Ontario Reformer, 2 Feb 1872, p. 3

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gy ~ bd . a manele LL SREY od £5 a snecial committee, n i a4 ; : DANCING SCHOOL. endient proposes" to revert i The Duke of Edinburg will shortly take " . y: ; z ~ ? T onder Tapectiniy the tenure of Swamand of the Rew icau-clad an of WaZ (p05 E. Moore will give instruc. : I HE C O MI? ; I embers {0 . h . i . " G V V O MAN aabers, aud that four members | tions in step dancing to Misses and Mas CERTIFIGATE OF AGEN CY W i annually. 1 : ; . Tur European press are gloomily quot- | ters at his Academ 7, Hyland's block, every © Game Law was also i. ing an ominous remark recently made hy | Saturday at two o'clock. Instructions will » and referred to a Bismarck to a traveller : *" When 'I did | also be given to ladiés at five o'clock p. m. : sll in my power to obviate war between | and at seven o'clock p. wm. every Saturday. 1 TIS T M i . Soot (Grey), Mr. Blake Pin my puget to shtiute, wan batuweon | p,m. every Satusiay. | FEVHIS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly * Terms--25 cents per lesson--Adv't. M . By ation hoped to be able - 1 doubted the issne. We were $00 Strong | eve mam mn authorized Agent, for the sale of A rin House an improved "jg, to render defeat probable. I was convinced | xr . : UFF s re mon al that war once begun would spraad over | AL RY, 10% Rie wmtereviesiow sarruion, | £WDDOLS Patent Lock Stitch and Silent ee pH the Ad. | haly a centary." | for it waters not how much food is taken, por 0c 1 al y when they would beg e oa' : A Bit has boon introduced into the | gemed ani assimiiaicd. depraved nutrition and Famil S x NM hin ru Jovisiniure of Utah to, roulate mariage. | imporinnpud buoi; Si3, dogonepution uf tha y sewing JMMachines. : Monday, 20th. pet nt » ys of lifteen years of age | cient nourishment that excites hereditary infla- i . ; . iv i ar petitions were py and girls of twelve years of age may cou- | echoes, and developes mn the stem that claks of This further certifies that Mr. L.. Predhom has the exclusive right of selling cur }- nt od. Settedang tract maviage with the consent of their Ehvturlc Wasting Discasss. of the Comsump ive Sewing Machines in the village of Oshawa, and that he is also authorized tu appoint jams (Durham) moved the parents or guardians. the bill had pro- | Yargenient of the Glands of the neck, Eruptions Agents for the sale of our hines, in said Territery. Such agents have the of a Bill 10 in ; sec. vided for the judicious spanking of such | . of the Skin, Spinal Disease, Torpid Liver, Irri- | rights and privileges of the trade, as though inted b; : N K : atic e Kidney of C - " " gh appoin y us. Bobexygeon and - Norgh the foolish children and sending them te their | tation of Je Riduers und Bladder, Chyna Signed for the Company, | mn Railway Com Petes. respective little beds without their suppers | have their origin in the ons common canse--In- JF. J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, Ont. or Pan; A go - there might be soma hope for ** Youn | digestion. Any remedy that radicaliy cures these . : " posed the sedcund read ica." - S diseases must reach their primary source--the » -------- s there were 30 many Suntios. Or BOSE A TES AND CALISAYA | The above Machine is dne of the best F\ nl a i ! 