Ontario Reformer, 14 Jul 1871, p. 3

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Jiu Fisk, Ir. has lately shown religious inclinations, and in view of well-known history there aré some sharp ctiticisms appearing in the pres, Y latest reads as follows :-- * Satan frothbles When ) he sees The meanest saint tpon his knees." Imagine, then, his wild despair At secing Colonel Jamos at prayer, -He never saw, in all his dreams, A'mener' saint thai Colonel James, Pro Nono, thongh 80 advanced in s said to be a most excellent si nost eloquent orator, having e depth, richness and AWeetuem of hl : roice, and speaking to-day ak onorously as he did in the fullioss of outh. His admirers sincerely regret fi @ 80 very Tarely preaches or chants I1ASS, doing the latter only on day and Easter Sunday. A SPLENDID story is told of Marshal} {ahon when a Colonel. ing a par © had an altereation with an officer he ranks, who refused to oby him. 3] akon firially threatened the Gfinder, re latter drawing a pistdl took deli im and fired ; fortunately the cap 8 Without the slightest sign of % ool and impassible McMahon said: " Q hat man fifteen days, salle'ds caving his arms out of order I" A couraxy formed undet the Tp f . the Belgian Government kai Snds ken to disinfect the battle-fields >dan, which recent carnage. has ideons. . The company has ah It opens the graves, and has - pr "poured upon the bodies until round is saturated, petroleum is sured in; and burning logs laid on. J re burns into the lowest depth .of ve, and in three hours nothing is ut charred bones. : Axons the innumerable articles semt ol aptuin Wall to cheer his journey in the lar regions wih a tin 'can carefully a 1, and labelled "' not to be opened wu ie, Polaris has reached' the Arctic sons] ut on ils passage to the Ny Yard i et with an accident, and 4he - ed out. It.was a caniof patent axle ase, with which Capt. Hall or his vivors were affectionately requested er to lubricate the axle of this le plangt. a & Tue ExoLisn Cexsvs.--The dbs cemugfotimm for the UnMed King' 4 i d day of April last amounted to 31, 0, "in the following proportion r=] Said and Wales, 22,704,108 ; 12,759 ; Scotland, 3,358,613. This issn] rease on the returns of 1862, for Eng. hd and Wales, of 2,636,884, being 1,568. | wales, and 3,578,740 females.» The | igious censas ¥n Ireland shows that, of | > population of 5,802,709, the Roman tholies' number 4,141,933; the Pro tint Episcopalians, 683,205 ; the Pres | erians, 548,238 ; amd other religion 4 jominations 19,283. \y 'OLp FaRMER'S Exrenizvce.--Tha | 3 success of farming is in experiemos, | at to ask a man's advice is not stooping | i often of much benefit. That kindness wk; like good shelter, is saving 4 der, That to fight weeds -is to' favor | in, and do justice to .your 'neighbor. 4 t in making heme agreeable, you : r boys ont of the city. That fa a a good | 1g to grow into farming >not fempinto | That is a good thing to sell your grain nit is ready. The great changes of | ; ther ¥art cattle as well as man. That | f farming is summed up in the manure 4 made on the farm. That the first | ow soil in spring is yowr mellowest, should be first put in. That it is . -thing td keep the eye out on exp hts, and note all good and bad. Commercial. TOROYT® MARKETS, Lb mma at, © bushel, +. .. y,* do do - do do oes, do... lnm gh, TIRE RCU a PRN TP BUA BB, PD, ais ik ri ae wk on vein ys $18 & ¢ ht, Fall, § bushel, : Cososw® Sgusnen, i patil MARKETS, vewt,.... , FAN, v bushel, Spring, ¥ bushel, ARGED AND "vel EL Reading Matter! New Typel gE London Daily Advertiser iS Tom of mew tnd damit op. SE pid, shows that the population on | uty 8.50 MEDICAL HALL | i JUST ARRIVED, 2 A CHOICE AS- Pure Drugs and Chemicals | At Dr. Deans Drug Store, English and French Tot! AP DR. DEAN'S DRUG, STORE, OSHAW 3 | I RRR PA JUST ARRIVED! A Cethplete Stock of DYE STUFFS ! AT DR. DEANS DRUG STORE. , 4 OSHAWA. JUST ARRIVED! A Magnificent Assortment of Toilet Soaps, Brushes & Fancy Articles DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, OSHAWA. