Ontario Reformer, 14 Jul 1871, p. 4

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A UNITED REFORM PARTY." This wasoneof the pr prominent sentiments | did Reform Demonstration at Brantford | on Tuesday, and it expresses a living fact | "to-day. The Reform party of Ontario is | again thoroughly united from one the Province to the other. There may be | hHareand there some who formerly were | found in the Reform | ranks andggehd yet cling to Sandfeld, but their mumber is more than counterbalanced by those Con servatives, who, believing in party gov- ernment, and having no miidence in San- field, will go with the Reform party in or- der to defeat the Coalition and restore parties to.dheir normabstate. Thmeughout the whole Province there isa unanimity of feeling among Reformers that is most gratifying. Active preparations are alrea- being made in-many constituences for -the mons, and-judging from the spirit that is manifested and the feeling of the country, the Reform party will sweep the country; Messrs. Mackenzie and Blake of the party. , rejoice at this state of allairs. It that the country is sound ; that while cor- ruption is rampant in high places the vlee: toral body are uncorrupted and uncorupti- ble: * rejoice to learn that the Liberal party are likely to gain largely in the Provinceof Quebec. New Brunswick, "unless bribed as was Nova Scotia, {will go 'the' and the votes from Nova Scotia will, if we judge correctly the feeling there, add nothing to "the strengthof the Govermmggnt. Another gratifying feature is thdt the Reform Catholics are returning to the ranks of the party, convinced that now the vexed ques" approaching elections for the Com- command We shows the entire confidence also, dead against Government, tions that _separated it from them in the past are all settled. , They should not long er keep-aloof from that party which, both in this and the old country, has abolished class legislation forever. The prospect for the Reform party was never brighter, if Reformers are only [trué¢ to themselves and their principles, as we have no doubt they will be when the day, of trial comes, jeions Government will be and "the present pe swept out of tence. -- Iugersoll Chiron- - + iele. ie i -- Stage Carpenters-- Actors who saw the air and bore the audience. Is it a sign of industry for one to work himself into a passion ! Tie crops in Nova Scotia are every- where reported as in a flourishing conditon. Orrgwa, by the govérniment census, has 22,000 inabitants. It has nearly doubled since 1861. o Ax Irishman sent to the Wisconsin Stdte prison was asked what trade he pre- - Yerred to learn ! He said if it was_ all the same to them, he preferred to be a sailor. "Mg. A, I understand you sidid 1 sold .- you a"barrel of cider that had water in it." | " No, no!" was the "1 only said you sold me a barrel of water with a little re ply, cider in it!" storm, and wave succeeding hard- " ness to the shell that ircloses the pearl, so add force As storm following wave, gives additional do the storms and waves of life to the character of man.' A max in Michigan swapped his horse for a wife. © An old bachelogacquaintance said that he'd bet there was something would wrong with the horse, or its owner never have fooled it away in tht manner. Ax Irishman once riding to market with a sack of potatoes before him, discovered that the horse was getting tired, wheerenp- Zon he dismounted, put the potatoes on his shoulder, and again mounted, saying it was better that he should carry the pratier, as he was fresher than the poor baste." Ax affected © rocking chair reading the ed, Mother, in the Bible spectacles, young "lady, sed ed ina Bille) exclaim Her mother, luwering her and approaching the reader in scrutinizing attitude, said: * Kil kt is the very thing that has and book marks," a very it, kill iy been eating thie leaves Austria party great in- Tue refusal of th to adopt the policy of the German "in the Reichsrath has: produced digpation in the German Provinces of the and already threats themselves heard. Emperor! of of secession Empire are makmy Several Prussian papers publish an address from the Germans of Bohemia, appealing to the German Government tu intervene in their favor, Tue Westeng Fair is to be held at Lo- don on Tuesday. Wedensday; Thursd: ay, and Friday, 26th, 27th, 28th and 20ihSept. next. The large amount vf $8,000 will | be offered inr premiums for stock, farm products, implements, manufactures, fine