Ontario Reformer, 16 Jun 1871, p. 3

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ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 187i. events floes te -------------------------------------------- ---------v------------------ STEELE BROS, NOTA BENE. Spring 1871) JU bt WOOD, McLEAN & Cos pring, 1571 JUST OPENED amiton, | | fia | Le J 'WALTER WIGG & SON, a) i milton & Garth, has mach ris numerous friends and ¥ that "he has opened out AND Oshinet Makers, Undertakers, &. 1 co W AN' S| : pS . , X AVING GREATLY ENLARGED OUR W 'AREROOMS, AND LIKEWISE | 1 at the Hama Side Bork. S E E D Ss M E N, NOTWITHSTANDING THE HUNDREDS OF CUSTOMERS WHO L added considerable NEW $TOC K thereto, a cordial invitation is extended to all to come TOCK OF | Direct from London per last Steamer. ronae respect fly solicited. HAVE BOUGHT TO THEIR SATISFACTION DURING THE S / s of the town. CUrdors punc- ANION | PAST WEEK, STILL WE Creat faaincemants eld out to those purchasing at ow BstadliAmeny COND A TON, . s | | : "i : : : 0 SHAWA! SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE Le Oxe Case of Ladies' Black Silk Jackets! OF PARTNERSHIP orp | al "UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. A BE FRCAIR HERR! gf enlom te vat ofthe 5 Some Goods Loft l A SPLENDID NEW HERSE FOR HIRE | Of FRE VERY LATEST STYLES at Salted bY Seatual son, oo ing Goods of their large and Coffins kept constantly on hand or made to order. | Ladies will find these Goods the Most Elegant in the Market, against the firm, . ame to George Garth, who ) na Een = whi | A choice lot of Carriages and Perambulators just received Cheap for Cash. | 'SPRING GOODS while the prices are Much Lower than C ian-made JONN| HAMILTON. : | Last, but not is Patent Balance Window Blind Lifter, adhisiod L. Ash S SE A S 0 NA B L E | And are daily i in reccipt of more. © We mean to maintain the re iapaterion | nn, +H of the kind in ase, at the : 103 which we have already obtained by selling Good Goods, THE NEW DOMINION FURNITURE WARE ROOM) : KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. =p ~_ |ONE CASE OF FRENCH KID GLOVES! | | June 1st, 1871. otf. | STOCK, | gmpeRanDe | llc 7 |e-- {PRICES TO SUIT THE PEOPLE! R 5 i lo) N ; + Teas; the Finest to be had anywhere : ~ (= A Good! Better! Best | NOW GOMPLETE = 3 f Sugars of all Refined Grades. | Re ? {OOD JUDGES or PICTURES PRICES AS Usual, ONE DOLLAR PER PAIR Syrups and Molasses. : : Qn X think that HOITT is the best Pho- RA FALLS .. 'Colfees--tlie Cénuinie article, Fae rr | Es tographer in the Connty of Ontario; better | ALTHOUGH ON ACCOUNT OF THE WAR THE PRICE IN * : : | . . ; : Of the Celebrated Foussie Brand, which dhe subscriber has Jearly carly imported for the past 13 ycarsand never fails in giving satisfacti Valencia Raisins, without equal for | Judges are quite confident he is; thebest | EUROPE - HAS ADVANCED CONSIDERABLY. quality and cheapness. Judges are sure he ia. Ye doubting ones ' ai . : ; . cq: ; : OSHAWA, May 11, 1871" . b-tf . Horrr a call,and judge for yoursel ' ' JUNE 10th, 187 ' Prunes, Currants and Figs. ] | F hili P I aylor ive Hoses oi ju Hr EE EE-- = ud 2] ; : Layer and Loose i isins, N EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST | first prize on Photographs and Painth HAVE THIS DAY SOLD OUT ALL INTEREST IN MY BUSINESS 1 : nt Th AND! Pp ographs a ntings ENDID STEAMER 2 3 Canned Fruit a nice 0 {wie K CHEAPEST Stock of BES at the County and Township Fairs, t} 1 Sehiwa, to Messrs Tl, fe W. GILLETT, who will carry on the same, and ta whom all outstand- : ; ; | . t two years, Notwithstanding adver- | [3] E M A N x a Preserves and Jams in variety. | Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silver A pel ge pps A. M CHISHO LMS, Ee -- March 3,17 tem fm y Marmalade, Oranges and Lemons. : | Plated, and Fancy Goods. only Artist in this County that finishes HIRAM GILLETT. ¢ CARTER) . 