Ontario Reformer, 24 Nov 1871, p. 4

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Conmiarvrs that old maids would like to bo troubled with--chops on their lips. &aox ig Detroit ajoa ot RET WaX is a man who marries an \ Boiross 1 lover of music! Because he marries for tune. eh * SacEr-It is better to be laughed at fo: not beifig married than to be unable be CAUSE FOU APs + wae Wag wound is the most dangerous t receive! The cut of afriend, as it cause: instant m¥rtification. " Yor'rLrever find hisequal," Mr. Spriggins to a young widow. feax net; but [ shall try." A £m sla? in New Jersey left Jogacion to the ladies who had re fused hin , '* slight token of his gratitude. SPciE AND SPECIES. --1 fear," anid 4 = sountry-ministef.to his flock, "when I ex- | lained to you, in my last charity sermor, | that phfianthropy was the love of -our ipecies, you must have understood me to, | say specie, which may account for thesmall- ess uf the collection: You will prove, ope, by yout prerent contribution, tha' vou are no longer laboring under the same mistake." Laxguagr or Music.--Music is ot uost beautiful language in the world, and | he mind that thinks in melody must be iv | . + blissful, happy state ; but to have the | said Rev. | nind constantly calm and serene, the bod) "No uust be free from ailment and pain, and nT | ve know of mothing so well adapted t¢ | event sickness, or for the cure of colds, | oughs, rheumatisth, To suralgia, summe omplaints, &c., as the *' Canadian Pein For sale/ by all Druggists and Price <b cents per bottle Destroyer." A CERTAIN dissatisfied wife says that her | ountry dealers. husband is such a blundorer that he can' *f put Is health worth having? If it is pro cet' it--it is a jowel as easily lost as vir- and in many cases as difficult to re A DISTINCTION AND a Dirrérexce.-- | over. In this climate, and more particu- Aunt: *Candidly, don't yon think you've | arly at this season-of the year, people are | even try a pew boot or shoe without ting his foot in it." | ue, Brent remmend wlio n: di ATTA WI. ~ Medical, Hall, DR. DEANS AVING PURCHESED. THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co., would inform the public that he has just reccived a full assortment of Orugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, |] i TOIH.ET ARTICLES, "&e; * WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. Or. Doan' OfMoe in the Drug Store. Remcmber tle stand, nearly o) posite 1 des' Rote! 187, ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER. E SUBSCRIBER BEGS MUST RESPECTFU LLY TO INFORM HIS Patrons and the Public generally, that he has received, direct from England, the First Instal- ucnt of his Spring Stock of Paper Hanging, | To which he would call special attention. The superiority of English Paper | over that of Canadian manufacture is Al ledged. The Drilliancy | and ficmmess of the colors and the extra width #4 the rolls combine to estab- | lish their pre.inence over all others. = The subscriber being the only | Importer of this class of Goods in Oshawa, is confident that no other Hause can offer Greater Inducements, either as regards | QUALITY OR PRICE. 1871, ar 'Tne ARMS SHUTTLE OR LOCKSTITCH Sewing Machine. had enough, Eethel?" Ethel: "1 'may 'ery apt to take cold and suffer from soar | thirk 80, aunty, but I don't feel so!" * 'A sTrEET in Peoria, Ill, which a yem ago was called Turtle Dove Avenue, ot account of so many new ly-married-couple: i ig it, is now known as Nursery Row. | Fie ire ds bolls ringing fof fre 7 ingllired \fimson of Tiberius. ¥* No, in | hroat, coughs, 'spitting of blood and pul- | | nonary complaints generally, which if not | 'hecked immediately lead to serious conse- juenpesy "The question arises--which is | he quickest and most effectual remedy! 