Ontario Reformer, 18 Aug 1871, p. 3

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t of July 134 Ye £9 to any man whe EARL Russell Dux IN¢ the Year which divorces were T! ns rivals Chi A amax Ds F ugh th x suport, igh the columng of.a bi. Phage old, nannat in : thirteen years een, Ethan Allen nes course of tracted for in the town of ¥< The Oshorn 8 Sewing st first-class riachine ! 3 arket Hence its 5 s decided that the Briti we to be armed 'with of the same nt.sergent's rifle. ry rifle, has been von, behalf of va. Conference, withf aeT, as solicitor. Woenious writer h tr device to make the PR Lin the elections. HW ¥ man who abstaing fro ed H06f. ! FIOTIATIONS between Fl v-have resulted in an " Art of the latter powe fie (rerman tr OPS from id of the year: « vr Dominion Rifle As v agreed to hold theirfsg, * ec Bedford range, ey th of Séptember: BL pr council 'of 'the mn on Wedp 1s calli Friday | last fond otings." "prophets p : between, the ignaly ete meeting. ip bow (ree Foams old, who r of three months,' gaves . latter's good conduct: +E ry tears because he dofun't¢ r, And he can't cry 3 AS 3 unity hy making 8 bo nd it is feud the fere with them tate presenind by has an aredf abo village o Shwe Hohenhan and Kddetoisy b nisteen smaller villages; 8 "habitants, with -_ of 15.000. w it appears that the engineered eld waassleep at the time of 8 1, in a dir seventysive feet fem te room, with his feet cocked of » of wbwrrel | He ow capricious 818 s of flkare--to' kill so" * many i sople, vhen that lasy in reath. omg pe an a A hen has the 3 mndred eggs, no more, ishes the job in just abot New what is to bi done wil prising the Come that] r = spring chicken," © whose father dealt in poultry. Nps ought to Keep- out of the A husband who did not, writes' ie conserquerves.: *' I found faulé = ago. with Jaria Ann's custard tried to tellher how my mother stard pie. Maria made the pie receipt. It lasted longer than pie we der had. Maria set if everyday for dinner, and you " Cut off hr head snd i " 5! hig A el Id not gt it because. I forgot $0 , = put i any eggs or shortening: onomgeal, but in a fit of generos- > > it. fom the pantry and give it gr ttk boy in the neighborhood. + fumeral was largely attended by r playmates. I did not go my 4 - exrvL Bacactry of A Doo--The story, strange as it may appear, Lfor by several witnesses whose is Mainipeaghable; A short 2 female Newfoundland dog was it of coming to the house of & t, which the dog would ating satisfied its hunger, go So eonfinued: did this habit that, at a certain hour daily, the 1 expect the dog, and the animal tin an appearance. A few days re feeding her, the lady said to hy -don't you bring me one of pies I" repeating the question nes ad she stood at the window, 7 'Inoking her in the face with an intelligence, as if it under- ry word the lady said. -- The next lady's. great astonishment, ot heur the dog returned; and; lo. !'! was accompanied by a little Ihe lady fed both dogs and then : puppy into thé window, whem C anpeted Af and did not ys. i At the end of thas in ap peared, when; after lady said --'" Next time your puppies; I want to see fxd "yesterday morning, sere © ic dog returned, accompanied by foundland pups. Several of the sdw the whole transactions, and 12t they considered this one of! mderful proof of the sagacity they have ever known. Where me from, and to whom it belongs but we hive the name of also of those who were eye- » the occurrences as narrated rtland Press. ,- the wi; PIED. va, on the 16th inst., Mr. John aged 76. , on Tuesday, the 15th i min Faitbanks, Esq., aged . rm-- 2. HOLLIDAY, "ONT., A FOR routo, & purely, or Queen's and i ¥ : § j& i fl Past Whithy, Auzut id, 1574 Commercial, ToRexte MARKETS, | i August I7, Wheat, ®bushel,.. | Lanes Barley, . do vrais 08 on do .. 