-------------- STEELE BROS, WOOD, McLEAN & Co ~~ GROCERS ee WALTER WIGG & SON, COW a | omni ari, 4) A | : Cabinet Malors, Undertakers, &o. bud ; A N S| SEEDSM EN, rvipmiian rs soxots on ctpass wo | : _PAST WEEK, STILL WE | & NOTA BENE. JUST OPENED Show All You Advertise 1 : : AT . AVING GREATLY an OUR WAREROOMS, AND LIKEWISE added consMierable NEW ETOCK thercto, a cordial invitation is extended to al! to come ahd see them. Great inducements held out to those purchasing at our Establishmeny SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. : A SPLENDID NEW HERSE FOR HIRE." - Coffins kept constantly on hand or made to order. Ladies will find these Goods the Most Elegant in the Market, A choice lot of Carriages and Perambulators just received Cheap for Cash. while the prices arc Much Lower than Canadian-made Goods. Last, but not Least, is Paling's Patent Balanco Window Blind Lifter, the best thing of the kind in use, at the THE NEW DOMINION Direct from London per last Steamer. YHITRY MARAETS, ~ OSHAWA! il Have Some Goods Left! | = . 8 E A S O N A B L E | And are daily in reccipt of more. © We mean to maintain the re Wiaiation i which we have already obtained by welling Good Goods, a One Case of Tiadies' Black Silk Succ OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES! CHISHOLM'S! ~ | Invite attention to soni® of the Lead- | | ing { 3oods of their large and SHAWL MIBUETS. ----ALSO---- \ FURNITURE WAREROOM ji : 7 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. ONE CASE OF FRENCH KID GLOVES! ! ! | OYLE & ASHTON'S BEST | STOCK. : Prints, warranted Fast Colors | Junie 1st, 1871. LH] meee ---- | |PRICES TO SUIT THE PEOPLE! | Teas, the Finest to be had anywhere. | Sugars of all Refined Grades. : ; ; 00D JUDGES or PICTURES Syrups and Molasses. : al ( § 'OUR SILKS tographer in the County of Ontario; better judges are quite confident he is; the best judges are sure he is. Ye doubting ones | Have created a perfect furope among the Ladies, who declare they never 'before saw Silks at such prices. We have already repeated our Silk orders, and have now in stock a large assortment. Of the Celebrated Foussie Brand, which the subscriber has yearly imported for the past 15 years,and never fails in giving satisfaction. . Good | Better! Best! vo Advertisements, iF 5 i WANTED. \GES' 'WILL By Servant G PRICES AS USUAL, ONE DPOLLAR PER PAIR} Coffees--the Genuine-artiele. | { Valencia Raisins, without equal for | quality and cheapness. { Prunes, Currants and Figs. ' Layer and Loose Muscatel Raisins. "| Canned Fruits--a nice assortment. EAN SREY OI IONS: A | Preserves and Jams in variety. A. M. CHISHOLM'S. % bo A ALTHOUGH ON ACCOUNT OF THE WAR THE PRICE IN EUROPE HAS ADVANCED CONSIDERABLY. ; OSHAWA, May 11, 1871 B48 GIVEN . ) Eh JONES, Apply immediately. 'TRAYED! . NTO THE PREMISES OF or, bak 32 3rd com. East ywner can have thé rent, and ap give Horr a call,and judge for yourselves if a mistake was made in giving Hoirrr the Jirst prize on Photographs and Paintings at the Coun"y and Township Fairs, the Philip Taylar EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND | CHEAPEST Stock of * past two years. Notwithstanding adver- Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silver tisements to the contrary, HOITT Is the Plated, and Fancy Goods only Artist in this 'County that finishes Pictures in either Crayon, Sepia, India Ink, Oil or Water Colors. HoirT has