3ryans Pulmonic Wafers have been before | | he public for twenty years, and have al- vays given perfect satisfaction, and in- | Oshawa. | variably effect permanent cures when taken | "HE WAR ALSO ON HAND A WFLL ASSORTED ETOCK OF Books, Stationery, F ANC ¥ Having been appointed sole agent for the Little Wanger Sewing supply them on Dette teruis than say other dealer in the county. Remember the stand, directly opposite Hindes' Hotel | Oshawa, April 13th 1871: 5000S, and Top! Machine, he ean | JAMES F. WILLOY | Manufacturer,' cach wackine. [lish a Ips and Pave therefore made arrange | ments wit Sewing | Grate Ly in purchasing T HAVING COME TO OUR KNOW. Adedge that unprincipled parties are peddling Machines thie ugh the Rpt and re- nite them to. be the ** AF EWING E," this is to caution RN Dotto be z the same, All genuine | A rms mac 'hines have the words "F. H. AR stamped on the Face Plato a We have considered it to our interest toestab- '» n agency in hwa to look after these 5 ) deed," answered Tiberius, '"'dey ab go | n seasyn. Sold' by all medicine dealers | plenty of fire, and dé bells are ringing fo: und ¢ountry stores, at 25 cents per box. water." To owxers or Horses. --It is & well at- sted fact contirmed by the experience of | onsen that *' Darley's Condition Pow- lors ged "Arabian Heave Remedy" for | 10rses is superior to anythiug of the kind | 10w oreser known. We know that it | bu ye i th marl ig a | Pr 2 se hr he held back the Beier with his foot; she | = ys mont wstisfastore rowult, the | | immediately hastoned to her milliner t | or having boen rostored to perfect | | negotiate for & suit of mourning. | oundness oF so much benefitted that the | A 1aDY at Long Branch was talking tc | omplaint evuld scarcely "he observed. = ® gentlemsn next to her at dinner, and'be fany such horses have afterwards been | animated, shook hor agal old for from 830 to 8100 inore teh Shey \ #up-platoi-- | vould have previously brought,' | vell worth 'the difference; let | »d con this. Remember A omy at Peru grites. on Bina i | nd +00 thal the »} amaturd 7 ance: 'Cone over and see ms; we have new lamp at'our house that we can tur. | down, until there i is scarcely a bit of. light in the room." A Two Coxs.--Why are grod women lik: Ca ivy! Because the greater the ruin the i i S A FAMILY MFDICINF, IT 1} closer they cling. Why are bad women | As and favorably huows, relieving the | like ivy? th rth oling | «nds from pain in the | e wd r the A gigs y ide, Back and Head, Coughs, Guide, Sor e | e grogte Mr Sprains, wise; Cy in | " No 'My dear," Movin. the Stomach, , Cholera daughter, who had been taking a nap be-| Dy Bowel C omplaints, Burns, fore dressing for the evening party, "you alds, Frost Bites, dee. | needn't re-arrange your hair; you couldu't iL Deatiovan bas som make it more scranb' ed if you tried." "her ye: asd B w DL S34 | ; . | dimely used, and we have never known a single 7 "Mab 10 Seniy--Cestomer: "1 nay --this | sase of dissatisinction, where an have | 1 been properly followe ut on the ewnfrary al umbrells 1 bought here last wpe is gli] { oir Lot) with its operations, speak in | coming ro places !* Shopman: © Indeed, Joa highest terms of ils virtues magical | ir! You muat have been taking it out We "speak from experience in the giatier; bav- | i ng tested it thorcug sly ; and theref ose who | and getting it wet, sir, I think." | are suilering from any of the cowplints fur | | which it is recom. ended. may dep upon it Tre Aricerrrrat MiNp.--A provincial | i seeing a lady driver, and her groom with | Destr rer ring the discases for * folded arms behind, thought A nd its Sroudetfel © ' that fellow | dang ho torturous pains of must pay that nice-looking girl a pile to drive-his carriage for him." » Torcuisa rae Nioar-car.-- When Mrs. Malaprop does take a glass of something at night, she likes it pretty strong. She Rates, she says, to have her rum-and-wate: too aid i 'A yoni wits 'In Indians saw her hus- Fo? vewcastle, Ont., proprie'ors far Canada. sold by 2 giolising dealers, said » mother to her | Pain | ch it is | td io sub , and in | relieving Nervous Ailections, ont ! | rank in the lst of Remedies. Ord | 3 in from Medicipe Dealers, in all | country, for further Supplies. and esl > Lerrive ocr DaRk.