arts, ladies, work, &e., &ec. ship subscription of one dollar or upwards, The thember- per annum, should be paid by the 16 Sep- tember. Tue Cape Ann, Massachusetts, Grancte Company has just moved from block of stone one hundred and its bed a twenty- two feet long, forty-five feet wide, and thirty feet thick. hundred and _ sixty thousand cubic (feet, and would more gan cover about two city lots, standing about three stories in height. It took seven kegs of powder to start this It contains over one "immense block, Axpy Jomxsox, in a recent 'speech at Nashville, on being asked what disposition he would make of convict labor, said: ""In- stead of sending criminals to the peniten tiary, where they become competitors' with honest 'mechanics, I would divide all offences into two classes, The first 1 would hang. The second 1 would deprive of the power of propagiting their species. Thus in a few wenturies man would. be- come the image « iis maker, SINGULAR ACCIDENT. ~The accident re. sulting in the death of Hon. C. L. Val landigham, of Ohio, was a most singular one. Engaged in a trial for murder, he was endeavoring to prove to his associate -- council that his theory of the deceased isan having 'shot himself --conld not be possibly correct. To demonstrate the force of this view he took' up one of two pistols which were lying on' the table of the room where they wore discussing the matter. This happ "unfortunately, to be a loaded pistol, and when Mr. Vallandig- | hai wis removing it from his pocket it went off, lodging the contents in his intes- tines almost in the same place where the , deceased had beén shot. He ied shartly | 85th ; displayed in large characters at the splen- | "is i cease. end of | Samikr Boek, an eccentric character, { died recently in Conneaut, Ohio, in the /year. More than 60 years ago he Ited by a young woman, which so af- | fected him that he retired from society { amd lived alene until the day of his de- In public he donned man's habili- ments ; but under his own roof he wore feminine attire, declared he was Mrs. Buck, and always spoke of himself and | desired tu be spoken of as a woman. "Tux bill for the abolition of university tests in England has at last become a law. *' The.universities have now," "for the first time, become truly nationol--all lay students, of what. ever religious creed, being on equal terms, though the prizes held ont to men willing to take holy orders are still far too numer- ous, andthe great mischief to the univer- It has been a long and tedious struggle, and the Church would have ed a very different position by this time in the nation if she had accepted this just and sound measure twenty years :0oner." The old custom virtually excluded from the universities those who could not con scientiously subscribe to the. Thirty-nine Aiticles of the Established Church. Way wine You Surrer. The "Canadian Pain Destroyer" instantly and permanent: ly removes all pain from the system, and Spectator, sities, is deeidedly the best medicine known for the care of rheumatism, pleurisy, neural- gia, ticdouloureux, toothache, cholic, burns, frost bites, &e., and is so cheap that all can afford to Sold by all Medicine. Dealers. Is your throat sore, or are you annoyed by a constant cough! If so, use promptly "Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers. They relieve the air passages of plilegm or mucous, and allay inflamation, and no safer remedy can be had for coughs, colds, or any complaint of the throat and lungs, and if taken in time their efficacy will soon be proved. Sold by all Druggists and country dealers, Price 25 cents per box. Way will people keep four or five: ill- looking sickly horses to do the work that. one good horse might perform! If the horse has the heaves, is broken winded, has a cough vr cold, or his wind in any way affected; if his appetite is bad, or his diges- tive organs deranged, has a rough skin or is hide bound, we would in all cases recom- mend the use of 'Darley's Condition Poy- ders and Arabian Heave Remedy' --it név- er fails'to benefit and almost always re- moves the disease; it is from anything that and may be used at all times buy it. can injure; 'with safet$ fied. Remember.the signature of Hurd & Co., Try it and you will be satis- name, and see that is on each pack- Newcastle, Sold by age. Ont. Northorp & Lyman, proprietors fer Canada. all Medicine dealers. ed with Dyspepsiaor Liver Complaint have been unable to find a medicine to reach their ases i but'H E. ROWE, of Lyn, is now present- the public a' preparation particularly d for the above complaints, Its merits are an a proven by testimohials from those who yave been benefitted by its use. It is called the | " Eureka.' Give the advertisement, which is to be bound 'in another column, a perusal. Canadian Pain Destroyer AS A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT IS well and favorably know n, relieving thous- ands from pain in the Nide; Back and Head, Throat, the Coughs, Colds, Sore Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in Stomach, Cholera Morbus. Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burus, Secalds, Fiost Bites, de. The CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER has now been before the public for a length of time, and w whe Te ver used is well liked, never failing in a > instance to give permanent relief when y used: and we have never known a single © of dissatisfaction, where the directions have been ntope rly followed, but on the contrary all are delighted with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effect, We speak from experience in the matter, hav- ing tested it tlioroughly ; and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it is recommended, may depend upon it being a Sovereign Rel medy. The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer in curing the diseases for which it is recommended, and its wonderful effects in sub- duing the térturous pains of Rheumatism, and in relieving Ne¥vous Affections, entitle it to high here is asgrampuatical error | keep it ; 1 | rank in the list of Remedies, Orders are coming, | in from Medicine Dealers, in all parts of the | country, for furthe r suppiies, and each testifying as to the universal satisfaction it gives. The Cana Pain Destroyer never fails to relief. AH Medicine Dealers ans order and use it; and no faraily will be without it after trying it. Price, only Twenty-five Cents per bottle, For sale by W. T, Atkinson and Dr. Deans Oshawa ; in. Whitby by J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne in Bro Iy n by John' Warren, Parley's Arabian Oil. FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. NEVER--FAILING' REMEDY. THIS valuable preparation combines all ive imu experience has pgoved to possess the most and eflicient properties for the cure of Flesh- Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Galls of all Kinds, Cracked Heels, Ring Bone, Spavin, Callous, Fis- ceney, External Poisons, Scratches or Striins, Lameness, Mange, Whitlows, , 'Sand Cracks, Foundered Feet, Horn Dis. temper, Swellings and many other diseases which horses and cattle are subjeet to. This celebrated Liniment has been used for many years, and, . its curative properties thoroughly tested, and is conceded to the cheapest and most reliable remedy for all exter- nal complaints ever offered to the public--it never fails when timely sed and faithfully ap pliec To be had of all Druggists and Country Mer chants throughout thé Dominion. Price 25 cents |: per bottle. Northep d* Lyman, Newcastle, Ontario, Pro- prietors ih Li anada. For sale b . Atkinson and Dr; Deans® Oshawa; in Ww hithy by J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne; in Brooklyn by Jolin Warren. The Great Female Remedy. JOB. MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS} FHIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous discases to' which the female consti- tution is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves afl obstrue tions, and a speedy cure may be relied on, TO MARRIED LADIES It is peculiarly suited, It will, in a short time, bring-en the monthly period with re; gularity, These Pills should not be taken by Females during the FIRST THREE MONT1S of Preg- nancy, as they are. sure to bring on Miscarr iage... but «t any other time the v are safc. In all Cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the heart, ysteries, and Whites, these Pills' will effect a' eure when all other means have failed ; and although a pawer- ful remedy, do not contain irom, calomel, anti- mony, or anything hurtful to the Bi Bg Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. $1.00 and 12} cents for posta, i! 1 Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle: Ont. Folin agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle, containing over 3 ills, by return mail. For sale by W, Atkinson and Dr. Deans Oshawa; in W hithy J J. H. Ger in Brooklin