0 0% do 0 LL) ey X 1200 1% 07 LE&) 15 0 MONTREAL M ARKETS. Wheat, Fal, Phushel,.............. Oats, ¥ 32 Ra... alee Barley, V8 he, Peas, ¥ bushel, .... Butter, ¥ 0, Sewmasviie MARKETS. August 17. L085 050 se 060 wn 03 4.00 © wi 4 50 ~ 015 [Wewt, .......... S, Fall, ¥ bushel... , Spring, UZTAWA AGE¥oT) 1871 YMMER SERVICE. 1871. UnderContnet with the Canad for arrying the Canadian Ee Simment SEAM WEEKLY TO a, Ee CLASGOW. oF I orinys LINES AR 3d Clyde Built Iron Steamships : 3.400 J toni tons fils Ty Jovian 3 0 tons, Capt, Ballan: N 3,000 tons, Lieut. Dutton, % Rr 2,700 tons, Captain J e between Live Subs Montreal, lear ng Que- NAS, ¢ on, arrival of e :ss from Montreal 816 ¢O. THE be: eve Nigh aS s 2434 tong aptain Bouchette. Hiber- n RS. Watts. Nova t prt, L73gPt. thian, 2,400 Capt. T Ottawa, 1331 ¢, Captain Mec Knnzle. Bt. David, 1 gst. Archer, R. N. R. St. Andrew, p C aptain Ritchie. Ne. St. 'ons, Captain apt. Ste L207 tons, C. p.J ag Capt. P Sweden, orming & week rr i line™ Kensie, g ~~ and Mee RATES op to Liverpool ui ASSAGE. to to Glasgow, Fi rs Steerage 2€ Return 1% sued at cor kets, Kuropean 'passen- ages of cart. cave her on arrvaliof the rea, Tol and d the facilities aftorded - NE cannot be sur- Passage tickets and every informa estern points by ta; LLAN LI or through othelline afloat. tion, apply to Orto H.&A. ALLAN, L SMITH, Agen Post Otlice, SN ubama, iy Tr -- ee epee IN CHAN CERY, Re COSGROVE URSUANT TO AN AN ORDER OF THE 'Court of Chancery made in this matter, TENDERS will be received by Messrs. FAREWELL & McGEE, OSHAWA On and up to Friday, the 16th Day of + September, 1871, At noon, from | Jsrsous des Sesiroys of offering to I da Torth-Went rier of ery N of he's ihe Township or! : a red a es One-half eld cleared and in a state of ast 5 exception oF about for fencl is excellent, and the land well- watered a good Orchard of about 30 a the premises, all of which new bear tions of sale are the ree ni ing variations : ou notification of Sto for ev ery t pits $100 of his purchase mone; such purchase, and the the remainder of money in' six equal annual instal cent., to be mises, with nents, with interest yearly at 8 per secured by Morgue bar of Dower an Power of rg Pre P of Mrs. "5 a McDermot, late Mrs, ven on the 15th day uf Be erty to the purchaser to do &s soon as the present crop is re- 'endors will or any tend tender be obliged to accept ue Seen application = Je well the Court at hitb; 20th July, 1871, > FAREWELL & McGEE, Vendors' Solicitors. GEO. H. DARTNELL iw, NOTICE TO DEBTORS, LL PERSONS IN INDEBTED TO w. D. MICHAEL, Esq, or to the late firm of vyelAEL & MORGAN, rez r Payment without delay 10 the FAREW ELL & McGEE. Oshawa, August 3rd, 1571. 1741, "NOTICE. Im HEREBY FORBID ANY. PERSON ok ey order from tne, a3 afier or Se GSEPIE DREW mw OOL, LONDONDERRY, of the undernoted Full: Powered, Ming, A 250 tons, C: api. Glasgow, Quebec od to 83, donderry, First Uon. Steerage to to accommoda- + 830, includ! EE Rassenser "Jiares ty aL crtificates ae to any part FEE oa, Treland or Agents, Montreal, Soren fer, and 10 of Oshaw tree there is a sccond growth of pine, ple Seals Court of Chancery, with the follow- The purchasers shall pay down, of the acceptance of Tender, a de- heir Solicitors, and shall 1 with y days thereafter pay um sufficie said deposit, to nh phot fri of od ty will be sold free from the Dower Ellen Cos- Bo ow ei EE REE Ed aut alk re BB Je ge ' ha amet a --~ Tp ~~. . 