Ontario Reformer, 7 Jul 1871, p. 3

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t I EC TL a ------ D LISGAR. p= HOMAS ( a Lodge No. y 6 OY. B. . 3. fg 2% Pac SRY 2. Waa NIVERSARY! THE ABOVE with -NTICE WANTED \BLE LADS- z ¢ as an i Thy od wages - ESPEQ 1 fm D- ESDAY elope, ad- STRAYED! FOR A MICHAEL 111f WARD PETTIT, CHISHOLM, Millinery, Millinr y. Mi linery. the Age. far above sa its ro- B il ions gs, and f FAS ute v inquiries cticr wil IS | |] THE MOTTO" A' CHISHOLM"S! BAILEY & CO's GREAT ALLIED ATTRACTIONS! EXHIBITIONS | A VAST AND «¢ MENAGERIE | A CLASSIC ITALIAN HIPPODROME! EXTENSIVE MPREHENSIVE Now that the month of June with its cool atmosphere, has fled, and we are ushered under the balmy rays of a Hot July Sun, it is necessary that the . AN AVIARY AND A FIRST-CLASS LA D 1 KN CIRCUS! "should be well provid, with their GAUZE DRESSES, WILL EXHIBIT IN OSHAWA ON DRESSES, THURSDAY, JULY 13th; UNDER SNOW-WHITE STUPENDOUS PAVILLIONS MARSELLA * ~ _. "ain DRESSES, &C. MUSLIN und Dist t. from « other, and rer-than an ordin vo ois us tent. AT DENS Of ANIMALS! of BEAUTIFUL ry' } nd calor, Twexty Gi LIVING Wi, D {Extraordinary OPICA AND: THE S er LIONS their It L Cla R] MA GENTLEMEN | Fi anim All the I xhibitions above adve ithsed for the single Admission Fee o FLETY CI. N i wits to Either Light Linen Goats, . . AGL] yi | Italian Hippodrome COOL: VESTS, "SHOULD NOT FORGET THEIR : TS! or All er 10, half-price. ANI'S AND- Asiatic Pants ! 78 We need scarcélly fell you where to buy them, and where to buy them go advantage. AND CIRCUS LED BY Light, Che: Se The Great Sebastian ! Wear. Whose St We: have also (zambroons for Boys' Summer nge of £10,000 to prodicn on ual BARE BACK AND HURDLE - 18 open to the world, and he M LLE MARIE, in her Cl PRUNELLA SHOES! "ui ni AND SANFORD, nasts and Athletes GEORGE M. CEARK, ly favorite Clown and Jester. SIGNOR FERRANTI, he Boueléss Ma n, or Ana al Paradox. GEORGE DERIOUS, Great Mat Mon 4s a RIDER S never 2 lassic and BROWN Women and Children. The Chal For Men, ' Hen Gvn he uniyersal CHINA, CROCKERY, & GLASSWARE, FOR EVERYBODY. ,~in his Comical led GORILLA N IORSEBACK ACTS IN "THE RING! SUGARS Of Every ™ to Preserve your Fruit. Extra Announcement! TEAS That will Enliven the Dullest: Nerves. nt 1 nt have su The manarem led 'in effect- mg a ited engagement with Mlle Josephine Delernier The 1 uubulist, Who SUGAR-CURED SMOKED HAMS ™.2iii! a re To Suit the Most Delicate Tastes ulate As ension on a Single Wire !| {From the Ground to t} SUMMIT ic Extreme 'E POLE! has never Po FRUIT JARS, In Stone and Glass, of the Most Favor- ed Kinds. J : ther lady, ulty to th GORGEOUS AND HOIADAY In the pub Hi © street : most ixipusing Shncov Street haw and att: Prog 0 oof the riod. MAGNIFICENT PAGEANT] £1 © WOOD, MACLEAN &'Ci., MICHAEL'S 'BLOCK, r~ at HE for all kinds of Farm Produce, STEELE BROS. SIWTOHSIHD 'WV H Filan {el 7% Suny ¥ dTA0 { { SINTOHSIHD) 'INV 810700) pr pues * LSHE S.NOLHSY | H AAV D CR W "ag 9e 'apm pad [ng SINTOHSIH) 'NV V 'SNOLLOO A v 18 'Sua qDUav" 'Sa 10 su) prjuBLiesm 'sur snp DUO A0 LOT HIANY 3 ye 'aed aad syuao ¢) qm \/ SUHLIVO VITANAUd 400 SINTOHSIHD NV any srepo(] SSAC HV' oe JU) 'spoon MOOLS o(] A0 FnyrIneag--ssaa(| AN SIWNTOHSIH) 'NV 'Spoo. Io) A je paInjoR) AUMNL dOO 'SIWIOHSIHD NV -ANVI SLIAS 297. 