--A gentleman soo- | he the uaiversal satisfaction it gf ing an Irishman removing primi | Cocp it Phy inns order and we i ar w thout it after 0, from a dwelling, inquired, ; atrick, what | yaa A Ti sre you doing! Im opening-the cellar| pr aqle 1 W. T. Atkiuson an@bF. Deans window, to be sure." 'And whataroyou| 'lav: mala vob. Landes. yn ¢ . . Pa doing that for?" "May it please hu] D. time, slo Frey: T1Saf Preg- Miscarriage, slight and al wer anti each Sloe fo Leh Possession Given Forty Days, if Required, | cLoTHING, rbtm--| T\FLEDS, n Pain 'Dedtfoy er | COATINGS, WALTER WIGG & SON 'UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT, E. 8. & CG. HIGGINS, Corner of Mill and Simcoe Streets, 'SOUTH OSHAWA, For the sale of our machines. Toe ArMs MACHINE makes the Shuttle or Lock-8titch, alike on both sides, and which will pot RIP, and has a full and complete outfit, wit! out - <tra charge. Tho Anus Macui .E {ll sew from the. flnest Muslin to the heaviest Beaver cloth without change of cither temsio:. or etitch, The Arve Macs Teves haa Suse and is ways ready to sew, aud never a stitch | Sas a thread F Cli » "RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. | J. CARMICHAEL WILL SELL THE WHOLE OF HIS STOOK OF Dry Goods 'Boots 'and Shoes! a AT cost PRICE AND UNDER. wn | The ARva Macir gs! as onl!¥ about one-fourth the parts in Its construction that are in other machines. It can therefore be only one-fourth aa Linble to get out of order, The ArMé MaicuiNs will IT whole must be sold without Rostive within the nest few weeks, to make room for | FRINGE, FELL, his successor in business. NOW IS THE TIME! While this Sale lasts, to buy your Spring"and Sammer Goods, in Dress Goods! OF EVERY VARIETY. : PRINTS, LUSTRES, F, RENCH MERINOES, | French Delaines, Clowes," Hose," Tapestry, Kidderminster Hemp Carpets, Hollands, Tickings, Sheetings, Towelings, Ee. TUCK, CORD, BIND FRILL, QUILT, | GATRER (apd sew on at the same time), be- sides ali that any other machine will do. The Arms MACHINE runs light and rapid, and | Is Just the machine for | 1 TROWSERINGS | HATS, CAPS, SHIRTINGS, Roig nog RESSMAKERS ARMERS, | ans it will do all Kinds of work. See Ia machine ore purchasing, and you will save money, and and Fours: f a great deal of trouble and annoyance hereane Send for- circulars and samples of werk, or call and sce the machines working. Machines Fully Werzantod. E J.C. TODD, Gen. Apt., No." Rossin Feast Block, Toronto. & G. HIGGINS, Agontedor oshawe. E. 8 Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. 141. ed ALLAN LINE. OSHAWA, APRIL 14, 1511 NOTA BENE. Cabinet Malkers, Undertakers, &c. AVING GREATLY ENLARGED OUR WAREROOMS, AND LIKEWISE | re c2Aded considerable NEW STOCK thereto, a cordial invitation is extended to all to come | { Great inducements held out to those purchasing at our Establishmen | SPECIAL ATTENTION 'GIVEN TO THE 1871. SUMMER SERVICE, 1871, Under Contract with the Canadian Government for carrying ihe Canadian and U. S. Madls. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, | AND CLASGOW. A SPENDID NEW HERSE FOR HIRE. HIS COMPANY'S LINES ARE osed of the undernoted Fu!l Powered, | Coffins kept constantly on hand or made to order. Thin: ships: | A choice lot of Carriages and Perambulators just received Cheap for Cash | s. Tons (buisdings. Campin: $50 ton tn Scott. Scandinav, jan, 3,000 uns, Capt. Balian- but mob is Pal Patent Ba'ance Window Blind Lin the best a. . Prussian, 3,09 tons, Lieut, Duston, thing of the kind in use, at the Write! Necuirian: bos Captaih A: THE NEW DOMINION FURNITURE WAREROOM | KING 8T. EAST, OSHAWA, Aird. Moravian, 2,69 t us, (astain Brown. peuvian, 2,600 