+ AI ar on gana Ld = dey wT Fic Arun x: fh aun i at At al wnnad lo 1g ago. i RAND TRUNK 11ME TABLE OSHAWA STATION. OSHAWA TIME. OUING WLST. T GOING FAST. Cuopinodan, T:0 Mapilyea « - X] ress,' . 0d am. | Mized, - « - fied, « « «010 pom. | Express, - - Tress, - «045 pam. | Péssengcr, - 3 The momming express ze upoa 311 iy maru- rg, Lut nat on Monday. WHITBY STATION. . ing Fast leave! Whithy "Station ten t fifteen Trains inutes earlier, and those going Wo Inutes later than the above. Chlimie Cetaws, Friday, De-r 22, 1871. . LOL, WE vish our Mar (hy [BAS BY xia pad hes Loan wns Qo tend ra THE PEYNCL §F W2ALER Contrary to ¢ Prince has eeri ns it «oreo the jaws of death, add is now convadoss cent -- will protalily be able to ride ont i a few dave. Then an bas, gone hom from Sandringhaa. The it Micenes L created widespread rejoicing. The Prince's groom, who wasals) pristratel with fever * died on Monday. 1 a ------------ DIED. . At Government IHonse, Toronto, on the 19th iust., of over exertion in attempting to carry the pullic host noon thei shoulders and approprivie its contents as | they deemed expedient. the Cotlition-Pa | tent-Combination-axe-grindingsup: ort- ! me-and-Ullsapport-you Government of | Ontario, aged 4 yeas "ad 6 months, | Silently inteyred beneath tie' ruins their well -worh grindstoss; ** unwept, un. honored, and unsung " 1 DOWXNFALL OF JCEXSANDFIELD | MR. BLAKE FORMING A NEW MINISTRY. The country will rejoice t!a* at last the Coalition Patent Combination Govein- ment of Outario has been o "miuionsly to relinquish : place to more competent men. Cof Jolin Sandell and his accomplicés has beéman almost unceasing round of bribery. and the public mind has been so debauched <that it will require ¢onsiderable time to eradicate the demoralising system of pur- chasing support which has been so wicked! and persistently followed by them. Par- ticulars of the dethroncment of the Patent five will be found in our parliamentary summary 'Thinking by cary. the comitry in their favor through the tempting bribes held oat under cover of their Railway Ail At, they sprang th: -elections upon the Province; bat the resals was directly the reverse of their anticip tions--they wuva a rope wherewith to hang themselves. The country pronounced, upon the first opportunity, that those who had. been directing public atfairs for th: first term vader the new order of govera- ment were unworthy longer to occupy the position of rales, --hi:nce the retura to parliament of men cinnuissioned to. over- throw the Patent Combination, ard put | an end to the system of wholesale (bribery which Kad been inangira'ed. The tight was a hard one; but under the) correct and able leadership of Mr. Blake, support- ed by a talexted and nnparchaseable © of fo'lowers; right ninally tri seliish and wuconstitutional Combination and a pr tsaa Gov tha.grinders" tlag vas lowerad last. . . Oa Tu slay aliragm MM: sent fur by th: Lea J oustel with Lis tos, Miaistry. IH: oa tion, anl wh Welnasla tht chs Cab tlrel | ized, Up Mr Lb issue of wris M uisters, Jol. .#pa nts mol {the position 'were, oa fild's do of 3) ti] vind np ed Its wy er i comp etim Hon E of tha t. Hoa Alex. M Hon. Ad aw. Cro Hon. A. M:Ke Public Woris Hon. R. W. missioner. Hon.. Mr. Gow, Provincial Se'retary. It was ati firs acrang: 1 that M-. Ma kenzie should be Secretary, bat tae above was finally decid :d up oa. Mr. Scott 1 . position « Speaker, and ace tia th: Cab inet ; aad th: (fo, ) r by noel. mation, electri as 8 i pae wad LE the CIARAITIRIIN Some "Tine b:fore the RE March, t! ca'ric character, 'Jolin i 1 the peosle of Bowmau- ville, Lialsay aul Bobeaygeon, by pro-_| posing to bund a Railway from the former to the latter place. X good deal of talk was thé result, bul no deinite action was | taken at the tin: rer lel the | scheme with saspicion. It is new appar eit that Mr. Fovler was bat a Govern meat tool, anal th: proposad railway a part of the Governmeat plan of corrap tin ; for when it was seen that Wost Durham coll not br beb:l 'with th- railway sacpu:, Fovlee eollvio:l, ald *¢ fled to pastures raw." : He now ta ¢ a3 a reviver Cobourgaal Piterhiciash rulvy; this proce:ling expliins the d courze tuken by the Ontario towards MT Fras.r,l ite member for West Névthwmberlmd. This gentloman (is a sthunch Reformer but own g to pecuniary difficulties he was in the power of the Jank of Montreal. At the iistigation o: Jony Sanovriery MeDONALD, it was ju- b timat>d-to M-. Feas'r, that unless Le im- peapo J3 0 | mediately resigned his azat in Parlucent, |; the Bank woall a oc: wird wp lus aff. | airs ! This cjestment of Me, Frise was A Gaveramont candi- | » was cased and he has ever "sine: | heen quistly at - work I'rae Sad ed has dated hig angi) 17 ta dy with Mr: Foosor * rogiguiig,' bad kao wing tae characker of the Gov ormmaeat leader as well as we do, we ass hits tell his story to thes may As we have stated above, Fouler is now profending to eau tavs the Petorboroagh and Haiburt n railway. He | hussctaf:w pie & wit hos aad things, and is waking a terribie Lois. Taz reason is obviras. Febeing a fnada- wnental rales with Joh a 8 La lield, as ilus- toate lia the famoas Vira ley) cuss, that "he supports his sapporters ons, , ©. elect ors of Cobourg and other Rees Riding iuteresze dl, knov ga a su pore the Government cand on: ecat of the railway fand wil they go 8 loag as Joa Sn lieid has tae tohaiert Wo oany Coboury, seed Jade io L Loui @ hae sluz, | ONT Truly the forced resignaaion of M. Fra | ser wa and that the author of it should have so long been at the hoad of the Outario | Government, 'is a lasting disgrace te our common country. ANOTHER ASTCUNDING BLOW | T) PIITTTIONISTS. FAC®ERY STOPPED FOR WANT OF PROTECTION. } BIG A death-Llow, the. result of non-pro toc Province was given during the past week, tie nsequonce of which the tic engvged | | | | | nto a certain description of manu. | transact : fitiring which hs been carried on in this | forward manner they should, in tho buginess, which held a high position | inthe Prwines, wer: compelled to suc- comb to the forse of circnistanc.s. Crt thy mauomiactace of martyrs ' Wl oa In oar column to] Gay will nrtizalars of fhe to some : ir. low sad to sce the Vinfactures of a eonntry thus d sstroye l, Jy for want of liberal protection. TEE NOINATIONS. Petr at ty the ava! notices, a respoct- ile represontation of the ratepayers of Te village of Osawa ware 1a attendanes, 13 th i he financi 1 statem nt for: the current ail to nominate Reeve, Deputy anal Councillors for 1872. Reeve, ia poyicatiag tho receipts expenditure of 1871, endeavored, <1 the manner of counting chickens be- fure they are Kakched, to mike it appear the Village. on the det Gf