~ : : . £ a The | as 'WEEKLY TIMES + = == 'TheJoseph Hall Manufacturing Company, . coms mew dum s (fF WM |. The. Cheapest. Weekly Sl diy counrive vxpaa ovicuzruss, ones or ovens. | (VERY JESCRIPTION 1871. _- Medical Hall THE JOSEPH. HALL MACHINE WORKS, I made the acquaintance of a young lady | = A beautiful external life symbolizes a gs br ---------- OSHA WA, ONTAR IC ).i : | ca.und . : : once at party, whe was rather goodlooking, | beautiful internal life. + > a IS : and 1, being rather susceptible, of course | Where judgement has wit to express it, DR. DEA NS ts: hed. % ESTABLISHED 1851. fell in love. | there is the best orato AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co, s ' I accompanied the young lady how, ! i ; "would inform the public that he has just received a full assortment of Good Family Reading of i Infere, ting Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, PROPRIETORS. | kind; and is one of the Belt and Most J SIMA TOILET ARTICLES, &e., ; Reliable Newspapers published in WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. i Westewn Canad. Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug Store. Remember the stand, nearly opposite Hindey' Hotel, Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. 1-ti. IN CANADA. | ---- ' \ lite"ins p 1 The improbabilities of experiénce are t ha very mvitation from the cx NIT mt had a yeIv y He mvitati "NC many, the impossibilities are few. young lady's father to stay at home! But Sd : : : Nin is the fruitful parent of distempers, nothing daunted, 1 resolved to ;win Jane hid , oe and ill lives occasion good physicians. Ann at all hazards. If anything, 1 rather | . liked the old man's objections, for that | Literature is a garden, books are partic- | ular views of it, and readers are visitors. T CON haa a . 4 EIGN i In addition to earefully written editorials on the 1 # gence, Co made the thing romantic, you know leading polit peal and social events of the day the and an ins : : / i icati f i | Time ) to contain valuable select 08 SRAM The next evening knowing that Jane The intoxication of" anger, like that of 1 wks will be found to co cted ¢ TER Ann would be at church. I borrowed a the grape, shows us to others, but hides TT. an horse and carriage from a friend, and went there for the purpose of taking Jane Ann home after church was over, : + 1 am afraid 1 did not - pay much agen | TT tion to the sermon on that evening ¢ and I thought, at that time, it was the longest I had ever listened" to. But as every thing earthly has an end, so had that ser us from ourselves. Though we travel the world over to find #4hée beautiful, we must carry it within us, or we find it not, 5 3 Flattery is like a flail, which, if not sdroitly used, will box your bwn years, in- stead of tickling those of the corn. wa A TQ T 'S ae} "2 ik RN mc \ | articles from the British, Canadian and American "he paid withiy ] | a. i 1 Jo s, formi onecise and pleasing epitom § 3 of the 3 RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. | 77% 3 . REL Ta La A Py | a " a be : 3 0 Str lolel Possession Given l Forty Days, i Required. "= WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION TO OUR Particular attention is paid ta Politics, British i and Foreign News, Canadian News, American News, Local matters, Markets, Paragraphs, Poctry, Commercial, Facetize, &c, { MaRkE®.~ Perhaps epattment of a New: paper is.of bts 1 are reliable for their impartial dorrectness, The Conductors of the Timks will give special atten: | tiorf'to this department of the Jornal, and gather the returns from all the principal points of Tele | | Thape impo athe Warmer and Storekeeper than copidus Marks: Reports, which e | | graph and Mail, up to the hour ¢f publication, for | the information of their Subscriflers. Commercial shot; and 1 thought it. WAS the happiest Much may be done in those little shreds oi; anc oug! as ) appiest, : Ya Tr moment in my life when I assisted Jane and patches-of time which every. day pro- Nurs I610 Ta > ria duces, and which most men throw away, . 0) y CArmage. . a We of Wl to X the longest youd } but which nevertheless will take at the end e of course too » longest road pos- . sible to Mr. D 8: and ait was an o of it po - small deduction. from the life of €¢ tod . W-- + 4 LN op : 4 paul . 1 a b; . 