Ontario Reformer, 30 Dec 1922, p. 1

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: he eS ahaa a favio Reformer . ---- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 30, 1922 All the News While It Is News ind Help Build Up the Town OL. 51--No. 113 EIGHT PAGES rmer Extends New Year's Greetings = FEW REDUCTIONS NO TIME LOST AT y Vaslisnent - | » | WERE ALLOWED | Byng Passes Through COUNCIL MEETING IN ASSESSMENTS mt roi Gags | Town Fathers Require But Jie REY ORE a on Thursday in his specia . Fifteen Minutes For eid Final Session { train, He came direct from Ottawa. over the CPR, line, The train paused merely for a breathing spell, as it were, at Apparently the arduous dation p has been the common lot of mem of the council of 1922 have.bs had effects, physically or mn Oshawa and none but the chief despatcher and the local agent on them for at the final mee! (night they proceeded tr of the C,P.R,, Councillor 0, R, "+s husipess of th Yearly Subscription $3.00 a, Ont, Canada . ngle Copise 5 Cenls and Saturday SCOTT BROTHERS IF "TELL TH R SIDE Disagree "With Mayor's utline of Mary St, lle Lf is L; . __ | aliint, ~ Oshawa member RL Parliament of A » home this " : the three day ; ; ent, which con- rr He spoke in Court of Revision Heard Appeals Made By Ratepayers fe ONE LARGE DECREASE Dr. Kaiser Will Carry | At the public meeting held on esday evening, reference w sade by Mayor John Stacey to the Jdary eet extension and the Scott Arbi n, ° Scott Brothers, differ- PE With Mayor Bigwoy's ens on the bject, ave furnished The Re- | A former with the follovdng resume of Appeal To Higher Phe Sage a8 seen from their point of . 1 ; : Court | view: , ; v \ / pr iaplon | Boba. SERUDR of the Jens, whoH i The court af revision, consisting or . Stace > " der, the following outline of the pro- of Mayor Stacey, D¢ puty Reeves ceedings 'in>-conneetion with Mary nr drtated the bore i Hill and Mason and Councillors | Street extension, y ay be of interes: | Cli] Banas, | wiormey od a ¢ Trick and Moffat held. a session on | pt E, ©. , | Hol v0' S gy Mig Drury, N Bint will issue a Thursday evening to hear appeals | for any outlet' for 20 lots fronting statement ) the boys ot Oshawa against assesstuent. Very few sm FOR M UNI CIPAL the Scoft property the question on before the board and few succeeded | or iding Such ay outlet arose iu in having their assessment decreased. | of providing su 3] The assessment on the Burns prop- | erty, King and Simcoe Streets, which | 1919 and in the enc. of June, Mayor Hows interviewed. losers, Beott In had heen assessed at $30,580, was re- | el duced by $5,000, | The assessment of the Regent The- | Several Changes Will Be atre property was confirmed. The | Noted in T is Year's proprietors of the theatre appealed . to the court last year when the as- List sessment was fixed at $56,100, but. Burnt, were aware of the pass- aga througr-Qshawa of the vice-regal party, > Lord Byng was on « to Toronto to attend the Fi, National Conference of Can.* adian Students which was held in Toronto on Tuesday evening, . ing™ vw John Stacey was made and ca , The reason for the which the business w.. was that there was little to | tended, Two debenture by-laws covering {all the pavements laid during the year were given their final readings and passed, debenture bydaw covering the sidewalks constructed during the year also was carried, Just prior to adjournment Coun- cillor Moffat iptroduced the ques- tion of the extension of Mechanic Street. He recommended that the offer of George and William Alshon and Mr. Garrow to sell certain prop- erties which are the keys to the opening up of the street be acceptea. ae, Other prominent CELEBRATED GOL DEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Farrow, who were ago. They are now residing in Toronto w was observed a few days ago. OANTA DELIGHTS . MAIL HEAVIER YOUNGSTERS AT THIS CHRISTMAS married in Oshawa fifty years here a pleasant anniversary 2. Fencing ed necessary 100 3. Damages @ulting from ex- propriationg Rose interviewed D!essrs. Scott in the matter, offering them $1,000 for a 50 foot strip of their land. This | offer was not accepted and no other | offer was ever made. "The first action taken by Counc in the matter was in the rorm of a 650 $1,550 n was to pay the , arbitrators' and end cost of "Besides, p costs of arbifk stenograph award, resolution to expropriate (not pur- chase) land for the extension of Mary Street, which was passed in July, 1919. "On