Ontario Reformer, 18 Aug 1871, p. 4

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. DIVIDE Al AND CONQUER." In the depth of "this mid-summer lull the Premier of Ontario bursts upon the Counties of the Province with the above well-worn maxim upon his banner. Na has he failed' in undertaking. this move- ment to consult that cunning which na ture appears to have given him instead of wisdom, A more favorable time tha this conld not have been chosen for mani pulnting the offices at his disposal and for creating mew ones. Leading public men are away junketting, the reading public care net-to be distiirbed by political dis- cussions, having a sort of vague confidence "that it will be ** time enough in the Fall," and editors worn out and disheartened by being kept close prisoners when' other Pople are holidaying, loll at their desks and sleep the sleep of the lazy. Such is the hour which Sandfield selects for Di- viding Registry Districts ; shifting - his automatoms, agitating for additional Min- isters, and taking such other steps as shall enable him to meet fthe storm which is supe to'burst upon him | whe' the House meets. So far his plots, though skilfully laid, do not appear to be likely to yield him any practical benefit. His Pp ment in West Middlesex does not appear 'to have given satisfaction to any section 4 I'HOUSANDS ohve been changed by use of the Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of Iron) from weak, sickly' suffering creatures, to trong, healthy, and happy men and wo- mon, and invalids cannot reasonably hesi- ate to give it a trial. For Dyspepsia and bilivy 16 is a sp ecific. = Harrivess. --True in our pinion, consists of the following named happiness, ticles ;--A nice little wife sitting on your nee, her trusting smile filling your mind with happy thoughts, a neat little room tidily furnished, and a bottle of *' Canadi- an Pain Destroyer" in the cupboard raédy for instant use. Nothing better for sudden colds, sprains, biirns, and all kinds of aches and pains. Price 20 cents per bottle. Sold by all medicine dealers! j ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18,1871, EVERY DESCRIPTION ALL the year round, " Sheridan's Cav- alry Condition Powders" should be given | "to horses that are "kept up." To horses | | and cattle that graze in summer they should | only be given in winter and spring. Officers and soldiers who served in. the ar- my, physicians, surgeons,and eminent men and women every, where join in recommend. ing "Johnson's'Anodyne Liniment " to be the best internal and external family me- dicine ever invented. That's our experi- ence. Poor Horses. --There are. thousands of poor horses dragging out a miserable ex- of the pl The hardshall ist , suffering from a variety of diseases, Conservatives are disgusted with the ap- paintment of a renegade Reformer, whom they regard as an interloper, while the people of the County generally are wroth to think thst he should go to London for his nominee while there are so many wil. ling and competent hands left empty in the County. His appointn t in Grey is of a similar character, and will satisfy the people of that constituency thatthe alleged purchase of Lauder's support was no mere Clear Grit favle. But, 'apart from these considerations, it is certain that these ap- pointments of a possibly moribund Goy- ernment are ill-advised if not uneonstitu- tianal and illegal. The objections so logi- cally urged by the Galt Reporfer against the proposed increase of Cabinet Ministers at the present juncture apply with greater force to these appointments to offices made to order for the occasion. But such con- siderations as these do not weigh with our Premier. He has been the unfaithful speward, and now that he is about to be called to 'by his masters, the peo- ole, he gathers about him his greedy re- tainers and tells them to make haste and take whatever plunder they can get while «itis in his power to give it, in the hope that if the worst comes to the worst' he will at least hate made friends amongst 'these. A scrupulous man . would not do this ; but he does not profess to be scrupu- lous, and t, th , be by-such a standard. that he should go and verify the "worst charges of -his opponents. The more dor | porate his position becomes, the more clearly shall we see his true character. and | that alone will be worth something to the | country. --Evelph Mercury. Ee -- i -- "FINISHED AND FOLDED wr. red ** There, that is finished and folded up, and I am heartily glad," said Bertha, a | she took off her little silver thimble 'and | * laid on the table a pretty blue/ muslin dress, on which she had been busy for sev- eral days. "Is it well-done, too?" asked practical Aunt Mable. "" Pretty well done for me, auntie; mother says Eimprove in _dress-making." " That is encouraging. Now, Bertha, do you know that something else of yours | is also finished and folded up this even- ing " in What else can it be, Aunt Mable? | Fak their This onl; f is the ly piece of work I Cy about this week, unless it is that tidy do not expect to see the end