re- HAVE THIS DAY SOLD OUT ALL INTEREST IN°' MY BUSINESS IN Oshawa, to Messrs. H, & W. GILLETT, who will SaEY 4 on the same, and to whom all outstand- | ing accounts must be paid. TIIRAM GILLETT. { Port Hope, March 23, 197¢. | Marmalade, Oranges and Lemons, | Nuts and Candics Pickles, Sauces and Catsups, without | ie? | stint. { OR SALE. ; ; {Canned Lobsters, Salmon, Oysters, 'ERKSHIRE | PIGS, TWO | Sardines. * 2 yous couLp, | Flavoring: Extracts of all kinds. Hotel, East Whitby. RL | Nutmegs, Mace, and all the other E PROPERTY for SALE. of Jee SAMUEL HALL. | The subscribers have this day entéred 180 partnersidp as Dry Goods Mer¢htais, 'ander the name 73a: Sind. 150) 113w. hd style of H. & W. GILLETT, and are now receiving their fitted and refurnished his Gallery in a manner creditable to progressive Oshawa, SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK and having secured the services of a first- ° class assistant from the city, he will now be able to send out first-class pictures, and as promptly as any other Photographer. The reason that the good, better and best Judges were not invited to give Horrr a call, is because it is 'supposed they will come without an invitation, as only first- class work can be got at HOITT'S, over Wood's Store, up one flight of stairs, He is the sole agent forsRussell's Celebrated | Watches, Lazarus & Morris' Perfected Specta. cles, and Meriden Silver Plate, best" goods made, i and every thing in his line made to order. It will pay to examine his Stock before purchas- | | ing elseware. All Godds and Jobs warranted, Spice S. | | WE SELL WOMENS SHAWI | FOR 50 CENTS! which in price and variety will compare favorably with any in'the couhtry. NEW LIGHT PRINTS, SPLENDID VALUE. NEW LIGHT BRILLIANTS, Good and Chesp. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. : HOSIERY AND GLOVES, PARASOLS, SMALL WARESS. | Chocolate, Epps' Cocoa, Taylor's do. | | Sea Moss Faring, Cardinal Food. ANE LOT OF ORGANDIE'| Rice, W hole and Ground. Muslins, warranted fast Colors Simcoe Street, Oshawa. ! Sslawa., Ap 13th, 1871. 11. E: at 12} cents, at * | Arrow Rdot, Sago, Tapioca, Vermi- | CARMICHAEL. fi cll, _ - nat A.M CHISHOLM i Cornstarch, Glenfield, Satin Finish. WARD PETTIT, ol ditto. | Rice Starch, White and Blue. bo NP NEW YORK HOUSEKEEPERS' KAVORITES, : i inns I i PRODUCE TAKEN in Exchange FOR GOODS. | t | | H O USE]! | ' | The Cook's Friend Baking Powder. | ILTON, THE POET, DEPLORED | { | H B\ the loss of sight had he known the prin. | Snowflake Baking Powder. | ciple involved in i | The Prize Medal Starch. . . : Th : Dr. J. BALL & CO'S I Pri Medal Sareh 12 Fine Linen Ladies Handker-| YHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS RES. | | . pectfully to inform the citizens of | New lvory & Lignum- Vir 00D PRUNELLA GAITERS | hei wp ta ! ch iefs for One Dol la r, and Ge n- | Oshawa and surrounding country, that he | . Se a at 75 cents per pair, at tlemen's in Proportion. EYE CUPS, Oshawa, May 4, 1871. : ; ; » df {oe awed for a teem oF yenpn he pr mie | ; AV RIHOLMES P R 0 VISIONS! po | 17 MIGHT HAVE BEEN SAVED. "E. H. ARM ES 'NEW YORK (HO USE | J Nature, herself, the Great Physician, Docs the | Choice Smoked Hans | known as the Work, aided by the Eye Cups?" -NEW- A few thousand pounds of Pork and 0 U R 50 C E NT Kl D G Loves SITUATED ON THE CORNER OF A large assortment of Picture Frames at HOITT'S Gallery. Oshawa, April 20, 1871. 