Banmary, 1872, would pussies a nett ast of 21208 St. de cagratalated the Villas uwn the tact thet the imaginary asst was the bast evidence the electors emi (Imire of the efliciency of the Council, and thir fitness fur re-election, 'Tn reply to some questions by Mr. Hamilton, respecting collection of taxes for 1309-70, NOW ho arrears. Mr. Cowan followed, and gav: an ac- ovunt at lag'h «f the trouble he had taken on entering the Counal of bnding arrears for 1869-70. nappy to, state they were iv houorably aqjusted. Mr. Hamilton thought the village ac- counts would appear waz aatelii- sible if pabiished in detail. wos Jia 8S MacDeaal l | not be had at a reasonable tigure. ARIO REFORMER, Mr. Cowan then desired to have 'is a characteristic piese of trickery ; | name removed. from the list for the office | likensss of yoursolf, of Reeve, leaving Mr. Gibbs, by virtue of no opposition, Reeve. The Clerk then refi | that as more than the necessary osmpleme t of Councillors were in noms ination, and no resignatiyn joffered;" he would have to adjourn to fhe first Mon day in January. 5 ) fr. H:ualten, as one of tho nominees for the office of Councillor, at this juoe- ture took the floor, aud procse lod to show, "to the satisfaction of all = x:pt, perhaps, some of the old Coundl, the Vindicitor, and Mr. Gibls miller, Mr. Finnamore, that t! ings had not been in that tmparial and s'raight- ceeded to ehow the extravagant advances made in the way of salaries; he felt that the duty of the Council, when a demand was made for an iucreass of -sulary, was We | 0 ascertain (instead of doubling the sal- re- | ary), if sone (ne Lited for the post could He | deprecate particularly the idea of raising 1 The Clerk suile wea all on Monday last, at the | anpoiatad hour, fre the pps of hearing | | | | just case to lind faalt Zwith ths actin of | 1 the the Clerk's salary when no demand was made. to move thet the Clak's salary bo raised trone hundred and seventy-tive dollars. 1 anl bowed gratefully; and th complotel. certain ** Mr. dreens, Hamilton showed, 'that "as "Mr, of in pargics without regard to nc- cesstiy ; and that Mr. Camowon was ia. truaiantal, by misreprose atation, in ob- ing 8 [0 cut of the corporation fund, behalf of the Wimbledon fuad. He also contended that the rate ers had Council, in voting 870 for a band | stand, at tLe corner of Gillet's' store, the | peicion werely being. sigued by thos | having Dw s in the immediate neightor- |] > 2 | 1 l} { the trae state of taiags, aad of having | satisactorily effected a unal settlement of | MH Ho fat that disere- | right to be indemnitied by thy Cop paucies had Leen exisang, but be was | anl that although h: dil not vote for it, bat fullowtag out the reg nrensuts of the | Act, aud atiord ths rats tuaity Mz Carmichael, Mr. Like, and the | majority of the ratepayers preséat thought Ayers aa op wore | ff Jadduig of tas propristy oi tae ! Various expenditures. hood, and who no doubt, considered it in the ligh' of attracting trade. thought it was all very well to have the pleasure of & tire from th: banl batia | order to Le able to appreciate the pleasure Mr. Gibbs stated that Mr. | Dulles had made good all' deficiencies for | the { the years mentioned, and that thcrewere | viled w mn shape of a sidewalk should be pro- ell there were nove, that pao le anxions to «a jey music, could reach the front streets without lousing their boots in th: mire. Mr. for the 1 it was very essential that som» hing and stand was a quite proper oae ¢ thought that Mr. Charles Gibbs had a he dil not fell it his duty to oppose i; Mr. Huuilton, thought it a d.szrice to saddle the rate payers with a use.css ex on " pauditure, whea it had to be borne hy woll be! Some oi sed out of ths wages of poor maay who were not able to pay. it, in fact, ra wash wouen. He: related cases ii his locality in which {the conduct of the cemrsar for the last (with Mr. Hamilton) it - nighly desiraole | {to have the anuval ex; tures of for the past and pres:nt week. | . {1uai, SEjlendsiures of tis a bold and sudden attack to | corporation pablish.d 4a detail. 4 M: Gibis fet the force of their Fe- marks, thoaght it would ba better, but that the presest Council had ouly beea following out a pri wipe hithert) adop ed. Mr. Cowan sil ta: Corahal a siwovers were placed la their posts t5 codoct aad expend ths vitag: msaey, aud hop:d they were regarded essciitial to hoaesty aad paaty. 2 fait liad no Small sthie ja tae t ywa, aad was williag thorelocs ty bear his siace of the pubic duties, an more particularly to sec that the public moaey was expsaded judiciously, % "Mr. Wall was call:d upon by the meet. | a wil:u! desire to make | he considered best sait:d to the eads car was such as to read -r himself open to the «l tiality,or what migzit be consilerel wors -, rw destroy votes as oi Ftaose who appointed him. [ th: office of Con cillor, and no doubt frou | A3 POssesslag of 1010s | tr thor Mz. Hamirron Ilis intenfion we belizve T tostand for his strong judgement, practial qualitios, aal clear perception the clasts will iad him a valu hi: ann: fore, the mechanics and rate payers in gener:l will give hima libera and hearty sap ort. DREN Tuo re why have not already seen the Show Widows of J. F. Willox, Bwk- | selier, in their holiday dress, will do weli ing. H:thoaghd theory was n sihing to | ficove, he considered nad spoken for hua. Mr. Luke sil as a noaYher for the Rad and Bridge Conacitice for ths you ov Cosiug, he waght sy tags hal deer down Saar a iay tr tad ERLE UR A 4 Clpotstod la cari liog cut thou Ca be rey le oda, Wore goa atly Lou: priwcipiy of JEvaad LY Pv iy. "he «dood Ll cal 0 Lal Duss avg kig 113 ma Fouad uN » 9 Yew ward aot doapl 1 tooane a £3 ul ug Salve bs + Uo ne to (dor eallod the at eatiod of the tae tact ths property holders 2t Tao.e, ae suated, Prise ss. fini goa sad $v.0 OL 338 o street, iy ead of 12 pro BLA ve us 1 hal Lhe lower da biliod Last PF isaa Laat Feared oad, ant tat da peapery i of D000, ud a watier of Seg d TAC Cull WO Tadd tar salt coadition wi 132 alba agreed with Mi Houdor as rigat ul tu ; Lo swpr aznts UU; and sated the reason the acca 1ge- t haul wot ozea fa'dlied on tha part of the didiealty of obtauing that, siraag: oo $y, thouza tas nworeb thavearl whuag to Pays they aad tis ase.ves it dacs tatally ance to gel liuuber at any pice. » . loli Ww laiber Cc. rpu.ail serot, t vag! | 13s Deal Lalo baa i= Bld voy, d A Ler aussi 83 3] s/o ak JEn2saed 0, Me MW, a; 2 wad to all, Lalotaation tie He A:! bisa Say 1. iy, SV hats give THE tors desire Ll. not ovarta: fie hed, a Nise sats of al aes { Cait ve procarsd casa at MeCaesasy's. to ta awn of to go and see them. ------------e---- Woop McLeaxy & Cus. Grocery de-! a