Ontario Reformer, 26 Jan 1872, p. 3

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old win wap them ed tsipon rising orouly. A {nights ald BY Bo, A discovered that powds 3 good for boils. He cover is in the setond imost all the rest of the wcted. He was deceived sys. "How ! leok here, Hd : yymozih or 80." Th old fellow. Leave, --t or Clerk: ** Haw, no-- --gome-oge's goiag 'eo who Mas ovi- aan, Frow money, steal fran'® his 6wa whistey bill or back from a dying hesinen me chaices of pardon ps 8° poor pricey the devil has mn of his panialooas 2 rgiveaess are Eis Times wis the fies pager marriage advertiome. is sed 10 give the fem to he 'money, and at bir death it to her dauZiwer When irchased, a few ago propriever «f the A] $20,000 a year. = rand race on the Hf An ice-boat was y train. 4 d its load light but! hnsteady, the boat ke a bird, besti d covering ps le mitates. There's 573 per says: --Brant Coaity minion os nearly every- be named--wheat; barley, . oats, psilroads, water now claim to be the i Coomty tw the world. Mr. Newiut harvested and )«whels of clover seed Hn acres of land and ed a large yield, it we would like to _- Avpati, --A servant g'rlin a man ia the house ¢ boons. She-went and told of. He went aad gota re- blicemau. © The robber went i the window. The owner ent and searched the house . yarder in his own bedroom. policeman knocked down _h_his club, the owner drew and shot the poli ulder, the boarder. her with & chair, 4 then that it wasn't any of them. -- man in Colum- Ohio, coated a girl for a g that procrastibatiom.is he got » can of invited the Justice to s at eighi o'clock, aad then hestion, and was y document and infor the e 'squire would be there at leaded delay ; he couldn't Ik dress wasn't made ; cali- There was mo stove im with cost, and in len min- The squire | the new-made a fire roarin was fized, he oywters: A young mamma, on the Son of making her little pair of trowsers, conceived t would Le more economical of the same d' mansions ore, wo that they ead wear evenly. dorined b, th J 2 el ulous. pa at first sight arment, erty ex ba have the vedere) r little fellow won't know going to school or coming 3) PEATES. the 23rd inst., John Dickie, , 10 montbs, mining, Joho Marshall, gn will take pla ca om inst., at 20'clock. are respectfully invited 4 on Woden, last, Martin #6 years. The locomotive 1 126 acres, in Letterworth nN «W COATINGS, variety. NEW HATS AND CAPS, ~NEW BOOTS & SHOES, <wning Made to Order on Short Notice / @ROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. J. W. FOWKE. 2% One Farm of 50 scres, 1 mile North of Harmony ; 108 #vres, in Snowdon ; ; and some village lotsin Oshawa, which would be exchan- Sed for other property. Also a quantity of firstclass Brick. Oshawa, Sep. 21, 1871. ton CASH! CASH ! CASH! A Missionary Mestting. MISSIONARY MEETING oN behalf of the Missions of 1 will Ny held (D. V)in v4 On yids Evening next, February nd, ibe Hoe Hu ona BI, nd iw OUEWEERE BETWEEN MYRTLE and Oshawa, on the Reach Road, on the will ba at by "rewarded 4 by inaving Wot Raglan Post Satin. "NOTICE. LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE SUBSCRIBER 'WILL PLEASE call and settle Oshawa, Jan. 15th, THE Florence Sewing Machine, WH DEKE of FEAR E ES TaIPP & SHAW. 170 3] it i | & Just Peeived & For Sale C. H. DUNKS Noiseless Patent Steel Spring Bed Bottom CLEANEST, EASIEST, And for durability anc simplicity has no equal TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. WY ea Semien andviaigudd heel ne sve vs are saint Sing hw ant Sebmnend TECUMSEH -HOTEL London, Ont, GREAT WESTERN ROTEL, - Winder, Out. AMERICAN HOUSE, AE WAVERLY HOTEL, GLOBE HOTEL, . - - VANDERBILT Hoss, " GLOBE HOTEL, - . CITY HOTEL; ~ ¥. . AMERICAN HOTEL, . SNYDER HOUSE, - Rochester, N. Y, Syracuse, N.Y. Albany, NX. Y. + » Soy NX. 