Ontario Reformer, 30 Dec 1922, p. 3

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hey Commencing pA Sunday evening, Mr. a. I. oIng Goaral Seorotitry of the Y.M.C.A. 'has arranged to 'hold fireside geryice in the Y.M.C. from 8.15 te 10 o'clock, These be continped throughout the win months, Fer tomorrow evening a . good musical program has been pré- pared and it is possible that mem bers of the General Motors Glea' Club will take part. iy ------ Che tolen Car Recovered os . Chief Owen Friend today left for Toronto, he having been informed that an automobile, the property of UCouncillor-elect . Nelson Baird, had been recovered there. The car was stolen some months ago and was re- yorted at times in various parts of anada and the United States ap- parently having an exciting career. It is not known what condition the machine is in, In Whitby Jail, Frank James Smith, the Chicago man who escaped from the custody of the police on Tuesday morning, but who was 'later ¥ecaptured by Constable Walker, has been taken to the Whitby Jail, 'As yet the date of his trial has not been fixed be- Oshawa an A | District frof the lower part of the house, butfinat was all. nif One A 1 gurt vision over the King and vision . Street pave- was held in Cobourg on Wea- "and there was hut one ap- his being on a question or ement, the part under dis- eing' four inches, Af" A -- - Memorial he regular meeting of Camp- I Town Council $500 was voted ar memorial. The town re- surplus of about $1,000 for ancidl year, Str mel nesd pea m; pute bell for § ports the | Rem Stey sian char, d to Asylum en Machuk, the young Rus- o faced an attempted murder in an Oshawa court some time Wo but which was later reduc- ed tane of assault, has been transflired from the Kingston peni- tential to an asylum in Guelph. Whenjking tried in Oshawa the man statédghat he did not care how long his sejffeuce would be. He received seven jars on a forgery charge when he apphred in court a second time. Wantellin Whitby cause the loeal authorities are look- ing up the man's record. Jail-hreak- 'Ing is a serious offence and one that | is punishable With:a maximum fine |} of seven ygars in thé penitentiary, * | Interesting Case | One of. the most interesting cases | that will he tried at the next ses- sion of the-division court, to be held | here, starting on January 3, is that of Rex vs. Kubernik. This is the | resumption of the now famous 0.T.A, | case in wlich Frank Rogers, bailiff, | walked into the Oshawa court and confiscated the hottle of gin about | to be submitted by the crown asi evidence, Speaking to The Reform- er, Arthur Mason, license inspector, stated that he had taken the matter} up with the headquarters in Toron- | to and hé predicts that some interest- | ing evidence will be submitted when the hearing is resumed, | | Woman Taken Home. | An unfortunate young woman who | is mentally: deficient and who was | arrested here on a vagrancy charge, was this morning taken to her home | in Simcoe, by her father. The wom- | an ran away from home about six| months ago. and her parenss had | net heard from her until arrested by 'the Oshawa police. When ap- prehended she refused to divulge her | name and she made an effort to| burn her clothes, This morning Magistrate. Hind permitted the wom- an to be taken home. He warned her, however, to hehave herself in the future. stig slagteh Cauges. Kive, The head' of a lighted match fly- ing behind a sofa in the home of Major E. C. Hodgins, caused a fire to break out on the premises on Tuesday. When the firemen arriv- ed the room was a mass of flames. It was speedily extinguished, how- ever. The damage has Neen es- timated at $400 by Chief Angus Cam- eron. In responding to the alarm Frank Hasting, fireman, slipped on } the ice-covered pavement and falling sustained a fractured ankle. Dr. Cameron is attendi and the phy- sician states that/he fireman will be able to resume his duties in the course of a few days. Hospitals Get Liquor > Upon recommendation of Judge Ward and Mr. George Goodrich, the hospitals