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY PREPARED -AT DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, OSHAWA. 4%" Dr. Dean's Tote, In Robineon & 'July I, 131 "LORD LISGAR. wy HE YOUNG. hs UGH-BRED | an Herd Bo: Book, Hk seers Suring thelre: Store is 's old Hindes APPRENTICE WANTED OACTIVE RESPBCrABLE LADS a ors ie here EE . Whithy, July 6, 1871. MRS. RILEY IAXo NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL of Dressmaking. Particular att Rd i TR, Cena Street, Oshawa. | Notice to Debtors. LL PERSONS INI INDEBTED TO THE Ite firm of TAYLOR & NX REALE.4x hete- notified that Ce demi 'with to the re McGEE. Oshawa, April = 1871. tr ~ FOR SALE! HE RESIDENCE or JOSEPH ASH, Beith Oshawa: with or without the ad- Terms fcasonable. Possession im- of age, one as an Good WARREN L. ASH. - 2 WANTED. EAMS TO DRAW & MBER FROM my Mills in Podonk © wmanville dnd Oshaw. For further particulars enquife at Miil. A. B. CAMPBELL. IE THE DRILL SHED, ON TUESDAY |' night lam, an Letter, in rdiope, dd- John Oshawa." a hs a Sune 23th, 171, STRAYED! ME INTO THE PREMISES OF ade by os Lot ep os a same a Ewe Sheep, The advertisement, and ap- ri SAMUEL HALL. East Whitby, Jane 22nd, 1871. 113w. FOR SALE. f [hpi BERKSHIRE PIGS, TWO month old. Apply to JOHN GOULD, Near Maxville's Hotel, East Whitby. 11 VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. A SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR ERE SRR ochlao, that fine Albert, now occupied by Mr. HUGH Bat. Oshaws, June 22nd. ----g Mr. EDWARD PETTIT, Of Buffalo, N. Y., COTTER 'A. M. CHISHOLM, GIBBS 'BLOCK. Oihaws, April 13, 1871. 14 Millinery, Millinery, Millinery, Millinery, Millinery, -- Pe A M. CHISHOLMS Oshawa, April 13, 1871. » CONDENSED ATMOSPHERIC BATH! ~The Greatest Invention of the Age. R THE CURE OF ALL KINDS OF acute Prof. 1. ind WOOD, MACLEAN & Co, Now that the moifth 'of June with its cool atmosphere, has fled, and we are ushered under the balmy rays of a Hot July Sun, it is necessary that the LADIES should be well provided with their THIN GAUZE DRESSES, LIGHT MUSLIN | DRESSES, SNOW-WHITE MARSELLA DRESSES, &C. GENTLEMEN sHOULD NQT FORGET THEIR Light Linen Coats, COOL VESTS, -- AND Asiatic Pants | 25 We need tell yo Where to by them, where to bay them to advantage. We have also t, Cheap Gambroons for Men's and Bays' Summer Wear. PRUNELLA SHOES! Por Men, Women 8d Children. CHINA, CROCKERY, & ELASSWARE, FOR EVERYBODY. SUGARS Of Bvery Grade, to Preserve your Pruft. TEAS ok ll ve he Dl Sees FRUIT JARS, B 5 4d To Suit the Most Deliale Tasten. In Stone and Glass of the Most Fuver- SHOW ALL You ADVERTISE 1 IS THE MOTTO AT CHISHOLM'S| 'nue fr | freq poyueiiia 'mung | IS9d S.NOLHSY ¥ A1A0 | ! | SHWTOHSIHO WV | 14 H tu "0g 9%' pum pand [mg ¥ 'SNOLIOO AHYD AAV SNIOHSHHD NV 9 'Huw fz | 's10[07) 95%) PorueLIVA 'SUIITIY SWIOHSIHD KN "V HIANVOHO J0 LOT IDAVI 5 9% 'ared sod myuad ¢) ve 'SIWIOHSIHO 'WV | SUHLIVD VITINA¥L 400 gis savio(] 0 OPM wpoop) ~ wai ADUV'T . 'spool [ynneaq--ssai(y SINTOHSIHO NV qr poateoat {oRayy, 03. Jeflo(] © [MIN J0. DOLLS st | | 8 poangouy 0) [*NNVK SLINS AYIML 00 | a | SHNIOHSIHD WV EL) | Vv 9% "op 'soow] 'samo '819 "HIVEL 'SLANNOH™ SIWNIOHSIHD KN V 1 'paxmboy o fag 19pI0 0) opem S SPLLNVIHIOTO ANV YH | a odwyg Aue wr D LNW 3 \ "IV SAIYTO0W \ = |'SIWIOHSIHD WV TR £ i i il : i : |SEASONABLE *| Layer and Loose Muscatel Raisins. {8érub and other kinds of Brushes STEELE BROS, GROCERS SEEDSMEN,; OSHAWA! Invite attention to some of the Lead- ing Goods of their large and STOCK. Teas, the Finest to be had anywhere. Sugars of all Refined Grades. Syrups and Molasses. Coffees--the Génuine article. Valencia Raisins, without equal for quality and cheapness. . Prunes, Currants and Figs. Canned Fruits--a nice assortment. Preserves and Jams in