ABSENCE kes "the heart ~for some one elss. grow fon- ak "To NtGHT you git or dangle," isthe no- by -the Wyoming. Vigilance Committee. : tice served Mg. SaxprieLy Fremiza has been pointed engineer inv chief to conduct the Pacific Rail ap- surveys conriected with the way. " : pi "Ix Baltimore nearly 5,000 women find | steady employment thronghout the. season in packing oysters Pat a little black dip in sweet oil This is the . quick CURE FOR EARACHE. - pepper in some cotton, and insert in the ear. + est remedy I have ever known " and six- men. were drowned-en the y _# day from ill health. of his fellow workmen had, in the meag- | Is July there will be two full moons, viz: onthe 2nd and 31st. Andinthefivore- maining months the moon will be full the last day of each month. "Way de women spend so auch time and money on dresses!" asked a gentleman of a belle. "To worry other women tobe sure," was the reply. Mzs. Eooy, of Albany, ti half Kissing the servant girl. The doe- tor was sent for. He says he can patch up Mr. Eddy's face, but he'll always be bald headed. canght her bet- Marris lake Niagara on LigvTs. George - Ashbury, J. C. shore about two. miles from Thursday morning, by the boat in which they went out to recover a lifesboat that had got adrift, capsizing. A Maixe father has sued 'a son-in-law for lunches, horse feed, nished while, courting his girl. brought in a counter claim, father-in-law with me#ls furnished and things fur- He has charging his since the wedding, while the old man was visit- | ing. Mz. Jony "Rion, of Galena, Ill; com- mitted suicide to rid the community of his presghnce, claiming that he was of no use to society, and in asletter he left he vises all others who may find that they are ad- . worthless and unfitted for the duties of life, to go and do likewise. THERE is a blacksmith in Iowa 'who has fairly "earned his bread by the sweat his brow." He has worked in the open prairie for twa years, without a particle of covering for his "shop," and now purchased a fine farm and built a cosy house npon it with his earnings. Descox Andrew Leach, died at Seaport, Mai ne, is ¢ been the champion church goer, having been in his pew 2,508 out of 2 600 con- secutive Sundays. Absence from tow his excuse for missing the only - two; Sun- of he has who recently claimed to have was days his seat was vacant in fifty yeas. AN eminent physician says that the white rubber used for nursing-hottles and infant's toys i8 very I Msonous, cafising sore mouth, skin eruption, decayed teeth, In the sale of it is prohibited by ldw. 'spinal curvature, and death. Europe Tue Buffalo Comanercial Adee tis "*A thing that Gurmake is the fourth maritime in the worl She tonnage of 000 tons, not generally known is the faét power has 7,591 ships, witha and stands ahead "of évery nation except Great Britain, the United States, and France." was told that her She disbe An'old Scotch lady minister used notes. Said one: ** Go into the gallery and see." She did so, and saw the written sermon. After the luckless preacher had concluded his reading on the last page he said, The old lady out from her lofty. position: "Ye 'But I will not enlarge." cried canna, for your-paper's give out." A-xorN: lady at Bath, M.., revolver cartridge anid threw. ii stove with the dirt, and soon there was explosion. That ni night her lover called to see her, and ask i of her west eye. Sho .says she can 'get a glass one put in, the ence, but h natural L rt up a into the "An what had become so no one ean tell ays his wife two good eves, "may burst up.the fateh, Tue Montreal Nar states that the levia- than steamship Great Eustern will be put | on between New York and Liverpool du- ring the month of May, to convey excur- sionists to the great Exhibition, which was | open at London on the 1st. The steamer is to be fitted up' expressly for these ex- cursibn trips; the price will be 'only £25. | : We understood some time ago that the Messrs. Allan intended to organize a simi- lar scheme to the above, but nothing #0 far, beem made public. AN Vierin TEMPTATION. -<At