of that these six weeks", #*8till you have finished and folded up something far more important than your tidy or your dress even. Something that will not be unfolded again for ages, per- haps ; and yet you wi!l surely see it again | with every line and fold. Your day's record is done, and gone from your keep- ing. You may remodel the dress if it does not please you, but you cannot change one jot or tittle of the day's record." Aunt Mabel had the fashion of drop- ping these seed-thoughts, which often grew into strong, vigorous plants in .young hearts. '" What 'haf the record been!" asked Bertha of her own heart, as she thought- full laid away the blue'muslin.. As little by little she tried to go over the hours, there was much she would gladly have changed if she could. "J wish Ihad spoken pleasantly to Nsd, when he wished me to help with his flag. It would only have taken me a min- ute or two ; and he was first sad and then vexed with my crossness. It is too bad I left mother to do all her baking alone, and did not eved prepare the. cherries for her, «in my haste to finish my dress." A sight of a little Bible, whose clasp had been closed all day, suggested still more reproachful thoughts, "No wonder I have such a poor day's record; when I began it in tos, much haste or a prayer, or reading a verse even.' The day's work did not look so satisfactory | ¥ from this stand-point, and she sighed as she thought it Was all folded up. = It is well for us ell to review the swift- footed days, and to strive to have folded up in every one some deed of love and kindness, and greaf watchfulness against sin, joined with constant piayer for God's ) ord, So shall we be able at last to meet the record without fear and confusion of face. --Child's World. ME two or three months ago, a a child of Me, Brydon, of Huron county, re- ceived a slight bite. from a. dog. The wound being very slight it caused no un- easiness in the minds of _the parents at | gj the time, particularly as it was not sup- posed the dog was mad. The wound heal- ed ap and the circmmstance was forgotten. After some, time the child manifested symptoms of illness ; but, as.it is often the case, in country places, medical - sistance was not i y obtained. -- alarming In the meantime the child "had bitten {three others. When were called in the disease It is as well perhaps | bee oon | | | | | rendering them almost worthless, that would be restored to's healthy and sound condition, and a value given to them of which their owners never dreamed, would they but use the means within their reach. From one to three packages of ' Darley's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy ™ will in all cases produce a satis- | factory result: hundreds have testified to! the fact. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co., is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, Now. castle, Ontario, proprietors for Canada. | SAd by all medicine dealers. | Heavrs 1s StrENeTH.--To prevent or conquer disease is one of the grandest at-| tainments ever aimed at by man ; and Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers will as sure cure coughs, colds, tickling in the throat and pulmonary complaints, as war and pestil- | ence will destroy. Severe colds if not at- tended. to sooner or later lead to incurable | consumption, and the strength of the} strongest soon fails if neglected. The readiest and best means known for the) cure of these complaints is *" Bryan's Pul- | monic Wafers," which have been thorough- | ly tried for the last twenty years, and haye | | never been known to fail. Singers and | public speakers will also derive great bene fit from the use of them, Sold by al| medicinesealers, at 25 cts. per box. | | ERETOFORE PARTIES TROU BL- | H ed with Drs pel Liver C bie § 0 Sud 4 living b reach their | i ut Ol Lyn, now regent. ms Jolie a prephration particular) y BA Toth > above complaints. Its merits are amply proven b; from those wha Gave been benefitted by its use. It is called t * Eureka.' Give the advertisernent, which is To! be bound 'in apothey column, a & perusal. v C anadian Pain Déviiover | SA FAMILY MEDICINE, IT IS S5n ll sud Bry Juiably known, relieving ud of Side, Buck and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore | Throa t, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps "n the Stomach, Cholera Morbus. Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, Frost Bates h gle may d Sovereign ns a Padus | moommended.s its wonderful effoots in Nervous Adections. entitles I to TE im The Hat of OF Retmotties. Rid hw W. T. Atkinson and Dr, Deans} ele | Whitby by J. H. Gerrfeand J. Bye in Broom by John Ww arren, 'Parley's Arabian oil. FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. | ' NEVER--FAILING REMEDY. -- | THIS valuable preparation combines all ee Sewotdk 0 Boateat. the Teh. pr ig efficient vd for the cure of Flesh Wounds, 8 8, Galls of kinds, Cracked Heels, Rin Bruises, tula, Sweeney, External of si Bone, Spavin, Callous, Fis- . olaous, Scratchts or Qorn Sand Ciuc Foundered Feet, Horn Dis' eo Hs und man' ther diseases which horses man; ears, _. many Jeu tested, and is conceded cheapest and most reliable remedy for all exter- nal complaints ever offered to the public--it when 8 Mn used a faithfully ap and Country Mer minion. Price 25 cents never f: To be had chants had of al) the bottle. PN np Lyman, Newcastle, Ontario, Pro- op a sale T,. Atkinson and Dr. Deans Oshawa; in hitb 3h H. -Getre and J. Byrne in i Brooklya hyd youn The Great Female Remedy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS unfailing in the cure of all those painful and diseases to which to wi the consti- tution is subject. It moderates all excess and re- sculiarly sued. io will in a short time, a the monthly period with regularity. These Pills should not be taken Sakon by Females during the FIRST THREES] of Preg- sure to Miscarriage, ve ge, omni hp] Jt? time J ihe are yh In all Cases of Nervous and Full directions in the pam around each package, which should be De preserved. JOB MOSES, NEW YOKK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. PW vo 00 and 18 cents for postage, enclosed to Newcastle, Ont., ts Coy AA MR will insure 'a en Ea over 50 pills, +! return Ll PR ke rao mith thy 31H n Brooklin by John eg J. ed A Lecture to Youus Men. Jus rp PUBLISHED IN A Price six cents. odin ORNAMENTAL CLOTHING, PRINTING Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. & EXECUTED IN A STYLE | { SECOND TO | | { | | | | | | ( DOMIN 10K, BeEror MERES: PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. wNEW FRERSES. G Medical Hall. -- DR. DEANS HAVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co. ' would inform the public that he has just received a full assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, TOILET ARTICLES, &%., . WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug Store. Remember the stand, nearly opposite Hindes' Hotel. Oshawa, April 13th, 1871, 1th. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. | 1871. 1871. Store fo Let, Possession Given in Forty Days, if Required. J. CARMICHAEL WILL SELL THE WHOLE OF HIS STOCK OF Dry Good,s Boots and 'Shoes! a® AT COST PRICE AND UNDER. LJ "= The whole must be sold without reserve within the next few weeks, 1 make room for his successor in ess. NOW IS THE TIME! While this Sale lasts, to buy your Spring and Summer Goods, in TROWSERINGS TWEEDS, Dress Goods? { HATS, CAPS, COATINGS, OF EVERY VARIETY. JGS, PRINTS, LUSTRES, FRENCH MERINOES, Gloves, Hose, Tapestry, Kidderminster and Fomdt Delaines, Hollands, Tickings, Sheetings, Towelings, &e. Hemp Carpets, 14f. G OSHAWA, APRIL M4, wn. GO TO HENRY'S at %1 10 FORTHE (C BEST TEA, E E R AND : R FLOUR, SMOKED HAM and BACON; CHOICE SEED POTATOES-- Early Rose, Gooderich and Peach Blows. Also, Crockery, Glassware, &c. Opposite the Commercial Hotel, King Street West, Oshawa. Oshawa, April 27, 1871. J. W. FOWKE, Is in town yet, also a splendid assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS At unusually low prices and in great variety. | | | | 5 '4 NEW COTTONS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW HATS AND CAPS, NEW PRINTS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, NEW LUSTRES, NEW COATINGS, NEW FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. The highest price paid forJWheat, Oats, 'Barley, Peas, &o. J. W. FOWKE, 2 One Farm of 70 scr, 3 mils East of Oshawa; 60 dees, 1 mile North of Harmony ; 108 acres, in Snowdon ; 126 acres, in Letterworth; and some wa, which would be exchanged for other property. Alss 3.quaatiiy o ir Oshawa, April 13, 1971. AUCTIO NE Commission Business. If B. Stock's Celebrated Jawa Machine ©0il u, your Lubsi- ae ol ve have do not want anything gir, F. W. GLEN, Pres. 1 will Sook Shae off a Co. | she Dominion. and ) NE Sb A Hixonaox, Foreman Joseph Hell Works, 1 find Stock' Oil to be the best oil I ha in my Fouring Mil for Poses CLIMAX DOUBLE CYLINDER THRESHING MACHINE, Sieh he bead Mickle over ce Outario, also ace 15% LITTLE GIANT THRESHER AND |' THE BUC COMBINED, THE OHIO COMBINED WOOD'S SELF-RAKE, . THE CAUGA CHIEF JUNIOR MO FAR PARILL. PARIS Gf IvAToRS, Gi SANE FLOWS, agent JOHN McDONALD'S TOMB STONES | ©! AND MARBLE, MADE AT NEW- CASTLE. - Lan Wane ARERR Ee oF PU Patronage so a BISHOP. & Co. No. 77, Front St, Auctiones Sand Commission Agent, As, Harmar. THE JOSErH HALL MACHINE WOKKS OSHAWA, ONTARIO. ESTABLISHED 1851 The Joseph Hall Manufacturing Company, PROPRIETORS. WE | DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION. TO OUR NUMBER ONE AND TWO BUCKEYE COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER, 'With Johnson's Self Rake, Improved for 1871. We believe this Machine, as we now build it, to be the most perfect Rea and M | yet offered to the public of Canada, pe Wer Yer $ \ Among its many advantages we call attention to the following :-- hy It has no Gears on the Driving Wheels, Enabling it to pass over marshy or sandy ground without Clogging v up tl:e gearing thereby renderin it less liable to breakage. It is furnished with Four Knives, Two for Mowing and Two for Reaping, one of which has a sickle edge for. cutting ripe, clean grain, the other a smooth edge for outing ain in Which there ia grass or seed elgver, ; It has the malleable guards both on the Mower Bar and Reaper Table, with best cast stee Ledger Plates. It is also furnished with our New Patent Tilting Table for Picking up Lodged Grain. his Js the only really valuable Tilting Tebleolfeved on any combined Reaper fand Mower. The Table can be very easily raised or lowered by the Driver in his Seat / without stopping his Team. ; 8 This is one of the most important improvginents effected in any Machine during the past two years. 