'Waverly, N, Y. W. Wigg & Son. Oshawa. Jan: 18 : "41m, The Highest Price paid for any quantity of GOOD, .CLEAN, RED AND ALSIKE CLOVER SEED! STEELE BROTHERS. ON HAND, 1,400 BARRELS Fresh Ground Plaster! And a large lot of the Celebrated Stapleton Salt! Only $1.50 per Barrel. ALSO, THE , COARSE SALT! cf equal purity, and suitable for either Pork Curing o or Manure, at $1.30 PER BARREL 1 cently received. N. B--A few Barrels of OIL CAKE and- MEAL re STEELE BROTHERS, " Celebrated, For Good Teal" Oshawa, January 5th, 1872. BUTTER. JRIME DAIRY BUTTER, AT 18] CENTS PER POUND, AT Oshawa, Dee. 1, 1871, TREWIN"S. uu Lumber & Shingles JSR SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR- Deeember 1, 1871 A B. CAMPBELL The "Ontario Reformer®' is now Only ONE Dollar Per Year, Cash in Advance. PR pue s. < eMBUSO YRON 100d 9 600W IS r~- hoe | WN 'S. dt SSAGISERNT = HATYIGN VE F 6\ 1 1 i Owing od a tombination of Refiners, Coal Oil has advanced ly in price, and fs sill viene Now is the tim¢ to buy your winter's supply. | 1 200 BARRELS AT A LOW q ~ BUY YOUR LARGE CANS AT PEDLAR'S, BUTTER! BUTTER! CHOICE BUTTER AT 8c. PER POUND. If you want something: 'mice in the way of But- ter, go to PEDLAR'S. so FAMIDIES SUPPLIED. The Coming Man. 1: ~THOSE= .| Under Congract with the Fuel Savers 275 Claims to be bo most complete Box 165, Oshawa, LARARD'S IMPROVED HOT AIR GENERATOR |An Inspection solicited. Apply to B®, LARARD, orto ° and effectual Drum Heater made. , HATCH& Cos., Ohawa. po PATENT APPLIED FOR. "ig 19qoR(Q 'YMvEeQ "$jeang eodmrg pue Jury Jeuio)) TA Bpood Moys 0) 9[qnoI) ON 0038 QUMAEXD PUL [EO OF [[PA Op [LM SIOSUYD -md Suipusjuy sed a0j deoyo pros oq a 'LLITO 'M ® "H Fin 'SULIO) O[(RIOAR] SOUT OT} UO JSnoq usaq Juiaey AOIYM 'sores [ews pue 'suie) 'spreag 'suoyng' "830 $51 opm paek won0)) oY Lave} "51D ¢ a Woy $I] POWWLL], 'CZ [§ WOLJ SOUR SOIPUTY _ spreadn $30 (1 wou s£eourpy poop) 'Burgio ~aopu() SWAY) 'SIN RH 'SUoqqu Jo Yo0Is [uy ¥ 'SOOULIOIY Youd 'syns doo] 'sdAop) pue Aioiso 'spouuey Loueg puv OIA 'IO[IvIS 'spooxy ssax(] Sursuaduiod 'spoor) Lx 30juIp| pue. Med IPF) Suiaeoss ore LIATIMD HP® 'A 'op Levan) 'SU0310)) WOOT 'SILL 'SOS HOU[( ALLAN LINE OSEAWA AGENCY. ibid WINTER SERVICE! Canadian Government for carrying the Canadian and U. 8. Mail. : STEAM WEEKLY TO | LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY AND CLASGOW. HIS COMPANY'S LINE ARE undernoted Wi CIE TH a Rr 300 Tandinavial, 3/ tons Capt, allan RNR. Seria, 3.700 tones D ig Wrile. Nestorian, 2,700 tons, Ca Moravian, ry Fp gh, a a ons, edt, 'n J. Graham. Saturday, on a val of Tg he week! bet G Hy ween re Quebec and Montreal. Jay OF PASSAGE. rt as follows FROM LIVERPOOL. FROM PORTLAND, ESTO ".": 2h Deo SCANDINAVIAN - | nm H. & A. ALLAN, a L. suri, A LS Be hav. $28 REWARD 25 CHECK on thd ONTARIO k will be given to any person whe will prove by Four Competent and Im- partial Judges that HOITT did not exhibit the Best Photographs at the last Oshawa Fair. Now is your time. JAS. E. HOITT. Note.~Justice is what is wanted, and nothing more, by Horr. Oshawa, Oet. 19, 1871. 21-027. APPRENTICE WANTED OACTIV RESPECTABLE LADS ction 80 from 14to 18 yerrs of age, one as an to a®s.st a Cabinent Maker. trade preferred. Good wages 5 pt vio Iw. MITCHELL, Brock street, After 6 o'clock any eveénirg. Oshawa, July 6 1571. 13-40 HE SUBSCRIBER OFEERS FOR HUGH CARMICHAEL. OSHAWA, December 1, 187%: © outa. June 22nd. 14 , | will (MISS ROOME meneement in Lusiness than. Hem for past favors, solicits a continugnce VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. | PS |OYSTER BAY! Fresh Oysters RECEIVED DAILY! JONES' Sold by the Plate or Can. CHOICE lot of Canned Fruits, Jel- lies, ete., on hand and for sale. The choicest Fruits, of all kinds, in their season. The highest price paid for all kinds of choice Fruits. Z@ Sign of the Oyster Bay Yamp. Oshawa, October 26, 1871. | PRO BONO PUBLIC. F. PATTE, JR., ES THIS OPPORTUNITY TO a that jnfotm the di Si of Oshawa a aod Vi- Marblin; . pT . shortest no- left at Mr. EE ie nee er bbs' Ca er, prompt attention. F. PATTRE, Jr. | cad co cam, 253m Public Announcement ! J. BARNARD AVIN a TAKEN THE BUSINESS carried on so lly forso many years by MR. JAMES CARMICHAEL, begs to inform the inhabitants of Oshawa and its vicinity that he RE-OPEN THE '0LD STAND! SATURDAY NEXT, NOV. 25, "ENTIRE NEW STOCK Of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Millinery, &e. CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. Oshawa, Nov. 24th, 1871. 1y. NEW DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT RE-OPENED! HAY ING RESUMED BUSINESS IN the rooms Next Door to HOITTS Gallery ! begs to call the attention of those friends w have so Fheslit sunported her sine her --_ ; and while e same. Oshawa Dec. 8, 1571. 5. £SK FOR IT-1KSIST bee IT-B0Y KO OTHER ATDWELL'S YSPEPS snl EVERYTHING | STAPLEAFANCY DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, &C. a-- : om. i «iit - . | ¥ a By AM. chishOLIS 1 a GIBBS' BLOCK. ii 4 | Wii a

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