the meeting of the Presbytery in Woodstock, a few days ago, a communication was read by the Moderator from the Rev. D. Dermid, - confessing himself guilty breach of the seventh commandment,' asking the Presbytery to deal with him as they saw fit. was then ap- pointed to.wait upon Mr. McDermid, and of a and A committee Living returpied and made their report, lu Ministr d removed from the membership. s formally deposed from the Trere are some women that willdoany- thin all' ssistance is needed, A their Minoi hielpiug hand on occasions wher: wan in isinpted to commit suicide Jr SIX inches of water, but he soon found it impossible to keep his hea under enough to strangle. What did his' in this Did_she leave suffer!® "Not much. Ake a tre ble what do you eall it, she long wife do dileinina? rolled up her trowsers and waded in and sat down on his head, of muscle. and male 1t stay by sheer force That's the have.when yon want to die. New prin- A TEMPERANCE ARGUMENT. The Orleans Picaymne tells the story of a ter wlio, fellow ry out to drink beenduring thew orking hours, put in the bank the exact amount which he would have spent if he had gone out to drink. years. count and found that he had on deposit £521.86. In the five yeats he had not lost Three out when his went He kept this resolution for five of five time, become drunkards, were worthless | as workinen, and were discharged. water drinker then bought out the printing | "office, went on enlarging his business, and n twenty years from the time he began to put by his money was worth £100,000. The story, whether new or old, teaches a lesson which every young mechanic should he licwed it, differ- | £ has got to have | That cartridge | © has, | Me- | for their husbands, lending them a | by deowning | him_ to | pli and no- kind of a wife tol He then examined his bank ac- | ~The | Tue San Fri lsd doctors can't agree | on the admission of women to their society, | and had a row upon the subject somewhat | like that 'of the antiquarian Bogiaty upon the Stanisians, i Ax illiterate farmer, wishing 'te enter | some animals at an agricultural exhibition, | as follows ; ** Also | enter me for the best jackass, 1 am sure of taking the premium." wrote to the secretary IN all seventeen petitions have been fled | in the Court of Queen' s Bench against the return of so many - candidates. The Judges will shortly commence the investi- | gations, taking ap the cases in, the order! in which they arg entered. » ; an procession in New York | week stretched a distance | of fifteen miles, being four times longer | than the entire route over which it march- | ed, it contained 45,000 men, 12,000 horses, | 1200 carriages, 130 bands of music, 20 drum corps, and [600 wagons and other trade vehicles. Tue Germ last over A Burraro au method of dipping va adopted is the novel head in boiling | He took his head out so quick that it made him dizzy- headed, any man who attempts to hurry nature in the water to commit suicide. and now| he wears a wig and says matter of dying isa shiftless fraud. Ix the Imperial Parliament on Tuesday! sting debate on the ocean postage service. Mr. Seelay was in favor of redncing the ocean postage to The Poatmaster-General op- posed this, 'and the resolution. was lost; by Mr. Gladstone promising that the sub- ject should have the attention -of the Gov- ernment, there was an inter | one penny. A debate 'occurred in the Imperial Par- liament on Mr. Jacob Bright's bill for the extension of the franchise to women.