was too busy looking at his "orn-brend So swear fis remark, en by » look: 'But I think these "Sg young men'll bear arter, I do." Dr. Small his eyes and It them shine an assent. That was all. " Shouldn't wonder of our master was 7%, 1h | overly fond of gals." Doctor looks down at his plate. 'Had plenty of sweethearts afore he walked home with Hanner Thompeon t'other night, I'll bet." Did Dr. Small shrug his shoulder! Granny thought she detected 8 faint mo- He ea. ¥ And I think as how that a feller what trifies with gals' hearts and then runs off ten miles, may-be a'n't no better'n he had orter be. That's what I say, says I." To this general remark Dr. Small as- sented in his invisible--shall I say intang- iblel--way. "1 allers think, may be, that some folks has found it best 10" leave home and go sway. Yeu can't nevertsll. But when people is a-bein' robbed it's well to" look out, Hey?" "1 think so," said Small quietly, and, having taken his hat and bowed a solemn and respectable adieu, he departed. . He had not spoken twenty words, but he had satisfied the newsmonger of Flat Oreck that Ralph was a bad character at bome, and worthy of suspicion of burglary. . CHAPTER XL M1ss MARTHA HAWKINS. "It's very good for the health to dig in the elements. I was quite emicated last year at the East, and the doctor told me to dig in the elements. I got me a florial how anid dug, and: ive ben mes} aaoeflent daot been 'bout for me." Time, the Saturday following the Friday on which Ralph kept Shooky company as far as the " folks" near Granny Sander's house. Scene, the Squire's garden.-- | Ralph helping that worthy magistrate per- | form sundry little jobs such a warm win- ter day suggests to the farmer. Miss Martha Hawkins, the Squire's niece, and his housekeeper in his present bereaved condition, leaning over the palings --pick- ots the called them--of the garden fence, talking to the master. 'Miss Hawkins was recently from Massachusetts. How many people there are in the most cultivated communities whose education is partial! "It's very common for school-masters to dig in the elements at the East," pro- oooded Miss Martha, Like many other people borti in the celestial empires (of which there are three--Chins, Virginia, bar Miss Marthe was not a teminding outside barbarians of her good fortune in thisregard. It did her good to speak of the East, Now Ralph was amused with Mise Martha. She really had a good deal of in- telligence despite lier affectation, and con- | ak versation with herwasfooth interesting and diverting. It helped him to forget Han- nah, and Bud, and the robbery, and all the rest, and she was #0 delighted to find somebody to make an impression on that she had come out to talk while Ralph was at work. But just at this moment the school-master was not so much interested in her interesting remarks, nor so mwech amused by her amusing remarks, as he should have been. He saw a man coming down the road riding one horse and lead- ing another, and he recognised the horses at a distance. It must be Bud who was riding Means's bay mare and leading Bud's roan colt. Bud had been to mill, and as the man who owned the horse-mill kept but one old blind horse himself, it was necessary that Bud should take two. It required three horses to run the mill; the old blind one could grind the grist, but the two others had to overcome the fric- tion of the clumsy machine. But it was not about the horse-mill that Ralph was thinking, nor about the two horses. Since that Wedizesday evening on which he escorted Hannah home from the Wpelling school he had not seen Bud Means. If he had any lingering doubts of the truth of what Mirandy had said, thoy had been dissipated by the absence of Bud from school. "When I was to Bosting----" Miss Martha was to Boston only once in her life, but as her visit to that sacred city was the mast important occurrence of her life, she did not hesitate to air her remin- iscences of it frequently. "When I 'was to Bosting,' she was just saying, when, following the directions of Ralph's oyes, she saw Bud coming up the hill near Squire Hawkins's house. Bud looked red and sulks, and to Ralph's and Miss Martha Hawkina's polite recognitions he returned only a surly nod. They both saw that he was angry. Ralph was-uble to guess the meaning of his wrath. Toward evening Ralph strolled through the Squire's cornfield to the woods. The memory of the walk with Hannah was heavy upon the heart of the young mas- ter, and there was comfort in the very miserabl of the tooks with their disheveled blades hanging like tattered banners and rattling discordantly in the rising wind. Wandering without purpose, Ralph followed the rows of stalks first one way and then the other in a sigsag line, turning » right angle every minute or two. At last he came out in a woods mostly of beech, and he pleased his melancholy fancy by kicking the dry and silky leaves before him in billows, while the soughing of the wind through the long, vibrant boughs and slender twigs of the beech forest seemed to put the world into the wailing minor key of his own despair. What a fascination there is in » path come upon suddenly without a knowledge of its termination! Here was one running in easy, irregulsr curves through the wood, now turning gently te the right in order to avoid a stump, now swaying suddenly to the left to gain an easier descent ata steep place, and now turning wantonly to the one side or the other, as if from very ocaprice in she man who by idle steps un- consciously marked the line of the foot- path at first. Ralph could not resist the impulse--who could!