Ontario Reformer, 15 Sep 1871, p. 3

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WERTISEMENT.) +. +»TORONTO Anne, | I eS a mand pee ove 187, NEW FALL COODS. BTL i Ws 'ALT:AN LINE. J UST "OPENED iT Se Ce I oe --AT THE . ', - GREAT RUSH fails » itu rs ih tomate way ah ena dia wo oa # aT ® femEd Em® ffi TEMPLE OF FASHION] a ee y SRE we 100 TH at : o : 2h ' : : boo a "he aon : on al vememon od : : > R 'S ! 3 si ERVICE RS - V \V IN es x mere gh a Be Mrertisements. : LARGE SUPPLES | / BEAUTIFUL STYLES / H E N ; X ; { 1871. SUMMER S . 18%) © O ; A N hs | bi ement, Wins he applion. :] i 5 0 0 wily 0 Bis onse a necessity, : y | Under Contract with the Canadian Goverment. for carry ing the Canadian and U. 8. Mails. | WHY? 1 the ® inclination, to apply 0 LOAN ON GOOD FARM SECU: : : oL, LONDONDER 10 elf You Trang L. ENGLISIL VERY CHEAP! | BECAUSE THEY SELL THE BEST LIVERPO BY:| | C1 really thought [a ¢ Se | elect School. ' A Most Comprehensive Stock of Staple Dry Goods, Hoste) agin Giyds Bui Irv Shesmsutipts have not the ability nor he RS. BRYCE Has MUCH PLEA. | ion sot (outing, Caspian, on, Capt" . ns, Capt. Ballan finer' ii Which I conveyed NDAY NEXT. tith ihet., ih Hyland's Block. | Curtains, Towduns v Soules} Gloves, &e., &e. Prussian, $000 tons. Licat. Dutton, Peruvian, 2,600 tons, Lieut. » while the prices are Much Lower { Cadiadian-niade Goods. --axp-- ' | STEAM WEEKLY TO Birect from London per last Steamer. rv 4s that Which the law ™y Apply 10 . | 3 , 2 - ton Tm pa. L Stwe. | AND ¢LASGOW, Sl Tat a il 3 Silk 3 ; of the Russell Watel: | > . it -- HIS COMPANY'S LINES ARE One C of Ladi Black j § ¥ i eh by E : Ss | x composed bf the undernoted Full Powered, ase es pe pr ackets ! xl to state the fact i - rm lank J : fi OF THE VERY FATEST STYLES! and ad appa the dco SHEE Flannels, Blankets, Winceys, Dress Goods. Linens, Damasks; Carpidtings, Soins Cort Bet Jig : ter to- Mr, "Taylor, i Terms §3 per . TN. x Ausirian, $508 tons, Captain J. : ll by fin Th ak] Tan, mw | | S UGARS, : Sie Sra Ten Cina Ladion wil find these Goods th | im iy the Marke, 0 he } Je arn of. the | - RS. RI LEY | J u S T TO O H A N = 1 . Fahd yO a Sith, R. > R. Germatiy, 3,20 4 N V6 3 'S ol ruth ang | M A £ A 'ons, Captain ralam. a niter you have { '+ Forming a weekly line between Live! 1, Lon- 3 : oid you have any i 8 Sow PREPARED TO DO ALL | Two Cases of Beautiful MANTLES, made ex ress] for our Fall Trade, R A I S I N S LO C} : M; \ N ET hg - AL30--- ~ : o me, you will de in of Dressmaking. Particular attention ! I 4 > Night Ex from Moutreal, : fide pking K "bikdren's Kut Suits. Carmichners | in Silks, Velvets, Staitied and Satin Cloths, Velveteens, together . . peas ood Yours, &., - I re Nam Strut, Duh RELLY with an 'assortment of very Elegant Waterproof Suits. i A150, THE ONE CASE OF FRENCH KID Gibvesi A.W. RUSSEL, C U R R A N on 2 ' European, 3616 tons, Ca in Bou Shette, Hiber .--"""1 GHANGERY SALE Rh | Eo hh a ¢ mavidaris shown] A - me 7 ms, Capt. Troc omni. BE ce i 'MILLINERY. MILLINERY. | 'SINGER EEE AINT | mci rts Sy nited States Marshal got drunk, | \ Booey Homeste ad, | £4 (9) A P, . > st. Andrew, 1432 aon teltle, ner, was himself arrested by the ? : cit Suopens wick 13 Capt. fs » CE a Township of Cartwright. "i filthy turin, (i i od Bom mimmiiind | ' YATRNS™ | PRICES AS USUAL, ONE DOLLAR PER PAIR! ul cars and was over b "selection of F Goods, Rib 84 Forming aweekly ine between Glasgow, Quebec CO i coc day. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER sie action Cour' Funcy Goud, | fuhons, Jowere; Feathers, Trimm, T O B A C C O S ; and Montreal. k ) : 1 he Court of Chancery in tH. suit of Emporium: for 'all who desire Stylish Goods. y : " a . "TvRors Has ADVAN coven = sa Western story of a man whe! HOOEY vee FERGUSON, | { Oshawa to Liverpool and Londonderry, FY - EUROPE 'HAS ADVANCED CONSIDERABLY. 5 ERS ER Said Putas ecan Fig so Hizsse ag, hams, FLOUR, - |OSBORNE, Eis tenis) oma, wn wn ian. ng tired'o f Keepingliim determined | - ' J rds BORE AE © Ti Uo | 7 A ed eoying Sih oreni OLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, SEPTEMBER 14, 1971. S. TREWIN. SpE "Cabin, 471; Inter | T WAVE THIS DAY SOLD OUT ULL INTEREST IN MY BUSINESS IN | od. + Set him down)" he With the Svofobation it Jonx ALEX ANDER | wo e Oshaw '0 Methrs. It GILLETT, who will Sher Oi AHS Sum ud bo Yehott 41 outatand: | BOYD, Jule ordinary of em . ro a Tickets, ik ig for six months, s- fiig actounts mt Nene ; ite hima load of corn to keep : A HOMAS C RITE ae Aucti : | The patrons of the Temple of Fashion (who are legion) will be pleased to at reduced rates. T, at ea ie Jen Thomas Brodie's Hotel, | BAGS! I BAGS! ! ! BAGS! 111 Sh nd, to a Canada. i agin." Dhive wn In the Town of Bowmanville, _ | A L 0 C K S T | I C HI as Beda He SR) ovens steam. The subscribers have this day eutered into partnership a4 Dry Goods Merchanis, ander the na E 7 | CROCKER Y | Trunk Railway Wharf, South Guebec, passen- and style of H. & W. GILLETT, and are now recefving their On Tuesday, the 10th day | | ' | ors there hy avoiding the usual charges of" cart- | | Pl | 3 3: i? : y ° d hapdli f bag; « shaiefil. it is that. you_shosld I} of October, 1871, | . Beni var oe SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK ot said [a-dnll preacher to a At the hour of Ohe o'clock in the i 1 | | ! HIRAM GILLETT. } id European -Passenger Certificates Ate ' = a at Reduced Rates 10 es. wishi Port ope, March 28, 1571. 4 ESA oS ring ont out their friends from Eng! rad; Ire! a . he afternoon, the | Western ppints ; and the facilities afforded to 3 # Fh J + | ience, Y.ahile, tht poor idigh Joliowing xalusbie Real Estate in twolparcels, | = A L A Rr G E i (o] T 7 | GLASSWARE, &C., passa HEE sur- Z which In price and variety will compare favorably with any in the country. i attentive." I would havet | oe iced No. 1. being composed of the Ndrth half | For through passage Hokets and every informa: , . is 3 num ven, and the West half of Lot 3 sud the fool, -*"if I had y number Twelve, in the First Fmt of the --Q F-- | tion, apply to NEW LIGHT PRINTS, SPLENDID VALUE AND : : RAYMOND; v Ofte 1 SATE Ae, Ai, Monten. Post Office, Oshawa. = ; 1 NEW LIGHT BRILLIANTS, Good and Cheap. a -- i : ha" Barn. & large | VERY CHEAP ot es | BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. or on the. tet the ie] mo Cepia 'Cheapest in Town. { se wher. Shrough this parcel. : -- HOSIERY AND GLOVES: Fille, a a the wife of Jobs | Parcel No. 2, being the East half of Lot number | et : ) A Cotton and Linen Bo Cash paid for all kinds of PARASOLS, SMALL WARESS: a WANZER! @3 ai ines Mayas to Miss r a to py the r} hit ae th ow : Farme rs' Prod uce. v Lf LP EN GREY AND WHITE COTTON, &e.. J Temave crops I Tow on premises w iin one | i Ny i ic-residence of the bride, Mr, inonth after the : ' | to Miss M Deboys, both of adhe bo le Two and it TQ N « ' - y ary ys, 2 al Wiliams. ie farsi : JUST R ECE IVED ur- chaserrto pay bwn at the Ente of sile el tenth Selicitor, dir'parchase they fo the Vendors | . -- Af .