55 . & 'Lo KIX SPHATE ND CALIS e above ine is one t i i i o ¥ conneching with B ld J An English chemist has been experi- | was especially devised to cure Dyspepsia, im: | needs to be seen to be appreciated. Prices, iy 2 oA ain ae lariat, 8 er ¥ ; : - menting for the purpose of ascertaining | prove ; rition iad pramite the formation of Nanied. S42 secu 'hand Grover & Baker hours Machine for sale cheap. Warranted how mu-h of various kinds of food must | promptly and so (crianently is invigorating all | *% "© work. Satisfactory reasous given for selling, a4 1p. ¥ : ; ' be eaten in order to make ono pound of | ihe organs of the Mr. J. Atkinson. L. A R A R D S * flesh. He comes to the conclusion that i i seme | GEE daniel emdean, | LARGE LOT OF BOOTS VND SHOES) IMPROVED HOT AIR GENERATOR Sold : of carrots, nine of oatmeal, seven and a | . YE" CONSISTING OF Shkioh 3 the Govenment to hall of bacley meal, anl three and a half | TORONTO HARKETS. Ve council made by the ' tration, under which so : hi rod rid ' Squatt. B= A i i w | et wondt aihe Passa ay or the ] onl p---- Be Loeb Br sgh : Sih Bly 4 : ie present Goma, 20 contal some of the leading newspapers. Among [Os do. : To be Sold at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent, rs ought to be placed und ose who presented themselves as fit and | Pi i me i » ble conditions with those 3 Topas Dergns ys TepPaeent tha dle, be Hay. yon ph i IN ORDEC TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. after the passage of thé Act. Tne Whess ie proc a in 3 farvent ELAR X : . Bacchus. a a i; cr raaarere anne . a 3 setiler who settled befors Te Ladner. oa ayo wu A share of public patronage solicited. of the Act was in actual oceu Yo Iv." 'sevfied the o y wg BSOWMANVILLE MARKETS, "Ad he ont to hie pone Ey tho sui | TRY L. PRUDHOM rk applied to the fifty-five cious-locking promon ory. ell, remark- | wyeat, bushel,....................81 23 @ $1 28 . ud ming the free-grant terito 'ed the captain, -doubtfully, 'you may; | pye, do lulu . 05° O08 : . Sqfar as. regard thea : but if you are, you ought to prosecute | Barley, ee SOREL 0 57 | tled on'their lots antecedent to that nose of yours for defamation of cha- | peas, ERE it, oor ' ' x of the Free Grant Act, and who BH acter, | oun, Row TR Re an r moreinstalments, it wasthe 3 A Sark Sare.--An ingenious mechanic | mone seed go : A : -- a " | Seed, dc rain " 0 . t the Sorernipent Xo give them : jn Xew Orleans . constructed a safe which | Suny Seal 2 : AE TN ° + RYE AND OATS, AND FU RS ! due to the<Crown free 3 he declared to be absolutely burglar-proof | | -- wing with the conditions of the To cunvince the ion hp bp rp WHITBY MARKETS. Act, and the Onder in Council § placed a one thousand dollar bill in his | February 1. J. WwW F O WwW K E x t into force. This remark pocket, had himself locked in the safe, with | Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel,..............$1 23 @ $1 32 . » > frec-grant townships ex a liberal supply of provisions, and the key | Wheat, Spring, do .. "i 1% : ¢, Renfrew and Min. tast into the giver, declaraing that he | Barley, ¥ bushel,........ a 06 Is in town yet also a splendid sssortment of s * would give the money to the man who un | Oats, a o 04s ie orders of the day was Mr, | 2: fastened the door. All the blacksmiths, | Peas, 4"... .. 068 067 otion. for a committee of en. = and carpenters, and burgulars in the State | Potatoes, do ........ 040 tion for South Grey. 8 of Louisana have been boring, and blast- | Buiter. ¥®,.............. ak 018 At unusually low prices and in great variety. ring called, however, the ing and beating at that safe foraweek, | --------g------- : vr found to be absent and the mo- with: every kind of tool and explosive mix- MONTREAL MARKETS, FLANNELS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW HATS AND CAPS, d. : 3 ture known to science, and the man is in | February 1. . , Tuesday, 30th. f 2 there yet !