-- Mr. Gladstone was disinclined to involve woinen in the trying and turbulent . ex- citement of an election. He preferred the | Italian idea of female suffrage founded on property, but exercised by, proxy. The bill was lost by a majority of 69. ; Maxy years ago, in the so-called * godd | old times," having set fopt for the first timé|in Ireland, -an hotel for something to eat, and was ac- commodated with a roast fowl. He was proceeding to eat it, when his plate divid- ed with a sharp crack, and the wing, to which he had just helped himself, flew up to the cei Soon afterward an excited waiter rushed sthe - room, crying : 4 He's safe, safe" "Who's safe !" I inquired the bdwildered traveller. *' Mis- ter OMusgrave, the excited waijter, in m; J the captain | fired It thus became ap- parent to the gentleman that a duel had a gentleman, ling. "nto he's sir," said explanpati the ai aght in the beneath, and, been fo room 1 his he ordered his luggs age to be packed, and left i Ireland inu : Hi who has travelled on thie Mississippi during low ss¢d the process of heaving the * laugh following, withot much; without sto PI ing to finis} repast, iediately. AVING THE LEAD. -- Any Onc water has witn and will see where in the the lead, comes in" difficulty :-- Th > Fanny Mississippi, loa coming down the upper +] with pig lead. As she the pilot The green was ge ver a shoal place, al the - lead. niy man forward nt the time was a rave the sigr ) heave Irishman. " Why "Is itt . Wher nm heave the lead ? the lead, don't ye » heave your honor ? sto 17 rd, yon blockhead !" the the lost an snptched up one of ad and threw it overboard ;, wworing to prevent him, 1 fell into the river. RN, running to the ¢ die of the' n ended the lead, and water there is I" hicgved, your honor, doyn to see how responded Pat. t you héave and the mate' much water there is, Canadian Pain Destroyer. S A FAMILY 'MEDICINE, IT IS well and favorably known, relieving thous- nds from pain in the , Back and Head, Ty Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus. Dysentery; Bowsl Complaints, Bins, Nealds, Frost Bites, d+. The CaNapiaNy PAIN DESTROYER has now | been before the publig for a length of ti and never aiih in al ( 'ough, ('vlds, Sore I wherever used is well liked { single instanée to give pe srinanent relief when ! timely used, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction, where the directions have been properly followed, but on the contrary al are delighted with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its "virtues and magical | effect. We speak from experience In the matter hav- | ing tested it thoroughly ; and therefore those whe suffering from any of the complaints for may depe nd upon it es which it fs recommended, being a Sovereign Remedy. The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer in curing the diseases for which it is recommended, and its wonderful etfects-in sub- duing the torturous pains of Rheumatistn, and in relieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to high rank in the list of Remedies. Orders are coming | in from Medicine Des alers, in all parts of the| country, for further supplies, and each te stifying | as to the univ ersal satisfac tion it gives. 4 Pain Destroyer nqver fails id All Medicine Dealers der and use it; and no | r Fo after trying it. i Pr anly T weatyHive Cents per bottle. | Sold in Bowmanville by J. Higginbotham, and | D. Stott § "Darley' « Arabian Oil. FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. | NEVER-FAILING REMEDY. | THIS vi abl¢ preparation combines all | on medicinal virtué of those articles wi xperience has proved to possess the oad eflicient properties for the cure of Flesh ds, rains, Bruises, Galls of all kinds, | , Ring Bone, 'Spavin, Callous, Fis-) ¥xtarnal Poza ns, ratches or | Whitiows,. Horn Dis" | other diseases | t to. ] and all medicine de ale rs, Jdebrated tiniment as been used for | , and----its curative prope nd is conceded to e | ible remedy for all exter-| red to the public--it | d and faithfully ap- | never fails when time s and Country Mer sminion. Price 25 cents per b Northop % XL ymah, Porietars for als =cld by 4 HIG GINpOT HAM and D. STOTT. | | Bow manville; Ontario astle, Ontario, Pro- | The Great English Remned ¥e| (IR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRA-| TED Fe made. Pills; epiiiu d froth apreserip- tio n of Sir J. Clarke M. D., Physician Extraordi- | i i 10 the Queen. i "IF hic invaluable medicine! is unfailing in the cure of all those painful.and dgngerous_ diseases | to whic h the female' constitpfion is subject, It} moderates all exces ad and removes