} Philip Taylor Corner King and 1 Siangge Sticets, Oshawa. within 'one F outh thereafter, | pospauy; wysoedsn] uy er daze ap, near Colum | sufficient R. said one-tenth to make up the one- ERI oF Pa Roney Tout ere, | : 'King St. West, OR, IN EACT, | JS BEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND | yyw NHY W. GILLETT, 5 WALTER B GILLETT ee | Erma bememento iE | Of hn - Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilver| Satis inf | e: dE 3 res SERRE SE STEELE BROTHERS, OSHAWA, NR toy a ace td : ; he = = THE LARGEST 8T06CK OF P Ww. T. AT K I N SO N : ; allie os Will he other conditions. rer and { : 1 | OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. . Ee \ a cst BECEIVED » SURRY Toutorthntente = I ANT ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS a we alin BLAKE Ky HOSKIN, Food Nonars: 1 ¢ P.8.--Horse and Wagon always on | i | fle is the sole agent for Russell's Celebrated i okra cds Aeon elnino : eri IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, . AY 1 and 3 TON (nd Memes. , CHARLTON'S WELL-KNOWN hand to deliver Goods at a minute's | a Ir Dero. pon Treat Ch ' Saathe A Action, and JAMES FLUKE, Esquire, | ® warning. and every thing iy his line made to order, Just ived direct f the man 'A gr 2 - b of -d . It will pay to examine his Stock before purchas- 3. a pov. | . : | a | Cher ian ai er Hower ot th ont onde rs Dated 30h day of August, 1871 mat. No. i, WHITE WI NE | Oshawa, Sept. 6th, 1872. 22.41. 2) BW I N G PHILIP TAYLOR, ; JAMES H GERRIE, _ : FL | | SER gaae Watchmaker & Jeweller, Family Prug Sharh, Witt: HIGGINS > mer Sr OAT. | wn dp r the el = Li harm. - i : Sr vn MEDICAL HALL. Piown Ava Hh 0. ie BEE : : i t re : s font ables of AN an ' ; | on-- (Signed) re | - Commercial, eh ig i UL AER E 4 A To AS- | SPRING STYLES (A WORD TO THE WISE Berri Bark | Aig nen es | 6G R 0 C k RY Eck Vinecaiis! TH ee 0 Dein, MACHINE ra profusion at the 18. SUFFICIENT. ak hin %: us | | a is! | | OSHAWA. "| Dominion Outfitting CS PRRSIGNED BES LEAVE LD | A GREAT VARIETY 4 MRE | : } | : | Fos a STOR Ee v . x [JUST ARRIVED own BOWILANVILLE nm : So uth OFiawal / --OPe- A Fresh Assortment Uf Latest Styles in Hats and. Capa. - 1 urbe . s1sanNe 055 English and French Perfamery | MADE | Latest Styles in Neckties & Collass. i 0m | . : COAL OlL LA] MPS, DEAN'S TRUG STORE, . 3 4 : - 100K 0UT FOR * Latest Styles in White & Col'd Shirts. ok a Fo i HAWA. pe | io JUST TO HAND, 5 ey : | re ee : : ; A LARGE STOCK OF Be dost Photographs ! he : 1 ow} Burners, Chimneys, Globes, Wicks, Soi JUST ARRIVED Men's Under-Clothing! NY ar phy a 2 ITY MARKETS. ; : " hn LERY, : : el.) EB OME] Choice Selection of Ci DYE STUFFS! | VERY cRrse | Be, st he Lowest Remunerating Pacon.