1 man - . 10 THY posite direclion 3; horse's home, | y -- + -- and as he had not had his supper, he did : We : not cave much about going; but T at last It is as difficult to know the qualities of y ; oh Ha 85 00 got him undér way, and then T' gave my attention to- my companion, and con- menced conversation which ran thus No louse has a narrower or meaner ! ORNAMENTAL "Dear Jane, isn't this a beautiful hole than many a person who voluntarily . i whoz, there! Where are yon going to? ** retires into his own mind." SE oflice 0: public 22 AT COST PRICE AND UNDER. "63 the Licart as it is easy to know those of -- | Six Copies for One Year - - |- Y. | P », Among its many advantages we call gttention to the following: | and generally appreciated, and fan conidentially. FEL REITs az ry : ° . CARN 'HAIL LXE E i Ah Ald C Co ED | Intelligence likewise forms a Jeading feature in : ; NUMBER ONE AND TWO BUCKEYE COMBINED | fists wits C1088 may be formed at any period of the year | by SIX or more Subscribers asdociating together the Read, a . We believe this Machine, as we now build it, to be the most perfect Reaper and Mower ever | Thus allowing a copy Fee 10 the getter up of a' The whole must be sold without reserve within the next fex weeks, to make room for | yet offered to the pnblic of Canada, club o 2 NOW IS THE TIME! pret | Cop IE , Sniper | | fo nce ik > [% 2# Communications to be addressed to the Pro Exel : . , SELL THE WHOLE OF HIS STOCK OF | Subscription = ¥ $1.00 a Year, REAPER AND MOWER, A little exertion only is nice ary to secure a It bas no Gears on the Driving Wheels, or for. (1 lotiors aust be Post paid. id 1! Ww PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. lee 'Dry: Good,s Boots and Shoes'! With Johnson's Self Rake, Improved' for 1871, |*rmitius the Cah badviacs his Suckemor: in busitiess, Ferh of FIVE. The Times is now widely known stered, will be af our own risk, ' 'Thé last was addressed to the horse, re 3 ITis a great waste of raw material to put' t Bolus' worth ~of } F on ten While this Sale lasts, to buy your Spring and Summer Goods, in mt ten © dollars' worth' of beaver on te who had saddenly taken a notion to turn around. . « | TROWSERINGS, Address : Pliysie pl See 'how heantiful the moon - whoa, | cents worth of brains. CLOTHING, D ress Good --~ | Enabling it to pass over marshy or sandy grotind without elopging wp the gearing thereby 1enéderin | C. E. STEWART & Co ir, and ( there! Where in the dickens are vou go- § i. TWEEDS, . HATS, CAPS, it Jess liable to breakage, It is furnished with Proprietors. Din you ever think 'that what is termed' 3 Hamilton, May, 1871. Fo ing to I' * ¢ommon cold, when xystematically negléct- : COATINGS, OF EVERX. _ VARIETY. SHIRTINGS, » RADA ) A of. Toront PRINTS, LUSTRES FRENCH MERINQES, Ey ! Four Knives, Two for Mowitig and Two for Reaping, one of which hzsa| sR TU REK A" Pudi i t } : n : o | ee | . £0h, Janie! I've wished for this oppor: | attended ta at once is generally easy 'of 1S 3 iz : abe = ; sickle edge for cutting Tipe, clean grain, the other a smooth edge for | ; tunity to----whoa, , there x Confound that cure. If you are troubled: with "a" cold Or, PR I French Delaiies, Gloves, Hose, 1 apestry, Kidderminster: and cutting gram In which there is grass or seed ciever. He : ELE Hemp Carpets, Hollands) Tickings, Sheetings, Towelings, Cre. | 5 . x . rls x It _has the walleable guards both on the Mower Pur and Reaper Table, with best cast stee | found most eflicacious in removing it. They ed . ' Pad --- Ledger Plates. It is also furnished withour ' iy ; : : Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. New Patent Tilting Table for Picking up Lodged Grain, : . a OSHAWA, APRIL 14, 1871. 111. LATLWAY TRAVELILNG. -- Railway travell- AR : GO TO ing with all its drawbacks and; accideiits is N "EXECUTED IN AQWTYLE] H E RY'S this mode of conveyaiige only amounting to Sada : ¥: 3 } This is one of the most important improvements effected in any Machinedduring the pasttwo years. | one in half a milion. Now while-it is very | gratifying: to*know that it so much safer than the old system; it is pleasing to know that we hive in the *f The horse was going square into the od. often leadseto that most fatal and (lis- \ fenge. tressing disease consumption hut when horse 1 long wished for this apporinity cough, ** Bryan's Pulmounic Wafers" will be to tell you how much! --come ont of that 4 | you oat-muncher. Where in the mischicf are you geing to I" _give-immediate relief, and generally effect TE : a cure when taken dn 'tinfe. Sold by "all The horse was going into thefence agmu. Draggists and country. dealers. Price. 