at Bowmanville, Port Hope and Cobourg are each to get three cases of liquor, valued at $150 ($0 a case). This is a part of the liguor which was seized at Bowmanville recently and confiscated, - Ask for a Subway In reply to a communication from the Board of Railway Commissiou- ers as to what Hope Council thinks advisable for the safeguarding of the public at the G.T.R. crossing west of Cobourg, the clerk was in- structed to reply that nothing shor: of a subway in their opinion wouia be satisfactory. Destroyed: by Fire . Fire, which gained great headway before it was discovered, destroyed the home of Mr. Fred Lindsay at Codrington on Wednesday of last iarpestefl Wednesday by the Frafi§vcLaughlin, of Whitby, was local the request of the Whithy authori@s., He is now confined to Wiighy Jail awaiting trial on a chargidpf fraud, It is alleged that he swinfled a number of Whitby merchang out of considerable sums IEATRES YNA ASCENDS" police - meeting, In theieffort to give the people i AH BAI AAALAC, ence Lesson for Thanksgiving Day. THE ONTARIO REFORMER, SATURDAY, DEC. 30 1922 News of the Churches . N Presbyterian Church REV. GEO, YULE (at 'both services) SERVICES, SUNDAY, DEC, 31, Old Year Messages 11 a.m. subject: -- "THE STONE OF MEMORIAL" 7 p.m. subject;-- "0 GOD OF BETHEL" The fourth sermon in the series on Great Hymns and Their Writers. #4 p.m.--Subject for Brotherhood: "THE MAN WHO OHANGED THE . WORLD" A Hearty Welcome Awaits All BAPTIST CHURCH Immanuel Baptist Church--King E, Rev, J. IL, Harton, B.Th.,, Pastor. Residence, 18 Aberdeen Street, SERVICES, SUNDAY, DEC, 31, 11 a.m,--Public Worship. Commencing specials for our jun- for congregation. Pirst sérmon topie, "A MURDERED BIRD" J p.m.--Bible School. 7 p.m.--Publie Ebi. "A NEW YEAR MESSAGE" SIMCOE ST, METHODIST CHURCH Rev, J, H, McBain, B.A,, Minister, SERVICES, SUNDAY, DEC, 31, 11 a.m, subject: -- "HOW OLD ARE YOU?" 7 p.m, subject: -- "RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT" 3 pom, i-- Sunday School and Men's Club, We wish you a Bright and Prosperous New Year CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 18 Simcoe St. N, SERVICES, SUNDAY, DEC, 31, Il a.m.--Subject: Christian Sci- Wednesday, 8 p.m.-- Testimony To these services a cordial nvitation js extended to all, bigger am@ better productions, some motion p@ure producers are now offering t§he 'public featured play- ers in althe important roles, in- stead of s@king in players of medi- ocre abilij and depending on the star to sd@kly the audiences, Pie- ture patrds demanded convincing work from@ll the cast. Alice Bi is starred, deservedly, in "Anna §scends," a Paramount picture, wigh is to be)the main at- traction atfhe Regent Theatre next Monday, 'gsday 'and Wednesday, | and she is @pported by a cast that | contributes® no small degree to tne suceess of fe picture, « The storygaokeén from the success- ful play of fe same name, in which Miss Bradygppeared as the star, deals with ge struggles of an im- migrant Sy@n girl to become an author in Merica. 1 r t t Fix Objective 0. A, A. A. Will Set Out To lawa A.A.A. was held Thursday eve- ning with a full attendance of offi- which sporting For Big Drive Secure Two Thousand Active Members An executive meeting of the Osh- vers. Various matters of importance included all branches of activities came in for! engthy discussion. Further ar- | rangements were made in connec- ion with the membership campaign, he objective set being 2,000. It was t "OVER THRHILL" if x AT THE GRAND |t "Over thd ture of Br distanced e tation in th run in New ing enthusiai try, will 'be Theatre Janfy 1, 2 and 3. "Over the @1" is an extraordinary picture. It Bes not depend upon the eternal @ngle for its sustained interest. NG require mob scenes to bolster nfkhortcowmings in plot. There is softhing so sweet and wholesome interesting in the story that tihlase New Yorker, so particular af discriminating in his choice of tiitrical entertainment, saw fit to gl it hjgl steady patron- age and un inc lfiusin for a solid yea its "Over the@@ll"', which broke ail