| BROOKLIN, = a : I A Compete stack of Leave Your Orders With Seprdfiber y 2 pring, do : wis 12S Of Pure Qualily, at > Bits tly attended to, and a bushel A d attractive stock of ARANTEE re BE oe THE BEST CoAL OIL! sro DEAN'S DRUG STORE| : ag 4 } ERE : HARRY TAIT i SH NEW TEAS, | | psHAWA. G. 8 CLIMIEI Men' & (ys'Ready-made Femtuine, Vor snd. } Pitts" | of S015 1 A $8" ' 1.Q 11 4 ! ™ IPE G wie 4 ; w! sou : prs a osmiws wamKETS, EW SUGARS CHEAP AS USUAL, JUST ARRIV ED! : CLOTHING. of the Rubofdsh Glee, | | mii lnio -------- 2 september § N SUGARS, Magnificent Assortment of + - yy SE as i : sos] ; HE ein A ne ie UMBRELLAS, : so SIMGOT' STREET; OSHAWA 6x | For Salel 100 19 I» + NEW COFFEES, i CARPE BAUS 1.0%. Nu. o AND. QATAR AN 3 : D. TRIPP. Ga EE STEELE BROTHERS, ™ aim oo : 8aTOHBLS. = Vi dng | jem om NEW COCOAS Be TR CR ip CRICKET and Apel 14, 1874. Le jou oof - 1 && CELEBRATED FOR GOOD TEA. #4 PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS LACROSSE BELTS; = 4 ng Sait -| Money to. bend CAREFULLY PREPARED 0% : post 2 i , . CHEAP at HODDER'S. : | ep rre---- ----------------e------ | gf Df. Desi [Stole 1a Hindes £3 One door North of McLean's {heap Grocery Ia An Now PREPARED 50 i ae "NEW RAISINS, INMAN LINE|pR. CARBONS a - " a OBOE StS | HE April 20, 1871. y a 2 3 think that HOITT is the best Pho- OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, hades. JOAN EYANT AcquanSuLD WHE fines MEDICINES. VALUABLE PROPERTY fr ALE : : ert the Gouaty of Ontario vate | LW0SS Possible . . are Is; ow leh Ar Every thin g New! : The Greatest Pubtie BOAERL of the Aue | HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR| TO LET. ANON -- SIRI pede pas ---- ND FOR WHICH; NOTICE THE tp en Ade plage oon. P give Horrr acall,dnd jadge for yourselves NE valimeitl NEW : petty i Ee 5 I 8 Bo RN amatmet, aad tn a Seats of Ther ump Shop of d itso wad miside in giving Horrr the a PRICES THE LOWEST. <. x ie RARE Bey who testify to oo JL : WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHE, . fiFst Prize on Phictegraphs and Paintings des arious Com Prince Albert; now : - nt worked by the su Possession ESS MAK | NG York 0 eenston and gai Le od - i you take a Machine and Bt SOT ines or Te Nove sing ind sy . : | U Lung Syrup, a good Pumpmaker. - ESTABLISHMENT ] > iv all"; | pein / re ound, Cita, Jute Bill. - | | are not satisfied with if, you| Bowmanville; May 2, 1571. 5 SHLVER. wily. A Eh nts Haws ue Or i 4 Vad, OSH AW Al 1 | a ; Work oct, APPRENTICE WANTED |can change it: for any ater ca ct GONDENSED Pictures in ther Crayon, Sepia, India' BALTIMORE. Pain Reliever, | ATMOSPHERIC BATH ! 14K, Off or Water Colors. Horr has're- © . +o LET, ISS ROOME, EES | Cat I ct oui | (OWOACTIVEABSRROTIBLE Kab | ind | This in wnidvantage| "Cl, | Si SI epee rE , or THE EST lnm SocTm Ostiawa, Sept. 8, 1871. A y Naw Yous. . Cry or is : oe ro Re Ee AR tlce] edie rue preicrred. Go Gout wages | that cannot be offered 'by any For THE CURE OF ALL KINDS OF and having secured the services of a first + Cry or WABHINGTOS: given. Apply to MITCHELL; Diséases; both acute and chronic. Prof, class nasistant from the ity, be will 'srw BREW = 10 nf the inhable i : ENLARG AND IMPROVED! w. street; East End. St gn to th le of Oshawa | * able send out first-class awa rounding couttry on Thursdays and Saturdays! ED After 6 o'clact ay OV other 'Agent in the County. - | Sane ae thot bis oom as | + Vo abis tascnd out Stskclbs leturts, 1d wed a New Store oh ; adam mie 4, North River. -- ud Bath is now in successful pperation in Oshawa, as promptly as any other I . . 