all obstrue- { tions, ar d a speedy cure may be pelied on. 0 MARRIED L ADIES it is peculiary suited, It will, in a short time, | bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar," bears the Ge of vernment Stamp of Great Britain to prevent connterfeit CAUTION. These Pills should not he taken by | females during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of | Pregnancy, as they are sure fo bring on Miscar- | riage, bu 'at any other tie they are safe. In all eases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, | | Pain in the Back and Liinbs, Fatigue on slight" | exertion, Palpitation of the heart, dysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all! | other means have failed : and althoogh a power. ful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, anti- | mony, or anything hurtful to the Conatitytigh. Fu l directions in the phamphlet around each | | package. which ghouid be carefully preserved. Sir James (') 's Female Pills are extensive- 1v counterfeit The genuine Raves the name of | HOB MOSES on each package. All others are ) ¥ anville by J. Hig (Sdn Spa iloby J Hisgivitiam nd EVERY DESCRIPTION ORNAMENTAL A TREMENDOUS RUSH | | | FOR CHEAP GOODS, AT M. A. McLEans First Class Grocery Store. $5,000 WORTH OF GROCERIES To be sold at an Enormous Reduction from Usual Rates, as the following Price List will Testify : | Japan; Black and Imperial Teas, 25¢ a Ib| Good Valentia Raisins, 6 cents per ib, | Fine Young Hyson Tea, 40c per 1b. { Superior Young Hyson Tea, 50c per th. | Extra do do 80c do | Good Coffee, 15 cents per pound. | | Extra Fine Blue Layer Raisins, 9c per Ib, Good Currants, b cents per th. 12 Bars Best Soap for $1. Bright Sugar, 9 cents per pound. Good Brooms, 12} cents each. | Four Pounds of Good Plug Tobacco, $1. $1,800 Worth of Boots and Shoes 1 AT EXTRAORDINARY 'PRICES 1] | CHILDREN'S SHOES, 20 CENTS PER PAIR. | BOY'S BOOTS' FOR ONE DOLLAR. WOMEN'S (ALF GAITERS FOR $1.00. | LADIES FIRST-CLASS PRUNELLA BOOTS FOR 85 CENTS. | MEN'S GAITERS FOR $1.75. "The Whole of the Stock is New and Fresh, Well Assorted, and Well Bought, and Frssh Supplies are Received Weekly, A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PRINTING CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE ! repaired fo!" EXECUTED "IN° A STYLE DOMINION. PRINTING NEW PRESSES. ORDERS . W. R. OCLIMIE. -- {IN THE 4 ISTABLISHMENT. ww NEW TYPE, BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ; 8 ty PROPRIETOR! sias 1.100. AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES. : Fish of Every Description ! BIKAUTIFUL OUR BLACK TE the Country, either by City { | Are allowed by all who have tried them to be the Best Wale crer o, SECOND TO | 74 BIRD CAGES, AND GREEN AS! ered in this part o Tea Companies, or any other Company, it matters not where. bi Reduction From These Figures \ WILL BE MADE TO ANY ONE BUYING TEN POUNDS AT A TIME. CASH FOR PRODUCE. [ | 2 Michael's Block, Next Door to Hodder's Cheap Furnishing Store, Simcoe Street, | M. A. McLEAN, OSHAWA APRIL 14, 1871. GO HENRY"S R O FOR THE ~~ R i { ) 1-tf. --T" TO R O. of | OSHAWA, ONTARIO. | { ESTABLISHED JZ 1 FROPRIETORS. WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION TO OUR NUMBER ONE AND TWO BUCKEYE COMBINED | REAPER AND MOWER, | With Johnson's Self Rake, Improved for 1871. We beligve this Machine, as we now build it, to be the most perfect Reaper and Mower ever yet offered to the public of Canada. 5 | | ' ! Among its many advantages we call attention to the following: + It has no Gears on the Driving Wheels, | Enabling it to pass over marshy or sandy ground without clegging up the gearing thereby renderin it less liabletto breakage. It is furnished with Fou ives, Two: for vic and Two for Benge one of which has a for cutting ripe, clean grain, the other a smooth /edge for pr grain in which there is grass or seed clover. jl It has the malleable guards both on the Mower Bar and Reaper Table, With best cast sice Ledger Plates. It is also furnished with our' . y New Patent Tilting Table for Picking up Lodged Grain. his is 1ke only really valvable Tilting Table offered on any combined Reaper and Mower. The Table can be very easily raised or lowered by the Driver i in his Seat without stopping his Team. This is one of the most important improvenients effected in any Machine during the past two years. ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL * Can be made to act as Rakes at the option of the Driver, by a Lever readily operated by is foot. The Cutting apparatus is in front of the, Machine, and therefore whether Reaping or Mowing, the entire work of the Machine is under the eye of the Driver while guiding his team. This Table is #0 constructed as to » | Gather the Grain into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it in a more compact form than any other Reel Rake. This Table is attached to the Machine both in front and rear of the Driving Whee, which en- ables it to pass over rough ground with much greater case and less injury to the Table. The Grain Wheel Axis is on a line with the axle of the Drive Wheel, which enables it to turn the corners readily. , The Rakes are driven by Gearing instead of "Chains, and therefore have - a steady' uniform motion, Making them much less liable to breakage on unefen ground, and more regular in removing the | grain. "The Gearing is very simple, strong and durable. The Boxes are all lined with * | BA BEIT METAL. The Parts are all numbered, so that the REPAIRS can be ordered by | telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of the part wanted. There is no side Draught in cither reaping or mowing, and the Machine is so perfectly balanced v: that there is no pressure on the horses' necks either when reaping or mow ing. castings, where they are shbject to much strain, have heen . G Twice annealed, thereby rendering them both tough and strong. © OUR JOHNSON RAKE Is so constructed as to raise the cam so far above the Grain Table | that the Grain does' not interfere with the mathiniery of the Rakes or Reels. . - 4 ke Pa We make the above machines in two sizes: .) EST TE A | No. One, large size, for Farmers who hase a large amount to reap. A AND {FLOUR, SMOKED HAM and BACON; CHOICE SEED POTATOES-- Early Rose, Gooderich and Peach Blows. EFORME R Also, Crockery, Glassware, &c. Opposite the Commercial Hotel, King Street West, Oshawa. Oshawa, April 27, 1871. tf Guelph . Sewing Machine Co. THE OSBORN _* Lock-8titch Sewing Machine ! | KING OF CANADIAN SEWING MACHINES, KING OF AMERICAN | SEWING MACHINES, | -- HOUSANDS THROUGHOUT CA- NADA are now ning thy these Machines' They haye been tested beyon: uestion, make the favorite Jock-stitch--alike a" th sides, and are | pronounced su | tothe public. For wide range of work, beauty and excellence of mechunisny strength and durability, {The Osborn Sewing Machine has no rival. rfection, ptability, | _&® Improvements have lately been made, en- | Apling 2} the manufacturers to claim it as the ne s ultra of Sewing Machines, Hundreds of Sestimaninla re Deft § received daily from old as | well as att its wonderful | | snpabiiition, wh doa kinds of domestic sewing, from the finest cambric to the coarsest over-coat | or upper leather. | Guaranteed to be as vepresented, or no sale. { Warranted for three years. Tug OsBORN OUTFIT is complete and readily to sold at et like a price a being | place it "within the reach of every Tome be fied jo couutry. {The Guelph Reversible | offered the pus ble "hence a oe Thread Machine Hand Machine, with full outfit, $12; ! do., $17, Machine guaranteed | ducements to make money. Apply to nf | ! J&A. SMITH. | Vill do all varieties vi rd Prices | GREATLY ical \ or Each x SW Agents wanted everywhere, Splendid GUELPH SEWING MACHINE C0, | GU CANADA. Agents for R.