Sept. 2, 1919, Messrs. Scoit wrote to the Counell offering a 3a foot strip of their land for a stree under certain ~ conditions, chier among them being that the parties owning the: adjoining land should give the other 33 feet. To this let- ter they received no reply. "By-law 1435 for the expropriation of land for a 49% foot street was passed by Council in September, 1019, 'but never received the approwu: of the Ontario Railway and Mumn- cipal Board, Jt. was repealed 1a August, 1920, >'. Exprop Land | "Oh October £0, 1920, Council pass- 6d hy-law 1408 for the expropriation {ot land for san extension of Mary Btreet, 66 feet. in width except a: ) "Notice of on behalf of en on Februsy main question for appeal wi on account of local impro: increasing the view of the é\ mention being' land in view of %¢ ing land 'as sh thereof.' from this award imants was giy- h Some of the fed in the reasons Rd to compensation sed taxation, for ete, and as (0 unt awarded in piven, special of the value of flvalue OF adjoin- |g proof sales (. A. 5, SHELTER Christmas Reception and Entertainment Pleases Little Folk Visitors Are Much Impres- sed With Conditions in Institution ."No Rea "The appeal cams tice Middleton at April 10th and made bheeanse the not given their rea "The 'Reasons fol May 29 were 'based for appeal." The ge not awarding a lar com tion V iven J pfore Mr. Jus- oode Hall on t Adjout nent Unless witnessing for award. [Would he. difficult ward' dated [joy and ha the reasons the event ft io" Imagine the ppiness which prevailed | at the Children's Shelter Thursday ' | ' anol A evening when Santa Claus paid a, be evidence | Yisit to the children, distribwting | the owners succeeded in having $10,- 000 cut off in view of bad business conditions. They "appealed on the! same grounds this year but the court { upheld the judgment of the assessor, Over One Hundrer Thous- pointing out that last year when | 4 | P Asse e y educe i t) and Letters Handled In the assessment was reduced that i {would be raised this year. i Two Days Charles Serviss succeeded in hay-| |ing the assessment on his house, RUSH NOW OVER which had heen fixed at $3,400, re-| Belated Parcels Are Still To {duced to #3,000, { { Property owned by the Williams | Be Found in Day's Deliveries | THAN IN PAST ' piano Company adjacent to tHeir factory, which has been assessed! at $4,500, was reduced to $4,000, The assessment on a house owned by B. Hinkson, and which had been | set at $1,670, was reduced to $1,570. "Doctor Loses Appeal . Dr. T. E. Kaiser's appeal against paying assessment on income was dismissed, The doctor signified his | intention of appealing the matter to a higher court, | "The Christmas rush at the Osh- awa Post Office was the heaviest in the history of the town," Postmas- ter J. F, Tamblyn declared this morn- ing, during the course of an inter- view with a Reformer representa- tive, "The Christmas rush of 1921 RETURNING OFFICERS Ten Polling Stations Will Be Operated In Five Wards Many of the polling stations have been changed this year and every ratepayer will find it to his advan- tage to go carefully over the list printed below to ascertain where he should cast his ballot on New Year's Day. Clip this out and retain it for reference on January 1, South West Ward Division No. 1.----AJl that part or the South West Ward lying to the north of the south side of Gibbs Street produced to the western limit of the Town at ihe Ceptre Street school house, Mr, Earl Moore, uty Returning Officer; Mr. Arthus $400 and $425 respectively, cillor Moffat was Grierson, The gentlemen in question offered to dispose of their properties for Coun- empowered to take the matter up with Col. J, P. town solicitor, who will advise the owners that their offer $s acceptéd, PRESENTATION TO DEGREE, CAPTAIN Rebekah Lodge, No. 3, Pays . Tribute To Work of Leader Mr. Wes Caverly, for many yours Dep- Degree Team captain of Oshawa R bekah Lodge, No. 3, was the the 80! id" Where a 49% (oor ient of a shaving set and address". width 'Was allowed by the Municipal Board. Messrs. Scott recorded their objections to the passing of both these by-laws for three reasons. Un- der date Oct. 20, 1920, these were: (1) That the cost to tie Town of opening the street as proposed might be out of pr rtion to any benefit the Town would derive. *"(2) That the proposed by-law does not provide for a standard widia street where traffic would likely be heaviest. "(3) That so far as a subdivision was coneerned, fhe