2 gua y .a Rehan » Lr re Bes LOCKMAN SINGER, |LOCK STITCH! RAYMOND, OR, IN EACH » ANY SEWING MADE, eo If you fake a Machid and dre not satisfied withit, you can change it for my other kind. This is aradvantage that cannot be ofred by any other Agent in tie County. TERMS EASY. . Machines sold on , Monthly Instalment 'System. First-Class Lock Stitch Machines Furnished From $20 Up. 19-¢f August 17, 1871. OSBORNE, WANZER! MACHINE Leave Your Orders With Faris, G. S CLIMIE! REFORMER OFFICE! +" CREAT COMMOTION IN om OSHAWA AHEAD OF THE PROVINCE! IMMENSE STOCKS! --AND-- EVERYBODY SELLING OFF | STEELE BROTHERS Are following up their practic of giving castomers all the Sdvagtage of vigorous traffic, and have just added ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF REFINED SUGARS TO ACCOMPANY THEIR SELF . SEALING FRUIT JARS! Now so generally used, and havea ftesh supply of / 100 BOXES OF THOSE ATAZINGLY FINE LAYER RAISINS THE TOWN FOR CHEAPNESS { TOGETER WITH NEW TEAS, NEW 'OFFEES, NEW GROCERES GENERALLY, A . THE MARVEL OF ND HEAVY STOCI OF PROVISIONS! ] All being soldt the lowest living rates. "Now Is the Tim for Families to Furnish I FOR HANG DETERMINED ON CLEARIN: THE SHELVES Before their annuabock-taking, the whole assortment of China, Crocery and Fancy Wares Is offere 3% Sor the Ensuing Month, At Bpedingly Low Prices! OSHAWA, JULY 1871 15tf, am SU RTE Sn CC TT | DORR o INDMA A Nos I N E| APPRENTICE WANTED ASHIPS, F MAIL ST, . A 9 WO ACTIVE RESPECTABLE LADS wanted, from 14 to 18 yerrs of age, one as an apprentice, and one to assist a Cabinent Maker. Those used tc the trade preferred. wages given. Apply to W. MITCHELL, Brock street, East Enc. After 6 o'clock any evenirg. Oshawa, Jaly 6, 1871. FOR SALE. IGHT BERKSHIRE PIGS, TWO month old. Apply to y JOHN GOULD, Near Maxville siHotel, East Whitby, 1141. VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale his property on Wililam street, consist- ing of a block of four houses and over an acre of land. It is high, well drained, and In a state of good cultivation, Also, that fine y In Prince Albert, now Li piverpool = " 5, 2 Sp Bailiff, ty "4 HUGH CARMICHAEL 0, occupied by Mr. 9, ht here at moderate rates W 4 Tickets pe schd for their friends. For 0. haw, June 28nd. vi 1140 Dy persons ation apply. to the Company's en Agent, C. W. SMITH, Osuawa. " 153m MPICAL HALL Us ARRIVED, A CHOICE AS- J ghcnt of P Drugs 'and Chemicals! Adr. Deans Drug Store, 13-tf AMTWERP. RICHMONT BALTIMORE. MONTREA BROOKLY Pats. | y JUBLIN, RU C TTY oF HaLIFAZx. | New Yo City oF DURHAM. Cry or Songon WASHINGTON. Bailing on Fodays and Saturdays | Frowt North River, BrisToL. LIMERICK. ad OF PASSAGE. Ci y Stee: To ivervoat ese 20 currency. CONDENSED ATMOS BATH ! The Greatest Suvention of the Age. JR THE CURE OF ALL KINDS OF Diseases, both acute .and chromic. Prof. Stone would announce to the people o of Oshawa and the country: at large that ensed Air th is now in successful operation in Oshawa, and he is ready to treat all iseases gu the pit - Sinise o of Ld or a condensed Atmosphere, He has and disetpiined it to become one of the A pe sanitary agents of NOTA BENE. © C---- | WALTER WIGG & SON, Cabinet Makers, Undertakers, &e. AVING GREATLY ENLARGED OUR W. AREROOMS, AND LIKEWISE added considerable NEW STOCK thereto, a cordial invitation is extended to all to come d see them. Great inducements held out to those purchasing at arf stablishmeny SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. A SPLENDID NEW HERSE FOR HIRE. Coffins kept constantly on hand or made to order. A choice lot of Carriages and Perambulators just received Cheap for Cash. Last, but not Least, is Paling's Patent Balanco Wind Blind Lifter; tho best thifig of sho kind In use, at th Lite, Wo THE NEW DOMINION FURNITURE WAREROOM KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. June lat, 1871, Good! Better! Best! OOD JUDGES or PICTURES think that HOITT is the best Pho- tographer in the County of Ontario; better Judges are quite confident he is; the best Judges aro sure he fs. Ye doubting ones give Horrr a call,and judge for yourselves if a mistake was made in giving HITT the Jirgt prize on Photographs and Paintings at the County and Toymship Fairs, the past two years. Notwithstanding adver tisements to the contrary, Horrr 1s the Philip Taylor EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST Stock of Watehes, Clocks, Jewellery, Silver Plated, and Fancy Goods. only Artist n this County that Paishes Pictures in ther Crayon, 