picture reco by a solid year's run on BroadwayiFas made from poems of Will Carlin, whose "Farm Bai- lads" constiffe some of the most characteristi@idylls of American rural life. ill," the wonder pic- way, that easily out- other sereen presen- latter of a continuous prk and is mow arous- throughout the cou- | NEW YEARS DAY MATINEE AT There will New Year's at 230 p.m. » a special matinee v, Monday, Jan. 1st, he reguldr bill will day, January 9. probably from 100 to 150 active fol- lowers of sport come members and it tion that these n here at the Grand |ing campaign. citizens of Oshawa in general is that such a body as the O.A.A.A. which is affiliated with of the AAU. of C., is well adapted to act in the capacity of a parent or- ganization to supervise and develop all branches of athtletics and par- ticularly to cultivate and develop the athletic abilities of the generation. possibly the. 17th, the amateur box- ing competition will be staged. The itial run. results by the efforts of the committee this conmection to date have been highiy of the contestants when announced, should undoubtedly prove a source of gratification the the Canada has been recognized as a very valuable training, both physi- cally and mentally, and through the efforts of the A.A.U. of C. has been placed on a very high plane of sports- maupship. ? hought that all ' preliminary work or the drive would be completed in ime to open the campaign on Tues- In the meantime it is thought that will voluntarily be- is the inten- members will form + nucleus for workers in the com- The opinion of the the Ontario Branch rising About the middle of January, which have been attained in satisfactory amd the names to all followers of art. Boxing during oF two throughout puglistic past year CHRISTIAN WORK ' CHURCH . Athol St. We SERVICES, SUNDAY, DEC. il. 11 a.m.--Public Worship, 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 p.m.--Pablic Worship. Mr. Mullen, who has been In Yonge St, Mission, Toronto, for the past seventeen years, will have charge of both services, THE SALVATION ARMY Brigadier (Miss) L, Prescott and | Capt, (Miss) I. Froud, Come manding Officers SERVICES, SUNDAY, DEC. il. 10 a.m, -- Children's Directory Classes, 11 a.m.--Holiness Meeting. 3 p.m.--Young People's Demon- stration, The Band of Love Life Saving Guards and Scouts will be inaugurated for the year 1923, 7 p.m,--Salvation Meeting, All are welcome, 10.30 p.m.--Watchnight service. On Monday, Jan. 1st, at 8 p.m. a great enrolment of Salvation Sol- diers under the blood and fire flag will be held. All are specially in- vited to this impressive service and will iven a hearty welcome. Drier Prescott will lead these! special services, | Sunday School and Bible Class! at 2 p.m, | Monday night Salvation meeting at 8 o'clock. Tuesday--Life Saving Scouts and Life Saving Guards, | 7.30 p.m, -- Also cottage prayer meeting at 8 p.m. | Saturday -- Praise meeting at 58] Hills' Standing | \§ Sigs Was Not Impaired |= "eve By Western Trip = ---r a ants uniNG One of the questions that rink management should deal with immediately is that of the ssmoke nuisance." It appeared last evening that everyone in the rink was continually pull- ing at pipe or cigarette, Bo dense was the smoke at the end of the first period that play Id not be followed, At the nd of the second period the players could not be distinguish. ed. During the final period the smoke was so dense that it was uncomfortable for the play- ers and affe@ed their playing. Apart from the danger that heavy smoking in such a struc ture occasion, the practice is a most obnoxious one at all times, spoiling as it does the view of the game, If the management cannot enforce a "no smoking" rule then police should be re- quested so to do. The habit of smoking at a hockey game is what is termed in sporting cir- cles as "small town stuff." It should be immediately stopped. "Since telegraph last Tuesday to the! have | evening wires Calgary been kept hot all in an effort to| learn from that western city just! what Wilfred Hills did in the