proposed street was not in the most desirable posi- tion. The laying of the trunk sewer through the Reeson farm had given strength to this objection as it ap- peared unlikely Council would ap- prove of extending Hayes Street, Simcoe Heights plan, which would run parallel to the trunk sewer and only about 100 feet from it, "In their letter to Council Scotts also made the, made the following suggestion: --That two trunk sewers, one on Rosedale Avenue and toe other from Connaught Street east, would give better serviee tham the proposed sewer north to Hillerow because the connection to the main sewer would be more direct and have aegreater fall, and Rosedale Avenue sewer could serve othef properties. Received No Reply "Immediately after passing the expropriation by-law the Town enter- given' r the extent of their da value of their prope vagant, vague and so that your arbitra rather to rely uppn th mitted by the coftesta, "Yet the eviddnce Sen by the claimants includkd a Jt of sales of adjoining land maddn 1919 and 1920, showing tip prie to be $2,500 per acre mor} This was admitted by thd contdant, The claimants' evideste as | the value 'of the land withdit thelreet - ed was based onpxperifce and re' cords of actual fse. : was A claim for $200 foffencin which had already cost thd claimpts $163.25 and that did nd coveithe whole 1220 feet. No eve en proved that a suitable fefle cou] have been secured for less fan $2( ; Ap "The appeal Justice Middletorfon J part of his decisif§ follo "There is noting tolencourage the appellants of subdbide their property for mal yeursio come.' | "They hase, aparffrom street | a sufficient to farm; and, in addition § the of the probaly prove 2 WMisance.' was a record one, but this year the outgoing and incoming mails were 35 per cent larger than .in any pre- vious year. As far as the outgoing p Pegard to | tokens which put them all into an | es, and the | ecstacy of delight, The shelter was WAS OXra-|,. octively decorated while in' one | tisfactory, preferred |©f the reception rooms a large Yidence sub- | Christmas tree had been placed and 4 which was heavily laden with gifts. | Shortly after 6,30 o'clock the chil- dren marthed in, singing a pleasing selection, the matron, Miss Hender-' son, presiding at the piano. After] two or three numbers bad been ren- | dered, the welcome visitor, Santa Claus, arrived and without delay pro- | ceeded to distribute the toys and other articles. Owing to the gen- erosity of .the citizens of the town' and the officers and directors of the Children's Aid Society there were | many presents for every child. Miss Henderson and her assistants were not forgotten, their cfficient work in the past being recognized by ap- propriate gifts. Hospital Visited oii Santa Claus was assisted by Mr. H. P. Schell, Mrs. H. W. Elliott, Mr. H. E. Tylor and Mr. D. C Haxerson. Before leaving town a visit was paia to the hospital in connection with the Shelter where a few of the chil- dren are confined. There are eigh- teen at present under the care of Miss Henderson. Visitons.to the Shelter om Thirs- day evening were A similar appeal made by R. J. Henry, Poll Clerk. MeKee was successful; his income Division No, 2--All that part of the pe presentation was made on be- assessment beihg struck off, . , |Bouth West Ward lying to the south pair of the degree team and was The appeal of H. A, Porter whic! (of the south side of Gibbs Street made by two Past Noble Grands of mails were concerned everything | claimed that he should not be as- produced to the western limit of the '(pho lodge, the address being 8s fol- was despatched the same day it sessed for income was heard, Judg- Town at No. 340 Simcoe Strees joe: £ was received and as a result there ment was reserved. South, Mr. F. H. Carswell, Deputy Dear Brother Caverly:-- was a congestion in the 'incoming | Considering the assessment of H Returning Officer; Mr. W. Mack, The Christmas season is again mails. The carriers, however, by | E. Tylor's property too high the | poll Clerk. with us and your Degree Staff wish working overtime, some days until | court ruled that the sum of $40, South East Ward to take in gp Mobs si oA of again midnight, succeeded in making a which amount being the balance due Division No. 3.