1340 : og pljer, NG STREET EasTh ; F R 1' ' T y S "OF PASSA More Reading Matter! New Type] | Owhews Jur 6 151 i Resid er tr Aloo | The reason that the good, better asd Gest ( 1 Cabin. th dd gy ii 2 RT STRAYED IN THE ETAND 3 4 a en $2 curries. FOR SALE. P . | Verhan Wentan world. As a cure for diseases, it call,' is because it is supposed they wilt M THE PREMISES OF MICH. 0 d by Mr. J. J. Hal ho a KINDS Landon, * - - Oh, ® The London Daity Advertiser BERKSHIRE PIGS, TWO I El IMS EASY. | mast, mauestionably holds place se far hOTS | come withput gin tov Ratios, ee aly fet , Sout Sgeupis y OF ALL a ? | Tickets can be bought here at moderate rates larged and i ved, and is now J Di J \ 1 to_animal life is above all othér clements class work can be got at HOPTT'S, over | head i T > ishing to send for thelr fiends or a Ee uy ad Imiprgved and | Ph month old ADB tL on fA 0, De pt ems years FRESH AND GOOD A Dy Pere information app! pany 2 h as Scarlet Fever, Typhoid Fever, . Wood's Store, one Bight of stairs: Gy: London Dail, Adverther Ib yy > 3 sue os Bilious wp M \KING i, MA NTLE-MAKIN S 2 Agent, ©. W: SMITH; Dsumawa. oe it, row of rome Near Maxville's Totel, East Whitby. ne Fever, Acute Inflammation of the Lings and | 07. ] ven, Te ives s complete. i ves i welds, Drsentery, with alla ber gems af dnt A large assortment of Picture Frames and the making of 1 ' DEP | July mo ciate columns of everythi lal nd come i Machines sold off 'Monthl ong sig wb eo wl (Beg od 2 ot HOITT'S Galleiy. NS CLOTHING, &C4 3 JONES FR uit : 4 lt intelligence." with, coplous. aye NOTICE TO DEBTORS. | A Y family are attacked with any feute discase Oshawa, A] ne WL Mt Int come to the Bath and save the s: Pras, 4 xith Re Iomiing questions of to t and save the suffering of a long i ; ~ tracted illness. The cure is » nd IN THE : : Bast tide of Sidicoe St. a few doors DOMINION BANK. |: Sem pro nes we is sare a ¢ Subcos nt : a NS INDEBTED 0 WwW' Instalnrent System!' go above stated, which others. can testify, who st Styles & Fashion cel Chronte Discascs wih the ve U fr of > \ : . He AGHA: re The Disa ih been thiorc orouh} sestol in i Poars, Apples Lomons, and i 08 ea a long e nce in the ¥ he pa At rp M(GEE. chitis, Liver Cony d a long exper Hien ein hv J all £3 Fruits in the Season. h " 'atarrh, N : gs Ba . tha Oshawa, August 3rd, 1871. Rat. HIRE Teron bys ] eatin curs ed to her will be exee Z 3 boasts the t 4 irst- Ofass t oé 1 iuited yer Xi pa RX : Peaches for presercing, by the box or half-box. of & ined We T : Fi "ride k Stitch gui mptios i i Harty Ty amd Middle 8 " : n : So Binks pom WANTED: Machines Furnished [iis rine o's sor: | The highest price in cash for all| T8, TLL, opendd an, agency for | 0 70 DRAW LUMBER FROM | ~ 4 regia ui LO STL kinds of Choice Fruits. buidlng a for ud Ta se in Podonk to Bowmanrille ir Front $20 Up. . estern . ¥ 3 . Fai THIN TWO MILES of OSHA Jee Cream Parlor, and Soda Water, in Vo ter prints coals OM. ; R opts hout a B hie ave ; Tee Cold, from the Fountain, J. BM a Sous wboliibe, & CO. Bowmanville, Mey 19,1571 se | August 17, 1871. ~FO-t1'- rt, 36. : = Oslinwa, Aug. st, 1871. 21.4 Hn carey on the business of

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