by John Warren, Strieang J. Byen Manhood : How Lost, How Restored. J UST PU. BLISHED, A NEW e¥ Edition of Dr. CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical Cure (without medicine) of Sperma- . by ', Seminal weakness, Invo- untary, Seminal Losses, Impotence A Meta) and Physical Incapacity, nspediments to 3 etc., also' Consumption, Epilepsy; nr Fits, n. duced hy self-indul os dic r sexual extravagance #¢ Price, in a se uly @ sonia, The celebrated aut Ror, on thi a irable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty Yours og of self ay be : radical outed wow without Lo Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a envelope, to any ad- dre postpaid on receipt of six cent thse, or Culver ¢ 1: * Marriags Guide, a direns ae ry CHAS. J ie ig Rew) Xo CK be & CO., ACO, says the} ERETOFORE PARTIES TROUBL-- -the medicinal virtue of those articles which long . price 25 i EVERY DESCRIPTION ORNAMENTAL PRINTING EXECUTED IN A DOMIN ION, REFoRrME . PRINTING ESTABLISH " In NEW PRESSES. | onivens BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTESDED TO, | NEW PRINTS, | NEW LUSTRES, 'Commission Business. MACHINE whieh I the he bot 3 Machine ror a troduced into {| LITTLE GIANT THRESHER AND | man, Stratford, | JOHNSTON SELF- RAKE REAPER, Bl DR. 'D AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON-& Co., | "would inform the public that he has just received a full assortment of ; Drugs, Patent Medicines, EANS | | | Perfumery, Dye Shug. TOILET ARTICLES, &., WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug Store, Oshawa, April 13th, 1871, Remembe r the stand, nearly opposite Hindes' Bde. RETI RING FROM" BUSINESS, ESTABLISH [BOPRIETYRY, Store fo Let, Possession bo in fof Bays, i - J. CARMICH A TL. WILL SELL THE WHOLE OF HIS STOCK OF Dry Good,s Boots and Shoes! ze. AT COST PRICE AND UNDER. ~ux The whole must be sold without reserve within the next few weeks, to make room for his successor NOW IS T in business, HE TIME While this Sale lasts, to buy your Spring and Summer Goods, in * CLOTHING, TWEEDS, COATINGS, OF. EVERY Dress Goods © TROWSERINGS, HATS, CAPS, VARIETY. SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, LUSTRES, FRENCH MERINOES, French Delaines,, Gloves, Hose, Hemp Carpets, Hollands, Ticki OSHAWA, APRIL Wu, 1871, Tapestry, Kidderminster and ngs, Sheetings, Towelings, Gc. Produce taken i in Exchange for Goods. 1-tf, GO TO HENRY'S 3 O C » AND Y Good Groceries Generally. o FPRrIC E FLOUR, SMOKED HAM and BACO 5 O BEST TEA RR | 4d ' Early Rose, Gooderich and Peach Blows. Also, Crockery, Glasswa re, &c. Opposite the Commercial Hotel, King Street West, Oshawa. Oshawa, April 27, 1871. J, W. FOWKE, Isin town yet, also a splendid assoitm nt of NEW SPRING GOODS ~ » At unusually low prices and in great variety. | NEW COTTONS, NEW DRESS NEW FIELD AND.GARDEN SEEDS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, A ~ A NUMBER OF H The highest price paid Arahat, Onts, Barloy, Poss, dio. #9 One Farm of 70 acroh, 3 miles East of Oshawa; 50 acres, 1 mile Roth bi rein 108 acres, in Snowdon ; 126 acres, in Letterworth ; and some vi xchanged for other property. in Oshawa, which would be ¢ | class Brick. Oshawa. April B, 1591. ON HE SUBSCRIBER IN RETURNING his sincere thanks for the many Poved 'on him since he commence ess, begs leave to state that he is still pre- pared to ah to Sales wherev and would also state that | he ages the Brave be- longing arewell, at Harmoney, t purpose of keeping on hand all kinds of Li RY AGRIOULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SUCH AS THE CLIMAX DOUBLE CY FHRESHING LINDER MACHINE, lasgow & Co. Ontario, also the SEPARATOR, for a Farmer's Dwi ue: made by| Joseph Shar THE BUC IN THE OHIO WOOD'S | MOWER, -RAKE, THE CAUGACHIEF J PRK MED id GRAIN ER PLOWS, ALSO CLIFTS PATE LOOM MANGLES THAT TOOK FIRST PRIZE AT TORO h AND FANNING LLS, JAnd a host « of other thingsand Ja ut ot | least, JOHN McDONALD'S TO! STONES AND MARBLE, MADE AT NEW. NEW TWEEDS, NEW COATINGS, -- | GOODS, NEW._HATS AND CAPS, | NEW BOOTS & SHOES, | HORSES AND WAGONS, , FOWKE. Also a aptity of ps 1 ¥ G. B. Stock's Celebrated Extra Machine 0il 8 Yow USED IN ALL THE PRIN L Man SIEA and. Mills in. Ontario is tion, and al) unite in pr over ak other Oils, and re ali r t this lis well a Of as ry ne to state the reasons Jt supeteedes Oil, as it is a well a fact that it will neither gum nor get thick in the coldgpt weather, ~~ TESTIMONIALS: THE Josern Hawn Magiune. WoRks, GEO.B B. STOCK, Esq., SiR, --We have been using our Lubri- ---- for the four Fang oa can say without hesitation, that it is the best oil we have ever used. It is also cheap, and lasts lo any [Rhee on; we have run our large 11 foot | Iron Plane . It keeps the tools clean wo Br t, We do not a anything ter as a Ju! tor, Yours wly, F. W. GLEN, Pres'. 