3 ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL | Can be made to act as Rakes at the option of the , by a Levér readily operated by his foot. | The Cutting apparatus is in front of the Machine, therefore whether Reaping or Mowing, the | entire work of the Machine is under the eye of the Driver while guiding his team. This Table is | "v0 constructedas to | Gather the Grain into a Bundle before it aves the Table, and deposit it -in a more compact form than any other Reel Rake. This Table is attached to the Machine both in front and rear of the Driving Wheel, which en- ables it to pass over rough ground with much greater ease and less injury to the Table. The Grain Wheel Axis is on a line with the axle of the Drive Wheel, which enables it to turn the corners readily. Thi Ra re driven by DeaFing iusted of Chane, aud: therefire have : a steady uniform motion, | Making them much less liable to breakage on uneven ground, and more regular in removing the | grain. The Gearing is very simple, strong and The Boxes are all lined with i fh Pig i BABBIT METAL. The Parts are all numbered, so that the REPAIRS can be ordered by | telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the mumber of Ho part wail} There is no side Draught in either reaping or mowing, and the Machine 5 so patos balanced that there is no pressure on the homes' necks either when reaping or mowing. All our malleable castings, where they are subject to much strai, have béen Twice annealed, thereby rendering thom both tough aad shrong. OUR JOHNSON RAKE | Is so constructed as to raise the cam so far above the Grain Table that the Grain 'does not interfere with 'the machinery: of the Rakes or 'Reels. We make the above machines in two sizes: Ne 0. One, large size, for Farmers who havc a forge amount to reap. No. Two, medium size, Sor Farmers having more use Jora Mower than a reaper. With the cxooption of. ilifepes ia was; thioss Machiiite ame siui{ar in every seapect. Op No. 2 Machine supplied a want hereto fore unfilled, vis ;:--A medium between the Jun. Mower and large combined Machine, both in size and price. We shall distribute our sample machines, in March among our Agents, that intending purchasers may Have an early PP ity of their merits. And we guarantee that all machines shipped this season shall be equal in quality and finish to the samples exhibited by our Agents. We invite the public to withhold giving their orders until they have had sn opportunity of inspectingour Machines, as we believe they are unsurpassed by any other Machines ever yet offered on this continent. ; 'We also offer among our other Machines : Jonson's Self-Raking Reaper,improved forl871, with two knives, smooth and sickle edge, and malleable guards Woop's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. | | BuckEeYE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson' s Self=Rake. | ies | BuckEYE Reaper No. 2, with Johnson's Self-Rake. | Onio Combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. | CAYUGA CHIEF, Jr., Mower. 5 Buckeye Mower No. 1. BuckeYE Mower No. 2. BaLL's Ohio Mower No.1. Ohio, ir, 'Mower. Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. i Farmer's Favorite Grain (Drill. Champioy Hay 'Tedder 3 5 AND OUR CELEBRATED ¥ HALL THRESHER & SEPARATOR Greatly improved for 1871, with either Pitt's, Pelton, Planet, Woodbury, or Hall's 8 or 10 Hors oy 'We shall also offer for the Fall trade a ~ . NEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HULLER, Very much superior to any other heretofore introduced. A mew and complete il § d Catalogue of all our Machines is being published, 54 wile Seady Sat aaly Seats an! AppHieant, Alki iachine are sarvantol to give sutiguctiomyand Purihisers will have an op- erie) Jeied Ha uth owing 8 RYN 9" Suv el tupeind ta Anally cincluds the purchase. AAPask. Harmoney, April 10th, 1671. GIES, Uw, Oy rwaLen, The Cheapest Weeki IN CANADA THE man Lex 'WEEKLY TIMES Contains an Immense Amount of * Good Family Reading of an Indes kind, and is one of the Best and Mi Reliable Newspapers in Western Canada, § | ' . Ir In addition to carefully written e i itical and social events AT EEKLY Tugs. Subscription ~ - $1.00 a Year, PAYABLE IN € IN ADVANCE. wi aL mttaer remitting the Cash in Advance © "TERMS: Six Copies for One Year : o Thus allowing & copy FREE to the gener ip df REE CE Pro yo Tatler 'bo RT Ta C. E. STEWART &0o.; Hamilton, May, 1871. Proprietors "EUREKA". 'uedwo)) J0AYT V4

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