25 but I straightened him and commenced ; cents per box. again, k "T've long" wanted to tell you, Janie, his is the only really valuable Tilting Table offered en any combined Reaper "and Mowe o NW] [Bud HPRUIOLS JUOR The Table ean be very easily raised or lowered by the Driver in his Seat | without stopping his Team. how much I love. you--come out of that, - a >, ; ? the safest'system of travelling ever organi- ARRIS ARRISTH LICETOR Public SsHawa «ICO Stroets 2 MONEY sold. ° JL EL FArREw} you -son-of-agun! What are you toruing around for! And oh! Janie, if I thought you--where the duse afg yo going! Whoa, there! --Iluved me half as "well ds confound that horsé. * Whoa. there! I love you--come out of "that - I'd'hée per: fectly--vonfeund that horse!™ yes! Jani, * Fd be perfectly --tlarn that horse' Whoa: there! i : zed -- the/persons injured w hile travelling by { ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL Can be made to act as Rakes at the option of the Driver, by a Léver readily operated by his foot. | The Cutting apparatus Is in front of the Machine; and therefore ther Reaping or Mowing, the | entire work: of the Machine is under the eye of the Driver while guiding his team. This Table is o constructed as to Canadian Pain De' "padi dear] stroyer equally safe and sure for-the cure of coughs, colds; rlievihatism and stunner > " ee aints Tor ss hv, Druggists | It #45 too. hte. The harse 'timed smplaints, For sale hy, Druggists and | country lers, "> Price 25 Oy ' square around, upsetting the carriage and Lo ta dealers, "sPrice "25 "cents ber S CON D O hatild. 5 I > I ; : wy . Gather the Grain into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it in a more compact form than any other Reel Rake, L B E o] | | E A This Table is attached tothe Machine both in front and rear of the Driving Wheel; which en- | ables it to pass over rongh ground with much greate se and less injury to the Table. The Grain | Wheel Axis ison a line with the axle of the Drive Wheel. which enables it to turn the corners readily. | The Rakes are driven by Seating instead of Chaing, and therefore have steady uniform motion, I ARRIST Solicitor Simson's ( and at low breaking it all to smash, but fortunately li not-hurting Janie or I 1 walked homie - Hogs: Meoicises-- It is gratifying to| : " with Jane, but never finished my Spee hh: kiow that there.is at least one which has'| Baa F 0 R T H E The cartiage eost me farty dollars to get'! stood the test and proved itself worthy of I it' repaired, And 1 haven't indulged in'thé | the confidence. re posed in it; we know of ne [ luxury of falling in love since other, article which has proved so generally , P= GREE rooms ~ successful, gr given such universal satisfac- { : SUMMER DRINKS § tion ; we are confident there is" more of it | - used than all offers combined, and that | " it will ultimately supercede all others there { p Making them much less liable to breakage on uncven ground, and more regular in removing the : | grain, The Gearing is very simple, strong and durable. The Boxes are all lined with 'uorllinsuo) otal yr 1 ICENCE 4 wa Al "promptly atter aonsaSmuy 'uonsefirpa Issuer of _ The figst "the best, because thie safest, for" : i Be - laborers, invalids, the "sedentary, for all | ean bene donb, It is * Darley's Con- | rpuie 5 JREK x a ties fof the day and night, id half a glass'| dition Powders and Arabian Heave Rem- | i : * : BABBIT METAL IS A ' 3 W H.T ALA time, repeated ini © ten mirutes. if de: | edy.