Ontario Reformer, 24 Nov 1871, p. 3

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TEY NARKETS. November 92 shel fivenw do ~ re 8} LE YT 0 sa LE oe *» LX) Ls} on " ---- 3 EAL MARKETS, Nov ber 33. rsenaa 08 -. LE LX 08 on on LF -- AWA MARKET. shel baad Rdvertisements. nnouncement | RNARD - A\KEN THE BUSINESS successfully for so many years ARMICHAKL, begs to inform the shawa and its Vieuny that he THE OLD STAND! >. NEW STOCK v and Staple Dry 5. Millinery, &c. t"DGE FOR YOURSELFES. pi h. 1571 - FOR ERECTING a BRICK he Canada Presbyterian ambus will be received by Jo, the th day. of ifications can AR Ws McLAREN d for Stome s and Car Work: will be ers for the wh pie may be made arties eo will ar all material, and nd to accept the lowest or any w required for the faithful per- wk. WOE OHN'RATCLIFF, . Building Committee. ® REWARD WILL BE ° given by the PAL COUNCIL 1 OF THE ¥ HIP OF WHITBY, orp reons who will give such hension fer Mr. C *Paxten and occ cupied by Mr. Do JOHN WILLIS, hi i Reeve. SLB tw SERVE. hA INOV EMBER 28, 1871, ER-bas consented tian Church, Cubes AR ie 4 730 o'clock p. m., by T. N. ture having been given 1 3s Ja ndon and other en repeatedly called by a pride use is therefore Cents. sore Bee vind J fol lowing' late Samuel df and 13 in et Fast 4 acres, and all the" timber >riv vilege Ce ymplete on the "Gem * Fmside the corporation of Osha- [17804 fall the best privilege on am' imbet © ber on the balance of the to the Hall 32 on in the 3rd Con. « d@iipot bind themselves to os #8) ender. For further par ndersigned or their solicl- m ber 15, 1571. fi ocator insert three times. aption. rrr "PREMISES OF the »n @F about the lst of November, fle owner can have 'the same » flnd paying costs. } LEW Is CORYELL, 17, Broken Frout, East whithy. su : 81 on immediately. Apply 10 J ©. Henry. Bf - nr ee Et ene se-------------------- TICE WANTED RESPECTABLE LADS : ) 18 yerrs of age, one as 8h ne 1 asniot a Cabinent Maker, v el adrit Good wages . MITCHELL, Brock street, East End. erg . 1 Ho PUBLIGO. TTE, JR. oy HIS OP PORTUNITY | (id inhabitanjs of Oshaw or fo Afr Pussiine. : hilng, Glaseing, | hing, ae. ines style, TERE we, King "king Suve Easy ort ihe actors, ore. Halls Block: wii recetve ay rar lr < 1%] . JUST TO HAND, DIRECT {LOCKMAN SINGER, FROM NANG "OSBORNE, --FOR OUR-- WHOLESALE & RETAIL TRADE. Crates NEW CROCKERY. Hds. NEW CHINA. Cases -Celebrated PRIZE MEDAL STARCH. Cases ROYAL LAUNDRY BLUE. Cases NEW LONDON PICKLES. A Fine Display --OP-- American and German COAL OIL WONDERFULLY CHEAP TO COMPLETE WITH Other Large Lots --F-- FRESH GROCERIES NOW BEING BOUGHT PERSON- ' ALLY IN MONTREAL. STEELE S Grocers and Seedsmen, LOCK STITCH! RAYMOND, OR, IN EACT, ANT SEWING MACHINE Leave Your Orders With G. S. CLIMIEI | REFORMER OFFICE! If you take a Machine and are not satisfied with it, you can change it for any other kind. This is an advantage other Agent-in the County. f <4 Machines sold on Monthly Instalment System. 4 . The Highest Market Price for : . Pork and Dairy PRODUCE. First-Class Lock Stitch Machines F urnished From 820 Up. {PRACTICAL HATTER AND FURRIER! WANZER | eta DOMINION that cannot be offered by any | >&= TERMS EASY. | TEE MARKUS MAYER, BOWMANVILLE, Jovites the attention of his friends in Oshaws and vicinity to his enlarged place of Business and his Superior Stock of Goods. np sang Bn nop And his strict attention to Business, Enlarging his Stock, and now EE Te 1 purchases have been "ly vy, and Hats, Caps, Furs and Buffalo Robes | PAPER COLLARS, NECK TIES, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, &c., Are well