'andi : : The subscribes have this day énteted into partnership as Dry Goods Merchants, under the name \IN CARTER) : Nuts and Candies. Have created a perfect furore among the Ladies, who declare they never: oo y Pictures in either Crayon, Sepia, India with the Erie and Niagara Pickles, Sauces and Catsups, without | before saw Silks at such prices. We have already repeated our yo . Ny Ink, Ofl or Water Colom." Horrr has re- sR tui 1S 40% vig Vac onvey an excursion Party to | under the auspices of the 7 tint. y f \ fitted and refurnished kis Gallery in MME RE erin pn Gen "ik orders, and have now in stock large amortmedt. | LS a SPRING AND SU R STOCK i | i | i { 4 3 ] < d having secured the services of a first- leave Port Hope at Sam: Sar thes pi Powmanvyille, 530; Oshawa, li i we Io : Flavoring Extracts of all kinds. Bp imi A ph id 2 Nutmegs, Mace, and all the other ing clseware. All Goods and Jobs warranted, eK the Train will leave 5 1 . ¥ heaper t ouse. The reason that the good, better and best pan. and connéct with the 3 Spices. Fé 5 ue YAR chy Othe PHILIP. TAYLOR, judges were not invited to give HOTT a ELLE COEF AS Chocolate, Epps' Cocoa, Taylor's do.) Watchmaker & Jeweller, call, is becaube it is supposed they will Sea Moss Farine, Cardinal Food. hopular ana éure, will furnish 3 i Y & N' r ol Anti igh. wm Street, a come without an invitation, as only first- n board the boat. Rice, Whole and Ground. 3 ": Wh, A we ® | class work can be got at HOITT'S, over Hew and Sham Fight! , Arrow Root Sago, Tapioca, Vermi- | Wood's Store, upsane flight of stairs. " . A ill FOR CENT TS! NEW YORK ae sntment of Pictur Frames | He is the sole agent. | j= B Russell's Celebrated « which in price and variety will compare favorably with any in the country. | Watches, Lazarus & Perfected Specta- class assistant from the city, he will now cles, and Meriden XB r iy best' goods made, £ | and every thing in his line made to order. be able to send out first-class pictures, and Gibbs' Block, v NEW LIGHT PRINTS, SPLENDID VALUE. : It will pay to examine his Stock before pure has- as promplly as any other Photographer. NEW LIGHT BRILLIANTS, Good and Cheap. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. PARASOLS, SMALL WARESS. Cornstarch, Glenfield,-Satin Finish- st HOTEY'S Giliery. t : ' ed ditto. . Sans af Temperance, and - Rice Starch, White and Blue. 1 . i y Sena vite Ye -- HOUSEKEEPERS. FAVORITES. nders it. quite unnecessary i { | : Oshawa, April 2, 1871. or | | : . a further inducements. ; The Cook's Friend Baking Powder. | 4 : go Fi a xno tren | 1 pojtau] uerjoedsu] uy GREY AND WHITE COTTONS, &ec. trip: The popularity of lagt PRODUCE TAKEN in Exchange FOR GOODS. : She Yous of sight ; had he known the prin- Cornér King and Simcoe Stréets, Osliaws., Niagara and return, $1 30. Snowflake Baking Powder. . | ciple involved in de. 138. «f de. 100. m the a gents of the Dr. J. BALL & CO'S | | | | | | | | | | The Prize Medal Starch. . J HENRY W GILLETT. : WALTER B. GILLETT. -- 'r YHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS RES- t . igs : 12 Fine Linen Ladies' Handker LT pectfully to inform the citizens of | 'New lvory & Lignum-Vite ; .ch iefs for One Dol la r, a nd Gen- Oshawa and surrounding country, that he | Particular attention has been paid Olan May 190%: i - . jek, aw has leased for a term of