la -- tha editor of | He pro. | He issued the electors the only | thing he conld see in the shape of a do- | mand was a wistful look npon the face of | the app routly over-worked Clerk, and | that Mr. Gils, in the depth of hissym- | | pathy, at oney invrazted Mr. Cameron | the salary raising movement was | Cameron | would say, weze made to suit the purposes | He (Mr. H) | Gibbs thonght the expenditure | Ld ' » of «thor igrasice or par- | We | Hoitt wall furnish you with a frat p for cash ; and son, when | now at this festive | class every | face is beaming with jollity, your own-ia- | nothing remarkable, but which clearly in- dicat sd the embarssig position in which | the late elections had plreed him. Tha next speaker was Mr. Blake, and when ha claded, you shoull not fail to secu:e at | rose profound silence was obssrved by all. {least the shadow of your smiles. | You will bacrld by this tims, so, g» | sent that the dropping of a pin could have | 3 and meet thy *" Coming Mn" at Pe llar a. His nam: is "'F 'el Saver," just tho kinl | of acquaintance for this kind of weathr and Mr. Pellar w i be happy to intro- | duce him to your homes. | If you want to cut a swell, and get your naras up for a fashionable aud tasty man, | | purchage «li st priz: sleigh or cutter from | Mr. Bamaripce. An inspection of his | | stoe's will coav of the excellence | of his worimanship. | Wisa & Son, have a fine assortmefit | | of furniture for those about to strc hons- | | keeping, of excellant workmanship, and at [ moderate prices. A rocking chair, or nice | easy chair, is a suitable gift for yourg | persons to present to th ir parents. | J. W. Fuwke's is the place vhere you | can buy or 8-11 anything you choas ; ani | a giance over his stock will reveal hss of | suitably Chistian gles. Ho tacos all kiads of grain and produce in exchange | for goods, or pays the 'highest cash price | for such com noditics, Our lady roalors will by dalighted i they call at A, M. Camsuonw's. tls has | Just opened out exprossly fo: the holiday tral ;, two owes of Gorman wool goo ls, a bean imil lot, at prices to suit all. There is noexcuse for not making presants to your family or frion 15 wha such arti cles ean be procired so cheaply at Chis. holn's Steere Broraeas are doing w!a" is callel " rashing things." They -huve, wi hout doubt, tha larg st stock of grocer ies, ete., ever shown in this section of couutry, miay ariclas of which are | enu.nerated in our advertising coluins ; | and we kuov from exp rience that thir goeds ars ecwetly as they ropeessat thom | to be. - TA short tina ag» they lail in aout two tous of choi e nay r 1sias, bat every p:rs»i sce.ns dete 'min:d to have a plum pédding and fruit cake, and $1.40 raisias, 83 #10 a3 otha: fruits, are ** ga'- ting away live'y," at Toronto, wholesale | prices. Read th:ir advertismsit onc: more. No Oliristmas dinner & worthy of {the name wuiless the ingredients have besn procure l from Sceeie Brothers, If your wife cw"t makea good plan { pnlding, with the ingredieits you buy | | fron Steel's, itis herovn fault: gots the | Hall Works, pricur : a thre hiigm'ichine, {and give her part enlar.jininy. | Iz you want spe oysters, JoNE3 can faraish th am, first-class 01es, too. We "know how it is ours:lves." Aad his eoun- {tor, shelves ard shov-crics are fairly | groaning beneath ths weight of gool | things. This is Fanta Claus houd-quar.ers { for Bouth Ciitario for fruits, candies, ete. " [Mess removals are as bad as a tire,' they say. Taree has reaiovel thee: times {a id had a fire too, bit is all right again, | aud can be found in Mrs. Roliuson's ola stand near ile pest office. His stock or | bio's; shoes, slippers, ete., is aatirclynsw, | and of good quati'y. Be sare and bay | your shoes from Tapp. | Pare Ta has'by far the largess stick of jewe Ke, 1 Usiawe Brooch s, rings, ete., are extremely sii - { able for presets, and Tayl o's prices are likewise sui'able* t) your pwkite You are invited to call, anyw y; aa', youag! ma, if you d n't purchase a st Jewelry. or a wedding ring. your beloved | 13 bound to know the reaso§ why! R. Lazaro, at Lak: & Boos. factor has brought out the **.C ming Won," | { as a match for the ** Coming Mw." It takes women to mal things hot: for +} mi Mr. L 1 is of, ths opinim "Corning Worn, " isdecded the ** better half " of the *, Coming Man,' | Mr. Lor ri's ** Wanva" has this advan { tage over ordinary womea--a fellow ean | puta drmgper on her at will, and rogalay her actions to suit him elf. | ol Ow fal el that the ! part.neat 1s more than usually tilled wi bh | 1 © rocslv that justice hal ant | Qa | Ltonas cil; and hs telieved, at all eveats, th: | Recve's statement was to all satisfactory. | gods, boots,shoes, Eroc nes, etc; ol eLov.- Mr. Hamiiton ihight, at all'cveats, be con- otdered dissctisued. © T would alinde, at all events, --ihe Town Hall. ad events, suited to the people, should be | buiit, --and thevillag:, i703 vi ia, atal events, could afford tha cust, Tis peuple muse be prepacedtior one at & 0. it, at atl vents, oi aol less trv ei ght oc 621 th us- vil dodars, at all eveats © Aitor sone al- ans as to the wm de of pay uit ut, he pro- ceeded to land the corupetiiess of tie viilage dreens ; and at leayg h reurel, | av- 1g 'boh tits subject aud aadieace exhaust- | ed by his orator, . The Reeve, in a few remarks, thong t the present debt of the scl aid necos- | sary amonut for a Towa Hall might be He thou hit ten thousand dod urs for a bail and site, with a scaool debt of nearly six | thousand dallas, s read overa namber of yoars, would nacdly be felt. Mr. Hodder thoaght from the remarks just wade by the Reeve, that he was in savorof moviageh: Urwva ddl Ho: thought therefore the westing was eatitied to tae [opinion of the difercut caallidates cog- cerning the location, Lac' Resve expressed himself unable to Aaaytiing deme as to sip Me. Cowan fait the Couaeil, being the repres ntative of ths people, shoud de- elie as to the location. is Oplalon, were wiih tue matter. Mr. Caranchael and a nunber of othors favored the watter being referred to the ratepay ra. Mr. Cavaucheel cousideredld those wao had the burden © boar were catitied to a voiced as to wher it saould be expeaded. ta Ww levy a give bes: calculated to deal P opie of their right- for the Coaacn hoavy wax, aud spead ot wher: oe aa dadiig as'to the corporation 10 Drag lel Hy outrages, Oy th: C.org lor ness, wich their--re- 5 Te LOVES dad SUC LACES Wels dln fo Jepuby- uses; sin Uowa yy Lhe Cleik doclured im duiy elacind, lo considered at depiiving { bat winch ag Jilag, cra bs sean aa las | eat oastey aad at iovest rates. » vue poiat hens waca oreaafa.t shawls or coatags wil. Hethought, at all events, the tie | daug arrvee when a Town "Hul, at all | waa | frevia's cui 18 aus. assal. | Milan & Co. amaigauated and covered by debeatures. | | cossary to ealarge their prewises, nua ectea covice goods of all desciiptivis to be | ary, | disposed of at brace rats thaa on daciag ch anilys DNoute the fact. TE A I -- Z HOLIDAYS. Tus "gaily boleckxd wialoes of ow merci als ret .d us that Christung and Lao people widl pleas Liu tus way | Nav ous ililays are tastapproaching ; aad as yooly bs expected w give aau prosaats, aad enjoy hia or hee- sof, wi tak tay could wot d) becter thsa ell oa thr inwerchaats wn, adver- tise 1a the Reroxmes, to male their pase svar Baorazas, opprnite Coramor cial Hotel, 1avite lovers of ** good thiags " ee Laie 3k of Carisuaas grocers Led they ofier at lowest liviag rates Livite fa oo) co acaul tuto a poan dl olan canes HJ t:v--"" bat ut tt Adio g2.3 tag stvaps" AT dcCresdry's you will of gourse PW cause a supply of hs chic: and funpus €uies biscuit aud confectionery. We pos tive y Ka0ow of Bo ple 1a tae Downaroa wages bob oec aradios of tas doseapion old Vcr iy ui satabae for Tae stock 1s eadre Carcass AL Bai ais, 1a rat stad, will be fonal a g goods, e adiiag acu. woitday prescats. new, aad pace asa €ilviag tis Worth of their woasy. As agar to a mead, a good bok takes the arse place. WILLOX, directiy of posite ast of ta: Come} INDS hoter, has a beautiful boaud assor.- | wheat of Voluuies, expressiy' lute.ded fur | tas holiday trace. Aud die has all sorts vi 3 wl, SOR TUEN tuys, ec. Auau | you wa.t Wo we a Fogh, Juss order | SUE wl Laz Coral prpaid [four las, BC as Punci, Fun and the Lorouto Leader -- (VRP E PTE) ns last | toad and Bridge Committe: last year, bat | got the Ledd:r, by ad weans: It 18 We a.l events, labored at the Couu- | tanniest paper we know of. Me. Dickie nas an iamease stock of dry Un: wu ASS Ad ASTID Prat LD) Your wile ur QU=-0F You ud 0. plicieds a Lik Bowl wachirg--lds Dost 1a wa anwrget: Mr. Dicdle 1s agsat, Jus. stop claw rrEwis's and order | soe sigisd mddaecy foc your wie wi daaghter © Mos. Rolaw wal attead to such orders. At tue Tewple of Fashion | FOU Cha aud) gat A avel Coads sull vl cote, tor yoursed--aad everyboly knows thao te ha a dae assoitinent of scuis aad nockties, Just such turoygs 8 yoaag lilies savad Sve bo tar tig brotacrs." Arvada Laz corues, va Suacue Stree Lie lauds escwasaazat of Tus uri nwve ' Woo, fod id 1 is Now occapy thy score Lately 124334 vy the Mosses. Moccer, winch tisy have ated up a8 wir dey goods depactucat. Hore ave Frae dress goods tor ye ladies Ua shal pued ron ove can; Aad as tor groldster beey wea, itor, ulitoe, dittoe ! In: the Grocery. Deparan nt they have ale ths necessaa=s Tur ULisiaies [ousts, Dat thelr stock 13820 wot Ka fwa t) asd aay tdvdier Feeomaebdaidon. Aud they | ave @s0 some Gael: doa'v fa w try ic. | stywes ot | and yoda tas Lhe Council, 1a | J Ab oD ER'S you pays your oaey 4. YOUr cavive ol ally auodae ol tur, tet aad ciotn nas aad caps, al rea ly-mule cwiatag, neciues, &: Hodder s prices ace scars, colars. flow, aad stuck of excelent gaaasy, as ai Know who haw hal dodliags vita hua. At GOuLET's, coruer of Auld aad Sun- Coc streets, right under ta: vail saa that ** Cnarley" was toil 3 mas py tog, uigusy stuck No Of sewvaable goods. trounle to suow thew, even 1 you dons fall orders la bas nowpines fanthe yakiig busiuees. Waal to purchas: ; Da. We Wala oul Feod- ead. | BOLE Tacy can"s help baying ui tasy Ass Roomz, who was Lurat vutduring Take ure, will De found ap stu os da tho sane vies, 1a the 1ov.as ad, olaing Hobs galery, preparid to agua bo uu uery aud wautie- Jour wile wands w give hac eal, mad 1t won't du to say no | at this seasun of the year l t | SVE) aad sp ad upoa re- | | pkstooa ou policé nad to og | sist. | veiionable prices. | peg va or the dase. rr -- A -- No important chang: ia markets, Miss Hartree, a savart girl in the em v f Mr. J. 3. Lark: was f mad dend in hor bel this (Friday) morning, Hor. liscase was the causa. | lo Saillesa's Ravhoes pat Wool McLean & Co, Pust Orr 2. --The oJic: window will be o ea for d2ivowy oa the 25h (Cluristiuas day) from 8a.m. uatil 10 a.m. WE nadersta id th ot Willog's Xmas stock of Boos and Toys far sar asses a wthing | that has ever been ia Oshawa hitherto. Woop Mi Leax & Co. wish their many Castomers and fiiends the ennpiimeats ot th: season and way roturas Ie yeu { of jew J. P. Tue finest aad chaapast lot of Alb ims we have ever sen is wor oa sals at Wi. lox's Booz Store. Mr. Willox has got Diaries of every dus.ri tion for 18/2, very nvat and cheap. vant a watch or chin, or a set v that fyou gaa rely upon, go to Johnette us, AccipeNxt--9Ox Fri lay afiera 01 last 15th, ras. M: Fila ag) Pa) mage 1 a1 oblivioas stag: fed thronga the | Joyce from the sceord story of Hoblis ue | notel, and dislocated his 11t sh auidef. | He vas imncdiatey ranoved to wr. ook | vura's otce, where the dmb was speadifdy reduced, Ix th: Qua: Logislatace, 01 Pridyy Cast, while thie Queboe etre e ection cas. was Mader dl.cusel By, lion. Mr, Chauveai wishivg © wave spe ta.ors disauissed irom th: Louse reaarned, to ths speaker tha tare were atraayg 18 1a the gallery, Tae | aaavoidable Tie 14, uader suca Circuaw- $.0az22, to ta all 822040008 01L of the tue, and sac a cowse vas 1a a liate- iy acid upon She faa of the floase were Ul ual-to tae task Bowever, aud a lied 1a to ass Abou au' ar aoa was occapizd 14 the turuing-out rocsss, sil vay scrsusl wuittade gave 'veat to their wrath vai A proposition to go anal pad dowa the Prowaer s ho ise was, toraaatety, not entertained, s:de. Wocp McLrax & Co have replerishel their dry rods dopact ans with a large stk of luacy goss for; Christians a. New Yous, wah tazy ofc as vocy Eorrespond: nee, Boing ir thirsty, [aniilsl mysaf oo IG 0p OCERUIYY ©) Fab as3s Sa asda al Wisdoa vi Qacacn, Joo way acoivas a cag Mouse, 4 had th: go d roi e ta G2 t Ge loa, geatloman wao' repicseat- wag Nocea abiliag 00 wars (A ual aval hh), Lo wii Lo was ad vied Lor tae Sriviege of being savwa. through ting 1 douse, and tor uckets of admission ww | Cle wie a galiecy, afternova aad eveu- lag; auld 0 var repcairaianvy Ta Padi Ul kiae toouse, whicu 1s a vecy coave iat ACPA AZ2A1 al DoF Asiaing ths pust loa of weavers aid tile cosa weaciés nsy repigseat, showiag iso tue political cow Alter the Speaaer took th Cue, Waicl a2 3) acy Aad | Noaorav.y wus, tw the appareat satsiactioa | of both sides of the House, belting a geaty wai of Couslicrable pardaweuatary exper eats, digatael vw ag, coatesas and geatleivay, these quaatics couspire to reader at a all vfddaicat to tie Teeponsi ole pusitiva he ulis. La: deoste va the A ldress was opened by toa. Me.Curie, the mewber far Weis Laud, vie be wd 106 Coue up to uy es- pociatious rou what 1 hl neard of hw as a speaker. 