'SLV, 98 "0 'S00 'SIOMO[] 'S10 'SLANNOY SIWTOHSIHD WV "HLVHA Ny 94a Aur ut 19pio 03 peur STTLNVIN HLOTD ANV MTI 'SNKNIOHSIH) NV 10 adeyg | 1% 'GouvApe WE BIB PONIBUI Od pumv. "ISoff 109A O13 JO "Yoogs ut day sem "IV SAIYAD0UD ATINV 'SIWTOHSIH)D NV - te HIGHEST PRICE PAID | A. M. CHISHOLM'S GIBBS' BLOCK. SHOW ALL STEELE BROS, | © YOU ADVERTISE! SEEDSMEN, Canned Fruits--a nice assortment. | Preserves and Jams in variety. | Marmalade, Oranges and Lemons. | Pickles, Sauces and Catsups, without | Canned Lobsters, Arrow" Root, Saco, Tapioca, Vermi- PROVISIONS! st AVING GREATLY ENLARGED 0 Jd sod them, NOTA BENE WALTER WIGG & SON, Cabinet Malers, Undertakers; 8c. UR WAREROOMS, AND LIKEWISE | added considerable NEW STOCK thereto, a cordial invitation is extended to all to come | Gr cal induceme ls held out lo those pur chasing al our Establishme nt | SPECIAL ATTENTIO HAWA! 0% UNDERTAKING Invite attention to some of the Lead- ing Goods of their large and BY choice lot of Carriages and Pérambu SEASONABL E { THE NEW" DOMINION F STOCK. June 1st, 1871, Teas, the Finest to be had any where. | Sugars of all Refined Grades. Syrups and Molasses. Coffees--the Genuine article. | Valencia Raisins, without equal for | quality and cheapness. Ene Philip Taylor EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND | CHEAPEST 'Stock of > Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silver| Plated, and Fancy Goods. Salmon, Oysters, @ ® { sardine 3 Heé is the sole agent-for Russell's Celebrated Sardines. Watches, Lazarus. & Marri' Perfected Specta- | "lavoring Extrac F inde cles, and Meriden Silver Plate, best" goods made, Flavoring Extrac ts of all kinds. and every thing in his lime made to order, Nutinegs, Mace, and all the other | 'It willpay to examine his Stock before purchas- ing elseware. All Goods and Jobs warranted, Spices. and cheaper than any other House, Chocolate, Epps' Cocoa, , Taylor's do. Seda Moss Farine, Cardinal Food. Rice, Whole and Ground. Prunes, Currants and Figs. Layer and Loose Muscatel Raisins. Nuts and Candies, stint. PHILIP TAYLOR, 3 Watchmaker & Jeweller, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. | Oshawa, April 13th, 1871, 1-1. { NEW YORK HOUSE! cilli. Cornstarch, ed ditto. Rice Starch, White and Blue. HOUSEKEEPERS' FAVORITES. Glenfield, Satia Finish- The Cook's Friend Baking Powder. | Snowtlake Baking Powder. ~ The Prize Medal Starch. FIYHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS RES pectfully to inform the citizens i Oshawa and surrounding country, that he has leased for a term of years the premises heretofore vecupied by J. P. WOOD, and | | known as the NEW YORK HOUSE! SITUATED ON THR CORNER OF | SIMCOE AND MILL STREETS, { SOUTH OSHAWA Where he intends to keep constantly on hand a General Assortment of | Salmon Trout and Whitefish. FIRST CLASS - | Salt and Smoked Herrings, ( 'odfish. | ! Abernethy, Elgin and Soda Biscuits. G re O C E R | E S | Coffee and Rich Mixed Biscuits. Cracknells and Ginger Nuts. (hoice Smoked Hams, A few thousand pounds of Pork and | Bacon. Fresh Ground Flour, No. 1 Land Corn 'and Oatmeal. Potatoes, Beans and Split Peas. Cheese, from the very best makers. Reesor's celebrated Stilton Cheese. AND Provisions ! And trusts by strict attention to business to merit a share of Public Patronage. WOODEN WARE, BRUSHES, &c. v. i ae . Best Drands CIGARS Baskets of all Kinds. Wooden Bowls and Ladles. TT Pails of various sorts. Churns. Brooms, Whisks and Mops. Ice Cold Soda W ater The Latest Mouse Trap out. From oné of Matthews' "hitewas : os of evervideserip- Celebrated Fountains! W hit wash Brushes of every descrip rn ag tion. York last season, will be Scrub and other kinds of Brushes. on draty soon 2 the ed xr gels © hot Door Mats, Bed Cord and Twine. i a Handsome Childrens' Carriages. EDWARD HIGGINS, HBL Cora' 3 Beautiful Bird Cages, just to hand. Odlulen. pail ih, 150 it Lanterns and Oil Cans. SPRING STYLES A large assortment of