--to follow the path and find out its destination, and follow- ing it he came presently into a lonesome hollow, where 8 brook gurgled among the heaps of bare limestone rocks that filled ita bed. Following the path still, he came upon a queer little cabin built of round Togs, in the midst of & small garden patch inclosed by a brush fen. The stick chim. ney, daabed with clay and topped with a barrel open at both ends, made thiss typical cabin. It flashed upon Ralph thst this place must be Rocky Hollow, and that this was the house of old John Pearson, the one- logged basketmaker, and his rheumatic wife, the house that hospitably sheltered Shocky. Following his impulse, he knock- od and was admitted, and was not a little. surprised to find Mise Martha Hawkins there before him. - "You here,-Miss Hawkins!" he said when he had returned Shocky's greeting " Bless you, yes," erid the old lady.-- "That "the old lady ealled her a girl by a sort of figure of speech per- haps--"that blessed gyirl's the kindest erestur you ever saw--comes here every day, most, to a body up with some- thin' or nuther." Miss Martha blushed, and seid, she came becsuse Rocky Hollow looked so much like s place she used to know at the East. Mr, Mrs. Pearson were the kindest They reminded her of people she knew at the East. When she was at Bosting----" Here the old basket-maker lifted his head from his work, and said: " Pshaw! that talk sbout kyindness" (he was a Ken. tuckian and said kyindnes) "is all hum- bug. I wonder so smart a woman as you don't know better. You come nearder to bein' kyind than anybody I know; but, laws a me! we're all selfish akordin' ta my tell." "You wasn't selfish when you set up with my father must every night for two weeks," said Shocky, as he handed the old man a splint. I didn't like your father, 'cause Britisher. But of he'd s and to hold up my wooden leg for to the boys cheer! That was the selfishest thing I ever dome. We're all selfish akordin®"to my tell." "You wasn't selfish when you took me that night, you know," sad Shocky's face didn't like Pete Jones nor Bill Jones. -- They're thieves, dog on 'em!" Ralph shivered a little. The horse with the white fore-foot and white nose gallop- ed before his eyes again. " They're a set of thieves. That's what they air." "Please, Mr. Pearson, be careful. -- You'll get inte trouble, you know, by talk- ing that way," said Miss Hawkins. -- "You're just like a msn that I knew at the East." "Why, do you think an old soldier like me, hobbling on a wooden leg, is afraid of thom thieves! Didn't 'I face the British- ers? Didn't I come home late last Wed- nesday night! I rather guess I must a took a little too much at Welch's grocery, and laid in the middle of the street to rest.-- The boys thought 'twas funny to crate me. I woke up kind a cold, bout one in the mornin'. "Bout two o'clock I came up Means's hill, and didn't I see Pete Jones, and them others what robbed the Datch- man, and somebody, I duano whe, a cros- sin' the blu towardsJones's?" (Ralph Rivard) Dons shake your finger at me, old woman. Tongue is all I've got to fight with now; but I'll fight |. them thieves tell the sea goss dry, 1 will. Shocky, gim me a split." . "' But you wasn't gelfish when you tuck me." Shocky stuck to Bis point most pos- itively: "Yes, I was, youlittle tow-headed fool? I didn't take you kase I was good, not a bitof it. I hated Bill Jones what the poor-house, and I knowed him and Pete gould get you bound to some of their click, and J didn't want no more thieves raised; so (when your mother hobbled, with you a leadin' her, poor blind thing! all the way over here on that winter night, and ssid, ' ' Mr. Pearson, you're all the friend I've got, and I want you to save my boy," why, you see I was selfish asever I could be in takin' of you. Yeur mother's cryin' sot me a cryin' too. We're all sel- fish in akordin' to my tell. -- Blamed of we ha'n't, Misa Hawkins, only sometimes I'd think you was real benev- "lent of I didn't know we war all selfish." OHAPTER XIL THR HARDSNELL PREACHER. '" They's preachin' down to Bethel Meet. in'-house to-day," maid the Squire at breakfast. Twenty years in the West could not oure Squire Hawkins of saying "to" for "at." "I rather guess as how the ole man Bosaw will give pertickeler fits to our folks to-day." For Squire Hawkins, having been ez- pelled from the " Hardshell " church of which Mr. Bosaw was pastor, for the grave offense of joining a temperance so- ciety, had become *' Reformers," the very people who now call themselves *' Disciples," but whom the profane will persist in calling '* Campbellites." had a church in the village of Clifty, three miles away. I know that explanations are always abominable to story readers, as they are in story writers, but as se many of my |, readers have never had the inestimable privilege of sitting under the gospel as it is ministered in enlightened neighborhoods like Flat Oreck, I find myself under the necessity --need-cessity the Rev. Mr. Shaw would call it--of rising to explain. Some people think the * Hardshells" » myth, and some sensitive Baptist people at the East resent all allusion to them. But the "Hardshell Baptists," or, ss they are otherwike called, the "Whiskey Baptists," and the *! Forty-gallon Baptists," exist in all the old Western and South-western States. They call 'themselves ** Anti- means Baptists," from their Antinomian tenets. Their confession of faith is » car- feature of Calvinism, and is expressed by their preachers about as follows: 'Ef you're elected you'll bessved; eof you a'n't, you'll be damned. God'll take keer of hiselect. It's asin to run Sunday schools, or temp'rince s'cieties, or to send missionaries. You let God's business alone. . Whatis to be will be, and you can't hender it." This writer has attend- ed a Sunday school, the superintendent of Ralph found that he was toride th '" clay-bank mare," Shaouly nd the kinsbehind him. If it had been Hannah instead, Ralph might not have ehjosted to REPEATED | Mast, When Taras fo Hawkins was another air. He had only this consolation: his the company to disarm t all events, he could mot tell; st the East," 't 80 deep at the -- but Ralph never hoard what happened when |, © " We don't go to ch she said. 