--All that part of showing their appreciation of your clearance of all Christmas parcels, | on 1922 taxes be not collected. Re- the South East Ward lying to the painstaking efforts in drilling ap- ete., by the evening of December | garding an appeal of the assessment! north of Bruce Stree: to side line other awkward squad in the imtri- 27' bo { for the year 1923 judgment was Te- | between Lots 8 and 9 and also all 01 cate windings of our floor work, We Such a large increaze was not | served. Lots 7 and 8 in the first concession 5); ask your forgiveness for the many expected," Mr. Tamblyn said, "and The Oshawa Railway entered an|petween King Street and the Base heartaches we have caused the extra help was based somewhat | appeal against the assessment made Line at 275 King Street East, Cor.! when all were out of and An on the experience gained last year. [on certain of their properties om | Ritson Road, Mr. J. A. Thompson, wo wand ore all 9 steno) floor yet Therefore the help was not sufficient | King Street West and Court Street. | Deputy Returning Officer; Mr we ass o that our a to prevent a congestion but anoth- The assessment was reduced $140. J Frank Kemp, Poll Clerk. We soy oy tr right place and er year the Department no doubt | \ ¥| / Division No. 4.--All that part of | with yours in trying to make our \ the said South East Ward bounded Rebekah Degree more impressive. will see that the proper provision is --------dem-- \ made. | on the north by Bruce Street, on the 4 bas always been an extreme pl GENERAL PANET 2% south by Maple Street and Eldon ure for us to work with you on all | | Ad, ' yo y ' fe J "A great deal of credit is due the letter carriers," the postmaster Avenue and on the east by side line occasions and as 8 token of our best between Lots 8 and 9 at Albert | wishes for many more Merry Christ. Local Militia Unit is Given Praise By District . Head 2 he. by Mr. pointed out, "for the manner in 4 14, and Street school house, Mr. A. 8. Me- mages to come we ask you to accept which they handled the mail. Be- sides carrying heavy bags, a number Leese, Deputy Returning Officer; (nis shaving set and with it the as of them used hand sleighs for par- W. B. Nott, Poll Clerk, surance of our continued co-opers- cels. Some idea of the quantity ef Division No. 5.--All that part of tion in the future. hai) handled may be obtained from the South East Ward to the south of The Degree Staff of Oshaws Re- the fact that upwards of 100,000 Maple Street and Eldon Avenue and pekah Lodge, No. 3 letters passed through the stamp, west of side line between Lots 8 jr Caverly was very agreeably cancelling machine in two days. This | and 9 at Simcoe Street South school surprised and in a few well chosen quantity was hapdled throughout | house, Mr. C. J. Wilcox, Deputy Re- words thanked the degree staff for turning Officer; W. D Wilcox, Poll their thoughtfulness and token Christmas week." - Clerk. - North West Ward | appreciation. While there are many pareels still| General Papet, D. 8. 0., Officer coming through the big rush is ov- (Commanding Military Distei No. 2 jer. Every year there are always a was in Oshawa last evening w e vik i - | large number of. Mate arrivals but conducted the annual inspection of |, Di¥ision No. 6.--All that part ol More Pea Coal pital, although not a zpacious build- | thin. cab be | io Re t The de dhe North West Ward lying to the ing, ranks as one of the best in the! ie £28 expected, Mr, Tamblyn ithe Ontatio Sime "Col R Paras south of the south side of Colborne | Arrives In Town province. The work in copnection |*dded, -/f was in chatge of 14. Col. Harry 8.15, ot Lroduced to the western fms | of the Town at the Town Hall, My.| Councillor W. J. Trick, chairman P. H. Pubshon, Deputy Returning of he fuel committee, announced Officer; Mr. A. G. Lambert, Poll this morning that another car of Nu- Clerk. | kol had arrived this morning . Lo" 4 k with this has been greatly facilitated | 4 AL | Cameron, 0. C., assisted by Maj. F. Division No. 7.--All that part of that the first of a number of cars ' | i tr g i A > ~ by th lal recently in. | ry Vea Chappell, second in command. There the North West Ward lying to the pea coal had also arrived here. stalled in the Public Health Depart- | {were a goodly number on parade FOR FIFTY YEARS north of the south side of pea coal is almost as large as {the arbitrators the children can be given the best {up to the standard "of previous would have care possible, and during their stay | years. In a brief address to the there they assu. men, General JPanet complimented ig red of a real them on their smart appearance and {general efficiency but expressed re- igret that they their numbers