years the Promises |. EYE CUP S | : ee ee ee r. Geo. Be ny and : 3 tlemen' S In Proportion. [heretofore occupied by J. P. WOOD, and 4 2 Ca 5 | | known as the | i » NY ie "ewmeatly equestod : p R 0 Vi SI 0 N S| | : | IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN SAVED. | ; : on a om the reason { . t of jor (i i) Ph a wiber last : : N E Ww. Y OF K HOUSE / Nature, 42 oe led 57 Lysician, Dues the : N EW w: limited. Any A, ained by ag lying 3 hoiee Smoked Hanks, SoiinE | cwessama OUR 60 CENT KID GLOVES) smo osm chem BEATE ERES ; Suttle or Lock-Stiteh Sowing Machines ig SIMCOE AND MILL STREETS, | oat Bleed. The nerves resume their tone; Bac mn. : s -- the vessels recover their power: the globe as: For Family Use and Light ManufaSturing 1 kwes: mum, Are pronounced to be cheap at 75 cents. sume its proper shape, size, and brilliancy ; all . Fresh Ground Flour : ; . co i diseased attion is arrested and cured ; and in the | ies, 5 foe - No.1 Land, , i = : : SOUTH OSHAWA Sl i and Spectacles CARPETS, Corn and Oatmeal. | | Potatocs, Beans aiid Split Peas. | SNe ou a Rendered Useless. g = vrs ars 110 Splendid Bedroom Towels for $1. | Where hointends to keep constantly on | po mot sumis to Peiy/el ant Dangcrons Serv. | hand a General Assortment of eat Operations, hich, Portion of the ge be | : : thoi o t 7 vy ~~ : . Reesor's celebrated Stilton Cheese. | : x destroged at the time, n a Uru . BOSE FURNISHIXGS, ENCE or JOSEPH ASH; | not destroyed at the time, in a year or two, at | s + vy» > } most, goes owt Jorever! ; ne: with or without the ad . Salmon Trout and Whitefish. : > FIRST CLASS 15 reasonable. Possession im- | \ Salt and. Smoked Herrings, Codfish. | {TRY THE EYE CUPS FIRST, WARREN L. ASH. ~~: St Ra : p OON 1871. - : NLA a, Abernethy, Elgin and Soda Biscuits. | OUR 20 CENT GAM BR dt Ss Ie . O C E H | E S | THEY Ane HOSIERY and GLOVES, to Bebl be Coffee and Rich Mixed Biscuits. | Are being sold by the Dozen Yards, and are allowed to be Great Value: ASD AINLLSS! PLEASANT! SAFE! 0 Debtors. 1 . Cracknells and Ginger Nuts. v Th | ? . X§ INDEBTED TO THE Provisio n Ss |] ih LE hpi bn fy oy +n iy : EAL x yr per 1 ! 1 | beg I hod Foy dor rs : , pia i ~ WW X N C E Y S H 1 R T 1 N G 5 | And trusts by strict attention to business to | | Cope and Siyopic Attachments, for the County WELL & McGEE. | I f Public Pat: tario, in the Province of Qutatis. : | 21f . . merit a share of Public Patronage. |: Pr. J. BALL & CO. : 5 3! For Summer Wear, at any price to suit the purchaser. ! : { e A OLORE /ANTED. Ha SRUSHES. 5. fol i, | mt HET Bul tls So SLACK iu} COLORED SILER, 4 a : oZ ® ¥ C. { : ' | prepa 0 oO gers or ose who gh 1] . i )RAW LUMBER FROM . ' Best Brands OJ A P Always on inthat direction. Personal experience has con- E MOST SIMLPE MACHINE IN THE MARKET--ONLY ABOUT ONE sodonk Bowmanvi | < | vinced him of the benefits of the invention. hi Podonk to Bowmanville and ; a tipi "i an Lon kad [ of hand. | Address ADISAD 0 TLE po Four the. The 1 in ir omen Lhat is In other me therefore only ONE- ic¥lars enquire at- Mill. Baskets of all Kinds. | Three Pairs Ladies Cotton Stoc ngs ior zo pnts. Ad 13m. Oshawa, Ont. ENGLISH, SCOTCH ihe! iH A ney - or Four Biocon Foci, the € best im mie, and w ; 0 a B. CAMPBELL. / : Wooden Bowls and Ladles. » those splendid HoLLANDs at 10 cents per} yard | 2 --_-- i canadian %0 famous for its Strength, Beauty ay 10, 1571. Heid z L . E - . and W runs uses a Short Straigh ? 