1 Lewd shy pecsons ree WACK baal Be was a genius vi COdsU- WEALD. Laleat, NWI asta sda Lis pastas SULlCE Ou LILES OcChsloii, Lie nas tiie ul Tit, uuwever, of boiug a very reliable aud cous sisteat pubic wen. Ho was re Ted w by tus Atwruey-Leneral wu a shat, petalens | Lis references re | sailacts upon | T.duction, gr to and ill-tempered spwoch, which cvatsicel S$) abaorbe | was thy attention.of all pre- bien distinctly heard. This speech was 2 mirsable for thi clear, temperate aad yreible manner in which he showed the daty of ths Govern nent under prosent circumstances ; and his appeal to them by Wl that was moral and sacred not loager to disgrace thaunsclves and their courtry by further violations of ths tonstitation, was certainly a muterpic ground taken by the Goverawent to jus- tify thems:lves im the course pursned by thom in resting oli: aftec having been defeated by ¢very vote takenin the House -- much votos inlmaay ces, as they them- selves adanit, involving want of contidencs in themsolves, --is that eight scats are vacant, and coaszquently eight constitue 1- cies uwarepresonted inf the House. Mr. Blake clearly showed by'a number of proce lents where Goveraments ia this country hal rosigned upon a test vote when more thor twsaty eoastitusacisg wors nob esorsasats Land that the Attor- ney General hin self had on a former oc- ension resigned the leadership of the gov- ernment without an adverse 4 cast against it, no doubt feeling that he had not a sa lisient working majority to | sacesssfully legislate for ths best interests ofthe ¢) utry. After this spsech no casual lespondent and dowrcast Jook Mumnisters of tix Corowa. compr of the situation, aadthe Hon. Mr. Wobd at onc: arioancsd his tite ation of aban- Liming the fast-si king ship, and so save himseu feom farch or handistin al dis- grace. A feeling of sywpathy anid pity foc thy List ar na liee codition of the Ministers now peeval:Uthy Hoss, and the current of feeling was one of sincere cogeot that these unfortunate gentlemen soul longer retin their seats on' th: ths teevsury bench:s, after 30 gulant a strnggio and 80 mony in glorious defo its. Tae feeling was now intense, as to what course the 1est of the ministers would pur- sue. The resignation of the hon. Treas- ar:r adced wudh to their | revious en lar- vising position. | of the Tasy clearly vote being ! OSHAWA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER R72, 1871. | when a vote was takea with the following | Boulthee ; ad ia pupport of the Govern- : of eloquence, The | | 0 . : ; ' rer of John Sandield and his eolloagnes, | lution of Mr. Blake, bit mvel as an moved tha following direct vote of vant of | gueadment ihe adj r Tame it of the House conddeacs, as ana ldicion to Mr. Blake's | till she 9th of Juajiary, promising 'hat i ann Laeat which hal just been carried : | the mea tune no 4) pol stmeats or apr wpe '* And wo inform your Excellency that | riaiions sau.d bs! viz, and tha, if on we have no contid nce ia the Ministry | Fe-assembling hs wa fouad to bs iy a which is attempting to carry out, iu refer. | minority, hs woud at ouce tealer his ence to thy control of th:ain fan l of SL. | resignation. 522,00), an vsarpation fean gat with dan- | ger to public liverty and coastitutionsl | government." This asicadmmgat was d:Yitel daring | the sittings of the House on Tharsday | might and oa Fraday till near midnight, | Bofore a vols wis takan, sraschos in op- position to the coarse ths (hHveram dat was porsiaiag wecedelivereld by Ma srs. Carrie, Sexton, Ribinson, Dr. Clare, McKenzie, Farewell, Prince,; McCall, Paxton ani jtr ta 1, 1 Pad 8. | boundless proi ie, through [= ti wild injim rea ih BA . al th: frontiers face, and [st al th: chance y ah girs Ad her. a hero ot hi aseif in rescaing 5 ig th:quesiiv.s. Reader, this no h i Las gaestipas are sc vally put as foliog. mm tae latter referral to," Wo shall giv the win thir oct: aul answer them & the boss of our ability, First =" Want sort of a Town i --how mahy people!" » yours PRE 1 pe is one of then sort of It! has 5,114 piopls accord; tho coasas [just taken, ling to result :-- Yeas--Messrs. Barber, Baxter, Blake, | Christie, Clarke (Wellington, ) Clarke (Nor- | folk, Clemens, Cook, Crooks, Crosby, Car- | rie, Dawson, Fairbairn, Farewell, rinlay- soa, Galbraith, Gibboas, Gibsoa, Gow, H wlgins, Mickenzie, M Kellar, M :Kiu, Gli ver, Pardee, Patcerso a, Paxton, Perry, Pr.uce, Robinson, Sexton, Sinclair, Smith, Soringer, Webb, Williams (Huailtoa,) Wilson --37. Navs--Messrs. Boulter, Boultbee, Ca'- vin, Cameron, Carling, Clarke (Grenville), Code, Corby, Coy Ceaig (Vee aglarry). Craig (Russell), Cambertand, Deacon, De- roche) Ferguson, Fitzsimmons, Grahau, Grange, Gaest, Harrington, Macleaald | (C rapall), Macdonald (L:seds), McCall | ert, Scott (Urey), observer could fail to notic: the | rads the gravity and impertance | (Norfglk), McCallum, McManus, McRae, Merriek, Monteith, Read, Richards, Ryk- Loosley, Williams (Dar- ham), Wor d (Brant), Wood (Victoria) 335. The non-cgifidence amendments having boen added to the first paragra,h of the Address; it was thea allowed to pass, anl {npon ascend ravdiaga vats wus ed el for by Mr. Blake, aal the Munustry vot:d non-contidence 14 those ves. : On Friday afteraoea Mr. Wood resi | ed his office as Provincial I'reasurer, de :m- | At the evening session I lad tha pleas | wre of heanmyg tle Lon. Mr. Peoviaciul Goverawent. 'Lhis gentleman isa very clever ind able | speaker, possessed of a very fiae voor paca dehvay, aad an ecealleatichnce of words. He is a for- midable wisi sal I was delight d to se: with what ability «nd zeal hg han- lod a hoseless and filling canis; all in fueass to him, I mast al ait tis 02 Cin aan | brought out w.any points of grat iupor- ance. This gewlouan was replying to th: member for Vest Middlos x, and was ire neatly callsl te ordlr by M. speaker. Ho occasionally uses tai 103 Ly harsh expressions, whicn are not diways agree ble to an oppon' nt. - Bat his 1 lout atises frou the fic, that he sa hwrarvlo us: these exor:ssiras move crom abit tha lair 10 offs ad. tiwes vi y vr a- 108 y cut ng ard sa - ids far ns in eoasilaeabl: woaiasaes hacitss Leds a nin of cou- silersole note, ant, so fur as 1 hoaed, the u0.t e oquent VIS, Au Lat vo : res' 6th Midst rs, julziag from ie appei rence, tee ing so keene a sense w their nafortaaate positisa, had very ittls to say. Luyvy pus to the m mler for Essex, the son or the oldest and most respected pwitician of this coautry the lve Cl. Priace. This) gentlomen is of digniti-d searing courteous and goatlemauly, and of good, fer tliliter, 'As a 8 ez hosever, hs is at tins very sicdueis his ge tle urs is male atarget for Gov- rameat s'esiers ty lire at, and a cuutin® vd ranaivg ars is directa | at him and the wuber for Kingston, Mr. Robinson, Bat these gimtlem a ae wall able to hold tucir own, and successfully repel all the { shots directed at thu; and v'ry oiten complately tara tha wens of their as thxnselves. The reason +h nave s:lohiocts ahy sad geadlon uss is, they hive shaped their po- litical course contrary to the expectations f the Government aud their supporters. 