™ we advise all wh require - anything AND : gc & PURELY. VEGETABLE MEDICINE! - on hank Fig | the kind to give it. a trial+we know | , . y Se re to Beaverton, ¢ perature of the spring and. well; or. roger- | i saiificd wi hth al -- | The Parts are all numbered, so that the REPAIRS can be ordered by FOR THE CYRE|on wy "ine |. smenuber thé imme, amd sce has th sigue telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of: the part wanted, | PYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT. BE ay voir, or asfern. :Ice-water is more pala- | member the name, and sce that the signa- | G d Gr H wn mewber the same, and sc that th signa: Y 0 oceries Gen | table; but often kills, * * eof : y . : 0 = LOSS OF APPETITE, GENERAL DIBILITY, if rHOLE EL iy . tare of Hurd & o».. is on each package. : 3 \ JE "Any drink which contains aleshol, éven Nopihionk oar : There is no side Draught in either reaping or mowing, and the Machine is so perfectly balanced | AND ALL DISEASES of THE BLOOD YY of HOO! ¥ J Ei of A i, Northrop!& Lyiiran, Newcastle, Ont., pro- ' y 3 + I CANT VE IRE PES RA VAY ENG, There is no sic Taught in.ei ! ws J : R " ' / ¥ £34 terial used. - Tl cider, root beer, or domestic cordials, all ! <p Ah Cade, Sold by all Tr { FLO R, SMOKED HAM and BACON: CHOI( E SEED P( TATOES that there is no pressure on the horses' necks either when reaping or mowing, All -our malloabie i Facior: King * sired, of common cold water, (at thé teud- diet; oe 2 Sage ofl 9 Early Rose. Goo Wrrim and Peach Blows. castings, where they are subjéct to much strain, have been tively injurious, because thaatom of alco: | « BOI hy using the strength of the next min: | ute forthe present, leaves the system: that next minute just that much weaker than would haye been had not that atoud of alvohol Leen taken this is the case, be- _ cause that atom of alcohol 'has not one cine dealirs. H ERETOFORE PARTIES TROUBL- ed with Dyspepsia®e Liver Complaint have been unable 16 find a medicine to reach their cases; but H E. ROWE, of Lyn. is now present- | [ing to the public 'a prepars particularly adapted forthe abovecomplaints, Its merits are amply proven:-by testimonials from those who gave been benefitted by its use, It is called the * Eureka." Give the advertisement, which is to. | 'be bound 'in another column, a perusal. | Also, Crockery, Glassware, &c. Opposite the Commercial Hotel, King Street West, Oshawa, April 27, 1871. J. W. FOWKE, Twice annealed, thereby rendering them both tough and strong, © OUR JOHNSON RAKE Is so constructed as to raise the cam so far above the Grain Table a Healthy Attion, and of Purging out all Deprav ed Humors and Bilious ' Secretion from the System. ir origin ih, or are great ion, frem the sole cause f rans do not: perform 'the duty that nature bas designed them, henee the nutriment is not abstracted from the food, and the blood is.deprived of that nourishment it re requires of the Digestive Organs. If you Feol Dull, Drowsy, Debilitated and Des Pon ent, have frequent Headache, Mouth Tastes jadly in the morning, Irregular, Appetite and Tongue coated, yon are suifering from Torpid It possesses the power of Tolling and Strength : ening the Stomach. of Exciting the Torpid Liv oF to . D O M I J _ particle of Hutriment, henée cannot supply | -- { that the Grain does not interfere with the machinery of the the system with oie atom of str: ngth. Canadian Pain Destroyer. | 1" Rakes or Reels. Liver or Billoiusness. In many cases of Liver Tf anythitig is added to. the summer 8 A FAMILY "MEDICINE, IT 3] Isin town yet, also a splendid assortment of : Complaint only a part of these symptoms arnes ink . : ; . well, f ably known, relieving thous- » ure p ; Fe . drink, it 'sho SoTitz ome fe 4A. 'well and favorably , ing thous "ureka has no equal, as it effedts Perfect ('n es nk, it 'should contain son utriment, ands from pain in the We make the above machines in two sizes: eav ges the Liv I and Healt) "y - 4 ngthe 3 s0.as to strengthen the body as well as'to | Side, Back and Heal, Coughs, Colds, Sore | ' NEW ; Pl I N( ) ( i ( ) ) I ) pr Lyn, Oct. 3rd, 1 BENE : | > Am, Oct, 3rd, 1470 3 wounded he bh ho LB Bt 3 x KD | No. One, large size, for Farmers who have a large amount to reap. | Mi H. E. Rows, reaved to k dilute the blood for purpose of dnore edsy |, Theat, rains, Bruises, Crane n 4 4 the Stomach, Cholera Morbus. DEAR Sir,--Having used three boftles of yon . valuable medicine in my family with i | stronger atts ti flow throngh the system, as any one knows | I ) I i gh 2 , 88 4 me knows | ' . | Jusentery, Bowel ( l ) fa | oO M N O N Dusentér VY. Bore omplaints, Burns, | : ' I feel cafe inrecommending the Eure 9 that the thinner a fluid is the more easily Secalds, Frost Bites, de a 3 2 does. it flow. Nome of the nut us and | ron ¢ CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER has now safe drinks are iver ssid lv en before the public for a length of time, and fe drinks are Sve n below, especially for | wherever used is well liked, never . failing in a those whowork in the sub of summer, all | Single instance to give permanent relief when | ML iy { timely used, and we have never known a single | to be taken at the natural temperature of | vaso of sain anion, wire the directions have 1 Te : ae | been properly followed t on the contrary all the shadiest spot in the I cality. To any | are delighted with its operations, and speak in | the highest terms of its virtnes and magical effect. 15 OW prices : ; sR el At unusually low prices and in great variety. al Debility, Inaction of the Liver, Los: , pr . . ~ Sr -ph » wer if Ange No. Two, medium size, for Farmers having more use for a Mower | fie geo. it navies been whe Lover, Loss of Ape J dlaints in my family. ' NEW COTTONS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW HATS AND CAPS, than a reaper 3 . y ull A . : . . : ours respectfully, NEW PRINTS, NEW TWEEDS, 'NEW BOOTS & SHOES, | . : ? With the exception of difference in size, these Machines are similar in every respect. Our No. 2 Machiiie supplied a want hereto fore unfilled, viz : - A medium between thie Jun. Mower and | Mp, H. Filo E, iE : x H n in size a ari 'We shi strit \ n ines i SIR, ave used kFuaveks "Sick cade hem ie viny oe id a oe of etn | BS 8 ALOR deh. RA | urions, not a Léneficial ingredient, nor We J experience i " i FT . {| March among our Agents, that intending purchasers may have an early of digestion, with success, when other remedies i ITALLIN & : fans Te muses In, the matise, hav. NEW FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, | their merits, . : failed to da me any good, and | am satisfied aft Signe, * : | are suffering from any of the.complaints for AT THE ; {* > ; Thais on he Sonne 1d Th otutts SCOTCH | hich it 4 " ) ; . i . -| merits would be to give it a trial, and I cheerfully : org 1. Buttermilk, { Bh ee yrunelided, may depend up it | And we guarantee that all Machines shipped this season shall be recommend it to all whose condition. demand i 2 A vint of melhsses a 'gallon of | The astonishing efficac » Canadia on} | " : 1s anythigg of this nature, . . in molasses toa gallon Of | parc sstonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain | equal in quality'and finish to the samples exhibited by our Agents. oO Coon, | with promt hs § Destroyer in curihg the diseases for which it is i \ rop' Vool ' ; : Waiter |. recommended, and its wonderful effects in sub. $ \ A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS | . 3 Prop'r of Lyn Woolen Factory. ! ders with 3. A lemon' 'to half a gallon of water | duing the torturous pains of Rheumatism, and in phe: a : 3 all a ga i relicving'Nervous Affections, "entitle it to high and a teacnpful of molasses, or as much | rank.in the list of Remedies. Orders are coming in from a ficine Dealefs, in all parts of the p sugar, | country, for further supplies, and each testifyin nr" as to the universal satiefot ion it gives. yg pr' of then Toe Winx be aided, but itis ale NEW LUSTRES, NEW COATINGS, 8 GROCERIES, CROCKERY -AND HARDWARE, . ° We invite if blic t ithihold. giving thei 1 i th ; had a L For sale retail and w holesale by all druggists : . : e¢ invite the public to withhold giving their orders unti wy have had an opportunity of ~ NORTHROP & LYMAN, The highest price paid foraWheat, Oats, Barley, Peas, Go. { | inspecting our Machines, as we belicve they are unsurpassed by any other 'Machines ever yet p Newcastle, Ont: ' J. W. FOWKE. | offered on this continent. \ J. WINER & Co., Hamilton. | 'B, H. MITCHEL, \ i 74 One Farm of 70 acres; 3 miles East of Oshawa; 50 acres, 1 mile North pf London, + tutes, but the vinegar is not anatural acid, | £° sate icine Dealers Harmony ;/108 acres, in Snowdon ; 126 acres, in Letterworth ; and some village 1éts | We also offer among our other Machines : : ¥ rad wo aloo I hone § a | | 2 ; 1 3 - in, Oshawa, which would be exchanged for other property. . Also itv - i miains free aleohol, hence is not. as safe | family il fe wibuent watering EFORMER/ a5 : TT on a1 ig or healthful. | For sale A W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans : { = ; ; rtf | JOHNSON'S Self-Raking Reaper,improved fori871, 3 » ) | Oshawa, April 13, 1871. 