'Septa, India Ink, Oil or Water Colors. Horrr bas re-;. fitted and refurnished his Gallery in a mannercreditablé jo progressive Oshawa, and having secured the services of a first- class assistant from the city, he will now be able to send out first-class pictures, and as promptly as any other Phofographer. The reason that the good, better and best Judges were not invited to give Horrr a call, is because it is supposed they will coms without an Invitation, as only first. class work can be got at HOITT'S, over Wood's Store, up one flight of stairs, fle wher the sole agent for Russell's Cel lebrated Lazarus & Morris' Per S oy will pay to examine his Stock hefore purchay ing elseware. All Goods and Jobs warranted, and cheaper than any other House. PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker & Jeweller, Simcoe Street, Oshawa, Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. tf. NEW YORK HOUSE A large assortment of Pi¢ture Frames at HOITT'S Gallery. Oshawa, April 29, 1871. / Money to Lend --AT REDUCED RATES. SE 4 'HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS RES- pectfully to inform .the citizens of | Ff AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND Oshawa and surrounding country, that he . any amount of mouey, on the security of Good has leased for a term vl Jeute the premises arm or Productive Town Property, at the heretofore vecupied by J. P. WOOD, and | J orast Possible Rates of Interest, known as the in sums and mar ner ia suit be Trowers. Principal NEW YORK HOUSE [mari roey inimical ie sam, Investments made in Dabentures, Mortages, SITUATED ON THE CORNER OF SIMCOE AND MILL STREETS, SOUTH OSHAWA Where he intends to keep const hand a General Assortment of FIRST CLASS | GROCERIES! Provisions ! And trusts by strict attention to business to | merit a share of Public Patronage. SOL For further particulars apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &ec. Whith§. 141. Office-- McMillan's Block, Brock St., April, th, 1871 The Tad tha of Ay Age or Co y. NEW DISCOVERY OF ME- LA DICINE, are composed of PURELY VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, being free from mercury or other poi- sons; they can be taken at times and under all cirpumstances, without regard to diet or Busines They act on the Liver and Digestive Organs, giving them tone and healthy action. They are a genuine Blood and Sto- mach Purifier, arc mild, searching and Thorough Pur , and are pro- od al! who have used them fo Sines fax nily pill, and wetl tly on ®TIId "TVNOLLVN HHL A¥L TRY THE NATIONAL PILLS, a THEY ARE SUGAR COATED. =a Sold by, all druggists and medicine ealers WOODRU FF, BENTLEY & CO., Proprietors, Broughaw, Ont. D® BOYER'S . CALVANIC FLUID, Bat Brand CIGARS yAlueys on Universally acknowledged to be one of, , the most powerful Liniments for the curs o Tob Cold Soda Water From one of Matthews' Celebrated Fountains! Imported from New York last season, will be on draft as soon as the weather gets 2#" hot! EDWARD HIGGINS. Oshawa, April 14, 1871. < CIA DINVATIVD SAdA06 Ud RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, And for all cases where an external ap plication is required, an extensive use of it has proved that it has ne equal for the complaints enumerated. ES old by all Druggists and Msdicine] Dealers. WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & CO., Proprietors, DR. BOYERS GALVANIC FLUID, 1-42 the age, and perhaps of the world. As a cure must unquestionably hold a place as ipcanss, it all other curative and sanitary agents as its re- lation to "animal life is above all other elements or prodedbey known to science. Acute diseases, a as Scarlet Fever, phoid Fever, Biliouy Fever, Acute Inflamm: mn of Lungs and Bowels, Dysentery, with all other forms of Acute Diseases, can be cured in their early stages in a Yer¥ few hours wit , 80 if you or your family are attacked with any come Yo the Bath and save the useing of a fa long protracted illness. The cure is » as above Hated, 'which' others ats whe have tried it. OSHAWA. UST ARRIVED A Fresh Assortment of and Fras noch Perfumery! DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, OSHAWA "JUST ARRIVED! A Cemplete Stock of DYE STUFFS! Of Pure Qualiiy, at AT DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE. |, He OSHAWA. JUST ARRIVED A Magnificent Assortment of Toilet Soaps, Brushes & Fancy Articles AT DR. DEANS DRUG G STORE, OSHAWA. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY PREPARED AT DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, OSHAWA. Store is 0) Hew, (4 J exh & DE Ca old stan July 14, 1371 FOUND. Oi THE EVENING OF _.WEDNES- Os out chitis, Liver Complaint, Dyspe Catarrh, Nervous A. rections, gl om Headache, Paralysi ess, Ne Diabetes, Dropsy, Diseases the Lungs, Con Con- prion i arly a and Middle HR never pump Eas t ny niade a failure le a Ry eat ad in relation Ae dpe and cure by letter will be honestly and promptly answered. 0. STONE. Oshawa June 15, 1871. . WANTED. EAMS TO DRAW LUMBER FROM Ni, my Mills in Podonk to Bowmanville and For further particulars enquire at Mill. A. B. CAMPBELL. Bowmanville, May 10, 1871. suf Notice to Debtors. LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE late firm of TAYLOR & NEALE. are here- that payments must be made forth- ith the ¥ unde: w © FAREWELL & McGEE. Oshawa, April 20, 1571, tr FOR SALE! THE RESIDENCE or JOSEPH ASH, South Oshawa; with or without the ad oining land. Terms reasonable. Posséasion im- mediately, te Hindes Hu day last, 9th inst. Othe main road bet awa and STRAYED M THE PREMISES OF MIC a brown Mare, 3 years old ih halter oh Tis head, with' bit attached. neo st en ea that will lead to her recovery, will be suitably rewarded. Address > MICHAEL CURTAIN, FIRST CLASH COTTAGE AND|% ALE cm boundary SRE a W. H. BURK, On the premises. Octaws, Angust 1%, 197, Oshawa, Aug. fe, LB 7 success, : 2 iron | Latest Styles in Hats and Caps. Brougham, On SPRING STYLES |: ips ENLARGED AND IMPROVED! [n great profusion at the Dominion Outfitting STORE. The London Daily Advertiser has been enlarged and improved, and is now printed on a fount of new and beautiful i7pe. The ndon Daily Advertiser 1s one of the livest, freshest; and most enterprising papers in Canada. It gives u complete epitome in its news columns of everything American, European, and 1 Canadian, with copious local and commercial ! intelligence. In its editorial columns it discusses | with ability and b More Reading Matter! New Type! Latgst Styles in Neckties & Collars | Latest Style in White & Cold Shirts. I rma pee pe Sg iestioll of adian paper i is more quoted by its conte: wp raries. its Bright, vivaclous, and re: able, ns are coagerly pursued in thonsands of househo Ids. Terms s, by mail, $4 per annum ; $2 for six mouths ; §1 for 3 3 months, THE WEEXLY ADVERTISER boasts the largest circulation in Ontario, outside of the Toronto Press, It is one of the best and most carefully edited Weeklies for the family in Canada. $1 per annwmn, in &dvance ; specimen copies free. Our Daily and Weekly editions will be found splendid medi for advertising, as they go into almost every wide-awake store and dwelling in Western Ontario. Rates ag low a3 other pepers | in proportion to circulation? Address Communications, JOIN CAMERON & CO, ApverTisen Orrice, LoXDox, OxT col A LARGE STOCK on Men's Under-Clothing! VERY CHEAP. A large wd Men' & 0ys' Ready-made attractive stock of | UMBRELLAS, CARPET-BAGS, SATCHELS. | 1 Front Street, Ochaws, lately. occupied as Shoemaker and Barber Elgpe. 