| He has whispered through the | Wheat, @ bushel, . 2 S135@81 40 | oo . : innth S2ftinimn were Jrevented. and © keyhole that he will wake the in ot of Oats, ¥ 32 Races - 9% Sh NEW PRINTS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, Owing to a combination bills intro d ; 0,000 if somebody will only let him ont. | Barier. tatitadeis 3 r i | uced and read first 310000 it soto Tverybody thet it in the | Peas. ¥ bushel, ....... os om| NEW LUSTRES, NEW COATINGS, oF elipars, Coal 03) has Scott aid Sith feafuet to the \ safest safe over: avesied Fears are en- | Butter, #8, ..... i " . . vane till ri 1y m pd lopted by the House on Wed- tertained that the whale concern will have | -------------------- . and iis s rising. fespecting the honor and 'in- - . to be meltel down in the blast furnace | OSHAWA MARKETS, ; Clothing Made to Order on Short Notice / is! the time ood our he present Premier of the Goy- / before he is released, and efforts are to pe | \ y d the ex-Treasurer, it was due made to pass iu through the keyhole a | Flour, ®ewt,. ...................... ! GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, winter's supply. se hon. gentlesnen that the fire-proof jacket, to protect the inventor | Wheat, Fail, ¥ bushel, ...... i i 3 Ly the hon. member for _ while the iron is malting. --S. F. News. | (vhees Spring. 8 bushel, - A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. Rye........... A Now York paper shows, in a couple of | Barley -...... : J. W. FOWKE. 200 .BARRELS g _ elaborate articles, thelcost of living in New | Peas, ¥ bushel, ... "ue 2 One Farm of 50 acres, 1 mile North ofHarmony ; 108 acres, in Snowdon ; 2% ah OpOrtnity, i ha : York. He saysa family of four persons; Potatoes, ® bushel. 126 acres, in Letterworth; and some village lotsin Oshawa, which would be wichan < ; : oe Claims to be the most complete and effectual Drumm Heater made. "Eat Rad 1 «| Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses' and Children's, An Inspection solicited. Apply to : " : v 33 R, LARARD, or to + HATCH& Cos., Ohawa. of all Classes and Sizes, Box 155, Ovhaes, se PATPNT APPLIED FOR. Op [IM 819880 o pros 8q a "1L8T '039 10q0( 'YAVESQ 'spoo3 Moys 0} 9[qnoa3 oN 0018 OUTWEXO PUR [[BI 0) [OM -ind Suipuouy used Joy voy "OIYA 'SOJeA [[UUWIS PUB 'SuIv} 'spreig 'suojpng 'ALITNO 'M 2 'H noe 'meong ooounrg pue Jury Jour) 'SULI9} O[qRIOAR] Js0W OY) U0 1Snoq uoeq Suiavy . "870 §21 opis paul uon0) MYM Lave} "519 GL WOJJ §IB POWUILL], 'GZ [§ WO SA[IUTIY SOIPE'] 'gpremdn '530 of wo sfeourpy poor) 'Burgio ~lopu[) Sue) 'SION JIVH 'Suoqqry Jo YI0I8 [vy ®. 'soounopy ously] 'surg doo 'seaopy) puw Liowoyy 'spouuvyy' Louvy puv YM 'IOVS 'op Lear) 'su0yj0)) WOO] 'SUL. 'SoXSNT HOU[ 'spoox) ssax(] Sutsadmod *spooy) Li(] JNUIp pus fled Joy) Suureses ox LIATIID HP 'M ves from the charges made with: two servants cannot live on less than | Butter, ¥ ®........... Sed for other property. Also a quantity of "firstclass B: na, He, "thercfore, moved: £5,000 a year ; and with one or two thous- Lard. he lid Sadi id Oshawa, Sep. 21, 1871. s. Ardagh, Boultbee, Bouiter, . and more they may have some luxuries, | (58% 7 "HC . i=, Pardee, Prince, Clark (Wel- or lay up a little. i Green Apples, yoo 1 | AT A LOW FIGURE. BUY YOUR : ee. Price, HE | LARGE CANS AT ALLAN LINE.