5 ' ; i o hh : y ( oods. 4 Puls of Yio cte sorts i; bo : g&~ are very superior G v:2 J Too Cold Sods Water! Money to end : : Justed into not. near so liable to break MACHR, Peet cqual to any » T | C E. 3 : . OmS, N1SK « ops. Ne The Latest Mouse Trap out. From ome of Matthews : REDUCED RATES. It will Hem, Fell, Tuck, Cord, Bind, Frill, Gather, y SG Al LERY WEILL Whitewash Brushes of every descrip- | Imported from New ; Quilt, Braid, ' 'business abot - 8) . : AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND | 10 have ar Rg tion. O [ R 8 ( ES N | ( 0 | | O N S| York last season, will he I ay of money, on the security of Good OR ANYTHING THAT ANY OTHER MACHINE WILL DO. IT 18 JUST THE MACHINE roft "the coursé of two or. three . . on draft as soon as the | marm or Productive Town Property, at the < 2 Scrub and other kinds of Brushes. weather gets 0 hot ! : P Rates of In CANADIAN TWEEDS, Private Families, Milliners, Dressmakers, Tailors and Farmers | CARL. 4.0, HENRY. dw : : Door Mats, Bed Cord and Twine, - . 3 ? ASTONISHED THE PEOPLE 1 | : +~ . | Lowest ossible tes terest, : 3g 1) T 1 C E | ] : Handsome Childrens' Carriages. : ' EDWARD HIGGINS. | in sums and manner tosuit borrowers. Principal ¥ olnts about Aire Machitic ri es 'all | | can be re- -paid by yearly instalments, or in one but in of tx es oy forward Circulars and Samples of work on Beautiful Bird Cages, just to hand. : | | Oshawa, Apri 14 1571. : HE es ; } Investments made in Debentures, Mortages; : . ORBID ANY PERSON Lanterns and Oil Cans. and other securities. MANTLE CLOTHS, DISCOUNT TO CLERGYMEN. MACHINES FULLY WARRANTED? : : SH.VER AND GREEXBACKS BOUGHT AND : very other town wh Bave nonal ono establish lon 2) aectuly withofit wy A large assortment of Earthenware. | i Lot | SPRING STYLES Hor Serres oar 10 AGENT wanted in sharma. B00 cements than any. other re nal already go sponsible forany debts 3 ; r furt ot pari onl ' Soaps, that cannot be excelled. : - i : T.% HENRY i JAMES HOLDEN, Jc Jobp, General Agent: h i871. Sw p Cream Crocks and Milk Pans." In great profusion at the Official Assignee, Money Broker, &c. PRINTS, : No. 1 Rossin Moise Bleck, Toronte, ont, otf , ' Office McMillan's Block, Brock St, Whitby. --r---- as ---- ebm ---------- RAYED! i ge um? 2 . ' : : Dominion Outfitting Av, Wh, Ho te. : THE LARGEST STOCK OF | "4 'SIMPLE. AND COMPACT PRICE, $28! 1828 'GOTA Fmvung any LN3101443 tists' o > +R ' TES NATIONAL PILLS. g BRILLIANTS, ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS ir I © FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS. STORE. i 4 | | |% Tie out Cath id IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, NEW DISCOVERY ME- MUSLINS Just received direct from the manufacturers. A great variety of patterns, and selling DICINE, uss soiponed vf 2 ut the lowest possible prices: PURELY VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, i - 3] mnt be taken a 4 mes ond : JAMES H. GERRIE, Alf circumstances, hout regard . } ne Family Drug Store, Whithy to diet or : 10 Het ond Di ryan Whitby, April 13, 1871 Vim. them tono and | hy ¥ act < , fits : mach per are mild, searching and ™ = neoveh; foie Furgative, 480,88 Ir: : Dominion Bank. Bounced 1y ond wei ; Issuer of Marriage Licenses worthy of a tial. r one par old. The two-year tar on forehead ; the ye ] : " Latest Styles in Hats and Caps. Any Porson ay ni : A'Viliety unnecessary to enumerate; Are gaining Universal Reputation, *and One Trial is sufficient y P fieir recovery will be Suitably ; and it is well known that we offer to test their Superior Qualities, Latest Styles in Neckties & 'olla. awn DOONAN, none but what is reliable. a s : ! We have the Best f- TURNIP'SEED > FOR SALE! - as usual with ourspring importations. PETHICK OFFERS FOR ; | Latest Styles in White & Col' d Shirts. i A LARGE STOCK OF We have received another lot of plant garden, second lot north- | | : garden, a Those splendid Raisins at 6c. per Men's Under-Clothing 1, ee -- + Pownd--whith 10e. Aud ihose 4 | TRY THE NATION AL PIL 18) fered for sale in Oshawa be different kinds of Cabba ih ; A . é ; % in the Di mie 2 hv, : Chi Currants at. 3c. worth Bc VERY CHEAP. 