variety. Marmalade, Oratiges and Lemons. Nuts and Candies. Pickles, Sauces and Catsups, without stint. Canned Lobster, Salmon, Oysters, Flavoring Extracts of"all kinds. Nutmegsp Mace, and all the other Spices. Chocolate, Epps' Cocos, Taylor's do. Sea Moss Farine, Cardinal Food. Rice, Whole and Ground. . Arrow Root, Sago, Tapioca, Vermi- cillis Cornstarch, Glenfield, Satin Finish- ed ditto. Rice Starch, White and Blue. HOUSEKEEPERS' FAVORITES. The Cook's Friend Baking Powaer. Snowflake Baking Powder. The Prize Medal Starch. PROVISIONS! Chdice Smoked Hams. A few thousand pounds of Pork and | Bacon. Fresh Ground Fldér. No. 1 Lard. Corn and Oatmeal. Potatoes, Beans and Split Peis. Cheese, from the very best makers. Reesor's celebrated Stilton Cheese. Salmon Trout and Whitefish. - Salt and Smoked Herrings, Codfish. Abernethy, Elgin and Soda Biscuits. Coffee and Rich Mixed Biscuits Cracknells and Ginger Nuts. i WOODEN WARE, BRUSHES, &c. Baskets of all Kinds. Wooden Bowls and Ladles. Pails of various sorts. Churns, Brooms, Whisks and Mops. The Latest Mouse Trap out. Whitewash Brushes of every descrip- tion. Door Mats, Bed Cord and Twine. Handsome Childreng' Carriages. Je Beautiful Bird Cages, just to hand. ( Lanterns and Oil Cans, A large assortment of Earthenware. Soaps, that cannot be excelled. Cream Crocks and Milk Pan FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS. A Variety u to enumerate; and it 2 well knowns kno¥n that we offer none but what is reliable. We have the Best TURNIP SEED as usual with ourspring importations. China, Crockery, Glass- ware, &e., &ec. quantity Manufactntion. Tr and at Mi undersold in the County of Ontario ! SALT AND PLASTER ! And a host of General Goods of which space forbids the mention. We Will contiitué 8 give the best price for the STEELE BROS Pind trusts by strict attention to business to NOTA BENE. WALTER WIGG & SON, Cabinet Malkors, Undertakers, &¢. HAVING GREATLY 'ENLARGED OUR WAREROOMS, AND LIKEWISE added considerable NEW STOCK thereto, a cordial invitation fs extended to all to come Great inducements held out bo those purchasing-at our Establishment SPECIAL ATTENTION '61VEN TO THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. A SPLENDID NEW HERSE FOR HIRE. = & Coffins kept constantly on hand or made to order. A choice lot of Carriages and Perambulators just received Cheap for Cash. 'but not Least, is Paling's Patent ce Window Blind Lifter, the best Tam, ings Patou Balance Window by THE NEW DOMINION FURNITURE WAREROOM KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. Good | Better! Best! { OOD JUDGES or PICTURES X {hank that HOITT is the best Pho- tographer in the County of Ontario; better | Judges are quite confident he is; the best | judges are sure he is. Ye doubting cones give Horrr a call, and judge for yourselves |if » nistake was made in giving Horrr the ; [rst prize on Photographs and Paintings . |at the Counfy tnd Township Fairs, the past two fears. Notwithstanding adver- tisements to the €ontrary, Morrr is the Philip Taylor EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST 8 Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silter Plated, and Fancy Goods: He is the sole agent for Russell's Celebrated 'Watches, Lazarus & M Perfected Specie: orris" cles, and Meriden Silver Plate, best" goods and every thing in his line made to order. It will pay tocxamine his Stock before purchas- elseware. All Goods and Jobs warranted, cheaper than any po fey House. PHILIP TA AYLOR, = Watchmaker & Jeweller, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. ; Oshawa, Api 1th, wi. 11. NEW YORK HOUSE only Artist n this County that finishes Pictures in ther Criyon, Sepia, India Ink, Oil or Water Colors. oiTT has re- |fitted 'and refurnished his Gallery in a manner ereditable to progressive Oshawa, and having secured the services of a firét- class assistant from the cily, he will now be able to send out first-class