5. A thin gruel made of com or cats, | Oshawa; in Whithy by J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne sts . T { in Brooklin by John Warren, : Se ---- TWEE it LL iris : : ina i drank wag, in strengthening, { in Brooklin by John Warren : | A U C T I O N | G. B. Stock's' Celebrated with two knives, smooth and sickle edge, and malleable guards 5 3 i of gues ch, or gepden | Parley's Arabian oil. 25D | Extra Machine 0il 'Woop's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. . : 2Lies 1o a halt gallon of water is 'agree- FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. " - . ' TS NOW USED IN ALL > : 4 . ' s ple. | A NEVER.FAILING REMEDY 'Commission Business. I! CIPAL Manu nd smn oii- | BUCKEYE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Self-Rake. . \ Inegar, sugar and water are substi- The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to Qold water applied to the head is very | JA SEY ER-.FAI " nt 4 dnd J ving entire sain clon aud al ate Ja ion oud ed TY | . S valual re] a i \ 3 . 3 L} : refreshing to harvesters "adine iv a4. | the medicinal virtue aan mbines all ~ x (4 go " 0 i | say ng over al athe thse hundued per Sent, BUCKEYE Reaper No. 2, with Johnson S Self- Rake. » v > S Ts, ading in wat | experience has proved to possess the most safe PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, i HESUBSCRIBER IN RETURNING this ON is well known, it i ahd ag Sis quality of | » i . Tidi _er abates thirst. Persons cast away at sca | and eflicient properties for the cure of Flesh : . | T hn ong bl oH ISINNccessary for me to Proclaim the Glad 1 dings! pared to attend to Sales wherever desired, and | RY - : would also state that he has leased the Store be- | TESTIMONIALS : longing to_ A. Farewell, at Harmoney, for the | Tue Josern Hall Macnrse Works, | y | Grease," Strains, Lameness, Mange, Whitlows, of silk fitted in the hat at an equal dis- | Commis, Sand Cracks, Foundered Feet, Horn Dis temper, Swellin and many other diseases i . | state the reasons why it = rede a | NS 1 : Sd eficient, properties for the sure of Flesh 2 on him since he commenced the. Auction | A i Ina well known tues thet 1x wire eione ol | OH10 Combined Hand Raking Reaper and MOWET. | yyy +7 THE GREAT SHOSHONEES Great Tribe of Shoshonees, British (olum} is tance from the hair and top of the hat, is | which horses and cattle are subject to. purpose of keeping on hand all kinds of Oshawa, Ont., April 14, 1570, | bt hie Pid Medical Histo { T H B ann of Canadian IC story has such - at : 8 i 7 » protéetio ne. th ly tested, 1 is concede wees 4 ] . heat : it is an absolute protéetion if one | thoroughly tested, and is conceded to be the | without hesitation, that jt is the best oil we have WHY? ; or Jess fio ti a ot avoun 8, Gall | stowed on him since he commenced the Auction | #8 it is a well known fact that it will neit | will suffer le 53 fr m thirst if the clothing | Cracked Heels, Ring Bone, Epavin, £ allous, Fis- Business, begs lcave to state that he is still pre- | "or get thick in the coldest weather. her gum : Remedy and Pills, of the Eminent Indian H is kept wringing with salt-water, "a piece | fab * ey, inal Poisons, Scratches or | CAYUGA CHIEF, Jr., Mower. Medicine Man, Doctor-Lewis. Josephus, of the 4 Guelph S woking the most marvelous and aston ng | GEO. B. STOCK, Ks Bond BuckiEYE Mower No. 1. ¢ Cures the World ever heard of. - Never fn the ares y ol a Yomy | This celebrated Liniment has been 1 fo MA H 1 N E R | Db "$1 Re bas STOugham, | i i H 2 : 3 x a great protectio » head against s used for C Y TAR SIR, W 2 Doon Te ; . ce ed Tho tio ns on £ x 3 : great protection to the head nst sun many years, and, ' its - curative properties | cating Oil EA a Tour moms Jour Lube: Buc KEYE Mowdér No 2 Res Wf alod the fintrduetion. af: Any, medi -g , Lotk-Stit : . . : 3 cheapest and most reliable remedy fo n '4 : } AND re 4 a? 2 ry - side is well covered with gold leaf. As | nal complaints ever offered to. the Public Jt | any other: ee pa bi lusts longer than BaLL's Oh io Mower No: 1. i fy Pa ols ¥ aluatle ne ia : medicinal v e % ? d d { | any other oi 3 Barer fails when timely used and faithfully ap AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, | Planer 7 Acih th one oiling PE foot on wi. , we will ad yequtdtfc ingtlients, on 4 To be had of all Druggists and Country Mer BUCH AS THE j clean snd ight, AY * do not want anything Ohio, Jd I. Mower. Cherry Ba ¥ ; Podophylim, Juni , Quassia, hy " : S riweed, Dandelion, Hygseya '0 mnd F = per hottle. Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake : © oc: = a 4 " sition of the 'combined medicine, are such and so. x -4 YHOU SAD 4 M 4 EY AN CLIMAX DOUBLE CYLINDER Yours truly, F. W. GLEN, Pres't, > py hob db. Lyman, Newcastle, "Ontyrio, Pro- THRESHING MACHINE, [1 will run Stock's O inst any 'other. oil in 5 PR 3 a1 1 : hary iously ¢lassified and » 1, that i Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. | Lt hesounly gabined sudcompodnded, that i i NADA are n : known world, ant cannot help but act on the E ahi A tes \ « 3 | A il hs i: Yor shy WT = Manufactured by Macpherson, Glasgow & Co. | {he Dominion, and I prefer it to either Sne | For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans, NE Ww: TYPE, | which is the best Machine ever introduced into.| live oil, or any other used on machinery, - " . 12 3 system in a very satisfactory and desirable man- = tt Champion Hay T edder ner. No matter what your ailinen " be, 'Pronounced gi * PUNCH say what in women is called | Oshawa; in Whit y by J. H. Gerrie and J, Byrne. | Ontario, RPE N ¥ ks \ h Ontario, also the \. Ha ERSON, Foreman Joseph Hall Wor * fo the put there is always a space between the top of | ad and the ¢ ) + hus g | the head an the crown of the hat, hatters | chants throughout the Dominion. Price 95 cents should utilize this idea, KING OF A tract of Colocynth, Jalap, Socotrine Aloes, * ; 'apsicum, &e., &e.,) whichnter intothe compo- - re TE -- { h itv. ino av is perandsh tiv i in' Broqkiyn by John Warren. | . N BC ~ +13 | - . curtosity, in a ma 18 grandiloguently may. | : . LITTLE GIANT THRESHER AND| find Stock's Oil 10 be the hest ofl T have eve ' ified int tig fii of ining. The Great Female Remedy: | SEPARATOR, aan, Poni SL fo Wrath papas oie ioe and i th otc Spor ans (RY foes | . . b ¥ . . ld, 3 previous to Stocks a 3 4 r wh ) I | for a Farmer's own use, made by Joseph Shar- | Stock's to be the best. K's, and | find d tored to perfect k 1 ich You Strength and du Tue poor Indians are bec#ming civilized. | JOB MOSES' PERIODIC AT of { man, Stratford, 'also the Moses Smith, Duffins Creel AND OUR CELEBRATED i This Medicine is pleas nd safe to take, an i T 1 gC ied. JOB MOSES A CAL PILLS. | oe . . aren, ns Creek, Ont, ig Ned ) safe to take, an { he Oshor Five of the wives of Cut-overithe-top, ; : . ! JOHNSTON SELF-RAKE REAPER, is warranted, and may y Th : | THE BUCKEYE COMBINED 1 would rather have Stock's Oil than ane bh - LE ; ed uj X > - . 3 i » KEYE )\ NED, ove ¥) ol ® any make 8 hett clire of all 4 3 of th aE CRA SIE ps ecm mr BSCE Vil ESSE © HAL | THRESHER & SEPARATOR fi iain list: divorce. ? | A ing in tae curs of all those painfuland | - SY" S RAKE | Foreman for Brown & Paterson, Whitby ¢ " ' Diseases, Humors, and ell difeascs arising. f ! | faneerons dieascrto which the female conte |e INIGOW PRESSES. |... cc SELF RAKE, ER.) ire utotary Cote ty ery, Ont Linpurity of the Big, Cxceuiing the Third Bras | moves all obstructions, and a oe ad re. THE CAUGACHIEF JUNIOR MOWER, ave used Stock's Oil and I find Ee Greatly improved for 1871, with either Pitt's, Pelion. Planet, Wecdbury, or Hall's 8 or 10 Hors | of Consumption. Further information, with full | X i | Russia' is but Beginning to develop her | hut on! | THE FAR FAMED PARIS GRAIN | xrionnrc overused in fo years mand turing ("power. We shall aloo offer for th Fol toate a A Lor Ng the Groat Sliashonccs Remedy DRILL SRT am ed Car tat Oe Of A I pan y ; R k's k . Ve . cates ol Cures, ¢ P 2 | Si " 7 7 y «ANS ' JACOB STALTER, Greenw Treatise, the Hand-book, or the Almanac. and OF upper 1 CULTIVATORS, GANG PLOWS, = a ood, ¢ Girenlars from any respectable Druggist. in th Cuarant AND ALL OTHER PLOWS. | Wo pres stocks Oi tg cither sperm. ive. or 'NEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HULLER, | Susman = axis The rant ALSO CLIFTS PATENT LOOM any other oils ever used, for experience shows it fe \ Priceof Remedy in lavge Pint Bottles 1.00. oF g py JAI) SpAIGHT & SoN, Markham, Ont. ? | ills per Box 2 cents. " MANGLES THAT TOOK THE FIRST 1 : ha nd Senge : . Very much sup tior to any other heretofore introduced ten E ; + PRIZE AT TORONTO, ? | volves about Li timer pen achinery, which re. ; : raf Brink : hith agents have been sent to all parts-of the | Pains in the Back #hd Limbs, Fatigue on slight AND FANNING MILLS, a Be toate, and. find it IA Frain the only ofl that gives satisfact a = ies place®it wit] oY 2 ny ar p ie "HOY , A mew and complete Sinuste ated Catalogue of all our Machine: is being pabiished, | VANS FOR FROM ONE TO TWEN . 