'The mud What surprised Ralph was to see that Flat Creek went to meeting. Everybody was there --the Moanses, the Joneses, the Bantas, and all the rest. | E on Flat Creek seemed to be except old wooden-legged . This family was represented by : doubtless, toget a glimpse of Hannah, notto hoar Mr. Bosaw preach. [In fact, few were thinking of the religious service. They went tochurch asa common resort to hear the news, and find ont what was the | | what the result of Bud's suit should be, and whether, indeed, the young Goliath had prior claims, as he evidently thought he had. He turned ly to ps mon, determined to pick up any crumbs of comfort that might fall Mr. Bosaw's meager table. { In reporting a single specimen Plbsage of Mr, Bosaw's sermon, I phall not ; take the liberty which Thucydides and other ancient historians did, oF aking he cr mon and putting it in the | hero's mouth, in sepoite yg How began--but alas! I can never picture you the rich red noss, the a tures, the nasal | the sniffle, the melancholy minor key, all that. "My respective hearers--ah, you see--sh as how--ah as my tex'--ah says that the ex --ah knoweth his owner --ah, and--ah the ass--ah his master's erib--ah. A--h--h! Now, my respective they're & mighty sight of esh atwext men--ah and oxen--ah" could not help reflecting that thers was a mighty sight of resemblance between some men and asses. 'But the preacher did not see this analogy. It lay too close to him), ""bekase --ah, you ses, men--ah is mighty like oxen--ah. Fer fer the ox knoweth---ah enol and the ess--ah, his master's crib--ah.-- Now, my respective hes " (the preacher's voices here lon, and the succeeding sentences in the most pathetic and lugubrious } * you all know--ah that yonr humble speaker--ah he pie J Ma sae Short shook the floor w titter.] " They a'n't no sir two of mine--ah in ry--ah. Them erack ah ha'n't » patchli® to the ox knoweth his see--gh his master's erib--ah. [ro 32 comrawvan.} War is » tight shoe lik the summer ? "Sake We itn puny 1 | the squire i but shall give that which on be vouched eign | . | more attention to the ante of bowing Srcything enpeuded mere pecuniary ny vor . great advance. Ii the parsuit of | the farmer. Man is a- creature of taste, and not » mere grub; aiid he who neglects to cultivate and te gratify this element in his nature, d himsell. Any one may form a pretty correct estimate of the intellectual, if not/ths moral state of his neighbors, by simply looking over their The one allows his buildings wri Find wh slovenly stato, when he has the means be & money-loving, Ttis a great mistake to suppose that money spent in reasonably improving the appearance of the 'place is thrown Laway. It may be doubted' whether there is any more direct method of th its market value will depshd. very upon its outward appearance. and well-painted buildings, § yards and gardens with nea cleanly kept fields, will set off great advantage make fob difference when it even if it be not add greatly to the én; possessor, if he be hot but the dollar. | Every man, too, bwes it to the commun- 7 in atick bn is fig contribute to Ee x TH ali g F i ment, by making all his surroundings es attractive as There is sucha ? thing as paying tog much attention to the , who had come | in : How TO rss ror MEN. 1. Improve your ims: All being ready," put out your line at ones, and keep it out - | every moment possible, as you cannot tell the minute when you may take a big fish. Hold forth continually, in season and out of season." Only yesterday & young lady just converted wrote to me, hei member in your letter to my brother urg- ing him to be a Christian that you sdded, 'I think your eldest sister is'a Christian t' , | Thattroubled me. | Iknew I wasmot s '| Christian, and I knw that | ought to be one." Keep out your line. 2. Bo sure and k your float whirling lively and bright. | Make he sectn fos and attractive. Tarn its bright sides to men's hearts. If you can add » bright - Seathor 2rom the wig of fancy it will be all the better. i 3 Row often over the same gronod. The fish that is not quite ready to take mr Noman} o for it 'the next. No a fuhermen than you| have been hr ground before you. God mey give te those hitherto t an oye to your hook. Be careful t saying, "There are no fish to be t 4. Be prepared some disappoint- ments. Now and your will be greatly raised only to be dashed. You may reel a i to the boat's side, and. just when you are sure of him, off he will slip| from the hook and you will lose him. You will sure » man is into and the next you : water of to fish the whole day without taking » single fish, or even having a bite, and yot consider that you had a good time, a ati t and cheerful, the next day. Above all things, be not weary in well-doing if you would eatch sonia, -- Ree. Dr. Ballard. + ul Li is not cheap in Manitobe. A hving ia hot + hp in Masiiobe. a dosen teams of turkeys, geese, the coal oil butter thirty cents 388 Hi --upriase A

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