tons, Lieat. Smith, R - R. Germatly, 3,20 If ons, Cin J. Graham. jmbing a weellly line bet weed i {3 eTpgol, Lab | = donderry, Que enrtig | bec every paturdan on et val of * | Night Express from Montreal. ALSO, THE ,046 Boughette, Hiter tons, Ca R85 n. atte, Nova tons, Cept. Ri merical, 1,784 tons, Capt. Trocks. Corin- thian, 240, tons, Captain McKenzie. Ottawa, 1531 tons, Lt. Archer, K. N. R. St. Davi id, 1.650 tons, Captain Ritchie. st. Andrew, 1432 tons, Captain H. W ylie. St. Patrick. L7 ey Capt, Stepheiis Norway, Capt. Mins. sweden, Caan McKenzie. civert IM. e. Xx. HEH. ARR MIs New Suurrie or L.ock-Sritcy SEWING MACHINES FOR FAMILY USE AND LIGHT MANUFACTURING | eta odin 1871 PUBLIC 1 NOTICE THE JOSE JOSEPH HALL MACHINE WOR WORKS. OSHAWA, ONT ARIO. ESTABLISHE D J 51. Thelosepb Tall Manuiact buzing Company, PROFRIE' ORs. WE DESIRE TO CALL A' vr NTION TO OUR REAPER AND MOWER, 'With Johnson's Self Rake. Improved for 1871. We believe this Macl ine, ar we now Lufld it, to Le tLe jucet jaifect Leager and Mover eve yet offered to the public of Caz ada. Among its many advantages we call attention to the following -- It has no Gears on the Driving Wheels, Eoabling it to pass over marshy or sandy ground without clogging op tLe gearing thereby renders | it less liable to breakage. It is furnished with Four Knives, Two for Mowing and Two for Reaping, ore of which has sickle edge for cutting ripe, clean grain, the other a smooth ive fc cutting grain in which there is grass or seed clover. It has the malleable guards both on the. Mower Bar aud Reajer Table, with 1 ect Ledger Plates. It is also fuinished with our New Patent Ti illing Table for Picking up Lodged Grain. cast ste lis Is tbe omly really: valuable Tilting Table' offered on any combined Reaper and Mow: he Table can be very easily raised or lowered by the Driver in his Sen without stopping his Team. This i» one of the mest iniportant improvements effocted in any Ma: Line during the ast two yoo ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL Can be ade tn act as Rakes at the option of the Driver, by a Lever readily of erat! by his foe The Cutting apparatus is in frent of the Mackine, and thére'gre whether Riéh ing, of Mow ing, § entire work of the Machine is under the eye of the Driver while gulding his team. This Tabi 08 constructed as to Gather the Grain into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit i in"a more compact form than any other Reel Rake. This Table is attached to the Machine both in front and rear of the Driving Wheel, which eo: ables it to pass over rough ground with nuch greater ease and less injury to the Table. The Gra Wheel Axis is on a line with the axie of the Drive Wliecl, which enables it to turn the corneps readi The Rakes are driven by Gearing instcad:of Chains, and therefo ore hav a steady uniform notion, Making them much less liable to breakage on uneven grour 40d more pegula in removing 1! grain. The Gearing is very simple, strong and durable. The Boxes are all lined with BABBIT METAL The Parts are all numbered, so that the REPAIRS can be ordered by | telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of the art wanted. There is no side Draught in either reaping or mowing, and fe Mac that there is no pressure on the borses necks either when réaping oastings, where they are sthject to much strain, have been Twice annealed, thereby rendering them bot! OUR JOHNSON RAKE. Is so constructed as to raise the cam so far akove the Grain Tablc {that the Grain does not interferé with 1E8 thacalhery of the | Rakes or Reels, : | \ We make the abeve machines in two meee: is wb perf balanced wing. LA erred hs lonble ge tough and strong.' | : No. Ouse, large size, for Farmers who have a large amounl lo reay No. Two, medium size, for Farmers havivg wiore use for a Mower than a reaper. : | | | wih the exception of difference in size, bis: Machines are