24r No Trouble to Show Goods. pojiavy uorgoedsuy uy GREY AND WHITE 'COTTONS, &e. | | ) | i Corner King and Simeon Streets, Oshawa. HENRY W. GILLETT. WALTER B. GILLETT. CHISHOLM, BBS' BLOCK. O R SA NE! ! e¢ shrun d | ] [DENCE ir JOSEPH ASH, bo ESTE Raa Shuttle or Liock-Stitch Sewing Machines awa; wit he ad- Bacon. SIMCOE AND MILL STREETS, Folge gl he nerves resume ther lone; For Family Use and Light Manufacturing | | Fresh Ground Flour. @ | No. 1 Lard. | Corn and Oatmeal. | sumes fis proper shape, size, and brilliancy ; all Potatoes, Beans and Split Peas. diseasdd action is ameRel, Nib cured; and in the i SOUTH OSHAWA! {Sight | is Restored and Spectacles | LARGE STOCK OF NEW | Cheese, from the very best makers. Rendered Useless. 12 Splendid Bedroom Towels for Sl. | { Where he intends to keep constantly on | | Do not submit to Painful and Dangerous Surgi- Dress Goods, received this | Reesor's celebrated Stilton Cheese. hand a General Assortment of | cat Operations, in which a portion of the eye is { always lost, and the glorious Light of Visfon, if ju destroyed at the time, in a year or two, gt Are pronounced to be cheap at 75. cents. HAMILTON, H r «Garth, has mu ch 3 roas fricuds and hh ut Camara Hotel re, he will keep con- ats, such as Side Pork; k -. setfully solicited. wn. frders punos JOHN HAMILTON. 2w ON OF PARTNERSHIP TNER (SHIP HERETO. = Millinery, Aillinery, Millinery AT CHISHOLM'S - JNDENSED HERIC ! Invention of the Age, "RE od ALL KINDS OF uses on the prins rd Aunosphere, ined it to become one r elements ¢ bi seanes, » Billo us vg arly stages in a if you or your 3 acute discase, ti ring of a long _ testify, who has 'beén tho oroughly tested in with the greatest success. #1 and Throat, Bron- : pad; pela, Asthma, hy Peason suffcs 5 ug lo ca on gh and jn- idachtud ay (HRA Props s J ¥ 5 fae 17 &T % 1873. 5 OrE. BATH | week, from One Dollar to Three Salinon Trout and Whitefish. Dollars the Dress--beautiful goods, Salt and Smoked Herrings, Codfish. ha Abernethy, Elgin and Soda Biscuits. | Coffee and Rich Mixed Biscuits. | Cracknells and Ginger Nuts. A. M. CHISHOLM'S. WOODEN WARE, | BRUSHES, &c. Baskets of all Kinds. Wooden Bowls and Ladles. | Pails of various sorts. Churns.. | Brooms, Whisks and Mops. | The Latest Mouse Trap out. | Whitewash Brushes of every descrip: | tion. | Scrub and other kinds of Brushes. | Door Mats; Bed Cord and Twine. | Handsome Childrens' Carriages. Beautiful Bird Cages, just to hand. ATS. BONNETS /FEATH- | | Lanterns and Oil Cans. > ers, Flowers, Laces, &e., at | A large assortment of Earthenware. Soaps, that cannot be excelled. A.M. CHISHOLM' S. | Cream Crocks-and Milk Pans. | . 00D TWEED SUITS MANU- factured at A.M. CHISHOLM'S. "FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS. | | A Variety unnecessary to entmerate; | and it is well known that we offer { none but what is reliable. ILK AND CLOTH MANTLES | We have the Best made to order in any Shape or | TURNIP SEED Style Required, at | a usual with oursprif importations. { A M CHISHOLM'S. | China, Crockery, Glass: So ware, &c., &c. | We have yecently added largel | department, and are mow exhibiting to our customers the newest designs of the most Celebrated Manufactories, in quantity and finish to suit all tastes, and at prices not to be undersold in the County of Ontario! : FAMILY GROCERIES AL ways kept in stock, of the v . Best, and are marked at a A "advance, at --- A: M. CHISHOLMS.