|OYSTER BAY! nd Farewell, do compose A Dublin paper records anact of fiendish | Dressed Hogs.................. | H . H H } ; - kee ta e nsider the resolution cruelty at Fo to a splendid New- | Poultry .......... CAS | CAS ! CAS | DERAWA AGENCY. this House iE foundland dog. Some miscreantssaturated | {oer feed ¥ bushe A 3 > n the motion was BHR Sev eT ; e 3 the dog's long woolly hair with paraffin oil, out ad 1%.a division, 5 and then set fire to the animal. 'It ran -- -- i 3 C 0 M P L J T E { i Blake proposed the second 3 furiously through the strects untill it reach- 2. RECEIVED D AlLY | I 2 bill to amend the Railway ed the owner's premises, where it ran into | = a . | { Livia "The bill pro- a stack of hay, which took fire, but was ex- | ropriation shall be made tinguished. lugs were thrown around | sent of the onse. Although --T, ; ih the dog and the fire extinguished, but it | % T The Highest Price paid for any quantit WINTE R_SE RVICE! J O N E NN old coalitionists opposed. the ? was in fearful agony, and had to be de- i W\« 18 p Yq y of | Under Gontract with the Canadian Government 9 = by specches, none of them stroyed. ' 50 EB for carrying the Canadian and U. 8S. Mails, t second reading. = . : SIMCOE STREET. OSHAWA, ro a Es. sccomdl Mr. Cyrus W. Field, before the Interna- | STEAM "WEEKLY TO bill further to secure the J . tional Telegraph Conference at Rome on | i - : ¢ : LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY EMBRA ING ¢ of the Legislative Assembly. the 28th of December, proposed that tele- | GOOD CLEAN RED AND ALSIKE : AND CLASGOW. Sold by the Plate or Can. C ' 1%0 prevent all persons hold- ' ha be neutral in time of war ; that the?| 3 y i ---- ; emolument in the gift of the exclusive right to lay a cable between two | . . HIS COMPANY'S LINES ARE A » holding seats in the Ontario foreign countries should not be given with- | FULL ATTENDANCE OF THE : Somposed of he u.dernoted Full d CHOICE lot of Canned Fruits, Jel- Read stcond /time--some out the joint consent of the respective | £A- Members of the above Ladie rés ested a . oy ; : lies, ote, on hand and for sale. aking arainst the measure, but goveruments ; that the extra tax upon mes- | Evening, 6th February. Members will bear in § oa a vote. * ? sages in Europe shonld be done away with ; | mind their colors. - Japt. The choicest Fruits, of all kinds, in their | - that the " telegraphic circnit of the world" | Oshawa, Fib. 1.1872 G: W. GARTH, W. un C ov R SEED ] Ek A 3 700 in J. season. | ---- i ------ 3 should be completed, and that an interna. | Ve8™® T6082 75= pio . 1, B Y L i : 7 ks abama and St. Juan tional treaty should be entered into to| ~~ © 3 ro Ferran % ton The highest price paid for all kinds of : secure the first and second propositions. Bible Ch ristian Church $n, choice Fruits. ions which at present absorb a It is said that hay can be mads fire-proo | cocky las between Liverpool Lon | 2a Siga of EY NG " : ign of the Oyster Bay Lamp. 2 f the attention of European by sprinkling a layer of salt between each | ANNIVERSARY, OSHAWA. Ti Juste aad Moutres], lonv, "Ee hi ERYTEHI ch > : v urday, arriv, Oshawa, October 26, nd of the English Press, are - layer of hay. This process is recommend- | a AT beg Ex on ~~ id nn m ponferences on the Alabama ed as serving the double purpose of a pre- | HE ANNIVERSARY OF THE SE SE zo i, gv 3 ventive against fire and rendering the hay | FEBRUARY 11th. and 12th, 152. On Sunday cr PRO BONO PUBLICO. 4 Berlin. The London Times more conductive to the health of cattle, | thiee sermons will be preached_--at 10} and 6 by RATES OF PASSAGE nd 13th has two exhaustive and more agreeable to their palates. | Rev. C, parka) of Bowmanville, and at 2} by ; t | ON'MONDAY, A PUBLIC TEA will be pro- : bry Americans. Their historical IcxoraxcE or Exerism OrriciaLs.