similar in every respect. Ow .' No. 2 Macuine sulpiicas Wan. Dee 01€¢ Ukblivt, Vie i--A ICs bel w een Lue Jil, Mower ala GISLADU GE CUP ssi, oC dsachilies TL Poor ily ul Casuniiiln, cumubived Machine, Luth ID sige and price. Vi € slish Marth siuoug vu Ageuls, thal cuuiing pu. Chasis Wa; Lave ull ih. iy « heli merits. ripped this season shall wl | «23 eXhiodtad vy our agents. | i Machin s am | And we guarantee that all » | equal in quality and finish tothe We invite the public to withhold giving thei. urders wii they uave hal an op puriunity o. ! ing var M. Forming & we Phagud ! a) Montreu) RATES OF PASSAGE. joe shawa to Liverpodl and Londonderry, First Cabin from $51 to $91, aceording to accemmode- | tion. Steerage, $39, eluding a Picputul Spay out by the to vi mpany., asgow, si Cabin, $71; Inter- 5.005 steerage, $20. 3 ckets, go.d for six months, is suod at reduc il rates. | yea Eur Passage: Certificates are | ed Rates to parties wishing to | 0ilug oul theffifriends from. Englund, Ireland or | | Scotland, to wy part of Canada. The Steamshlps of the Moytreal Ocean Steam- | ship Cornpany land their passengers at the Grand | | | Tru ta Bld Ark d South Quebec, passen- uvoidin Usual charges of cart- g and handling of baggage " xpress Tralud losve Quebec on arrival of the } | Ocean Steamers | or Montseal, Toronto, and all AUS 2ioried lo | Tr war ogo tickets and every informa- | | & A. ALLAN, Agents, Montreal. i we. AND. COMPACT. . " SIMPL 3! TIAIVINA ANW LNAIOTA4T iy H =] Mos sDIPLE MACHINE IN THE MARKET--ONLY ABO Sopa SE attr Sacha iri Sly SEs of §3 & A § n HED ox Soin 2 mor Sgr rh Dl to bieak, Its high 7 oroamen pow ed. equal to aay of HEM, FELL, TUCK, CORD, BIND, FRILL, GATH QUILT, BRAID or anything that any other Machine will do. IT 18 JUST THE MACHINE FOR PRIVATE FAMILIES, MILLINERS: ESS- TAILORS, axp FAR DE MAKERS, &" There are many points of excellence about the Machine, Supe BPA SPN AAT Ja fra Cua it Su. | 2% MACHINES FULLY WARRANTED. - &" AGENT wanted in Bowmanville, and WO DAV BOt Ut 00g already esteblisbed. Te ud. In svary ther Town where Ci or Baods ITY OF ; ; J. 0. 10D), Gegeral Agent. Fry or | No.7 Rosin House Block, Toronto, Oni. Sm r New York, Queenston and | . Liverpool! Cry or OND. CITY oF MONTREAL. CITY OF BROOKLYN. ITY OF A ITY OF Cry or w Yok. OF NEW YO ITY x 16-41 Crry oF N, ITY OF ITY OF WASBINGTON. : EK VER. Bowmanville, May 25 - 1571 = 'First Prize Cultivators. | HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT Sailing hy Ys ays and Sa xr 45, N North River, nares of » RE ae NATIONAL PILLS. 'The Beal Catharuc of Any Age or Country. A SEY placoTERY 107 ME | Money to Lend or REDUCED RATES. T AM Now PREPARED TO LEND of mogey, oo seouri! Good Fars of Productive Tons ay de Lowest Possible Rates of Interest Ea 7 iain or aos wTeney. o " " Ticksta can " 8 De ought. hers at moddrate rates send for their fiends. For Re apply to the Company's ry 6. W. SMITH, Osawa. Sold tn Bowmanville by J. Higziabotham and | honor," ssid Patrick, "to let. out tne Bio id, all medicine dealers. yo EF ERT er BYR La - VA Rom ont--n' dren id ee | The fret Female Remhedy. saw two tramway cars passing him the < LLS. other evening with red aud blue lights in JOB hoes PERIODICAL Pl the front rear. His fuddled brain compre- | |S ACE Yes 1s hended colored lights, and he was heard | > which the fi consti- to say to himself, *' Must be pretty sick-- | | Li a satya It mo ofataiee al er 8 "sickly (here ; they are running 'chemists' | i Kano eD Lari id . Itis 1 oy Shope shout en mhemphola" | Liapemuninkil Koll Tu not ule 5 beghing," said & Now | (hase, Pills shou & nat be ake York little girl to a lady of whom she had | pancy. 2 a8 Chel ars suid 0 Cring on | but at any ot time they are sase. asked alms, ";cause only two weeks ago' 1. i Casenof Nervous and Spi my father was a merchant?' 