Earthenware. profusion at the Always on hand. Soaps, that cannot be excelled. Cream C'rocks and Milk Pans. in great 'Dominion Outfitting STORE. | Latest Styles in Hats and Caps. FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS, A Variety unnecessary to enumerate; and it is well known that we offer | none but what is reliable. We have the Best TURNIP SEED as usual with ourspring importations. Latest Styles int Neckties & Collars, Latest Style 5 in White & Col'd Shirts. A LARGIH Men's Under-Clothing! VERY CHEAP { STOCK OF China, Crockery, Glass- ware, &¢., &c. A large and attractive stock of We have recently added largely to this department, and are mow exhibiting to our customers the newest designs of the most Celebrated Manufactories, in quantity and finish to suit all tastes, and at prices not to be undersold in the County of Ontario! Men' & Boys' Ready-made CLOTHING. | UMBRELLAS, CARPET-BAGS, SATCHELS CRICKET and SALT AND PLASTER! LACROSSE BELTS, CHEAP at HODDER'S, HODDER, an's Che And a host of General Goods of which space forbids the mention. : | #& One door North of McLe Store, Sinicoe Street, Oshawa. April 20, 1871. 241 TO LET. 'The Pump Shop WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHE, At present worked by the subscriber. Possession | fiven immediately. = #4 Only business of the | ind in town--plenty of custom -rare chance for | a guod Pumpmaker, 7 | A OSHAWA, May 11. . ! Bowmanville, May 25, 1871.75 F 1p Grocery x | We will continue to give the best price for the produce of the Farm and Dairy, SILVER. We A SPLENDID NEW HERSE | Coffins kept constantly on-hand or made to order. | | SILVER } Office N GIVEN TO THE DEPARTMENT. FOR HIRE. lators just received Cheap for Cash. | Last, but not Least, is Paling's Patent Balance Window Blind Lifter, the best | thing of the kind in use, at the URNITURE WAR EROOM | I KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. Good | Better! Best! 1 00D JUDGES or PICTURES X think that HOITT is the bist Pho- tographer in the County of Ontario; better Judges are quite confident he is; the best judges are sure he is. Ye doubting .ones give Horrra call, and judge for yourselves ir a mistake was made in giving Horrr the JSirst prize on Photographs and Paintings at the County and Township Fairs, the past two years. Notwithstanding adver- tisements to the contrary, Holt is the only Artist n this County that finishes Pictures in'e ther_Crayon, Sepia, Ifidia Ink, Oil or Water fitted and refurnished his Gallery in a Colors. Horr bas re- manner creditable to progressive Oshawa, and having secured the services of a first. class assistant from the city, he will now be able to send out first-c lass pictures, and © "as promptly as any other Photographer, The reason that the good, better and best, Judges were not invited to give Horr a call, is because it is supposed they will come without an invitation, as only first- class work can be got at HOITT'S, over Wood's Store, up one flight of stairs, A large assortment of Picture Frames "at HOITT'S Gallery. Oshawa, April 20, 1871. 24r NN ILTON, THE POET, DEPLORED 4 the loss of sight 3 had he known the prin- dole invelved in em 5 Dr. J. BALL & COS EYE CUPS, IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN SAVED. Natu herse Ir. the Great Physician, Docs the Wor ided by the Eye Cups? By their use, the shrunken and cafechled eye, either in yi ang or old, is at once suppligd with at best and indispensible 1 stimulant, erin) Bloed. The nerves ne their tone; the vessels recover th he globe as- size, "und brilliancy ; all sted and cured; and in the Aged, sumes its=proper sh discased action is ar {Sight i is Restored and Spectacles | Rendered Useless. | Do not submit to Pa 'mful and De mgerqus Sgt | is cal Operations, in which a portion of the always lost, and the glorious Light of Vision, if | not des drop 1 at the, time most, goes out Jorever ! 