Worthy of Inspection. When You Want a Nice Set of Furs for Tour Wife or Daughters, CALL AT X. MAYERS. Furs Altered and Repaired. Highest Price Paid for Raw Furs. Bowmanville, Oct. 5, 1871. (26) Tox Eng omne 25 O Y STE R BAY! sale his land Yul Migh of land. and in od cl 4 Son Fresh Oysters | A fasion rope Iso, ne NY I 2pinee Alen, so eSupita br 2 RECEIVED DAILY! M. MAYER. HUGH CARMICHAEL. ~Oshawa, June 22nd. ns IsoLyzar 4 ACT OF 1060. J ON R S SAMUEL ALVEN HAIGHT, An Insolvent. THE UNDERSIGNED, JAMES 'Sold by the Plate or Can. HOLDEN, of the Town of Whitby. in the County of Ontario, have been nted Assignee CE fre NLory Ar Sesuetod to file A CHOICE lot of Canned Fruits, Jol JAMES HOLDEN, lies, etc:, on hand and for sale. uy. « Oct. 18, 4871. (8-3w) SIMCOE STREET. OSHAWA, i i gue, | The choicest Fruits, of all kinds, in their Sydenham Farm | Bi ghost price paid for all kinds of FOR SALE. Juon rs. 2% Sign of the Oyster Bay Lamp. NE OF THE BEST FARMS IN THE | Oshawa, October 2, 1871. 'GREAT RUSH oS det Slouch: Sndins AT «HENRY'S! at the 3. heat quality, 140 under WHY? Ln is also an priha] SontMning N= the! best grafted trees just coming in Tal bear | BECAUSE THEY SELL THE BEST Joris sass. For partis ulars apply to cal" pro- is a mill site on the above Jropenty, THOMAS SUX Yiu J Oshawa, Nov. 1st, 1871. Exocutors' Nein 1S TUG ARS, LL PERSONS INDEBTED to THE estate of the late SaxuEL HALL, of Oshawa, Te Yequosied to 39 Juke payment to the under- signed Exec or their Solicitors, Messrs. Farewell & are, by the First da; ber next. All claims 3 Agvins the be presented within the A. FAREWELL, wanting a first-class farm in a good RAISINS, CURRANTS, SOAD, TOBACCOS, FLOUR, MEAL, CROCKERY, CL SSWARE, &C., "AND Just arrived at the = Outfitting Establishment. HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURN- of Giving Up the Ready-Made Clothing Branch of his Business, To enable him to devote more time to the HAT AND CAP! --AND-- GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. In order to do this he, hy, sell a large stock of Greally cooces Prices, consisting of pr Under and Overcoats, Pants and Vests, Touth's and Children's Suits, At Prices never before offered in Oshawa. . My stock of Felt and Fur Hata and Cape, Cash paid for all kinds of "Complete ins Farmers' Produce. Cheapest in Town. Compieis In ¢ very depariient, and will CALL pho AND SPCURE BARGAINS. - G. HODDER Michael's Block, Simcoe street, wa October 26, 1871. 1<® DR. CARSON'S King St. West, MEDICINES. OSHAWA, The Greatest Public Benefit of the Age! OPPOSITE SouNzsa1aL, HOTEL. Noted for their 60cts. Tea. ND FOR WHICH, NOTICE THE A Testimonials, (a few 3¢ thom enclosed ln ander S {P.8.~Horse and Wagon always on hand to deliver Goods at a finute's J : Oshawa, Sept. 6th, 1872. NOTE LOST! QLIELALE Surren $25 REWARD! $35 CHECK on the ONTARIO Bank will be given to any person whe will prove by Fous Competent and Im- partial Judges HOITT NOTICE TO DEBTORS. LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO W. did not exhibit the Best Photographs at or to the lste firm of sitlidh Hh £ ASIA: So SEY Saquiiadn wie the last Oshawa Fair. Now is your CO AREWELL & MCGEE. time. 4 Oshawa, August 3rd, 1871. 1748. JAS. E. HOITT. Nore.--Justice is whet is wanted. sad notblag more. by Horr. WANTED. 48 TO DRAW LUMBER FROM js iz Podosk to Bowmsnvile and Obaws, Oct. 39. 