'Why, | Pains iu the Back and Libs, Fat ehild, how could you be redocedto poverty | Whiies le" #0 soon 1" My father took a bad two dol- othet .d hye A oom anda ad ang lar bill at nut stand, snd is ruined | "en elE A ha] is * hdd 14) bs 2 5 | package. ch Fy po Fond phic Bacmrrio's Borroxs.--An of gh 3 398 MORES, NEW YORK, SOLE id 1.00 and 12 for postage, slightly blind, while engaged ia a a! Sean ying I on LO sttempt- to sew buttons cu young Augus- | PET np wil Tat Fool tus's jacket, remarked : " Drat these but | For by W. T. Atkinson and Df. Doans tons! I can't find the holes, and they | 7) oft to Gerrigand J. Byrne split all to pieces overy time I atick the| sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM ant 'grotT, needle into 'em." To which replied young | Bowmanvile, untari. Augustin ; "Now, look "ere, granny, you --- { just let my peppermint drops' alune,- - wm You've split morn half "em already." 4 Yen oriam. x Ss 4 = Sarcastic. --The Rochester Demorrat is | 'GAIN: sz (EAPEN DITURES slightly sarcastic on a railway line'in that | freied no probubi lon. und barth is bv * vicinity. It says that a gentigman took | thuse beautiful ewbleuis which adorn U] grain, 3 a fow days since, on what is, oh Digan wire U5 we 70 ih 8 world of Veoh hs ugh hie | | SAE Gl BF johres of 6 "loved ones Avoh and Mount Morris. | Aftershe | a our grief and soothes the « h be- train started from Avor, /he discovered | reav Rio know hana | adaii. hg om- we grave preeents that he had left a valuable dog behind, but | ST AR + LH a atten. om ariving st Monat Morris, the let dng| | SEH 82 Thane a me bn was found sitting at the station awaiting | ir gely In the love of - the arrival of his master. = ke this method to ifvies 15e : Hymn pe EE REE ta. > Wf 1 i Coons, held | Workuausaip: here yesterday a man named Frankli, was MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC, OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF summoned for non-paymentof s nnte given ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE. for a graré-stone. Upon the Judge ques- --AND=-- tioning him as to the reason why he re- SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, fnsed'to pay the note, bo roplied that the | ebiaining to Cotes ork TU ek was not,_finj to Sed so?" i Th prop atien lun, by les rg ot rind 2 aame, and oy ji omg s name te on orb . Bowmaaville,~ stone, and a epace lef: vacant for my name, and I do not want to pay for it be. fore it is completed." This reply natur- TO L ET. ally caused the Judge to smile, and the gentlemen of thé "and litigants to The Pump Shop : a WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHE, lsagh. Judgment was entered against de- At present worked by thosubroriboe,. Pamestids fondant. we | gion, imm a oF, busines of the A woman says what she chooses with. | 800d Pumpmaker. A GA we to work. She can go out in the =» without being asked to stand a treat at| every saloon. She can stay at home in the attention of farmers to the one-horse and two-horse Iron Cultivators manu time of war, and get married again if her| and which have for six years obtained first busband gets killed. She ean wear corse ioabreaiy i ir pany Ate. Un. if too thick, and other fixings if too thin. | snd will Ry ihdn peda: their cost, and excellence of She cay go} s divotce from hist haabend if | work. *firpeotion invied A supplv of Cnitive " she sees one sho likes better. Sho canget pd pd do Fry pried Vek, oi bis her husband in debt all over untilhe warns | IRON HARROWS LL the public not to trust her on his account. | of a superior kind, also on hepd.. But all thewe advantages are balanced by US WAGONS constan a the groat fact that she cannot sing Yast. oy 41 user Backs vp dots Oi-the wear 8 beard, go sparking, or climb a treo. shortest notice. A and medicine Ea" 7 4 POOR COPY { | Ohio, Jr., Mower. | Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. =~ - | Pp hines, as we bedeve hey are wi i, ai.ci by wuy wouer