31 » Gover vnend dil their best to de- than at thoapolls, an'l were nasuccess- ful. Ifail to see what clzing the govern- ment hud on their support, Thera ars some weu.bers "who wera elected by Raforax votas who support ths sovernment. These 1 supposar w.ll cone uader ths heal of thal now historic and funoms * class: of politicians known as " Muctyra. " Muy fate have in store fer than wore fortaia'e and less inglorions carcer than their predecessors. I now notice the member for Lambton, Mr. Parlce. This gentleman, I balieva, 13 a lawy.r, and a clear, forcible aud elo- [nent exponeat of. Riordan principles. I would not bs sacprisal, s'vull a Raform Goverament come into power, to see this sentieman take a promineat part in the | swlministratior of affairs. o the hon. sitlana is I shall nrv billy re Creasurer, M.:. Wot. a lawyer of good abilities and a keen sense sf hoor. Elba) him vio of thy most able, h morale, clear-sighted a ul soundest men composing th: Goveram :at of Outario. There are a nu nhor of gentlem n c¢rr- | posing the Legislature of Qatari) vill wor- thy of a® exten lal rofere ica and ¢) whom [ way at sons facure tine ryfer ; butt me aad space will not pris it at present. Th re may be rene surprise thatthe for Shu h Oataror dil ot tage part in th: debate whea we take into consideration ais abilities to handle successfully any oli dead topic that may engage the atten doaof the public wird. 1, perhaps, may beets: lai I rake thaliberty to sta e he reason: th: dowveraasit speskors Pose ss mach, and oft:a agdnst tua, to reveat ths votes bei ig tike i, tht annm- ager of the opposition &; eakers were re- uestel nol to s eak, as it furnished heir 0) anats wich a text to roply, wid thos cosa ar mcs tie, Yours, ete. OBSERVER. ---- © <G--ee For Fine gold jewellery at 13 .P, Johastons, JF i' Mex's of, for weather, "at Woal M: Loan & Cos. per cent frosty ONTARIVC PARLIAMENT. The vot: oa M-. 3 viysvanlans do he Address, published 1a var last 'ss 10, was taken oa Lazsley night last, and re- sulted dn its adoption by a an jority of seven votes. 'Lhe following was the di- vision : Yeas -- Messrs. Barberi Baxter, Blake, Canstie, Ciarke (Welidagton), Clarke (N t0lk,) C.emeans, Cruk, Cr varie, Dawwsoa, Fairbairn, F. Scaetiny, on behalf of the | | poriaatis f gard to he distr defender of the Covern- | | | | | | | bag th rs8, Crosby, | iayson, Ga.braith, Gibb as, Giosoa, Gow, | Grange, Hodgias, M Kenzie, Menetlar, McKia, M:Maaas Uliver, Pardee, Patterson, Paxton, Peery, Priuce, - Robison, Sexton, : inclair, Smith, springer, Webb, Williams (Hawi ton), Wilson. --40. Navs--Mussrs. Boulter, Boulth -e, Cal- vin, Ca.ncron, Carling, Clarke (Grenvide,) Cede, Cray, Coyne, Craig, (Gie Craig (Russ :1,) Camoerland, Deacon, oche, Fergson, Fi zsimmons, Grisham, Uuest, Harri ago, Macdonaid (Cornwall , Macdosald * (Lz221s), McCallum, McRas, Merrick, Moutcita, Read, Richards, Ry- kert, Scott (Grey), Tooley, Wiliians (Dor- ham, ) Wood (Braut,) Would (Victoria)--33. The Ministry still refused to resign, pleadiug as an excuse that eight coustitu- encies wery unre resented. . Mr. Mdberiie then, in a masterly specch in which he reviewed the past car- ing it his duty tr do so after chs expres: sions of woa-comnilsacs proavuacel by the House. | Monday! Dec. 13. The Public Accouuts of the Pruvinee for the past year were laid on th: table by th: Prewier, Hom. J. 8. Mucloaald placed ia the Spe kor s haids a reply from the Lieut.- Governor to the A bleéss of thy dos: ia answer to thy Sp from tas Tiroas; which the Spokes 1, as follo vs: -- cl Me. Sp:a'er aud dentlem:n of tLce Asem) y: -- I thuk youn for yoar datifal andl loyal | Allcasg asd tar visacsices tase the ts savaitted tr yor will ra. cave your boast attcativa. Wich reference NTT to tha' portioa of tas aswor to the 3 exch Moa: lo sald (€or wad) Muadonald (Lseds, ) J which ecpresses a disappcova) by the Leg: islativei Asso uly to ths large powers giv- ea to the BEcecative, nader the act passad by the last Legislature, appgppristiag one williray an lw hatf of dollaes th ail of rai. ways, aal ia waich [am daferacd that the House his uo cof leacs 1a a Miuaistry bos attempt d to cwry oat wa refer- eace te th eonateol of they sail appropri: vibra, an wsarpatioa fraaght with du gee to pane tiboriy al erstityoay Gor raae ft, 1 have to ob ervs tua don as b +1 by wy alvises 1a re- 1th ul aay tao suid fad, excep in azcorlawe wih ti savers veste Lua the aby victas od tas act reforead to, and that 1 will give every coas itn ial cousilermtion to say iil tat may bl preszasal tr a foe ay sacs ting, either rapswviag or aazalieg tas sald act. (S.gel) W. P. HO VLAND. Mr. Blake rose and sul thy were nov inacritice en ltioy, andl, accocling to he (Fo%'s report, proce did in tie wost tn iiguaat laagaage te desouacs the gross 10 as a ortion of salt tothe tise, aad the vio ation or | dl eriticationd nage iavilvel ia sah STE TTY It was, is aeazaszal no an swer to thavate of the lonis, It wut no mere expedient of a coulaasl alaw- | istration matter. ia a sense far beyoad the preseat ecisis, or the mar) p12 43 to wio soll siz oa the Treasary Ben Th: Hoase mast fodrwv ap ths + Coastit ition aginst the: assaalts pit. Oa this grou | he appel- ed te bers oa both sides whether thy werd pwel tc be draggel farther throu sh the wire, and cullel apra them to suppert the following wotioa (-- *"Tivian haublc aldress ba prisentad to His Excellency the Licatenwmt-Govern or, repr seating -- "Tat this Hiass has received His Ex- cellency's gracious reply to the aldress of this House, adopted on Friday last. "' That this House was invited by His Exc:lleicy's Ministers to consider the gr- cious spa:ch of His Excellency delivered at ths opening of the session, and to pro- ced with the work of the Asseably, not- withstanding that some of tho coastitusn- cies were unrepresented. . "" That this Hous: was thus declared to be, as it in fact was and' is, compet nt in its present state to de with all questions | which wight be brought before it. *" That th» discussion of the proposed Address in reply to His Excellency's gra- cious spaech involved the question of ths anproval or ¢rrleunari ni of the policy of Ministers, aal thoy thyns