were ff ment. With the aid of the hospital | but the strength of the upit was not Street produced to the western Mma | nut coal. It will be sold at hit of the Town at the Soparate school ton. Orders are now ! i ] rel helt i Hild HLTH Fes 8 x Election News By Radio A very keen interest is being taken s |im 'he municipal elections in Toron- carrying auito and elsewhere. In order to give the sewer the citizens of Oshawa the very best - | possible election mews om Monday, | Janwary 1st, The Reformer fis in- ng a radio set. > This is being installed by Ms. Don , Who will have charge of the s. It is expected that the "loud: speaker" will be able to be heard for two or three blocks in the neighborhood of The Reformer, but {to any who cannot come down town and yet wish to be kept in touch | with election results, The Re- former asks them to keep in touch § ; is H £ HE | ih il | » A AA mia AA i tds AA A with the "office by telephone. The switc rd will be in operation al evening {and full details will be available to all inguivers. | \ \ A | Mr. Farrof came to Oshawa from | Lincolnshire, Mr. and Mrs. William Farrow, who 50: larger. were married in Oshawa and lived After the march past, various here for sofme forty years following manoeuvres were carried out in- that event, celebrated the golden |ciuding rifle drill, company drill and anniversary of the occasion in To- physical exercises. were | tonto on December 23. executed in a very able manner and reflected credit on the officers. England, seventy- The general was accompanied by three years ago and after living here Col. Boak and Maj. Hilchie, of To- for some time married Miss Emiline ronto and following the imspection Phillip. also a resident of the tows. the officers held a conference if the {Ten years ago they moved to To- officers' mess when many interesting (route where Mr. Farrow entered the topics were discussed. One sugges- employ of the T. Eaton Company. tion was made which will probably | On the anniversary mentioned the be carried oat. The officers' are | family, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. considering organizing an Optario Farrow and five children, Mrs. F. Regimental Association. This wid {E. Neal, Mr. Charles Farrow and be oper to any person in tae town Mrs, V. K. Stalford of Toronto, Mr. jicludizg the members of the Regi- [Frank Farrow of Vancouver, and ment. A meeting is being planned { Mrs. R. C. Porter of Hamilton, gath- for the first or second week in ered at the home of Mrs. Neal, 145 January for organizing purposes i+ Winchester Street, Toronto, and is also proposed to stat traiuing spent a pleasant time together. fourly in April. Numerous expressions of gongrai-| fa ~cancetion with wee training ulations were received by Mr. amu it is the intention to encourage all | Mrs. Farrow and the office staff of hrinches of sport whizh will be the T. Eaton Co. presented ther ccnduced in the armories. with a gold tea service. Y | rre---- | Mr. and Mrs. Farrow are enjoy-| Cannington has applied for mem- |ing very good health and as evidence | bership in the mewly formed On- |of the fact danced together as they tario Ladies' Hockey League. Lind- |had dome on their wedding might [say is also included in the fist | fifty years ago. Both yve well knowu | those who are applying in Oshawa by veason of their long ship but the secretary residence here. Their photo will be say Athletic Association found elsewhere on this page. he does not know who did it. \ \ house, Mr. E. Saunders, Deputy Re-| at the Fire Hall by . Mothersill, | ter. turning Officer; Mr. E Poll Clerk. Councillor Trick Division No. 8.--All that part of | during the course the North East Ward lying to the days many more cars of south of the south side of Colborne would arrive fn Oshawa. Street produced to the eastern lim | wood, good solid body, ent be EH 1. Mr. also of the mext a of the Town at Patte's store, 85] foot lengths will also Simcoe Street North, Mr. D. W. soon and this will Park, Deputy Returning Officer; | sonable price. The Mr. W. H. A. Patte, Poll Clerk. | fuel shouid do much Division No. 9.--All that part of | situation. the North East Ward situate to the | north of the south side of Colborn: > arrival to % ekil } Street produced to the eastern lime of the Town, at Mary Street School Deputy Returning Officer; Mr. BR. R. Snow- den, Poll Clerk. house, Mr. Robert Saunders, Division No. 10.--All that part of

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