| 51 T AND PLASTER! And a "host of General Goods of which | space forbids the mention. We will continue to give the best price for the produce of the Farm and Dairy, PAID we, STEELE BROS. "ax CHISHOLM. GIBBS BLOCK. \ PRI BE hy of Farm Osawa, May 11, to this | OUR 20 CENT GAMBROONS Are being sold hy the Dozen Yards, and arc allowed to be Great Value! | WINCEY SHIRTINGS For Summer Wear, at any price to suit the purchaser, | Three Pairs Ladies Cotton Stockings for 25 cents: those splendid HoLLANDs at 10 cents per yard #2 are very supgrior Goods. _=¥ And OUR SCENT COTTONS ASTONISHED THE PEOPLE ! OUR CHEAP TEAS Are gaining Universal Reputation, and One Trial is sufficient gaining to test their Superior Qualities. Wé have received 'another lot of Those splendid Raisins at 6c. per Pound--worth 10c. And those Currants at 5c.--worth 8c. Bright Sugars at 10c., and Excellent Teas at 40 cents per ib, Worth 50 cents anywhere. tomers, we will open our shop during the summer months at six o'clock in the morning, to receive the pro- ductions of the Farm and Dairy in the cool 2 the day! : RI R16 for 08 $0 got en aE" 0 Saterday Ea eapeotasle WOOD, MACLEAN & Co, Michael's Block, 8imcoe-8t., Oshawa. Coat For the especial accommodation of our numerous Country Cis- | FASE AR | FIRST CLASS | GROCERIES! --AND-- Provisions ! And trusts by strict attention to business to merit a share of Public Patronage. | | | | | im BR at Brands CIGARS Alva on Toe Cold Soda Water! .From one of Matthews' | Celebrated Fountains! t Imported from New York last season, will be | on draft as soon as the | weather géts 2 hot ! 'SPRING. STYLES in great profusion at the Dominion Outftting| STORE. | Latest Styles in Hats and Caps. | Latest Styles in Neckties & Collars. | Latest Styles in White &Col'd Shirts. A LARGE STOCK OF Men's. Under-Clothing! (ERY CHEAP. A large gnd attractive stock of | Men's & Boys' Ready-made CLOTHING: UMBRELLAS, CARPET-BAGS, SATCHELS. CRICKET and LACROSSE BELTS, . CHEAP at HODDER'S. | oa G. HODDER, 4% One door North of McLean's Cheap Grocery Store, Simcoe Street, Oshawa, April 20, 1871. 24¢ TO LET.: WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHE, Bowmanville, May 27, 1271. be ---- I i II DR. BOYERS GALVANIC nu. The Pump Shop | most, goes cul forever! TRY THE EYE CUPS FIRST, THEY ARE PAINLLSS! PLEASANT! SAFE! is is te ceviify, that we here by authorize | | Braiford Tuttle our sole and exclusive Agent for | the term of ten Fs, for the sale of our New | Patent Improved Ivory and Lignum-Vitae Eye | Cups and Myopic Attachments, for the County | of Ontario, in the Proviuce of Ontario. Dr. J. BALL & CO. The undersigned has now for sale an assort- | ment of the aboveinvaluable aids to sight, and { is prepared to ll orders for those who wish help !in that direction. Personal experience has con- j rinsed him of the benefits of the invention. A dress BR ADFOR D TUTTLE, 13m. Osliawa, Ont. Money to Lend' REDUCED RATES. | J Ax Now PREPARED TO LEND any amount of money, on the security of Good warm or Productive Town Property, at the : | Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, EDWARD HIGGINS. ls in in sums and manner to soit borrowers. Principal Oshawa, April 14, 1871. TA Lin re-paid by yearly instalments, or in one Investments made in Debentures, Mortages, other securities. I SILVER AND GREENBAORS BOUGHT AND ; ). For further particulars apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &e. | Office McMillan's Block, Brock St., Whitby. April, 13th, 1871, 1-tf, NATIONAL PILLS. The Best Catha of | A yAgeor Co Vy. A Mew DISCOVERY ME- DICINE, are composed of PURFLY VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, beéiig free from mercury or other pol- sons; they can be taken at all times and all circumstances, without regard }- ys dict or business. They, act on the Liver and Digestive Organs, giving them tone and healthy action, y are a ge nuine Blood and Sto- J mach ar are mild, searching and a Thorough Purgative, and are' pro- ounced by all who have used them to Be a first-class family pill, and well worthy of a tiial. 2# THEY ARE SUGARCOATED. wa 23) by all druggists and medicine cal WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & CO., Proprictops, Brougham, Ont. TRY THE NATIONAL PILLS. 1828 "TOTAL | < VNYa GNY LNFIOIHA3 SIMPLE AND COMPACT . g rang! Lod 20 HOST SIMLPE MACHINE IN THE MARKET-- ONLY ABOU parts in ts construction that is in other machi therefore gut of olor Jia du Satavie in all its Svery § $ He 1 ; the Finest the ih J sides, so J or Its 5% as DE LL Fok a Lo Daa. Sei iE ra ina 80 Ol en Foo TH PRICE MACHICES | ha It will Heri, Fell, Tuck, Cord, Bind, Frill, Gathers Quilt, Braid, OR ANYTHING THAT AN® OTHER MACHINE WILL DO. IT 1S JUST THE MACHINE FOR Private Families, Milliners, Dressmakers, Tailors and Farmers! - There are many of excellence about the Machine, lor to all others, which caiindt explain pay Sots will be pleased to forward Circulars and Samppios of work hn hich tion PISCOUNT TO CLERGYMEN: MACHINES FULLY WARRASTED! AGENT wantéd in Oshawa, and fn every other town where wé Mive not 3 Larger Inducements than any other 5 20k aready got do tabla: J. C. TODD; General Agent. Ne. 1 Rossin Nouselilock, Toronto, Oat. Se Cet THE LARGEST STOCK oF ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Just received direct from the manufacturers, A great variety of patterns, and selling at the lowest possible prices. : : . | ---; JAMES H. GERRIE, , Whitby, April 13, 1871. na A WORD T0 THE WISE Dominion Bank. WHITBY AGENCY. ree OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Ix A HE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE for the a Dae IS SUFFICIENT. D* BOYER'S GALVANIC FLUID, . v niv erally acknowledged to be one of] the most powerful iuimentn for the cure ol RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, And for all cases where an external ap plication is required, an extensive use of-it has proved that it has no cgual for the complaints enumerated. £2 Sold by all Druggists and Medicine) Dealers. 7 Sgisau 4 WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & CO., Proprietors, Breugha mi, On ASK ASK FOR (T-IRSIST UPON IT-BUY KO OTHER {ALDWELLS feats] YSPEPSIA EXE EMEDY,) wrat idn] | gf oe A g 3 TRY iT Oar 20 AINTE DINVATVD SHHAOH "ud - | Bloe (in the officé. ecupied ad - ~ h Seats sad - | ers Re the poe Jit ne that he has || nterest allowed on JH MeCLELLAN, \ {on hand a assortment of Gents', a I Poluts in Canadas, Brook St., Whitby, Apeil 15th, 1871. Ladies' and Children's LOOK our FOR : Good Prati TO BE MADE AT J Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY, BROOKLIN, hp _ HARRY TAIT, Photographer. nar Sawaile Brooklin, April 27, 18571 For Sale! 'OTS Nos. 6 AND 7, CONT fon 2:38 aay, ou Osawa, April 29, 1871. SURE GH RRUNI SUL0 RU SPLAT Feo SE