--It | vided at 5}, after which a Platform Meeting. to of well . bout the larzeness. of their would seem from an incident narrated in $s addressed by 'W. S. Pascoe, E. Robots, - J. : ® b) 9 \AKES THIS OPPORTUNITY TO 3 Moo, 118 . . gat tei Rice, and other ministers. Chair to be cn at n Osha inform the inhabitants of Osha: vi ly equalled by the facilit t!:e Montreal News, td.be the opinion of | 7} by Dr. McGILL. A J ar He 1s Ae yg 3 v-ghde into the wonderial / the publishers and othefs of London, Eng., | TICKETS TO TEA, 25 CENTS! : 7) a Slate, $45.90; Sleun eg pared ng: r, great or small, and true : that the productive industry of this coun- | hh O ; at reduced rates. ting, Wh hee &e., te a Ie try is limited to the dressing of bear-skins The Choir will add to the interest of the services . | ail Pasenger ate first-class ue 0 Q00 as tha imdemnity and curing of cod-fish. When Mr. John by rendering suitable music. | | out thle Toiends fan or a Sader ed Sroie Messrs. | - ined by the depredations Lovell entered some three hundred of his | Oshawa, Feb. 1, 1572. ; fiw . | Gibbs' t Factory, 's will receive e ad ¥. PATTE, Jr. 4 253m b Forming a weekly between Glasgow, Quebec Te St. Juan boundary question above Church will be cel¢brated (D. V.) on and Montreal. : Pi Rev Oshawa to Liv and ---- 4 preposterous 'claims put | Boon from $81 F. PATTE, JR., | shortest no- European style. left at Mr. i] to - Certificates 4 S| vessel. So ridiculous a claim Directories at the Liverpool Custom Houge | -- mm ---- : ; sm of the Times, i the authorities refused to believe that such atthe Grand | + STLAN Oshawa, Sept. 25, 1871. press are following & book Soul) be produced iu Catiads ; and NOTICE. ON HAND. 1400 BARRELS f amke rain. Ew bers msiste: at the alleged publication of the . » - their constituents, 'work in this country was a Yankes dodge] A LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE oie BU 1 ER! BU I 1 ER! Public Announcement | that England dare to save duties. In consequence of this | SUBSCRIBER WILL PLEASE . So a tenth part of: g suspicion, Mr. Lovell had to pay a duty of | call and cettle without any further notice. f awarded by the arbitra- _thirty shillings per cwt., instead of fifteen; | * Oshawa, san. 18th. LIA. fo - ' i d be fow but ure willing to go to when, however, the strange incredulous- | . und Plaster H CHOICE BUTTER AT J B A R MN A B D than * succumb to 'snch an ness of the scale ya. fay Jord to | T . ; P fi / F : ; 2 3 : . Times, however, in its Gstal succamb to facts and evidence, the excess | I : termined attitude when the of duty was refunded. What have our | fipp 8 roetica yglon, i18c. PER POUND. EIBERNIAX, - - th Nov. JAVING TAKEN THE BUSINESS {f England is in danger, col- - immigration lecturers been about. since | Ladies and Gontlemen, read the lws, SAM ARITAK, - - Ba « Hy on 80 successfully forso d grguments which are irre- the people of Enjland do not seem even | Wno standin need of Boots and Shoes. { And a large lot of the i : FRUSSIAN, ©." moh» EN Co. Ta zee and, 3 fthout wavering ad to know that we can print books here? fieniry th ploass you, one and all, If you want' something NAN LaN Br Dec. inhohitants of Osbanrs and its vicinity that he that cven'a nwiety of the H f stock k . . . 