&H OHARA, er rior to any other machine offered | leading political ] The Cheapest Weekly | | : IN CANADA. THE HNAMILTON 'WEEKLY TIMES! Contains an Immense Amount of kind, and is one of the, Best and Most Reliable Newspapers preblished in Western C Japa, In addition to carefully written editorials on the and social events of the day, the Times will be found to sohtain valuable sefected | articles from the British, C Partie and Fi News,1 bueeeidl Facet! News, Canadian News, American ed per in of noe fis Hie to the Farmer and mercial elligence likewise forms a leading feature in the WEEKLY TIMES, Subscription = PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Criss may be be formed at any period of the year by SIX or more Subscribers associating together | and remi iting the Cash in Advance. : TERMS: x Six Copies for One Year 8 0 Thus allowing a copy FREE to tho getter up of a club of FIV! - anh of FIO oe Fries to mo Emr ure & . OB Fe Hamilton, Moy, 199. | Good Family Reading. of an Interesting | . I rica | formi concise and pleasing epitome of the NEWS OF THE WHER "8 | r attentionds paid to Politics, British | matters, Markets, Paragraphs, Poetry, | fee, &c. idl et Reports, which | correc S557 HALL THRESHER & SEPARATOR - $1.00 a Year, { | No. Two, medium size, for Farmers having more use for a Mowes than a reaper. \ i = With the exception of difference in 'size, these Machines are similar in every respect. Our | No. 2 Machine supplieda. want hereto fore unfilled, viz :-- A medium between the Jun, Mower and large combined Machine, both in size and price. We shall distribute our sample machines in March among our Agents, that intending purchasers may have an early opportunity of examining | their merits, | And we guarantee that all Machines shipped this season shall be equal in quatitys and finish to the samples iis by our Agelts { inspecting our Machines, gs we helieve they are ryaned by any other Machines ever yet offered on this continent. { We also offer among our other Machines : | | | | Wé invite the public to withhold giving their orders until they have had an portunity of | | | | | JoHNsoN's Self-Raking Reaper,improved forl871, with two knives, smooth and sickle edge, and malleable guards, ' Woop! s Patent Self-Raking Reaper. - | BuckeYE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Self-Rake. ! le oa: and cannot help § but act on the ' BUCKEYE Reaper No. 2, with Johnson's Self-Rake. | THE JOSEPH HALL MACHINE WORKS, TheJoseph Hall Mantfabturing Company, | All our malleable | I feel safe in al De | | | ot | " 1] fil | fit Ee sf * 3 is g i es a We take this method that we can fill orders for for decorating I, oma tad in aes: hte workmanship. . - MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., « OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF , ITALIAN & AMERICAN MA RBLE ~AND-- SCOTCH ABERDEEN SRASHE supplied on short notice. thing pe to Cemetery work Mid mi with prompt attention, by leaving or- ders with C. BOU. N SALL, . Bowmanville. - ; To 2 "EUREKA" Indigestion, © 1,088 of Appetite, fd Head-ache, Liver Complaint, ie - TRY IT Sour Stomach, General Deébility Dyspepsia, PEE "EUREKA" 1s A PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE t+ FOR THE CURE OF DYSPEPSIA, - LIVER COMPLAINT. LOSS OF APPETITE, GENERAL PIBILITY, '| AND ALL DISEASES of THE BLOOD Tt possesses the power of Tonin; ening the Stomach,of Exciting the Torpid Lives to a Healthy Action, "and of Purging out all Depray Sistem and Bilious Secretion from the ost diseases have their o I} ape ted by E Indigestio that Di Ss i} not TH er duty that ature _-- ed be hes nutriment is not abstracted from the food, the blood is deprived of that uires of the Digestive f ou Feel Dull, Drow: & and t nourishment _it re S. ndent, have uent FREE hn -- KB , hav fred , Mouth Tastes F220 In the Blo I 2 ARTetie sud Liver or Billoiusness. In many Fora Complaint only a part of these symptoms arses riche. As a remedy for all such cases the ureka has no equal, as it effects Perfect Cures eaving the Liver Strengthened and Healthy, Lyn, Oct, 3rd, 157, | Mr. HUE. Rowe, dn 1. DEAR SIR,» Having used three bottles ot aluable medicine in my family with ood effeet recommend rie ity, Inaction of the Liver, Loss of | tite, &e., It havi used for the above rd plaint sin my family. Yours respectfully, J. Furusox, M. E. Minister. 