8 at wit] ' t i . Wea s cx. | exertion, Palpitation of the heart, Hysterics, and And a host of other things,and last but not least. J. CHURCRELY, Bangor, Ont. wo - x ' OANS 10} NE EN. country, world to expedite the work, and it is ex-'| Fiiten these Bille will efforts a ecant {And host of thar things uid] last bust mot. least gO - fr p-- and will be ready for early dis! ribution, Tree to ali appiieants, Y vears, to be repaid in ihataliuents to cted. to put twenty steamers of the lang. | JNEE ean have fale and aibough a pow St iis Guava, eh 5, 347 J fh DT Jenin to J fp i ahs bo ou - i y 1 i into | TT edy, do not contain fron, calomel, anti OR JOHN McDONALD'S TOMB STONES | GEO. B. STOCK. Esq., ' hts 0] { | seb fn addition to Tistalimchts as Je jay; T h e G U ¢ wake 3d ovgral Ae ica elippes int | muy, or ats Suu udu io es sotmiinton. DERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY |* \\y, MARBLE, MADE AT NEW. | our extia mac : . | mente. iu siditfon 1o IuStaliufBin, io they Tul ll roemineaint service at onee. The vpening e Dard- | Full directi sin the pamphlet around each , MJ NE . : AU amr' Machines are ivarra ptéd to give satisfuction, and Purchasers will have ai op-Lnada Permancat' Building anfl Saving Scclety, | |: offered the publi. anolles for free navigati i rent i Package, Which should be carefully ved. ATTENDED TO. CASTLE. gum nor corode, and wares satistroton neither : A 0) d i g on, 1s i oye nt in JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR, o 1 keep a Stock at Harmoney as Samples, Very truly yours, Ss Finnwiic Russian commercial life, of wliich they $1.06 amd 124 cents for postage, enclosed to \. All rr of Plow Peints and Land Sides kept SOLE PROPRIETOR : i enormous strength. A mercantile naviga- TO MARRIED LabiFS ; ? | It is peculiarly suited. Tt will, in a short time, ! tion company has just been formed in St. bring on the monthly period with regularity. Petersburg, with a capital of 9,000,000 | These Pills should not be taken by Females | during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Preg- 1 rubles, or £5,000,000, for the purpose of | waney, as the y are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but af any ethtr time they are safe, urchasing steamers, and ocean shipping I g ! pping In all Cases-of Nervous and Spinal Affections, compreh: Money to Loan. ~~ J hued Jostiiey a teating them bot Ju in Mowing und Reaping before they will beggequivid to | ™ *"ERHEW ELL MCGEE & RUTLEDGE. 4 eal: ariet toed! ly ox nde the pwc A | Solitons, Bowmanvilie. f i 4 Bio peuds the chute | 2ePrivatg funds to loan. 61% a ang Ma h - ll + ok; 2 tr spt a Fad g ake PY . Tile | Northre c Ly , Newe 5 on hand, and all other kind of repairs. A share Ex axe jot slow to take advantige ; and while | Northrop & Laan, Newcastle, Ont., general of public patronage solicited. GEO. B. STOCK; Broveram, Ost. .| | : ] Bricks? Beicks! t ZA Agents wy og = war, eR py ell ix : " DAVID BISHOP. aie va . y UNT, For further information a ddress doo bati r Pima ks ra i Gl pe nes'to { : ye! ] tas A by Wo i : . POI THE DOMINION: F WwW Gl BE N { : danlienisinsy 1+. GUELPH S¥ > calotla ate le by W. T. Atkin d Dr. FIN ANS oy an 3 : i there is no calculating its ultimate politi For sale by ison. An Deans Auctioneer and Commission Agent, Harmouney, | WINANS, BUTLER. & ¢o., No. 7, ront St " . ' | JOVOR SALE, MAUHINE-MADE PRES- bi . Gl n . President, SED: White Bricks anys Os ae [ 3 vi Oshasva ; in Whitby by J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrng - al significance, 7 =| W. R. CLIMIE, - « PROPRIETOR. , April 13th, 1871, 1 fa : _ Toronto. Sgn : - ' : Harmouey, April 13th, 15; 46 {Sold by T, W. GIBBS, Oshawa, Ont, tf OFHAWA, ONTARID | Worksy = «wt in Broolyn by John Wariea, « 75.2] te EE a ae iy TE QUE Ge wR Sy