Ontario Reformer, 30 Dec 1922, p. 2

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b J a -------- A A ------ err] The "Ontario Reforiner "¥(Rstablished in 1871) An ind A newspaper published every other day (Tu Thu and Saturday afternoons) at Osh. ormer Printing and Publish ; amass i Limited. Hel J, ©! Rode «President and 'Haitor, '7, Ewart MacKay Vice-Predident and Treasurer, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - Paiy 'red by Carrier In Oshawa or by mail anywhere ada $3.00 a year, United States RA od " extra to cover postage, ) Single copies Se, J: "Member Audit Bureau of Cireulations) OSHAWMA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1922. CIVIC INDIFFERENCE The Peterboro Examiner has heen complaining ahout the indifference shown hy the citizens of that progressive city in regard to Municipal matters, It points out that only 24 candidates were nom- inated for the 11 vacancies of the various civie Mhodion, and of these only 13 were willing to stand kr office, The Examiner deplores the sitnation '1 states that it is far from being re-assuring, Woodstock a somewhat similar situation arose, Ry various other parts of the Province it ir of the pi but who was Constable Walker, has been taken | Be to the Whithy Jail, As yet thet i great deal bet- of his trial has' not poeni" Places mentioned above cause the loeal ing up the 'have been eritizing the Council, ng is a serighof their complaints half of the Coun- br ¢ howd beon returned by acclamation and compara- iL little interest is being shown in the fight, 5 The Couneil is no better nor no worse than the * average run of the citizens, It is up to the electors to take an interest in civie affairs by nominating good men for office, and then supporting them at the polls, It is hoped that the electors will turn out on Monday and eleet a good business Council for 1923. Oshawa has need of business men at the head of her affairs. THE COLD GRAY DAWN Every season has its own particular charms, When one awakens on these December mornings he first hears some courageous rooster announcing that an- other day bas dawned, Then come sounds of hurrying feet along the frozen sidewalk, men going to work at 7 o'clock, called there by the strident sounds of the factory whistle, A little later come the sound of sleigh bells as milkman, bakeny'g/oBPr and butcher make their early morning roun An hour afterwards there are the shouts of sehos igen. calling greetings to one another while A their tardy way to school. Pinay the down town business #*Good mornings" of men snow from the sidewalk, their WE » sending with the serateh and erunch of «he shovel on the icy sidewalk. Thus dewns a winter day, so different to that of a spring morning when all nature seems to be awakening! The cold gray dawn of a winter morn- ing stands out in contrast to a morning in June or July, when the sun ereeps over the horizon to herald a day of intense heat, People sometimes complain of our winter and say nasty things about our tardy spring, but after all Canada's varied climate is one which is bard to duplicate, It at least avoids the monotony of countries which have no snow and no winter months, Vote on Monday! Every citizen should vote in the coming contest. Democracy implies responsibility. ¥ Citizens should exercise their franchise. It is 2 man's duty to vote, Last Saturday night saw the merchants of the town tired but happy. It was the biggest and best shopping season in the history of Oshawa, so they should be pleased, " The Y.M.C.A. will keep ""open lr? on New Year's day, Call around and pay a friendly eall. The ""X"' is a worth-while institution and is doing The Reformer tenders its eongratulations to the members elected by acclamation but on general principles we belief that it is better to have a econ- test for all eivie offices. It looks very much as if Turkey and the Allies ~--aespecially Great Britain--were preparing for war. . The Turks seem determined to start trouble by their unreasonable demands. ¥ i ------ The fight in Toronto promises to become historie. Both gides have been putting up 2 fierce struggle 'with the press divided. The Telegram and Globe are ""pro-grab'" and the Star and Mail and Empire "*anti-grab"', Oshawa's industrial pay roll is higher than many cities double its size. Do the merchants of the town realize this and take full advantage of the situa- tion by advertising and thus. having the money spent at home. Lowers of birds should mot forget to throw out bread ermmbs or seraps of meat after a heavy spow fall. 