1 will run Stoek's Oil agah other off in the Dominion, and I rater fer it to elt Tr Sperm or Olive oil, or any other used on machinery. A. HENDERSON, Fofeman Joseph Hall Works, 1 find Stock's Oil to be the best oil 1 have ever had toi oo Stock' and w ive s, Stock's to he Dost, Moses Saari, Dufiins Creck, Ont, 1 would rather haye yo Stocks Oil than any ever used in my experience of 20 years, Brake, Foreman for Brown & & Paterson, W hitby, Ont. 1 have used Stock's Oil and I find it to excel all ofl 1 uve over use used in dn 0 years mahufacturi used Castor ve ncipally Trev ios To using Block's Oil. COB STALTER, Greenwood. We % il fo Olive, TT SPAIGUT & Sox, Markham, Ont. 1 Stock's Oil on 2 hich p oe Ep nd o y y J. CnuncEsL, Basigor, Ont. Eng, Ohave, Feb. 7, 1871. BED. BSTC wa, Ont. Ape] uN, 1570, THe Tos63h Holl Manfacturing Oom: 0 WE DESIRE TO CALL pa T0 PUR NUMBER ONE AND TWO BUCKEYE. COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER, With Johnson's Self Rake, Improved for 1871. We believe this Machine, as we now build it, to be the most perfect Reaper and Mower ever yet offered to the public of Canada, Among ite tiany advantages we call attention to the following It has no Gears on the Driving Wheels, Enabling if lo pass over marshy gr sandy ground without clogging up the genring thereby renderin it less lable to breakage. It is furnished with Four Knives, Two for Mowing and Two for Reaping, one of which has a sickle edge for cutting ripe, cle gral hel smgbth for cutting grain in which there in Bones pe 3 P . It has the malleable guards both on the [Mower Bar and Reaper Table, with best cast stee Ledger Plates. It isalso furnished with our New Patent Tilting Table for Picking up Lodged Grain. * w his is the Only really valuable Tilting Table offered on any ccmbined Reaper and Mow The Table ean Bos very easily raised or lowered by the Driver in his Seat without stopping his- Team. This is one of the most impertant improvements effected in any Machine dtiring the past two y ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL ., Can be made to act as Rakes at the option of the Driver, by a Lever readily operated by his foot. The Cutting apparatus is in front of the Machine, and therefore whether Reaping or Mowing, the entire work of the Machine is under the eye of the Driver whileguiding histeam. so constructed as to, This Table is Gather the "Grain. into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it in a more compact form than any other Reel Rake. This Table is attached to the Machine both in front and refir dof the PrivifgW heel, which eni- ables it to pass over ronghrground with much greater ease and less injury to the'Table. The Grain Wheel Axis is on a line with the axle of the Drive Wheel, which enables it to turn the corners readily. The Rakes are driven by Gearing instead of Chains, and therefore have _a steady uniform motion, Making them much less liable to breakage on uneven ground, and more regular in removing the grain, The Gearing is very simple, strong and dura ble. BABBIT METAL. The Boxes are all lined with |The Parts are all manibered, so that thé REPAIRS cn be ordered by telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of the part wanted. There is no side Draught in cither re aping or mowing, and. the Machine is so perfectly balanced castings, where they are subject to much strain, hav e been N; CHOICE SEED POTATOES ! that there is no pressure on the horses' necks either when reaping or mowing. All our - malloable Twice annealed, thereby rendering them both tough and strong, OUR JOHNSON RAKE :; : 1. Is 0 constructed as to raise the cam so far oe the Grain Table that the Grain does not interfere with the machinery of the Rakes or Reels. We make the above machines in two sizes: No. One, large size, for Farmers . Two, medium size, "they a reaper. ho have a large amount to reap. or Farmers, havingcmore usé for a Mower | ie. . . With the exceptiomof difference in size, these Machines are similar in every. respeet. Our large combined Machine, hoth in size and price. their merits, | No. 2 Machine supplied a want hereto