'TRY THE EYE CUPS FIRST, | THEY. ARE PLEASANT! SAFE! PAINLLSS! 5 Is to ecrtify, that we hereby authorize | pA Thi Bradford Tuttle our sole and exclusi gent for the term. of ten years, for the sale s ups and Myopic Attachments, for the County | f Ontario, inthe Province ba of Ontario. . J. BALL & CO. The undersigned has 'now for sale an assort- ment of the above invaluable aids to sight, and i# prepared to fill orders for thode who wish help Personal experiénce has con- 1 of the benefits of Bh in in that direction. vinced hir Address BRADFORD TUTTLE, 13m, Oshawa, Ont. Money to Lend REDUCED RATES. AM NOW any amount of money, on the security of Good =ar or Productive Town Property; at the ~ Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, * to suit borrowers. Principal as instilments in sums\ahd manne an be re-paid by) bing Investments male and othe in Pibentares, Mortages, 'NBACKS BOUGHT AND SOLD, ulars apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Oficial Assignee, Money Broker, &c. McMillan's Block, Brock St., Whitby. April, 13th, 1871 11. AND GRR For further partic NATIONAL PILLS. The Best Catha of' A v Ageor Uo Vv. NEW DISCOVERY ME DICINE, are composed of PURELY VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, being free from mercury or other poi son: : they can be taken at all times and es, without regard to diet or business, They act on -the Liver and Digestive Organs, giving them tone and healthy action. Th nuine Blood and Sto- re mild, searching and under ail ¢circums! 1h rgative, and are pro Sst by all who have used them to be a first-class family pill, and we worthy of a trial. # THEY ARE SUGAR COATED. #3 Sa by all druggists and medicine deal WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & CO., oprietors, Brougham, Ont. 1 YE BOYER'S GALVANIK TRY THE NATIONAL PILLS. FLUID, Universally a knowledg ged to be one of} the most powerful Liniment 'i y cure © RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA Where : an exte rnal aj S GALVANIC FLUID. t has no ejual! aerated: Tol DINVATTYH SANA0H Ud 27S b ard Medicine; Doaler WOODRUFF; all Druggists 1 It. BOYER BENTLEY & CO, EE 1 BYR HARTY e-------- i DOSE ONLY 80 BRUPs. sm ------_-- RATE PY fat Ha re ------ CURES ALL FORMS oF Bl INDIGESTION AT ONCE, SOLD BY ALL | , in a year or two, at | our New | Patent Improved Ivéry and Lignum-Vitae Eye | PREPARED TO LEND | or in one ! 'wWI'Tld TVNOLLVN HHL AHL SULE CULE JUST OPENED Direct from London per last Steamer. One Case of Ladies' Black Silk Jackets! OF. THE VERY LATEST STYLES! Ladies wilkfind these Goods de Most Elegaigt in the Market, while the prices are Much Bower than Canadian-made toods, eee ALSO ONE CASE OF FRENCH KID GLOVES! Of the Celebrated Foussie Brand, which the subscriber has yearly imported for the past 15 yéars and never fails in giving satisfaction. PRICES AS USUAL, QNE DOLLAR PER PAIR} I* . ALTHOUGH ON ACCOUNT OF THE WAR THE PRICE IN EUROPE HAS ADVANCED CONSIDERABLY. (OSHAWA, May 11, 1871- b-tf HAVE THIS DAY SOLD OUT ALL INTI REST IN MY BUSINESS IN Oshawa, to Messrs, H. & W. GILLETT, who will earry on the same, and to whom all outstand- ing accounts must be paid. | HIRAM GILLETT. Port Hope, March 28, 18M The subscribers hve this day entered into partnership as Dry Goods Merchants, 'under the name and style of H. & W. GILLETT, and are now receiving their ° SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK which in pice ind varicty ill compare favorably with kny in the éstmery, NEW LIGHT PRINTS, SPLENDID VALUE, NEW LIGHT BRILLIANTS, Good and Cheap, BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. + No Trouble to Show Goods. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. PARASOLS, SMALL WARESS. GREY AND WHITE COTTONS; &e. 'po31AuY. norjoddsuy uy | PRODUCE TAKEN in Exchange FOR GOODS. - Corner King and Simcoe Streets, Odtiawa. : | HENRY W. GILLETT. WALTER B. GILLETT. New Ivory & Lignum-Vite Orhan, Mar £363. Ma at » E. H. "ARMES' ~NEW Shuttle or Lock-Stitch Sewing Machingé For Family Use and Light Manu! --*- ring! # ; :.2 SIMPLE AND eae PRICE, $28! 1 8&8 "ADIL FE EvINg ANY LN3I0Id43 MOST SIMLPE MACHINE IN THE MARKET ONLY ABOUT ONE- URTH the parts in ts construction that is in other machines, therefore only ON FC vk TH as liable to get out of order.. It is durable in all its parts, and every motion It Ah the Ender or Four Motion Feed, the best In use, and will pass from the Finest Muslin the coarsest of work without change of either TENSION wor STITCH. 3 akon the Genuine SHUTTLE OR LOCK-STITCH, alike on both sides, so famous for its Stren and Dura; bility, and WILL NOT RIP. # runs rapidly and uses a Short Straight Need th, Bons h 8 easil; | justed inta place, and not near so HIGH ¥4, break. sia highly ornamented, equal to. any 0 a 3 UCE it will Hem, Fell, Tuck, Cord, Bind, Frill, Gather Quilt, Braid, J OR ANYTHING THAT ANY OTHER MACHINE WILL DO. C= IT 1S JUST THE MACHINE FOR Private Families, Milliners, Dressmakers, Tailors and Farmers | There are many points of excellence about the Machine, saperior to all othets, which we cannot explain here, but will be pleased to forward Circulars and Samples of work on application, MACHINES FULLY WARRANTED! AGENT wanted in Oshawa, and in every section town where we have not already got one éstablish- ed. Larger Inducefuents than any other Company. 3.0. Fou, General Agént.: sat a) DISCOUNT TO CLERGYMEN, No. 7 Rossin House Block, Toronto, Ont. THE LARGEST STOCK OF "ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Just received direct from the manufacturers. A great variety of patterns, and selling at the lowest possible prices. ' JAM¥S H.GERRIE, Family Drug Store, Whitby lm. Whitby, April 13, 1571. A WORD TO THE WISE Dominion Bank. IS SUFFICIENT WHITBY AGENCY ive : J OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT he Dominion Ba FIYHE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE far th Eo nin Ban ha opens] Sealine _to announce to his numerous custom- (in the office formerly occupied by Tw Reval Canadian Bank.) . ers and the public generally, that he has | Interest allowed on Lobmuits, Drafts issued on on hand a large assortment of Gents', all points in Canada, the United States and Ladies' and Children's | Great Biitalh, J. H. McCLELLAN, _ i , Whitby, April 13th, 1871. A ; 4 | H | | | BOOTS Good Photographs! S TO BE Brook St. LOOK OUT FOR MADE AT Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY, Etc., at the Lowest Remunerating Prices. > ; All orders promptly attended to, and a BROOKILIN, Good Fit GUARANTEED, Regal. BY inig done with neatness and 'des- 3 patch. Call and examine for v HARRY TAIT, yourselves; before purchasing * . Photographer. Late of Bowmanville elsewhere. One door south 3 of the RerorMER office, Klin. A prt £790 Brooklin, April 2/%s71, For Sa lel OTS Nos. 6 AND 7, CONTAINING form of an LF zo SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. = | D. TRIPP.

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