4 fe we res y| To En rest: Tit S30 to St wee in the way of Bal. |. wEssak nse as vag manded can be awarded. ; Bree a 3.7 . ott, the Commis- | Hell mend vour soles, if not your ways, 1 C 1 b ted St pl t n Salt | ter, go to L t { 1 Duity News follow suit, eer of Pensions, PoAong gp stick of | "HF Eaih idessitng Al bert élebra 8 Flu ame. RE-OPEN THE OLD STAND ertain sound declare that 16 inches thick through hth there was | And if they rip hell ask no pay. Leing better understood : Nt i hard, as you all do know, J . on Fal ais Sp SLE RAE PEDLAR'S. t time" than when the Ash- "* That hole was made by a rifle ball, and Money scarce, aul HEE low | Only $1 50 per Barrel. . i was uegotiated, cannot pull . - : Rt it 1 A large stock on hand, and more coming.-- . : 5 } £ % after making the hole as you see it here, | prgjuce taken in exchange for s. d, the eyes of English states- the same ball went through eight pine | East side of Simcoe Street, one door North of t the fallacy of their argu- Ot ta the omy planks, in all nine inches thick. The oak, | Taylor's Jewelry Store pp 0 op oo . 28 FAMIDIES SUPPLIED, : | SATURDAY NEXT ' NOV. 25, S [ A PI E &FA NCY sarent that the trators 5 4 : when it ea to that, . 25 : En Sil caley in deciding {0 Js hues Books w - jbo hong a ALSO, THE $ R BE W A R D . " " riand. : i _ wim aw straight line, and thence went straight on Lso something to say on the And through the pine." This illustrates , .* ; ; ® ; | : dpa L . 3 gh the pine. | 3 owe and thevagh the Diieat and. at the same | JUST Received & For Sale| Y ENTIRE NEW STOCK gg : 7. --Is thers not a bit of Syd- time, most wonderful improvements in COARS E | : #25 CHEOK on the ONTARIO =. vhierein that divine, descri 3 ifle fr hick the ball | - : b | ] fect E rising against English tyr. x fre se The Niel was fired is AT THE . will bel given to any person who : : : : 5 of ¢ Eswney betook Bissell do ; owns 1 i Bgprnrosl chambers rong] " w ; : ; | will prove by Four Competent sad Im- of Fancy and Staple Dry DRY GOODS; nd, having-scra im- h barre ich are loaded and ex- mini urni Areroo ¥ . . _ - : liand and cast up an account : plod he io ip the i | Do oa ure 3 a Cf equal purity, and suitable for either Pork 4 e \ areas : { : ibe br, suddenly waxed Jutiom received its first impulse, Joties them. It , 3 Curing or Manure, at Goods, Millinery, &e. sword | - We hope that dur is estimated that a bullet shot from ane of C +H DUNK S ; 1 H O | sf T nds will not bring in 83 tau. i . these rifles would goat least two and a «i 1 ; : | or 5 Burial Pom a io make % 1 half miles, if it met with no obstacle. Ex- : 0 Lgh aan . ] ; 1 CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. . ow seriments with heavy artillery operating i : \ : very much, but we are . this principle have been made in Noiseless Patent Steel $1.30 PER BARREL : did not exhibit the Best Photographs at 5 . \ i awfully economical in these England, and the results indicate a proba- , : Oshawa, Nov. 2th, 1871. v 1. tw ¥ ae i ays. 'bility of extensive changes in tho construc. Spring Bed Bottom a ND mi j N ERY, tee tion. of large guns.-- Washington Letter. ; Oshs i ' i ¥ MN. B.--A few Barrels of OIL CAKE and MEAL re dae. NEW DRESSMAKIN : in pri inod is a obi == : JAS. E. HOITT. G be offered in prizes at the \ In Illinois there is a child, now three 1 Ti cently recesved. : Fair. Onward is the mot- " he months old, weighing but two pounds. lis | Nore. --Justios'ls what is wanted. and ESTABLISHMENT ; <' lepgthisonly seven inches, and lis lace : : : ' nothing more, by Horrr. EE RT : Rosrep Nin. First drisg : about the size of a watch cyst la ty | CLEANEST, EASIEST, STEEBE BROTHERS, RE-OPENED! "ny. cl whic he hold, i arms be . : ' £3 4 . | Some eon By Dg ~ Flug ous be sipped on Sithey Of them to | 4nd for durability and slmpllcity has no equal ; Oshawa, Ost. 19, 1871. wa. MISS ROOM E satin f the shoulder. 