'The birds are mnable to find food when the ground is covered with snow. Don't Jet us forget Ae. fentlpend Sricuds. TE 2g? - (} CRIP SR ada Bb Te A -- -- and Prosperqua New Year, Last month' pany am: very 1 Proyine in Ontar FRC vy roll of the General Motors Com. 0-$367,000 places that Company y of industrial concerns in this it if there are many pay rolls 1s that of the General Motors, UR EXCHANGES ATESY ! wliod Star) Courtesy is the chonpest gift in the world, Tt costs nothing, 1: viiveq no obligation, It always pleases the reeip:. i! Lody is thé loser there- hy, Yet thousand who are courteous in their personal rela: 1. heir fellows in busi- ness manifest a law noobie 0) inexplicable lack of courtesy when naing | one, --_ (isl WHERE THE RES Lis TY REALLY diffienlt matter to en | ile TY geven ont en, some of ; ' take the h pope, ou) rn many f yon the long eveni: 7 wander _uu Lhe streets, or congregate he re where there is a friendly light, and a v + Aapsy would bestir themselves to provi: or gymnasium for them where | joy friendly games or sport, he and parents know they were not The responsibility of the goin: wy wu a young lad in this community rests on the shoulders, if not on the conscience, of the older citizens, And the boys, who are the victims of this penurious stinginess and dwarfed view of life, are to he pitied more than blamed, MORRISON ; CLASS AGITATOR (Ottawa Journal) Mr, J, J, Morrison's talk before the Victoria County U, F, O., exalting class consciousness and warfare between town and country, reveals him as a type of agitator of a most ignorant and. dan- gerous kind, His assertions what he said can be dignified by the latter term-- are to illiterate and too stupid to reply to, They have heen shown false by the experience of every country and by all history, Russia affording the latest and not least convincing evidence of their folly and futility. Yet, alas, there are people all too ready to give ear to such nonsense; although recent events would seem to show that their num- ber is diminishing. v Mr, Morrison, whose preachings are probably largely inspired by his own failure to succeed under existing conditions--it is always the failures where his doctrines are in vogue. with class consciousness under Lenine, "It seems terrible, doesn't it, for a young girl of eighteen to marry a man of seventy." *'Still, it might be worse--he might be only sixty nine."' » \4 » A Chicago woman shot' her husband when he wouldn't go to church, She was going to get him to heaven one way or another.-- American Lumber- man. * * LJ Settlement Worker--What makes your husband look so worried, Mrs. Mixer? 'Mrs. Mixer--He's dreadin' the time, ma'am when he'll have to go back to work. Settlement Worker -- Whom does he work for and what does he do, Mrs. Mixer? Mrs. Mixer--He works for the Salvation Army, ma'am. He Santa Clauses. TRUSTING Serene I fold my bands and wait, Nor care for wind, nor tide, nor sea; I rave no more 'gainst time or fate, For what is mine shall come to be. I stay my haste; I make delays; For what avails this eager paee; 1 stand amid eternal ways, And what is mine shall know my face. Asleep, awake, by night or day, The friends I seek are seeking me; No wind ean drive my bark astray, Nor change the tide of destiny. What matter if 1 stand alone? I wait with joy the coming years; My heart shall reap where it has sown, And garner up its fruit of tears. N ~~ The waters know their own, And draw the brook that springs from yonder heights ; So flow the good with equal law, Unto the soul of pure delights. The stars come nightly to the sky, The tidal wave unto the sea' Nor time, nor space, nor deep, nor high, Can keep by own from me. --dohn Burroughs. The 'Reformer wishes its readers a Very Happy] | Chaplain, "homs VIEWS The police village of Warkworth is ha a choice little row. over the municipal elections. A procla- mation called for the nomination meeting at 7.80 o'clock last Fridav night. A few men were: of the opi- nion that to be legal the nominations had to be held between the hours of twelve and one so they met and nominated their three police com- missioners.' The returning officer declared them elected hy acclama- tion, Such a disturbance and so much ill-feeling has heen aroused by the incident that a new nomina- tion is to he held. Whitby Masons, members of Com- posite Lodge No. 30, installed the following officers for the new year at a meeting held on Thursday eve ning: W.M., G. N, Goodfellow; IL.P.M., F. T. Mathison; S.W., F. W. Jones; J.W,, J. M, Short; Secretary, J, W. Bateman; Treasurer, W. M. Pringle: W. M. Vanvelkenburgh; F."'Hazden; J.D,, R. M. 'I.G., Robert McNee; 8.8, J.8., E. L, Odlum; Ty- Jermyn; D. of C,, A, T. 8.D ' Deverell; 8. J, Stall; ler, W. M, Lawler, J. B, Chamberlain, who aspires to the mayor's chair in Lindsay, has heen the recipient of five threaten- The Reformer welcomes brief "Jot. ters on any subject of general in. terest, particularly those dealing with the welfare of our municipality. Names must be signed, not noces. sarily for publication, Dear Sir:-- A short while since you invited correspondence in your paper, of- fering suggestions for municipal im- provement, but more especially for the guidance of the Town Council. There is a matter that ig certainly included under the hea "munis cipal improvement," th h it ap: plies not to the Counci ut to citiy zens who have a penchant for short cuts, I refer to the vicious habit