'ering reason- CRICKET and able. Apply to JOT WILSON LACROSSE BELTS, ie CHEAP at HODDER'S. *. G HODDER, £3" One door North of McLean's Cheap Grooery Store, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. April 20, 1871. TO LET. | « The Pump S lop. WITH HORSE-POWER & LAT | At present, worked by the subscriber. Posscssion by On'y business of the TO LET. « July 27,1871 MRS. 8. NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL 'Kinds of Dressmaking. Perticular attention fide Making Children's Suite. Carmichael's Williams Street, Oshawa. TUT ONLY SLunCing A -- es is BOF PNLY ; id eo Lacie es ------ - : SFA f EN oh th Meats i CTRFEG ALL BeEsTicN AT ONCE. A 4 yond P| . SILVER Ein) In avalon of Gascin--rare ig] r ples ey) Bowmanville, May 25, 171. POOR COPY | SILVER AND GREEXBACIS BOUGHT AND | | | FYWO SMALL STORES, SITUATED |. in| JUST OPENED AT Direct from London per last Steamer. One Case of Ladies' Blade Silk Jackel! OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES] Ladies will find these Goods the Most tin the Market, while the prices are Much Lower than Canadian-made Goo ONE CASE OF FRENCH KID GLOVES] Of the Celebrated Foussie Brand, which the Subgriber bas yearly imported for the past 15 years and never fails in giving sati PRICES AS USUAL, ONE DOLLAR PER PAIR ALTHOUGH ON AOCOUNT OF THE WAR THE PRICE 'IN . EUROPE HAS ADVANCED CONSIDERABLY. : b-tf OSHAWA, May 11, 1871 I HAVE THIS DAY SOLD OUT Ald INTEREST IN MY BUSINESS IN IN Subaws, Mera gl kW. + GILLETT, who will carry oa the same, and to whom all outstand. ing accounts must be 5. Port Hope, March 28, 1871, HRay 4 f-------- 2 ; ™ : The subscribers have this day entered thto partnership hs Dry Goods Merchants, under the name and style of FL. & W. GILLETT, and are now receiving their SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK which in price and variety will compare favorably with any in the country. NEW LIGHT PRINTS, SPLEN DID VALUE. NEW LIGHT BRILLIANTS, Good aid Cheap. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. PARASOLS, SMALL WARESS, GREY' AND*WHITE COTTONS, &e. 'porting eonliapion M8 Trouble to Show Goods. PRODUCE. TAKEN in Exchange FOR GOODS. Corner King and Simcoe Streets, Oshawa. HENRY W. GILLETT. WALTER B. GILLETT. Oshawa, May 4, 1871 7 "- ne Ys wuedy reseuep 'aol 0 'ff wedmoy 2130 Lue 3) Muomeonpuy Riv po "YSIIQ¥Ie0 Quo J08 FY. 10U AP 9M Arg gto 4S uj puv 'eMuYSQ Uj pT INTOV JATINVHEAYM ATI SANINOVN "SANIDEZATD OL INledsia "Jug 'oyuciey 'NPoLY snes Wien § WK uo YI0M JO 10 pavMmIO] 0) i RY 10UTEO oa YOM 'IYO TV 03 orona SUNS oq) moqe Suen oxg Jo Lp ye Auvwm { sdowre pue sIoHel 'sioyewssotq 'stounnm 'so yureq oad uYSARVat aaa 4 "00 TIM FXIMOVI WAMLO AXY LYEL ONIHIAXY 80 'preag 'Und s TA ih 'Jaylen 'Iu 'pug 'pa0Q "ony 'j1e4 'way a 3 J wo | IVI fond, ROH bg Aue 01 [onde 'parueumvuto 1199 Tha Rug pue Ljnveq uo "ENQ LOO9V XINO--IANYVIN ZHI NI ENTHOVI AdTNIS § 180K ; ANdWIS ' PRICE, $28! 1.868 "40194 LLOVdWOS: aNV 4 ¢ 'EFFICIENT AND DURABLE!| | SulnjoejNUt IN YS] pre osn Anmeg Jo04 SOUTIORYY SULASE TATE-S00T Jo oTHENE. ~ AAU N- SHWNYYV H H THE LARGEST STOCK OF ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, . at the lowest poasible price. | JAMES H GERRIE, Family rug store; Whithy Whithy, April 13, 1571. Hm, A WORD TO THE WISE I8 SUFFICIENT, Dominion Bank. WHITBY AGENCY. OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT dd ZRII rape In trahsachan of of ER United fod" Suton and " Ladies nd Children's 5 J. H. McCLELLAN, S Brook St., Whitby, April 13th, 1871. HE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE to announce to his numerous - ers and the Phe generally, that he las on hand a assortment of Gents'; | RILBY |r. [ Fan SA SiST 6703 11-601 10 OTIEN | || , April as, 1071. BO E TS Good Photographs! 70 BE XADE af Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY BROOK LIN BY RE ae ; HARRY TAIT, Ee ea aa polis Rero office, 1 I Ape 71 97. For Saiel Loan 6 AND 7, CONTAI fourths of an gore, on Simove: Batth of M, Mattie west gy Oubaws, Ap 3, 3 29 SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA.-ex D. TRIPP. 1-4 Sin ried dict frm te plnckae. A gest vacoty of patrne, and selling Ta ar a

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