42 THEY ARE SUGAR:COATED. wa p : WHITEVALE, | WHITBY AGENCY. nm Bros, G. F. Blamey's, G. na, Crockery, Glass- Bright Sugars at 10c., and - Sold by all druggists and medicine } : ' ins Sas. . : deal iy OTICE 18 HEREBY Gr h fg ? 83w. ; ware, &c., &c. | Excellent Teas at 40 cents per a Woovny FF, BENTLEY & CO, REAL ssi INITATION, A "WORD 70 THE WISE N Ce Pominon as : ¢ Worth 0jcents anywhere. Men'sd Boys' Ready-made ss Fe Sal '6 SUPPICIRNY. ft fax: Ee chy ERE ARD PETITIT, : We have recently added largely to this | ; : | D* BOYER'S - : Sh 'odoposit,_ Dra tamed on . ? department, and are mow exhibiting to | CLOTHING. [ GALVANIC FLUID, - 3E UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAV Brel i fan Canadas States J. H. MeCLELLAN, our customers the newest designs of the EMBROIDERIES ir a the Tat he lias | . : Side most Celebrated Manufactories, in | nodalion o, our RUMEYOUS Country Cus- | 4 S hstnd Brook St., Whitby, April 13th, 1871. 2 " quantity and finish to suit all tastes, For the especial accom, Lon of | U MBRELLAS ha 2 4 : on Ladies' aud one | y Gents'; id a TT TE < dersold nu our shop during/the summer months. is ITER and at prices not to be undersold tomers, we will o, 4 CARPET-BAGS, S Tr . LOOK-OUT FOR in the County of Ontario ; al six o'clock in the morning, to yecerve the pro- ¥ H. Good Photographs! 1 wr ] : : digtions © the Farm and Dairy SATCHELS. ie : . in the cool of the day! ~ | CRICKET and HISHOLM, ! ja RiiLiNERY. BOOT S TO BE MADE AT * E Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY, _ SALT AND PLASTER! a : = LACROSSE BELTS, S BROOKLIN, CHEAP at HODDER'S. J Pita on FRI- Bt, at the Lowest Remunerating Prices: : BY v3, 1871, Jat And a host of General Goods of whic' ; G. HODDER, - space forbids the mention. bun door North of McLean's Cheap Grocery | Millinery | | fan ET | : ™ prownply sitonded un, and 2 HARRY TAIT, ! . . | { : 4 ' 4 . ia Ye 3 _ We will continueto give the best | ' - si - | ASK FOR IT-INSIST UPON 1-807 80 oTHER Inspection invited. with Deyn and oy "Photographer. | - illinery, I "price higher hg oe WOOD, MACLEAN & Co. TO LET. H NALDWEL I | pro, ed veal | i P Shop | LIKE avon ~ Millinery 1 a : |The Pump P \EMEDY A. M. CHISHOLM. oy | | For Salel | lie '. ; wii STEELE BROS. : Michael's Block, Simcoe-8t., Oshawa. | pnt ren pr Porn EMEDY. fi y 26~ SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. "8. |. For dale | mmedial business i OTS Nos. 6 AND 7, CONTAINING | NL Ty fot Ei PERE ESSE TieN AT ence. | | a D. TRIPP. bv A, An wee. on Smee St, | CHISHOLM'S. . i | ; o : 9-tf. OE E ovr | : SRY ALL | | : oo | April 14 187 Lut a WILLIAM picks, 13; 1971, or Ossawa, May 11, Sly | : : i Bow y : i : Osha E A large and attractive stock of Biffalo; N. ¥., Universally acknowledged to 0 be one of, the most powerful Liniments for the . cure of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, And for all cases where an external ap plication is required, an cxtensiye usel of it has proved that it has no equal for the complaints enumerated. BBS' BLOCK. £% Sold by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers. WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & CO. DR. Ee ALTE FLUID, A101E OINVATVD SUBAOH "UT

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