fore unfilled, viz :--A medium between the Jun. Mower and We shall distribute our sample machines in March among our Agents, that intending purchasers may have an om unity of examining And we guarantee that all Machines shipped this Season shall be equal in quality and finish to the samples exhibited by our Agents. We invite the public to withhold giving their orders until they have had an opportunity of inspecting our Machines, as we believe they are unsurpassed by any other Machines éver yet offered on this continent, We also offer among our other Machines : JOHNSON'S Self-Raking Répénim proved 16r1871, with two knives, smooth and sickle edge, arid? malleable guards Woop's Patent Self-Rakifig Reaper. BuckEYE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Self-Rake. BuckeYE Reaper No. 2, with Johnson's Self-Rake. On1o Combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. CAYUGA CHIEF, JT., Mower. Buckeye Mower No. 1. Buckeye Mower No. 2. : BaLL's Ohio Mower No. 1. Ohio, Jr, Mower. Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. Chinipion Hby réader 2 ANDOUR CELERRATED HALL THRESHER & SEPARATOR, ' A Greatly improved for 1871, with either Pitt's, Pelton, virion etd od 8 or 10 Hors Power. We shall also offer for the Fall trade a NEW CLOVER THRESHER A Very much superior to any ther beyctotone introduced, A mew and nh « i ' : wa . ia is, being mente | LY and WE TRA trty ution, fuge : gd a : Va HL rari? al A AU onr Machipes-are warranted to give satisf het | portunity of testing them boli in Ming ands font Vinelude the guchmi. i i io hi 15M » wwii oX tiw hed ND F HULLER, WW wally Puy sw pony, Reliable Nev pers 11 2 CIWat LV LST Co 1, a MANILTON | WEEK FES 4 Contd Immense Amountop qn 4 ny of an Interesting Find, antl % one of the Best and Most In addition writen editorials on the Ge and Social Sy snl of da. the frou th JA Ra Canadian and' American Is, ho wish and Pleasing Sptome He Potfiés, Brith op Pr Ke. ey "Pgetry, ge of ne an portance to Tg ola News. oh Erore rket Report a which for 1 The 'gather 'principal points of Tels. Gri Sor ia Intelligence forms a leading feature | N foe Slatuth Subscription = = $1.00 a Year, 'PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. CLUBS be of vy AIX ormiore Sry dda ling yn and remitting the in Advance, TERMS: Six Coples for One Year - " Thus a Copy FREE to the getierupef a cub of FIVE ete club oh of FIVE The Tr os 1s now pe known reciated, and can con t nd recommend: ay #« Commu er A be addressed tothePro Jristor as be remitted 3 be font mid, Subscriptions i POST: Riese be reginton be at our awn Ha ress N C. E. STEWART & Co., f ae 51 P Proprietors, * 'eedods Aq 'aii )g uo) 'quierdmoy J9AF[ 'nn ddy Jo sso HE "EUREKA" 1S A : PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE! FOR THE cure or DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT. LOSS OF APPETITE, GENERAL DIBILITY, AND ALL DISEASES of THE BLOOD, possesses the power of Toni d + kL i Ary 2 the or) ron a Healthy Action, and of Purging out wi iver se ed Humors Stout a sed) their origin i § Son habe n, or, are great: vated by Indigestion, Jom the sole cause Digestive perform the © ho them. henco the idee of that nourishment he blood of th gostiv e f you Feel Dull, Drowsy, ilitated and Des ponent. quent Headache, Mouth Tastes ly in Aa Ap) 'ongue are Liver or Se Motustien. 5d many cases of Liver ced. if a a the all "such | I. a has no ah i arocts b Perfect 0 Ones and Healthy. caving the Yer Mr. HE. Rowr, DEAR SiR, Having a bottles of yor valuable medicine in, my family with I feel safe ening dhe Fare ka for RR a mn th fort hy prod com: on rey revo lin, K; | J. Furusox, M. E. Minister, = . Lyn, May 11th, 1870. it to wi anything of this nature. Prop of Lyn Woolen Factors For sale retail and Wholesale | by all druggists NORTHROP & I.Y MAN, | Newoastle, ¥ HERR on EEL WEY the nan Nt Ev. a eh thr eid AA of the are such and so Rarmoniou nded, that it ; os , and 5, a Very her. No matter what Bilioys, Begretion from the i te and om. Torpia ex ~3 > TY Lym, Oct. 36, 180 id rm CONTAI noe, Ey 0d an instruct! within s he year AParages are publisher, and J up will b until All letters a - other Office. RAT Six Linen and "From six to'ten Fr ach subseq ip Ret tteidence Howl. psa : eur, and (4 Ie RADUA of Toron ICENTI Office ov "oh E. FAREV ARRIS Solicitor Ww oll ARRIS Solicitor §, mson's sto IC ENC Wa. promptly atte ' Issuer NA have be favorite

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