dvs, course of the g:bat:, challenged an ex pression of the foeliyg of the Huse to- wards thew. ** That Ministers have been defeated in each of the four divisions whi:h have tik- en place, and have never had coutre! o the House. *¢ That the Ministerial policy on a_most imp rtant qustion has been condemned and reversed hy a daisive vote of this Hous», whichdias dclared its want of con- fidence in Ministers, ! "That th: Provincial Treasor r has, in cns:paeace of thy ho-tile attitude of the House, r signed his oTice. ** That the eon*innanes in oTic: of the re maining Ministers is under existing cir- crustancas at variance with the spirit of | the comstita ion, "That th: srn'iesvorel hy this Honse Lill Lapse on tho 3lst dav of Docrnbor in. stant, an l this Horsewon' hy wanting to i's daty if it shold not befors that tim: (as was done nn ler like circnmstaness las ver) make provision for the penditars, nade Ministers poss ssing its eontid nee, of the moni s necessary tr carry on th: public s rvice uatil thy inl estimates for the ensning year can he voted. "* Tht this House regri's that the ro- niining Ministes shiull hue advised His Expslienoy trernfitas thro ia oT, an! hvubly prays thai His Excelloncy will ha gerwcigiily plovasl to enusiler of thy roores:ntaiions comtaiazl in this Ad- dress " 'he Proaier was thy Jest to speak apon tha ahve rosalation. He did net almit that, hecaisy the Hous: had declared its want of enrilere in him, h: oat to rising It was for hi, 'he argued. to emsiler wheth'r his duty nequires! hin to take such a step, and, if ha isloalz v ond's hoy thet the elections pending nlight rcv rse the de Asim of tho Hass, al give im a ma jority, ho was, h2 aro], ertitl:1 ty re- main in office. He then want into a gen- rewell, Fia- | eral discussion of the merits of the Bail- way Fal Act anal, frrgotring vase sats «Call (Norfolk,) Mac- | ly the pledge to consent to its amendment lie had just put into tha [ft -TFovernor's {monrh, he pracasl sl to arms thet itsal- toration La thy moan alin hy the Opposition would levl to log-rolling and ths general corraption of the assem Vy, -- He almitt d they had arrive 1 at a criss, and, if Ministers did not fe:l th» rispan- sibi ity cast upon them, thav wonld pri- bably resign. He thon went on to qnote certain prec dts. as h. considered them, for his pressat coarse, and male a sort of ad misericord' am appar to his follo vers to stand by him. He adwmittel the vote of ceusur: was strong. but then he sil it was eonfined to a particular act, an 1 th re- fore not 8) ganaral as to ha ascap'el as a final condemnation of the Govern nent. It was, he declarefl, no matter of sorrow to him to retire from political life. and he admitted the House could carry the reso : L J sla- 1 TIS position was a ential ous | Tasy were dele l- | it the | ment Ly Messrs, Cumberland, H. 8. Mc- donald, itichards gnd Cameron. Mg. Farewert argu:d that thy Gov. | ernment had been defeat:l both ia the country and in the House upon their railway policy. He eoall not see th: ditference between proposing this policy for the first "ime and announcing, as msm- | moers had lone, that hey vere (ing to | eoatinu that poigy, aad therefor: tao | House should pass upon that policy in ac- leordance with thi view of th: poeojic. | Fhis propos.tion to adjourn was evideatly | an aftor€hsught. It was not announced | whan th s) ec) was lai] before ths House | The Government "did not think of it till | after ths debts hil prossalsl for two days and th: Grvemmoaat 'oud they hal aos amity of thy Houss, If thors + was any forces ia tp plaviy: aljournm nt | the steaigatio weed way for the Govern- jmamttrias wor'Ubrts hus asc) for [ay aljouzrarit bors they asked th: | Hous: to consider His Ex: ol» icy's spech. | Hs wish=d b fore hsv dova to rafer to anotior" Sosveral [gaitle nen rafarred to mamhers on his sls having tion a cast S:cond--* Are the 'inhabitants prinei. pally Iudians, balf-breeds. F or what!" | ] Ani. --Tjo Indian population is out of towa just mow. H> wasa'* bi " irvin Rice Lake, anl has gone back y H> s:al edia bali-hesded man that tries [ts go arvuafl thwn witha wig on, and tleft. Terk are two or three Frene onal hore. | Ot'iorwise the morals of [eommunityare protty good. Half. je suid thiik 8). Th: E aad Scotch have got a i rying in this liculity, ss we have of Bult brueds But it is our uoalterably - opinion that the inhabitan's ** prinei » are ** what oh Principullf . Gires & Children's Felt over-shoe Wotxl McLean & Cos. a * Third --** Arsaay of them s.lf respectable 1" ! Ans. --Hdld 0a a minu'e 13] we recover our wind. hat's a hard ons. Las soe. We will b» Januiry hiv wany respsctabls th:re are jn this<towa by csanti basidon your. ironp'elg:. Itwasknown by muiy mm- bers tht this raferdue) was to him. With | r:zirl to it he would just ask gotten opp site if it was ady wors imoromer for | a «andica'e t) pledge hims If that he would go aginst thy Govoramedf, thu | {for avy hr tr pile hmind that he | would sapprt th: Girvern neat. It was but right that coastitasadi 8 should know how evididates whp ask for their saffsv- | ings will act in thd House. In his owa costituency it was all th: more n:ceiswry |b causs its forme ropr:eatative hal | gone directly coatrary ts ths views of his constitu ney. i : ' Th:v te wu t'ish taken oaths ancnl | {ment of the Attoraby-G gral, asking an adjorrninent, with the filloviag result: -- | Yeas =Msers. Boalter, Ca via, Ca nor | { on, Carling, Coed (Geenville,) Cu nbor- | rind, Cole, Corby, Craig (Gilengarey,)| Craig (Russell) Deer:he, Fitzsim wons, Graven, Grange, | Gaest, Harriagton, McCallu a, M: Ras] Moateith, Richarls, | Rykert, Scott (Grey,) Tool:y, Willis us t(D irha a )--235. f | PeopLe are rushing to J. P. Johast v's | to gst gol jewellery, while heis solliag cheap. 