3 11th, J Mr. H. E. Rows, 140, May 0 SIR,--I have used Eureka for Sick Headache. caused by a disordered stomach, and im digestion, with su when other remedies fa) good, andl am :Saiisfiod [i ccessary rson merits would be to five yo a o trial, fe 1 cheerfully recommend it to whose condition demand anything of this nature. Prop'r of Lyn Woolen Factory. For sale retail and wholesale by all druggists NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastle, Ont. J. WINER &Co., Hamilton. B. H. CHEL, London. Proclaim the Glad Tidings! HAT THE GREAT SHOSHONEES and Pills, of ti Medicine Great Tribe of wi the most Cures World ever annals of Canadian M success attended the introduction of cine herctofore. WHY? SIMPLY because the numerous Valaable active ' medicinal bl J 'On10 Combined Hand Raking. Reaper and Mower. | {CAYUGA CHIEF, Jr., Mower. BuckeYE Mower No. 1. BuckEYE Mower No. 2. BaLL's Ohio Mower No, 1. | { Ohio, Jr., Mower. Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. Champion Hay Tedder | ETS.-- Perhaps no department of a News- | AND OUR CELEBRATED | Grenty improved for 1871, with either Piit's, Pelion, Planet, Woodbury, or Hall's 8 or 10 Horse | Power. We shail also offer for'the Fall trade a NEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HULLER Very much superior to any other heretofore iniroduged. A mew and complete Ilustrated Catalogue of all our Machines 1] Yeing published, and will be ready for early distribution, free to alt ipplicants, AN our Machines are wapranted to give satisfaction, and Purdue will hardin op- | ed, Ww confidentially | portunity of testing them both in Moving and Reaping before thay will be required, to | a hort For further information address a0 id. dJ4 F. WwW. GLEN, wy : : | we will men od eed, 08CY WH i Extract of Solocyath, oD BOOOPHIRe Aloes, Eh Ea usly classi! ant vom nded, that it Hg aly most hing itd in the le ts, (some of which Such af the Extracts of Wild lum, Juniper, system in a very satisfactory and ner. - No Tae what of ailment nay + of how will find t spor" and | astonish ih by the rapid Taannen in ho kh you ored to perfect Ep and is Medicine I Donn ing he d a i lake. and is Te and vely be relied upon ake pe manent cir of al dine Aes of the 1 Lungs, Liver eye, gest tive Organs o., &¢., as well as Scrofula, t Skis Diseases, Humors, and all diseases apis Ingprity of the Blood, excepting the This f Furt! information, wit' ed jonees. onials and « ¢ ned by securing .. e Ts "respectable Simagas a rs m any ie Druggist in the Dominion--free. rice of Remedy in large Pint Bottles 1.00. | Pills per Box 25 cc IPTY ONG ECH; oF b Dotan NEW SCHOOL) Book, by H. 8. Per- kins. Price, gore FOR S33, | dozen. Contains. over I UBSCRIBERS Fwo hundred new and ™~ to PETERS Musical puui Sng Due MOTELY 4, tn etc., by pn 8. Hays, wocentsa piece. Those | Webster, Thomas, ete.| "who have not seen thir | 3 | mailed free of postage { Every thingis new, fresh Musical Magazine and sparkling. Contents vam co cunts fos and specimen pages settiy, oui is b free. Sample copies Thomas, Kinkel, to teachers for 65 cents, Liberal terms for fntrg, duction. la. L. RY and Strength. * & he Eminent Indian Lewis Josephus, of the ees, British Columbia, is The on EVERY Fi WM. H A SIMCOE § QONTAIY EIGN ang ¥ County Bi am instruetty '¢ ERMS :-§1.50 paid within six 4 fasing up will be deription until the AL letters -add Six lines ang unde Each subseque From six to ten li Each subseque Over ten lines, firs Each subse gle The number of li occupled, measure Adv eet sements Ww be published tiil fo All transitory adv when handedwin, cffice of publicatio day morning prece To merchants and a very liberal diseq Busine W.. 00 HYSICIA ACCOUCHE Residence and ( Hotel. Tm HYSICTAN eur, and Cor : C. NE {RADUATE of Toronto, Os hawa, TF oa ICENTIATH pe) Pi Residence in the Veterinary E ENRYS B Oshawa. H . superior quality, careful Dispenser ristor~W. G. E qi 6 7th ay FARE ARRISTE LICITORS, Public, Oshawa, & . Simooe 8 FT MONEY to J b> E FaREwyi LY ARRISTER Solicitor in C In Bigelon| ICENCED All" ord thy attended OSHAW H. 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