Machines ever ye olered on Lue continent, . § > We also offer among cur other Machines : 'JOHNSON's Self-Raking Reaper,improved forit7., | with two knives, smooth and sckle edge, and malleable guaras Woob's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. | BuckEYE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Sélf-Rake. BUCKEYE Reaper NO. 2, with Johnscn's' S:21f-Rake* | Ouro Combined Hand Raking Beaperand dqwer, | {CAYUGA CHIEF, Jr., Mower" Bh 0 hs $0 BuckkYk Mower No. 1. - BUCKEYE Mower No. 2. BALL's Ohio Mower No. 1.1 Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. Champion Hay Tedder | AND GUR CELEBRATED HALL THRESHER & SEPARATOR Greatly improved for 1¥1, with winer Fit, Paltes, Plazet, Woodbury, or Hall's $ or 19 Hor Power. We shall algo offer for the Fall trade & Very mush superior to any other hereiofors inlroduced. v | | NEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HULLER, | A mew and complete Tlustrated Catalogue of all eur Machines is belng published, | amd will be ready for early distribution, free to ali applica ts, AR owr Machines ave warranted to give sabigfretion, nnd Purchasers will have an op- rally eonchude the purchase. room Tor further iafrmetion aédrem- Wo oe. Fig - FW. GL tv Val EE a { Yes LEM: | { cHILBDREN'S "ne A, gts Qa ea. Bh 4 0 OOK OUT "FOR Good Photographs! TO BE MADE AT Mr. THOMAS|GALLE > BROOKILIN, Philip Taylor EES T i ys. HE LA EST Stock /atches, Clockr, I criay ilver FP Jated, end Fancy Goods, Ile is th sole agent for 8 ehrat Vv, vatche Tp» gl i Pro ot s, an = Mer en Silver Plate, best po. 4 EOI) lly i wis due wade to order, It will pay to Sautiing his Stock bef wd e [Jol Purches We, Al heaper thas any o PHILI TAYLOR, WatcL maker & Jew ler, Simcoe Street; Os go O:hawa, APE 13th, y 357). © i I |®, # 1-lm. INGS |§ ¥ | H. GERRIE, of patterns, and selling |° 8S 7 Faw !'y Ding Store, W 11'S Qa variety JAM EST STOCK OF v N COUNTY OF ONTARIO, at the lowest possible pric, a THE L \R( THE NGLISH PAPER HAN( IN KE | | | | | | 1 Whitby, April 13, 1971 | { Just received direct from the manufacturers, A great NIL W DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OSHAWA! MISS ROOME, ATE OF THE ESTABLISHMENT - of FLEW IN, begs to inform the inbabi- Lule of shaw aud ooun! that ue has Opened a Row Soon s -y KING STREET EAsT! IX SWE STAD # | Lately Ocetipicd by MT, Frm g where she will carry on the businees of { DRESSMAKING, MANTLE-MAKING and the making of CLOTHING, &e, &e { THE~ 5 Latest Styles & Fashions "Aavi ng had she hs " ni lonz%sxperienee in tha business dent of suiting all, ! t 3 hep wil, 53 e. tes be 3 Fudciduin tronge jeniices H es s' RG GEST, BEST AND . a 4 by CERY i | STORE, oN South Oshawa, JUST TO HAND, Choice Selection of NEW TEAS, _ NEW SUGARS, 23 IRI 0RA NEW COFEES, NEW COCOAS, NEW CURRANTS, NEW RAISINS, Everything New! PRICES THE LOWEST. Goods delivered to all parts. portunity of testing them both + in Mowing and Reaping Lefors Wey will be required bo |i! OASE 2AID oR PRQDUCE. Ba Ht fie t Ont VERY FPP FM. AT SIMCOE § "CONT ALN NE and pe fing up wiil b y morni merchants and ary liberal Busines w. cons » HySjcl AN IHHYSICIA J eur, and Ce ARADUATE ( ! of Toronio, = Wshawa. pr RINE - H. 8 JCENTIATE Officd ever the ¢ ., King St., Osh | operations pref ence in the san Yeterinary sa ENRY S 'S BL( JARRISTER LIC ITORS, 4 BR FAREWELL, | wou. coc ARRISTER, itor in Ch A ow's fry Bigels v 4 Jom ICENCED A All orde ply attended to. HOLESALE. of HOOP SKI al used. The trad otory -- King Street, ROOKLIN, ; 0 LD the Isolated Rizk v Toronto, Sav Ts Society: rates of interes - Greatest Publ! ND FOR Wt Testimonials, (a around each able pers P Superior qualities « -- - g-8yrup, , £onsti; veut {n great py ominion LST Styles in t Styles in t Styles in A LARG CLO IBRELLAS, i CARP RICKET and LACROS - cH om fie dobr North of Store, Simeon --

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