3 Navs --Misyrs. BDucter, Blk, Boalt | bes. Chrisie, Ciarkls (Wollingtra,) Cinrk + | (Norfolz,) Cle ans) Crk, Cerca." Chose f hy, Carri, Duwsyy, Dawe, Fairviren: | Farewell, Rialawsry, Gal rai hy, Gib is drs thre, tha gas! M2 fl, | zie, MK Lar, Me Sim, M:Muu Olive, Prrlos, Patties, Pax i Piva Bry Wein, 3icah 1 ro3aih Sonia, Vas, Vile as (Ha uilt m,) Wilsra, Wool (Bra ity) Woot | (Victoria, )--43. Mr. Spicer thorsfoop am en Beat lost, ! Hoa 4.8. Mud pnald than svi l: -- After | i that decisive motion I have no he t ia asking thy hss to aljrica | heer) { Thryew vilawbor M~ Blvis's mo! tioa were then allel for, andl thy mois | was carcied with a pajocity of aosebioa a ai ast the gov ri dent --hs nu oes give [iota ahovs lizisioh beg rovesel, wal] Me Gesagsvoting fhe Blakssmrion | Me. Suwasr pvics both mo i» 1 | Me. Blake said hy prsuned that the | aldress woall be | ve lth tis Beco cacy withoat aay al wo io, Hoa. J. S. Mucddguall sailif the hoa. { me aber wished to.mhake any wotion 0) | th: sbjet he could|do 8», Me. Blake said he hal n» such desir: Hon. J. 8. Macdgna d then moved ths adjourament of the Houasa, - The House ruse at a quarter to twelve o'clock. { : . Tuesday, Dez. 19. At-3 o'clock punctnally ths Speaker took \he chair! After a little roatine basiaess the Promiara | lressed the House, reviswingatconsiderpblelsagth hoc weerot the Ministry of which he was leader, a id | «Liming that the conntry hd bien aoly | and honestly served, and ths administra don of public atfairs con lucted ia the most careful and unimpeachable manner. Hs said that he had b2en disappointed by expect d supporters, but that after the de: cisive votes of Friday night, the oaly course open for himself and colleagues was to resign office, and that their resignations had been placed in the hands of the Lieut. - Governor, and accepted. They now only he'd office until their success irs wererady to tae their positions Mr. Blake anl Mr. M:Kenzis made a | few re.uarks--th: latter reading le'ters h {hale civel eoatrilic ing the stiteme ts I { regar ling the forced resignation of Mr. Fraser. [+ The louse thep adjourned. | tac (Hosa, h Me. Cojae wi For a hanlsom: present call at J. P, : Joh stons. Lanes High lut buttoned Felt over- shoes, at Wood McLean & Cus. | WANTS TO KNOW, YOU KNOW. | | There is nothing in this world that gives |! | us such lively sutisfaction ss an oppor-|* {tity of lmparting information ti in- rendiag emigran's to this ¢uatry, when | they apply fort. We hyve bee handed | | a let ec, recaivad bya gentleman in this!' | tow. from a dis aut] rolacive in Load m, than vemplates making his © men, 4t a8 2d lanl mn ths ¢ogury withvut ae. | England, who -¢ | home here if ce tain conundruas he his | prop rand «d can be gasw rad to his s tis- | tacttm. Wo hope he will co ae. wait just such wen as hin. Notwith- { standing thy fact that his letter would be | tikea bust of dur ravlors as prim | facie .eviloace that writer is insane. we are assured that he is ** all right 1 the uppe -siocy;" ba: he must have been re- ce tly rowing ony of Bivlie's Dias Novels, whorein this c untry is descrit ed ascormrial of hoviiag wideraess and declared the |! | ntrtes 'win low, dys. XE Trunk! 1,377 miles long, wich hes « station in by local o ite coun'ry, whete the word: and birds hears are. They run dozsg pairs style" hus t We! an, | Jdyaua til de jeople they ** cann't do ,¥ things "eread tley do ut me" people list of thoseiwir» subscribe for I'me Tings aid nay for it ous yearin advance. 4 wigs nnabr huss a houoait of doiag this ; ar. wp gadis th yli suit you. Laney ¥ 23, at ralazsl prices, af Wood' McLean & Cos > Foarth--{*ls Port Hy)» in the middle of mud, trys, or Prarie" Ans. --Thi: writer mast surely have read - abou: par3ire:t and Bridge C mittee; in Tde Tiktas, or hy never would have thoaght of ths trwa bang * stuck in the wad." Miflis az erp hore in sume wer, beige wo've got a Committee to look ate it axl cautivato ie 'propetly. Wa'rs teyi 13 tr gonsrny tran plaatsdig trva. Ashiud tre: Asocistion has been farwel to carry on the work. | You see it lis wars nxcsiary tr hive shite trees to 2 of mles iat) the country | [ sit ua ler when the saow is falling. We dil hwe a aah usiastic itor ac rire in tosn once but an A gricultuiist stole it and took to mis vida wit [Disa bally fama, +825 ib apfog its eds aad now he plants bathsles odie vil zits a dbus en Waedoa't olga hin wach for carrying it way, »:2ugr Lua las vary scarce in Cane via--v2 have oaly abwmt four million sprees mlsd of thy stif--ail every man agit br ads fava Fac oas along. wit yon, . Fit h-- 'ifws you helg:s and ditchey Awe nave Bere (7 Ais. --Nopir; uo' any 'We "don't do: sic things ors as they drat 'one. " - V've got alas stra crossings, thoagh, hae czdous spo s of" your di chs. Con know wot gcking spats off ® ars: you do. drraas, oie A Few Baffa'o Robes. of a choice lot ota, Viedd MiLeik & Cos, . Jan yo. go vut shooting: with. sit bi ig dapd for poach ng" : As. -- Well that dp -uds upon circu. stuaces. Ata oh s aso of the yar, \ wi order is issu.d {by 'Fé Torn Couneil, sopoianting the Clef Corscable a Com: a gt awa fit aad shoot all de 1a which gusts hws not been W Caonf yrafurr cdg on of foi will tgnaiayapauil yor ars harelup Pislfor poh ng ns CLs preserve, have 1° goue out slocting 7 aul biry hwgd fori You have t) by very care ul about whe, you sh ot at here. 1 Suvaath--|' Hov far have you to go tg so: thy woods al birds" Ans.--Thit depsads al'ogether upen what wo) ls ly» wnt to ser. You can seo 'B kit's Woods " from our office Iilym wen® to ree Lirds, you. eva g» tr» Willam's Ehavieg and Lresing €aloor, He hos lots of them in cages. { : s Eighth --~*"/Have you any lakes, rivers or riilwavs 1" 3 vocal wm: br this €2 vr asl tr ted abot Fah § . od ~e -> i Ans. --S nie, There isa small lake in- Port. Hope--Ontario they call it--a few hui dred wilys long, and yoa can go across itina Joyo a tteemer. - Yoo cad form some idea of {tle size tle hikes of thig co ictry whey we tell jcuilit we wat Great Britab. ia oue ne have lots of Foom to sail around om Sen. We Have t wo Railways--one the wn ; the othr aril bailt rise ruiniag into the back it on snow shdes the winter. | Of ciuree you kncw v, snow shoes are--you old country knaw everything. On the whole we think you'd better coms to Canafla. Bring show-shoes with you. , You'd and copper fastened. tter have them iron hneed Oak isa god thirg o mike thah with. A 40 hore power vii will be| powerful envugh for you. You will reg.r: a couple of warm fur Ww 18oats. {cn summer wear, snd a few iron-clad mociasins. You al batter 1 water is very wet was ~ man 4° viel in one of 12¢ brews heall.'t wim. h ra ir hads on. They'll evime he lesrs. letchalorg seme cough, 21d colds. - Don't an tye-glass. No old ciun- thiuks of venturing out in without one. Besides * tbe b: ki pt up een' in this wik If th ve is a yihing wh ih wore imo Ler tars 10 iu p1ees the people Cauda ak he st pei.o ity of 1 nglieh- ced. Lod vatere to Weer ere- las) gpk sunerngy «f Cana. u handy for medicine' for ome without ry gentleman his clin ate frees Lumber & Shingles JR SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR- Bug. A. B. CAMPBELL. Team tar 1,08 1. Hu IMPROVED HOT R. LARARD, | Boz 153, Oshawa, Claims to be the most complete and eff. ctual Prum Heater made. An Inspection solicited. Apply t» or ty ILARARD'S AIR GENERATOR HATCH&Co-., Ohaws. be N rm to 8. iu, because in 8 . small con try lice this you might walk off some dark might into tas Atlantic or Pa- cide, and th her. th s: 02: nso vring v1 alithiz onl Ques. anne muskets youcan lay y ; ; i THE COMING WOMAN" pre