1s rent » ' : d 3 $3) a risk ¢ a be seen on ike © ready makin uite a noise in its part of [71 Tea 1 AVING RESUMED BS rea 5 thoes having » to Jot, and unde hare cle , Celebrated For Good APPRENTICE WANTED| HAVRE! BUSINESS 1¥ wi A d glass. see it. Its parents are of sti e. - i 3 re : -- . . a ok : yea y dopenmt uk plans | 30 17 MAY SUOREN Oshawa, January 5th, 1872. WO ACTIVE RESPECTABLE Laps Next Door to HOITTS Gallery ! J ¢ vuLEY says that the Jad ; Ax extraordinary elope I | ; : The Man. oat, Soi Hes Th ute oT Ape. cat ab arf bugnto calli the ot ho ' such false hair Le can't a at Brautford last Saturday. A gay loth-| E the undersigned hotel proprietors, . fod i a Cal | attention of those friends -3 What does he know about ary, a machinist by trade; captivated the | have in use the Dominion Steel Spdug : ebiminy : A. M. CHISHOLM'S ! : | TR a Louisa Fowler obtained 8 ju London. The Bank of England--on | ya xpERBILT HOUS : " " STOR! Whit s| Oshawa, Dee. 1, 1871. 04). and costs against David Dn showing--was lately unable | Yah; pi oh USE, machine, 'which four last@uturday ; fH Odie. June BLE 0S years, J for £19, pad cold oly obtain £5 iu silver | Chew. Joa. 18. : "om : ; ; OSHAWA, December 1, 1871. ~ ne. a A5X FOR IT-KSIST UPON IT-8UY BO OTHER VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. | [7 it: Tourt at Kingston, N. Y. { : EE eerie proton a) Lo ly and while ihanking i we 1¢ | Bed Bottom, and we are satisfied it is the bes! given. Apply to them for past favors, solicits a continuance u' . y hearts of two of our fair young damsols, | | : 3 Uv E R ' Ww. MITC link any fot Lovty yout . iy being able to decide between them { Sorat in Se, 858 1 hid TT H E B T n ™ HELL, - | ; } y e « « - Albany, N. Y. and Li of promise of marri- to supply a Government Department with | crry goTEL, + - - . " and still. Those intending 10 the same. : trade: . Brock street, East End. @ five Thhpudaye in Fests tly determined to take them both t0 | TpcyMSER HOTEL, - - Leadon, Ont. fier § o'clock any evepirg. | pg TE wooonnes orm ron | | OSRUNNSH T= | Gres' BLOCK: i : ™ : machine, if will idm a a ing ofa uses and | 3 g : : pod 2d Leen courting Miss Fow- E £400 1a silver ; a large joint-stock bank, AMERICANHOTEL, - - - Troy,N.Y. Rurchase oi Dine, WILLCOX. Whitby, will Lumber & los | . a well douined, and ina state of 1EDY. ; ok : i Cars, applied Louth in Threadueedle street and | SNYDER HOUSE, MILLS DAR- | ovwe: Cay 1) ox Oshawa ,Dee. ¥, 1871. which will not occvr again I diverty. The triples | ECUNSER HOTEL, at". vandan ot ina Machine | PRIME, DAIRY BUTTER, A™ 18 a -- Ar Osesk 427 Sin ud pi po Saturday morning for Buffalo. | "de Florence Sewing ac ; . P CENTS PER POUND, AT th - + Waverly, No. Y | receive o full description of the machine, with har octuriad oy 0r WSS Banos Albert, now { AMERICAN HOUSE, . - WAVERLY HOTEL, - Rochester, N. Y, i 5500 i \ SALE AT MY 5 in Tower hill for £3500 in small change, price list, oto. ) F< PLATES. : and was refuse ; and-aleading tradesman iorg 3 © JOHN 8 3. WILLCOX. lington. a a ornwsll, Englasd, on the 3th OY alled on his sanker week, W. Wigg & Son Whithy, Jeo. 16 £OHT out | December. , 4B CAMPIELL VOR CARMICHAEL. ' A searcity of silver coin is complained of GLOBEHOTEL, - - - Syracuse, N.Y AT JOHN POST'S MUSIC TREWIN'S. hillips, formerly a resi A 3 gallad wn "ial Sider. TREE ---- er PERSIA

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