7%. I IMMENSE STOCK --OF NEW-- Fall and Winter Goods! W. F. COWAN AS MUCH PLEASURE IN REPORTING THE AR ARETY AL OF ERE Jprosent 4 Lh the pockets of his customers. Comprised chester, Bradford, Glasgow and London, Compeed of purchase fro the Offer Fresh, ound and Attractive i at hich ut meet he of Particular attention is invited prices wi m Abyroval prudent buyers. by NE SE Se Ag And a Great Variety of Rich Goods, suitable for Second Mournings, at Low Rates. LADIES' WINTER JACKETS. As usual, » full supply of the latest novelties has us from Evans, of London. The Fur Trimmed Beavers are just (he arice recuirad Tor Winter oar, Som! and , at tich lower than demanded for very Jacket being dissimilar in Trimming. ever? lady Ay ry Bs Taste, and confine the style to hh SHAWLS. In all the Fashionable St; of n leading Styles + Siam asin Sad, Snjes, Square and Loup. 4k pricts FRENCH KID GLOVES. Or Fotis Sigves, hich take the first in England, have been before customers a Rave To De the rss Jhgos In. Bay Cyehpedy "Although. the nr 1 anced, 1 is our intention io costiaue them at One" Dollar por pair, as before. A case of them is J ue, and daily RIBBONS. 'Wo{advias the teselst uf the very Wide Sem Ribbons. In Black and Colors. These Goods are vey them are invited to call before the assortment \s broken. ~ STAPLE GOODS. BLANKETS. English and Canadian, ordered from the Mills in July, before the advance in Wool. FLANNELS. Splendid All wool Checked and Plain. at 3 cents 8 yard. the heavier goods in the Customers 7 plrchases and mind that they STAPLE COTTONS. White and Grey Cottons, Tickings, Deni: Plinkay ic. Sia a4: peices Yo sustain the reputation of the house for HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Plain and 8S Wool Reps for C and M Table T n triped Wool Reps for Curining. a, oreens, Linens, Towelings, CARPETS. od Ea nus xn.oanta par yard. Crassiol's Best ditto st Ous Dollar. miei vty MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. a ponoral livery. We calF New Double-Breasted Oxford Coat. New Stylish Pea Jackets.' Punctuality, Dispatch, Style and Pit Characterise this Branch as Usual OSHAWA, 3, 1871. 26-41. 1281 'Nig 39q0P() 'YAVHSQ 'poop Ai snurp pue LITTIID HY 'M '8pood moys 03 o[qnon oN 'ALTO "MB 'H OMS GUIIIYXY PuUv [Ed 0) [OM OP [[IM SIOSEBYD «ind Suipuojuy 'yseo Joy deeyo pos oq [a 'sue 9[qe10A] J80W OY) UO 34Snoq seq Suravy "QUA 'SoIuA [ems pue 'SuIe) 'spreag 'suonng . "89 $1 op pref uono) Np Lavef] "81 gL WoJj SI POWWLLY, 'CF I$ WOJ SOPUR]Y SIP] 'spremdn 'sp (1 woy sfeourp\ poop) 'Surpof) -10pu() SSP 'MON IPH 'Suoqqry Jo }0038 Jing ® 'soounoly (Puesy 'sug dool 'seaopn) pue Liosol 'spuuvyy Louwy puv oY "WHOS 'op Leap 'suop0) woo] 'Bung 'sex JOVI 'spooy) ssea(] Sursuadwoo '$19018 90oung pue Jury] Jeuio)) * [Teg 419q3 Surareoei ore Fin CASH FOR WHEAT, BARLEY, PEAS! RYE AND OATS! J, W. FOWKE, 1s in town yet, also a splendid assortment of NEW FALL GOODS! At unusually low prices and in great variety. FLANNELS, ~NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW HATS AND CAPS, NEW PRINTS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, NEW LUSTRES, NEW COATINGS, Clothing Made to Order on Short Notice / GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. JW. FOWKE. DIVIDEND NO. 26. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT iran Friday, the 1st day of December Met. FETE partiouiars enquire a6 MI. \ 4 3 OAMPEELL Brvnaviie dare ot a We show the largest stock in the country, invite comparison and defy competition. | HAOLS X¥EAE OL QEHOVLLV HE CINOHS D. FISHER. Cashier. Or evans vile, 215: Oct., 147. HA AVS s.av1adad - FALL, 187i COMPLETE! EVERYTHING STAPLE&FANCY DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, &0., A M. CHISHOLM'S ! . GIBBS' BLOCK. OMEAWA, Sepember 19, wr

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