pictures, and as promptly es any other Photographer. The reason that the good, better and best judges were not invited to give Horr a call, is because it is supposed they will come without an invitation, as only first- class work can be got at HOITT'S, over Wood's Store, up one flight of stairs. A large assortment of Picture Frames at HOLTT'S Gallery. Oshawa, April 20, 1871," of ILTON, THE POET. DEPLORED the loss of sight; had he known the prin- ciple involved in Dr. J. BALL & CO'S New lvory & Lignum-Vite EYE CUPS, IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN SAVED. HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS RES: pectfully to inform the citizens of Oshawa and surrounding country, that he has leased for a term of years the premises heretofore vccupied by known as the NEW YORK HOUSE! SITUATED ON THk CORNER OF SIMCOE AND MILL STREETS, SOUTH OSHAWA Where he intends to keep constantly on hand a General Assortment of FIRST OLASS QROCERIES| --AND--- Provisions ! J. P. WOOD, atid Nature, Aerucl/, the Great Physician, Docs the Vork, aided by the Eye Cups? By their use, the shrunken and enfecbled ey Si het in youn or old, is at once supplied w with best nd Indie neible animal stimulant ren ty The nerves resume their tone; the vessels recover their power; the globe as- sumes its proper shape, size, and Lriifancy all diseased action is arrested a: nd cured; and in the wed, Sight is Restored and Spectacles Rendered Useless. Do not submit to Painful and Daagerouns Surgi- cal Operations, in which a Dorion of the cye is always lost, and the glorious Light of Visian, if not « sh imbs at the time, in a year or two, at most, gocs out forever ! TRY THE EYE CUPS FIRST, THEY ARE PAINLLSS! ELEASANT! SAFE! This is te certify, that we hereby authorize Bradford Tuttle our sole and exelusive Agent for the term of ben years, for the sale of our New Patent Im Ivory and Lignum-Vitac Eye C Cope and ihe 3 Attachments, for the County tario, in the Prov ines of Ontario. Da. J. BALL & CO. The undersigned has now for sale an assort- ment of the above invaluable aids to sight, and is prepared to fill orders for those who wish help in that direction. Personal at has con-. vineed him of the benefits of the invention, Address iBRADFORD {10 TTLE, Jshawa, Ont. merit a share of Public Patronage. Best Brands CIGARS Alyays on 13m; - Money to Lend AREDUOED RATES. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND any Amount of goney, on the gecurity of Good =irm or Productive 'Town Property, at the Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, in sums and tanner to suit borrowers. Principal can be re-paid by yearly instalments, or in one sum, Investments made in Debentures, Mortages, other securities. SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Toe Cold Soda Water From one of Matthews' Celebrated Fountains! Imported from New + Yerk last season, will be on draft as soon asthe weather gets 22 hot ! EDWARD HIGGINS. Odibws, Apt: 1, 187! SPRING STYLES 14 For further particulars apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Aseignee, Money Broker, Xe. Office - McMillan's Block, Brock St, Whitby. Dominion Outfitting AH. I 1m di hi: i 3 NATIONAL PILLS. j : STORE. The Best Catha of Latest Styles in Hats and Caps. In great profiision at the A'y Ageor Co y NEW DISCOVERY OF ME- DICINE, are composed of PURFLY VEGFYABLE EXTRACTS, being free from méfcury or other poi- sons; they can be taken at all times and }/ under all circumstances, without regard 4 to dict business, act - kL y aha ative Orpane, them Jone 4 and calthy act The, a genuine Blood and lee r, are mild, Soutehing and a hark Prrgative, an pro- nounced rh all who have ed "them w be a first-class fimily pill, and well worthy of a trial, £7 THEY ARE SUGAR COATED. 