hockey line when he went west," says the | Port Hope Guide. "When the ap- | plication was made to the O.H.A. for a certificate for Hills, the Port Hope club was informed that they would have to produce evidence from the Amateur Association in Calgary to show that Hills was still simon pure amateur. In order to have the mat- ter settled in time for last night's game it was necessary to do all cor- responding by telegraph, a rather expensive form when you have to Bo as far west as Calgary." The first message was sent on Tuesday. There being no reply up to Thursday a second one was sént and then a third, and Thursday eve- ning a wire was received from the President of the Alberta Amateur Assodiation stating that upon in-/ vestigation it was found that Hill's trip to Calgary had in no way im- paired his amateur standing. This information was immediately con- veyed to Mr. Hewitt of the O.H.A. and a telegram has since been re- ceived from that official to the ef-| feet that Hill's certificate would go PA ot Hints On Playing : Basketball through and that he would be eligi- + i --------i--i-- ble for last night's game." r --r-- THE OVERHAND PASS The overhand pass is exccuted by raising the ball high over and a Back With Petes ttc to the back of the head. The o i | movement from this position is al- Peterboro baseball fans ate, de | wavs similar to that of throwing a lighted to see "Hap' Harrison back | """" : : Yots 20. of in the Electrical City and to know | baseball, only the band oe 8 oe that the big first baseman will be [the ball sooner in the course of the available * for. the Central Ontario |gelivery. This is necessary in order League squad next summer. "Hap" to keep the ball from shooting down- is one of the most popular players d who ever wore a Peterboro uniform | Ward. iti : y gecute : ass, the ball and the fact that his position with| To execute a good pass i i dine the Canadian Packing Company cal- | must be Wrows oO ag high led upon him to be absent from the | parallel with the Bo I city most of last summer was re- enough to be caught by a ga) ag gretted by every fan. at least arm's length above his he: d. His transference back for duty The ball should not Joop, betause in this district will enable him to|a loop ball is a slow ball a 3 turn out again and he should be a|easily intercepted. Lie : tower of strength to the Petes. He Overhand passes permit a og pass will be welcome all around the ecir- | which is generally more el ective cuit for the big fellow was a fav- lengthwise of the floor than across orite everywhere. With "Hap" [the floor. The fingers should snap back in the infield the Petes will he {under the ball when released to about as strong as they were when | cause it to go straight, When the they captured the C.O.B.L. title "Hap" Harrison three years ago. { head it will curve. A tc ein on PT ar er sidearm Bn IA GT TT ---- 'We Wish You All MON., TUES. WED. Special M Monday at 2:30 New flarlin The Home of Vaudeville One of the Great Stage Dramas in Pictures SELECTED COMEDY PATHE NEWS VAUDEVILLE Com os LS ios USUAL PRICES ball is released off the side of the So ---- EE -- NE Ar cease -- ae RE aT ------------ & be rum, ' Hape "you §housebold problem? Many jnteresfie articles and talks on heusehold@rts and allied inter- rests appear fl the Sunday Detroit Free Press. fal agent, A. M. Ger- week. A few. articles were saved __------ - mond, phone §. 112-a / ~ rr - HOLIDAY SPECIAN- The Story of a Great Love. A Mathers Love, "Over the HILL" 'A picture as old as life yet the wonder picture of the century that will live for- ever, : A SOUL STIRRING STORY OF HUMAN HEARTS ONLY One Show FEATURE A | PRICES--CHILDREN ONLY ~THAT- T 7.30 SHARP 15c; ADU "Anna NITA NALDI -- ALICE BRAD In the Screen Version of Her Most Play INCLUDES ELLIS -- DAVID POWELL New York's Pi icturesque and Daring Underworld! Broadway's Glittering Society Cabarets! A = = Stirring Story of a Pj yrian Girl'sEx- citing Adventure and Temptations to Happiness and Love!

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