of tramping across lawns belonging to property owners who happen ww have corner lots. Some of these own- ers of corner lots have a pride in making their places look neat, and no property shows up either to ad- vantage or disadvantage like a cor- ner lot, Our folks happen to own ond of these corners, and because of the laziness, or downright defiance' of all decency and regard for proper- o hat impulse an ve our our best qi PHONE 8 ty right, there are those who tramp across the lawn, ruining bushes planted there, or in spring cutting up the lawn, and in summer making a place that breeds dandelions--ail hecause they can save about two ing letters signed YK. K.K." in Which and arguments-=if | in life who whine against its hardships--should go | He should help | _| Meyers was nomi he ig told thet # © foam the na ' (aw against trespassing, with a $25 Heeve N. Vermilyea has been re- | turned in Thurlow for the forty-| eighth term, the elections going by acclamation for the entire Council. Of his forty-eight years on the Coun- cil, forty-three have heen as reeve, In forty-four elections he has heen returned hy acclamation, a record | which will take some beating eve nl by the renowned Tommy Church of | Toronto. R. G. Cornell, of Lindsay, who ro- | signed the secretaryship of Faith-| ful Brethren Lodge, No. 77, AF. and | AM. a few days ago, had held the position for the past twenty-seven years. He is being succeeded in of- | fice by C. L. Davidson. The police of the district have been requested to warn the public | against a magazine subscription swindler, believed to be operating in Eastern Ontario, who offers six pieces of pyrex ware and a year's subscription to Good Housekeeping magazine for $3. He issues re- ceipts signed with any of the fol- lowing names: H. C. Thompson, James McGuire, Charles Thomas or | George Sawdon, or Sandow, Stone | or_Stotter. The sum of $50 is of- fered as a reward for his arrest and conviction. Why Women Are Not Represented | | Some surprise has been occasioned | ! by the withdrawal of Mrs. E. Conant { Meyers, nominee of the Local Council | | of Women, from the ruce for office | jon the Board of Education. This move is explained by mem- bers of that organization who say that the Council of Women felt that in all thréea\wards in which Mrs. ated, capable me: | were also nominated. For this reu- son_the Council did not care to op-| pose them. Had these or other | equally capable men not been nomi- nated Mrs. Meyers would have stood for election, her experience on the | Board making her a very valuabie! member. . i James Proctor & Redfern LIMITED E. M. Proctor, B.A., Sc., Manager 3 Toronto St., Toronto, Canatda Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks, Sewerage Systems, Incinerators, Schools, Public Halls, Housings, Fac-| tories, Arbitrations. } |Our Fees--Usually paid out of oe money we save our clients. N i =~ WJ] ) NN) -- - ZAIN DIINO DY Er *, L [2 ~ (rom, a | In some cases trespassers break down eps and a half by trespassing on ir lawn, Result--more work for us remedy the condition they induce, * a shabby property. I notice that almost al) corner lots 't the same treatment from this iecies of vandal. True, there is a fine, but would it not he better if citizens in general took an interest in welfare and appearance through- out the town, instead of having to usher someone into court and have them fined -hefore they will keep off private property? A little more | thought on the part of those guilty | would save hard feelings, but if they will/not walk on the sidewalk | provided' for them, and which we | keep scrupulously clean, then they will have to taste the bitterness of a stiff fine for putting their feet where they have no business to be. Corner lot residents should get to- gether and see this thing through. barricades intended to keep them off | the lawns, C. 1 | A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR On the eve of another year we wish to thank our many friends and customers for their patronage in the past year. On our part we wish to make it our aim to give our customers the very best in drug store We thankhe people of Oshawa patronageduring the last twelve and espeally during the 'Christ son, and n the eve of another N we wishyou one and all a ve measyre)f happiness and prospe AND OPTOMETE Ni ST. WEST PHO *service during the coming year. KARN'S DRUG STORE Next the PO. Phone 378 Plumbing, Heating and Repairs Boiler Room Repairs a Specialty J. S. DICK At Purdy Co.'s Premises 82 Simcoe St. 8. ESTIMATES GIVEN Phone 942 Bes. 360) ~%Ib. fi Ojtario Rcgim Paymaster will be at the Arm ketween 7.30 p. m. and 9.30 p. m, |efneaday Even JANUARY 3RD. pECEIVE SIGNATURES Fi PAY LIST i Unidor need not be worn, neds THE LAST CHANCE E. Pearson, Ca; PAYMASTER NEE FN REORMER WANT ADS PAY SIL) STITT Vk 2 2) OGDEN 8) FINE The best Fine Cut 2 for Rolling Your 15¢ per packet (4 WC Og lq qe E h oS at Cara a IN NI x Voie PANG

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