5a Sold by all druggists and mefficine calls FOOD ¥F, BENTLEY & CO. Proprictors, Brougham, On. PIL] nr Latest Styles in Neckties & Collas. i Latest Styles in White & Col'd Shirts. A LARGE STOCK OF Men's Under-Clothing! VERY CHEAP. TRY THE NATIONAL ------ A large and attractive stock of | AT "COWAN' S| .. Difget] from London per last: Steainer. Onis Oase of Ladies' Black Silk ath OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES Ladies will find these Goods the Most Elegant in the Market, while the prices are Much Lower than Canadian- made Goods. ALSO '|ONE CASE OF FRENCH KID GLOVES! Of the Celebrated Foussie Brand, which the Subscriber is early imported for the past 15 years,and never fails in giving satisfaction. PRICES AS USUAL, ONE DOLLAR PER PAIR . Pl ; U9 ALTHOUGH ON ACCOUNT OF THE WAR THE PRICE IN EUROPE HAS ADVANCED CONSIDERABLY. y 11, 1871 OSHAWA, HAVE THIS DAY SOLD OUT ALL INTIREST 'Oshawa, to Messrs. IL & W. GILLETT, who will carry on the ing accounts must be paid. Port Hope, March 23, 1871. of , MY BUSINESS IN and to whom all outstand- HIRAM GILLETT. . The subscribers have this day 'entered into partnership as Dry Géods Mordhbliits, under der the name and style of I. & W. GILLETT, and are how receiving their SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK which in price and variety will compare favorably with any NEW LIGHT PRINTS, SPLENDID xX: NEW LIGHT BRILLIANTS, Good and Cheap. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, PARASOLS, SMALL WARESS. RL No Trouble to Show Goode. GREY AND WHITE COTTONS, &e. PRODUCE TAKEN in Exchange FOR GOODS. Cornér King and Mmcoe Streets, Oshawa, HENRY W. GILLETT. Oshawa, May 4, 1. WALTER B. GILLETT. f "ae E. H. ARMES _NEW-= Shuttle or Lock-Stitch Sewing Mackiost For Family Use and Light Manat -=-ring.! i838 'AOTIL kaneviug ONY; Hoe SIMPLE .AND COMPACT Li YHE MOST SIMLPE MACHINE IN THE MARKET ONLY ABG ABOUT ONE FOURTH the parts in its construction that is in other mac! Ithom th Ender on to-get out of order, Itis durable in all its the coarsest SHUTTLE oft 14 LOC ks TTC. whke bility, and WILL NOT wie. 1 Lh runs justed into or and not It will Hem, Fell, Tuck, Cord, Ry i Qathen Quil t, Braid, OR ANYTHING THAT ANY OTHER MACHINE WILL DO. IT 18 JUST THE MACHINE FOR Private Families, Milliners, Dressmakers, Tailors and rt Lal many of 'ex"Tence about the Machi reared ore, ut will be hand to rand Circulars and Sa Ba ios of Won oe PISUBINT TO CMERGYMEN.' MACHINES FULLY WARRANTED! AGENT wanted fa Ozh and Inevery ot! 1 h w al ava, ry Rhpt lon where wi we have not already got ome establish: ES J. 0 1080, Géviort) Agent. bar Ne. 3 Rossin House Bock, Toronty, ont. THE LARGEST STOCK OF rr e---- ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS (IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Just received direct from the manufacturers. A gst varity of puis, nd eli at the lowest possible prices. JAMES H. GERRIE, Whitby, April 13, 1871. | A WORD TO THE "e Dominion Bank: IS SUFFICIENT. WHITBY ACENCY: | Nt as 18 HEREBY GIVEN THA% UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE |i 5 to his the -- | D* BOYER'S GALVANIC FLUID, Men' & oys' Ready-made CLOTHING. : UMBRELLAS, : CARPET-BAGS, saTomELs. | i. jversally acknowledgod to be one of The sacst powermal ful Lihimenta for the cure Xo FLUID. DR. BOYERS GALVAN -- ) AL RHEUMATISM, \ NEURALGIA, CRICKET and LACROSSE BELTS, CHEAP at HODDER'S. G. HODDER, 44 One door North of McLean's Cheap Grocery Store, TO LET. The Pump Shop * WITH EGREEPOWER & LATHE, ent worke Khe And oC an external ar, an extensive hat has no £qual. ne proved enumerated, oy 24 Sold by all Druggists and Medicine ; i -- MII SXVATVO KRUNAOH "Ud WQODRUFF, BENTLEY & CO., \ ors, Brougham, On 241 ALDY ELL'S fees fr Ean ers and the a rein' do han on hand a a: of Gents', sliowed ad Llanes) : 3H MeCkELLEN, : Sadie filyd Children's, ; ' Brook St., Whitby, April 13th, 187% LOOK OUT FOR Good Photographs| TO BE MADE AT Mt. THOMAS' GALLERY; For Salel . YJ OTS Nos. 6 AND 7, CC

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